The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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The information below is from the Surgeon General's Report on
Nutrition and Health, Summary and Recommendations.
---> Indicates how this program helps you with the issue.
Key findings and recommendations:
1- Eat a variety of foods
---> Section 3 shows foods from different standard food groups.
The selection screen allows you to exclude food from groups
you may already have eaten from in order to include the
variety of other groups. Note: Our program does not have
data on the fruit food group which of course is an important
food group to add to your diet as well.
2- Maintain desirable weight
---> Section 3 allows you to easily see which foods are high
in calories.
3- Avoid too much fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol
---> Section 3 shows a ratio of polyunsaturated fat to saturated
fat; foods with a low ratio have high saturated fat
content; foods with a high ratio indicates low saturated fat
4- Eat foods with adequate starch and fiber
---> Starchy vegetables are one of the food groups shown in the
table in section 3; fiber is clearly shown in section 3.
See section 2 to list starchy vegetables (s food group).
5- Avoid too much sugar
---> In general the foods in section 3 are low in sugar content
6- Avoid too much sodium
---> Section 3 clearly shows sodium content of foods
7- If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation
Issues for most people:
Fats and cholesterol: Reduce consumption of fat (especially
saturated fat) and cholesterol. Choose foods relatively low
in these substances, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grain,
foods, fish, poultry, lean meats, and low-fat dairy products.
Use food preparations that add little or no fat.
---> Section 3 gives information on saturated fat ratio (foods high
in saturated fat have ratios less than 1); we show cholesterol
data also.
Energy and weight control: Achieve and maintain a desirable
body weight. To do so, choose a dietary pattern in which energy
(caloric) intake is consistent with energy expenditure. To
reduce energy intake, limit consumption of foods relatively
high in calories, fats, and sugars and minimize alcohol
consumption. Increase energy expenditure through regular
and sustained physical activity.
---> Section 3 shows calories; the Pantry Files contain information
and worksheets you use to track calories consumed and calories
used by exercise.
Complex carbohydrates and fiber: Increase consumption of whole
grain foods and cereal products, vegetables (including dried
beans and peas) and fruits.
---> These items are shown in section 3; you save the output
in Pantry files to use for further action for example,
recipes, menus, exercise limits, shopping lists, etc.
For example, you choose the grain and vegetable food group
items as listed in section 2 for use in section 3. You
also exclude undesirable food groups using the exclude
procedure in section 3. You save output from section 3
with the Alt-P function (toggling LOG file "on" and "off"
when finished); then go into any Pantry file to save
your run to a ComboXX file (via Alt-F2). In ComboXX you
further edit (see F1 help for all editing commands)
those food groups from your run and develop shopping lists,
recipes etc.. While you are viewing a ComboXX file, you
can use the F8 key to bring in a shopping list to add
foods to get at the store. Use the F8 key again to see if
you have any recipes which have the required food groups
in it. Use the F8 key again to see about how many calories
to burn off with exercise in the exercise Pantry file.
You may also desire to use the paste buffer to put data
in to transfer to one or more files.
Sodium: Reduce intake of sodium by choosing foods relatively
low in sodium and limiting the amount of salt added in food
preparation and at the table.
---> Section 3 shows the sodium content of common foods
Alcohol: To reduce the risk for chronic disease, take alcohol
only in moderation (no more than two drinks a day), if at all.
Avoid drinking any alcohol before or while driving, operating
machinery, taking medication, or engaging in any other activity
requiring judgment. Avoid drinking alcohol while pregnant.
---> Make sure to check labels on canned or processed foods you
buy; processing often changes the unprocessed characteristics
of foods as we show in section 3.