The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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M e ga C A D
The Efficient Program for
Drawing and Constructing
MegaCAD is a highly efficient CAD program for professional use.
This program is not a public domain software or "freeware". All
rights are reserved by the program's author. MegaCAD's Shareware
Version is restricted in various points as in comparison to the
full version. Several additional modules provided with the full
version are not included. Nevertheless this is not a demo version,
but a fully functioning programm.
The software was developed by MEGATECH Software GmbH. MEGATECH
is a software house for graphical computer programs located in West
Berlin, FRG, specialised in the field of construction and
Much capital has to be invested for the development of good CAD
programs of this quality, so they obviously cannot be sold as
low-cost programs at dumping prices. Furthermore, it always takes
quite some time to become familiar with a program of this quality
and complexity. It may take only a couple of minutes to get a
first impression, but before buying it, you would surely want to be
totally convinced of its efficiency and whether the software is
suited for your daily use.
Many CAD programs have to be sold at a high consumer price due
to costly sales negotiations and program demonstrations by the
Shareware is a unique marketing concept which avoids high
marketing costs and simultaneously offers the possibility of buying
software without any risks. Many software companies in the USA
have been using this concept successfully for a couple of years
This shareware version is meant to convince the buyer that the
full version is an excellent product. The interested customer has
the unique opportunity to test MegaCAD on his own hardware. Surely
you don't mind that the shareware version is restricted as in
comparison to the full version.
Many PC users will find the capabilities of this shareware
version to be sufficient. For professional use, though, it will be
necessary to acquire the full version in order to be able to use
the product in an economical manner.
It is permitted and also desirable to hand on the absolutely
free and therefore non-commercial shareware version. In this case
it is not allowed to charge a commission for copying or other
Commercial distribution or charge-free handing-on in connection
with hardware or software is only allowed with written permission
from MEGATECH Software GmbH or the distributor Kirschbaum Software
GmbH. Among other reasons this measure is to avoid the
distribution of no longer current shareware versions. Although the
information provided on MegaCAD's Shareware Diskette should be
sufficient, we would like to ensure professional consultation by
the shareware supplier.
For more information please contact :
Kirschbaum Software GmbH
Kronau 15, D-8091 Emmering b. Wbg.
West Germany
Tel. 08067/1016
Fax. 08067/1053
As Megacad is continuosly being developed, the functions and
the arrangement of the software are subject to change without prior
notice. Our shareware users' requests and experiences are of vital
importance for further development of our software. We are
therefore open to your suggestions and/or complaints.
Differences in the full version vs.
the shareware version
1. Dimensioning module with no restrictions
2. Hatching module with no restrictions
3. Text with various fonts
Additional fixed fonts using vectors, and a program
enabling you to generate and edit fonts of your own.
4. Plotter driver
Drawing output on all common plotters, with a plotter
program for the arrangement of drawings and details of
drawings, simulated on the screen.
5. Laser Driver
for all HP compatible laser printers.
6. Printer Driver
for high resolution output up to 360*360, in color on
all common printers.
7. Interface for Desk-top Publishing Program
graphical adoption in HP GL format
8. No restrictions on editing functions
9. Memory space not restricted by paging on hard disk
or EMS memory after 4.0
10. Coordinate Interface not restricted
11. Reading and generating of DXF formats
12. Window driven menu program
In order to work with the modules mentioned above, the full
version of Megacad must be purchased.
Important Information for a Fast Lead-in
- Program Installation
On the Shareware Diskette you will find the file
'INSTALL.BAT'. This program is used for installing MegaCAD.
For installation you have to enter the graphic card in use,
and where MegaCAD is to be stored.
Insert Shareware Diskette 1 into disk drive A: and type
the following at the DOS-prompt :
MegaCAD requires a hard disk for installation.
Basic requirements for the use of MegaCAD include DOS 2.1
or higher, a Microsoft compatible mouse, at least 512 KByte
RAM, and an EGA or Hercules graphic card.
Versions for other graphic cards (such as Olivetti) are
available on request.
We strongly recommend the use of a fixed disk, as only
with a hard disk is it possible to make full use of the
program's efficiency. In addition you should use an AT, even
better a 386. MegaCAD automatically uses the co-processors
8087, 80287 and 80387 if installed, increasing the speed 10
to 20-fold, depending on the application.
- Getting started
at the DOS-prompt for EGA or Hercules graphic card.
During the installation a file named MEGACAD.INI is
created where search paths for drawings and macros are
stored. This file is automatically created on installation,
but it can be modified using an editor.
- Example for CONFIG.DAT:
PRT:C: MEGACAD PRT *.PRT /* Drawing path */
MAC:C: MEGACAD MAC *.MAC /* macro path */
CDL:C:\MEGACAD CDL *.CDL /* coordinates file path */
FNT:C:\MEGACAD TFONT*.FNT /* path text font */
MAS:C:\MEGACAD TFONT*.FNT /* path measure font */
TMP:C:\*.TMP /* disk drive TEMP file */
SPE:8 /* mouse speed */
MOV:10 /* number of moved elements */
CAL:1 /* calculator */
DEG:360 /* 'degrees' per full circle */
MOD:MODE : 0 VGA /* graphic mode */
BIO:0012 0000 0000 0000 /* BIOS +calls */
DIM:639 479 16 30 80 /* card parameter */
RET:10.8*8.1 /* display monitor */
Some mice are too fast or too slow. You can modify the speed
of the mouse movement by entering a number between 1 and 10 in the
line starting with SPE, 1 being the slowest speed, 10 the highest.
The value is preset to maximum speed.
And now a short software description. Please excuse that for
now, only a description outline is available.
Every user will certainly find it easy to get started with
MegaCAD due to the consequent use of graphic symbols. It is
unfortunately not possible to realize all of the possibillities of
the program by the window driven shell alone, or even by reading
the following abridged instruction manual.
Abridged MegaCAD Instructions on Diskette
The Mouse Control
All Microsoft compatible mice are supported. The mouse buttons
are always occupied by the functions 'select' and 'delete' (cancel
The left button is always used for choosing one of the options
on the menue or for confirming a drawing function.
The right button cancels a function, either going back one step
for a new choice, or cancelling the function altogether.
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ │
│ │left │ │right │ │
│ └──────┘ └──────┘ │
│ │
┌─────┘ └─────┐
selection button cancelling button
Starting the program
The program is started by entering MEGA. Please note that the
mouse driver must be loaded !
The entry menue and the mouse cursor appear, which will
displayed as '█'.
"Entry Menu"
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░M░ │
│░E░ │
│░N░ █ │
│░U░ │
│░E░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
On the left side of the screen/display monitor you find the
menue selection strip. This strip is used for choosing the various
selection menues.
The lower two lines are reserved for program output.
In the last line the program tells you, what it expects you to
do next, depending on the current function.
One line above this there is a short explanation of the
currently active command. If, for example, you choose the option
'points' and the mode 'end points' is active, this line reads
'points - end points'
The current drawing or macro name is also displayed on this
In the lower right-hand corner of the screen the coordinates of
the cursor position are displayed. The position appears in X and Y
The Selection Strip
This field is not part of the drawing area, but is used for
selecting functions. In order to choose a selection menue, move
the mouse cursor to the menue field. A window with the function
options is displayed.
The window is erased my moving out of the menues into the
drawing area, or by pressing the left button on the mouse.
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░M░ │
│░E░ │
│░N░ │
│░U░ │
│░E░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░┼ <--- Origin │
When the program is started, the origin is located on a 1:1
scale in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Mode Selection
When a function is active, the mode strip appears in place of
the selection strip on the left side of the screen. This area is
always accessible when it appears. This gives you the opportunity
of selecting the position of your drawing elements according to
various criteria. For further information on mode selection see
the chapter "Modes".
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░M░ │
│░O░ │
│░D░ <------ █ For mode selection, move the │
│░U░ mouse into this area │
│░S░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
The 'Mode' Options
The mode selection strip on the left side of the screen appears
in all active drawing functions like points, lines, rectangles,
circles, arcs, and in generating text, inserting macros and saving
macros while setting a reference point.
When accessed by the mouse on the lower left, this strip
displays a list of graphical symbols which describe mathematical
operations the program performs upon command. These mathematical
operations are to help you construct a drawing. For instance, the
program finds the end or centre point of an element. After
selecting a symbol you only need to select the desired element by
mouse; the position is found automatically.
It is at all times possible to re-select the options in the
mode strip. You could, for example, begin a line as the center of
an arc, then switch to the 'end points' option, and catch the end
point of a rectangle line, etc.
On the mode strip you also find the options 'return to main
menue' (top), 'back one menue item', and 'change line type or
In the following illustration, the fields of the mode select
window are represented by numbers, there are graphical symbols on
the screen. The following descriptions refer to the numbers in the
cursor free --> │ │ │ <-- cursor on grid
│ 1 │ 8 │
catch points --> │ │ │ <-- catch center point
│ 2 │ 9 │
catch end point --> │ │ │ <-- distance to element
│ 3 │ 10 │
catch elements --> │ │ │ <-- distance from element
│ 4 │ 11 │
catch intersect. --> │ │ │ <-- intersect. point, 2 elements
│ 5 │ 12 │
catch tangent point-> │ │ │ <-- tangent point, 2 elements
│ 6 │ 13 │
keyboard input -> │ │ │ <-- multiple generation
│ 7 │ 14 │
1. With this field the catching of grid points is turned of.
You can now move the mouse cursor freely in the drawing area
and position or select any arbitrary drawing element.
2. The catching of points is activated by the second field. The
cursor of the mouse turns into a square. All points within
this square are automatically found by the program.
3. Calculation of end points of lines and arcs. The area around
the selected lines and and arcs is taken into account. It is
not necessary to select the element exactly at the end point;
just get close to it.
4. 'Elements' is a special function. This function helps you
with element points that are not clearly defined, but are to
be connected to another drawing element. If, for example,
the end point of a line is not clearly defined, but is to lie
on an arc at a freely defined position, select this function.
Move the mouse cursor to the immediate proximity of the point
where the line is to be connected to the arc. After pressing
the left button, the program automatically finds a point in
the cursor area located on the arc, and connects the line
with the arc. This is of course possible with all other
drawing elements.
5. This field causes the calculation of intersecting points of
two drawing elements. The possibilities are: intersecting
points of two lines, a line and a circle, a line and an arc,
two circles, and a circle and an arc. Move the mouse cursor
to the immediate proximity of the desired intersecting point,
then press the left button of the mouse. If no intersecting
point is found, the following message is displayed :
░░ no elements in cursor area ░░
░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░ cancel ░░
6. Finding a tangent point of a line and a circle (or arc).
Move the mouse cursor to the immediate proximity of the
tangent point and press the left button of the mouse. The
point is calculated. If the program does not find a tangent
point, an error message is displayed. If a tangent point
must exist in that area, try again.
7. With this option you can enter an X-Y coordinate for an
element point via keyboard. The following coordinate
dialogue window appears:
▓▓ Input ▓▓
▓▓ X-Value: 0.00 <--
▓▓ Y-Value: ▓▓
▓▓ OK ▓▓▓ cancel ▓▓
With this method all points can be exactly described, or
lines can be defined from coordinate to coordinate. The
entries are confirmed in the 'OK' field. Exit the function
by selecting the 'cancel' field.
To enter element points in polar coordinates, select the
field 'polar'. In general, the inputted data refers to the
origin X0, Y0.
It is also possible to enter the coordinates
incrementally. Select the field 'incremental'. The program
now asks you to set a reference point. Choose the reference
point via mode selection from which the values entered are to
be calculated.
Now enter the distance of the element point from the origin,
and the angle. Confirm the entry by selecting the 'OK'
field. Exit the function by selecting the 'back' field.
8. This field turns the grid on. This is also the default state
for all drawing functions unless turned off in the grid
window. All selected element points are now put onto the
defined grid.
9. With this selection you can catch the center points of
drawing elements. The program finds the center of lines
(including rectangle lines), circles and arcs.
10. With this option you can catch an element with a fixed
distance (angle, when applied to arcs) from the end point of
the element. This distance or angle is entered, The desired
end point is selected beforehand in its immediate proximity.
11. With this function you can catch a point with a given
distance to an element. A point on the element is selected
in the selected area of the element, and a perpendicular with
the given distance is created on this point. The end point
of the perpendicular is the resulting point.
12. This field causes the calculation of intersecting points of
two drawing elements. The possibilities for intersecting
points are: two lines; a line and a circle; a line and an
arc; two circles; and a circle and an arc. The two
elements are selected one after another. The desired
intersecting point is calculated.
13. Finding a tangent point of a line and a circle (or arc).
Both elements are selected one after another.
14. With this option you can create multifold elements. Enter
the number of elements and their distance to each other.
Several elements are then generated with their respective
distances from one another.
Mode Selection of an Object
The mode selection of an object (drawing element) is necessary
for selecting objects for editing, such as deleting elements
individually, the entire screen, all elements in one window, etc.
In contrary to the previously described mode selection of
coordinates, there is no calculation of coordinates, but a
manipulation of existing drawing elements. This manipulation
consists mainly of functions like changing the color, line type,
text attributes, the shifting of elements, the selection of an
outline for hatching, etc.
In all these functions the mode selection can be performed in
the mode field in the lower left-hand corner.
Example: Changing the colors of elements
Select the option EDIT in the main menue, then the function
COLOR in the EDIT window. Define the new color and activate
the function by selecting the text 'COLOR'. The program now
asks for the element to be manipulated. When the mode field
is accessed, the mode selection window appears. If, for
example, you select the option SCREEN, all elements on the
screen are changed to the new color.
Elements can be masked off via the upper fields the mode
selection window to prevent a certain element type from being
The Main Menu :
All the basic functions of MegaCAD are listed in the main menu,
which is accessed by moving the mouse into the selection strip on
the left side of the screen. All options are selected by pressing
the left button of the mouse.
░░ Points ░░
░░ Lines ░░
░░ Circles ░░
░░ Arcs ░░
░░ Text ░░
░░ Dimensioning ░░
░░ Hatching ░░
░░ Grid ░░
░░ Macro ░░
░░ Drawing ░░
░░ Seperate ░░
░░ Erase ░░
░░ Redraw ░░
░░ Zoom ░░
░░ Edit ░░
░░ Layer ░░
░░ Defaults ░░
░░ Group ░░
░░ Exit ░░
In the following chapter you will find a detailed description
of each menu item.
1. Points
The following options can be selected in the point selection
- points individually
- points as segments on elements
- points with given angle on circles
- star-shaped dot patterns
- points as corners of polygons
- points as a net between elements
1. Points individually (free)
The definition of points FREE is determined by the
possibilities of the mode options.
After selecting the options you can define the points
- free points
- points on a grid
- center points of lines, arcs and circles
- points as end points of lines and arcs
- points on elements in the cursor area
- points as intersecting points
- points as tangential points of a line and a
- points by direct entry of coordinates
- points in polar coordinates
The mode 'select' is activated by selecting the option
2. Points as segments on elements
Each element, be it a line, a circle or an arc, can be
split into several segments of the same size by the
SEGMENT function. Enter the desired number of segments
and select the elements.
3. Points with a defined angle on circles
Select this function in order to define points on
circles with a defined angle as in relation to the zero
angle. Enter the desired angle of the point, and select
the circle.
4. Star-shaped dot patterns
With this function a star-shaped dot pattern is
generated. Please note the instructions in the help
5. Points as a polygon
This function creates a polygon consisting of points.
After entering the values in the window, the center
point has to be defined via mode selection.
6. Points as a net between elements
This function generates a net of dots between two
elements, such as lines, circles and arcs. Enter the
desired number of net segments, and then select the
elements in the proximity of one of their end points.
The end points should be located opposite to each
Attention! In the shareware version, the number of
segments is limited to five.
2. Lines
There are many different ways of defining lines in MegaCAD In
the line window you will find the following options:
- lines, modus selection FREE
- lines tangent circle circle
- lines horizontal
- lines horizontal/vertical
- bisecting line of an angle
- line at distance
- net of lines
- freehand line
- tangent, point and line
- tangent, circle with angle
- line vertical
- rectangle
- angle, two lines
- perpendicular to line
- polygon consisting of lines
- spline
1. Lines, mode selection FREE
The definition of a line FREE is also determined by the
possibilities of mode options. By selecting mode
options, lines can be defined as:
- free from cursor position to cursor position
- from grid point to grid point
- from center point of element to center point of
- from element to element in cursor area
- from end point of one element to end point of
another element
- connection of intersecting points of elements
- connection of tangent points of a line and a
- parallel lines
- end point with free coordinate entry
- start and end point in polar coordinates
All possibilities are interchangeable , thus a multitude
of line definitions are available.
2. Line as a tangent to two circles
With this option a tangent betwenn two circles is
gereated. The created tangent depends on the points
selected on the circle. Press the mouse button on the
circles in the proximity of the tangent points.
3. Horizontal lines
Draws a horizontal line. The line is limited by the
screen, i.e. it is constructed from one end of the
screen to the other. The line can be positioned by mode
4. Lines horizontal/vertical
Draws horizontal and vertical lines. The lines are
limited by the screen, i.e. they are constructed from
one end of the screen to the other. The lines can be
positioned by mode selection.
5. Line at bisecting angle
Creates a line between two lines at half the angle
between those two lines. The length of the line is
entered, which can be negative, causing the line to be
generated in the opposite direction.
6. Parallel line in given distance
This function creates a line at a defined distance from
a line. The distance of the new line is entered. Then
select the reference line and move the mouse to that
side of the line, on which the new line is to be
created. Then press the left button of the mouse again.
7. Net of lines
This function generates a net of lines between two
elements, which can be lines, circles or arcs. Enter
the desired number of net segments and select the
elements in the proximity of an end point. The end
points should be located opposite to each other.
Attention! In the shareware version, the number of
segments is limited to five.
8. Freehand line
Creates a 'curved' line by moving the mouse and
simultaneously keeping the left button pressed. The
line can be generated either in grid modus or in free
modus. The line is saved as an individual element.
9. Tangent point to circle
With this option a tangential line to a circle origining
in a point is created. First, select the point The
created tangent depends on where the circle is selected,
so press the mouse button on the circle in the proximity
of the tangent point.
10. Tangent on circle with angle
With this option, a tangential line with a given angle
is created on a circle. First the angle is entered.
The created tangent depends on where the circle is
selected, so press the mouse button on the circle in the
proximity of the tangent point. The line is then drawn
and limited from one end of the screen to the other.
11. Line vertical
Draws a vertical line. The line is limited by the
screen, i.e. it is constructed from one end of the
screen to the other. The line can be positioned by mode
12. Rectangle
This function draws a rectangle from a defined starting
point. The starting point is set by the mouse cursor.
Then the rectangle can be drawn up to the desired size
by moving the mouse in all four directions. The
rectangle is confirmed by pressing the left button of
the mouse.
For setting the start and end points, again all
possiblities of mode selection are available.
13. Angle line to line
Draws a line at a defined angle to a reference line.
The lines created always have the same length as the
reference line. The angle can be entered as a positive
or negative value. The created line is defined by the
angle and the selected point on the reference line.
14. Perpendicular to line
'Perpendicular to line' draws a line which meets the the
reference line at a 90° angle. The length of the
perpendicular line is entered as a positive or negative
value. The location of the perpendicular on the
reference line is defined by this entry.
15. Polygon of lines
This function generates a polygon consisting of lines.
After entering the values in the window, the center
point of the polygon has to be defined by mode
selection. The radius of the polygon can refer to the
inside or outside of the polygon, depending on the
selection in the input window.
16. Splines
MegaCAD offers five sorts of splines.
Attention! The shareware version offers option 1
A spline is defined by any number of supporting points.
Set the supporting points via mode selection. MegaCAD
then prompts you for the number of supporting points to
be calculated in between the ones entered. Here we
recommend any number between 10 and 30. The spline is
stored as an individual element.
3. Circles
In MegaCAD there are many ways to define a circle.
In combination with the possibilities of free mode selection
a great number of definition options are available.
The selection is performed on a selection menu with graphical
symbols. We chose this form of selection in order to support
easy learning of the program (according to our experience)
and to meet the demand for easy operation with maximum
In the following illustration, the options for defining
circles are represented by numbers, there are graphical
symbols on the screen. The following descriptions refer to
the numbers in the sketch.
Centerpoint and radius--> │ │ │ <-- two points aun radius
│ 1 │ 8 │
Center and edge point --> │ │ │ <-- Centerpoint and tangent
│ 2 │ 10 │
through three points --> │ │ │ <-- 2 points, tangent to line
│ 3 │ 11 │
Tangent L. L. with R. --> │ │ │ <-- 2 points,tangent to circle
│ 4 │ 12 │
Tangent C. C. with R. --> │ │ │ <-- tangent to three lines
│ 5 │ 13 │
Tangent L. C. with R. --> │ │ │ <-- with distance to circle
│ 6 │ 14 │
Point + tangential L. --> │ │ │ <-- Input X-Y-R
│ 7 │ 15 │
Point + tangential C. --> │ │ │ <-- Input M,A,R Polar
│ 8 │ 16 │
1. Centerpoint and radius
The circle is defined by entering a radius and then
selecting the centerpoint using the mouse.
2. Center point and edge point
The circle is defined by selecting the centerpoint and
an arbitrary edge point using the mouse. The radius is
calculated automatically.
3. Through three points
The circle is defined by selecting three points on its
perimeter. The radius value is calculated
4. Tangent to two lines with defined radius
A circle tangential to two lines is created. The lines
are selected by mouse. The radius, which is also needed
for the calculation, is entered either via keyboard or
is determined by mode selection.
5. Tangent to two circles with defined radius
A circle is defined as a tangential circle to two other
circles. The circles are selected by mouse. The
radius, which is also needed for the calculation, is
entered either via keyboard or is determined by mode
6. Tangent to a line and a circle with defined radius
A circle is defined as a tangential circle to a line and
a circle. The line and the circle are selected by
mouse. The radius, which is also needed for the
calculation, is entered either via keyboard or is
determined by mode selection.
7. Point and tangential to a line and radius
The circle crosses a point and is tangential to a line.
The elements are selected by mouse. The radius, which
is also needed for the calculation, is entered either
via keyboard or is determined by mode selection.
8. Point and tangential to a circle and defined radius
The circle crosses a point and is tangential to a
circle. The elements are selected by mouse. The
radius, which is also needed for the calculation, is
entered either via keyboard or is determined by mode
9. Two points and defined radius
The circle crosses two points. The points are selected
by mouse. The radius, which is also needed for the
calculation, is entered either via keyboard or is
determined by mode selection.
10. Center point and tangent
The circle is defined by its center point and is
tangential to a line. The line is selected by mouse.
The centerpoint is entered either via keyboard or is
determined by mode selection.
11. Point and tangent point on a line
The circle crosses two points its perimeter. One of the
points must be a line (tangent point). The radius is
calculated automatically. The points are selected by
12. Point and tangent point on a circle
The circle crosses two points. One of the points must
be on a circle (tangent point). The radius is
calculated automatically. The points are selected by
13. Circle to three tangential lines
The circle is tangential to three lines. The radius is
calculated automatically. The lines are selected by
14. With distance to existing circle
This function draws a circle around or within an
existing circle. The radius of the new circle is
determined by the distance from the previous circle.
The distance can be entered positive for an outer circle
or negative for an inner circle, or it is defined by
mode selection.
15. Input X-Y-R
The circle is defined by entering the coordinates of the
center point and the radius via keyboard.
16. Input (M,A,R polar)
The circle is defined by entering the center point in
polar coordinates plus the radius via keyboard.
Attention! All functions that cannot be accessed, are
available only in the full version.
4. Arcs
With MegaCAD there are many ways of defining arcs. The
number of definition possibilities is enhanced by the free
mode selection.
The selection is performed in a selection window with
graphical symbols.
In the following illustration, the options for defining arcs
are represented by numbers, there are graphical symbols on
the screen. The following descriptions refer to the numbers
in the sketch.
Centerpoint R. A. A. --> │ │ │ <-- Centerpoint R. A. A. T.
│ 1 │ 8 │
Centerpoint D. A. A. --> │ │ │ <-- Tangent L. C. R. A. A.
│ 2 │ 9 │
two points and angle --> │ │ │ <-- By Distance to arc, D+-
│ 3 │ 10 │
three points --> │ │ │ <-- Tangent C. C. R. A. A.
│ 4 │ 11 │
Center and edge point --> │ │ │ <-- touching 3 lines, A. A.
│ 5 │ 12 │
│ │ │
Tangential to circle --> │ 6 │ 13 │ <-- Tangential to end of Line
│ │ │
Arc polar --> │ 7 │ 14 │ <-- Tangential to two lines
1. Center point, radius, start and end angles
Defines an arc after entering the center point, the
radius and the start and end angles of the arc. The
entry can be performed via keyboard or by mode
2. Center point, diameter, start and end angles
Defines an arc by entering the center point and the
diameter, plus the start and end angles of the arc. The
entry can be performed via keyboard or by mode
3. Two points and angle
This arc is defined by entering both end points and the
angle enclosed by the two points. The points are
selected via mouse, with free modus selection.
4. Three points
The arc is defined by entering both end points and one
point on the arc. The radius is calculated
5. Centerpoint and edge point
Here, the centerpoint and one of the end points of the
arc are entered. The second end point is defined via
selection by mouse. MegaCAD now asks you, which of the
two possible arcs you want. Select the desired arc
using the mouse.
6. Tangent to circle
This function draws an arc as a tangential continuation
of another arc. The program asks you to select the arc.
Then the following appears in the dialogue window:
▒▒ ARCS ▒▒
▒▒ Tangential ▒▒
▒▒ Radius : 5.00 <-- Enter Radius
▒▒ Angle : 0.00 ▒▒ <-- Starting and increment angle
▒▒ ▒▒
▒▒ + - ▒▒ <-- Increase or reduce size
▒▒ Angle : 10.0 ▒▒ <-- Current angle
▒▒ OK ▒ Cancel ▒▒ <-- leave function with Cancel
First the arc radius and angle are entered. It is
possible to state the immediate end angle. The program
then draws the arc up to the end angle entered. If,
however, you enter a small angle of let's say one
degree, the end angle can be modified by pressing the
'+' or '-' keys after selecting the 'OK' field.
The arc is confirmed by selecting the 'OK' field and is
then drawn in its final position. Exit this function
via the 'cancel' field.
7. Arc in polar coordinates
Same as in '1.', except the center point is in polar
8. Center point, radius, start and end angles, tangent
Defines an arc by entering the center point, the radius
and the start and end angles. The entry is performed
via keyboard. The program displays a dialogue window.
9. Tangent, line, circle, radius, start and end angles
This arc is defined as a tangent to a circle and a line.
The radius and the start and end angles are entered via
keyboard or by mode selection. Both elements, the line
and the circle, are selected using the mouse.
10. With distance from arc D+-
Draws an arc with a defined distance from an existing
arc. The distance can be entered as a positive or
negative value. The entry can be performed via keyboard
or by mode selection.
11. Tangent, two circles, radius, start and end angles
This arc is defined as a tangent to two circles. The
radius and the start and end angles are entered via
keyboard or by mode selection. The two circles are
selected using the mouse.
12. Touching three lines, start and end angles
Drawing an arc as a tangent to three lines. The start
and end angles of the arc are to be entered. The radius
is calculated by the program. Select the lines using
the mouse.
13. Tangent to a line
This function draws an arc as a tangential continuation
of a line. The program prompts you to select a line
using the mouse. Then the dialogue window is displayed.
First, the radius, then the angle of the arc are
entered. It is possible to enter the actual end angle.
The program then draws the arc up to the entered angle.
If, however, you enter a small angle of let's say one
degree, the end angle can be modified to the desired
size by pressing the '+' and '-' keys after selecting
the 'OK' field.
The arc is confirmed by selecting the 'OK' field and is
then drawn in its final position. Exit the function by
selecting the 'cancel' field.
14. Tangent to two lines
Two lines are selected by mouse, and the radius is
entered. Then the start and end angles are entered. If
the start and end angles are not entered, the desired
arc is selected using the mouse.
5. Input and display of text
The MegaCAD program enables you to enter and place text in
any position and angle in the drawing area on the screen. In
the shareware version you can select among four different
fonts. Moreover, the attributes of all fonts can be
In order to enter text, select the option "text" on the main
menue. The following entry possibilities appear in the
'text' window:
▓▓ Text ▓▓▓▓
▓▓ Font - No : ▓▓
▓▓ Text-height: 1 <--
▓▓ Text-width : .5 ▓▓
▓▓ Text-angle : 90 ▓▓
▓▓ DistanceL.X: .2 ▓▓
▓▓ DistanceL.Y:0.0 ▓▓
▓▓ angle-pos. : 0 ▓▓
▓▓ line of text ▓▓
▓▓ block of text ▓▓
▓▓ cancel ▓▓
The text font is defined by entering a number between 1 and
The height and width of the text, as well as the angle of the
letters can be modified.
The height and the width are entered in millimeters, the
angle of the letter in degrees.
The distance L.X defines the distance from one letter to
another in millimeters on the X axis.
The distance L.Y defines the distance from letter to letter
in millimeters on the Y axis. This entry enables you to
create text in a staircase shape.
The angle position defines the angle of the text relative to
the X axis. If, for example, you wish to place text in a
perpendicular position, enter an angle of 90 degrees.
Confirmation of 'text-line' prompts you for the entry of
text. MegaCAD displays a text entry window:
-->▓ ▓▓
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ OK ▓▓▓ cancel ▓▓▓▓▓
You can now enter the text, line by line. After selecting
the OK-field, the text can be positioned on the screen. For
this puspose, the line of text is represented by a rectangle
which has the exact size of the text and can be moved around
the screen with the mouse. All snap options in mode
selection are accessible.
Confirm the position for the text by pressing the left
button, cancel without writing the text by pressing the right
Note that not all fonts contain small letters.
The option 'text-block' works exactly the same, except that
here a full screen editor with capabilities of merging,
copying, replacing etc. is used for the input. Whole blocks
of text can saved or loaded and then placed on the screen.
ATTENTION: In the full version of MegaCAD, a window driven
font editor is included with which you create
as many fonts as you like according to your own
6: Dimensioning
Dimensioning is invoked by selecting the appropriate field in
the main window. The dimensioning window with many different
possiblities and settings is displayed.
The following options are available in this version :
- horizontal dimensioning
- vertical dimensioning
- parallel dimensioning
- dimensioning a diameter
- dimensioning a radius
- dimensioning an angle
- dimension value left, right or middle
- type of arrows
- dimensioning of distance
- absolute dimensioning
- incremental dimensioning
- edit dimensioning
- modify dimensioning positions
- modify dimensioning dimension
When you select a non-active function, a corresponding
message appears.
These options are selected using the mouse. Just like in
other functions, the mode selection is a great help in
defining the dimensioning. The dimensioning number is
displayed as a rectangle for positioning.
An example:
You wish to dimension incrementally, with the
dimensioning number in the center. You would like
circles as 'dimensioning arrows'.
1. Using the mouse, select the dimensioning arrow
2. Select the option 'incremental'.
3. Select the field 'dimensioning number center'.
The basic operation mode is now set. You can now select
the method of dimensioning (horizontal, etc.).
The program now switches into the mode area. By
selecting the center points, the end points, or
whatever, dimensions are set.
Exit the function by pressing the right button of the
mouse. The dimensioning window for modification of the
dimensioning method appears.
7. Hatching (Crosshatch shading)
With MegaCAD there are many ways of hatching of an area. We
are going to explain the option of hatching a outline, since
this is the main application.
The function hatching is selected via the 'hatching' symbol
on the main menue. Then the hatching selection window
appears. In this window you select the desired hatching
Attention! In the shareware version only type 7 is
Enter the desired distance of the hatching, plus the angle.
The function is activated via the 'OK' field. The program
switches to mode selection. Move the mouse to the lower
left-hand corner of the screen. The mode selection window is
displayed. Select the option 'outline'. You are now
prompted to select the start and end elements of the outline.
Please note that only a closed outline can be used to build a
MegaCAD now selects the outline automatically. If there are
intersecting points with other elements on the outline,
MegaCAD asks for the next element on the outline. The
element found last is marked with a circle.
Islands are selected after the outer outline for hatching,
circles must be selected twice. When all outlines are
selected, press the right button of the mouse. A crosshatch
can be erased as a whole or as individual elements. (each
line in the crosshatch).
8. Screen grids and catching grids
Grid points provide a visual help while constructing
drawings. They serve as an orientation for the dimensioning
system of the drawing area.
For easier operation, the setting of grid points can be
modified. MegaCAD displays grid points as simple pixel
The calibration of the grid is entered in millimeters.
Using the 'catching' function, the program finds the point
positioned closest to the cursor when the left button of the
mouse is pressed in a drawing function. This point is used
as an element point.
The calibraton is chosen by selecting the corresponding field
in the window using the mouse.
The turning on/off of the catching and grid options is
performed by selecting the two fields using the mouse. The
on/off entry alternates accordingly.
Moreover you find the following options in the grid window:
- define measuring units
- modify keyboard reference point
- move/shift grid reference point
- set number of decimal digits
- set screen to match drawing sheet sizes according to DIN
- create star-shaped grids
- create angle grids
12. The macro management
Macros in the MegaCAD program are complete drawings which are
simply managed separately as macros. Often used drawings are
thus integrated easily and quickly into any other drawing.
Macros can be placed and integrated anywhere in the drawing
area. They can also be enlarged or reduced and rotated by an
In order to create a macro, select the option 'macro' on the
main menue. All drawings created by this function are named
with the extension .MAC on the data medium.
If you wish to declare an existing drawing as a macro, you
can just copy file at the DOS prompt DOS (COPY NAME.PRT
NAME.MAC). Please note the description at the end of this
▓▓ Macro ▓▓ <═══ The Macro-selection menu
▓▓ ▓▓ ========================
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ Management ▓▓
▓▓ View ▓▓
▓▓ Create/edit ▓▓
▓▓ Insert ▓▓
▓▓ Save ▓▓
▓▓ Delete ▓▓
▓▓ Print ▓▓
▓▓ clip ▓▓
▓▓ cancel ▓▓
Macro file list
The selection of a macro via the file list is invoked by
selecting the field 'file list' using the mouse. A
window with all existing macros on the data carrier is
displayed. The macros must be located in the
subdirectory created for this purpose at installation
If more macros exist than can be displayed at one time,
switch to the next or previous page by selecting the
fields <-- or -->.
A macro is chosen by selecting the macro name. by
pressing by pressing the left button of the mouse or by
pressing the return key while the name is inverted. The
name of the selected macro appears in the lower
right-hand corner of the window. If you want to choose
a different macro, simply select a new macro name.
Finish the selection by selecting the field 'return'.
The macro can now be inserted into the selection window
or into the drawing area, depending on the function you
│ │ ┌────────┴──────────┴──────────┴─────────┤
│ │ │ test1.MAC │
│ │ │ test2.MAC │
├──────────┼─┤ test3.MAC │
├──────────┴─┤ test4.MAC │
│░░░ │ test5.MAC │
│░M░ │ │
│░O░ │ │
│░D░ │ │
│░U░ │ │
│░S░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ <-- --> return .MAC │
View macros:
The function 'View macros' displays the desired macro in
the macro selection window located in the upper screen
area. This selection window always appears after
choosing the option 'macro' on the main menue. Five
macros can be displayed in the window at one time. Once
the macros are chosen, they are saved and preserved even
after exiting the program; they are available upon re-
initiation of the program. New macros are inserted by
modifying the window contents.
Now how do we get a macro into the selection window?
The program lets you choose one of four possibilities :
▓▓ Macro ▓▓
▓▓ View ▓▓ <--- After selecting the function
▓▓ ▓▓ view, this window appears.
══> ▓▓ Keyboard ▓▓ Select the desired method
══> ▓▓ Window ▓▓ of input.
══> ▓▓ File list ▓▓
══> ▓▓ File display ▓▓
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ cancel ▓▓ <--- Exit this fuction by selecting this
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ field.
1. View macros with keyboard input
This function calls a dialogue window for the program
name. You can now enter the desired macro name via
keyboard. The macro is then selected by pressing the
mouse on the 'OK' field.
▓▓ Macro ▓▓
▓▓ View ▓▓
▓▓ File name : ▓▓
▓▓ <--▓▓ <══ Enter macro name here
▓▓ OK ▓▓▓ cancel ▓▓ <══ Quit function with 'cancel'.
Now MegaCAD prompts you to select the area in the
selection window (at the top of the screen) where the
macro is to be displayed. Select the lower part of the
fields with the macro names :
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│░░░ ^ ^ │
│░M░ │ │ Select one of these │
│░E░ fields ! │
│░N░ │
│░U░ │
│░E░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
L: <<Select Window>>" R: <<Select window>>
After selecting the field, the macro is drawn, and the
selection menue is displayed.
2. View macro via window:
Here the macro selected in the selection window is to a
different position.
3. Select a macro from the file list:
The selection of a macro is also possible via the file
list. A selection window with all existing macro names
is displayed as explained in 'file list'. Select a
macro and place it into the desired window.
4. View macrosacro in a 'file display':
This function displays macros in a window. The
selection window appears, containing the graphics of the
existing macros. Select the macro using the mouse, and
position it in the drawing.
Creating macros
In order to create a macro, the 'create macro' function
must be invoked. Macros are managed separately aside
The selection of macros to be created is performed again
by the functions 'keyboard', 'window' and 'file list'.
New macro names can be entered, or existing macros can
be modified or over-written.
New macros are created by entering a macro name in the
'keyboard' function.
Existing macros can be selected by all three functions.
When selecting an existing macro, the following window
▓▓ File already exists ! ▓▓
▓▓ Overwrite ▓▓ <--- Move mouse cursor to
▓▓ change ▓▓ <--- a field and select
▓▓ new name ▓▓ <---
You can choose, whether a macro should be overwritten
(i.e. the existing macro is deleted and a new one is
created), whether you wish to modify (edit) a macro, or
whether you want to enter another name.
If you choose to over-write or modify, and there already
is a current drawing or macro, MegaCAD asks, whether the
existing drawing should be saved.
▓▓▓▓▓Save current file ?▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓▓ YES ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ NO ▓▓▓ <══ Select yes or no
ATTENTION! If NO is selected, all current data is lost !
Inserting macros
In order to insert a macro into a drawing, choose the
'insert' option.
The selection of the macro to be inserted is performed
by the functions 'keyboard', 'window', and 'file list'.
After having selected the macro name, you have the
option of modifying the macro size and angle. The
entries are performed in the window shown below. If no
modifications are desired, immediately select the 'OK'
field in the window. If the angle is to be modified,
enter the angle. The macro is saved on a 1:1 scale.
This scale can be changed by entering a factor.
> factor 0.5 corresponds to a scale 1:2
> factor 0.1 corresponds to a scale 1:10
> factor 2.0 corresponds to a scale 2:1
> factor 10.0 corresponds to a scale 10:1
▓▓ Macro ▓▓
▓▓ insert ▓▓
▓▓ rotate macro ▓▓
▓▓ Angle : 0.00 <--
▓▓ modify size ? ▓▓
▓▓ Factor: 1.00 ▓▓
▓▓ Macro name ▓▓ < if more than one macro was chosen
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ for selection
▓▓ OK ▓▓▓ cancel ▓▓
After having entered the desired data, the macro is
Each macro is given a reference point during the saving
process. Now place the mouse cursor onto the position
where the macro is to be inserted. The macro reference
point is positioned onto the mouse position.
You can let MegaCAD calculate the reference point For
this, all mode selection options are available. With
this method, you can select the center point, end point,
etc. of an element to serve as a reference point.
After having defined the position of the macro by
pressing the left mouse button, the macro is drawn.
Upon completion MegaCAD asks, whether the macro has been
inserted correctly.
▓▓▓▓▓ Macro ok ? ▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓▓ YES ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ NO ▓▓▓ <══ Select yes or no
If you select 'NO', the macro is deleted. In both cases
the window for modification of the macro data appears.
Once the macro is selected, in can be integrated again
until you select the 'cancel' function in the
modification window.
Saving macros
This function is needed for saving an existing macro.
Before saving a macro, a reference point has to be
selected. This reference point is used for positioning
a macro into a drawing. MegaCAD automatically asks for
the reference point. A reference point can be defined
by the options in the mode window. After defining the
reference point, it has to be confirmed. Only then the
macro is saved under the entered name.
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░M░ │
│░O░ │
│░D░ │
│░U░ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ │
│░S░ ▓▓ Reference pt ok ?▓▓ │
│░░░ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ │
│░░░ ▓▓ YES ▓▓▓▓▓ NO ▓▓▓ │
│░░░ ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
> Save-Macro-Grid Test.MAC X:45
L: <<Reference pt>> R: <<Reference pt>> Y:111
Print macros
With this function a simple hard copy is sent to an IBM
graphics printer. Please note that your printer has to
be set up accordingly, and be turned on.
13. Creating drawings
In order to create drawings, select the option 'drawing' on
the main menue. All drawings created in this function are
saved with the extension '.PRT'.
▓▓ Drawing ▓▓ <══ The drawing selection - menu
▓▓ ▓▓ ============================
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ Management ▓▓
▓▓ View ▓▓
▓▓ Create ▓▓
▓▓ Save ▓▓
▓▓ Delete ▓▓
▓▓ Print ▓▓
▓▓ Clip ▓▓
▓▓ cancel ▓▓
Drawing file list
The selection of a drawing via the file list is
performed by selecting the field 'file list'. A window
with all currently existing drawings is displayed.
If more drwings exist than can be displayed at one time,
switch to the next or previous page by selecting the
fields <-- or -->.
The desired drawing is chosen by selecting the drawing
name. The selection is performed by pressing the left
button of the mouse or by pressing the 'return' key.
The name of the selected drawing appears in the lower
right-hand corner of the window. If you wish to choose
a different drawing, simply select a new name.
Confirm the selection by selecting the field 'return'.
│ │ ┌────────┴──────────┴──────────┴─────────┤
│ │ │ test1.PRT │
│ │ │ test2.PRT │
├──────────┼─┤ test3.PRT │
├──────────┴─┤ test4.PRT │
│░░░ │ test5.PRT │
│░M░ │ │
│░O░ │ │
│░D░ │ │
│░U░ │ │
│░S░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ │
│░░░ │ <-- --> cancel .PRT │
View drawings
The function 'view drawings' displays the desired
drawing in the drawing selection window located in the
upper screen area. This selection window always appears
after choosing the option 'drawing' on the main menue.
Five drawings are displayed in the window at one time.
Once the drawings are chosen, they are saved and
preserved even after exiting the program; they are
available when the program is restarted. New drawings
are inserted by modifying the window contents.
How do we get a drawing into the selection window?
The program lets you choose one of three possibilities :
▓▓ Drawing ▓▓
▓▓ View ▓▓ <--- After selecting the function
▓▓ ▓▓ view, this window appears.
══> ▓▓ Keyboard ▓▓ Select the desired method
══> ▓▓ Window ▓▓ of input.
══> ▓▓ File list ▓▓
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ ▓▓
▓▓ cancel ▓▓ <--- Exit this fuction by selecting this
▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ field.
1. View drawings with keyboard input
This function calls a dialogue window for the program
name. You can now enter the desired drawing name via
keyboard. The drawing is then selected by pressing the
mouse on the 'OK' field.
▓▓ drawing ▓▓
▓▓ View ▓▓
▓▓ File name : ▓▓
▓▓ <--▓▓ <══ Enter macro name here
▓▓ OK ▓▓▓ cancel ▓▓ <══ Quit function with 'cancel'.
Now MegaCAD prompts you to select the area in the
selection window (at the top of the screen) where the
macro is to be displayed. Select the lower part of the
fields with the macro names :
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │
│░░░ ^ ^ │
│░M░ │ │ Select one of these │
│░E░ fields ! │
│░N░ │
│░U░ │
│░E░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
│░░░ │
L: <<Select Window>>" R: <<Select window>>
After selecting the field, the drawing is drawn, and the
selection menue is displayed.
Select a drawing from the file list:
The selection of a drawing is also possible via the file
list. A selection window with all existing drawings is
displayed as explained in 'file list'. Select a drawing
and place it into the desired window.
Creating drawings
In order to create a drawing, the 'create drawing'
function must be invoked.
The selection of the drawing to be created is performed
again by the functions 'keyboard', 'window' and 'file
New drawings can be entered, or existing drawings can be
modified or over-written.
New drawings are created by entering a name in the
'keyboard' function.
Existing drawings can be selected by all three
When selecting an existing drawing, the following window
▓▓ File already exists ! ▓▓
▓▓ Overwrite ▓▓ <--- Move mouse cursor to
▓▓ change ▓▓ <--- a field and select
▓▓ new name ▓▓ <---
You can choose, whether a drawing should be overwritten
(i.e. the existing drawing is deleted and a new one is
created), whether you wish to modify (edit) the drawing,
or whether you want to enter another name.
If you choose to over-write or modify, and there already
is a current drawing or macro, MegaCAD asks, whether the
existing drawing should be saved.
▓▓▓▓▓Save current file ?▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓▓ YES ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ NO ▓▓▓ <══ Select yes or no
ATTENTION! If NO is selected, all current data is lost !
Saving drawings
This function is needed for saving an existing macro.
Megacad prompts for a name, if one hasn't already been
if 'overwrite' was specified, the existing file is
Print drawing
See print macro
11. Separating drawing elements
The separating of drawing elements is used for later editing
of drawings. With this function, elements can be seperated
at certain places. The superfluous parts can be discarded in
the process.
For circles, which have not yet been separated, two
separation points are needed.
The separating of a circle now serves as an example. The
circle is divided into two halves by a line. Only one half
of the circle is needed for the drawing. The following steps
are necessary:
- Select the 'separate' function on the menue.
- Select the circle to be separated.
- Select the first intersecting point.
- Select the second intersecting point.
- Exit the function by pressing the right mouse
- Select the 'delete' function.
- Delete the superfluous arc by selecting it using the
12. Deleting elements
There are three methods for deleting elements:
1. Deleting individual elements
2. Deleting individual elements with masks
3. Deleting a section on the screen
▓▓ Delete ▓▓
▓▓ Text ON ▓▓ <--
▓▓ Points ON ▓▓ <--
▓▓ Lines ON ▓▓ <-- Mask elements not to be
▓▓ Rectangles ON ▓▓ <-- deleted
▓▓ Circles ON ▓▓ <--
▓▓ Arcs ON ▓▓ <--
▓▓ Dimensions ON ▓▓ <--
▓▓ individual ▓▓ <-- delete individual elements (Masked or free)
▓▓ Screen ▓▓ <-- delete whole visible area
▓▓ section ▓▓ <-- delete all elements in section
▓▓ Group ▓▓ <-- Delete all elements in group
▓▓ layer ▓▓ <-- Delete all elements in layer
▓▓ undo -1 ▓▓ <-- Undo last delete operation
▓▓ cancel ▓▓ <-- quit function
1) With this option all elements can be deleted
individually from the drawing area. The option is
invoked by selecting the 'individual' field. The
element to be deleted is selected using the mouse.
Exit the function by pressing the right button.
2) With this option, all drawing elements on the screen
can be deleted. All elements located completely
within the boundaries of the screen are deleted.
3) With this option, all drawing elements in a certain
section can be deleted. The section is drawn like a
rectangle. All elements located completely within
the section are deleted by pressing the left mouse
When using any of the delete functions, individual kinds
of drawing elements can be excluded (masked). Masking
therefore means that these elements cannot be deleted.
This possibility is of great help in many cases. If you
wish to delete points, and these points are located on
other elements, such as circles or lines, you can
exclude these elements. In doing this, you can ensure
that only the points are deleted.
13. Redrawing of the screen contents
'Redraw' erases the whole drawing area and re-constructs the
drawing, taking the active layers into account.
14. Details with zoom
The zoom function provides the the possibility of getting a
close up look at some part of the drawing. It is also
possible reduce the size of the drawing by half.
The zoom function affects only the display on the screen and
has no influence whatsoever on the drawing itself.
After accessing the 'zoom' option, the zoom selection window
▓▓ Zoom ▓▓
▓▓ def ▓show ▓zoom ▓▓ <-- Save, view and call Zoom areas
▓▓ 1 ▓ 1 ▓ 1 ▓▓
▓▓ 2 ▓ 2 ▓ 2 ▓▓
▓▓ 3 ▓ 3 ▓ 3 ▓▓
▓▓ 4 ▓ 4 ▓ 4 ▓▓
▓▓ 5 ▓ 5 ▓ 5 ▓▓
▓▓ Factor 0.5 ▓▓ <-- Reduce size by 1/2
▓▓ Autozoom ▓▓ <-- Optimal Drawing size
▓▓ Total (1:1) ▓▓ <-- set scale to 1:1
▓▓ Direct zoom ▓▓ <-- direct zooming of an area
▓▓ Pan ▓▓ <-- change displayed area
▓▓ cancel ▓▓ <-- Quit zoom
1. Saving and viewing zoom areas
The field 'def, show, zoom' in the selection window is
used for saving zoom areas and for quick displaying of
saved zoom areas (see also 'function keys').
In order to define an area, select the 'def' function
with the desired number from 1 to 5. The program now
prompts you to define the desired section. Select one
of the corner points of the new zoom area with the mouse
by moving to the position and pressing the left button.
Now a rectangle can be drawn by moving the mouse.
Enclose the area you wish to enlarge, and again press
the left mouse button. The zoom area thus defined is
now saved.
In order to display zoom areas which have already been
defined, select appropriate number field below the
'show' field. A rectangle with the corresponding number
area appears.
A saved zoom area is invoked by selecting the number
field below the field 'zoom'. MegaCAD immediately
displays the zoom area on the screen.
2. Reducing the scale
If you wish to see the periphery of the area displayed
on the screen, select the option 'factor 0.5'. The
drawing scale is doubled each time this field is
selected. Thus you can gain an overall view of your
entire drawing. If a grid is active, it is no longer
displayed if the scale gets too big.
3. Automatic zooming
It is often necessary to see the entire drawing on the
screen. This is why 'autozoom' was included in the
program. The scale is automatically set to such a
factor, that the drawing fills the entire screen.
4. 1:1 scale
This option automatically switches the screen display to
a 1:1 scale. The display appears in the same area as at
the start of the program. The zero point of the drawing
area is again located in the lower left-hand corner.
This is the scale in which all drawings are saved and
initially displayed.
5. Pan
Use this fuction to shift the displayed part of the
drawing. When invoked, select the point on the screen
which is to become the new center point.
15. Editing
The 'edit' option consists of several functions for modifying
drawings and drawing elements. The following functions are
- edit text
- change text lines to text blocks
- shift elements between groups
- shift elements between layers
- copy and move drawing elements
- reduce and enlarge drawing elements
- mirror drawing elements
- rotate drawing elements
- information about drawing elements
- coordinate interface
- round drawing elements
- bevel drawing elements
- trim drawing elements
- modify drawing elements
- stretch drawing elements
- break up drawing elements
16. Group
The 'group' option enables you to assign drawing elements to
groups. This function allows for complete drawing groups to
be manipulated. 256 groups can be formed, all of which can
be activated as you please. Thus, you can assign drawing
elements to different groups, and then modify or edit a
complete group.
17. Fixed
When this field is selected, MegaCAD saves all currently
valid settings, such as text attributes, grid calibration,
etc. These values are then set initially the next time
MegaCAD is called.
18. Layer
The 'layer' option enables you to assign drawing elements to
layers. The 256 availabe layers can be activated as you
please. During construction you can place elements into
different layers; during construction they can be switched
to be 'visible' or 'invisible'.
19. Exit
The 'exit' option ends the program. If the current drawing
has not yet beeen saved, you are asked, whether the drawing
is to be saved.
20. The function keys
For quicker processing of drawings, various functions have
been placed on function keys. Although the menue strip can
be accessed very quickly, the selection via function keys has
proven to be more useful in certain cases. This makes
working with MegaCAD even faster.
The following key combinations are possible:
a = automatic zoom of all elements
w = immediate zooming by drawing rectangle
h = reduce image by factor 0.5 (half zoom)
ALT + p = pan zoom
ALT + 1 = save set scale as zoom 1
ALT + 2 = save set scale as zoom 2
ALT + 3 = save set scale as zoom 3
ALT + 4 = save set scale as zoom 4
ALT + 5 = save set scale as zoom 5
ALT + 0 = set scale to initial values
1 = invoke saved zoom 1
2 = invoke saved zoom 2
3 = invoke saved zoom 3
4 = invoke saved zoom 4
5 = invoke saved zoom 5
R = redraw
c = direct access to 'delete' function
t = direct access to 'separate' function
ALT + t = direct access to 'trim' function
ALT + r = direct access to 'round' function
ALT + b = MODE tangential point 1/2
ALT + s = MODE intersecting point 1/2
ALT + 1 = MODE element distance
ALT + e = MODE end point distance
f = MODE free
g = MODE grid
p = MODE point
s = MODE intersecting point simple
c = MODE center point
b = MODE tangential point
l = MODE element
e = MODE end point
k = MODE keyboard
SHIFT = MODE selection (window selection)
ALT + S = style selection
ALT + ... means pressing the ALT key plus another key,
while the ALT key is still pressed.
The functions are always active, when no window is on the
screen which means only one function can be directly accessed
at a time. Exit the direct functions by pressing the right
button of the mouse.
You are drawing a few lines. Now a circle crossed by a line
is to be separated directly, and one of the arcs is to be
1) Press ALT + T. Select the circle as the element to be
separated, using the mouse. Then select the
intersecting points as separating points. First, select
the intersecting point via mode selection. Exit
function by pressing the right mouse button.
2) Now the arc which is not needed anymore is to be
deleted. Select the delete function directly via ALT +
C. The mouse arrow turns into a small square. Now
select the arc using the mouse, and the arc is
instantaneously deleted. Exit function by pressing the
right mouse button.
3) Now you can go on drawing lines without further
selection, since you never left the function for drawing
One more useful application of the function keys lies in
accessing the zoom saving areas. After having defined areas
in the zoom function, these areas are accessible at all times
by the keys ALT + 1-5. Thus, you can jump from one zoom area
to another within one drawing function, without having to
exit the selected function.
(c) 1989, 1990 copyright by
MEGATECH-Software GmbH
West Berlin