The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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README.DOC - FTP Readme file 01/Apr/92
Thank you for your purchase of FTP, the Family Tree Print Utility. This
version (GEDd) is compatible with GEDCOM data files compatible with the LDS
church's Personal Ancestral File. This disk contains the following files:
README.DOC - This file
GEDP.EXE - The FTP program file
GED2FTP.BAT - Batch file to build INDIVGED.FTP from GEDCOM data.
GEDCNVRT.EXE - Program to convert data to FTP format.
GEDCONV.EXE - Program which reads in GEDCOM data file and processes.
GRAMMAR.DAT - GEDCOM format file needed by GEDCONV.EXE.
DOSFONT.PRT - PostScript printer driver.
A few comments about installation:
Hard disk users need only to copy all the files to the same subdirectory
as the GEDCOM file; we take care of the rest.
Floppy users have several options. If sufficient space exists on the A: or
B: drive, the files may be copied there. In order to have a minimal impact on
the amount of space available on these disks however, the files can be copied to
their own disk. To run in this configuration, place FTP in the A: drive and
type "GEDP" <ret>. The program will load and ask where the file INDIVGED.FTP
can be found. Insert the two (or one if single floppy user) disk(s) into
the drive(s) and remove the FTP diskette. Answer the prompt with the correct
drive where INDIVGED.FTP can be found (usually A:), and we'll go from there.
* * * * N O T E * * * *
You CANNOT RUN GEDP until you have first run GED2FTP! This program takes your
GEDCOM database file and creates a new file suitable for use with FTP. See
the manual for more information.
Enjoy the program and please take a few minutes to read the manual provided
so that you can get the most out of FTP. We welcome your written suggestions
on how to improve FTP. Thank you again for your purchase.