The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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An Authoring System is a program which enables people with
no computer programming skills to create professional, top
quality computer-based tutorials, manuals and documents.
The only skill required is the ability to press keys on a
computer keyboard.
Press any key to continue
An Authoring System is a program which enables people with
no computer programming skills to create professional, top
quality computer-based tutorials, manuals and documents.
The only skill required is the ability to press keys on a
computer keyboard.
Welcome to the ~H~bTutorialWriter~N~G~I Authoring System~N, the revolutionary computer
tool for non-programmers. What you just saw is an example of what an
~G~IAuthoring System~N does. You just add simple Commands to your text, and the
~G~IAuthoring System~N programs the computer for you.
There is a parallel between the computer today and the telephone in its early
days. People had telephones, but to use them they had to go through an
operator who had the special skills needed to connect them with the party
they were calling. The telephone really came into its own when a dial was
provided so that everyone could be their own operator.
The same thing applies to a computer. To really take advantage of its full
power, you have to be able to program it. And ~H~bTutorialWriter~N lets you do
that. It is a program which de-skills the computer in much the same way that
the telephone dial de-skilled the telephone. It lets people with no knowledge
of computers other than ~C~Ibasic word processing skills~N control the computer
through simple commands.
Since ~H~bTutorialWriter~N's appearance in 1989 hundreds of people - hobbyists,
'entrepreneurs', parents, teachers, university professors and training
consultants - have used it to create ~M~Itutorials~N in their special areas.
It has been used to teach basic nursing concepts; to explain the finer points
of stamp-collecting; to teach hydraulic pump maintenance; to teach First Aid
for the home; for a treatise on French Romantic Poets; and to write computer-
based "business cards" which advertise a company's product line in slide-show
format. And I heard recently of a short course on Ionospheric Physics which
had been written and supplied by a vendor to a purchaser to explain how his
high tech product works.
~HCrimeStoppers~N are using it to pass on safety hints to school children.
A Defensive Driving School in Canada supplies a tutorial to their students
as a 'refresher' they can take away with them after the class is over. Many
businesses are using it for ~HComputer-based Training~N programs.
And when you get to the ~C~IMain Menu~N, choose ~C~IOn-Line Manual~N and have a look at
the ~C~I$ell Your Know-How~N tutorial for other ideas.
Many companies are turning to the PC for employee training. They are trying
to cut back on seminars and lecture courses because they are expensive.
"Computer-Based Training" is much more cost-effective. If a tutorial is
made available on computer, employees can use it as and when they need it,
over and over again if necessary.
But there is a shortage of computer based tutorials and educational material.
Obtaining them is now becoming a pressing need. Businessweek published an
article recently claiming that some major manufacturing companies now have to
teach traditional High School subjects, because new recruits are lacking in
Math and English skills.
Press any key to continue
This is the way you usually see text on a
computer screen. But it doesn't have to be
like that. In this short demo, I'll show
you how you can make it really interesting
without having to be a programmer!
By the way, these windows and things stay
on screen for about 60 seconds or until you
press a key or a Mouse Button. If nothing
seems to be happening, press a key.
Oh - I forgot to introduce myself.
My name is Bob. What's your name?
Thanks for trying the program, ~U0.
Doesn't this screen look boring?
Let's do something to make it a
bit more attractive.
I want you to make the changes
just to show you how easy it is.
I'll tell you the Command to type
and you type it in.
OK ~U0 ?
Here's the first one. To clear the
screen you use #EF Just type it
in above the first line of text.
Now type the #T (Title) on
the Title line and I'll move
the title along beside it.
And finally I'll get rid of the
'Press any key' and you insert
the control buttons which work
with the key board or a Mouse
by typing in #W at the end of
the text.
Just press any key to see what
you have done to this screen
with these few simple commands.
Many companies are turning to the PC for employee training. They are trying
to cut back on seminars and lecture courses because they are expensive.
"Computer-Based Training" is much more cost-effective. If a tutorial is
made available on computer, employees can use it as and when they need it,
over and over again if necessary.
But there is a shortage of computer based tutorials and educational material.
Obtaining them is now becoming a pressing need. Businessweek published an
article recently claiming that some major manufacturing companies now have to
teach traditional High School subjects, because new recruits are lacking in
Math and English skills.
A big improvement, don't you think,
And you did it with three simple
That is the beauty of an Authoring
System. It does all the computer
work for you. You just type simple
little commands into your files.
Remember, you changed this...
To this... with just 3 simple
These commands are also very flexible.
TutorialWriter uses numbers to represent
colors when you use them with # commands,
(and these are all fully explained in the
documentation.) For the moment, trust me
that 0 means black and 7 means gray.
Let's change the color of the text and the
screen background by adding these numbers
to the #EF clearscreen command.
Many companies are turning to the PC for employee training. They are trying
to cut back on seminars and lecture courses because they are expensive.
"Computer-Based Training" is much more cost-effective. If a tutorial is
made available on computer, employees can use it as and when they need it,
over and over again if necessary.
But there is a shortage of computer based tutorials and educational material.
Obtaining them is now becoming a pressing need. Businessweek published an
article recently claiming that some major manufacturing companies now have to
teach traditional High School subjects, because new recruits are lacking in
Math and English skills.
Nearly all the commands in TutorialWriter
can be modified like this to give you
dozens of different color combinations.
TutorialWriter has another set of commands
which control the text itself - its color
and how it is printed. They start with
the symbol ~~ and are inserted next to the
text they affect. For example, ~~W~~I means
Intense White. ~~N means Normal color. I'll
change the color of some of the words.
Many companies are turning to the PC for employee training. They are trying
to cut back on seminars and lecture courses because they are expensive.
~H"Computer-Based Training"~N is much more cost-effective. If a tutorial is
made available on computer, employees can use it as and when they need it,
over and over again if necessary.
But there is a shortage of ~Hcomputer based tutorials~N and educational material.
Obtaining them is now becoming a pressing need. Businessweek published an
article recently claiming that some major manufacturing companies now have to
teach traditional High School subjects, because new recruits are lacking in
Math and English skills.
There are 16 text colors and 8 background
colors to choose from, so your text can
be plenty colorful. Then there are other
~~ commands which write slowly or with a
clicking sound.
That really is all there is to using
~H~bTutorialWriter~Z~c. It has commands that
begin with the # symbol which you use
at the start of a line, and commands
that begin with the ~~ symbol which
you use anywhere in the text. And
that's it. No programming needed!!
Of course, the real question is :-
what can you do with these commands?
Just because they are easy to use
does not mean that they are useful.
~H~bTutorialWriter~N~r has over fifty of
them which let you do just about
anything you want with a computer.
Just sit back ( but press a key if it looks
like nothing is happening ) and I'll take you
on a test drive of some of the features. Not
all, mind you! There are many more than I can
show here because disk space is limited. I'll
just show the highlights.
First I'll put some color on this screen
and do a few other things to show how you
can get people to pay attention to what
you are telling them.
Many companies are turning to the PC for ~G~Iemployee training~N. They are trying
to cut back on seminars and lecture courses because they are expensive.
"~M~IComputer-Based Training~N" is much more ~H~rcost-effective~N. If a ~M~Itutorial~N is
made available on computer, ~G~Iemployees~N can use it as and when they need it,
over and over again if necessary.
But there is a shortage of ~M~Icomputer based tutorials~N and ~M~Ieducational material~N.
Obtaining them is now becoming a pressing need. ~H~FBusinessweek~N published an
article recently claiming that some major manufacturing companies now have to
teach traditional ~C~IHigh School subjects~N, because new recruits are lacking in
~R~IMath~N and ~R~IEnglish~N skills.
~R~Iover and over again~N
~G~Iover and over again~N
over and over again
~K~NBut there is a shortage of ~M~Icompater based tutorials~N and ~M~Ieducational material~N.~k
I made a spelling error when I
rewrote that line.
Can you see it?? Let me point
it out to you.
Did you see it, ~U0 ?
Well, that's some of the things you can do. Put ~C~Icolors~N on the ~G~Iscreen~N,
~Hposition the cursor to write anywhere you want~N, slide screens around, ~N~rpop
up windows~N, make beeps and so forth.
But you are not limited to just text. Although ~H~bTutorialWriter~N is a text
based program, that does not mean that your screens have to be uninteresting.
~G~IText Art~N provides a way of emphasising points or highlighting facts you want
your reader to pay particular attention to. Let's have a quick look at some
of the ~G~IArt~N which is included with ~H~bTutorialWriter~N. And, as you will see later,
there are utilities which will let you add more of your own.
You can also add ~HVoice~N, ~R~IMusic~N, ~G~IANSI animation~N and ~C~Iexternal graphics programs~N
to your tutorials. ~H~bTutorialWriter~N has ~M~IUtility Programs~N to make all this easy.
Let's start with ~R~IMusic~N and some more ~G~IText Art~N.
~KNow for some ~G~IANSI animation~N and ~HVoice~N~k.
~KAnd finally an ~C~Iexternal Graphics program~N~k.
Now let's look at getting your ~HReaders~N actively involved in your ~M~Itutorial~N.
A major advantage of a ~M~Icomputer-based tutorial~N over a book is that it has
the potential of being ~Hinteractive~N. The ~M~Ipop-up windows~N give the impression
that you are there with your readers, jumping in with messages or information,
or using their name or other information they have supplied.
But ~H~bTutorialWriter~N allows much more interaction through its ~G~IQuestion and
Answer Commands~N. With these you can ask questions, analyze the answer, and
make comments depending on whether it was answered correctly or not. And you
can create ~G~ITests~N and ~G~IQuizzes~N using ~H~bTutorialWriter~N's ~M~IUtility~N programs.
What is the name of this Authoring System?
That's some of the other things that ~H~bTutorialWriter~N does, ~U0.
And there are many more things that you can do that have not been shown here.
~H~bTutorialWriter~N has more than 50 Commands and there are ~M~IUtilities~N for
creating a ~C~IHELP system~N and ~C~IMenus~N for your tutorial, for ~Z~wHYPERTEXT~N, for
~C~IQuizzes~N and ~C~ITests~N and much more.
A step-by-step guide to writing a tutorial is in the file ~HINSTRUCT.ION~N. Print
this out by typing ~HPRINT INSTRUCT.ION~N at the DOS prompt. You'll be amazed at
how quickly you can develop a professional looking tutorial by following this
guide. And have a look at the ~G~IOn-line Tutorial~N called '~M~IHow to Write a
Tutorial~N'. Choose ~M~IOn-Line Manual~N at the ~G~IMain Menu~N to access it.
With ~H~bTutorialWriter~N~z
everyone becomes a
~H~zComputer Programmer~N~z
Select "On-Line Manual" at the Main
Menu, then "Program Description" for
details about the two versions of
and the benefits of registration.
Select "~C~IOn-Line Manual~N~z" at the ~C~IMain
Menu~N~z then ~C~I"How to Write a Tutorial"~N~z
for a full explanation of all the
~H~bTutorialWriter~N~z Commands.
Select "On-Line Manual" at the Main
Menu, then "$ell Your Know-How" for
full details on how to market the
Tutorials you create with
And finally, be sure to
print out the file ~H~zINSTRUCT.ION~H~z
by typing ~Z~c PRINT INSTRUCT.ION ~H~z at
the DOS prompt.
This is a step-by-step guide to
writing tutorials with
#AC,10,7,15,0,~H~r That's ~N
#AC,35,5,11,0,~N~b all ~N
#AC,66,20,13,0,~Z~c ~U0 ~N