The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Registration for all Compass / New England programs is done by using a
function key while running the program.
ShareBk: press the letter [R] key while the program is running.
Registration fee is $19.95 (+ s/h) and includes a 192 page
perfect bound book and a 1.44Mb "Author's Kit" with tools and
data needed by shareware authors.
ShareTips: press the [End] key, then the [Print Scrn] key to print out the
registration form. Registration fee is $5 (inclusive) and will
bring you shareware for shareware authors.
TimeTrac: use the F10 key to select the options screen, then select the
"Order License" submenu. Registration fee is $50; site
licenses are available -- Registration includes your name on
the main screen and reports and a manual.
* * * * Registration Benefits * * * *
The evaluation period for these programs is 30 days. We hope that we have
made it worth your while to obtain a license to continue using our products.
The benefits of registration (in addition to those mentioned above) include:
Honesty: It may seem old fashioned, but it is the right thing.
Legality: Your license to use the software without registration expires
after 30 days.
Timeliness: You will receive the most recent version.
Support: Free support is included with your registration; please see
the support policy in detail.
Incentives: Each of these programs includes its own extra incentives for
registering. Please see the documentation for more
┌-----┴---┐ │ (R)
--│ │o │------------------
│ ┌-----┴╨--┐ │ Association of
│ │ │-┘ Shareware
└---│ o │ Professionals
------│ ║ │--------------------
└----╨----┘ MEMBER
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with
an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member,
but does not provide technical support for member products. Please write to
the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a
CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536. The OMB
may be contacted by FAX by sending to the ASP FAX number: (616) 788-2765. In
communication with the OMB please include a telephone number and/or FAX if