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  3.     █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  4.     ██                                                             ██
  5.     ██       CHAPTER FIVE:  ACCOUNTING, FINANCE, BUSINESS          ██
  6.     ██                                                             ██
  7.     █████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████
  9.     ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
  10.     │   Including over 1,000 abbreviations and acronyms found in    │
  11.     │   the subjects of:                                            │
  12.     │                                                               │
  13.     │               -Accounting                                     │
  14.     │               -Banking                                        │ 
  15.     │               -Finance                                        │
  16.     │               -General Business                               │
  17.     │               -Investing                                      │
  18.     │               -Money Management                               │
  19.     │               -Real Estate                                    │
  20.     │               -Securities Trading                             │
  21.     │                                                               │
  22.     │                 --and much more.                              │
  23.     │                                                               │
  24.     └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  26.              Press "S" to search for a word or term.
  29.  A                Assets
  30.  AAA              American Accounting Association
  31.  AAII             American Association of Individual Investors
  32.  AB               Aktiebolag (a Swedish stock company)
  33.  ABA              American Bar Association
  34.  ABA              American Bankers Association
  35.  ABEND            abnormal end
  36.  ABLA             American Business Law Association
  37.  ABWA             American Business Women's Association
  38.  acct             account
  39.  ACE              AMEX Commodities Exchange
  40.  ACF              average cash flow
  41.  ACH              Automated Clearing House
  42.  ACR              accelerated cost recovery
  43.  ACRS             accelerated cost recovery system
  44.  AcSEC            Accounting Standards Executive Committee
  45.  A-D              Advance-Decline Line
  46.  ADA              automatic data acquisition
  47.  ADC              allowance for funds used during construction
  48.  ADB              Adjusted Debit Balance
  49.  ADP              automatic data processing
  50.  ADPC             automatic data processing center
  51.  ADR              American Depository Receipt
  52.  ADR              automatic dividend reinvestment
  53.  ADR              asset depreciation range
  54.  ADRS             address
  55.  ADRS             asset depreciation range system
  56.  AE               account executive
  57.  AFDC             Aid to Families with Dependent Children
  58.  AFDC             allowance for funds used during construction
  59.  AFL-CIO          American Federation of Labor--
  60.                      Congress of Industrial Organizations
  61.  AFUDC            allowance for funds used during construction
  62.  AGA              Association of Government Accountants
  63.  AGI              adjusted gross income
  64.  AI               artificial intelligence
  65.  AIA              American Institute of Accountants
  66.  AIB              American Institute of Banking
  67.  AICPA            American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
  68.  AID              Agency for International Development
  69.  AI/ES            artificial intelligence/expert systems
  70.  AIM              American Institute for Management
  71.  AISG             Accountants International Study Group
  72.  AJE              adjusting journal entry
  73.  AMA              American Management Association
  74.  AMA              asset management account
  75.  AMBAX            American Municipal Bond Assurance Corporation
  76.  AMEX             American Stock Exchange
  77.  AMFOD            Association of Member Firm Option Departments
  78.  AMOS             advanced mortgage on-line system
  79.  AMT              alternative minimum tax
  80.  ANMP             account network management program
  81.  AON              all-or-none
  82.  AP               accounts payable
  83.  a/p              accounts payable
  84.  APB              Accounting Principles Board
  85.  API              Accountants for the Public Interest
  86.  APR              annual percentage rate
  87.  AR               accounts receivable
  88.  a/r              accounts receivable
  89.  ARB              Accounting Research Bulletin
  90.  ARF              American Retail Foundation
  91.  ARM              adjustible rate mortgage
  92.  ARMS             automated records management system
  93.  ARPS             adjustible rate preferred stock
  94.  ARR              accountant's rate of return
  95.  ASAP             as soon as possible
  96.  ASB              Accounting Standards Board
  97.  ASCII            American Standard Code for Information Interchange
  98.  ASE              American Stock Exchange (aka AMEX)
  99.  ASR              Accounting Series Release
  100.  Assn             association
  101.  AT               advanced technology (IBM PC AT)
  102.  ATM              automated teller machine
  103.  ATS              automatic transfer service
  104.  aud              auditor
  105.  AWSCPA           American Woman's Society of Certified Public Accountants
  106.  B/A              banker's acceptance
  107.  BAC              Business Advisory Council
  108.  BAL              balance
  109.  BAN              bond anticipation note
  110.  BASE             Bank of America Systems Engineering
  111.  B/L              bill of lading
  112.  BANKR            bankruptcy
  113.  BASI             bank automated service information center
  114.  BASIC            Banking and Securities Industry Committee     
  115.  BASIC            Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 
  116.  BASIS            bank automated service information system       
  117.  BB               beginning balance       
  118.  BBB              Better Business Bureau     
  119.  BBS              bulletin board system    
  120.  BD               bills discounted           
  121.  BD               back dividend             
  122.  BD               brought down                  
  123.  BD               bank draft              
  124.  B/D              broker/dealer
  125.  BDP              business data processing
  126.  BE               bill of exchange               
  127.  BEA              break even analysis                
  128.  BEAM             Burroughs Electronic Accounting Machine        
  129.  BEAR Market      (falling prices in securities market)                 
  130.  BF               brought forward       
  131.  BFS              basic financial statements
  132.  BG               bonded goods                   
  133.  BHC              Bank Holding Company             
  134.  BIF              Bank Insurance Fund
  135.  BIS              Bank for International Settlements         
  136.  BK               book                           
  137.  BK               bank                       
  138.  BL               bill of lading           
  139.  BLS              Bureau of Labor Statistics
  140.  BMAS             business management accounting system                   
  141.  BN               bank note
  142.  BO               branch office                                               
  143.  BO               broker's order
  144.  BO               buyer's option                                           
  145.  BOM              beginning of month
  146.  BOP              balance of payments
  147.  BOT              balance of trade
  148.  BOT              board of trustees
  149.  BOT              bought
  150.  BP               bills payable                                            
  151.  BPB              bank post bill                                        
  152.  BPW              Business and Professional Women's Foundation
  153.  BR               bank rate                                   
  154.  BR               bills receivable                                     
  155.  BRADS            Business Report Application Development System (IBM)    
  156.  BS               bill of sale
  157.  BS               balance sheet                                            
  158.  BS               business system
  159.  BS               Bureau of Standards
  160.  BS BA            bachelor of science in business administration         
  161.  BSE              Boston Stock Exchange                                       
  162.  BT               Board of Trade                                              
  163.  BTA              Board of Tax Appeals                                        
  164.  BTD              Bijzonder Tellende Diensten (Dutch Accounting Network)      
  165.  BULL             bulletin                                                    
  166.  BULL Market      (rising prices in securities market)                        
  167.  BUS              business                                                     
  168.  BV               book value                                                  
  169.  BW               bid wanted                                                   
  170.  C/A              capital account                                             
  171.  C/A              current account                                            
  172.  C/A              credit account                                               
  173.  C/O              carry over                                                  
  174.  C&F              cost and freight                                           
  175.  CA               capital account
  176.  CA               chartered accountant
  177.  CA               chief accountant
  178.  CA               commercial agent
  179.  CA               credit account
  180.  CA               current account
  181.  CAA              computer-aided accounting  
  182.  CACM             Central American Common Market
  183.  CAD              cash against documents
  184.  CAD              cash on demand
  185.  CAD              cash on delivery                         
  186.  CAD              computer-aided design                                        
  187.  CALC             calculate                                                    
  188.  CANC             cancelled                                                    
  189.  CATS             Certificates of Accrual on Treasury Securities               
  190.  CAF              cost and freight                                            
  191.  CAP              capital
  192.  CAP              computer-aided purchasing
  193.  CAPM             capital asset pricing model                             
  194.  CASB             Cost Accounting Standards Board                         
  195.  CATS             certificate of accural on treasury securities
  196.  CATV             cable television
  197.  CATV             community antenna television
  198.  CB               cashbook                                                
  199.  CBA              cost benefit analysis
  200.  CBD              cash before delivery                                        
  201.  CBCT             customer-bank communications terminal                       
  202.  CBOE             Chicago Board Options Exchange                              
  203.  CBOT             Chicago Board of Trade
  204.  CBT              Chicago Board of Trade
  205.  CBX              computerized branch exchange                                
  206.  CC               carbon copy
  207.  CC               Chamber of Commerce
  208.  CCA              conversion cost adjustment
  209.  CCAF             canadian Comprehensive Auditing Foundation                  
  210.  CCH              Commerce Clearing House                                     
  211.  CCP              Code of Civil Procedure                                     
  212.  CCS              Central Certificate Service                                  
  213.  CD               Certificate of Deposit                                       
  214.  CD               commercial dock
  215.  CD               compact disk                                                 
  216.  C$               constant dollars                                             
  217.  CDP              Certified Data Processor                                     
  218.  CDP              Certificate in Data Processing                               
  219.  CD-ROM           compact disk read-only memory                                
  220.  CE               caveat emptor (buyer beware)                                 
  221.  CEA              Council of Economic Advisors
  222.  CEO              chief executive officer                                      
  223.  CF               carry forward                                               
  224.  CF               cash flow                                                
  225.  CFA              chartered financial analyst                              
  226.  CFC              chartered financial counselor
  227.  CFC              consolidated freight classification
  228.  CF/CM            cash flow/current maturities                             
  229.  CFO              chief financial officer                                  
  230.  CFP              certified financial planner
  231.  CFTC             Commodities Futures Trading Commission                   
  232.  CG               computer graphics                                        
  233.  CGA              color graphics adapter                                   
  234.  CGS              cost of goods sold (also COGS)                           
  235.  CH               clearing house
  236.  CH               custom house
  237.  CHK              check                                                   
  238.  CHIPS            Clearing House Interbank Payment System                  
  239.  CI               Certificate of Indebtedness 
  240.  CI               cost and insurance                                       
  241.  CIA              certified internal auditor
  242.  CICA             Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants        
  243.  CICS             Customer Information Control System (IBM)           
  244.  CIF              cost, insurance freight
  245.  CIO              chief information officer
  246.  CIS              computer information system                                  
  247.  CL               construction loan                                           
  248.  CLADR            Class life asset depreciation range table
  249.  CLI              cost of living index                                         
  250.  CLTV             combined loan to value                                       
  251.  CLU              chartered life underwriter
  252.  CMA              Certificate in Management Accounting                         
  253.  CME              Chicago Merchantile Exchange
  254.  CMHC             Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation                    
  255.  CML              capital market line                                          
  256.  CMO              collateralized mortgage obligation                           
  257.  CMS              conversational monitoring system (IBM)                        
  258.  CMV              current market value
  259.  CN               consignment note
  260.  CN               credit note                                                  
  261.  CNS              continuous net settlement                                    
  262.  CO               cash order                                                   
  263.  CO               certificate of origin
  264.  Co.              company
  265.  COAP             Certified Office Automation Professional                     
  266.  COB              close of business                                            
  267.  COBOL            Common Business Oriented Language                            
  268.  COD              cash on delivery                                             
  269.  COD              collect on delivery                                          
  270.  CODA             cash or deferred arrangement
  271.  COEP             customer originated electronic payments
  272.  COGS             cost of goods sold                                           
  273.  COL              cost of living                                               
  274.  COLA             cost of living adjustment
  275.  COMEX            Commodity Exchange (New York)
  276.  COMM             commission                                                   
  277.  COMSAT           Communications Satellite Corporation
  278.  COPICS           communications oriented production and
  279.                      inventory control system
  280.  CORP            corporation                                                   
  281.  COS             cash on shipment                                             
  282.  CPA             Certified Public Accountant                                 
  283.  CPD             commissioner of public debt
  284.  CPE             Code of Professional Ethics                                  
  285.  CPE             continuing professional education                            
  286.  CPFF            cost plus fixed fee                                          
  287.  CPI             consumer price index                                         
  288.  CPM             critical path method                                         
  289.  CPPC            cost plus a percentage of cost
  290.  CPR             conditional prepayment rate                                  
  291.  CPS             characters per second                                        
  292.  CPU             central processing unit                                      
  293.  CR              carrier's risk
  294.  CR              company's risk
  295.  CR              creditor                                                     
  296.  CR              credit                                                       
  297.  CR              current rate
  298.  CRT             cathode ray tube                                             
  299.  CSE             Cincinnatti Stock Exchange
  300.  CSVLI           cash surrender value of life insurance
  301.  CTS             clear to send                                                  
  302.  CUNA             Credit Union National Association
  303.  CUR             currency                                                       
  304.  CUSIP           Committee on Uniform Security Identification Procedures      
  305.  CV              caveat venditor (seller beware)                         
  306.  CV              convertible                                 
  307.  CVP             cost-volume-profit analysis                     
  308.  CWIP            construction work in progress
  309.  CWO             cash with order
  310.  CWO             check with order                                             
  311.  DA              data administrator                                          
  312.  DA              data automation                                              
  313.  DA              deposit account
  314.  DA              documents against acceptance
  315.  DAC             deliver against cash                                         
  316.  D&B             Dunn & Bradstreet                                            
  317.  DB              data base                                                   
  318.  DB              debenture                                                   
  319.  DBA             data base administrator                                     
  320.  DBA             Dealer Bank Association                                     
  321.  d/b/a           doing business as                                           
  322.  DBII            database II (IBM)                                           
  323.  dBase I         dBase III Plus (Ashton Tate)                             
  324.  DBMS            database management system                                  
  325.  DB2             Database 2 (IBM)
  326.  DCAA            Defense Contract Audit Agency                                
  327.  DCF             discounted cash flow                                         
  328.  DCFM            discounted cash flow method
  329.  DD              demand draft                                                 
  330.  DDB             double declining balance                                     
  331.  DDI             deep discount issue
  332.  DEB             debenture                                                    
  333.  DEPR            depreciation                                                 
  334.  DF              damage free
  335.  DIDC            Depository Institutions Deregulatory Committee
  336.  DISC            Domestic International Sales Corporation
  337.  DISC            discount                                                     
  338.  DJ              Dow Jones                                                    
  339.  DJA             Down Jones Average 
  340.  DJI             Down Jones Industrials           
  341.  DJIA            Dow Jones Industrial Average                                 
  342.  DJIT            Dow Jones Transportation Average
  343.  DJU             Dow Jonetilities
  344.  DK              don't know
  345.  DN              debit note
  346.  DNR             do not reduce order                                          
  347.  DO              delivery order
  348.  DOS             disk operating system                                        
  349.  DOSF            distributed office support facility (IBM)
  350.  DOT             designated order turnaround                                  
  351.  DOW             (as in "the DOW", see "DJIA")
  352.  DP              data processing                                             
  353.  DP              discount period
  354.  DP              documents against payment
  355.  DPC             data processing center                                       
  356.  DPE             data processing equipment                                    
  357.  DPI             data processing installation                                 
  358.  DPI             disposable personal income
  359.  DPI             dots per inch                                                
  360.  DPS             data processing service                                      
  361.  DPS             data processing system                                       
  362.  DPS             dividends per share                                          
  363.  DR              discount rate
  364.  DRP             Dividend Reinvestment Plan                                   
  365.  DS              days after sight
  366.  DS/DD           double-sided/double density                                  
  367.  DTC             Depository Trust Company                                     
  368.  DTE             data terminal equipment                                      
  369.  DTR             data terminal ready                                          
  370.  DUNS            Data Universal Numbering System
  371.  DVP             delivery versus payment                                      
  372.  EAM             electrical accounting machine                                
  373.  EAM             european accounting machine                                  
  374.  EAS             electronic accounting system                                 
  375.  E&OE            errors and omissions excepted                               
  376.  EB              ending balance                                              
  377.  EBCDIC          extended binary coded decimal interchange code              
  378.  EBIT            earnings before interest and taxes                          
  379.  EC              European Community
  380.  ECB             electronic claims billing                                   
  381.  ECM             European Common Market
  382.  ECTP            expected contribution to profit
  383.  ECT             estimated completion time
  384.  ECU             European Currency Unit                                      
  385.  EDC             electronic desk calculator                                  
  386.  EDD             estimated delivery date
  387.  EDP             electronic data processing                                  
  388.  EDPC            electronic data processing center                           
  389.  EDPE            electronic data processing equipment                        
  390.  EEC             European Economic Community
  391.  EEOC            Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
  392.  EFT             European Free Trade 
  393.  EFT             electronic funds transfer
  394.  EFTA            European Free Trade Association
  395.  EFTS            electronic funds transfer system                            
  396.  ELOC            equity line of credit
  397.  EMAS            Export Marketing Assistance Service
  398.  EMP             end-of-month payment
  399.  EOA             effective on or about
  400.  EOD             every other day
  401.  EOJ             end of job               
  402.  EOF             end of file                                 
  403.  EOM             end of month                                                
  404.  EOP             end of period
  405.  EOQ             economic order quantity                                     
  406.  EOT             end of transmission                                         
  407.  EP              excess profits                                              
  408.  EPR             earnings-price ratio
  409.  EPS             earnings per share                                          
  410.  EPT             excess profits tax                                          
  411.  ER              en route                                                    
  412.  ERISA           Employee Retirement Income Security Act                     
  413.  ERTA            Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981                           
  414.  ESOP            employee stock ownership plan                               
  415.  ETA             estimated time of arrival
  416.  ETD             estimated time of departure
  417.  ETLT            equal to or less than
  418.  EV              expected value
  419.  EX              export                                                      
  420.  EXIM            export-import                                           
  421.  EXIMBANK        export-import bank
  422.  EXP             expense                                                        
  423.  EXR             executor                                                       
  424.  EXRX            executrix                                                      
  425.  EXT             extention                                                      
  426.  EXX             executrix                                                      
  427.  FA              financial advisor                                              
  428.  FA              free alongside
  429.  FAA             free of all average                                         
  430.  FACT            factor analysis chart technique
  431.  FAD             free air delivered                                          
  432.  FADA            Federal Asset Disposition Association
  433.  FAF             Financial Accounting Federation                             
  434.  FAF             Financial Analysts Federation                               
  435.  F&F             furniture and fixtures
  436.  FannMae         (see FNMA)                                                  
  437.  FANS            free account net settlement                                 
  438.  FAQ             fair average quality                                        
  439.  FAS             free alongside
  440.  FAS             free alongside ship                                         
  441.  FASB            Federal Accounting Standards Board                          
  442.  FAT             fixed as set transfer
  443.  FAX             facsimilie
  444.  FB              freight bill                                                
  445.  FBA             Federal Bar Association                                     
  446.  FBI             fidelity bond insurance                                     
  447.  FC              fixed costs                                                 
  448.  FCA             Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants
  449.  FC&S            free of capture and seizure                                 
  450.  FCC             Federal Communications Commission
  451.  FCPA            Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (1977)                        
  452.  FCUA            Federal Credit Union Administration
  453.  FD              floppy disk                                                 
  454.  FD              free delivery                                               
  455.  FDIC            Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation                       
  456.  FED             federal                                                     
  457.  FED             Federal Reserve Board (usually "The Fed")                   
  458.  FEI             Financial Executives Institute                              
  459.  FET             federal excise tax
  460.  FFCS            Federal Farm Credit System
  461.  FFP             firm fixed price                                            
  462.  FFT             for further transfer                                        
  463.  FGIC            Financial Guarantee Insurance Corporation
  464.  FHA             Farmers Home Administration
  465.  FHA             Federal Housing Administration
  466.  FHA             Federal Housing Act
  467.  FHLB            Federal Home Loan Bank                                      
  468.  FHLBB           Federal Home Loan Bank Board                                
  469.  FHLMC           Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp. ("Freddie Mac")            
  470.  FIB             free into barge                                             
  471.  FICA            Federal Insurance Contributions Act
  472.  FICB            Federal Intermediate Credit Bank                            
  473.  FID             fiduciary                                                    
  474.  FIFO            first-in, first-out                                          
  475.  FIN             financial
  476.  FIRREA          Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and
  477.                     Enforcement Act
  478.  FISC            fiscal
  479.  FIT             federal income tax
  480.  FITW            federal income tax withholding
  481.  FLB             Federal Land Bank                                            
  482.  FMC             Federal Maritime Commission
  483.  FMV             fair market value
  484.  FNDN            foundation                                                   
  485.  FNMA            Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae")        
  486.  FOAB            Federal Old Age Benefits                                    
  487.  FOB             free on board                                               
  488.  FOC             free of charge
  489.  FOCUS           Financial and Operational Combined Uniform Single Report     
  490.  FOI             Freedom of Information
  491.  FOIA            Freedom of Information Act
  492.  FOK             fill-or-kill                                                
  493.  FOMC            Federal Reserve Open Market Committee                       
  494.  FOQ             free on quay                                                
  495.  FOR             free on rail                                                
  496.  FORTRAN         Formula Translator                                          
  497.  FOS             free on steamer                                             
  498.  FOT             free on truck                                               
  499.  FOURTH          fourth generation language                                  
  500.  4 GL            fourth generation language                                  
  501.  FP              financial planning                                          
  502.  FP              floating policy
  503.  FP              fully paid                                                  
  504.  FPB             floating point bond                                         
  505.  FRA             Federal Reserve Act
  506.  FRB             Federal Reserve Board                                       
  507.  FRD             Federal Reserve District
  508.  FRD             federal rules decision                                      
  509.  Freddie Mac     (see FHLMC)                                                 
  510.  FREIT           finite life reit
  511.  FRS             Federal Reserve System                                      
  512.  FS              final settlement
  513.  FSBO            for sale by owner
  514.  FSC             Foreign Sales Corporation
  515.  FSLIC           Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation              
  516.  FTC             Federal Trade Commission                                    
  517.  FTI             federal tax included
  518.  FTS             Federal Telecommunications System
  519.  FUTA            Federal Unemployment Tax Act                                
  520.  FV              future value                                                
  521.  FVO             for valuation only
  522.  FWT             federal withholding tax                                     
  523.  FX              foreign exchange
  524.  FY              fiscal year                                                 
  525.  FYA             for your attention
  526.  FYE             fiscal year ending                                          
  527.  FYI             for your information                                        
  528.  FYM             firm yield maintenance                                      
  529.  G&A             general and administrative                                   
  530.  GAAP            generally accepted accounting principles                     
  531.  GAAS            generally accepted accounting standards                      
  532.  GAI             guaranteed annual income
  533.  GAO             General Accounting Office                                    
  534.  GASB            Governmental Accounting Standards Board                     
  535.  GATT            General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
  536.  GAW             guaranteed annual wage                                       
  537.  GCA             general claim agent                                          
  538.  GDP             gross domestic product
  539.  GDR             German Democratic Republic (East Germany)
  540.  GE              Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)
  541.  GEM             growing equity mortgage                                      
  542.  GFA             general freight agent                                        
  543.  GIGO            garbage in, garbage out                                      
  544.  Ginnie Mae      (See GNMA)                                                   
  545.  GJ              general journal                                              
  546.  GL              general ledger                                               
  547.  GM              general manager
  548.  GMAC            General Motors Acceptance Corporation                        
  549.  GmbH            Gesellschaft mit beschrankter Haftung
  550.                     (West German company with limited liability)
  551.  GNMA            Government National Mortgage Assoc. ("Ginnie Mae")           
  552.  GNP             gross national product                                       
  553.  GO              general obligation                                           
  554.  GOB             general obligation bond                                      
  555.  GP              gross profit                                                 
  556.  GPA             general passenger agent                                      
  557.  GPARM           graduated payment adjustible rate mortgage                   
  558.  GPM             graduated payment mortgage                                   
  559.  GPMS            graduated payment mortgages                                  
  560.  GPO             Government Printing Office                                   
  561.  GRI             guaranteed retirement income                                 
  562.  GSBCA           General Service Administration's
  563.                     Board of Contract Appeals
  564.  GT              greater than                                                 
  565.  GTC             good-till-cancelled                                          
  566.  GTD             guaranteed                                                   
  567.  GTD             guaranteed coupon                                            
  568.  GTM             good this month
  569.  GTW             good this week
  570.  HCL             high cost of living                                          
  571.  HD              half duplex                                                  
  572.  HD              hard disk                                                    
  573.  HEW             Health, Education and Welfare (U.S. Government)              
  574.  H/F             held for
  575.  HFCS            Honeywell Financial and Corporate Planning System            
  576.  HFR             held for release
  577.  HP              hire purchase (rent)                                         
  578.  HP              Hewlett-Packard Company                                      
  579.  HQ              headquarters
  580.  HR              House of Representatives (U.S. Government)
  581.  HRA             human resource accounting                                    
  582.  HR###           House of Representatives Bill #
  583.  HUD             Housing and Urban Development (U.S. Government)              
  584.  I               interest expense
  585.  IA              Incorporated Accountant                                      
  586.  IAPC            International Auditing Practices Committee                   
  587.  IASC            International Accounting Standards Committee                 
  588.  IBA             International Bar Association                                
  589.  IBES            International Broker's Estimate System
  590.  IBI             invoice book inwards                                         
  591.  IBRD            International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
  592.  IC              information center                                           
  593.  ICC             Interstate Commerce Commission
  594.  ICFTU           International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
  595.  ICMA            Institute of Cost and Management Accountants
  596.  ID System       Institutional Delivery System                       
  597.  IDB             industrial development bond
  598.  IDP             integrated data processing                                   
  599.  IET             interest equalization tax
  600.  IF              interest factor                                              
  601.  IFAC            International Federation of Accountants                      
  602.  IFAS            Interactive Fund Accounting System (Bi-Tech)                 
  603.  IFB             invitation for bid                                           
  604.  IFC             International Finance Corporation
  605.  IFPS            interactive financial planning system                        
  606.  IFS             interactive financial system (IBM)                           
  607.  IG              inspector general                                            
  608.  II              inventory and inspection                                     
  609.  IIA             Institute of Internal Auditors                               
  610.  ILA             International Longshoreman's Association
  611.  ILGWU           International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union
  612.  ILO             International Labor Organization
  613.  IMF             International Monetary Fund
  614.  IMM             International Monetary Market 
  615.                     (Chicago Mercantile Exc.)
  616.  IMS             inventory management system                                  
  617.  Inc.            incorporated                                                 
  618.  INS             insurance                                                    
  619.  INSTINET        Institutional Networks Corporation
  620.  INT             interest                                                     
  621.  INV             invoice                                                      
  622.  IOC             immediate or cancell (order)                                 
  623.  IOS             investment opportunity schedule                              
  624.  IOU             I owe you                                                    
  625.  IP              information processing                                       
  626.  IP              installment paid                                             
  627.  IPO             initial public offering
  628.  IR              industrial revenue
  629.  IR              Inland Revenue (United Kingdom)                              
  630.  IR              investor relations 
  631.  IRA             individual retirement account                                
  632.  IRB             industrial revenue bond                                      
  633.  IRC             Internal Revenue Code                                        
  634.  IRO             Inland Revenue Officer                                       
  635.  IRR             internal rate of return                                      
  636.  IRS             Internal Revenue Service                                     
  637.  IS              information systems                                          
  638.  ISBN            International Standard Book Number
  639.  ISC             interstate commerce                                          
  640.  ISDN            Integrated Services Digital Network                          
  641.  ISSN            International Standard Serial Number
  642.  ITC             investment tax credit                                        
  643.  ITS             intermarket trading system                                   
  644.  IV              increased value                                              
  645.  IV              inter-vivos (while living)                                   
  646.  IVT             inter-vivos trust (living trust)                             
  647.  J               journal                                                      
  648.  JA              joint account                                                
  649.  JES             job entry subsystem                                          
  650.  JSC             joint stock company                                          
  651.  JUMPS           Joint Uniform Military Pay System
  652.  K               kilobyte                                                     
  653.  KB              keyboard                                                     
  654.  KB              kilobyte                                                     
  655.  KCBT            Kansas City Board of Trade
  656.  KD              knocked down                                                 
  657.  KISS            keep it simple sir                                           
  658.  KW              kilowatt
  659.  KWH             kilowatt-hour
  660.  KYC             know your customer rule
  661.  L               liabilities                                                  
  662.  LAN             local area network                                          
  663.  LBO             leveraged buy out
  664.  L/C             letter of credit                                             
  665.  LCL             less-than-carload lot
  666.  LCM             least common multiple
  667.  LCR             least cost routing                                           
  668.  LDC             less developed country
  669.  LED             ledger                                                       
  670.  LED             light emitting diode                                         
  671.  LI              letter of intent
  672.  LIBOR           London Interbank Offering rate of interest                   
  673.  LIFO            last in, first out                                           
  674.  LL              limited liability                                            
  675.  LMRA            Labor Relations Management Act
  676.  LOMAS           law office management and accounting system                  
  677.  Lotus           Lotus 1-2-3  (Copyright Lotus Development Corp.)            
  678.  LP              laser printer                                                
  679.  LP              limited partnership
  680.  LS              listed securities                                            
  681.  LT              legal tender                                                 
  682.  Ltd             limited                                                        
  683.  LTV             loan to value                                                
  684.  M               (indicates of quantity of 1 million)                         
  685.  M1              (the US money supply)                                       
  686.  M2              M1 plus savings and time deposits under $100                
  687.  MAC             Macintosh computer (Apple Computer Inc.)                    
  688.  MACRS           modified accelerated cost recovery system
  689.  M&L             matched and lost
  690.  MAPS            management analysis and planning software                   
  691.  MAS             management advisory services                                
  692.  MAX             maximum
  693.  MB              megabyte                                                     
  694.  MBA             master of business administration                            
  695.  MBIA            Municipal Bond Insurance Association
  696.  MBO             management by objectives
  697.  MBS             mortgage-backed security                                     
  698.  MBSCC           Mortgage-Backed Security Clearing Corporation                
  699.  MC              marginal credit
  700.  M-CATS          Municipal Certificates of Accrual on
  701.                     Tax-exempt Securities
  702.  MCC             marginal cost of capital                                     
  703.  MDA             multiple discriminate analysis                               
  704.  MFOA            Municipal Finance Officers Association                       
  705.  MGMT            management                                                     
  706.  MH              mobile home                                                  
  707.  MHz             megahertz                                                    
  708.  MICR            magnetic ink character recognition                           
  709.  MID             months after date
  710.  MIG             Moody's Investment Grade                                     
  711.  MIP             monthly investment program                                  
  712.  MIPS            million instructions per second                             
  713.  MIS             management information system                               
  714.  MIS             Moody's Investors Service                                   
  715.  MFN             Most Favored Nation
  716.  MGM             milligram
  717.  MHR             Member of House of Representatives
  718.  MIG-1           Moody's Investment Grade
  719.  MIMC            Member of the Institute of Management Consultants
  720.  MIN             minimum
  721.  MIS             management information system
  722.  Misc.           miscellaneous
  723.  MIT             marked if touched
  724.  MIT             Municipal Investment Trust
  725.  MLR             minimum lending rate
  726.  MLT             master of law and taxation                                   
  727.  MM              Modigliani-Miller (dividend hypothesis)                      
  728.  MM              millimeter
  729.  MMDA            money market deposit account                                 
  730.  MM/DD/YY        month/day/year                                               
  731.  MNE             multi-national enterprise
  732.  MO              money order                                                  
  733.  MO              mail order                                                   
  734.  MRP             materials requirement planning                               
  735.  MSB             Mutual Savings Bank
  736.  MS DOS          Microsoft Disk Operating System                              
  737.  MSE             Midwestern Stock Exchange
  738.  MSRB            Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board                        
  739.  MTU             metric units
  740.  MV              market value                                                 
  741.  MVS             multiple virtual storage (IBM)                               
  742.  N               numeric                                                        
  743.  NA              not applicable                                               
  744.  N\C             no charge                                                    
  745.  NAC             National Association of Accountants
  746.  NAPI            National Assoc. of Accountants for the Public Interest       
  747.  NARS            National Automated Accounting Research System                
  748.  NACHA           National Automated Clearing House Association
  749.  NAIC            National Association of Investment Clubs
  750.  NAM             National Association of Manufacturers
  751.  NAPA            National Association of Purchasing Agents
  752.  NAR             new account report                                           
  753.  NASA            National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  754.  NASD            National Association of Securities Dealers                   
  755.  NASDAQ          National Assoc. of Securities Dealers and Quoters           
  756.  NATO            North Atlantic Treaty Organization
  757.  NAV             net asset value                                              
  758.  NBS             National Bureau of Standards                                 
  759.  NC              no charge
  760.  NCC             National Clearing Corporation                                
  761.  NDD             next day delivery
  762.  NEI             not elsewhere included                                       
  763.  NEM             not elsewhere mentioned                                      
  764.  NEMS            National Exchange Market System
  765.  NES             not elsewhere specified                                      
  766.  NF              no funds                                                     
  767.  NG              no good                                                      
  768.  NH              not held                                                     
  769.  NL              no-load mutual funds                                         
  770.  NLRA            National Labor Relations Act
  771.  NLRB            National Labor Relations Board                               
  772.  NMAB            National Market Advisory Board
  773.  NMB             National Medation Board
  774.  NMS             National Market System
  775.  NNP             Net National Product
  776.  NOI             net operating income                                         
  777.  NOL             net operating loss
  778.  NOS             not otherwise specified                                      
  779.  NOW             National Organization for Women
  780.  NOW             negotiable order of withdrawal                               
  781.  NP              no protest
  782.  NP              notary public                                                
  783.  NP              net profit                                                   
  784.  NP              note payable                                                 
  785.  NPL             non personal liability                                       
  786.  NPV             no par value                                                 
  787.  NPV             net present value                                            
  788.  NQB             National Quotations Bureau                                   
  789.  NQB             no qualified bidders
  790.  NR              net register                                                 
  791.  NR              no risk                                                      
  792.  NR              note receivable                                              
  793.  NR              not rated
  794.  NRFF            not revenue from funds
  795.  NS              not specified                                                
  796.  NSA             National Secretaries Association                             
  797.  NSBA            National Small Business Administration
  798.  NSCC            National Securities Clearing Corporation                     
  799.  NSF             not sufficient funds                                         
  800.  NSTS            National Securities Trading System
  801.  NTU             normal trading unit
  802.  NW              net worth                                                    
  803.  NYCSCE          New York Coffee, Sugar and Cocoa Exchange
  804.  NYCTN,CA        New York Cotton Exchange, Citrus Associates
  805.  NYFE            New York Futures Exchange                                    
  806.  NYME            New York Mercantile Exchange
  807.  NYSE            New York Stock Exchange                                      
  808.  No.             number                                                       
  809.  O/A             open account                                                 
  810.  O/A             on account                                                   
  811.  OA              office automation                                            
  812.  OAPEC           Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
  813.  OB              or better
  814.  OBL             order bill of lading                                         
  815.  OBO             order book official                                          
  816.  OBV             on-balance volume
  817.  OC              office copy                                                  
  818.  OC              over charge                                                  
  819.  OCC             Office of the Comptroller of the Currency                    
  820.  OCC             Options Clearing Corporation                                 
  821.  OCR             optical character reader                                     
  822.  OCR             optical character recognition                                
  823.  OD              overdrawn                                                    
  824.  OD              overdraft                                                    
  825.  OECD            Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development        
  826.  OEM             original equipment manufacturer
  827.  OIS             office information systems                                   
  828.  OLRT            on-line, real-time                                           
  829.  OMB             Office of Management and Budget                              
  830.  1-2-3           Lotus 1-2-3   (Copyright Lotus Development Corp.)            
  831.  OOP             out-of-pocket                                                
  832.  OPEC            Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries                
  833.  OPD             opening delayed
  834.  OPM             options principal member                                     
  835.  OPM             other people's money
  836.  OR              operations research                                          
  837.  ORG             organization                                                 
  838.  OS              out of stock                                                 
  839.  OSC             Ontario Securities Commission                                
  840.  OSJ             Office of Supervisory Jurisdiction                           
  841.  OT              overtime                                                     
  842.  OTC             over-the-counter                                             
  843.  OTN             other than new
  844.  OTS             Office of Thrift Supervision
  845.  OW              offer wanted                                                 
  846.  P               principal
  847.  P               put (used in options market)
  848.  PA              per annum
  849.  PA              power of attorney
  850.  PA              public accountant
  851.  PA              purchasing agent
  852.  PAC             put and call (used in options market)
  853.  P&L             profit and loss
  854.  PAM             personal accounting management                               
  855.  PAS             personal accounting system                                   
  856.  PAX             private automatic exchange                                   
  857.  P&E             plant and equipment                                          
  858.  P&F             point and figure                                             
  859.  P&I             protection and indemnity                                     
  860.  P&L             profit and loss                                              
  861.  P&S             purchase and sales                                           
  862.  PABX            private automated branch exchange                            
  863.  PAYE            pay as you earn
  864.  PBA             permanent budget account                                     
  865.  PBGC            Pension Benefit Guarantee Corporation
  866.  PC              participation certificate                                    
  867.  PC              personal computer                                            
  868.  PC              professional corporation                                     
  869.  PCB             petty cash book                                              
  870.  PC DOS          personal computer disk operating system                      
  871.  PCPS            private companies practice section                          
  872.  PCSE            Pacific Stock Exchange                                       
  873.  PD              post dated                                                   
  874.  PD              paid                                                        
  875.  PD              per diem                                                    
  876.  PE              probable error                                              
  877.  PE              price earnings
  878.  PE ratio        price/earnings ratio                                         
  879.  PEG             prior endorsement guaranteed                                 
  880.  PERT            program evaluation and review technique                      
  881.  PETN            petition                                                     
  882.  PFD             preferred (stock)
  883.  PHLX            Philadelphia Stock Exchange
  884.  PI              profitability index                                          
  885.  PI              preliminary injunction                                       
  886.  PI              private investigator                                         
  887.  PIN             personal identification number                               
  888.  P/L             profit and loss                                              
  889.  PL              price list
  890.  PLATO           (computer assisted instruction program by CDC Corp.)    
  891.  PLC             professional law corporation                            
  892.  PLC             public limited company
  893.  PLs             project loan pass-throughs                                   
  894.  PM              pay master                                                   
  895.  PMH             production per man hour                                   
  896.  PMI             private mortgage insurance
  897.  PN              project note
  898.  PN              promissory note                                              
  899.  PNI             participate but do not initiate (securities order)           
  900.  PO              purchase order                                               
  901.  POA             power of attorney                                            
  902.  POB             public oversight board                                       
  903.  POD             pay on delivery                                              
  904.  POE             point of embarcation
  905.  POE             port of entry
  906.  POR             pay on return
  907.  POS             point of sale                                                
  908.  POS             preliminary official statement                               
  909.  PP              parcel post                                                  
  910.  PP              postage paid                                                 
  911.  PP              pre paid                                                     
  912.  PP&E            property, plant and equipment
  913.  PPBS            planning-programming-budgeting system                        
  914.  PPS             prior perferred stock
  915.  PR              public relations
  916.  PRIME           Prescribed Right to Income and Maximum Equity 
  917.  PROFS           Professional Office System  (IBM)                            
  918.  PROP            proprietor
  919.  PS/2            personal system/2   (IBM)                                    
  920.  PSA             Public Securities Association
  921.  PSE             Pacific Stock Exchange
  922.  PST             pass-through security (bond)                                 
  923.  PTT             Post, Telephone and Telegraph (European)
  924.  PUC             Public Utilities Commission
  925.  PUD             planned unit development                                     
  926.  PUD             public utility dividends
  927.  PUHCA           Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935
  928.  PV              present value                                                
  929.  PV              par value                                                    
  930.  PVR             profit/volume ratio
  931.  PX              private exchange                                             
  932.  Q               quantity                                                     
  933.  QA              quality assurance                                            
  934.  QB              qualified buyers
  935.  QC              quality control
  936.  QDA             quantity discount agreement                                  
  937.  QI              quarterly index
  938.  QQP             quality-quite pricing
  939.  QT              questioned trade
  940.  Q-tip           qualified terminable interest property                       
  941.  QTR             quarter                                                      
  942.  QTY             quantity                                                     
  943.  RAM             random access memory                                         
  944.  RAM             reverse annuity mortgage
  945.  RAN             revenue anticipation note                                    
  946.  R&D             receive and deliver                                          
  947.  R&D             research and development
  948.  RBP             registered business programmer                               
  949.  RCA             Retailers Credit Association
  950.  RCIA            Retail Credit Institute of America
  951.  RCMM            Registered Competitive Market Mailer
  952.  RCPC            regional check processing center                             
  953.  RE              real estate                                                    
  954.  RE              registration forms (of NYSE)
  955.  RE              reversing entry                                                
  956.  REC'D           received                                                     
  957.  RefCorp         Resolution Funding Corporation
  958.  REG             regulation (often of Federal Reserve Board)                  
  959.  REIT            Real Estate Investment Trust                                 
  960.  REMIC           Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit
  961.  REPO            reposessed (banking industry)                                
  962.  REPO            repurchase (securities industry)                             
  963.  REVD            reversed                                                     
  964.  RFD             rural free delivery                                          
  965.  RFP             request for proposal                                         
  966.  RFQ             request for quotation                                        
  967.  RMA             Robert Morris Associates                                     
  968.  RMAS            retail merchandise and audit system  (IBM)                   
  969.  ROA             return on assets                                             
  970.  ROC             return on capital
  971.  ROG             receipt of goods                                             
  972.  ROE             return on equity                                             
  973.  ROI             return on investment                                         
  974.  ROM             read-only memory                                             
  975.  ROM             rough order of magnitude                                     
  976.  ROP             registered options principal                                 
  977.  ROS             return on sales
  978.  RP              repurchase agreement
  979.  RR              rate of return                                               
  980.  RRP             reverse repurchase agreement
  981.  RT              royalty trust
  982.  RTC             Resolution Trust Corporation
  983.  RTW             right to work
  984.  RVP             receive versus payment                                       
  985.  SA              subject to approval                                          
  986.  SAA             special arbitrage account
  987.  SAB             special assessment bond
  988.  SC              SuperCalc                                                    
  989.  S&L             savings and loan association                                 
  990.  S&L             sale and leaseback
  991.  S&P             Standard and Poor's Corporation                              
  992.  SAIF            Savings Association Insurance Fund
  993.  SANR            subject to approval                                          
  994.  SAS             Statement on Auditing Standards                              
  995.  SB              small business                                               
  996.  SB              savings bond
  997.  SB              short bill
  998.  SBA             Small Business Administration                                
  999.  SBIC            Small Business Investment Corporation
  1000.  SBLIC           savings bank life insurance
  1001.  SBO             settlement balance order                                    
  1002.  SCC             Stock Clearing Corporation                                  
  1003.  SCORE           special claim on residual equity
  1004.  SCRIPTS         Service Center Recognition/Image Processing System (IRS)
  1005.  SD              standard deduction
  1006.  SDB             special district bond
  1007.  SDBL            sight draft, bill of lading attached
  1008.  SDRs            special drawing rights
  1009.  SE              stock exchange                                              
  1010.  SE              shareholder's equity
  1011.  SEAQ            stock exchange automated quotations
  1012.  SEC             Securities and Exchange Commission                          
  1013.  SECO            Securities and Exchange Commission Organization             
  1014.  SECPS           Securities and Exchange Commission Practice Section         
  1015.  Sen             senator
  1016.  SEP             simplefied employee pension plan
  1017.  SF              single family                                               
  1018.  SF              sinking fund
  1019.  SFAS            statement of financial accounting standards
  1020.  SFSC            shared Foreign Sales Corporation
  1021.  SG&A            selling, general and administrative expenses
  1022.  SHE             shareholders equity                                         
  1023.  SIA             Securities Industry Association                             
  1024.  SIAC            Securities Industry Automation Corporation                  
  1025.  SIC             special investigations committee                            
  1026.  SIC             standard industrial classification
  1027.  SIPC            Securities Investor Protection Corporation                  
  1028.  SL              sell (stock broker shorthand)                               
  1029.  SL              sold
  1030.  SML             Security Market Line                                        
  1031.  SLMA            Student Loan Marketing Association (Sally Mae)
  1032.  SLO             stop limit order
  1033.  SLO             stop loss order
  1034.  SMA             Society of Management Accountants
  1035.  SN              stock number
  1036.  SO              seller's option                                             
  1037.  SOB             start of business                                           
  1038.  SOP             standard operating procedure
  1039.  SOYD            sum of the year's digits (method)
  1040.  SP              stop payment                                                
  1041.  SPDA            single premium deferred annuity
  1042.  SPQR            small profits, quick returns
  1043.  SRO             self-regulatory organization
  1044.  SROP            senior registered options principal                         
  1045.  SRP             salary reduction plan
  1046.  SRT             spousal remainder trust
  1047.  SS              social security
  1048.  SSNO            social security number
  1049.  SSA             Social Security Administration
  1050.  STK             stock                                                       
  1051.  STMT            statement                                                   
  1052.  STU             special tax bond
  1053.  SU              set up
  1054.  SUB             supplemental unemployment benefit
  1055.  SUPP            supplement                                                  
  1056.  SWAG            scientific wild ass guess                                   
  1057.  T               time
  1058.  T               Treasury
  1059.  TA              trade acceptance
  1060.  TA              tax agent
  1061.  TA              transfer agent
  1062.  TAB             tax anticipation bill                                       
  1063.  TAN             tax anticipation note                                       
  1064.  T&M             time and materials                                          
  1065.  T-bill          Treasury bill                                               
  1066.  TB              trial balance                                                
  1067.  TBA             to be announced                                              
  1068.  TBW             to be withheld                                               
  1069.  TC              Tax Court
  1070.  TD              time deposit
  1071.  TEFRA           Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act (1982)             
  1072.  TIGER           Treasury Investors Growth Receipt
  1073.  TIP             to insure promptness
  1074.  TL              trade list
  1075.  TM              trademark
  1076.  TP              teleprocessing                                              
  1077.  TPV             total present value
  1078.  TRA             tax reform act
  1079.  TRANS           transferred                                                 
  1080.  TREAS           treasurer                                                   
  1081.  TSO             time sharing option                                         
  1082.  TT              testamentary trust
  1083.  TVA             Tennessee Valley Authority
  1084.  TTV             trading to total volume                                     
  1085.  TVA             Tennessee Valley Authority                                  
  1086.  TYMNET          Timeshare Inc. Network                                      
  1087.  TX              tax                                                         
  1088.  U               unit                                                        
  1089.  UAW             United Auto Workers
  1090.  UCC             Uniform Commercial Code                                     
  1091.  UGMA            Uniform Gifts to Minors Act
  1092.  UI              unemployment insurance                                      
  1093.  UIT             unit investment trust                                       
  1094.  UL              Underwriter's Laboratories
  1095.  UMW             United Mine Workers
  1096.  UN              United Nations
  1097.  UPC             universal product code                                      
  1098.  UPS             United Parcel Service
  1099.  UPS             uninterruptible power system
  1100.  UPW             United Postal Workers
  1101.  USBS            United States Bureau of Standards
  1102.  USC             under separate cover                                        
  1103.  USC             United States Code
  1104.  USCC            United States Chamber of Commerce
  1105.  USJCC           United States Junior Chamber of Commerce
  1106.  USS             United States Senate
  1107.  USS             United States Ship
  1108.  UT              up time                                                     
  1109.  UW              underwriter
  1110.  V               video                                                       
  1111.  VA              Veteran's Administration                                    
  1112.  VAN             Value Added Network
  1113.  VAR             value added remarketer                                      
  1114.  VAR             value added reseller                                        
  1115.  VAT             value-added tax                                             
  1116.  VC              valuation clause                                            
  1117.  VD              volume deleted
  1118.  VIP             very important person
  1119.  VM              virtual machine (IBM)                                       
  1120.  VOL             volume
  1121.  VOU             voucher                                                     
  1122.  VPA             volume purchase agreement                                   
  1123.  VRM             variable rate mortgage
  1124.  VT              vote                                                        
  1125.  VTAM            virtual telecommunications access method                    
  1126.  VTC             voting trust certificate                                    
  1127.  WA              will advise                                                 
  1128.  WAG             wild ass guess                                              
  1129.  WB              waybill
  1130.  WBS             work breakdown structure
  1131.  WC              without charge                                              
  1132.  WC              working capital                                             
  1133.  WC              workman's compensation
  1134.  WCA             workman's compensation act
  1135.  WD              when distributed                                            
  1136.  WHSLE           wholesale                                                   
  1137.  WI              when issued                                                 
  1138.  WI              working investment                                          
  1139.  WIF             working investment factor                                   
  1140.  WOC             without compensation                              
  1141.  WORM            write once, read many  
  1142.  WOW             with-or-without (a sale)                              
  1143.  WP              word processing                                             
  1144.  WPI             wholesale price index                                       
  1145.  WR              warehouse receipt
  1146.  WROS            with right of survivorship                                  
  1147.  WJS             Wall Street Journal
  1148.  WT              weight                                                         
  1149.  W/T             withholding tax
  1150.  WYSIWYG         what you see is what you get                        
  1151.  xcp             without coupon (NYSE)                               
  1152.  XD              without dividend                      
  1153.  XI              without interest (NYSE)              
  1154.  XP              express paid                        
  1155.  X Per           without privileges (NYSE)               
  1156.  X RTS           without rights (NYSE)                    
  1157.  XW              without warrants                          
  1158.  Y               year                                     
  1159.  YLD             yield                                    
  1160.  YR              year                                      
  1161.  YTB             yield to broker
  1162.  YTC             yield to call
  1163.  YTD             year to date                             
  1164.  YTM             yield to maturity                       
  1165.  YY/MM/DD        year/month/day                           
  1166.  Z               zone
  1167.  ZBA             zero bracket amount
  1168.  ZBB             zero-based budgeting
  1169.  ZBR             zero-based review
  1170.  ZIP Code        zone improvement plan
  1174.  Copyright (C) 1994, Lexikon Services
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