The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Copyright 1993 Eagle Software
All Rights Reserved
Requires Windows(tm) 3.0 or Better, 2 Meg Ram, DOS 3.2 or better
Program and Documentation Copyright 1993 Eagle Software All
rights reserved.
Legal Eagle is a trademark of Eagle Software.
* Disclaimer
Users of Legal Eagle 2.0 must accept this disclaimer of warranty:
"Legal Eagle 2.0 is supplied as is. Eagle Software disclaims all
warranties, expressed or implied, including,
without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of
fitness for any purpose. Eagle Software assumes
no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may
result from the use of Legal Eagle 2.0."
* Site License
The fee will license one copy for use on any one
Computer at any one time. You must treat this software like
a book. An example is that this software may be used by any
number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
location to another. So long as there is no possibility of it
being used at one location while it's being used at another.
Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the
same time. Site License arrangements may be made by contacting
Eagle Software.
* Overview
Legal Eagle 2.0 is the Very best legal package on the market
today. It is powerful yet easy to use, unlike other system's,
where you answer lots of question to fill out a few legal forms.
We give you over 200 hand picked forms to serve you. In fact,
Legal Eagle is used by Lawyers in their daily practice. You may
ask yourself, "When would I ever need a legal package like Legal
Eagle 2.0." In short, if you ever loan money to a friend,
sell a car, TV, or any item for more then ten dollars. Do you
work out of town or overseas? Run a business? Do you have a club?
In fact, everyone can benefit from the information produced by this
Program. In this day and age, it pays to conduct ones personal
and professional business in a legal manner. Legal Eagle 2.0 is
fine tuned for this propose. The personnel at Eagle Software
designed this program around the end user (YOU). Legal Eagle 2.0
for Windows(tm) is truly a Windows(tm) program, it will not run in
DOS. The screens are bright and colorful, text is easy to read.
The program has full mouse support, commands are supported on the
keyboard as well. The command buttons have icons on them, so they
can be selected at a glance. You can select, view, print out, or
edit any form with a few clicks of the mouse or a few key strokes.
Print out a form and fill it out by hand, use Eagle Edit or your
own Word Processor to fill in the blanks on the screen. These options,
as well as many more, are at your disposal.
* Product Support
Thank you for purchasing this product. We at Eagle Software
strive to make our programs as easy to use as possible.
If you have any questions feel free to call us, but first have
the following information.
The version of Legal Eagle you are installing.
The version of DOS and WINDOWS(tm) you are using.
(To find out the version of DOS you are using, type VER at the
DOS prompt. To verify which version of Windows(tm), select about
in the Program Manger.)
Type of computer you are using.
Amount of memory installed on your system.
Amount of free hard disk space.
Any error messages displayed during the install.
This information will help Eagle Software's Product Support Staff
give you the answers you need. Try to be at your computer with the
above information and Call 1-919-946-2595.
* Running Setup
1. Boot your computer.
2. Insert the Legal Eagle disk in drive A: or B:.
3. Start Windows(tm). (Legal Eagle 2.0 Must be installed from
4. Start the Program Manger. (If Program Manger is not on the
screen when Windows(tm) boots, double click on it's Icon at the
bottom of the screen.)
5. Select RUN from the File Menu.
6. Type the letter of the drive you are using, followed by a
colon (:) and the word "\SETUP".
Example A:\SETUP
7. Press Enter.
8. Follow the instructions on the screen.
* Autoexec.Bat File
If you wish to have all Legal Eagle 2.0 files available anywhere
in your system, you can include it in your path, by adding it to
your PATH statement in your Autoexec.Bat file.
Example PATH=C:\windows;C:\EAGLE20.
For more information about the path statement, see your DOS manual.
* Starting Windows(tm) With Legal Eagle 2.0
If you want Legal Eagle 2.0 to run when you start Windows(tm),
move it's icon to the startup group on the Program Manger, or at
the DOS prompt, Type "win c:\eagle20\eagle."
* Display
Legal Eagle 2.0 was designed to look its best in 256 colors. If
the Eagle on the left of the opening screen appears to be washed out,
you may be running in standard VGA (16 colors). See your Windows(tm)
Manual for more information on installing a 256 color driver.
* Files
Legal Eagle 2.0 files have an .LGF extension (101.LGF) and are in
the READ ONLY format. You can not save over your original forms.
To save a form, after you have filled it out on the screen, you must
use the SAVE AS option and rename the file.
Example (rename the file 101.LGF to MYFILE.lgf)
If you use the .LGF extension it will save confusion. Later, when
you see a file with the .LGF extension, you will know it is a
Legal Eagle 2.0 file.
* Using Legal Eagle 2.0 with other Word Processors
You can use your Word Processor with Legal Eagle 2.0. To do this,
double click the editor setup icon on the Eagle Group, type in the
complete path to your editor. If your editor is already included in
your path statement,you can type the program name that starts your editor.
(Example)--Type WINWORD, for Word for Windows(tm), WS for Wordstar(tm).
* Running Legal Eagle 20
* Main Screen
Displays a list of the legal forms you can View, Print or Edit.
Click on your choice with the left mouse button or press ALT+ The
Underlined Letter.
Also on the menu are commands to start some of Legal Eagles more
important features, such as. :
Viewer - Loads and views legal (or any TXT) files.
Dictionary - Defines legal terms.
Calculator - Loads EagleCal, a calculator.
FYI - For Your Information
Exit - Exit Legal Eagle
Click on your choice with the left mouse button or press ALT+ The
Underlined Letter.
VIEWER - Starts Legal Eagles File Viewer, see File Control and
DICTIONARY - Starts a dictionary in the card format (CLICK ON
WRITE - Starts Windows(tm) Write Program (CLICK ON HELP AT THE
NOTEPAD- Starts Windows(tm) Notepad Program (CLICK ON HELP AT THE
CALCULATOR- Starts Eagle Software's Calculator Program. Click on
OFF to exit program.
CARD FILE- Starts Windows(tm) Card File Program (CLICK ON HELP AT
CALENDAR- Starts Windows(tm) Calendar Program (CLICK ON HELP AT
FYI - (For Your Information.) Text files to explain various
legal topics, quit to exit FYI
HELP - Displays Help File
QUIT - Exit Legal Eagle
Click on your choice with the left mouse button or press ALT+The
Underlined Letter.
FILES - See File Control
EDIT - Starts Legal Eagles Editor (see EDITOR)
PRINT - Prints out form in viewer
DICTIONARY - Starts a dictionary in the card format (CLICK ON
QUIT - Exits Viewer
Note: If you do not need to save your form after you edit it,
you can edit and print it out from view.
* File Control
Left Box - Filenames click on the OK button to select
Middle Box - Directory, double click to select
Drive Box - Disk drive, double click to select
Search for files of type - Change by typing in the type of file
.DOC ect.
OK Button - Makes selection
Cancel - Quits File Control, with no action
Eagle Software's Editor works the same as Notepad and Write in
your Windows(tm) package. The major difference is the number of forms
you can edit in a session. One in Notepad, as many as you have memory
for in Eagle Edit. This editor is easy to use and no help is needed.
Save your work before you exit, with an .LGF extension. Click on Viewer
on the main screen to print your file. We assume you know how to use
Windows(tm) to load and save a file, if not take the time to read
your Windows(tm) users guide.
Entering Text
When you begin to enter text, an insertion point (flashing vertical bar)
marks the place where the text you type will begin.
To enter text in a new document:
Start typing.
Press ENTER or the SPACEBAR to move the insertion point to a
different place on the page. Pressing ENTER moves the insertion point to
the next line. Pressing the SPACEBAR moves the insertion point across the
line to the right.
To enter text in an existing document:
Click where you want text to appear, start typing.
Or use the DIRECTION keys to move the insertion point where you
want text to appear.
Moving Within Text
After you enter text, you can easily move the insertion point
wherever you want within the text.
To move to Press these keys,
The next line DOWN ARROW
The previous line UP ARROW
The end of the line END
The beginning of the line HOME
The next window PAGE DOWN
The previous window PAGE UP
The next word CTRL + RIGHT ARROW
The previous word CTRL + LEFT ARROW
The end of the document CTRL + END
The beginning of the document CTRL + HOME
Correcting Typing Mistakes
If you make a mistake while entering text, you can correct It by
using one of the methods in the following table. If you need to change
more than a few characters,you can select the text and edit it as explained
later in this section.
To do this Do this
Erase the character (or selected text) Press BACKSPACE.
to the left of the insertion point.
Erase the character (or selected text) Press DELETE.
under the insertion point.
Insert characters at the insertion point. Type the characters.
Selecting Text
You can make changes to blocks of text by selecting the text you
want to change,then choosing one of the commands from the Editors Edit
menu.Point to the first character you want to select.
Drag the insertion point to the last character you want to select.
Release the mouse button.
If you want to cancel the selection, click again anywhere in the
Use the DIRECTION keys to move the insertion point to the first
character you want to select.
Hold down SHlFT and use the DIRECTION keys to move the insertion
point to the last character you want to select.
Release the keys.
If you want to cancel the selection, press a DIRECTION key.
HINT With some applications, you can select all the text in your
file. Choose Select all from the Edit Menu.
To do this Press these keys
Extend the selection to the next line. SHIFT + DOWN
If the next line is already selected,
cancel the selection.
Extend the selection to the previous SHIFT + UP ARROW
line. If the previous line is already
selected, cancel the selection.
Extend the selection to the end of the SHIFT + END
Extend the selection to the beginning SHIFT + HOME
of the line.
Thanks once more, it is our hope that you will be happy with your
new package. If we can be of any help, call us on the product support