The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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728 lines
Locates previously erased file in a diskette. Can be used as a
quick-scan before launching a recovery utility, or stand-alone to do
blank diskette-checking.
Once DOS' Backup.Com creates a backup file, you never know what's
inside !! Now, see quickly into the backup file. Create a listing of
files contained within !
uses any compression you want (Pkzip, Arc, Lharc, Zoo)
to back up any directory or back-up your whole hard drive !
Automatically shrinks your directory, names it and puts
it anywhere you want: a diskette or a back-up directory.
Maximize those compression programs ! Let them do the work.
Allows splitting large zip files, merging them later, backing
up onto multiple diskettes, formatting diskettes if necessary,
and MORE !
║ ║
║ Clearly the fastest move utility ! In several tests, outperformed ║
║ all other Shareware move utils for speed. Also includes several ║
║ options--> 1) Rename file if already exists ║
║ 2) Search for directory, so you ║
║ don't need to type in full ║
║ pathname. ║
║ 3) Includes all wildcards, extensive ║
║ testing for dir, file, existence ║
║ of to-be-moved file ... and MORE ║
║ ║
║ ║
│ │
▒▒│ │▒▒
▒▒▒│ Not your ordinary directory tree │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ deleter. Allows: │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ 1. stopping at any directory │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ 2. backing up through dirs │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ 3. listing space that would be │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ freed if you actually deleted │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ the tree │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ 4. simulating a tree delete │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ 5. merely listing files contained │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ in tree │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ 6. totally erasing files rather │▒▒▒
▒▒▒│ than simply deleting │▒▒▒
▒▒│ │▒▒
▒│ and MORE OPTIONS ! │▒
│ │
Copy, delete, move files using simple and concise menus.
No need for typing !
See file sizes, switch directories in a snap.
║ TWOFILES ----> Control and view two at once. ║
║ ║
║ TWOFILES allows you to view two files at once, one on the lower half of ║ the
║ screen, one on the top You can move forward one line on the top file, ║ while
║ moving down one page on bottom. You can scroll the bottom while leaving ║
║ the top file at the same place... ║
║ This program allows a WIDE range of motion in both files, yet keeps them ║
║ separated and easy to compare to one another. ║
║ Also, a ASCII converter is built-in. Simply press the key ║
Times any interval you want, whether it be 1 second, or up to
9,999 years. Very accurate, and even times intervals while your
computer is turned OFF !
Great for computer burn-ins, timing log-ons to BBS', or any
of your usual tasks.
│ │
│ │
│ and only once a day. Self-checking program allows │
│ you to perform tasks only once per day (rather than │
│ every boot-up). │
│ │
│ Special "late-night" feature for you latenighters │
│ that prompts if time is before 7:00am, so you aren't │
│ stuck doing the tasks twice. │
│ │
│ You could perform: CHKDSK.COM, VIRUSCAN, or any of │
│ the other tedious once-a-day tasks ! │
│ │
│ │
Dave's Directory COMMANDO
The COMMANDO stands alone in its ability to command and master all your
directory uses. Everything from copying, deleting, moving, zipping up a
directory, and even a utility for deleting your unwanted disks. A must
for all computers...
No nonsense, simple interface and ease of use are the key qualities.
│ *--* The Hunter *--* │
Delete all instances of a file, anywhere !!
The HUNTER tracks down any file (or files) on your disks,
and deletes them all.
Why waste time finding, changing directories, then deleting ? HUNT THEM
DOWN MERCILESSLY with one keypress.
Works on multiple hard drives, networks......etc. And accepts wildcards !
If you have text files you want no one to see, or like to send messages
across Compuserve that you want no one else to read..... This is the
It codes your data into meaningless-looking garbage, and brings the data
back using the DECODE program. Password protected !
If they don't have the password... GOOD LUCK getting the data out.
* *
* -- PRSKEY -- *
* *
* Press any key........... in color ! *
* Show "press any key.." in ANY color, *
* any background, or pause screen for *
* any length of time ! *
* The perfect batch file utility. *
* Message scrolls off screen in a quick, *
* zippy fashion, rather than clearing screen. *
* *
│ Directory Information Lister │
│ │
│ │
│ │
│ Show all directories on your hard disk..... │
│ Lists size of each one, how many files it contains, │
│ and total bytes taken up by all directories combined. │
│ │
│ Colorful and useful ! Your hard disk displayed FULLY... │
Unleash Your Hard Drive!
Execute your programs through your entire disk drive
and never change directories ?
Global lets you find files, change files or anything else.
No need to copy a program ever again ... let GLOBAL do the work.
Execute any DOS command everywhere on your computer at once !
┌─┤Command Colors in DOS !├─┐
│ └───────────────────────┘ │
║Take control of your EGA VGA screen. Make yours any color you want !║
║ Useful for batch files, or those who simply hate the standard ║
║ white-on-black DOS colors. ║
Throw Your DOS Disks In the Trash !
DOS has no use anymore. It's outdated, old, and improving so slowly
that good programmers are replacing it, QUICK ! Read the perfect
replacement ...
Why type long pathnames just to move a file ? Instead of:
copy \lotus\files\week1\utili\myfile \dos\current\1991
just type: mohere myfile
And my utility does all the work ! Searches and finds your file
then moves it for you.
║ Multiple DOS Commands on One Line ║
║ ║
║Execute up to 14 programs or DOS commands on one line.║
║ Cut your batch file size in half ! ║
║ A batch file with only two lines ? ║
║ Now it's possible... ║
║ A text file viewer included, free. ║
Dave's VIEW !
Views file contents of ANY compressed file, even LHA 212 and ARJ.
Fully updated, and can see inside files that any other viewer
cannot see !
Accepts wildcards, searches multiple directories, accepts many
different archives at one time, search whole disks, change
between disks, super-accurate, and can isolate one compression
method over another ...
Practical Jokes:
The funniest practical jokes you can play !! Imagine your
friends turning on their computer and strange things start
to happen....
Directories from nowhere, files popping up randomly, etc.
These are safe, non-viral pranks to pull on any of your
friends, family or at work (when no one's looking).
█ Program that searches for a sentence, █
█ word, or even part of a word. █
█ Searches the entire directory for text. █
█ Now, you don't have to hunt through ALL █
█ those files just to find one word. █
█ █
█ Small, fast and effective. █
Word Calculator version 1.5:
Can find words in an instant, convert a text file to
upper-lower case, show ASCII value of any key on your
keyboard ...
Strip the linefeeds, carriage returns, or control characters
off your files !
Super-simple interface, yet a powerful program.
Text File Viewer
A no-nonsense, small and quick text file viewer.
The usual page-up/down, scroll line-by-line, home/end of
file functions, and time/date/filename displayed...
║ ║
║ ║
║ A new revolution in DOS.... ║
║ ║
║Instead of typing: ║
║ ║
║ type: BRING myfile ║
║ ║
║ also enables you to: 1. Copy files before/after certain date ║
║ 2. Prompt for each file to be copied ║
║ 3. Copy all files except ... ║
║ 4. Move the files ║
║ 5. Include hidden/system files ║
║ 6. Reset date of file while copying ║
║ 7. Copy and merge with another file ║
║ ║
║ ║
║ I guarantee you'll never use the boring "COPY" command again.... ║
║ ║
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ ShutDown ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
Simple program to copy all new files to a backup section,
then park your hard drive.
Lists all new files and oldest file in directory. Reminds
when it's time to back-up onto floppies.
FUN.EXE Maps your hard drive, showing which files are in what
directory. Shows file date, time, size and catalogs your
entire drive for backup purposes.
If your hard disk goes bezerk, you always have a backed-up
listing of what went where !!
Shows files inside ZIPPED, ARCED OR LZH and allows you
to view them without uncompressing the file !
Why get a archiver shell when all you need is this ??
Maintain complete control of compression !!
Arcmaster is 198K long ...
AT55 is 103K long ........
WDIR24.EXE is 75K ........
UNZIPR is 55K ...........
ZMGR1.EXE is 59K ........
Don't spend your money downloading all these shells, get the FILE
PEEKER (only 27K) and get the same power !
SHOWME ! Views self-extracting archives.
Can see into compressed files that no other viewers can....
Uses the compression's natural listing features, so always
accurate, constantly up-to-date.
What's in those .EXE files on your drive ?? Are they compressed?
Now you can see !
And this just out:
| HUNTER 2.0 ! What's so special about this ?? |
| |
| Hunt down then: change file attributes |
| copy file |
| delete all files |
| kill all repitition files |
| change file date |
| change name |
| view, edit, use a user-defined program |
| and more..... |
| |
| |
| PROBER Searhces contents of all text files on current |
| directory for word or sentence. No need for extensive |
| searches, hunting through all files to find a name. | |
| Find it FAST ! |
| |
| |
| |
When you need an extra copy of your
file, don't copy to another directory,
rename it, then copy back, DUPE IT.
Creates that needed copy fast, no
mess, no work.
║ ║
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║ █ █ █ █ █ ═════════════ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ █ ═══════════════ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ SOUND EFFECTS 4 █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ═══════════════ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ █ ═════════════ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ █ ═══════════ █ █ █ █ █ █ ║
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║ █ █ █ ═════ █ █ █ ║
║ █ █ █ █ ║
║ █now available from Dave█ ║
║ █Smith and Bill Cravener█ ║
║ ║
Instead of scattered dir switchers around
your hard drive, get the FLY. When you
switch dir's, it goes along, ready to
act once again.
Like having a dir-changer on EVERY directory.
█ █
█ █
█ Methods of increasing the capacity and █
█ speed of your hard drive. No need to █
█ purchase $400.00 of junk when other █
█ methods work just as well. █
█ █
Unusual Batch File Utilities ??
These are utils you won't see anywhere else. Spacey sounds,
check for existence of files/directories, check readiness of
drives, totally delete files, put 14 commands on one line,
timer for timing important utilities, or change attributes
of files/screen.
▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ BINARY FILES ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀
Extract text, punctuation, carriage returns, and MORE from any binary
file. Why use a hex-dump to search for words in binary files ?
This program finds any word or string or words. Includes more than
12 options, and has been improved to be faster and more precise.
Dave's Attribute Editor !
Change any file's attribute, QUICK. Switch between hidden, system,
read-only .... lightning fast. Or see a file's attributes, or even
find all files containing any particular attrib.
Throw that DOS' Attrib.Exe away, it's replacement is finally here !
BYE.EXE totally erases a file. No file-recovery can bring
it back. I tested Norton, PCTools and Mace, none
of which even FOUND the deleted file !
Your Computer Is At Risk !
Downloading mysterious files is scary, so inspect them
first with the INSPECTOR. It identifies if file is text,
binary, executable, compressed and checks for viruses.
A full report is then listed, FAST.
Check out those re-named files and X-RAY their contents.
For a DiskFull of Utilities, send
ten dollars and a FORMATTED diskette to:
David Smith
1104 Mason Dr.
Hurst TX 76053
$10.00 buys a lot !
DROP ME A LINE !! Compuserve 71441,2723
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