The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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65 lines
Changes in version 3.5e (this version):
- Overlays are not used any more.
- A greek (GRIECH.ZZS), a hebrew (HEBREW.ZZS) and several other
character sets (like fat (VGAFETT.ZZS), thin (VGADUENN.ZZS),...)
have been added.
- Many errors have been corrected.
- You can change the colors with FARBEN.EXE (only with EGA- or VGA-
card). See FARBEN.DOC for details.
- README.EXE: The waiting queue of PRINT is used, if PRINT is
loaded. Errors corrected. Can read up to 2000 lines. Search
function added. See Mixed.
- Two other character sets can be active at the same time. You can
use the EGA- or VGA-ASCII-character sets ASCIIEGA.ZZS or
ASCIIVGA.ZZS with printers, which can print graphics, but not
special characters.
- Entering terms from the left to the right is possible (e.g. for
Hebrew). Switch this on and off with Shift-Ins(ert) in the Editor.
- Printing with other character sets works correctly in both 8- and
24-needles-graphics mode, now (two small mistakes corrected).
- Code was partly optimized.
- The line between terms can be changed or omitted in menu Output.
A '#' symbolises the number of the term.
- The cursor is not switched off anymore, because some BIOSses are
not compatible with doing that.
- To load character sets, subfunction 10h can be used instead of
subfunction 0 (of function 11h of the BIOS interrupt 10h), because
some very few graphic cards don't work well with subfunction 0.
Therefore you must enter the parameter /10h additionally to /vga or
/ega, when starting ZET.EXE, e.g.: zet /vga /10h
WARNING: /10h seems to cause even more trouble in some cases, than
not using it: a computer containing a Video Seven Card hung up
when ZET was started with /10h and a char.set was loaded.
Entering the DOS command MODE CO80 before starting ZET without any
parameters helped to solve the problem. (See also ZSATZ.DOC.)
- Additional vocabularies: English-French, English-Spanish
- The price was increased from DM 30.- to DM 40.-.
- Built in a file-select window in README.EXE, ZSATZ.EXE,
- Mathematical character set added (MATH.ZZS).
- You can have a look at the actual keyboard pressing Ctrl-F1 in
ZSATZ.EXE and ZET.EXE (Editor, Learning and Searching).
- Scroll-Mode in README.EXE