Put grains in 4 gallons of cold water. Bring slowly to 170F. Leave at 170F for 30 minutes. Strain out the grains (put grains in nylon bag to make it easier). Add 2 cans of malt extract. Bring liquid to a boil. Add Willamette hops and boil for 40 minutes. Add Kent Goldings hops and Irish Moss for 10 more minutes of boil. Chill wort. Strain cooled wort into the primary and aerate as you do so. Top off wort with water to bring level to 5 gallons.
S.G. should be about 1.059. Pitch yeast.
After 4 days in the primary syphon the wort into the carboy.
When fermentation stops syphon the wort back into the primary. Add 1/2 cup corn sugar.
Wort 68 degrees at beginning of brew (01/06/91)
First S.G. reading was 1.059
Bottled 01/22/91
S.G. at bottling was 1.020 (approx. 4.80% alcohol)