The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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333 lines
Last updated: January 1993
This file includes sample descriptions which you may use to describe
the Master Chef package.
Disk Vendors and Distributors please refer to the VENDOR.DOC text
P r o g r a m I n f o r m a t i o n :
File Name for BBSs
Master Chef is distributed for BBS's in two zip files. For consistency and
to help users locate the files, please use the following file names:
MCHEFR1A.ZIP Master Chef Release One Disk 1 of 2
MCHEFR1B.ZIP Master Chef Release One Disk 2 of 2
The combined contents of these two files are contained in the PACKING.LST
Vendor Distribution
Master Chef is distributed to vendors on two disks. The contents of
these disks are contained in PACKING.LST.
Program Name, Category, Keywords:
Name : Master Chef Release One
Category : Home, Hobby, Kitchen
Sub-Category : Food, Dietary, Nutrition, Meal Planning
One-line Description:
Integrated recipe, diet, meal schedule, and shopping list manager.
Two-line Description:
Integrated recipe, diet, meal schedule, and shopping list manager.
Has Recipe, schedule, and shopping list costing and scaling features.
Short Description:
Master Chef is the master kitchen management tool, providing a
powerful combintation of features for recipe management, diet
planning, meal planning, meal scheduling, and shopping list
managment. It employs a user-friendly mouse driven, "windowed"
environment to make the job simple. Master Chef tracks 20 nutrients
and 10 food exchange categories. It can manage any number of recipe
files, schedules, and meal plans. Each recipe file can contain over
800 scalable recipes. Each schedule can have up to 93 days in it.
Each day can have up to six meals and fifteen courses per meal.
Master Chef comes with over 800 ingredients containing nutrient
information for use in the recipes. Costs and store information may
be added to allow cost computations for recipes, schedules, and
shopping lists.
Long Description:
Master Chef is a master at managing the most common kitchen chores:
maintaing recipe files, diet planning, meal planning and scheduling,
deciding what to fix for the coming weeks or months, and generating
the shopping list for the trip to the stores.
Master Chef integrates into one program all major functions. Each
function has been designed to not only be easy to use within a very
powerful and intuitive mouse drive "windowed" user interface, but
works together to automate the recipe management, kitchen meal and
diet planning, and shopping activies.
The Recipe Manager can keep any number of recipe files, each with the
ability to hold over 800 recipes. Each recipe contains name, category
information, source, meal and course information, notes up to 1500
characters long, 30 ingredients, number of servings and serving size
information, and tracks 10 Food Exchanges and 20 nutrients. Master
Chef comes with a database of over 800 ingredients, all containing
nutrient information, which can be used in the recipes. It also
computes the total cost and cost per serving for each recipe.
The Recipe Manage provides easy editing of instructions, and prints
recipes in card and full page formats. Recipes can be scaled to any
number of servings, either permanently or temporarily, for the
schedule or for printing. Master Chef has an exclusive "filter"
feature which controls the items shown in the recipe list, according
to a combination of Category, Meal, Course, or Ingredient criteria,
selecting recipes that either include or exclude each of the filter
criteria. This is handy for finding out interesting things like all
the recipes that DO NOT include sugar for example.
Master Chef also manages daily meal plans, which are used as a "
blueprint" for the meal schedule. Master Chef handles any number of
meal plans, each capable of having six meals per day and 15 courses
per meal. Each course can be defined for a particular number of
servings, and each meal can be configured with a "target" number of
Food Exchanges, used for planning purposes in the schedule.
The Schedule manager uses the Meal Plans to initially create up to 93
days worth of meal schedules, which can then be totally configured by
the user. Each day can use a different meal plan and can schedule up
to 6 meals per day, with 15 courses per meal. Everything in the
schedule is user changeable, from the Meal name, course names,
recipes scheduled to servings. Master Chef can automatically schedule
either a single meal, a single day, or the entire schedule. Old
schedules can be assigned new dates, to allow reuse of an existing
ones, and a schedule can be "resized" by deleting or adding days to
it. The schedule manager automatically keeps track of the total
nutrients , total cost and cost per serving information for each meal
in the schedule. Master Chef can keep any number of different
schedules on disk, ready to use, print, or modify.
Shopping LIsts
The Shopping List manager uses the meal schedule, using the number of
servings required, generates a shopping list. Any portion of the
schedule can be used to create the shopping list, allowing the user
to plan a long term schedule, but create the shopping list for
smaller periods of time.
The shopping list shows all the ingredints required by all the
recipes planned for the schedule period and with the amounts of each
ingredient required. The list can be edited and printed. Master Chef
keeps information about store quantities and measurements, stores at
which the items can be purchased, locations within each store, and
the prices of each item. Master Chef can also use "common items"
which may be non-food items that you periodically need to shop for.
When printed, the shopping list is sorted by store and location in
each store, showing the subtotals of the costs per store, and the
total cost.
Master Chef is completely user configurable, and supports about 100
different printers.
Master Chef can assist anyone who prepares meals, from homemakers, to
restaurant chefs, to institutional dieticians. Easy to learn, simple
and quick to use, it will be a real time saver in your kitchen!
System Requirements:
Any 80x86 based processor.
1 MB minimum installed, with 580 K Minimum available.
At least 3 MB of disk space.
Any (Monochrome, CGA, EGA, VGA, SVGA, etc.)
MS-DOS 3.0 or later. DR-DOS 5.0 or later.
-Microsoft Mouse version 6.1 or later compatible mouse.
-Logitech Mouse version 3.4 or later.
-Mouse Systems PC Mouse version 6.22 or later.
-IMSI mouse version 6.11 or later.
Any IBM compatible "AT" or "Extended" keyboard.
* Fully integrated recipe, meal plan, diet plan, schedule, and shopping
list manager.
* Mouse-smart windowed user interface.
* Extensive context-sensitive on-line documentation
* Can have any number of recipe files on disk.
* Each recipe file can hold over 800 recipes
* Exclusive Recipe Filter feature allows listing recipes by 4 different
* Each recipe can hold 30 ingredients
* Each recipe has 1500 characters for instructions
* Feature-packed instruction text editor
* Each recipe tracks servings, serving sizes, 10 food exchanges, and 20
* Each recipe is scalable to any number of servings.
* Total Cost and Cost Per Serving computed for each recipe.
* Used as the pattern for the meal schedule
* Can have any number of meal plans on disk.
* Each meal plan can have up to 6 meals defined
* 15 courses per meal
* Can define the default number of servings for each course
* Can define the "goal" food exchanges for each meal.
* Can have any number of schedules on disk.
* Each schedule can have up to 93 days in it.
* Each day of the schedule can have 6 meals
* Each meal can have up to 15 courses
* Each course can have the number of servings defined.
* Food exchanges and nutrients are tracked for each meal of each day.
* Schedule starting date can be changed anytime.
* Schedule length can be changed anytime.* AutoSchedule feature automatically schedules recipes for any meal,
day, or schedule.
* Use any meal plan to change the meals and courses defined for any meal
already scheduled.
* Individual course and meal names can be customized.
* Total Cost and Cost Per Serving computed for each meal and each day.
* Can be automatically created from any schedule.
* Any portion of a schedule can be used to create the list.
* Any item in the list can be edited or deleted.
* Items can be added at any time
* Maintains a list of "Common Items" (non-ingredient items that need to
be on the shopping list).
* Printed list is sorted by store and location in the store.
* Printed list includes costs per store and total cost.
* Comes with over 800 ingredients.
* Each ingredient tracks 20 nutrients.
* Each ingredient tracks recipe and store measurements
* Each ingredient can have the store, location, and cost defined.
* Has a complete predefined measurement and conversion system.
* New measurement and conversion systems can be defined by the user.
* Has lists of Categories, Meals, Courses, Stores, and Food Exchanges.
* All lists can be user modified.
* Food Exchange names and formulas can be user defined.
* Automatically resizes measurments as necessary.
* Provided with a list of 100 commonly used printers.
* Provides 9 different forms to print.
* Each printed form can be sent to either printer or a user defined disk
* Each form's print characteristics can be user customized.
R e g i s t r a t i o n I n f o r m a t i o n :
For complete user registration information and prices please refer
to the REGISTER.DOC text file.
Other Products Available:
User Friendly Satellite Tracking Package for tracking any
earth orbit satellite (weather, amateur radio, military,
foreign, etc.). Tracks up to 8 satellites simultaneously in
vivid 3D graphics.
Master Meal Manager
Master Meal Manager is a smaller meal planning program
that is good for use on smaller systems. It provides the
same three basic kitchem management function that Master
Chef provides (recipe, schedule, shopping list management)
but on a much smaller scale.
Author/Publisher Information:
Thomas C. Johnson is a Computer Systems Analyst for the world's largest
employer and has been producing user-friendly, practical software for the
shareware market since 1989.
He has also been involved in custom programming / systems consulting since
1982, encompasing a wide variety of fields. He is the owner of
Acme Workshops.
Please feel free to contact him any time if you have any questions, comments,
suggestions, or custom programming needs. He can be reached at the
following address:
Thomas C. Johnson
9920 S. Palmer Rd.
New Carlisle, Oh. 45344
Compuserve Id: