S]Q]W ########################## S\S}||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||S7#####################################kS5G (NO HELP SCREEN DEFINED YET) SjS5 jS5G You can customise this help SjS5G screen to display information SjS5G about your favourite pages on SjS5G the system, or any other useful SjS5G personal information. SjS5 SjS5G Use theCODYSSEY FRAME EDITORGto SjS5G edit this screen, save it as SjS5G CVDUSER.PICGand convert it with SjS5G CPIC2HLP.EXE. SjS5 SjS5G You can display this screen at SjS5G any time by pressingCAlt+U. SjS5G PressCAlt+ZGto redisplay the SjS5G original help screen. SjSupppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppz