The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Text File
620 lines
██████████ ████████████████████████ Card-File-Learning-Program
█ █ █ Version 3.5xe, March 1992
█ █ █ Copyright (C) 1991,1992 by
██████████ ██████████ █ R. Hoffmann, Geisinger Steig 11
█ █ █ D-W-8080 Fürstenfeldbruck
█ █ █ Germany
████████████████████████ █ Alle Rechte vorbehalten
1. Learning System
Welcome to ZET, the many-purpose card-file learning program!
ZET is THE suitable help for quick and effective learning by heart.
It's of great value for all purposes: vocabulary, formulas, historical
data, at school, university, business,... , briefly for everything you
wish to commmit to memory.
The system used in this program allows you to learn a great deal of
entries (like vocabulary and translation) in shortest time and by
minimal work so that they stay in memory durably.
For example, if you intend to get the basic vocabulary of any language
into your head (about 1200-1500 words), this won't take you longer
than three or four weeks - if you use ZET two or three hours a day.
This is the system:
You have five boxes:
╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝
1 2 3 4 5
You enter all new entries into box 1:
╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗
║el río ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║the river║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║la ciudad║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║the town ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝
1 2 3 4 5
You are axamined as follows:
The first is shown el río
You think of the corresponding second term the river
You press the space bar and the second one is shown the river
If this is what you have supposed to be the right answer, you type 'y'
and the entry is moved to box 2:
╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗
║ ... ----->║el río ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║the river║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║la ciudad║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║the town ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝
1 2 3 4 5
The next term is shown la ciudad
If you don't know the second term or you've thought of a wrong answer,
press 'n' and it will stay in box 1:
╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗
║la ciudad║ ║el río ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║the town ║ ║the river║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝
1 2 3 4 5
You treat the other boxes the same way.
Every wrong or not-known entry is moved back to box 1, right entries
are moved to the next box:
╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗ ╔═════════╗
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ... ----->║el río ║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ right ║the river║ ║ ║
║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║la ciudad║<------------------- ... ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
║the town ║ ║ wrong ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║ ║
╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝ ╚═════════╝
1 2 3 4 5
Furthermore you have the possibility to learn correct spelling of a
term by typing the asked (foreign-language) term instead of just
thinking of it. The program compares the entered with the wanted term.
You can switch this in the menu <Learn/ Options> on or off, where you
also can select, if the terms are to be mixed randomly before
examination and if they are examined vice versa (e.g.: instead of
English-Spanish Spanish-English).
If there's an EGA- or VGA graphic card in your computer, you can use
a second character set. There's a kyrillian ('kyrill.zzs'), a greek
('griech.zzs') and a hebrew set ('hebrew.zzs') and several others
(enhanced, thin, small,...) on the disk.
You can edit these character sets or create new ones with the
character set editor ('zsatz.exe').
If you wish to be master of such a basic vocabulary mentioned above
in one month, you should work with
box 1 every day,
box 2 every second day,
box 3 every third day,
box 4 once a week and
box 5 once a fortnight.
If you don't have that much time or you don't wish to learn so
intensively, you can extend the intervals of each box or create more
boxes (up to ten).
2. Hardware Requirements:
- IBM-compatible computer with at least 512 kB RAM
- At least 250 kB free memory in the RAM, better more
- One of the usual graphic cards (Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA or similar).
A second character set can only be displayed with EGA or VGA.
- A harddisk is recommended.
- Operating system MS-DOS, from version 3.0 upwards, or similar (PC-
DOS, DR-DOS, ...).
ZET's files are listed in the file 'CONTENTS.DOC'. If there's one
missing, please let me know.
Besides, a spanish basic vocabulary is delivered.
3. Installation
When you start ZET the first time, please proceed as follows:
Install the original disk to a formatted disk or harddisk in any
ZET has been compressed into the file -ZET.EXE (by the compression
program LHA).
The English-Spanish-boxes are compressed into -EN-SPAN.EXE.
If you have registered, you'll find the english-french vocabulary in
the file -EN-FR.EXE, German-Spanish in -DT-SPAN.EXE and German-French
You should use the program INSTALL.EXE which is on the disk to
decompress these files. This should be the most comfortable way, too.
3.1 Change to the drive in which you have inserted the disk,
typing: a:
or: b:
and press Enter.
3.2 If you see anything like A:\> or B:\> on your screen, please
type install
and press Enter again.
3.3 In the installaion program:
If you wish to copy ZET to your harddisk, you can take over
the suggested directory name C:\ZET pressing Enter.
If you wish to copy ZET to a floppy disk, please keep ready a
formatted disk containing at least 360 kB free memory and
enter the appropriate drive letter and any directory name. If
your computer only has one drive and you intend to install
from one disk to another, copy all files to your harddisk
first (copy *.* [directory on the harddisk]) and then install
from the harddisk to the floppy disk.
3.4 When you have finished copying (decompression), please enter
at the DOS prompt: zet
and press Enter.
3.5 The program itself explains everything else. Anytime you can
read the words 'F1 Help' in the last line of the screen, you
can press the 'F1' key and get information and instructions
about the operation.
a) If INSTALL finds the file -ZET.EXE and compressed
learning-files, these will be used for installaion.
Otherwise, already decompressed files are simply copied.
The program INSTALL fulfilles three jobs:
1. It installs ZET conveniently and securely.
2. It allows to install ZET as often as desired without
possessing the original disk.
3. It assists users to make backups of the box files.
b) The copy program INSTALL.EXE works quite slowly when
copying small box files from one disk to another. It is
advisable to use the DOS-command XCOPY (xcopy [source]
[destination]) instead.
c) Important: DOS's COPY doesn't copy empty files which
ZET requires, too. Please use XCOPY instead.
d) To start ZET you needn't change to its directory typing
cd [directory]. For example, you can also enter: \zet\zet
if the program files are located in directory \zet.
e) ZET.EXE requires the file ENGLTEXT.ZET in its directory.
f) The box-files MUST be written to subdirectories, because
the root directory can hold only a limited number of
If you haven't copied any files to learn, please enter a directory
to contain your files, on the program's request. This directory will
be created, if necessary.
The file 'REGISTER.ZET', which is indispensible for the program's
work, is written into this directory first. 'REGISTER.ZET' is the
table of contents of your box-files.
ZET creates a file named 'pfadinfo.zet' in the present directory
(that is the one you started ZET from), where the present box-file
directory and up to four of the directories, which you have used
recently to store your boxes, are listed. You can change between
these directories easily in the program.
Please make sure the system date of your computer is correct. If
necessary, change it in menu 'Extra - Date'.
4. Printing with other character sets
Printing a text in connection with a second character set was tested
with a Panasonic KX-P1123 (24 needles) printer in the emulation of the
Epson LQ-850 and with Siemens PT 88/ PT 89-02 printers. The printer
commands to switch on the 8-needle graphics mode are preadjusted in
menu <Edit - Char.Set - Set up Printer> and menu <Extra - Char. Set -
Set up Printer> (27 51 24 27 76 double density).
The first three commands set the space between lines to 24/180 inch,
the last two switch on the 8-needles-graphics mode with double
density. The values in the line 'switch off graphics mode' are not
responsible for switching off (this happens automatically).
They set the space between lines back to 1/6 inch.
Good results have been achived in the 24-needles-mode of the KX-P1123
with these values: 27 42 33.
The values in the <Set-up-printer>-menu are only active, if any
"second" or "first" character set is loaded.
5. Mixed
- The term "file" is used in a slightly different meaning here:
one "file" contains a number of "boxes" (see 1. Learning System);
these "boxes" are physical "files", too, but are called "boxes"
in this program.
- The maximum number of pairs of terms is 250 per file, this makes
500 lines per file.
- Character Sets which are selected in menu <Extra/ Character Set>
are active in all card-files of the actual file directory. The
full filename of the character set is stored in a file named
"0_satz.zet" in the actual file directory.
Character Sets selected in menu <Edit/ Char.Set> are only active
in the file they are selected in (filenames: "1_satz.zet",
- A "second character set" leaves other texts on the screen
unchanged. An additional "first character set" changes these,
too, so your screen might look quite strange.
- README.EXE can be used to read other texts, too (up to 2000
lines, depending on the lenght of lines and free memory).
Syntax: readme [filename]
Terms which have been searched for with function "Search", appear
in the first line on the screen. Texts are searched from the
first line on the screen downwards.
There is a Scoll-Mode in README.EXE that makes reading texts on
the screen more convenient.
VGA-card owners can have the pleasure of Soft-Scrolling. When a
text is soft-scrolled, it is moved in steps of pixels, not lines,
Switch the Scroll-Mode on and off pressing the Scroll-Lock-Key.
- If there is a different video card built in your computer, which
is compatible with EGA or VGA (especially in showing additional
character sets and changing colors), and which is not recognized
automatically by the program, you can enter these parameters,
when you start the programs ZET.EXE, ZSATZ.EXE and/or FARBEN.EXE:
/ega or /vga
Example: zet /ega
If the video card is not compatible to EGA or VGA, and you enter
/ega or /vga, your computer can hang up.
If, vice versa, an EGA- or VGA-video card is recognized by
mistake (recognisable in blinking help-texts), you can enter
the parameter /cga.
- Yes/No - questions can be answered generally in three ways:
a) Press 'y' for Yes or 'n' for No.
b) Move the bar with the cursor keys to Yes or No and press
c) Press the left mouse key for Yes or the right mouse key for
- Function <File/ Rename>:
To rename a file, it is renamed to "empty" first. In the
following window <New File> you can enter a new name and change
the number of boxes. If you skip this last step pressing 'Esc',
files with higher numbers cannot be accessed until you choose
<New File> again.
This inconvenience will be removed in later program versions.
- All programs have been written in Borlands' Turbo Pascal Version
- Every program belonging to ZET works in text mode.
- The actual keyboard can be seen pressing Ctrl-F1 in ZSATZ.EXE and
ZET.EXE (Editor, Learning and Searching).
- ZET and Windows: ZET can be started from Windows without any
troubles, as long as no "first character set" is loaded. If you
load a "first character set", Windows may stop ZET showing the
message "This program has violated system integrity ...", because
Windows uses its own character set for DOS programs.
6. Registration
This is a shareware program. That means, you have got the following
advantages compared to a commercial program:
- You can test the program before you pay for it.
- It is much cheaper than commercial software, because there are no
costs for intermediaries, designers, advertising, and so on.
- You can get help with problems directly from the author, by phone,
- You can adress your wishes concerning improvement, changes or
extension of the program directly to the author.
- You can copy the program freely (please don't change anything) and
let somebody else have it. Of course, this is in my interest, too.
Shareware only survives if program users and authors stay in contact.
So please send me your wishes, your critics, or what you especially
appreciate about the program to the adress below.
If you use the program regularily, please transfer 40.- DM
(Deutschmarks) or the equivalent in any other currency (30 US-Dollars,
15 English Pounds, 40 Australian Dollars, 60 New Zealand Dollars, 300
Austrian Schillings, 130 French Franks, 40 Swiss Franks, ...) to this
Postgiroamt München (Munich), Germany
Bank Code: 700 100 80
Account number: 4732 68-803
Receiver: Robert Hoffmann
Purpose: Registration of ZET
You can also send a cheque or cash (at your own risk) to this address:
Robert Hoffmann
Geisinger Steig 11
D-W-8080 Fürstenfeldbruck
Air Mail takes about five days from the USA to Germany.
If you have got questions or wishes, you can phone me:
Tel.: Germany (0049) (0)8141 - 18615
With the payment of this small amount you will get all advantages
mentioned so far and in addition freely:
- an english-french vocabulary (about 1800 words)
- a german-french vocabulary (about 1200 words)
- a german-spanish vocabulary (about 1200 words)
- the latest version of ZET and
- a printed manual.
Besides, updates will only cost about DM 15.- (incl.) for registered
You can use the form 'regform.doc' that's located on the disk or any
piece of paper for registration. Please don't forget to tell me your
address and the desired size of the disk.
If you order multiple licenses, prices are cheaper:
Quantity of licenses Price Discount Per user
up to 10 DM 200.- 50 % DM 20.-
25 DM 450.- 55 % DM 18.-
50 DM 800.- 60 % DM 16.-
more than 50 contact the author
The shareware version is not confined in any way, compared to the
registered version. After the end of the testing period, the program
remains fully functionable, of course. Please be fair and register.
7. Other Files to Learn
With the actual program version 3.5e, these vocabularies are available
(free of charge):
- English-Spanish,
- English-French,
- German-Spanish,
- German-French.
If you, dear program user, have made own files to learn, and you would
like them to become available for other users, you are invited to send
them to me. I will offer them free of charge or for an amount you can
fix and participate in. I am continuously looking for stuff which can
be learned with ZET conveniently, especially for vocabulary of all
Please note, that reserved rights of other publications must not be
8. Warranty Disclaimer
The author makes no warranty of any kind, expressed or implied,
including without limitation any warranties of merchantability and/
or fitness for a particular purpose.
The author does not assume any liability for the use of this software
beyond the original purchase price of this software.
In no event will the author be liable to you for any additional
damages, including any lost profits, lost savings, or other incidental
or consequential damages arising from the use of, or inability to use,
this software and its accompanying documentation, even if the author
has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
9. Viruses
As a shareware author, I am obligated to test programs I distribute,
if they contain computer viruses. These tests are made regularily with
latest versions of several virus scanners.
Besides, I keep following precautionary measures:
- every new program or disk is tested before using it,
- I do not use programs from unknown sources.
My computer is not part of a network, unknown people cannot access it.
You can be quite sure not to get any virus from me.
10. Program Errors
If you recognize any errors, it would be very helpful, if you let me
know them. If you get the message 'Error x at y:z ...', it would be
nice to tell me the numbers x, y and z.
11. Literature
Programming (all contain disks):
Was indispensable but quite expensive (DM 68.-):
L.Bernhuber, S.Hansjakob und W. Praxl: Turbo Pascal 5.5: Programm-
bibliotheken und ihre Anwendung, Verlag IWT, Vaterstetten bei München,
Same as above, but more expensive (DM 90.-):
G. Sutty, S. Blair: Advanced programmer's guide to SuperVGAs, Brady
Books, New York, 1990.
Very useful (DM 79.-):
M. Uphoff: Die Programmierung der EGA/VGA Grafikkarte, Addison-Wesley,
Bonn; München; Reading, Mass., 1990.
Contains (among other things) DOS- and BIOS-functions (DM 79.-):
E. Kaier, E. Rudolfs: Turbo Assembler, Verlag Vieweg, Braunschweig,
Language Learning (german):
- R. Serrano: Se habla español, Langenscheidt Verlag, Berlin, 1984.
- P. Ilgenfritz: Parlez-vous français?, Langenscheidt Verlag, Berlin,
- C. Kehr, A. Rodriguez Lebrón: Sprachbuch Spanien, Rowohlt TB Verlag,
Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1989.
- I. Jue, N. Zimmermann: Sprachbuch Frankreich, Rowohlt TB Verlag,
Reinbek bei Hamburg, 1989.
12. Tests
ZET has been tested successfully with
- 386 computer with Trident TVGA-D graphic card (Chipset 8800 CS),
- HP-Vectra 386 with Video Seven card (Probably you must enter the
DOS-command MODE CO80 or MODE BW80 before starting ZET, if you work
with other character sets.)
- 386 with Trident TVGA card (Chipset 8900),
- Escom 386 with Escom Super-VGA card (with Tseng-Chipset),
- Schneider EuroAT (286) with EGA card.
- IBM XT with Hercules card
- IBM XT with EGA card
If the second character set doesn't work well on your computer (EGA
or VGA is condition!), please let me know this and the type of your
graphic card. Also see file ZSATZ.DOC and "Changes in Version 3.5e"
at the end of this text.
13. History
Version 1 and 2: not published
Version 3: Programming started in February 91:
(german versions not listed)
Changes in version 3.3e:
In order to ease translation from German to English and improvements
in the future, almost every text which the program displays on the
screen (besides the help-texts and the DOC-texts), is stored in the
file ENGLTEXT.ZET. This file is read every time you start ZET and
stored on the heap dynamically. Please don't change anything in this
file - otherwise you could face a great mess on your screen.
Changes in version 3.5e (this version):
- Overlays are not used any more.
- A greek (GRIECH.ZZS), a hebrew (HEBREW.ZZS) and several other
character sets (like fat (VGAFETT.ZZS), thin (VGADUENN.ZZS),...) have
been added.
- Many errors have been corrected.
- You can change the colors with FARBEN.EXE (only with EGA- or VGA-
card). See FARBEN.DOC for details.
- README.EXE: The waiting queue of PRINT is used, if PRINT is loaded.
Errors corrected. Can read up to 2000 lines. Search function added.
See Mixed.
- Two other character sets can be active at the same time. You can use
the EGA- or VGA-ASCII-character sets ASCIIEGA.ZZS or ASCIIVGA.ZZS with
printers, which can print graphics, but not special characters.
- Entering terms from the left to the right is possible (e.g. for
Hebrew). Switch this on and off with Shift-Ins(ert) in the Editor.
- Printing with other character sets works correctly in both 8- and
24-needles-graphics mode, now (two small mistakes corrected).
- Code was partly optimized.
- The line between terms can be changed or omitted in menu Output.
A '#' symbolises the number of the term.
- The cursor is not switched off anymore, because some BIOSses are not
compatible with doing that.
- To load character sets, subfunction 10h can be used instead of
subfunction 0 (of function 11h of the BIOS interrupt 10h), because
some very few graphic cards don't work well with subfunction 0.
Therefore you must enter the parameter /10h additionally to /vga or
/ega, when starting ZET.EXE, e.g.: zet /vga /10h
WARNING: /10h seems to cause even more trouble in some cases, than not
using it: a computer containing a Video Seven Card hung up when ZET
was started with /10h and a char.set was loaded. Entering the DOS
command MODE CO80 before starting ZET without any parameters helped
to solve the problem. (See also ZSATZ.DOC.)
- Additional vocabularies: English-French, English-Spanish
- The price was increased from DM 30.- to DM 40.-.
- Built in a file-select window in README.EXE, ZSATZ.EXE, FARBEN.EXE
and ZET.EXE.
- Mathematical character set added (MATH.ZZS).
- You can have a look at the actual keyboard pressing Ctrl-F1 in
ZSATZ.EXE and ZET.EXE (Editor, Learning and Searching).
- Scroll-Mode in README.EXE