The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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226 lines
This program allows you to adjust the
red, green and blue components of eight
colors (BKGD, ..., OUTER).
* * * VGAHUES * * *
Copyright 1993, GMH Code
- Keyboard Usage -
Use left/right arrow keys to select a particular color. The highlight rect-
angle indicates the active color.
Use the keys <R>, <G>, <B> to increase the red, green, blue components of the
active color. Shift those keys to decrease primaries. Several primaries can
be altered simultaneously by using the <M>, <Y>, <C> or <W> keys (for: magenta,
yellow, cyan, white.) The up/down arrow keys work as <W> and <W'>.
Duplicate one color into another by first pressing <D> in the source color.
Next, make the destination color active. Then press <D> again to copy.
Example: Use arrows to make Outer active (showing highlight rectangle.) Then
press <D>; now use left arrow to make Inner active. Finally, press <D> again.
Three pairs of colors may be exchanged by the following keys:
<T> Text/Bkgd
<O> Outer/Inner
<P> Plane/Center
Furthermore, those three pairs may be rotated about by pressing <X>.
The Fade function - press <F> to inaugurate - outputs a linear combination of
Left and Right to Center.
<S> sums (and clips, if required) contents of Left and Right into Center.
<Z> restores the last value to Center before an operation.
<I> inverts the active color.
<H> or <N> toggles the readout base below each color from hex/decimal.
<space>+<F3..F10> stores the current palette of eight colors (Bkgd..Outer)
to memory for later use.
<Ctrl>+<F3..F10> recalls one of the palettes to the current display.
<F3..F10> samples one of the palettes (i.e., displays palette briefly.)
<Insert>/<Delete> Draw/erase a set of graphic images.
<4> Emulate GRAYscale mode <5> Normal COLOR mode
<7> <8> <9> Mouse sensitivity. (<9> is default; use <7>/<8> only if req'd.)
<F1> show onboard help. <Q> quit program.
- Mouse Usage -
Bring the mouse (pointer) into any of the three primary color slots of the
desired color (for example, the blue slot of the color Text.) Press the
left mouse button ("[L]") and adjust the primary to the desired intensity
then release [L].
Duplicate one color into another by pressing [L] inside the source color's
box (but not inside a primary slot). Keeping [L] depressed, move to anywhere
within the destination color's box and release [L]. To cancel, release [L]
outside of all color boxes.
Open the mouse window for a particular color by pressing [R] (right button)
within that color's box. (Or, press [R] on the desired color in upper half
of the screen.) The following functions can be done from the mouse window.
(Mouse's [L] button activates all; [R] closes window).
{(white/black)} white/black out color
{(arrows)} "gray up/down" color
{(+RGB -RGB)} adjust color's red, green, blue components
{STO}, {RCL}, {SAMPLE} store, recall, sample one of eight palettes (F3-F10)
each containing the eight colors, Bkgd - Outer.
{SWAP} swaps contents of current palette with the most-recent current
palette (i.e., palette bumped by a {RCL} or {SWAP} operation.)
{Z} restore Center to its value before last operation
{GFX} Toggles display of extra graphics images
{Fade} Center receives linear combination of Left and Right.
{Sigma} sum Left and Right into Center.
{I-1} invert color.
{X} rotate three pairs (Text/Bkgd, Outer/Inner, Plane/Center)
Any of the three pairs of colors may be exchanged by clicking [L] on:
{T} Text/Bkgd
{O} Outer/Inner
{P} Plane/Center
{SWAP} Swap current, former palette, as above.
{QUIT} Quit program
{HELP} Onboard help.
{VGA} Toggles VGA grayscale/color modes. (Or use keys: <4>,<5>.)
{HUES'93} Toggles display of extra graphic images, as GFX, above.
{BASE} Toggles color value readout (below the boxes) between hex and decimal.
{QNQ} Quit, No Questions. (Palettes F3-F10 cannot be saved with this option.)
Text of VGAHUES onboard help and intro.
Mouse speed (\"789\"): <7> Slowest <8> Slow <9> Normal
Left button ([L]) selects; right button ([R]) opens/closes mouse window.
Adjust primaries: Select slot; press [L] to activate; adjust; release [L].
Duplicate: Press [L] in source box (but not slot!); release [L] in target box.
Click on: BASE - toggle Hex/Dec readouts; QUIT - quit prog.; QNQ - quit, no ?s
Click on: HUES93/{GFX} - extra graphic images; SWAP - current/former palettes
Click [L] for white|black; press/hold/release [L] for graying or ±R|G|B.
[L] for STO|RCL|Sample F3..F10; release at desired palette. SWAP: Current/Prev.
Z = last color of Center before op; FADE blends Left & Right into Center.
Sum {Σ} of Left + Right to Center; {I-1} inverse of boxed color.
{X} Rotate 3 pairs clockwise: Text/Bkgd > Outer/Inner > Left/Right (>Tx/Bk)
Exchange pairs: {T}ext/Bkgd or {O}uter/Inner or {P}lane/Center.
VGA color mode: [L] on VGA or <5>; VGA grayscale mode: [L] on VGA or <4>
(Keyboard notes: press <F1> Mouse notes - via kybrd - press <Shift+F1>.)
Select active color box: use left/right arrows.
Primaries: Press <R>ed, <G>, <B>, to increase; (<Shift><R|G|B> to decrease.)
MultiColor: <M>agenta, <Y>, <C>, <^>|<W>hite. Preemptive: <0>Black, <1>White
Duplicate: Press <D> in source box. Move to target box. Press <D> again.
Exchange pairs: <T>ext/Bkgd, <O>uter/Inner, <P>lane/Center.
Rotate 3 pairs: <X> rotates Text/Bkgd -> Outer/Inner -> Left/Right (>Tx/Bk).
<I>nvert active color; <S>um of Left+Right -> Center; <Z> Restore last Center
<Insert> display extra graphics images; <Delete> erase images
VGA display mode: <4> GRAYscale <5> COLOR
This palette (Bkgd-Outer) can be stored in 8 areas, F3..F10, or SWAP'd, <F2>.
Store: <Space><F3..F10>; Recall: <Ctrl><F3..F10>; Sample: <F3..F10>
Fade: Press <F> to initiate. This blends Left and Right into Center.
<H>|<N> toggle readout base; <Q> quit prgm (option: export Text/Bkgd to DOS)
--------------------------- Keyboard --------------------------
Use the left/right arrow keys to highlight the "Outer" box.
Then press the <R> key to increase the red component of that
color. <Shift> the <R> to decrease it. Try this with the
<G>reen and <B>lue keys.
Press <Insert>/<Delete> to select the extra graphic images.
Generally, peruse the help function using <F1> for notes on
all the available features (see some mentioned, below.)
----------------------------- Mouse ---------------------------
Move the mouse pointer to the box labeled "Center". Adjust
components, e.g., green, by putting the pointer in that col-
or's slot and pressing the left button ("[L]"), adjusting
the intensity, then releasing [L] at the new level.
You can open (and close) the mouse window for a given color
by pressing the [R] button anywhere within the color's box.
Close the window by pressing [R] again.
Select the HELP box (LHS) for notes on all the features, which
include: duplication, store/recall/sample of palettes, color
switching, fading, color inversion, toggling of number base.
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| GMH Code |
| P.O.Box 2117 | ---------------------------------
| Lowell, MA 01851 |
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Please enclose your check for $5 payable to GMH Code.
Registered users receive more-detailed instructions including
the use of the external (command-line) functions some of which
are listed below (run C:\>vgahues ? to see them all.)
- a fast way back to the default VGA text mode
and settings (after graphics mishaps)
- data on the current VGA display mode
- set your card to any VGA display mode
- view or reset first 16 colors of VGA color map
- set card to run VGA-mono (i.e., grayscale) emulation