The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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* *
* MusicEase - Version 4.0 *
* Copyright 1993 by Gary Rader *
* *
* Published exclusively by: *
* RMH Computer Services *
* PO Box 657 *
* Beech Grove IN 46107-0657 *
* (317) 782-9903 *
* *
Installation of MusicEase is very easy.
If you have received your evaluation copy on (2) 5-1/4" floppy disks,
simply place DISK #1 in your floppy disk drive and type A:START [ENTER].
(or B:START, or any other valid floppy drive letter).
If you received your evaluation copy on a single 720k floppy disk, simply
place the disk in your floppy disk drive and type A:START [ENTER] (or
B:START, or any other valid floppy drive letter).
If you "downloaded" your evaluation version from a BBS or other electronic
service, simply create a "temporary" subdirectory on your hard disk drive,
and extract the files from the distribution archive file to that directory.
Then change to that subdirectory, and type START [ENTER].
If you are installing from the ASP CD-ROM - Unfortunately, the MusicEase
program can not be operated directly from the CD-ROM disk. However, the
installation utility can be launched directly from the CD-ROM, and will
install the MusicEase program on your hard disk drive. Simply run the START
program from the CD-ROM.
The installation program will create the necessary subdirectory on your
hard drive, and will then install the program files to that subdirectory.
Once the installation is complete, you may delete the files from the
"temporary" subdirectory that you originally created.
In order to make FULL use of this powerful program, you will need to fully
read the documentation, which is contained in a file called MUSICEZ.DOC.
However, simply executing the command ME followed by pressing the [ENTER]
key will start the program. The menu options are displayed in the lower
portion of the screen, and you can move forward from one item to another by
pressing the [SPACE] or [TAB] keys. The [BACKSPACE] or [SHIFT]-[TAB] keys
will move backwards from one item to the previous.
The first thing that you will probably want to do is to set the Options for
your system. When initially installed, MusicEase is configured for CGA
video. Using your [TAB] key, move through the options at the bottom of the
screen until "Options" is highlighted. Press your [ENTER] key to go into
the Options setup area. Once in the Options area, press [TAB] to highlight
the "Display" option, and press [ENTER]. In the Display setup, you can
select the preferred MODE (Text or Graphics), RESOLUTION (Medium or High),
and ADAPTER (MDA, CGA, EGA, VGA, etc).
With these options set, you're ready to begin using MusicEase!
The documentation file (MUSICEZ.DOC) is formatted for 75-characters per
line, and 60-lines per page. To print the documentation, you can simply
issue the following command from the DOS command line:
The documentation file contains form-feed characters, so it can also be
printed by various printing utilities.
MusicEase is Shareware!
The registration fee for MusicEase is $49.00 (US), plus applicable
shipping/handling charges. You are entitled to evaluate MusicEase for a
period of up to 30 days. If after that time you intend to continue to use
the program you must register it. If you do not intend to continue to use
the program you must delete it from your system.
There is a file named REGISTER.TXT in the distribution file set which
contains the information regarding the interactive registration process.
This process is activated by pressing [SPACE] from either the beginning or
ending screens of the program. It will calculate the appropriate charges,
and will then print a registration form (either to the printer or to a text
The shareware copy of MusicEase that you have is not restricted in any way.
Upon registering the product, you will receive:
- a copy of the most current version available,
- a 25% discount on future upgrades and new releases,
- a printed manual including graphics of music which cannot be
included in the non-registered on-disk manual,
- an extensive tutorial,
- a symbol definition utility,
- a symbol file containing many more symbols,
- unlimited support via mail, telephone, CompuServe, etc.,
- update notices for future versions,
- removal of the watermark on printed output,
- removal of registration reminder screens,
- welcome screen will include "Registered to: <YourName>".
And apart from all that, the knowledge that you are helping to support the
Shareware concept - a distribution system that brings you quality software
at realistic prices.
So what is Shareware?
Shareware is copyrighted software which is distributed by authors and
publishers through bulletin boards, on-line services, disk vendors, and by
copies being passed among friends. It is software that you are allowed to
try before you pay for it. This makes shareware the ultimate in money back
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. There is good
and bad shareware, just as there is good and bad retail software. The
primary difference between shareware and retail software is that with
shareware you know if it's good or bad before you pay for it.
You benefit because you get to use the software to determine whether it
meets your needs, before you pay for it. Authors benefit because they are
able to get their products into your hands without the expenses it takes to
launch a traditional retail software product.
The shareware system and the continued availability of quality shareware
products depend on your willingness to register and pay for the shareware
you use. It is the registration fees you pay which allow shareware authors
to support and continue to develop their products.
Please show your support for shareware by registering those programs you
actually use and by passing them on to others. Shareware is kept alive by
your support!
RMH Computer Services is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI
49442-9427 USA, FAX 616-788-2765 or send a CompuServe message via
CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536.