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  1. The capital of Norway?                                                          Stockholm                     Oslo                          Copenhagen                    Helsinki                      b
  2. The capital of Sweden?                                                          Oslo                          Helsinki                      Stockholm                     Breens Intermediate           c
  3. The capital of Denmark?                                                         Copenhagen                    Oslo                          Helsinki                      Stockholm                     a
  4. The capital of Finland?                                                         Suomi                         Helsinki                      Jorkoping                     Turku                         b
  5. The capital of Germany?                                                         Hamburg                       Bonn                          Berlin                        Munich                        c
  6. The capital of The Netherlands?                                                 Rotterdam                     The Hague                     Utrecht                       Amsterdam                     d
  7. The capital of Belgium?                                                         Antwerp                       Brussels                      Liege                         Brugge                        b
  8. The capital of France?                                                          Lyon                          Marseille                     Bordeaux                      Paris                         d
  9. The capital of Luxemburg?                                                       Luxemburg                     Liege                         Einrichten                    Nachrichten                   a
  10. The capital of Spain?                                                           Barcelona                     Madrid                        Sevilla                       Herbie                        b
  11. The capital of Portugal?                                                        Lisbon                        Oporto                        Madrid                        San Salvador                  a
  12. The capital of Italy?                                                           Napoli                        Genoa                         Palermo                       Rome                          d
  13. The capital of Switzerland?                                                     Bern                          Zurich                        Geneva                        Basel                         a
  14. The capital of Greece?                                                          Thessaloniki                  Athens                        Istanbul                      Ankara                        b
  15. The capital of Turkey?                                                          Istanbul                      Thessaloniki                  Eskinderun                    Ankara                        d
  16. The capital of Latvia?                                                          Riga                          Talinn                        Liepaja                       Vilnius                       a
  17. The capital of Estonia?                                                         Riga                          Talinn                        Vilnius                       Liepaja                       b
  18. The capital of Lithouania?                                                      Talinn                        Riga                          Liepaja                       Vilnius                       d
  19. The capital of Poland?                                                          Lublin                        Prague                        Warsaw                        Gdansk                        c
  20. The capital of the United Kingdom?                                              Cardiff                       London                        Glasgow                       Manchester                    b
  21. The capital of Ireland?                                                         Belfast                       Dublin                        Cork                          Cardiff                       b
  22. The capital of Czecho?                                                          Warsaw                        Budapest                      Prague                        Bukarest                      c
  23. The capital of Austria?                                                         Sydney                        Wien                          Budapest                      Innsbruck                     b
  24. The capital of Rumania?                                                         Bukarest                      Budapest                      Sofia                         Belgrado                      a
  25. The capital of Bulgaria?                                                        Bukarest                      Beograd                       Kisjnow                       Sofia                         d
  26. The capital of Albania?                                                         Sofia                         Tirana                        Belgrado                      Durres                        b
  27. The capital of Hungaria                                                         Budapest                      Bukarest                      Belgrado                      Beograd                       a
  28. The capital of Serbia?                                                          Zagreb                        Serajevo                      Dubrovnik                     Belgrado                      d
  29. The capital of Croatia?                                                         Lubljana                      Zagreb                        Dubrovnik                     Rijeka                        b
  30. The capital of Slovenia?                                                        Zagreb                        Lubljana                      Split                         Trieste                       b
  31. The capital of Russia?                                                          Kiev                          Leningrad                     Moscow                        Volgograd                     c
  32. The capital of Cyprus?                                                          Nicosia                       Larnax                        Lemesos                       Rhodos                        a
  33. The capital of Malta?                                                           Malta                         Valetta                       Victoria                      Rabat                         b
  34. The capital of Iceland?                                                         Larvik                        Keflavik                      Reykjavik                     Orkney                        c
  35. The capital of Ulster?                                                          London                        Dublin                        Belfast                       Armagh                        c
  36. The capital of Scotland?                                                        Edinburgh                     Glasgow                       Aberdeen                      Dundee                        a
  37. The capital of Monaco?                                                          Cote d'Azur                   San Marino                    Monte Carlo                   Monaco                        d
  38. The capital of Andorra?                                                         Valls d'Andorra               Pyrenee                       Andorra                       Seo de Urgel                  c
  39. The capital of Gibraltar?                                                       Gibraltar                     Sevilla                       Malaga                        Alicante                      a
  40. The capital of Lichtenstein?                                                    Fursten                       Liechtenstein                 Modena                        Vaduz                         d
  41. The capital of San Marino?                                                      Rome                          San Marino                    Vatican City                  La Spezia                     b
  42. The capital of Vatican City?                                                    Saint Peter                   Basilica                      Santa Sede                    Vatican City                  d
  43. The capital of Bosnia?                                                          Sarajevo                      Skopje                        Titograd                      Split                         a
  44. The capital of Ukrain?                                                          Moscow                        Charkow                       Kiev                          Odessa                        c
  45. The capital of Wales?                                                           Cardiff                       Swansea                       Liverpool                     Brndwyr                       a
  46. The capital of New Zealand?                                                     Auckland                      Wellington                    Canberra                      Melbourne                     b
  47. The capital of the Commonwealth of Australia?                                   Melbourne                     Sydney                        Brisbane                      Canberra                      d
  48. The capital of Cananda?                                                         Montreal                      Toronto                       Vancouver                     Ottawa                        d
  49. The capital of the United States of America?                                    Washington                    New York                      Los Angelos                   Manhattan                     a
  50. The capital of Mexico?                                                          Ciudad Juarez                 El Paso                       Ciudad de Mexico              Coatzacoalcos                 c
  51. The capital of Panama?                                                          Panama City                   Balboa                        Colon                         San Juan                      a
  52. The capital of Nicaragua?                                                       Leon                          Nicaragua                     Managua                       San Jose                      c
  53. The capital of Guatamala?                                                       San Jose                      San Juan                      Managua                       Guatemala                     d
  54. The capital of Costa Rica?                                                      San Jose                      Costa Rica                    Managua                       Belmopan                      a
  55. The capital of Belize (British Honduras)?                                       Belize                        Georgetown                    Corn                          Belopan                       d
  56. The capital of Hunduras?                                                        San Pedra Sula                San Antonio                   Tegucigalpa                   Honduras                      c
  57. The capital of Venezuela?                                                       Mozambique                    Venezuela                     Gambia                        Caracas                       d
  58. The capital of Surinam?                                                         Georgetown                    Willemstad                    Surinam City                  Paramaribo                    d
  59. The capital of Brazil?                                                          Rio de Janeiro                Brazilia                      Santos                        San Salvator                  b
  60. The capital of Argentina?                                                       Santiago                      Buenos Aires                  Santa Cruz                    Sao Paolo                     b
  61. The capital of Chile?                                                           Valpareiso                    Santiago                      Santander                     Puerto Montt                  b
  62. The capital of Bolivia?                                                         Santa Cruz                    Sao Paolo                     Santo Cristobal               La Paz                        d
  63. The capital of Columbia?                                                        Cartagena                     Medelin                       Parana                        Bogota                        d
  64. The capital of Ecuador?                                                         Caracas                       Bogota                        Quito                         Lima                          c
  65. The capital of Paraguay?                                                        Caaguazu                      Paraguay                      Asuncion                      Lima                          c
  66. The capital of Guyana?                                                          Georgetown                    San Pedro                     Sao Vincente                  Sainte Lucia                  a
  67. The capital of Uruguay?                                                         Salto                         Bolivar                       Montevideo                    Santander                     c
  68. The capital of the Falklands islands?                                           Georgetwon                    Elizabeth                     Stanley                       Port au Prince                c
  69. The capital of French Guyana?                                                   Cayenne                       Paramaribo                    Sainte Carla                  Monte Pigarde                 a
  70. The capital of Cuba?                                                            Gagua la Grande               Santo Domingo                 Havana                        Montego Bay                   c
  71. The capital of Jamaica?                                                         Kingston                      Georgetown                    Nassau                        Florida                       a
  72. The capital of the Dominican Republic?                                          Ponce                         Montego Bay                   Victoria                      Santo Domingo                 d
  73. The capital of the Cayman Islands?                                              Port Elizabeth                Ponce                         Georgetown                    Williamsburg                  c
  74. The capital of Puerto Rico?                                                     Ponte Delgado                 San Juan                      Balboa                        Tegucigalpa                   b
  75. The capital of Trinidad & Tobago?                                               Trinidad                      Tobago                        Bridgetwon                    Port of Spain                 d
  76. The capital of Barbados?                                                        Bridgetown                    Georgetown                    Fort de France                Pointe-a-Pitre                a
  77. The capital of the Netherlands Antilles?                                        Aruba                         Willemstad                    Otrabanda                     Bonaire                       b
  78. The capital of Haiti?                                                           Port-au-Prince                Jean de Luca                  Santo Domingo                 Sao Luiz                      a
  79. The capital of San Salvador?                                                    Santander                     Tegucigalpa                   San Salvador                  San Juan                      c
  80. The capital of the Bahamas?                                                     Nassau                        Bermuda                       Triangle                      Bahama                        a
  81. The capital of Bermuda?                                                         Georgetown                    Key Florida                   Bahama                        Hamilton                      d
  82. The capital of Gauadaloupe?                                                     Basse-Terre                   Montserrat                    Road Town                     Port-au-France                a
  83. The capital of Martinique?                                                      Port-au-Prince                Fort de France                Basse-Terre                   Pointe-a-Pitre                b
  84. The capital of the Turks and Caicos Islands?                                    Grand Canaria                 Montserrat                    Virginia                      Grand Turk                    d
  85. The capital of Indonesia?                                                       Batavia                       Djakarta                      Bogor                         Surabaja                      b
  86. The capital of the Philipines?                                                  Quezon City                   Cebu                          San Carlos                    Manila                        a
  87. The capital of Burma?                                                           Moulmein                      Bassein                       Regu                          Rangoon                       d
  88. The capital of Laos?                                                            Louang Prabang                Vientiane                     Mekong                        Lao-Thai                      b
  89. The capital of Malaysia?                                                        Penang                        Kuala Lumpur                  Serawak                       Malacca                       b
  90. The capital of Vietnam?                                                         Hai-phong                     Ha-noi                        Nam-Dinh                      Dan-Chu                       b
  91. The capital of South Korea?                                                     Seoul                         Pusan                         Hanoi                         Taegu                         a
  92. The capital of Mongolia?                                                        Ulan Ude                      Nairamdah                     Mongol Uls                    Ulanbattar                    d
  93. The capital of China?                                                           Canton                        Hongkong                      Taiwan                        Beijing                       d
  94. The capital of Japan?                                                           Osaka                         Nagasaki                      Tokyo                         Yokohama                      c
  95. The capital of North Korea?                                                     Tsjosoen                      Pyongyang                     Hangnam                       Seoel                         b
  96. The capital of Taiwan?                                                          Kaohsiung                     Taipeh                        Beijing                       Peking                        b
  97. The capital of Tailand?                                                         Bangkok                       Rangoon                       Kuala Lumpur                  Medan                         a
  98. The capital of Singapore?                                                       Kuala Lumpur                  Johore Bahru                  Tandjungpenang                Singapore                     d
  99. The capital of Jordan?                                                          Damascus                      Amman                         Eilath                        Beirut                        b
  100. The capital of Israel?                                                          Jeruzalem                     Tel Aviv                      Haifa                         Petah-Tiqwa                   a
  101. The capital of Iran?                                                            Esfahan                       Abadan                        Teheran                       Bagdad                        c
  102. The capital of Iraq?                                                            Teheran                       Basra                         Damascus                      Bagdad                        d
  103. The capital of Bhutan?                                                          Thimbu                        Punakha                       Bhutan                        Druk-Yul                      a
  104. The capital of Bangla Desh?                                                     Chittagong                    Kuhlna                        Dacca                         Calcutta                      c
  105. The capital of India?                                                           New Delhi                     Madras                        Bombay                        Ahmadabad                     a
  106. The capital of Yemen?                                                           Aden                          Sanaa                         Mecca                         Oman                          b
  107. The capital of Pakistan?                                                        Karachi                       Lahore                        Hyderabad                     Rawalpindi                    d
  108. The capital of Nepal?                                                           Katmandu                      Kanpur                        Bhaktapur                     Biratnagar                    a
  109. The capital of Algeria?                                                         Oran                          Algers                        Ouarahan                      Djembouria                    b
  110. The capital of Egypt?                                                           Alexandria                    Cairo                         Gisa                          Suez                          b
  111. The capital of Marocco?                                                         Tanger                        Fez                           Rabat                         Marrakesh                     c
  112. The capital of Liberia?                                                         Monrovia                      Accra                         Lilongwe                      Nairobi                       a
  113. The capital of South Africa?                                                    Capetown                      Johannesburg                  Pretoria                      Bloemfontein                  c
  114. The capital of Tunisia?                                                         Gabes                         Sousse                        Tunis                         Kairouan                      c
  115. The capital of Burundi?                                                         Buruni                        Botswana                      Usumbura                      Watutsi                       c
  116. The capital of Botswana?                                                        Burundi                       Borswana                      Gaberones                     Uburundi                      c
  117. The capital of Dahomy?                                                          Porto Novo                    Cotonou                       Dahomy                        Zambia                        a
  118. The capital of Ethiopia?                                                        Manguist                      Mangeste                      Itiopia                       Addes Abeba                   d
  119. The capital of Ghana?                                                           Kankan                        Accra                         Ghana                         Volta                         b
  120. The capital of Lybia?                                                           Tripoli                       Al-Adad                       Zawyat                        Alexandria                    a
  121. The capital of Zaire?                                                           Leopoldville                  Bastardville                  Kinshasa                      Kisangari                     c
  122. The capital of Teddy?                                                           Mecca                         Lisbon                        Letter T                      Bishopdale                    c