The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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TAPCIS Main Menu Commands
>Setting Up TAPCIS
P ─ Go to the Parameters menu to set TAPCIS options and settings
Alt-P ─ Connect with CompuServe and set online Parameters
* Crucial! This step must be done at all modem speeds.
F ─ Go to the Forum menu to select, de-select, or specify Forums
Alt-J ─ Join Forum online, set parameters, create and update SEC files
* Crucial! Do this for ALL forums you use with TAPCIS. Can
be done at any time to update the section and library lists.
Alt-F ─ Switch forums and parameters (alternate PARAMS.* files)
Alt-R ─ Refresh status marks (! ^ ) if you create or delete any
files outside of TAPCIS.
Alt-M ─ Macros; Editor and Online macros (MACROS.CIS).
Set up requires that you set your TAPCIS Parameters, use Alt-P to set
the CompuServe defaults, define your list of forums, and use Alt-J to
join them online (even if already "joined" using another program).
See the set-up checklist in the manual, Section 3.
>Messages & Files (OFFLINE)
W ─ Write a new message for subsequent transmission to CompuServe
1-8 ─ Read messages offline [! mark means new messages waiting]
For forums 9-15, use Shft-F2 through Shft-F8
M ─ Scan and mark headers offline [^ mark means new headers]
V ─ View messages saved previously with the S command
A ─ Additional "advanced" online commands and personalized scripts
E ─ Edit a TAPCIS file or other ASCII file
K ─ Delete a file
>Libraries (OFFLINE)
L ─ Search a library based on file name, keyword, or age. You can
specify a specific file and have TAPCIS download it if
found or let TAPCIS create a catalog (forum.CAT) file of
matching files.
C ─ View a CATalog created previously with the L command
>ONLINE Actions
N ─ New; Get new messages in R Forums, Headers in Q Forums,
waiting messages only in M Forums. The N>ew command also
processes all outgoing commands, same as the O> command.
O ─ Go online and handle any pending action created offline.
This includes sending outgoing messages, doing library
scans and downloads, capturing marked threads, and
any advanced commands.
R ─ Read Marked (also ^O); Same online operations as O> but also
visits all active forums and reads any waiting messages.
I ─ Go online as a terminal ─ no automatic action after logon.
This command can be used to tour CompuServe, upload files
interactively, and do actions not automated by TAPCIS.
Alt-N ─ Execute FRONTEND.SCR followed by N>
>Other Commands
ESC ─ Exit to DOS (end program)
Ctrl-F1 ─ Shell to DOS; Type EXIT from the DOS prompt to return.
Sh-F1 ─ Execute program
$ ─ Review current or previous months time and charges (STATS.EXE)
* ─ Send form feed to printer
Reading Messages
>Navigation and Scrolling
PgDn ─ Read next message screen. Space, Enter
PgUp ─ Read previous message screen B
+ ─ Next message Alt-N, =
- ─ Previous Message Alt-P
F5/F6 ─ Scroll message up and down by line
Home ─ First message in file 1
End ─ Last message in file 9
J ─ Jump to a message Ctrl-Home
Sh-F5 ─ Up by thread Backspace
Sh-F6 ─ Next thread X, 5, NumPad5
Ctrl-F5 ─ Previous section
Ctrl-F6 ─ Next section
Alt-F5 ─ Previous session
Alt-F6 ─ Next session 2
3 ─ Last session
F ─ Find text in a message F2
N ─ Next matching text F2 F2
F8 ─ Go to next forum
Sh-F8 ─ Go to previous forum
Note: See /ARROWSW= and /ARROWPG= in TAPCIS.CFG for other options.
Sh-F7 ─ Print this message with formfeed !
* ─ Print message without formfeed
Ctrl-L ─ Formfeed to printer
>Saving, Deleting, and Address Book
S ─ Save message to forum.SAV file.
Ins ─ Save message to specific file. F10, Ctrl-F
Alt-D ─ Delete the message FROM COMPUSERVE during the next online
session. The message must be to you or from you to actually
delete the message. TAPCIS does not yet support deleting
from the message file.
A ─ Add sender or recipient to address book (USERID.CIS)
R ─ Reply to this message
U ─ Use From: address for reply with new subject/section
T ─ Use To: address for reply with new subject/section
C ─ Change Reply to a different Forum
W ─ Write a message on this Forum to anyone, any topic
Tab ─ Forward message to anyone via CompuServe Mail
>Status Box
The status box is in the upper right of the reader screen. It shows the
status of the messages for this reading session ONLY. Once you exit the
forum, these status marks are reset.
More ─ Indicates that the message cannot fit on one screen and
more of the text is up/down/both.
Read ─ You have looked at this message at least once this session
Saved ─ Message was saved in the forum.SAV file
Filed ─ Message was saved in a file you specified
NewFile ─ Saving the message created a new file
Replied ─ You have used one of the reply commands on this message
Fwded ─ Message was forwarded
Printed ─ You printed the message
DelCIS ─ Message is tagged for deletion from CompuServe. If you
need to reverse this, you'll need to E>dit the forum.SND
file from the main menu.
New ─ Message is from the last session
Old ─ Message is from a prior session
ERROR! ─ An error occurred while printing or saving.
Online on CompuServe
NOTE: You are still online and charges are accumulating.
Anything you type will be passed through to CompuServe
ESC ─ Remain online at end of session
Alt-Q ─ During B-Protocol transfers, tells TAPCIS to logoff after
transfer is complete. If not transferring, sends BYE.
Alt-H ─ Force the modem to hang up (Hayes modems only)
Alt-L ─ Display the scrollback buffer
PgUp ─ Initiate upload of text (files with .SCR extension are scripts)
PgDn ─ Initiate or end capture download
Ctrl-X ─ Toggle COnference mode
Ctrl-P ─ Halt input and request the next system prompt
Ctrl-C ─ Go to terminal mode; cancel script; get system prompt
Ctrl-S ─ Pause transmission
Ctrl-Q ─ Restart transmission
>Protocol uploads and downloads
From an appropriate CompuServe prompt (like LIB nn! in a forum library),
you can type:
UPL [ or DOW ] filnam.ext/PROTO:B/TYP:BIN [ or TYP:ASCII ]
You will be asked for the "Filename for your computer:" where you
should enter the full pathname for the file (unless the file is
in the current directory where filename.ext is sufficient).
Conference mode in TAPCIS allows you to type ahead and send more than
one line at a time (up to 6). In the lower window, you type line at
a time. There is no word wrap. When you have finished, press <enter>
on a blank line and your text will be sent. Your text will also be sent
if you press enter on the 6th line of the input window.
Use /HELP to get conference help. /EXIT will exit Conference mode
and you can press Xtrl-X to return to normal terminal operation.
Other commands are:
Ctrl-Y ─ Erase the current line
Ctrl-U ─ Erase the entire lower window without sending
Ctrl-X ─ Return to normal terminal mode
>Use Alt-F1 for Editor Keys and Commands
>Send Options
F1 ─ Cancel this message and discard the text.
F7 ─ Send Menu
Shft-F7 ─ Send Menu and print reply
F10 ─ Send Menu and Save reply to forum.SAV
(Use this to selectively save your replies when you have not
activated the outbox on the parameters screen)
Send Menu ─ Forum Messages
1 Public: Send the message public
2 PRI: Send the message as a private forum message. If
private messages are not enabled in that forum, send the
message via MAIL.
3 UNF: No reformatting (use for tables, lists, etc.) Use
this option sparingly since it can cause problems for
those using a narrow terminal width. If you are posting
a table or list that should not get reformatted by CIS,
you can use this option OR you can precede every line
you do not wish to reformat with a space.
4 Email: Compose in the forum but deliver to the
recipient via CompuServe Mail
0 Resume: Continue with reply
X Discard: Abort, cancel reply
Send Menu ─ CompuServe Mail Messages
1 CompuServe Mail: Sent as a private MAIL message
2 Return Receipt: Sent as a MAIL message with receipt request
F2 ─ Search any other file (with optional import)
To view entire file, use <space> <Enter> at prompt
Search Menu: Use <enter> to find next match
A-T Import this line Z Import screen
PgDn Scroll down PgUp Top of file
F1 Return to message
>Original Message (Upper window of editor when replying)
F5 ─ Scroll original message up
F6 ─ Scroll original message down
>Switching & Retrieving
F8 ─ Switch between windows. You can use this command to switch
to the upper window (containing any message to which you are
replying) and block copy to the lower window. It is usually
best not to quote heavily in forum messages to reduce cost.
F9 ─ Retrieve an ASCII file into the editor screen (also Sh-F10)
Sh-F9 ─ Retrieve the message being replied to into the editor
>Splitting A Long Message
/split ─ On a line by itself just before sending message causes the
_next_ message you write to be sent as a reply to this one.
Forum messages are limited in length. If you need to send a
message longer than the limit, you must split the message by
putting /split at the end of each part, sending the message,
and then write or reply again in the same forum. Online,
TAPCIS will send each part following the first as a reply
to the original to maintain the thread.
>Editor Keys
The cursor keys, Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn work as expected to move
around the editing window. WordStar movement keys are also supported.
>Other Editing Keys
Ins ─ Toggle insert/overwrite
Del ─ Delete character at cursor
Bksp ─ Destructive backspace
Ctrl-End ─ Delete from cursor to end of line
Ctrl-Bksp ─ Delete word
Ctrl-PgUp ─ Top of message
Ctrl-PgDn ─ End of message
Alt-F10 ─ Transpose chars (numeric keypad 5)
Ctrl-Y ─ Delete line
Ctrl-B ─ Reformat from cursor to end of paragraph (also Ctrl-F3)
The editor does not have automatic reformatting of
lines. If you insert or delete in the middle of a line,
be sure to reformat the paragraph using Ctrl-B before
sending the message.
>Block Commands
Ctrl-K followed by: [ Note: all block commands are line-oriented ]
B ─ Mark Begin block
K ─ Mark End block
C ─ Copy marked block
V ─ Move marked block
Y ─ Delete marked block
>Communications Parameters
C ─ Communications Port;
Set communications port to COM1: to COM4: (on PS/2 up thru COM8:)
If the COM port is not found by TAPCIS, you will see Not Found
after the COMn:. You should check to make sure you have configured
the COM port properly and have identified the proper port.
I ─ Initialize Modem;
Command string for initializing and dialing the modem. It is
crucial that your modem be set for proper carrier detect (&C1) and
DTR (&D2) handling. On some old modems, you use dip switches
to set these options instead of the &C1&D2 software switches. Some
common settings for Hayes modems are:
O ─ Online Report;
Exactly 4 or 1 characters that indicate the modem has connected.
Usually set to NECT (the last four characters in CONNECT).
Use uppercase if the message comes from your modem in uppercase!
NONE can be used to always "connect" and have TAPCIS start
executing a script given in the phone number.
F ─ Fail Report;
When dialing, TAPCIS will wait for either the Online Report
or the Fail Report to determine if the modem connected and TAPCIS
should continue. Usually set to HAYS to catch all standard Hayes-
compatible messages. Must be same length as O.
R ─ Reset Modem;
Modem commands for disconnecting and resetting the modem when
it is still connected before DTR is dropped to the modem. In most
cases where the modem has been configured to drop the connection
when DTR is dropped (AT&D2), the reset Modem command can be blank.
Otherwise, most Hayes compatibles modems work with: ?2+++?2ATH0^M
1-6 ─ Select phone number. The active phone number is shown with an
asterisk to the left of the modem speed.
T ─ Enter new telephone number and modem speed for the current number.
After the phone number you can put:
! = Tymnet . = Telenet : = LATA _ = user script ; = Comment
For example, 1-412-471-6417_CIS; PITTS would be a login using
the CIS.SCR login script (not usually necessary) with "; PITTS"
to remind you that the number is in Pittburgh.
Valid modem speeds are: 300,1200,1800,2400,4800,9600,19200,38400
>CompuServe Parameters
U ─ Enter Compuserve User ID (e.g., 74020,10) No spaces!
P ─ Enter Password. * as a password prevents it from being stored
in the parameters file (TAPCIS will request it each time started).
N ─ Change name used to register on new Forums
>TAPCIS Parameters
S ─ Specify path for message downloads (optional)
D ─ Specify path for new file downloads (optional)
L ─ Maintain monthly time and charge log files and/or file transfers
Press L to toggle between the three options
M ─ Select color preferences for display
A ─ Append new messages to existing file or
Overwrite each N>ew session
K ─ Append outgoing messages and/or mail to forum.SAV
>Active Forums
The forums shown in the A-T box with an asterisk are "active" forums
that will also show on the main screen as forums 1-8 and Sh-F1 to Sh-F8.
To activate/deactivate a forum, press its letter so that the asterisk
is either present (active) or absent (inactive).
>Forum List Commands
F2 ─ Add a new Forum.
F4 ─ Delete a Forum permanently. Prompts for forum letter
F5 ─ Move a Forum (actually swap). Prompts for "from" and "to"
F6 ─ Deselect all selected Forums; Select all unselected
F8 ─ Edit Q/R/M options and selected sections
F9 ─ Make all Forums selected [ also available from main menu ]
F10 ─ Deselect all Forums [ also available from main menu ]
Forums are separated into sections 0 to 17, although not all forums
use all sections, and some sections in a forum may be private and
unavailable to you. At the Sections: prompt, the best answer is
usually "ALL". TAPCIS will then give you access to all available
sections in that forum. If you leave the section list blank, you'll
use the list of sections you have selected in the forum OPTIONS
online (if you join with TAPCIS, that will likely be ALL sections).
If you want to limit the sections you read or scan, enter the list
of sections you want to monitor (e.g., 2,4-6,9,11). Adding an "X"
to the end of the section list keeps TAPCIS from resetting the high
message number (see manual).
>Forum Type Q/R/M
The forum type determines what TAPCIS will do in that forum when you
go online with N>ew.
Q ─ Quick Scan forums are those where you want to get headers first,
M>ark the headers offline using TAPCIS, and then go O>nline to
read only those threads you select.
R ─ Read Thread forums are those where you want to read all the new
threads in the sections you've selected (or ALL).
M ─ Messages Waiting forums are those where you want TAPCIS to only
read new messages directed to your user ID.
Either TAPCIS or you made a mistake that resulted in an inability to
continue the program. The error message may help you track it down.
For example, errors like Disk Read Error and Sector Not Found likely
mean a disk drive problem.
If you need help figuring out the error message, please make a note of
the error number, type, PC, free memory, and TAPCIS version, and leave a
message about it in Section 4 of the TAPCIS Forum. Including a brief
description of what you were doing just before you received this message
would help as well.
Some data may have been lost, so you may wish to exit TAPCIS and check
files before proceeding.
Advanced Commands
R ─ Next time online, read only new messages sent to you in this forum
L ─ Read new messages on this Forum addressed to ALL
T ─ Read ALL messages on this Forum (old and new) addressed To you
B ─ Read ALL messages on this Forum (old and new) sent By you
Z ─ Go online and delete all (P)rivate message from or to you
if they have already been read
U ─ Create an online script. The command becomes part of a
forum.ADV file and must be one that CompuServe recognizes
as well as one that will cause CIS to end its output with
a Forum ! prompt. Valid commands include:
OPT;NAME;Your Name;P Change your name in a forum
HIGH;12345 Reset high message number to 12345
HIGH;L Reset high message number to the last
REA FRO:JOAN STA:0 Read all messages from Joan
REA TO:74020,10 STA:0 Read all messages to account 74020,10
REA NEW SUB:TAPCIS Read only new messages about TAPCIS
REA THR NUM:12345 Read the thread beginning with #12345
REA NUM:12345 Read message number #12345
WARNING: Do not use this function for navigation between Forums
or if you are not certain of the appropriate command.
Library Search, Catalog, and Download
>Downloading a Specific File
If you know the name of the file, you can specify the exact name,
answer Y to Download if Found, and enter the specific library or
a list of libraries for CompuServe to search for the file. TAPCIS
will download the file if it is found.
To have TAPCIS create a catalog for you to review offline, enter
a filename that contains wildcards like * or ?. For example,
*.* matches all files, *.ZIP all ZIP files, TAP*.* all files
that begin with TAP, T??DOC.EXE for wildcards for the 2nd and
third character. You can prefix the filename with a specific
user ID in brackets, as in [76701,23]*.* to limit the matches
to files uploaded by that user.
Keywords help narrow the search when you do not know what the
actual filenames are. For example, searching *.* for keyword
TAPCIS would find ALL files with TAPCIS in the keywords.
Multiple keywords must be entered with commas as in: TAPCIS,DOCS
which would find files with TAPCIS _and_ DOCS in the keywords.
CompuServe does not support "OR" searching of keywords; you have
to do two searches. Wildcards are supported.
You can limit your search to files uploaded or modified in the library
during a certain age range in days. Examples:
90 or -90 or 0-90 for 90 or less days ago
90- for 90 or more days ago
90-180 for 90-180 days ago
>Long or Short Descriptions
We recommend the Long descriptions which give you a paragraph of text
on each file along with keywords, date, and title. You may wish to use
the Short, one line descriptions when you know the library is large and
you want to get a general idea of the types of files there. The short
listing is cheaper to get but less informative.
You must tell TAPCIS which library(s) you wish to search. You can
specify a single library or use CompuServe's across library searching
capability to search a range of libraries. Some examples:
1,3,5-7 1-17 1-5,8,11 ALL
>Additional Searches
When you want to do multiple searches, TAPCIS brings up the last
text you entered in each field to make specifying the searches
easier. If you wanted to search for files with two different keywords,
you need only change the keyword field and press enter on the others.
In any field you want to change, you can either edit the field using
arrow keys, delete, etc., or you can just type the new field.
Press ESC at any time to abort the current library search.
Library Catalog
D ─ Mark this program or file for a B Protocol download during the
next online session (O>nline, N>ew, or R>ead waiting)
─ Next file (also <space>)
─ Previous file (also <B>)
1 ─ First file (default starting position for old catalogs)
Alt-F6 ─ Next session [Also 2]
Alt-F5 ─ Previous session
3 ─ Last session
9 ─ Last file
F ─ Case insensitive search on catalog (also F2)
N ─ Next match of F> search string
? ─ Show a list of libraries
If files are selected for download, a downward triangle () appears next
to the number of the Forum. After going online, an upward triangle ()
indicates that the catalog has been updated.
Marking Threads
The threads are shown in order sorted by section. To the left is the
"root" message number for the thread. If a number follows in []'s,
it means the root message has replies (e.g., 123400 [ 3] means that
root message 123400 has three replies, 4 total messages in the thread).
>Marking Commands
R ─ Read Thread; Press R next to the threads you wish to have
TAPCIS capture from the forum.
S ─ Section; Anywhere in a section will mark all the messages in
that section and move to the next section.
<space> ─ Skips a particular thread. Type <space> over an R to
remove the mark.
Arrows ─ You can use the arrow keys, PgUp, and PgDn to move through
the threads, as well as R and <space>.
N ─ Next Batch; If there are more headers than TAPCIS can handle
at one time, press N when prompted to process the next batch.
K ─ Kill headers; you can tell TAPCIS to erase the forum.QSN file
by pressing K when marking headers. You existing marks will
be saved, but you will not be able to remark additional
headers. It is not necessary to use this command. TAPCIS
will erase the .QSN file itself after it goes online.
F8 ─ Switch to the next forum with headers to mark.
Sh-F8 ─ Switch to previous forum with headers to mark.
Macros can be assigned letters A-T. The only special character allowed is
the vertical bar (|) character which is translated to <enter> when passed
to CIS or to the editor.
CompuServe Mail Addressing
>CompuServe Addresses
You can address a message to a CompuServe ID simply by entering the
user ID with or without a leading name. A common mistake is to use a
period or put a space as part of the user ID. Correct example:
To: Support Group Inc. 74020,10
>Address Book
The USERID.CIS file contains an address book that you build manually
while reading messages by pressing A>ddress. You can search the address
book by entering a partial name at the To: field prfixed with \. A list
of entries in the address book that contain the text you enter will be
displayed for your selection:
If an address in the USERID.CIS file has in the "comments" section
following the | character a name in parenthesis, and that name matches
exactly what you enter for the address book search, that name will
automatically be selected. For example, if the USERID file contains:
Support Group Inc. 74020,10 |(TAPCIS) Publisher of TAPCIS
then entering \TAPCIS at the To: field will automatically pick this
entry. It saves time for addresses you use all the time.
>Return Receipt
You can send a message to the recipient requesting a return receipt
when the recipient reads the message. There is a $0.15 surcharge.
Receipt can be requested when you send the message or by putting /R
after the user ID: Richard Wilkes 76701,23/R
>Multiple Addresses
To send to multiple addresses, place a semicolon after each address
you enter except the last one. TAPCIS will request additional To:
addresses up to a limit depending on the length of the addresses
(typically 3-10 addresses). Example:
To: Support Group 74020,10;
To: Richard Wilkes 76701,23/R
>Mailing Lists
TAPCIS supports mailing lists of addresses. There is no fixed limit
on the number of addresses you can put in a list. All valid addresses
except >POSTAL are supported, and you can mix return receipt requests
with regular addresses by adding/omitting the /R as needed. You
specify a list using =LISTNAME in the To: field. TAPCIS will check to
see if the LISTNAME.ML file exists and will let you create one if not.
You can combine lists with manually entered addresses as well.
>Other Networks
In the examples below, replace 74020,10 with your user ID for
receiving messages from these systems.
FAX Recipient Name >FAX: 1-areacode-phone
Recipient Name >FAX: Countrycode-Phone
(The recipient name is required and is used as the Attn:
address of the fax. Cannot receive faxes).
MCI Mail Send: >MCIMAIL: 123-4567
Receive: To: Name (EMS)
EMS: CompuServe
MBX: 74020,10
TELEX Send: >TLX: 1234567
>TLX: 1234567 ABCDEF
(ABCDEF is the ACCURATE answerback for the Telex)
Receive: Telex 3762848 COMPUSERVE with
TO: 74020,10 in first non-blank line of message
MHS Send: >MHS: username@workgroup
Receive: MAIL@CSERVE {74020,10}
INTERNET Send: >INTERNET: jdoe@abc.michigan-state.edu
Receive: 74020.10@compuserve.com
(Note the , changed to a period in user ID!)
X.400 Send: >X400:(c=COUNTRY;a=ADMD;p=PRMD;s=SURNAME;
ATTMail: >X400:(c=US;a=attmail;s=jones;g=bob;d=id:bjones)
Receive: c=US, a=CompuServe, p=CSMAIL, d=id:74020.10
(Note the , changed to a period in user ID!)
>Binary and ASCII File Transfer
Binary files are sent by TAPCIS using the B+ protocol. The recipient
TAPCIS user will get the file as MAILnn.BIN where nn is a sequential
number assigned by TAPCIS. Use binary file transfer to send all
files that contain special codes (word processing, spreadsheets,
graphics, etc). You can use ASCII file transfer if you want the
recipient to read the file as a message instead of as a separate file.
To tell TAPCIS you want to send a file, enter a period (.) anywhere in
the subject of the MAIL message (using W>rite from the main menu). The
filename and path can be specified and TAPCIS will check to see if it
exists and use that as the default file to send. If you do not enter
the filename, you'll need to enter the full pathname when prompted.
Forum Message Addressing
Messages in forums can be addressed to a specific user ID, to All,
to Sysop, or to *SYSOP. The To: field for a forum message can
be no longer than 24 characters (excluding the user ID if included).
The subject is also limited to 24 characters.
User ID: If you know the specific person to whom you wish to address
your message, enter the name and user ID at the To: prompt. If you omit
the user ID, there is a good chance the person will never see the
message. CompuServe only flags messages to a user if the user ID is
included. You can search your address book (USERID.CIS) for a name by
entering a backslash (\) in front of a text string that is part of the
name: To: \wilkes would find Richard Wilkes 76701,23 in the file.
All: When posting information or a general question or comment, the
appropriate address is usually ALL. It encourages anyone who reads the
message to join in the conversation (which is what CompuServe is all
Sysop: If you have a question about the forum or you want to have one of
the forum sysops answer your message publicly, address it to Sysop. Since
most messages can be answered by users and sysops alike, it is generally
better to use ALL as the address.
*SYSOP: This is a special address which makes the message readable only
to the primary sysops in a forum. For example, we use it in the TAPCIS
forum for people to send us their registration number without cluttering
the message board. You send *SYSOP messages as "1-Public" at the send
menu even though non-sysop will not see them. Since they are "private" in
this way, you should not address general questions to *SYSOP.
Sysop Commands
F ─ Forward a message to Mail (FMA) or the message Board (FMB).
FMA ─ Take a message and forward it to someone via MAIL. The
default userID for the forward is the recipient of the message
FMB ─ Take a message and forward it within the message board.
You can just change the recipient by not storing it as a new
message (message retains its message number, and the user may
need to do a special R>M pass if his high msg number is above
that number and the forum is set as an R forum). Or, store as
a new message to send a copy to someone else. If you store
as a new message, you must specify whether you want the new
message stored as private or not. If your forum does not
support private messages, you must answer that question
with X or TAPCIS will not handle the forward properly.
C ─ Change a message's subject or section or both.
H ─ Hold On/Off for a message and all replies. Held messages stay in the
message base until unHeld (they do not scroll).
P ─ Purge sends unread messages to MAIL and forwards unread messages to
All for a second shot at getting answered. You give it the number of
messages based on your expected scroll rate. The forum software is
supposed to forward unread messages to MAIL, so fewer forums are
doing regular purges. You must invoke this command from the forum
announcement (msg #: 0).
S ─ Scrub a section to make it scroll faster than other sections of the
message board. This is usually done on sysop and "chat" sections so
that the "business" sections do not scroll as fast. You can have a
report on the scrub posted to the sysop section or omitted. Specify
the oldest date to use ("2" would delete messages older than 2 days
in that section). You must invoke this command from the forum
announcement (msg #: 0).
A ─ Access script for Aux information and special section and library
access. The information goes into a MEM.SCR which is invoked at the
Membership Edit prompt where it asks for name or userID in SO mode.
Use <PgUp>MEM and when it finishes, be sure to delete the MEM.SCR
with <Sh-F1>del MEM.SCR or the same commands will be issued next time.
TAPCIS(tm) ── The Access Program for the CompuServe Information Service
GREETINGS! Welcome to TAPCIS, a program that will automate your use of
CompuServe, saving you time and money.
Use of TAPCIS after a 21-day evaluation period brings with it an
obligation to pay a license fee. After payment, you get an additional
90-day money back guarantee, an extensive printed and bound manual, the
latest version on disk, and toll-free support. We're that confident
you'll enjoy the TAPCIS way of accessing CompuServe.
1. Yes, I want to order the program right now, Risk Free!
2. Explain the evaluation period, pricing, and license.
3. I have already registered and paid for TAPCIS.
4. I need help getting the program working.
5. Enter TAPCIS.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
Copyright (c) 1991, All Rights Reserved.
Evaluation Period and Pricing
>Our Mission
CompuServe has a wealth of information, and our mission with TAPCIS is
to help you get that information quickly and at low cost──wasting neither
your time nor your money.
TAPCIS(tm) is shareware. That means that you can use TAPCIS for a
specific trial period, in this case 21 days, without paying for the
use of the program. This recognizes the fact that many of us like to
"try before we buy," even with a 90-day money back guarantee.
>Use Beyond 21 Days
Any use beyond this 21-day trial period without written authorization
from Support Group, Inc., is a violation of the license agreement. We
will gladly grant a two week extension, but you must request one through
CompuServe Mail, the TAPCIS Forum, or by phone.
TAPCIS costs $79. That price includes our typeset and spiral bound
manual in a handsome book box, the latest version on disk, an
Introductory Membership to CompuServe with a $15 usage credit (new
accounts only), and toll-free support if you are unable to get online to
use the TAPCIS Forum.
To get TAPCIS to you quickly, we strive to process your order within
24-hours. Your package is sent by two-day air delivery at no extra
charge to U.S. addresses. (Outside the U.S., we do charge an extra $15
for airmail shipping. We do not ship by surface mail). Maryland residents
are charged sales tax.
Group, quantity, and dealer pricing is available.
>Money Back Guarantee
TAPCIS combines both the Try-Before-You-Buy aspects of shareware and
a rare, 90-day money back guarantee after you purchase. Our goal is
to make your use of TAPCIS as risk free as possible. You can purchase
TAPCIS, use it for three full months, and only then do you make a "final"
decision on whether TAPCIS is for you.
We're convinced that people that use CompuServe through TAPCIS will
find the experience worthwhile. Yet, even if someone loves TAPCIS
but can't afford or justify CompuServe, we'll gladly refund the
purchase price.
Richard P. Wilkes, Publisher [76701,23]
P.S. Remember, you can pass along an unregistered copy of TAPCIS
to friends and associates (do not include your PARAMS.CIS file).
Or, have them call and order the program directly from us. That way
they get toll-free support and the printed manual to help get up
and running on CompuServe quickly.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
Recording Your Registration
Thank you for purchasing TAPCIS! To record your registration number,
you need to follow the directions in the manual on page 1-2. Once you
perform the steps on that page, you will not see these screens again.
If you have ordered the program, you should receive it shortly. Orders
by CompuServe Mail to 74020,10 are all acknowledged the next business
day. If you did not receive an acknowledgement, or your order was
placed over two weeks ago, please contact us.
TAPCIS will continue to work properly, even after the 21-day period.
Be sure to drop a note to *SYSOP in the TAPCIS Forum as described in
the manual to get access to private section and library 9.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
TAPCIS Support
TAPCIS is not a difficult program to use, but it does REQUIRE a
specific sequence of set up steps. If you ignore or miss those
steps, TAPCIS *will not work*. In particular, make sure you follow
all the steps in the Set Up Checklist and read section 3 of the
manual carefully. It is best to follow the manual from the first page
until you can read and write messages in MAIL and in at least one
forum. It won't take long!
If you are using the shareware version, be sure to print out these
first manual sections. If you did not get the documentation with
the program itself, you'll need to download it from the TAPCIS Forum,
Library 1, as TAPDOC.EXE, a self extracting ZIP file that contains
all the documentation for the program.
All TAPCIS users can get support around the clock through our forum
on CompuServe (GO CIS:TAPCIS). Our sysops have experience in all
aspects of communications from modems that won't cooperate to
international packet networks. The forum is the best place to get
your TAPCIS questions answered.
>Telephone Support
Our telephone support lines (toll free in the United States) are
available for registered users ONLY. You will be asked for your
registration number when you call.
** We cannot provide telephone support to non-registered users.
We can take a credit card by phone, and as always, there is a 90 day
money back guarantee. Some users by the nature of their hardware/
software setup and their experience level will be better served by
purchasing the program and getting telephone support.
Support is also available by mail or fax, although this is far, far
less efficient than using CompuServe. You should include your name,
address, daytime and evening phone numbers, CompuServe ID, and
registration number (if registered) on all correspondence.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
Extension of Evaluation Period
The extension of the evaluation period for a single two week period
is automatic, PROVIDED you send a message to 74020,10 via CompuServe
Mail or as a message to *SYSOP in the TAPCIS Forum stating that
you need an additional two weeks to complete your evaluation. Feel
free to mention any problems you're having so that we might help you
get the most out of the program.
After this two week extension, you will need to decide Yes or No;
either purchase the program and get the 90 day money back guarantee
or cease using TAPCIS. During that time, choose option 7 and TAPCIS
will continue to operate as it always has.
Thank you for giving TAPCIS such a thorough test. If there is anything
we can do to help, please drop us a note in the TAPCIS Forum.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
Thank You!
I want to personally thank you for trying TAPCIS. While all of us
here at Support Group are disappointed in your decision not to
buy the program, we sincerely appreciate the time you've taken to
give TAPCIS a test drive.
The choice of software is a personal one, and shareware makes it
possible and Legal for users to try software before they buy. Customers
that give a program a real evaluation and then either purchase it or
stop using it completely make Shareware work.
At this point the program will exit. All your files remain intact.
If you want to pass TAPCIS on to a friend, it is best to use
the original distribution disk. Just be sure that if you pass on these
files, you do not include your PARAMS.CIS file which includes your
CompuServe user ID and password.
Thanks again for trying TAPCIS.
Best Wishes,
Richard P. Wilkes, Publisher [76701,23]
TAPCIS(tm) ── The Access Program for the CompuServe Information Service
The standard evaluation period of 21 days is over. We hope that you are
finding TAPCIS useful. At this point, you have several choices. If you
have not completed your evaluation and need an extension, choose option 5.
Remember, ordering TAPCIS has virtually no risk. It extends the evalua-
tion period by an additional 90 days, and at any time you can get a full
refund. We accept MasterCard, Visa, American Express, Discover, and even
company purchase orders (by mail or fax). If you've decided not to pur-
chase TAPCIS, please select option 6 below.
1. Yes, I want to order the program right now, Risk Free!
2. Explain the evaluation period, pricing, and license.
3. I have already registered and paid for TAPCIS.
4. I need help getting the program working.
5. I'd like an extension.
6. I've decided not to purchase TAPCIS.
7. Enter TAPCIS.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
Ordering TAPCIS Online
IMPORTANT: if you have not set-up TAPCIS with Alt-P so that you
can send and receive CompuServe Mail messages, press No now. Once you
have MAIL working you can complete this online registration.
TAPCIS will now request billing information. This information will go
into a temporary file, TAPORDER.SND, to generate an order which will be
sent by CompuServe Mail. Once the file is sent, the information
provided will be deleted.
Orders are sent to Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry,
MD 21541, 1-800-USA-GROUP. If you would prefer, you can register through
the 800 number with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express.
Outside the U.S. call 301-387-4500. Fax 301-387-7322. CompuServe 74020,10
If you order on line, a temporary Registration Number will be issued. It
will be displayed on the main menu. Support Group will provide you
with a permanent registration number and easy directions for entering it
into TAPCIS.
If you do not access CompuServe with MAIL as a selected Forum before
returning to DOS, your order will not be sent.
Press Y to generate your Order or
TAPCIS(tm) Online Ordering Form
Price: $79 (U.S. Funds). Includes 2-day shipping in the U.S.
Addresses outside the U.S. are charged $15 for air mail.
Maryland Residents charged current states sales tax
City, State, Zip:
Daytime Phone:
Disk size (3½ or 5¼):
Payment: MasterCard, Visa, Discover, American Express only
Credit Card #
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
Entering Your Online Order
If you make a mistake during entry, just continue on. You'll get a chance
to go back and edit the items again. If you would like to cancel the
entry of the order and place your order by phone or mail, press ESC.
Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
STATS Not Found
TAPCIS could not find the external STATS module. Please check your TAPCIS
directory for the file STATS.EXE which is required for the $ accounting
function to work properly.
Registration Being Processed
>Thank You for registering TAPCIS
TAPCIS has generated a temporary registration number for you. Within a
few days you should receive acknowledgement of your order, and within
a week after that you should receive your registered copy in the mail.
When you receive that copy, you should follow the directions in the
manual under the section "Recording the Registration" to record your
permanent registration number. You need not install any of the files
from the program disk sent to you if the version numbers are identical.
You will need the registration number from the inside front cover of the
manual. Be sure to send a message to *SYSOP in the TAPCIS Forum with
your permanent number so that we can give you access to private section
and library 9.
If by chance you do not receive an acknowledgement or the package from
us, or you registered some time ago but never received the software,
please contact Support Group, Inc., at 74020,10 through CompuServe
Mail, or toll free at 800-USA-GROUP, or 301-387-4500. Our fax
number is 301-387-7322.
Once you record your permanent registration number, you'll no longer
get this message.
Online Registration Instructions
TAPCIS has created a file called TAPORDER.SND in the TAPCIS directory.
It needs to send this information to Support Group, Inc., in order
for your temporary registration to be recorded and for SGI to send you
the registered manual and disks.
TAPCIS assumes at this point that you have already set your CompuServe
parameters using Alt-P and you can send and receive CompuServe Mail
messages. IF THIS IS NOT TRUE, exit TAPCIS and delete the TAPORDER.SND
file. Get TAPCIS working with Mail, and then re-enter the registration
information. Online registration will not work otherwise.
To send the registration, make sure MAIL is active in the <F>orums box
and press <O>nline. TAPCIS will send your credit card information to
74020,10. You can follow-up with that account, or contact us at
800-USA-GROUP or 301-387-4500 from 9-5 eastern time.
Command Line Options
>Support Group, Inc., Lake Technology Park, McHenry, MD 21541 U.S.A.
>Phone 800-USA-GROUP, 301-387-4500, Fax 301-387-7322, CIS 74020,10
>TAPCIS help is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on the TAPCIS
>Forum. GO CIS:TAPCIS on CompuServe to get there.
Command line options must be entered with spaces separating options, or
place them in the TAPCIS.CFG file (loaded before processing the command
line so the command line can override the TAPCIS.CFG file). Options are
shown with the possible answers separated by |'s with the first value
listed the default. TAPCIS 5.3 options are supported in 5.4 but will not
in future versions.
/PARAMS=CIS [Old (ext)]
Specify the extension for the PARAMS.* file to be used
ALL=Capture everything and overwrite each session, APPEND=ALL but
append within each TAPCIS execution, LINES=Capture last 350 lines.
Carrier Detect Checking. N=no checking for modems with either
no CD line or that have a defective or always ON CD line.
Fast drop-off from CompuServe (old D). N=use LOG to see CompuServe
time record. If set to N, be sure that your reset string and DTR
settings will disconnect the line. Y=new default for 5.4.
/MODEMDELAY=00|nn [Old Hnn]
Intercharacter delay for initialization string in nn/10ths second.
/DIALDELAY=30|nn [Old Inn]
Redial Delay. Delay after busy or after disconnect.
Skip ^U Line clearing. Some networks don't like the line clearing
at the beginning of each line. Y=Don't send.
/CLEARCHAR=21|nn [Old Vnn]
Change clear character from ^U to nn.
Upload mail. Send mail using B+ protocol for error free transmit.
Not needed for error correcting modems
Save mail in the mailbox for next time (don't delete)
Big, block Cursor. Useful on laptops where cursor is hard to see.
Disable S/D while reading and F9/F10 from main menu.
/QUIET=N|Y [Old Q]
Quiet, no beeps.
/WIDTH=76|nn [Old Wnn]
Editor width. Limits are 40-76
Scan waiting messages in Q Forums instead of reading them.
/SUPPRESS=0|1|2|3 [Old Sn]
Supress various automatic actions. 1= Suppress Read Waiting,
2= Suppress Scan Waiting, 3= Suppress both
Read threads in numeric order rather than by section
/CMD=|N|O|R|+|J|P [Old NORM+]
First commands. N=New, O=Online, R=Read Waiting, +=Alt-N (New with
FRONTEND.SCR), J=Alt-J (Join), P=Alt-P (CompuServe Parameters)
/DOS=N|Y [Old X]
Drop to DOS after first command
/TIME=hh:mm [Old Thh:mm]
Time delayed execution. Time is in military time.
/PACKETSIZE=n [Old -n]
B+ Packet size as a multiplier of 128. Range is 1-8 (128-1024).
Fix computer to modem speed at high speed regardless bps rate.
No Header Lines in message reader. Some people prefer not to see them.
Number of blank lines below the header line
Number of lines to overlap between screen pages
Custom UART IRQ/Base address. Enter the IRQ in decimal and the Base
address in hex. See the TAPCIS.CFG file for more details before using.
Use software (XON/XOFF) flow control (&K4)
Up/Dn move by line by default in the reader. Can be switched to paged.
If paged, use F5/F6 for line scrolling.
Left/Right in 5.3 switched forums. Moved to F8/Sh-F8 for safety. Can
be moved back but not recommended since keys will be used for other
purposes in 6.0.
Use Micro Interrogation (ESC I from CompuServe).