The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Programmer's Productivity Pack 2.50 - Vendor.DOC
P R O G R A M M E R ' S P R O D U C T I V I T Y P A C K
Version 2.50
This file provides information for Shareware Distributors and
Disk Vendors who wish to distribute the Programmer's Productivity
Pack 2.50 package. Please refer to the License information in
the User's Guide (PROPAK.DOC) for additional information.
ASP Associate Members:
Vendors who are ASP Associate Members in good standing are hereby
given permission to distribute the Programmer's Productivity Pack
2.50 package in accordance with the requirements listed below.
ASP Associate Members in good standing do not need to request
permission to distribute this package. If your address, as
listed in the ASP Vendor Catalog is incorrect, please send us
your current address so we can ensure that you always have the
most current version (mailed in a sealed envelope).
Other Distributors and Vendors:
Shareware Distributors and Disk Vendors who wish to distribute
the Programmer's Productivity Pack 2.50 package must request
permission from Falk Data Systems. You must also comply with the
requirements listed below.
Since permission is routinely granted, you may begin distributing
the Programmer's Productivity Pack 2.50 package immediately after
sending in your request. You don't need to wait for confirmation
from us before beginning distribution. If, for any reason, your
request is denied you must cease distribution immediately upon
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Programmer's Productivity Pack 2.50 - Vendor.DOC
When making your request please ensure that we have your correct
address and phone number, and the name of a person we may contact
if necessary. This will help us to ensure that you have the most
current version of the package.
If you would like to apply for ASP Associate Membership please
let us know and we will send you a copy of the ASP Associate
Membership application form.
The Programmer's Productivity Pack 2.50 package may be
distributed as described above and in accordance with the
following requirements:
o The Programmer's Productivity Pack package - including all
related program files and documentation files - CANNOT be
modified in any way and must be distributed as a complete
package, without exception. The PACKING.LST text file
contains a list of all files that are part of the
Programmer's Productivity Pack package.
o No price or other compensation may be charged for the
software. A distribution cost may be charged for the cost
of the diskette, shipping and handling, as long as the
total (per disk) does not exceed US$10.00 in the U.S. and
Canada, or US$15.00 internationally.
o The Programmer's Productivity Pack package CANNOT be sold
as part of some other inclusive package. Nor can it be
included in any commercial software packaging offer,
without a written agreement from Falk Data Systems.
o The PRINTED User's Guide may not be reproduced in whole or
in part, using any means, without the written permission
of Falk Data Systems.
o The Programmer's Productivity Pack package cannot be
"rented" or "leased" to others.
o The person receiving a copy of the Programmer's
Productivity Pack MUST be made aware that each disk or
copy is ONLY for evaluation, and that Falk Data Systems
has not received any royalties or payment for the product.
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Programmer's Productivity Pack 2.50 - Vendor.DOC
o The person receiving a copy of the Programmer's
Productivity Pack MUST be made aware that he or she does
not become a registered user until Falk Data Systems has
received payment for registration of the software.
o Falk Data Systems prohibits the distribution of outdated
versions of the Programmer's Productivity Pack, without
written permission from Falk Data Systems.
U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by
the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in
subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and
Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013.
A Request:
We would appreciate copies of anything you print regarding the
Programmer's Productivity Pack. Please send us a copy of any
reviews, articles, catalog descriptions, or other information you
print or distribute regarding the Programmer's Productivity Pack
package. Thank you for your time and assistance and for
supporting the shareware concept.
Please send all requests and materials to:
Falk Data Systems
5322 Rockwood Court
El Paso, Texas 79932 Office: (915) 584-7670
U.S.A. CompuServe: 71420,2431
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