The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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User Manual
Torbert Data Systems, Inc.
P. O. Box 9218
Chesapeake, VA 23321
Telephone (804) 488-5506
FAX (804) 488-8630
Support BBS (804) 488-4146
COPYRIGHT (c) 1990-93 Torbert Data Systems, Inc.
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
FOREWORD ............................................ vi
I. INTRODUCTION ........................................ 1.1
What is CMTS? ....................................... 1.1
Features Overview ................................... 1.1
Membership .......................................... 1.1
Donations ........................................... 1.2
Fund Accounting ..................................... 1.2
Attendance .......................................... 1.3
Visitation .......................................... 1.3
Customize Setup ..................................... 1.3
Additional Reports .................................. 1.4
Optional Products and Services ...................... 1.4
Conversion Services ................................. 1.4
Customization ....................................... 1.4
Network Support ..................................... 1.4
Ultimate MailList Manager ........................... 1.5
Ad Hoc Report Writer ................................ 1.5
II. GETTING STARTED ..................................... 2.1
System Requirements ................................. 2.1
Initial Installation Instructions ................... 2.1
Up and Running Quickly .............................. 2.2
Consistent Look and Feel ............................ 2.3
Upgrading From Prior Versions ....................... 2.5
III. THE MAIN MENU ....................................... 3.1
IV. MEMBERSHIP .......................................... 4.1
MEMBER.EXE .......................................... 4.1
Membership Information .............................. 4.2
Households / Individuals ....................... 4.2
Individuals By Name ............................ 4.6
Organizations .................................. 4.10
Special Talents ................................ 4.11
Special Dates .................................. 4.13
Purge Deleted Records .......................... 4.14
Mailing Labels ...................................... 4.15
By Household ................................... 4.15
By Individual .................................. 4.16
Members of an Organization ..................... 4.17
Label Test Pattern ............................. 4.17
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
Reports ............................................. 4.18
Complete Household Listing ..................... 4.18
Individual Profile Report ...................... 4.18
Special Dates Report ........................... 4.19
Special Talents Report ......................... 4.19
Organizational Rosters ......................... 4.20
Complete Church Roster ......................... 4.20
Family Church Directory ........................ 4.21
Individual Directory ........................... 4.21
Birthday List .................................. 4.22
Export Members for Mail Merge .................. 4.22
Auto Organization Build Utility ................ 4.23
V. DONATIONS ........................................... 5.1
DONATE.EXE .......................................... 5.1
Donation Data Entry and Update ...................... 5.2
Enter Donations By Name ........................ 5.3
Enter Donations By Envelope Number ............. 5.5
Detail Data Entry Edit Listing ................. 5.6
Summary Data Entry Edit Listing ................ 5.7
Finalize Data Entry ............................ 5.7
Miscellaneous Activities ............................ 5.8
Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance ............... 5.8
Year End Roll .................................. 5.10
Purge History (Date Range)...................... 5.10
Export Donation Data ........................... 5.11
Statement Processing Options ........................ 5.12
Build Statement Work File ...................... 5.12
Print Statements ............................... 5.13
Print Mailing Labels ........................... 5.13
Label Test Pattern ............................. 5.14
Single Statement - Summary Format .............. 5.14
Single Statement - Detail Format ............... 5.15
Print Statements In Detail Format .............. 5.15
Inquiries ........................................... 5.16
Detail Inquiry By Individual ................... 5.16
Detail Inquiry By Donation Category ............ 5.16
Quarterly Summary Donation Inquiry ............. 5.17
Reports ............................................. 5.17
Activity Report - Individual ................... 5.18
Activity Report - Fund ......................... 5.18
Donation Summary - Individual .................. 5.19
Donation Summary By Fund - Date Range .......... 5.19
Weekly Donation Summary ........................ 5.20
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
Call List By Last Donation Date ................ 5.20
Quarterly Fund Summary ......................... 5.21
Member List By Envelope # ...................... 5.21
Alpha List With Envelope Number ................ 5.22
VI. FUND ACCOUNTING ..................................... 6.1
FUND.EXE ............................................ 6.1
MAINTAIN FILES SUBMENU .............................. 6.3
File Maintenance Activities ......................... 6.4
General Ledger Accounts ........................ 6.4
Budget Information ............................. 6.6
Bank Information ............................... 6.6
Vendors ........................................ 6.8
Autobuild Next Year's Budget ................... 6.9
Reset Next Year's Budget Back To Zero .......... 6.10
Reports ............................................. 6.10
Chart Of Accounts .............................. 6.11
Monthly Budget Information ..................... 6.11
Annual Budget Information ...................... 6.12
Actual/Budgeted Variance Report ................ 6.12
Bank File Listing .............................. 6.12
Vendor File Listing ............................ 6.13
DATA ENTRY SUBMENU .................................. 6.13
Transaction Data Entry .............................. 6.13
Enter Transactions ............................. 6.14
Data Entry Edit Listing ........................ 6.12
Finalize Transactions .......................... 6.23
Other Data Entry Activities ......................... 6.24
Check Reconciliation ........................... 6.24
Reports ............................................. 6.25
Check Register ................................. 6.25
Outstanding Check List ......................... 6.26
INQUIRIES SUBMENU ................................... 6.26
Transaction Detail Inquiry ..................... 6.26
Account Inquiry ................................ 6.27
Check Register ................................. 6.27
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
PERIOD END PROCESSING SUBMENU ....................... 6.28
Period End Processing ............................... 6.28
Prepare For Monthly Financial Reports .......... 6.28
Monthly Financial Report ....................... 6.29
Monthly Trial Balance .......................... 6.29
Year End Processing ................................. 6.29
Year End Roll .................................. 6.30
Purge Old Transactions ......................... 6.30
Purge Deleted Accounts ......................... 6.31
Export Transactions ............................ 6.31
REPORTS SUBMENU ..................................... 6.33
Chart Of Accounts .............................. 6.33
Revenue and Expenditures ....................... 6.33
Sources and Uses of Funds (Detail) ............. 6.34
Trial Balance .................................. 6.34
Actual vs Budgeted Report ...................... 6.34
Check Register ................................. 6.35
Outstanding Check List ......................... 6.35
Transaction Audit Trail ........................ 6.35
Balance Sheet .................................. 6.35
Changes in Fund Equity ......................... 6.36
Fund Equity Account Analysis ................... 6.36
Monthly Budget Information ..................... 6.37
Annual Budget Information ...................... 6.37
Monthly Financial Report ....................... 6.37
Monthly Trial Balance .......................... 6.37
Account Detail Report By Date Range ............ 6.37
Actual/Budgeted Variance Report ................ 6.37
VII. ATTENDANCE .......................................... 7.1
ATTEND.EXE .......................................... 7.1
Congregational Attendance ........................... 7.2
Build Attendance Records ....................... 7.2
Enter Attendance By Date ....................... 7.3
Enter Attendance By Member ..................... 7.4
Update Last Attendance Date .................... 7.5
Purge Old Records .............................. 7.5
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
Organizational Attendance ........................... 7.6
Build Attendance Records ....................... 7.6
Enter Attendance By Date ....................... 7.7
Enter Attendance By Member ..................... 7.8
Update Last Attendance Date .................... 7.9
Purge Old Records .............................. 7.9
Reports ............................................. 7.10
Attendance Call List ........................... 7.10
Congregational Summary By Date ................. 7.10
Organizational Summary By Date ................. 7.11
Congregational Detail By Member ................ 7.12
Organizational Detail By Member ................ 7.12
Date of Last Organizational Attendance ......... 7.12
Congregational Attendance Worksheet ........... 7.13
Organizational Attendance Worksheet ........... 7.13
VIII.VISITATION AND EVENT TRACKING ........................ 8.1
VISIT.EXE ........................................... 8.1
Data Entry .......................................... 8.2
Enter Events ................................... 8.2
Data Entry Edit Listing ........................ 8.3
Finalize Events ................................ 8.3
Event Inquiries and Year End Roll ................... 8.4
View Event Detail By Category .................. 8.4
View Event Detail By Member .................... 8.4
Ten Year Event Summary ......................... 8.5
Roll Event Year ................................ 8.5
Visitation Activities ................................ 8.5
Members' Visitation Information ................ 8.5
Appointment Schedular .......................... 8.7
Reports ............................................. 8.8
Event Detail By Date ........................... 8.8
Event Detail By Category ....................... 8.9
Event Summary By Date Range .................... 8.9
Five Year Event Summary ........................ 8.10
Visitation Roster By Route ..................... 8.10
Appointment Summary By Date .................... 8.11
Other ............................................... 8.11
Purge Event History ............................ 8.11
IX. CUSTOMIZE SETUP ..................................... 9.1
SETUP.EXE ........................................... 9.1
Maintenance Parameters .............................. 9.2
T a b l e O f C o n t e n t s
Donation Categories ............................ 9.2
Date Descriptions .............................. 9.3
Organizations .................................. 9.4
Talents ........................................ 9.6
Events ......................................... 9.7
Password Security .............................. 9.8
Miscellaneous Parameters ....................... 9.10
User Definable Field Descriptions .............. 9.11
Reports ............................................. 9.12
Donation Category Listing ...................... 9.12
List Of Date Descriptions ...................... 9.12
List Of Organizations .......................... 9.13
List Of Talents ................................ 9.13
List of Events ................................. 9.13
X. ADDITIONAL REPORTS .................................. 10.1
RPTINIT.EXE ......................................... 10.1
Run Reports ......................................... 10.2
Reports By Category ............................ 10.2
Reports By Name ................................ 10.2
Maintain Files ...................................... 10.3
Categories ..................................... 10.3
Reports ........................................ 10.4
XI. LIVE IMPLEMENTATION ................................. 11.1
FILECRE.EXE ......................................... 11.1
Instructions For Live Implementation ................ 11.1
MEMBERSHIP ..................................... 11.2
DONATIONS ...................................... 11.3
FUND ACCOUNTING ................................ 11.3
ATTENDANCE ..................................... 11.4
VISITATION ..................................... 11.4
XII. SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS .............................. 12.1
Files ............................................... 12.1
Backup Procedures ................................... 12.4
Restoring From A Backup ............................. 12.6
Product Support ..................................... 12.6
XIII.In Case Of Difficulties ............................. 13.1
Version 3.3 of CMTS represents Torbert Data System's ongoing
commitment to the many churches now using this software. The
many new features and enhancements implemented in this release
are based on the suggestions and requests of current users.
This version incorporates the simplicity and ease of use that
have attracted churches to prior versions of this product
while providing a total solution to church management needs.
Torbert Data Systems would like to thank the many churches
which have contributed to the development of version 3.3
through their suggestions and recommendations. We would like
to extend a special thanks to the churches that have helped in
testing and debugging beta releases of this version.
The ability to view the manual from the main menu utilizes
LIST.COM. LIST.COM is the property of Vernon D. Buerg.
The software is distributed using self-extracting EXE files
that were created by PKZIP under a license agreement between
Torbert Data Systems, Inc. and PKWARE.
The installation procedure was created using FIRST IMPRESSION
under a license agreement with Lincoln Beach Software.
"This program is produced by a member of the Association of
Shareware Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that
the shareware principle works for you. If you are unable to
resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by
contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The
ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with
an ASP member, but does not provide technical support for
members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545
Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442 or send a CompuServe message
via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman 70007,3536."
Church Membership Tracking System (CMTS) is an exceptionally
easy to use, full featured, church management system. The
software is completely menu driven and provides context-
sensitive help screens to guide the user through every step.
The software is available in both single-user and network
The system consists of seven individual modules and offers
extensive reporting capabilities. There is also an optional
report writer which allows the user to write additional
reports or modify the many reports supplied with the system.
o Membership
o Donations
o Fund Accounting
o Attendance
o Visitation
o Setup
o Additional Reports
In all modules, reports prompt with an option to direct the
report to either the screen or the printer. Reports directed
to the screen may be scrolled up and down, etc. Reports may
also be easily directed to disk.
Extensive membership information is maintained. Store vital
information on each household and each individual within the
church. Members' special dates, talents, events and
membership in church organizations may be entered based on
user defined tables.
Reports provide household and individual details, as well as
a roster for any organization within the church, list of
member's special talents, and a report for any "special date
category" and date range. Membership information may be
exported into ASCII text format for use with the mail merge
features common in many word processors. Mailing labels may
be printed for each family, each individual, or all members of
a church organization.
Donations may be entered by name or envelope number. A
comprehensive audit trail of all giving may be accessed by
member or by fund category. Transaction detail information
may be retained indefinitely if there is adequate disk space.
You may elect to combine individuals from the same household
for statement purposes or print statements for each
Store individual's pledge information by fund category. Both
annual and "life of the fund" pledge amount may be stored for
each individual per fund.
Excellent reports are provided to access transaction detail as
well as current and prior year quarterly totals. You may
print a complete detail donation listing grouped either by
member or by fund category of all giving for any date range.
Donation information may also be exported into ASCII text
format for use in spreadsheets.
This is a true double entry fund accounting general ledger
system. It is recommended that an accountant assist in the
initial setup of the church's chart of accounts, however once
installed, the use of automatic transaction types makes it
extremely easy to use with little or no accounting knowledge.
The system provides budgeting capabilities for all sources of
funds (revenue) and uses of funds (expenditures). Budget
amounts may be entered on either a monthly or an annual basis.
Prior year budget information is also available.
Several automatic transaction types are provided to assist the
user with a limited accounting background. First, when
entering bank deposits, simply indicate the appropriate source
of fund distribution. The journal entries are then made by
the system automatically. Similarly, when cash disbursements
(checks) are entered, indicate the use of fund distribution
and the entries are again made automatically.
Complete records of all bank checking accounts are generated
automatically. The system even allows you to print check
registers and flag returned checks to assist in check
There is also a transaction screen to enter fund equity
transfers. A general journal entry screen is also provided to
allow traditional debit and credit posting when necessary.
Extensive reporting capabilities include several monthly
financial reports, a statement of revenue and expenditures and
changes in fund equity, statement of sources and uses of
funds, chart of accounts listing, trial balance, check
register and much more. Other reports include a detailed
audit trail listing of all transactions for a user defined
reporting period, budget report, and a current year vs prior
year comparison. Information may also be exported into ASCII
text format for import into spreadsheets, etc.
Attendance may be maintained for up to three user defined
events (morning worship, evening worship, Sunday school, etc.)
for the entire congregation. It is fast and easy to enter
attendance information. You then have the information needed
to recognize members with outstanding attendance and to call
upon those who have been absent. A "call list" based on last
attendance date is especially useful.
Attendance may also be maintained for all organizational
functions. Attendance may be entered for any frequency
(daily, weekly, monthly, etc).
The attendance module uses an "exception posting" approach.
This means it is only necessary to post attendance records for
members either present or absent, but not both.
This module provides the ability to track statistically the
events that occur in the church such as baptisms, deaths,
transfers and so forth. Up to 9999 different type events may
be defined and tracked for statistical purposes.
Denominational churches often are required to submit
statistical information on national and district reports. The
event structure should help in this regard.
The visitation module also allows for tracking information on
shut-ins, last visit dates, visitation routes, etc. and
includes an appointment schedular. Use the appointment
schedular to schedule visits and other appointments. There
is even a memo pad to enter detailed information in a free-
form text edition fashion. Memos may be associated with a
member or a date.
Reports include both event summary and event detail reports,
call lists by either last attendance date or last donation, a
visitation roster by route and appointment summary by date
Customize CMTS to the needs of your church. Many parameters
can be tailored to your unique requirements. Define the
special dates such as birthdays, wedding anniversary, etc. to
be tracked for each member. Similarly, define the members'
talents you wish to track, any events to be tracked
statistically and indicate all organizations within the
church. Define all the contribution categories available for
donation posting.
In this module you may indicate whether you wish to require
password security and if so, specify which modules each user
may access. User-definable fields are available for further
customization. The descriptions for each of these fields can
be maintained here.
This module permits additional reports written using the
Clarion Report Writer to be added to the menu system. The
menu is "soft" meaning that any reports you write can be added
to the menu. In addition custom reports written by Torbert
Data Systems and consultants can be placed here without
modifying the program.
Several optional products are available to enhance your use of
CMTS. For more information on any of these products, contact
Torbert Data Systems at (804) 488-5506.
Torbert Data Systems offers data conversion services. If your
church's membership is already computerized, you may be able
to avoid rekeying your members. Contact Torbert Data Systems
for more information on this service.
If your church desires features that are not currently in the
standard CMTS package, we may be able to provided them for
you. In many instances, the requested feature may already be
planned for a future release. Otherwise, we might be able to
include the features you need in a future version of the
This version of CMTS is a single user version. It will
operate on a network if only one user access the files at a
Our commercial version, CMTS Plus offers full network support.
Contact Torbert Data Systems for more information.
Based on the prospect/maillist module of CMTS Plus, this
product is excellent for tracking prospects, area businesses
that might receive the weekly bulletin, day care children
(with emergency medical information), and any other group that
you do not wish to include in the membership module or track
for donations and attendance.
Write your own ad-hoc reports and queries. Clarion Software's
powerful Report Writer is just the product to enhance your
CMTS system.
The optional Report Writer module allows users to create their
own reports and to modify the many reports supplied with the
system. Furthermore, reports written with Report Writer may
be fully integrated into the menu of the Additional Reports
module. For more information on Report Writer, contact
Torbert Data Systems.
The following information is presented to allow the user to
get the software up and running quickly in a test mode.
Sample data files have been distributed with this software and
should be used during this process. These sample files may be
created by running the programs SAMPLE1.EXE and SAMPLE2.EXE.
Prior to attempting the actual live installation and building
of your church's data files, the remainder of the manual
should be read completely. The sample data files are
furnished for product evaluation and familiarization only.
They must be purged prior to live installation. See
information on FILECRE.EXE elsewhere in this manual.
The following hardware is required to run CMTS.
IBM PC or compatible
640 K of memory
Hard disk (At least 5 Megabytes free)
MS DOS Level 3.0 or higher
The software should work with any monitor.
CMTS is distributed in several different ways. Usually, when
you receive an on-disk copy, you need only place disk one into
the drive and enter A:INSTALL or B:INSTALL. The installation
is automatic at that point.
1. Create a directory called CMTS33.
Example: MD \CMTS33 Press <ENTER>
2. Make that your active directory.
Example: CD \CMTS33 Press <ENTER>
3. Copy the three CMTS zip files to the directory and then
unzip them.
Before CMTS can be run, data files must be created. The
program FILECRE.EXE will create sample data files to assis in
quickly evaluating the look and feel of the software. This
same program must be run again to create live data files prior
to actual implementation. SEE CHAPTER 11 for details of live
Example: FILECRE Press <ENTER>
IMPORTANT: Insure that your CONFIG.SYS file contains values at
least as great as "FILES = 50" (or greater). Failure to do
this will result in the DOS "Too many open files" error. If
you are not familiar with this file, refer to your DOS manual
for additional information. The file may be maintained by
using EDLIN or any ASCII text editor.
In case of difficulty installing this software, please give us
a call at (804) 488-5506. We will be glad to assist you.
Once the software is intalled and sample data files are built,
run the the program by executing CMTS.
Example: CD \CMTS33 Press <ENTER>
This section will get you up and running as soon as possible
so you can evaluate the look and feel of the software. It is
strongly recommended that the remainder of this manual be read
prior to building your files.
To assist in evaluating this product, a set of sample data
files has been included. Later in this manual, instructions
will be given on how to create and build the actual data files
required for live implementation.
Follow the few steps below and "explore" the software. You
will find the software to be extremely easy to use. If you
experience any difficulty, do not hesitate to call.
1. To execute the program, type <CMTS> and press <ENTER>.
When you run the software for the first time, the
keyfiles will automatically be created. These files will
have extensions such as *.K01 where * will be the same as
the data file name.
2. Soon, the initial screen will appear. Press any key to
go to the main menu.
3. To make a selection from the main menu, touch the letter
on your keyboard corresponding to the menu selection.
You may also use the <UP> or <DOWN> arrow key to position
the selector bar at the module you wish to access. Press
<ENTER> and the selection will be run.
4. The menu for the module you selected will now appear.
You may select an option on the menu in the same manner
as you did on the main menu.
If you experience any difficulties, refer to the section on
"IN CASE OF DIFFICULTIES" later in this manual.
As you begin to explore the software, you will find it
incredibly easy to use. The software has a consistent look
and feel. Several general conventions are followed throughout
the system. They will be discussed here.
1. The screen will go blank after a period of inactivity.
Press any key to display the screen. The key press will
not be active.
2. You may press <F1> from any screen in the system to get
a pop-up help screen. In many instances, the help screen
will be context sensitive to the field on which the
cursor is positioned.
3. Whenever a "scrolling lookup table" appears on the
screen, the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys or the <PG UP> and
<PG DN> keys may be used to quickly move the selector bar
to the desired record. With large files, the desired
record may be accessed more quickly by entering part or
all of a designated key value. As each keystroke is
entered, the selector bar will automatically position
itself closer to the desired record. It is seldom
necessary to input the entire value. When the selector
bar is positioned over the desired record, press <ENTER>.
4. The <ESC> key will generally take you to the prior screen
or activity. The only exception is when you are in a
data entry field, in which case the <ESC> key aborts any
data entered into that field.
The following rules apply to most screens where data entry is
permitted (file maintenance screens, donation posting screens,
5. You will normally choose between adding a new record or
changing an existing record. To add a new record, press
the <INSERT> key and the data entry form will appear. To
make changes to an existing record, position the selector
bar over the desired record as described above and press
<ENTER>. The data entry form will appear with the
current values for each field in place.
6. When entering data, use the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys to
move from field to field. The <ENTER> key will also take
you to the next field.
7. The <ESC> key will take you to the prior field and abort
any values you placed in the current field.
8. To terminate the data entry to the screen without having
to go through all the fields, press <CTL> <ENTER> (hold
down the control key and press enter). The record will
be written.
9. To terminate the data entry to the record and abort any
changes you made, press <CTL> <ESC>. The original values
will be restored.
10. While editing a field, press the <INS> key to toggle
overtype on or off. The backspace and <DEL> keys will
function as you would expect them to.
11. When editing a numeric field, press the spacebar to clear
out the entire field. All data entered in a numeric
field will be entered right justified with the cursor
remaining stationary and the numbers moving from right to
12. In instances where the value you enter must reference
existing data in another structure (entering the member
or fund when posting a donation, etc.), a pop-up
selection table may appear. For example, when prompted
to enter a member's number, press <ENTER>. A table of
all members will appear. Select the appropriate record
by moving the selector bar as discussed earlier.
13. When building a file initially or if there are no records
in the file, there will not be a scrolling table until
after at least one record has been added. This is
14. Never delete a record that has references in other files.
For instance, if members have been assigned to certain
organizations, do not delete those organizations. If a
member has active donations in the transaction file, you
must not delete that member. The proper way to delete an
inactive member is to do so at the beginning of the year,
before any transactions are posted.
The following applies to all reports.
15. Whenever a report is initiated from the menu, a report
confirmation screen will appear. This screen will
display the name of the report you have chosen and
indicate whether the current report direction is set at
16. You may toggle the report direction by pressing <F2>. To
initiate report processing, press <ENTER>.
17. Reports directed to the screen may still be sent to a
printer by pressing <CTL> <L> when the report appears on
the screen.
Users upgrading from earlier versions of CMTS must run the
appropriate conversion program. Users upgrading this software
will automatically receive this program as part of the upgrade
service. When registering for the first time, indicate if you
are currently using an earlier version. You will be sent the
appropriate conversion program to convert to the current
version. In no instance will data need to be reentered.
Functional Description
CMTS.EXE is the main menu for the Church Membership Tracking
System software. After you have become accustomed to the
software, it is possible to bypass this program and run the
individual module programs directly. However, it is
recommended that you initially use this program.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. From the DOS command line, change into the CMTS32
Example: CD \CMTS33 <ENTER>
2. Execute CMTS.EXE as follows:
Example: CMTS <ENTER>
3. The introductory screen will appear. Press <ENTER> to
4. The main menu will be displayed. To make a selection
from the main menu, touch the letter on the keyboard
corresponding to the menu selection. It is also possible
to use the <UP> or <DOWN> arrow key to position the
selector bar over the desired module. Press <ENTER> and
the selection will be run.
The main menu choices are:
A) Membership
B) Donations
C) Fund Accounting
D) Attendance
E) Visitation and Event Tracking
F) Customize Setup
G) Additional Reports
H) Backup Data Files
5. To terminate the program from the main menu, press <ESC>.
Functional Description
MEMBER.EXE is the executable program for the membership
module. This is the module where all membership details not
relating to donations are maintained.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting MEMBERSHIP from
the main menu or by executing MEMBER from the DOS command
line. To execute MEMBER from the DOS command line:
Example: CD \CMTS33 <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required.
Press <ENTER> at this time. If the security option is not
set, the password prompt will not appear and this step
may be skipped.
3. To make a selection from the membership menu, touch the
letter on the keyboard corresponding to the menu
selection. The <UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also be
used to position the selector bar over the desired
module. Press <ENTER> and the selection will be
The menu choices are:
A) Households / Individuals
B) Individuals By Name
C) Organizations
D) Special Talents
E) Special Dates
F) Purge Deleted Records
G) By Family
H) By Individual Member
I) Members of an Organization
J) Label Test Pattern
K) Complete Family Listing
L) Membership Profile Report
M) "Special Dates" Report
N) "Special Talents" Report
O) Organizational Rosters
P) Complete Church Roster
Q) Family Church Directory
R) Individual Directory
S) Birthday List
T) Export Members for Mail Merge
U) Auto Organization Build Utility
These selections will allow you to add and maintain
information related to all members of the church.
Information related to member's giving is not accessible from
this module. This allows someone who should not have access
to donation information to be able to use this module.
MENU SELECTION: "A) Households / Individuals"
Functional Description
This option allows you to update the family or household file.
There should be one entry in this file for each household.
Information that is general to all members of a family or
household should be entered here.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Households / Individuals" from the menu, touch
the letter <A> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all households currently defined
will appear. At this point, you may elect to add a new
family or change information for an existing family.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the MEMBER menu, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. After entering each field of information, press
<ENTER> to go to the next field. If you do not wish to
enter information in all fields, you may write the record
at any time by pressing <CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely
cancel the entry for this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Family Number" - The system will automatically assign
the next available family number. Optionally, you may
manually enter any new family number that does not exist.
3. "Combined Family Name" - Enter up to 30 characters which
identifies the family name or the head of the household.
If you elect to print a single statement per family, this
name will appear on the statement.
4. "Last Name (Sort)" - Enter up to the first twelve
characters of the family's last name. This is necessary
for name sorting purposes.
5. "Address Line 1" - Enter up to 32 characters for the
first line of the address.
6. "Address Line 2" - Enter up to 32 characters for the
second line of the address.
7. "City" - Enter up to 32 characters for the city or third
line of the address if required(for international users).
8. "State" - Enter the 2 character state abbreviation.
9. "Zip" - Enter up to 10 characters for the zip code.
10. "Carrier Route" - Enter the 4 character postal carrier
11. "Phone Number" - Enter the ten digit telephone number
including the area code.
12. "Alternate Address Line 1" - Enter up to 32 characters
for the first line of the alternate address. This field
is typically used when the family has a vacation home or
other alternate address.
13. "Alternate Address Line 2" - Enter up to 32 characters
for the second line of the address.
14. "Alternate City" - Enter up to 32 characters for the city
or third line of the address if required(for
international users).
15. "Alternate State" - Enter the 2 character state
16. "Alternate Zip" - Enter up to 10 characters for the zip
17. "Alternate Carrier Route" - Enter the 4 character postal
carrier route.
19. "Alternate Phone Number" - Enter the ten digit telephone
number including the area code.
20. "Status Code" - This is a user definable field. Use it
in any manner you wish.
21. "Parent or Related Family" - A family member living at a
temporary address, such as a student living at college,
will have a different address from the rest of the
family. Thus a new family must be set up for this
person. Enter the family number to which the member
actually belongs to.
User Definable Fields
There are 6 user definable fields at the household level.
The field descriptions may be maintained in the setup
module. The fields and there sizes are:
22. "User Desc 1" - This is a 1 character user definable
field. You may use it and the other user definable
fields as you wish.
23. "User Desc 2" - This is a 2 character user definable
24. "User Desc 3" - This is a 5 character user definable
25. "User Desc 4" - This is a 5 character user definable
26. "User Desc 5" - This is a 10 character user definable
27. "User Desc 6" - This is a 20 character user definable
28. "Delete Family" - When you wish to delete a family from
the data base, change this value from "N" to "Y". See
the section "Purge Deleted Records" for more information
on the use of this field.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. You may also enter all or part of
the family name to automatically position the selector
bar. Press <ENTER> to select the record.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. Press <CTRL> <ENTER> to write the record
without entering data in all fields. To completely
cancel all changes to this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
After all fields have been maintained, the program will
return to the scrolling table.
Active Function Keys
F1 HELP - Always active
1. Press F1 at any time for a pop-up context sensitive help
F2 Maintain Individuals
1. Press F2 while maintaining a family to go to a table of
all members of this family. When adding a new family,
press <CTL> <ENTER> to write the family record prior to
accessing members with F2.
F3 Swap Address/Alternate Address:
1. Press F3 to swap the primary and alternate addresses.
All reports use the primary address. In instances where
a family has a second home (vacation home, etc), store
this address and phone number in the alternate fields.
Then to make this address active, press F2.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Individuals By Name"
Functional Description
This option is used to update the member file. There should
be one entry in this file for each family member who belongs
to the church.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Individuals By Name" from the menu, touch the
letter <B> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all members currently defined will
appear. At this point, a new member may be added or an
existing member may be maintained
To return to the menu
1. To return to the MEMBER menu from the scrolling table,
press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. After entering each field of information, press
<ENTER> to go to the next field. If you do not wish to
enter information in all fields, you may write the record
at any time by pressing <CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely
cancel the entry for this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Member Number" - The system will automatically assign
the next available member number. Optionally, you may
manually enter any new member number that does not exist.
3. "Family No" - Enter the number representing the family to
which the person belongs. If you do not know the number,
press <ENTER> and a scrolling table will pop up
displaying all the families. Once the family has been
chosen, family data will be displayed on the right side
of the screen.
4. "Title" - You may enter an optional title of up to 6
characters (Mr., Mrs., etc.).
5. "First Name" - Enter the person's first name of up to 12
6. "Middle Initial" - Enter a 1 character middle initial for
this person.
7. "Last Name" - Enter up to 15 characters for the person's
last name.
8. "Suffix" - Enter up to a 3 character suffix for this
9. "Relation" - Enter the individual's relationship to the
head of the household (spouse, child, etc.).
10. "Salutation" - Enter up to a 15 character salutation for
this person.
11. "Marital Status" - Select the marriage code for the
person. Valid choices are:
S - Single M - Married W - Widowed D - Divorced
12. "Sex Code" - Indicate the sex of this person. Valid
choices are:
M - Male F - Female
13. "Label Code" - If this field has a value of <Y> when
individual labels are printed, a label will print for
this person. If it has a value of <N>, no label will be
14. "Date Joined" - Enter the date the person joined this
15. "Birthdate" - Enter the birthdate of this person.
16. "Employer" - Enter up to 20 characters for the name of
this individual's employer.
17. "Occupation" - Enter the individual's occupation of up to
twenty characters.
18. "Work Phone" - Enter the individual's work telephone
19. "Status Code" - Enter a one character status code for
this individual. Possible values are:
M - Member G - Guest V - Visitor P - Prospect
20. "Comments" - Enter up to sixty characters if you wish to
record any notes or special comments regarding this
21. "Delete Member?" - To delete a member from the data base,
change this value from "N" to "Y". See the section
"Purge Deleted Records" for more information on the use
of this field.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. You may also enter all or part of
the individual's last name to automatically position the
selector bar. Press <ENTER> to select the record.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
program will return to the scrolling table.
Active Function Keys
F1 HELP - Always active
1. Press F1 at any time for a pop-up context sensitive help
F2 Additional Information (Dates - Talents - Skills)
1. Press F2 at any time while adding or maintaining a member
to go to a pop-up menu with the following options:
A) Organizations
B) Talents
C) Dates
This allows you to maintain organizations, talents, and
special dates associated with this member.
2. To make a selection, touch the letter on the keyboard
corresponding to the menu selection. You may also use
the <UP> or <DOWN> arrow key to position the selector bar
at the option you wish to access. Press <ENTER> and the
selection will be executed. To disable the pop-up menu
from this screen, press <ESC>.
3. A scrolling table of all organizations, talents, or dates
associated with this member will appear on the screen.
Use <INS> to add a new record, or <DELETE> to purge
outdated information. To maintain existing information,
press <ENTER> while positioned over the desired record..
4. The look and feel for all three options is very similar
and conforms to the standard look and feel throughout the
system. Each of these selections is also available as a
separate option from the main menu and will be discussed
in more detail later in the manual.
F3 Print Label
1. You may print a single label for this member at anytime
while on the MAINTAIN MEMBERS screen. Press F3 and an
image of the label will appear.
2. You may now change any information on the label.
3. Press F2 to print the label or press F3 to print a label
test pattern.
F4 User Definable fields
1 There are 20 user definable fields at the individual
level. The field descriptions may be maintained in the
setup module. The fields and there sizes are:
"User Desc 1" - 1 "User Desc 2" - 1
"User Desc 3" - 1 "User Desc 4" - 1
"User Desc 5" - 1 "User Desc 6" - 2
"User Desc 7" - 2 "User Desc 8" - 2
"User Desc 9" - 2 "User Desc 10" - 2
"User Desc 11" - 3 "User Desc 12" - 3
"User Desc 13" - 5 "User Desc 14" - 5
"User Desc 15" - 5 "User Desc 16" - 5
"User Desc 17" - 10 "User Desc 18" - 10
"User Desc 19" - 20 "User Desc 20" - 20
MENU SELECTION: "C) Organizations"
Functional Description
This option allows data entry of organizational rosters.
Using this option, all the members of a specific organization
may be maintained whereas using the "Individual Members"
screen, organizations for a specific member could be
maintained. Also note that a table of valid organizations
must first be defined in the "Customize Setup" module before
they may be accessed here.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Organizations" from the menu, touch the letter
<C> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be
used to select this option.
2. You will then be prompted to enter an organization
number. Either enter a valid organization number or
press <ENTER> to view a table of all organization. After
selecting an organization, press <ENTER> to go to the
next field.
3. A scrolling table of all members currently belonging to
the selected organization will appear. At this point,
you may elect to add a new member or change information
for an existing member.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the MEMBER menu from the scrolling table,
press <ESC>. This will return you to the organization
number prompt. Press <ESC> again to return to the menu.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. To write the record at any time without editing
all fields, press <CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel
all changes to this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Member Number" - Enter a valid member number or press
<ENTER> to view a lookup table of all members.
3. "Comments" - Enter any desired comments regarding this
individual's membership. Officers of the organization
may be noted here. Up to three lines of comments may be
(To modify an existing record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
individual's organization record to be change. Press
<ENTER> to select the record.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After each field has been maintained, the
program will return to this individual's scrolling table
of organizations.
(To delete a record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record. A confirmation screen will appear.
2. The confirmation screen will display the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The program will return to the
individual's scrolling table of organizations.
MENU SELECTION: "D) Special Talents"
Functional Description
This option allows data entry of information concerning
members possessing a specific skill or talent. Using this
option, all the members possessing a specific talent may be
maintained whereas using the "Individual Members" screen,
talents for a specific member could be maintained. Also note
that talents must first be defined in the "Customize Setup"
module before they may be accessed here.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Special Talents" from the menu, touch the
letter <D> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. You will then be prompted to enter a talent category.
Enter a valid talent category number or press <ENTER> to
view a table of all talents. After you select a talent
press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. You will be presented with a scrolling table of all
members currently associated with the selected talent or
skill. At this point, it is possible to add a new member
or change information for an existing member.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the MEMBER menu from the scrolling table,
press <ESC>. This will return you to the organization
number prompt. Press <ESC> again to return to the menu.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. To write the record at any time without editing
all fields, press <CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel
all changes to this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Member Number" - Enter a valid member number or press
<ENTER> to view a lookup table of all members. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Comments" - Enter any desired comments regarding this
individual's membership. You may enter up to three lines
of comments. Press <ENTER> to return to the individual's
scrolling table of talents.
(To modify an existing record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
individual's talent record you wish to change. Press
<ENTER> to select the record.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After each field has been maintained, the
program will return to this individual's scrolling table
of organizations.
(To delete a record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record. A confirmation screen will appear.
2. The confirmation screen will display the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The program will return to the
individual's scrolling table of organizations.
MENU SELECTION: "E) Special Dates"
Functional Description
This option allows data entry of special dates by date
category. Using this option, all members data associated with
a specific date category may be maintained whereas using the
"Individual Members" screen, all dates for a specific member
could be maintained. Also note that date categories must
first be defined in the "Customize Setup" module before they
may be accessed here.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Special Dates" from the menu, touch the letter
<E> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be
used to indicate the desired selection.
2. You will then be prompted to enter a date category.
Enter a valid date category or press <ENTER> to view a
table of all date categories. After selecting a date
category, press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. A scrolling table will appear of all members for whom
this special date has been entered. The table will be in
date order. To quickly scroll the table, enter any
month. At this point, it is possible to add a new member
or change information for an existing member.
To return to the menu
1. Press ESC to return to the MEMBER menu from the scrolling
table. The program will return to the date category
prompt. Press <ESC> again to return to the menu.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. To write the record at any time without editing
all fields, press <CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel
all changes to this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Member Number" - Enter a valid member number or press
<ENTER> to view a lookup table of all members. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Date" - Enter the date in <mmddyy> format.
4. "Comments" - Enter any desired comments regarding this
record. Up to three lines of comments may be entered.
Press <ENTER> to return to the individual's scrolling
table of special dates.
(To modify an existing record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
individual's date record you wish to change. Press
<ENTER> to select the record.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After each field has been maintained, the
program will return to this individual's scrolling table
of dates.
(To delete a record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record. A confirmation screen will appear.
2. The confirmation screen will display the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The program will return to the
individual's scrolling table of organizations.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Purge Deleted Records"
Functional Description
This option will purge members and families that have been
marked for deletion. To delete inactive families and members,
change the delete flag from "N" to "Y" using the "Individual
Members" option. Then, by running this option, all members
who have no current donation transactions will be purged.
Also, families with no members will also be purged.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Purge Deleted Records" from the menu, touch
the letter <F> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. To cancel this
selection, press <ESC>. To proceed, press any other key.
When the process is complete, the program will return to
the menu.
There are several mailing label options. Mailing labels may
be printed for each family or household, for each individual,
or for all members of a specific organization.
All labels are printed in a 3 1/2 by 15/16 inch label format.
This is a standard label size and can be obtained wherever
computer supplies are sold.
Functional Description
Select this option to print a mailing label for each household
in the church. When only one label per household is required,
this is the appropriate option to select. The names and
addresses as stored in the family file will be printed in zip
code order. All households may be printed or just those of
one status code.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "By Family" from the menu by touching the letter
<G> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also
be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Status CD" - Enter the status code corresponding
to the family or household category to be printed or
leave blank to print a label for all households.
4. Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by
pressing <PageUp> and <PageDn>. They may be redirected
to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. When processing is
complete. To return to the menu, press <ESC>. If the
report was directed to a printer, it will return to the
menu automatically once printing is complete.
Functional Description
Select this option to print mailing labels for all individuals
in the church. When one label per member is required, this is
the appropriate option to select.
This report uses the "Label Code" field in the member's file
to determine whether or not to print an individual label. If
the value in that field is set to "Y", then a label will be
printed. If the value is set to "N", then no label will be
printed for that member. All individuals may be printed or
just those of one status code.
The names will appear as set up in the membership file. The
addresses as set up in the family file will be printed. The
order in which the labels are printed will depend on the zip
code value as defined in the "Statement Sort" field in the
individual's family file.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "By Individual Member" from the menu by touching
the letter <H> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Status CD" - Enter the status code corresponding
to the category to be printed or leave blank to print a
label for all individuals.
4. Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by
pressing <PageUp> and <PageDn>. They may be redirected
to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L> once processing is
complete. To return to the menu, press <ESC>. If the
report was directed to a printer, the main menu will
automatically reappear once printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "I) MAILING LABELS - Organization Members"
Functional Description
Select this option to print mailing labels for all members of
one or more organizations within the church.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Members of Organization" from the menu by
touching the letter <I> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Organization No (0=All)" - To print labels for only one
organization, enter the organization number. To print
labels for members of all organizations leave the field
blank or enter zero. Press <ENTER> to continue.
4. Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by
pressing <PageUp> and <PageDn>. When processing is
complete, they may be redirected to a printer by pressing
<CTRL> <L>. To return to the menu, press <ESC>. If the
report was directed to a printer, the main menu will
automatically reappear when printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "J) Label Test Pattern"
Functional Description
This option will print one sample mailing label to assist in
lining up the labels in the printer.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Label Test Pattern" from the menu, touch the
letter <J> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Insure that the
printer is ready and the labels are positioned properly
in the printer. Press <ESC> to cancel the selection. To
proceed, press any other key.
3. When the label has printed, make any necessary adjustment
and reprint if necessary. The main menu will
automatically reappear once printing is complete.
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "K) Complete Household Listing"
Functional Description
This report will list details for all households/families set
up in the family file.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Complete Family Listing" from the menu by
touching the letter <K> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "L) Individual Profile Report"
Functional Description
This report will list details on all members set up in the
membership file.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Individual Profile Report" from the menu by
touching the letter <L> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "M) Special Dates Report"
Functional Description
The special dates report lists significant dates which have
been entered for each member. You may specify a date range as
well as a specific date category at report run time.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Special Dates Report" from the menu by touching
the letter <M> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Month (1 - 12)" - Enter the starting month for the
range of dates to be printed.
4. "Start Day of Month" - Enter the starting day of the
indicated month for the range of dates to be print.
5. "End Month (1 - 12)" - Enter the ending month for the
range of dates to be printed.
6. "End Day of Month" - Enter the ending day of the
indicated month for the range of dates to be printed.
7. "Date Category (0-All Categories)" - To print a special
date report for only one date category, enter the
category number. To include all date categories, leave
the field blank or enter zero.
MENU SELECTION: "N) Special Talents Report"
Functional Description
This report will list all members' special talents or skills
as set up in the system.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Special Talents Report" from the menu by touching
the letter <N> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Talent Category (0-All)" - To print a report for
only one talent category, enter the category number. To
include all talent categories, leave the field blank or
enter zero.
MENU SELECTION: "O) Organizational Rosters"
Functional Description
Select this option to print a membership roster for any
organization within the church.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Organizational Rosters" from the menu by touching
the letter <O> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Organization No (0-All)" - To print a roster for only
one organization, enter the organization number. To
print rosters for all organizations, leave the field
blank or enter zero.
MENU SELECTION - "P) Complete Church Roster"
Functional Description
This report will print an alphabetical roster of all members.
The roster includes the members name, phone number, and the
associated family name.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Complete Church Roster" from the menu by touching
the letter <P> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Status CD" - Enter the status code corresponding
to the category to be printed or leave blank to print a
roster of all individuals.
MENU SELECTION - "Q) Family Church Directory"
Functional Description
This report will print a directory of all households in a two
across format suitable for distribution to the congregation.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Family Church Directory" from the menu by
touching the letter <Q> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Status CD" - Enter the status code corresponding
to the category to be printed or leave blank to print a
directory for all households.
MENU SELECTION - "R) Individual Directory"
Functional Description
This report will print a directory of all individuals in a two
across format suitable for distribution to the congregation.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Individual Directory" from the menu by touching
the letter <R> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Status CD" - Enter the status code corresponding
to the category to be printed or leave blank to print a
directory for all individuals.
MENU SELECTION - "S) Birthday List"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all individuals celebrating
a birthday in a particular month.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Birthday List" from the menu by touching the
letter <S> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Month" - Enter a 2 digit month code.
MENU SELECTION - "T) Export Members For Mail Merge"
Functional Description
This option will export certain membership information into a
comma delimited, ASCII text file. The file may then be
accessed by the mail merge capability of many word processors.
The file "MEMBER.ASC" will be created. The following fields
of information will be exported:
FIRST_NAME Member's First Name
LAST_NAME Member's Last Name
MIDDLE_INIT Member's Middle Initial
ADDRESS1 First Address Line
ADDRESS2 Second Address Line
ADDRESS3 Third Address Line
ZIP_CODE Zip Code for sorting
MEMBER_NO Member Number
FAMILY_NO Family Number
The first record is a header record containing the field
names. It may be necessary to remove this record prior to
using this file with some word processors. This can be easily
done using any ASCII text editor or word processor.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Export Members For Mail Merge" from the menu by
touching the letter <T> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. When processing is complete the main menu will
automatically reappear.
MENU SELECTION - "U) Auto Organization Build Utility"
Functional Description
This option will automatically add or remove individuals from
an organization based on a range of birthdays.
1. Select "Auto Organization Build Utility" from the menu by
touching the letter <U> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Select Organization" - Either enter a valid organization
number or press <ENTER> to view a table of all
organization. After selecting an organization, press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Beginning Birthdate" - Enter a beginning birthdate in
the MM/DD/YY format.
4. "Ending Birthdate" - Enter a ending birthdate in the
MM/DD/YY format.
5. "Activity" - Select "Add" to add all individuals within
the birthdate range to the selected organization. Select
"Remove" to remove all individuals within the birthdate
range from the selected organization.
6. Press <ENTER> to begin processing, <CTL> <ESC> to abort.
Functional Description
DONATE.EXE is the executable program for the donation module.
This is the module where all donation related information is
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting DONATIONS from
the main menu or by executing DONATE from the DOS command
line. To execute DONATE from the DOS command line:
Example: CD \CMTS33 <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required. If
the security option is not set, the password prompt will
not appear. Instead, a prompt requesting the user's
initials will appear. Press <ENTER> at this time.
3. To make a selection from the donations menu, touch the
letter on the keyboard corresponding to the menu
selection. The <UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also be
used to position the selector bar over the desired
module. Press <ENTER> and the selection will be
The menu choices are:
A) Enter Donations By Name
B) Enter Donations By Envelope Number
C) Detail Data Entry Edit Listing
D) Summary Data Entry Edit Listing
E) Finalize Data Entry
F) Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance
G) Year End Roll
H) Purge History (Date Range)
I) Export Donation Data
* J) Statement Processing Options
K) Detail Donation Inquiry By Individual
L) Detail Donation Inquiry By Fund
M) Quarterly Fund Inquiry
N) Donation Activity By Member
O) Donation Activity By Fund
P) Donation Summary By Member
Q) Donation Summary By Fund - Date Range
R) Weekly Donation Summary
S) Call List By Last Donation Date
T) Quarterly Fund Summary
U) Member List By Envelope #
V) Alpha List With Envelope #
* The selection "Statement Processing Options"
displays another menu. The choices are:
A) Build Statement Work File
B) Print Statements
C) Label Test Pattern
D) Print Mailing Labels
E) Single Statement - Summary Format
F) Single Statement - Detail Format
G) Individual Statements in Detail Format
The donation data entry process consists of executing several
procedures from the menu in a specific order. The
relationship will be detailed here.
1. Access members by either name or by envelope number when
entering donations. If the individual's last name is
known and available, select the option to enter donations
by name. If the only available identification is the
envelope number, select the option to enter donations by
envelope number.
2. Once a group of donations has been entered, a data entry
edit listing should be run. Either a detailed or summary
listing may be run. If the information is correct, the
transactions may be finalized. If there are corrections
to make or additional transactions to post, return to
step 1 and repeat the cycle.
3. Once the edit listing shows that the transactions have
been posted properly, select "Finalize Data Entry" to
update the information. Data files should be backed up
prior to running this procedure. See details on backup
elsewhere in this manual.
MENU SELECTION: "A) Enter Donations By Name"
Functional Description
Choose this option to access members by name when entering
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Donations By Name" from the menu by
touching the letter <A> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all individuals will be displayed on
the screen. Use the arrow keys to position the selector
bar over the record of the person to be accessed. Enter
all or part of the individual's last name to quickly
position the selector bar.
3. If transactions already exist for this person, a table of
transactions will be displayed. If there are no existing
transactions, the donation data entry form will appear.
(To return to the menu)
1. Anytime the table of individuals is present, press <ESC>
to return to the menu.
(To add a new donation)
1. Press <INSERT>. The donation data entry form will
2. "Date" - Enter the date of the transaction. Only dates
for the current year or the next year may be entered.
"Next Year" transactions are kept in a "future
transaction" holding area until after year end processing
is completed. The system will remember the last date
entered in this session. If this date is correct, simply
press <ENTER>.
3. "Fund" - Enter the donation category or if unknown, leave
the field blank. A table of valid funds will appear.
Select the fund using the arrow keys. To zero out an
existing value in this field, press the space bar. When
presented with the lookup table, use the arrow
keys to make your selection. Press <ENTER> to go to the
next field.
4. "Amount" - Enter the amount of the donation. Press the
space bar to clear any existing values in this field.
5. "Reference" - Enter any information about this
transaction that should be noted. Press <ENTER> to
return to the individual's scrolling table of donations.
6. If all donations for this member have been entered, press
<ESC>. To add another donation for this member press
(To modify an existing donation for this member)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
transaction you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select
the record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
display will return to the individual's scrolling table
of donations.
3. If all donations for this member have been entered, press
(To delete a transaction)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. The complete record will be displayed. Press <ENTER> to
delete the record or <ESC> to cancel this selection. The
individual's scrolling table of donations will reappear.
3. If all transactions for this member have been entered,
press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Enter Donations By Envelope Number"
Functional Description
Choose this option to access members by envelope number when
entering donations.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Donations By Envelope Number" from the menu
by touching the letter <B> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all individuals will be displayed on
the screen. Use the arrow keys to position the selector
bar over the record of the person you wish to access.
Enter all or part of the individual's envelope number to
quickly position the selector bar.
3. If transactions already exist for this member, a table of
transactions will be displayed. If there are no existing
transactions, the donation data entry form will appear.
(To return to the menu)
1. Anytime the table of individuals is present, press <ESC>
to return to the menu.
(To add a new donation)
1. Press <INSERT>. The donation data entry form will
2. "Date" - Enter the date of the transaction. Only dates
for the current year or the next year may be entered.
"Next Year" transactions are kept in a "future
transaction" holding area until after year end processing
is completed. The system will remember the last date
entered in this session. If this date is correct, simply
press <ENTER>.
3. "Fund" - Enter the donation category or if unknown, leave
the field blank. A table of valid funds will appear.
Select the fund using the arrow keys. To zero out an
existing value in this field, press the space bar. When
presented with the lookup table, use the arrow
keys to make your selection. Press <ENTER> to go to the
next field.
4. "Amount" - Enter the amount of the donation. Press the
space bar to clear any existing values in this field.
5. "Reference" - Enter any information about this
transaction that should be noted. Press <ENTER> to
return to the individual's scrolling table of donations.
6. If all donations for this member have been entered, press
(To modify an existing donation for this member)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
transaction you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select
the record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
display will return to the individual's scrolling table
of donations.
3. If all transactions for this member have been entered,
press <ESC>.
(To delete a transaction)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to delete. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. The complete record will be displayed. Press <ENTER> to
delete the record or <ESC> to cancel this selection. The
individual's scrolling table of donations will reappear.
3. If all transactions for this member have been entered,
press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Detail Data Entry Edit Listing"
Functional Description
The Detail Data Entry Edit Listing will list all transactions
that have been entered since transactions were last finalized.
This report should be run prior to finalizing to insure that
all transaction amounts are correct and that the donations
have been posted to the proper fund categories. If a data
entry error it may still be corrected.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Detail Data Entry Edit Listing" from the menu by
touching the letter <C> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "D) Summary Data Entry Edit Listing"
Functional Description
The Summary Data Entry Edit Listing will list total giving by
fund category for all transactions that have been posted since
transactions were last finalized. This report (or the Detail
Data Entry Edit Listing) should be run prior to finalizing to
insure that all transaction amounts are correct and that the
donations have been posted to the proper fund categories. If
a data entry error it may still be corrected.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Summary Data Entry Edit Listing" from the menu by
touching the letter <D> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "E) Finalize Data Entry"
Functional Description
This procedure will finalize all transactions that have been
entered since it was last executed. This will create a
permanent audit trail of transactions entered and update
totals for both members and fund categories. Any errors
discovered after running this option must be corrected by
entering an adjustment.
Be sure to back up all files prior to selecting this option.
See the section in the manual on "Backing Up Data Files"
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Finalize Data Entry" from the menu by touching
the letter <E> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance"
Functional Description
Select this option to enter and maintain the individual's
donation related information. Information such as envelope
number and the pledge amount for each fund may be entered
here. This information is not accessible from the MEMBER
module. This allows individuals that should not have access
to giving information to use that module.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance" from the
menu, touch the letter <F> and then press <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all members currently defined will
To return to the menu
1. To return to the DONATIONS menu from the scrolling table,
press <ESC>.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. You may also enter all or part of
the individual's last name to automatically position the
selector bar. Press <ENTER> to select the record.
2. "Envelope Number" - Enter the individual's envelope
number. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Combined Statement" - Values are <Y> and <N>. Enter <Y>
to combine this person with other members of the same
household for statement processing. A single statement
will be printed for all members having this value set to
<Y>. Enter <N> if this person should receive a separate
statement. After all fields have been maintained, the
program will return to the scrolling table.
Active Function Keys
F1 HELP - Always active
1. Press F1 at any time for a pop-up context sensitive help
F2 Enter Pledge Information By Fund
1. Press F2 at any time while maintaining the individual's
pledge amounts by fund category.
2. A table of all funds to which this member has either
pledged to or given to will appear.
(To add a new record)
1. Press <INSERT>.
2. "Fund To Pledge" - Enter a valid fund number or press
<ENTER> to view a lookup table of all funds.
3. "Annual Pledge Amount" - Enter the total annual pledge
amount for this fund category.
4. "Fund Life Pledge" - If it is desired to maintain a "life
of the fund pledge" for this fund, enter it here. This
is especially useful for long term fund drives such as
building fund drives.
5. "Next Year Pledge" - Enter the amount this member pledges
to this fund for next year. This is especially useful
since it permits next year's pledge amounts to be entered
prior to ending the current year.
(To modify an existing record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. Press <ENTER> to select the
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After each field has been maintained, The
screen will return to this individual's scrolling table
of funds.
MENU SELECTION: "G) Year End Roll"
Functional Description
This option will move all quarter and year-to-date totals from
the current year to prior year. Any next year pledge amounts
will be moved to current year. Proceed with caution. All
needed reports should be printed prior to executing this
option. It is essential that a full backup is performed as
Please read the sections of this manual on "Backing Up Data
Files" and "Other Considerations". It is essential that you
read and understand these sections prior to initiating this
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Year End Roll" from the menu by touching the
letter <G> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "H) Purge History (Date Range)"
Functional Description
This option will purge old donation transactions for any year
except the current year. Please read the sections of this
manual on "Backing Up Data Files" and "Other Considerations".
It is very important that you read and understand these
section prior to initiating this procedure!
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Purge History (Date Range)" from the menu by
touching the letter <G> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Year To Purge" - Enter the year for transactions
to be purged. Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION - "I) Export Donation Data"
Functional Description
This option will export certain donation information into a
comma delimited, ASCII text file. The file may then be
accessed by spread sheets and custom programs written in other
The file "DONATE.ASC" will be created. The following fields
of information will be exported:
TRANS_TYPE 1=Unfinalized 2=finalized 3=history
TRANS_DATE Transaction date as entered
MEMBER_NO Member Number
FUND_NO Fund Number
AMOUNT Amount of donation
REFERENCE Comment regarding transaction
USERID Initials of user finalizing transaction
POST_DATE Date stamp when transaction was finalized
POST_TIME Time stamp when transaction was finalized
The first record is a header record containing the field
names. It may be necessary to remove this record prior to
using this file with some spreadsheets. This can be easily
done using any ASCII text editor or word processor.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Export Donation Data" from the menu by touching
the letter <I> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Starting Date" - Enter the starting date range for data
to be exported.
4. "Ending Date" - Enter the ending date range for data to
be exported.
MENU SELECTION - "J) Statement Processing Options"
Functional Description
This option will access a menu of statement processing
options. This menu also replaces the confirmation screen that
appears when reports are initiated elsewhere in the system.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Statement Processing Options" from the menu by
touching the letter <J> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A statement processing menu will appear. Press <ESC> to
return to the main menu.
3. Press <F2> to toggle the report direction between
<SCREEN> and <PRINTER>. This has no effect on the "Build
Statement Work File" which processes to disk.
MENU SELECTION - "A) Build Statement Work File"
Functional Description
This option must be run to build a statement work file prior
to processing statements. The work file will be created into
a comma delimited, ASCII text file format. This will make it
possible for the user to access this file in the same manner
as other ASCII files that CMTS exports.
The file "TEMP1.DAT" will be created. The following fields of
information will exist:
SORTKEY Statements sort by this value
FAMILY_NO Family number of this member
FUND NO Fund number
FIRST_LINE Name on statement
QUARTER1 Quarter 1 giving this fund
QUARTER2 Quarter 2 giving this fund
QUARTER3 Quarter 3 giving this fund
QUARTER4 Quarter 4 giving this fund
YTD YTD giving this fund
PLEDGE Pledge Amount this fund
MEMBER_NO Member Number
The first record is a header record containing the field
names. It may be necessary to remove this record prior to
using this file with some spreadsheets. This can be easily
done using any ASCII text editor or word processor.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Build Statement Work File" from the statement
processing menu by touching the letter <A> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
2. When processing is complete the statement menu will
automatically reappear.
MENU SELECTION - "B) Print Statements"
Functional Description
This option will print statements for the entire congregation.
Statements will print in zip code order. In instances where
the "Combined Statement Flag" is set to yes, the family name
will appear on the statement and one statement will print
combining all such family members.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Insure the report direction is set as desired. Press
<F2> to toggle the report direction between <SCREEN> and
2. Select "Print Statements" from the statement menu by
touching the letter <B> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
MENU SELECTION - "C) Print Mailing Labels"
Functional Description
This option will print labels for all statements. Labels will
print in the same order as the statements, in zip code order.
In instances where the "Combined Statement Flag" is set to yes
and one statement is printed for a family, one label will
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Insure the report direction is set as desired. Press
<F2> to toggle the report direction between <SCREEN> and
2. Select "Print Mailing Labels" from the statement menu by
touching the letter <C> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
3. Statements directed to the screen may be scrolled by
pressing <PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is
complete, they may be redirected to a printer by pressing
<CTRL> <L>. To return to the menu, press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION - "D) Label Test Pattern"
Functional Description
This option will print a label test pattern.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Insure that the labels are positioned in the printer.
2. Select "Label Test Pattern" from the statement menu by
touching the letter <D> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
MENU SELECTION - "E) Single Statement - Summary Format"
Functional Description
This option will print a single statement for one member. The
format used is the same as that used for printing statements
in option B. It is not necessary to build the statement
workfile prior to selecting this option. Combined statements
cannot be printed with this option.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Insure the report direction is set as desired. Press
<F2> to toggle the report direction between <SCREEN> and
2. Select "Single Statement - Summary Format" from the
statement menu by touching the letter <E> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
3. "Enter Member Number" - Enter the number for the member
whose statement is to be printed. Press <ESC> to cancel
the report and return to the statement menu.
4. Statements directed to the screen may be scrolled by
pressing <PageUp> and <PageDn>. When processing is
complete, they may be redirected to a printer by pressing
<CTRL> <L>. To return to the menu, press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION - "F) Single Statement - Detail Format"
Functional Description
This option will print a single statement for one member. The
statement will appear in a detailed format, showing all
transactions for that member.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Insure the report direction is set as desired. Press
<F2> to toggle the report direction between <SCREEN> and
2. Select "Single Statement - Detail Format" from the
statement menu by touching the letter <F> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
3. "Enter Member Number" - Enter the number for the member
whose statement is to be printed. Press <ESC> to cancel
the report and return to the statement menu.
4. Statements directed to the screen may be scrolled by
pressing <PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is
complete, they may be redirected to a printer by pressing
<CTRL> <L>.
MENU SELECTION - "G) Print Statements In Detail Format"
Functional Description
This option will print statements for all individuals in a
detailed format showing all transactions for that person.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Insure the report direction is set as desired. Press
<F2> to toggle the report direction between <SCREEN> and
2. Select "Print Statements in Detail Format" from the
statement menu by touching the letter <G> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
MENU SELECTION - "K) Detail Inquiry By Individual"
Functional Description
Select this option to view transaction details for any member.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Detail Inquiry By Individual" from the menu by
touching the letter <K> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Select Transaction Type" - Enter the desired transaction
type. Valid choices are:
1 Unfinalized
2 Current Year
3 History
4 Future
3. "Member Number" - Enter a valid member number or press
<ENTER> to view a lookup table of all members.
4. A detailed display of all transactions for this person
will appear. Scroll through these transactions by using
the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys as well as the <PG UP> and
<PG DOWN> keys. To select another member, press <ESC>.
5. To select another transaction type, press <ESC> again.
MENU SELECTION: "L) Detail Inquiry By Donation Category"
Functional Description
Select this option to view transaction details for any fund.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Detail Inquiry By Donation Category" from the
menu by touching the letter <L> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. "Select Transaction Type" - Enter the desired transaction
type. Valid choices are:
1 Unfinalized
2 Current Year
3 History
4 Future
3. "Fund Number" - Enter a valid fund number or press
<ENTER> to view a lookup table of all funds.
4. A detailed display of all transactions for this fund will
appear. Scroll through these transactions by using the
<UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys as well as the <PG UP> and <PG
DOWN> keys. To select another fund, press <ESC>.
5. To select another transaction type, press <ESC> again.
MENU SELECTION: "M) Quarterly Summary Donation Inquiry"
Functional Description
Select this option to view summary information by fund
category for the current and prior year.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Quarterly Donation Summary Inquiry" from the menu
by touching the letter <M> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A table of funds will be displayed. Use the arrow keys
to position the highlight bar over the desired record.
The <PageUp> and <PageDown> keys are also active. Press
<ENTER> to view the selected record. Press <ESC> to
return to the menu.
3. A display of current year and prior year totals for this
fund will appear. To select another fund, press <ESC>.
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "N) Activity Report - Individual"
Functional Description
This report will print a listing of all donations in the
transaction file sorted by member for a given date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Activity Report - Individual" from the menu by
touching the letter <N> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY>
format. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "O) Activity Report By Fund"
Functional Description
This report will print a listing of all donations in the
transaction file sorted by fund for a given date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Donation Activity By Fund" from the menu by
touching the letter <O> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY>
format. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "P) Donation Summary By Individual"
Functional Description
This report will print a summary listing of all donations with
totals sorted by member and grouped by fund for a given date
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Donation Summary By Individual" from the menu by
touching the letter <P> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY>
format. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "Q) Donation Summary By Fund-Date Range"
Functional Description
This report will print a summary listing of all donation
totals sorted by fund for a given date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Donation Summary By Fund" from the menu by
touching the letter <Q> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY>
format. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "R) Weekly Donation Summary"
Functional Description
This report will print a weekly summary of all donation totals
sorted by fund for a given date range. Each week ending date
is a Sunday date and will reflect all transactions posted
during the week ending on that day (Monday thru Sunday).
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Weekly Donation Summary" from the menu by
touching the letter <R> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY>
format. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
5. "Fund Category (0=All)" - Enter the desired fund
category. For all categories, enter zero or leave the
field blank. Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "S) Call List By Last Donation Date"
Functional Description
This report will print a convenient call list based on the
last date of a individual's donations. People that have not
given since the indicated date will appear on the report.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Call List By Last Donation Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <S> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Last Donation Date" - Enter the last donation date in
<MMDDYY> format. Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "T) Quarterly Fund Summary"
Functional Description
This report will print a summary of all fund totals by
quarter. Current year and prior year totals are printed.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Quarterly Fund Summary" from the menu by touching
the letter <T> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "U) Member List By Envelope Number"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all individuals in envelope
number order.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Member List By Envelope Number" from the menu by
touching the letter <U> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "V) Alpha List with Envelope Number"
Functional Description
This report will print an alphabetical list of all individuals
showing the envelope number.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Alpha List with Envelope Number" from the menu by
touching the letter <V> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
Functional Description
FUND.EXE is the executable program for the fund accounting
module. The fund accounting module is extremely powerful, yet
incredibly easy to use. It is designed to allow individuals
with limited accounting knowledge to manage all of the
financial transactions of the church.
Often, "fund accounting" packages are adapted from business
systems. They are not always well suited to handle fund
accounting. In many instances, funds must be set up as
liability accounts. Sources of funds (income) and uses of
funds (expenses) must be assigned to departments to track
changes in fund equity. This approach usually requires "four-
sided" bookkeeping.
This system was designed and written specifically for churches
and other non-profit organizations that use fund accounting.
It differs from business general ledger systems in several
important aspects.
An account is created for each fund in the fund equity section
of the balance sheet. When a source of funds (income) account
or a use of funds (expense) account is created, the related
fund equity account must be identified. Whenever a
transaction effects an income or expense account, the
appropriate fund equity account is updated as well.
This is a double entry general ledger system. However, the
system automatically generates the appropriate entries for
deposits, checks, fund transfers and bank service charges.
The software is furnished with sample data files. Use these
files to get acquainted with the various functions prior to
beginning the live installation. Become familiar with the
various features of the software.
Prior to implementing the system, thoroughly read the sections
of this manual titled "Live Implementation" and "Special
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting FUND ACCOUNTING
from the main menu or by executing DONATE from the DOS
command line. To execute FUND from the DOS command line:
Example: CD \CMTS33 <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required. If
the security option is not set, the password prompt will
not appear. Instead, a prompt requesting your initials
will appear. Press <ENTER> at this time.
3. To make a selection from the fund accounting menu, touch
the letter on the keyboard corresponding to the menu
selection. The <UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also be
used to position the selector bar over the desired
module. Press <ENTER> and the selection will be
The main menu and the sub menu choices are:
A) General Ledger Accounts
B) Budget Information
C) Bank Information
D) Vendors
E) Auto Build Next Year's Budget
F) Reset Next Year's Budget Back to Zero
G) Chart of Accounts
H) Monthly Budget Information
I) Annual Budget Information
J) Actual/Budgeted Variance Report
K) Bank File Listing
L) Vendor File Listing
A) Enter Transactions
B) Data Entry Edit Listing
C) Finalize Transactions
D) Check Reconciliation
E) Check Register
F) Outstanding Check List
A) Transaction Detail Inquiry
B) Account Inquiry
C) Check Register
A) Prepare For Monthly Financial Reports
B) Monthly Financial Report
C) Monthly Trial Balance
D) Account Detail Report
E) Year End Processing
F) Purge Old Transactions
G) Purge Deleted Accounts
A) Chart of Accounts
B) Revenue and Expenditure Statement
C) Sources and Uses of Funds (Detail)
D) Trial Balance
E) Actual vs Budgeted Report
F) Check Register
G) Outstanding Check List
H) Transaction Audit Trail
I) Balance Sheet
J) Changes in Fund Equity
K) Fund Equity Account Analysis
L) Monthly Budget Information
M) Annual Budget Information
N) Monthly Financial Report
O) Monthly Trial Balance
P) Account Detail Report
Q) Actual/Budgeted Variance Report
SUB MENU: A) Maintain Files
Select this menu from the main fund accounting menu by
touching the letter <A> and pressing <ENTER>. To return to
the main fund accounting menu, press <ESC>.
File Maintenance Activities
These selections are available to add and maintain general
ledger accounts, banks, and vendors. Sample files are
supplied with the system. However the section on live
implementation must be read and understood thoroughly prior to
proceeding. In the initial installation, these files should
be built in the order described.
MENU SELECTION: "A) General Ledger Accounts"
Functional Description
Select this option to add or maintain general ledger accounts.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "General Ledger Accounts" from the Maintain
Files menu, touch the letter <A> and then press <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A menu of valid account types will appear. These account
types are:
A) Assets
B) Liabilities
C) Fund Equity Accounts
D) Sources of Funds (Revenue)
E) Uses of Funds (Expenditures)
F) Optional Title Accounts
Touch the letter corresponding to the account type to be
referenced. Press <ENTER> to continue.
3. A scrolling table of all accounts for the selected
account type will appear. At this point, new accounts
may be added, or existing accounts may be maintained.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the Maintain Files submenu from the account
submenu, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. If information does not need to be entered in
all fields, write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel entry for this
record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Account" - Enter the account number to be assigned to
this account.
3. "Description" - Enter up to 30 characters which names
this account.
(The next field applies to Revenue and Expense Accounts only)
4. "Associated Fund" - Enter the account number for the
associated fund equity account. Press <ENTER> if this
number is unknown. Select from a table of existing fund
equity accounts. After entering or selecting the
associated fund equity account press <ENTER> to go to the
next field.
5. "Delete" - To delete an account, change this value from
<N> to <Y>. Only accounts with zero balance and no
activity will be deleted. Press <ENTER> to return to the
scrolling table.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. You may also enter all or part of
the account number to automatically position the selector
bar. Press <ENTER> to select the record.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. If it is not necessary to enter information in
all fields, write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel all changes to this
record, press <CTRL ESC>. After all fields have been
maintained, the program will return to the scrolling
To return to the account type menu
1. From any of the account tables, press <ESC> to return to
the menu of account types.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Budget Information"
Functional Description
Select this option to maintain current or next year budget
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Budget Information" from the Maintain Files
menu, touch the letter <B> and then press <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all income and expense accounts will
appear. Position the highlight bar on the account to be
maintained and press <ENTER>. For fast access, type the
account number and press <ENTER>.
3. "Annual Budget For This Year" - Enter the annual budget
for this account for this year. The monthly budget for
each month will automatically be one twelfth of the
total. If varying monthly budgets are desired, leave
this field blank.
4. "Annual Budget For Next Year" - Enter the annual budget
for this account for next year. The monthly budget for
each month will automatically be one twelfth of the
total. If varying monthly budgets are desired, leave
this field blank.
5. "This Year Monthly Budget Amount 1 - 12" - Instead of
entering an annual budget amount, enter the budget
amounts for each month if they vary.
6. "Next Year Monthly Budget Amount 1 - 12" - Instead of
entering an annual budget amount, enter the budget
amounts for each month if they vary.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the Maintain Files submenu from the account
submenu, press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Bank Information"
Functional Description
Select this option to add or maintain bank checking accounts.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Bank Information" from the Maintain Files
submenu, touch the letter <C> and then press <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to indicate the
2. A scrolling table of all existing bank accounts will
appear. At this point, new bank accounts may be added,
or existing accounts may be maintained.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the maintain files submenu from the bank
information table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. If you do not wish to enter information in all
fields, you may write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel entry for this
record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Bank Number" - Enter a number referencing this bank,
checking the account number to be assigned to this
account or accept the system generated number.
3. "Bank Name" - Enter up to thirty characters for the bank
4. "Description of Acct" - Enter up to 30 characters of
extended description for this account. Press <ENTER> to
go to the next field.
5. "Check Account Number" - Enter the bank check account
number (the bank assigned account number as printed on
checks). Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
6. "Related GL Cash Acct" - Enter the related general ledger
asset account. This account must already exist in the
chart of accounts. Press <ENTER> if this number is
unknown. Enter the account type and select from a table
of accounts. After entering or selecting the associated
cash account press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
7. "Related GL Expense Acct" - Enter the related general
ledger expense account. This account must already exist
in the chart of accounts. Press <ENTER> if this number
is unknown. Enter the account type and select from a
table of accounts. After entering or selecting the
associated cash account press <ENTER> to go to the next
8. "Address" - Enter up to three lines for the bank address.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
9. "Telephone" - Enter the bank telephone number. Press
<ENTER> to continue.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. Press <ENTER> to select the
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. If you do not wish to enter information in all
fields, you may write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel all changes to this
record, press <CTRL ESC>. After all fields have been
maintained, the program will return to the scrolling
Functional Description
Select this option to add or maintain vendors. This file will
provide quick access to the "PAYEE" field when entering
checks. The last check amount and date is updated in the
vendor file whenever a vendor record is referenced in CHECK
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Vendors" from the maintain files submenu,
touch the letter <D> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow
keys may also be used to indicate the selection.
2. A scrolling table of all existing vendors will appear.
At this point, new vendors may be added, or existing
records may be maintained.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the maintain files submenu from the vendor
table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. If you do not wish to enter information in all
fields, you may write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel entry for this
record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Name" - Enter the company name for this vendor.
3. "Address" - Enter up to three lines for the vendor
4. "Telephone" - Enter the vendor telephone number.
5. "Fax" - Enter the vendor fax number.
6. "Comments" - Enter up to a thirty-two character comment
regarding this vendor. Press <ENTER> to continue.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. Press <ENTER> to select the
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. If you do not wish to enter information in all
fields, you may write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel all changes to this
record, press <CTRL ESC>. After all fields have been
maintained, the program will return to the scrolling
MENU SELECTION: E) Autobuild Next Year's Budget
Functional Description
Select this option to automatically build next year's budget
information as a percent of the current year's budget. Before
running this option and any option that updates the data
files, a backup of all data files is highly recommended.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Autobuild Next Year's Budget" from the
maintain files menu, touch the letter <E> and then press
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. "Next Years Budge Factor" - Enter next year's budget as
a percent of the current year's budget. For instance, to
increase the budget by 10%, enter 110.0 since next year's
budget will be 110% of the current year's. The system
will automatically build next year's budget and then
return to the menu. At that point, individual account's
may be maintained or changed as desired.
MENU SELECTION: F) Reset Next Year's Budget Back to Zero"
Functional Description
Select this option to reset next year's budget figures back to
zero. Please note this option will wipe out all of next
year's budget and should be used with caution. Before running
this option and any option that updates the data files, a
backup of all data files is highly recommended.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Reset Next Year's Budget" from the Maintain
Files menu, touch the letter <F> and then press <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. Press <ESC> to cancel this selection or any other key to
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "G) Chart of Accounts"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all accounts in the chart of
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Chart of Accounts" from the maintain files menu
by touching the letter <G> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "H) Monthly Budget Information"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of budget information for all
income and expense accounts at a monthly level.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Monthly Budget Information" from the maintain
files menu by touching the letter <H> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "I) Annual Budget Information"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of budget information for all
income and expense accounts at a annual level.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Annual Budget Information" from the maintain
files menu by touching the letter <I> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "J) Actual/Budgeted Variance Report"
Functional Description
This report will show actual vs. budgeted amounts for the
current year as well as the variance and next year's budget
for all income and expense accounts at a annual level. It is
a very useful report to run as part of budget preparation.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Actual/Budgeted Variance Report" from the
maintain files menu by touching the letter <J> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "K) Bank File Listing"
Functional Description
This report will show a listing of all banks that have been
set up in the bank file.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Bank File Listing" from the maintain files menu
by touching the letter <K> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "L) Vendor File Listing"
Functional Description
This report will show a listing of all vendor that have been
set up in the vendor file.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Vendor File Listing" from the maintain files menu
by touching the letter <L> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
SUBMENU: B) Data Entry
Select this menu from the main fund accounting menu by
touching the letter <B> and pressing <ENTER>. To return to
the main fund accounting menu, press <ESC>.
Transaction Data Entry
The data entry process consists of executing several
procedures from the menu in a specific order. The
relationship will be detailed here.
This process consists of three steps. These steps are:
Step 1. Enter Transactions
Enter transactions using one of five transaction types.
Step 2. Print Data Entry Edit Listing
Once a group of transactions have been entered, a transaction
edit listing should be run. If the information on the edit
listing is correct, the transactions may be finalized. If
there are corrections to make or additional transactions to
enter, return to step 1 and repeat the cycle.
Step 3. Finalize Transactions
Once the edit listing shows that the transactions have been
posted properly, select "Finalize Transactions" to update the
information. Data files should be backed up prior to running
this procedure. See details on backup elsewhere in this
MENU SELECTION: "A) Enter Transactions"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter financial transactions. Four
different "automatic" transaction types are provided. There
is also a transaction type to enter miscellaneous journal
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Transactions" from the data entry menu by
touching the letter <A> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all transactions that have not been
finalized will appear. At this point, press <INSERT> to
add a new transaction or select an existing transaction
to maintain and press <ENTER>.
NOTE: When entering the first transaction, the data
entry form will appear immediately without pressing
(To return to the menu)
1. To return to the data entry submenu from the Transactions
Menu, press <ESC>.
(To add a new transaction)
1. Press <INSERT>. A pop-up menu of transaction types will
appear. These choices are:
A) Bank Deposits
B) Checks (Cash Disbursements)
C) Miscellaneous Bank Charges
D) Fund Transfers
E) Miscellaneous Journal Entries
Touch the letter corresponding to the desired transaction
type and press <ENTER>.
(Bank Deposits - Transaction Header)
When this transaction type is selected, the deposit amount and
other header information must be entered. A distribution
screen will then permit entry of all sources of funds and
other accounts related to this deposit. The total
distribution amount must equal the deposit amount. When the
transaction is finalized, the bank asset account will
automatically be debited and each distribution account will be
1. "Journal Code" - Enter up to seven characters to indicate
the journal code or type. The default value is
2. "Deposit Date" - Enter a valid transaction date in
<MMDDYY> format. This date should be the actual date of
the transaction, not today's date. The system will
automatically place the transaction in the proper period
based on the date entered.
Only valid dates for the current and next fiscal year
will be accepted. The system will automatically
recognize a future date and hold the information until
after year ending processing.
When entering several transactions in one session, the
system will automatically use the date of the prior
transaction as a default date. Press the space bar to
clear this date.
3. "Bank Number" - Enter the bank number representing the
bank account to which the deposit will be made. If the
number is unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table
will pop up displaying all bank accounts. Select the
bank and then press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "Deposit Amount" - Enter the amount of the deposit.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
5. "Reference" - Enter up to thirty characters to reference
this transaction. Press <ENTER> to continue.
6. Press <F2> to enter or edit distributions pertaining to
this deposit. Press <ENTER> when the distribution
records have been entered and the amount remaining to
distribute is zero. If you attempt to leave this screen
by pressing <ENTER> prior to entering the distribution
records, you will receive the message "Distribution Must
Balance - Press <F2> to edit detail".
(Bank Deposits - Distribution)
1. A scrolling table of all distribution records will
appear. At this point, press <INSERT> to add a new
distribution or select a record to maintain and press
NOTE: When entering the first record, the data entry
form will appear immediately without pressing <INSERT>.
2. "Acct #" - Enter the general ledger account number
representing this distribution record. If the number is
unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table will pop up
displaying all general ledger accounts. Enter an account
type and press <ENTER> to view the accounts within this
type. Select the account and then press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
3. "Distribution Amount" - Enter the distribution amount for
this account.
4. "Description" - Enter up to thirty characters to
reference this distribution. Press <ENTER> to continue.
5. The screen will show the deposit amount, amount
distributed, and the amount remaining to be distributed.
Press <INS> to add another distribution record or select
an existing record and press <ENTER> to maintain the
record. Press <ESC> to return to the deposit header
(Checks - Transaction Header)
When this transaction type is selected, the check amount and
other header information must be entered. A distribution
screen will then permit entry of all uses of funds and other
accounts related to the check. The total distribution amount
must equal the check amount. When the transaction is
finalized, the bank asset account will automatically be
credited and each distribution account will be debited.
1. "Journal Code" - Enter up to seven characters to indicate
the journal code or type. The default value is "CHECK".
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
2. "Check Date" - Enter a valid transaction date in <MMDDYY>
format. This date should be the actual check date, not
today's date. The system will automatically place the
transaction in the proper period based on the date
Only valid dates for the current and next fiscal year
will be accepted. The system will automatically
recognize a future date and hold the information until
after year ending processing.
When entering several transactions in one session, the
system will automatically use the date of the prior
transaction as a default date. Press the space bar to
clear this date. After the date has been entered, press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Bank Number" - Enter the bank number representing the
bank account from which this check will be drawn. If the
number is unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table
will pop up displaying all bank accounts. Select the
bank and then press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "Check Number" - Enter the check number for this check.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
5. "Payee" - Enter the name of the payee for this check or
press <F3> to select from the list of vendors in the
vendor file.
6. "Check Amount" - Enter the amount of the check. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
5. "Reference" - Enter up to thirty characters to reference
this transaction. Press <ENTER> to continue.
6. Press <F2> to enter or edit distributions pertaining to
this deposit. Press <ENTER> when the distribution
records have been entered and the amount remaining to
distribute is zero. If you attempt to leave this screen
by pressing <ENTER> prior to entering the distribution
records, you will receive the message "Distribution Must
Balance - Press <F2> to edit detail".
(Checks - Distribution)
1. A scrolling table of all distribution records will
appear. Press <INSERT> to add a new distribution or
select an record to maintain and press <ENTER>.
NOTE: When entering the first record, the data entry
form will appear immediately without pressing <INSERT>.
2. "Acct #" - Enter the general ledger account number
representing this distribution record. If the number is
unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table will pop up
displaying all general ledger accounts. Enter an account
type and press <ENTER> to view the accounts within this
type. Select the account and then press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
3. "Distribution Amount" - Enter the distribution amount for
this account.
4. "Description" - Enter up to thirty characters to
reference this distribution. Press <ENTER> to continue.
5. The screen will show the check amount, amount
distributed, and the amount remaining to be distributed.
Press <INS> to add another distribution record or select
an existing record and press <ENTER> to maintain the
record. Press <ESC> to return to the check header
(Miscellaneous Bank Charges)
When this transaction type is selected, the service charge
amount and related information must be entered. There is no
distribution screen for this type transaction. When the
transaction is finalized, the bank asset account will
automatically be credited and the bank expense account will be
1. "Journal Code" - Enter up to seven characters to indicate
the journal code or type. The default value is
"SCHARGE". Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
2. "Trans Date" - Enter a valid transaction date in <MMDDYY>
format. This date should be the actual service charge
date, not today's date. The system will automatically
place the transaction in the proper period based on the
date entered.
Only valid dates for the current and next fiscal year
will be accepted. The system will automatically
recognize a future date and hold the information until
after year ending processing.
When entering several transactions in one session, the
system will automatically use the date of the prior
transaction as a default date. Press the space bar to
clear this date.
3. "Bank Number" - Enter the bank number representing the
bank account from which this service charge will be
credited. If the number is unknown, press <ENTER> and a
scrolling table will pop up displaying all bank accounts.
Select the desired bank by pressing <ENTER>.
4. "Credit Amount" - Enter the amount of the service charge.
5. "Reference" - Enter up to thirty characters to reference
this transaction. Press <ENTER> to continue. The
transaction header screen will appear. There is no
distribution made for bank service charges. The
transaction is made automatically.
(Fund Transfers - Transaction Header)
When this transaction type is selected, the transfer amount
and other header information must be entered. A distribution
screen will then permit entry of all fund equity accounts to
which funds are to be transferred. The total distribution
amount must equal the transfer amount. When the transaction
is finalized, the "from" fund equity account will
automatically be debited and each account that funds are
transferred to will be credited.
1. "Journal Code" - Enter up to seven character to indicate
the journal code or type. The default value is
2. "Transfer Date" - Enter a valid transaction date in
<MMDDYY> format. This date should be the actual
transaction date, not today's date. The system will
automatically place the transaction in the proper period
based on the date entered.
Only valid dates for the current and next fiscal year
will be accepted. The system will automatically
recognize a future date and hold the information until
after year ending processing.
When entering several transactions in one session, the
system will automatically use the date of the prior
transaction as a default date. Press the space bar to
clear this date.
3. "Transaction From Fund #" - Enter the fund account number
for the fund the transfer is coming from. If the number
is unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table will pop
up displaying all fund equity accounts. Select the
desired account.
4. "Amount" - Enter the amount of the transfer. This is the
amount being transferred from the referenced fund.
5. "Reference" - Enter up to thirty characters to reference
this transaction.
6. Press <F2> to enter or edit distributions pertaining to
this fund transfer. Press <ENTER> when the distribution
records have been entered and the amount remaining to
distribute is zero. If <ENTER> is pressed prior to
entering the distribution records, the message
"Distribution Must Balance - Press <F2> to edit detail"
will appear.
(Fund Transfers - Distribution)
1. A scrolling table of all distribution records will
appear. At this point, press <INSERT> to add a new
distribution or select a record to maintain and press
NOTE: When entering the first record, the data entry
form will appear immediately without pressing <INSERT>.
2. "Acct #" - Enter a fund equity account number
representing all or part of the transfer. If the number
is unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table will pop
up displaying all fund equity accounts. Select the
account and then press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Distribution Amount" - Enter the distribution amount for
this account.
4. "Description" - Enter up to thirty characters to
reference this distribution. Press <ENTER> to continue.
5. The screen will show the transfer amount, amount
distributed, and the amount remaining to be distributed.
Press <INS> to add another distribution record or select
an existing record and press <ENTER> to maintain the
record. Press <ESC> to return to the transfer header
(Miscellaneous Journal Entries - Transaction Header)
When this transaction type is selected, certain information
related to the transaction must be entered. A distribution
screen will then permit direct entry of debits and credits as
required. Total debits must equal total credits. When the
transaction is finalized, all appropriate accounts will be
1. "Journal Code" - Enter up to seven characters to indicate
the journal code or type. The default value is
"JOURNAL". Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
2. "Transaction Date" - Enter a valid transaction date in
<MMDDYY> format. This date should be the actual
transaction date, not today's date. The system will
automatically place the transaction in the proper period
based on the date entered.
Only valid dates for the current and next fiscal year
will be accepted. The system will automatically
recognize a future date and hold the information until
after year ending processing.
When entering several transactions in one session, the
system will automatically use the date of the prior
transaction as a default date. Press the space bar to
clear this date. After the date has been entered, press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Description" - Enter up to thirty characters to
reference this transaction. Press <ENTER> to continue.
4. Press <F2> to enter or edit journal entries. Press
<ENTER> when all records have been entered and the proof
amount is zero. If the transactions are out of balance,
it is not possible to exit this screen.
(Journal Distribution)
1. A scrolling table of all distribution records will
appear. At this point, press <INSERT> to add a new
distribution or select an record to maintain and press
NOTE: When entering the first record, the data entry
form will appear immediately without pressing <INSERT>.
2. "Acct #" - Enter an account number. If the number is
unknown, press <ENTER> and a scrolling table will pop up
displaying all general ledger accounts. Enter an account
type and press <ENTER> to view the accounts within this
type. Select the account and then press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
3. "Debit Amount" - Enter the debit amount for this account
or leave blank if this is a credit entry.
4. "Credit Amount" - This field may be accessed only if the
debit amount field is left blank. Enter the credit
amount for this account.
5. "Description" - Enter up to thirty characters to
reference this distribution. Press <ENTER> to continue.
6. The screen will show the proof (difference between debits
and credits) and debit and credit totals. Press <INS> to
add another distribution record or select an existing
record and press <ENTER> to maintain the record. Press
<ESC> to return to the header screen.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Data Entry Edit Listing"
Functional Description
The Transaction Edit Listing will list all transactions that
have been posted since transactions were last finalized. This
report should be run prior to finalizing to insure that all
transaction amounts are correct. If there is a data entry
error it may still be corrected.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Data Entry Edit Listing" from the data entry
submenu by touching the letter <B> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Finalize Transactions"
Functional Description
This procedure will finalize all current year transactions
that have been entered since it was last executed. This will
create a permanent audit trail of transactions entered and
update totals in the general ledger account file, bank file,
and vendor file. Any errors discovered after running this
option must be corrected by entering an adjustment. "Next
year" transactions will be given a special "future" type
transaction status until year ending processing occurs.
Be sure to back up all files prior to selecting this option.
See the section in the manual on "Backing Up Data Files"
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Finalize Transactions" from the menu by touching
the letter <C> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. When processing is complete the main menu will
automatically reappear.
Other Data Entry Activities
MENU SELECTION: "D) Check Reconciliation"
Functional Description
Select this option to indicate when checks, deposits, and
other bank transactions have cleared the bank.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Check Reconciliation" from the menu, touch the
letter <D> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table will appear. At this point, a bank
may be selected.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the data entry submenu from the scrolling
table, press <ESC>.
To maintain a record
1. "Enter Bank Number" - Enter the number associated with
the desired bank or leave blank and press <ENTER> for a
table of possible banks. After selecting a bank, press
2. All transactions for the chosen bank will appear on the
scrolling table. Quickly locate and access a specific
transaction by entering a date. The arrow keys,
<PAGEUP>, and <PAGEDN>, may also be used. Select the
desired transaction and press <ENTER>.
3. "Cleared" - Indicate whether this transaction has cleared
the bank. Choices are Cleared and Outstanding and Void.
4. The scrolling table will reappear. Another transaction
may be selected. To terminate work on this bank, press
<ESC>. The cursor will return to the "Bank No" prompt.
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "E) Check Register"
Functional Description
This report will print a check register for a date range for
all banks.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Check Register" from the maintain files submenu
by touching the letter <E> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Starting Date" - Enter in <MMDDYY> format the starting
date range.
4. "Ending Date" - Enter in <MMDDYY> format the ending date
5. "Enter Bank Number" - Enter the bank number or leave
blank if a report for all banks is desired.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Outstanding Check List"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of outstanding checks for one or
all banks.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Outstanding Check List" from the maintain files
submenu by touching the letter <F> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Bank Number" - Enter the bank number or leave
blank if a report for all banks is desired.
Select this menu from the main fund accounting menu by
touching the letter <C> and pressing <ENTER>. To return to
the main fund accounting menu, press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION - "A) Transaction Detail Inquiry"
Functional Description
Select this option to view transaction details.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Transaction Detail Inquiry" from the inquiries
submenu by touching the letter <A> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. "Select Trans Type" - Enter the desired transaction type.
Valid choices are:
1 Unfinalized
2 Current Year
3 History
4 Future
3. "Transaction Number" - A scrolling table of the selected
type of transactions will appear. Scroll through these
transactions by using the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys as
well as the <PG UP> and <PG DOWN> keys. To select
another transaction type, press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Account Inquiry"
Functional Description
Select this option to view account period totals for the
current and prior year.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Account Inquiry" from the inquiries submenu by
touching the letter <B> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Account Category" - Enter the desired account type.
Valid choices are:
1 Asset
2 Liability
3 Fund Equity
4 Sources of Funds (Income)
5 Uses of Funds (Expense)
Press <ENTER> to continue.
3. A scrolling table of the selected type of transactions
will appear. Scroll through these transactions by using
the <UP> and <DOWN> arrow keys as well as the <PG UP> and
<PG DOWN> keys. For fast access to a particular account,
enter part or all of the description. To select another
transaction type, press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Check Register"
Functional Description
Select this option to view a check register for any bank.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Check Register" from the inquiry submenu by
touching the letter <C> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Bank" - Enter the bank number or press <ENTER> for a
lookup table of valid banks. Select the bank and press
3. "Start Date" - A table of transactions for the selected
bank will appear on the screen. Use the arrow keys to
browse the highlight table. The <PageUp> and <PageDown>
keys are also active. To quickly locate a particular
transaction, enter a transaction date. Press <ESC> to
return to the bank prompt. Press <ESC> again to return
to the menu.
Select this menu from the main fund accounting menu by
touching the letter <D> and pressing <ENTER>. To return to
the main fund accounting menu, press <ESC>.
The options in this section are options that should be run
after all transaction for a particular period.
MENU SELECTION: "A) Prepare For Monthly Financial Reports"
Functional Description
Select this option to generate the necessary report data for
running the monthly reports under options B and C.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Prepare for Monthly Financial Reports" from the
period end processing submenu by touching the letter <A>
and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be
used to select this option.
2. "Enter Fiscal Period" - Enter the 2 digit fiscal period
for which reports are to be run. This can be any period
of the current year, not necessarily the current period.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Monthly Financial Report"
Functional Description
This report shows the MTD and YTD totals for all income and
expense accounts as well as the annual budget and current
percent of budget. Most churches will want to run this report
at the end of each month. In instances where adjusting
entries must be made in prior months, this report may be
rerun. Always run option A prior to running this report.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "B) Monthly Financial Report" from the period end
processing submenu by touching the letter <B> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Monthly Trial Balance"
Functional Description
This report shows the YTD balance in each account at the end
of any accounting period. Always run option A prior to
running this report to specify the accounting period.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "C) Monthly Trial Balance" from the period end
processing submenu by touching the letter <B> and then
pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to
select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
The options in this section are options that should be run
after all transaction for the year are complete. Once year
end processing is completed, transactions may no longer be
entered for the then current year.
MENU SELECTION: "E) Year End Roll"
Functional Description
This option will move all period amounts and budget amounts
from the current year to the prior year. Current year
transactions will be marked as history transactions. Any
future transactions will be marked as current transactions and
must then be finalized.
This option should not be executed until after all adjusting
entries for the current year have been entered. This system
automatically places transactions in the proper period based
on transaction date. Based on this philosophy, the system
allows your adjusting entries to also effect the proper
Since the system allows for the entry of future transactions,
it is not necessary to end the year prior to entering
transactions for next year. Be sure all transactions for the
current year have been entered before proceeding.!
Please read the sections of this manual on "Backing Up Data
Files" and "Other Considerations". It is very important to
read and understand these section prior to initiating this
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Year End Roll" from the menu by touching the
letter <E> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to selects this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Purge Old Transactions"
Functional Description
This option will purge old transactions for any year except
the current year. Please read the sections of this manual on
"Backing Up Data Files" and "Other Considerations". It is
very important that you read and understand these sections
prior to initiating this procedure!
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Purge Old Transactions" from the menu by touching
the letter <F> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Year To Purge" - Enter the year for transactions
to be purged. Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "G) Purge Deleted Accounts"
Functional Description
This option will purge accounts that have been marked for
deletion as long as there are no transactions associated with
the accounts and the account balance is zero. Files should be
backed up prior to executing this option.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Purge Deleted Accounts" from the menu, touch
the letter <G> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. At this point, you
may cancel the selection by pressing <ESC>. If you wish
to proceed, press any other key. When the process is
complete you will be returned to the menu.
MENU SELECTION: "H) Export Transactions"
Functional Description
This option will export accounting transactions into a comma
delimited, ASCII text file. The file may then be accessed by
spread sheets and custom programs written in other languages.
The first record on the file is a header record containing the
field names. It may be necessary to remove this record prior
to using this file with some spreadsheets. This can be easily
done using any ASCII text editor or word processor.
The file "GLTRAN.ASC" will be created. The following fields
of information will be exported:
TRANS Transaction number
TYPE 1=Deposit 2=Check 3=Bank Charges
ACC_NUM General ledger account number
DATE Transaction date as entered
DR_AMOUNT Amount of debit entry
CR_AMOUNT Amount of credit entry
REFERENCE Comment regarding transaction
USERID Initials of user finalizing transaction
POST_DATE Date stamp when transaction was finalized
POST_TIME Time stamp when transaction was finalized
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Export Transactions" from the menu by touching
the letter <H> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Starting Date" - Enter the starting date range for data
to be exported. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "Ending Date" - Enter the ending date range for data to
be exported. Press <ENTER> to begin exporting.
Select this menu from the main fund accounting menu by
touching the letter <E> and pressing <ENTER>. To return to
the main fund accounting menu, press <ESC>.
Some of the reports that appear on the reports submenu may
also be found elsewhere in the system. They are repeated here
for convenience.
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "A) Chart of Accounts"
See page 6.23 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Revenue and Expenditure Statement"
Functional Description
This report will print a Revenue and Expenditure Statement
with individual schedules for each fund equity account.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Revenue and Expenditure Statement" from the
report menu by touching the letter <B> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Sources and Uses of Funds (Detail)"
Functional Description
This report will print by fund equity account, a detail of all
transactions affecting the account. A summary schedule of all
adjustments to fund equity will also appear.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Sources and Uses of Funds (Detail)" from the
reports menu by touching the letter <C> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "D) Trial Balance"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all accounts with the account
balances. Fund equity account balances will be the balance
before adjustments from sources and uses of funds. This is
necessary to insure that the trial balance is in balance.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Trial Balance" from the reports menu by touching
the letter <D> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "E) Actual vs Budgeted"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all income and expense
accounts with each actual period amount and budget amount for
the current and prior year.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Actual vs Budgeted" from the reports menu by
touching the letter <E> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Check Register"
See page 6.25 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "G) Outstanding Check List"
See page 6.26 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "H) Transaction Audit Trail"
Functional Description
This report will print by journal type code a complete audit
trail for all transactions for a date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Transaction Audit Trail" from the reports submenu
by touching the letter <H> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter in <MMDDYY> format the starting date
4. "End Date" - Enter in <MMDDYY> format the ending date
MENU SELECTION: "I) Balance Sheet"
Functional Description
This report will print a balance sheet showing all assets,
liabilities and fund equity accounts. (Income and expense
accounts do not appear on a balance sheet). Fund equity
accounts will reflect changes in sources and uses of funds,
thus keeping the balance sheet in balance at all times.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Balance Sheet" from the reports submenu by
touching the letter <I> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "J) Changes in Fund Equity"
Functional Description
This report prints a schedule for each fund equity account.
It shows the beginning of year balance, changes due to
transfers, increases from sources of funds, and decreases from
uses of funds.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Changes in Fund Equity" from the reports submenu
by touching the letter <J> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "K) Fund Equity Account Analysis"
Functional Description
This report prints each fund equity account showing the actual
month activity as well as the effect of revenue and
expenditures on each account.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Fund Equity Acct Analysis" from the reports
submenu by touching the letter <K> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "L) Monthly Budget Information"
See page 6.11 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "M) Annual Budget Information"
See page 6.12 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "N) Monthly Financial Report"
See page 6.29 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "O) Monthly Trial Balance"
See page 6.29 for information on this report.
MENU SELECTION: "P) Account Detail Report"
Functional Description
This report prints all transactions associated with each
accounts for any specified date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Account Detail Report" from the reports submenu
by touching the letter <P> and then pressing <ENTER>.
The arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter starting date in <MMDDYY> format.
4. "End Date" - Enter ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
MENU SELECTION: "Q) Actual/Budgeted Variance Report"
See page 6.12 for information on this report.
Functional Description
ATTEND.EXE is the executable program for the attendance
module. Attendance may be kept for up to three user definable
events (morning worship, Sunday school, etc.) for the entire
congregation. In addition, attendance may be kept for all
organizations within the church.
An "exception posting" method of tracking attendance is used.
When building attendance records for a particular date, a
default value ("P"resent or "A"bsent) must be given. Data
entry is only necessary for members not matching the default
For instance, an organization with 32 members had 27 members
present for a particular date. By making "P"resent the
default value, data entry is only necessary for the five
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting ATTENDANCE from
the main menu or by executing ATTEND from the DOS command
line. To execute ATTEND from the DOS command line:
Example: CD \CMTS33 <ENTER>
Attend <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required. If
the security option is not set, the main menu will
3. To make a selection from the attendance menu, touch the
letter on the keyboard corresponding to the menu
selection. The <UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also be
used to position the selector bar over the desired
module. Press <ENTER> and the selection will be
The menu choices are:
A) Build Attendance Records
B) Enter Attendance By Date
C) Enter Attendance By Member
D) Update Last Attendance Date
E) Purge Old Records
F) Build Attendance Records
G) Enter Attendance By Date
H) Enter Attendance By Member
I) Update Last Attendance Date
J) Purge Old Records
K) Attendance Call List
L) Congregational Summary By Date
M) Organizational Summary By Date
N) Congregational Detail By Member
O) Organizational Detail By Member
P) Date of Last Organizational Attendance
Q) Congregational Attendance Worksheet
R) Organizational Attendance Worksheet
Attendance may be entered for the entire congregation for up
to three user definable events. These events must be defined
in the SETUP module. Attendance entry consists of three basic
steps. These steps are as follows.
1. Create attendance records for the entire congregation for
a selected date. Selection option A from the main menu.
2. Attendance information may be entered by member or by
date. Select option B to enter attendance by date or
option C to enter attendance by member.
3. Update the last attendance date information used for call
list reporting. Select option D to do this.
MENU SELECTION: "A) Build Attendance Records"
Functional Description
Choose this option to initiate an attendance posting session
and create attendance records for a specific date.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Build Attendance Records" from the menu by
touching the letter <A> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Attendance Date" - Enter the attendance date in <mmddyy>
3. "Event 1" - Enter either "P"resent or "A"bsent to
indicate the default attendance value for this event.
4. "Event 2" - Enter either "P"resent or "A"bsent to
indicate the default attendance value for this event.
5. "Event 3" - Enter either "P"resent or "A"bsent to
indicate the default attendance value for this event.
6. Confirm that the values are correct. Press <ESC> to
return to the previous field or press any other key to
commence building the attendance records. After the
process is complete, the menu will automatically
MENU SELECTION: "Enter Attendance By Date"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter attendance data for a specific
date for all members of the congregation.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Attendance By Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <B> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Enter Attendance Date" - Enter the date for which
attendance data will be entered. Press <ENTER> and a
scrolling table of records built for that date will
appear on the screen. If no data appears, attendance
records have not been built for the selected date.
3. Select the record to be updated and press <ENTER>.
4. "Event 1" - Indicate whether this member was "P"resent or
"A"bsent for this event. Press <ENTER> to go to the next
5. "Event 2" - Indicate whether this member was "P"resent or
"A"bsent for this event.
6. "Event 3" - Indicate whether this member was "P"resent or
"A"bsent for this event.
(To select another date)
1. Press <ESC> while viewing the scrolling table to position
the cursor on the "Enter Attendance Date" field.
(To return to the menu)
1. Press <ESC> while positioned on the "Enter Attendance
Date" field to return to the menu.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Enter Attendance By Member"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter attendance data for a specific
member for several different dates.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Attendance By Member" from the menu by
touching the letter <C> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Enter Member No" - Enter the member number for which
attendance data will be entered. To select from a table
of all member, press <ENTER>.
3. A table of all attendance records built for this member
will appear. Select the record to maintain and press
4. "Event 1" - Indicate whether this member was "P"resent or
"A"bsent for this event.
5. "Event 2" - Indicate whether this member was "P"resent or
"A"bsent for this event.
6. "Event 3" - Indicate whether this member was "P"resent or
"A"bsent for this event. Press <ENTER> to return to the
scrolling table.
(To select another member)
1. Press <ESC> while viewing the scrolling table to position
the cursor on the "Enter Member No" field.
(To return to the menu)
1. Press <ESC> while positioned on the "Enter Member No"
field to return to the menu.
MENU SELECTION: "D) Update Last Attendance Date"
Functional Description
Choose this option to update the membership file with the last
attendance date for each member.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Update Last Attendance Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <D> and then pressing <ENTER>.
2. Press <ESC> to cancel the update. Press any other key to
process. All member records will be updated to reflect
the last date a congregational event was attended. When
processing is complete, the menu will reappear.
MENU SELECTION: "E) Purge Old Records"
Functional Description
Choose this option to purge no longer needed congregational
attendance records.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Purge Old Records" from the menu by touching the
letter <E> and then pressing <ENTER>.
2. "From Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY> format.
3. "To Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
4. Press <ESC> to cancel the purge. Press any other key to
process. Attendance records within the date range will
be purged. When processing is complete, the menu will
Attendance may be entered for any organization for any date.
Organizational attendance entry consists of two basic steps.
These steps are as follows.
1. Create attendance records for the entire organization for
a selected date. Selection option F from the main menu.
2. Attendance information may be entered by member or by
date. Select option B to enter attendance by date or
option C to enter attendance by member.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Build Attendance Records"
Functional Description
Choose this option to initiate an attendance posting session
and create attendance records for a specific date.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Build Attendance Records" from the menu by
touching the letter <F> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Attendance Date" - Enter the attendance date in <mmddyy>
3. "Organization" - Select the organization by either
entering the organization number or pressing <ENTER> for
a table of valid organizations.
4. "Default Attendance Status" - Enter either "P"resent or
"A"bsent to indicate the default attendance value. Press
<ENTER> to continue.
5. Confirm that the values are correct. Press <ESC> to
return to the previous field or press any other key to
commence building the attendance records. After the
process is complete, the menu will automatically
MENU SELECTION: "G) Enter Attendance By Date"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter attendance data for a specific
date for all members of a specific organization.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Attendance By Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <G> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Enter Organization Number" - Select the organization by
either entering the organization number or pressing
<ENTER> for a table of valid organizations.
3. "Enter Attendance Date" - Enter the date for which
attendance data will be entered. Press <ENTER> and a
scrolling table of records built for that date will
appear on the screen. If no data appears, attendance
records have not been built for the selected date.
4. Select the record to be updated and press <ENTER>.
5. "Attendance Status" - Indicate whether this member was
"P"resent or "A"bsent. Press <ENTER> to return to the
(To select another date)
1. Press <ESC> while viewing the scrolling table to position
the cursor on the "Enter Attendance Date" field.
(To select another organization)
1. Press <ESC> while positioned on the date field to
position the cursor on the "Enter Organization Number"
(To return to the menu)
1. Press <ESC> while positioned on the "Enter Organization
Number" field to return to the menu.
MENU SELECTION: "H) Enter Attendance By Member"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter attendance data for a specific
member for several different dates.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Enter Attendance By Member" from the menu by
touching the letter <H> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Enter Organization Number" - Select the organization by
either entering the organization number or pressing
<ENTER> for a table of valid organizations.
3. "Enter Member No" - Enter the member number for which
attendance data will be entered. To select from a table
of all member, press <ENTER>. After a member has been
selected, press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. A table of all attendance records built for this member
will appear. Select the record to maintain and press
5. "Attendance Status" - Indicate whether this member was
"P"resent or "A"bsent. Press <ENTER> to return to the
(To select another member)
1. Press <ESC> while viewing the scrolling table to position
the cursor on the "Member No" field.
(To select another organization)
1. Press <ESC> while positioned on the member no field to
position the cursor on the "Enter Organization Number"
(To return to the menu)
1. Press <ESC> while positioned on the "Enter Organization
Number" field to return to the menu.
MENU SELECTION: "I) Update Last Attendance Date"
Functional Description
Choose this option to update the membership file with the last
attendance date for each individual for attendance in any
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Update Last Attendance Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <I> and then pressing <ENTER>.
2. A scrolling table of all organizations will appear.
Select the desired organization and press <ENTER>.
3. "Cutoff Date" - Enter a cutoff date in the form <MMDDYY>.
Only individuals whose last attendance date is prior to
the cutoff date will be included in the update.
3. Press <ENTER> to process the update or <ESC to cancel.
All members of the selected organization that have not
attended since prior to the cutoff date will be updated
to reflect the last date of organizational attendance.
MENU SELECTION: "J) Purge Old Records"
Functional Description
Choose this option to purge no longer needed organizational
attendance records.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Purge Old Records" from the menu by touching the
letter <J> and then pressing <ENTER>.
2. "From Date" - Enter the starting date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "To Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
4. Press <ESC> to cancel the purge. Press any other key to
process. Attendance records within the date range will
be purged. When processing is complete, the menu will
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "K) Attendance Call List"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all members not having
attended since a user selected last attendance date.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Attendance Call List" from the menu by touching
the letter <K> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Last Attendance Date" - Enter a valid date in the format
<MMDDYY>. Members that have not attended since this date
will be listed with their name and telephone number.
MENU SELECTION: "L) Congregational Summary By Date"
Functional Description
This report will print a summary for of the number of
individuals present and absent for all congregational
attendance events for a user definable date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Congregational Summary By Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <L> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Start Date" - Enter a valid date in the format
<MMDDYY>. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "Enter End Date" - Enter a valid date in the format
<MMDDYY>. Press <ENTER> to continue.
MENU SELECTION: "M) Organizational Summary By Date"
Functional Description
This report will print a summary for of the number of
individuals present and absent for any organization attendance
for a user definable date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Organizational Summary By Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <M> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "From Date" - Enter a valid date in the format <MMDDYY>.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "To Date" - Enter a valid date in the format <MMDDYY>.
Press <ENTER> to continue.
5. "Organization (0=All) - Enter a valid organization number
or leave blank for all organizations.
MENU SELECTION: "N) Congregational Detail By Member"
Functional Description
This report will print detailed information on all member's
congregational attendance history.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Congregational Detail By Member" from the menu by
touching the letter <N> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "O) Organizational Detail By Member"
Functional Description
This report will print detailed information for all
organizational attendance records for all members of a
selected organization.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Organizational Detail By Member" from the menu by
touching the letter <O> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Organization (0=All) - Enter a valid organization number
or leave blank for all organizations.
MENU SELECTION: "P) Date of Last Organizational Attendance"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all members not having
attended an organizational event since a specified cutoff
date. The date of last attendance for that event will also be
shown on the report. Prior to running this report, "Option I)
Update Last Attendance Date" must be run.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Date of Last Organizational Attendance" from the
menu by touching the letter <P> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "SubHeading" - Enter the name of the organization as you
wish it to appear on the report.
MENU SELECTION: "Q) Congregational Attendance Worksheet"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all individuals and allow for
attendance to be recorded for up to 16 weeks.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Congregational Attendance Worksheet" from the
menu by touching the letter <Q> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "R) Organizational Attendance Worksheet"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of all individuals in a
specified organization and allow for attendance to be recorded
for up to 16 weeks.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Organizational Attendance Worksheet" from the
menu by touching the letter <R> and then pressing
<ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used to select this
2. "Organization Number" - Enter the organization number for
to report on or leave blank if worksheets for all
organizations are desired.
3. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
Functional Description
VISIT.EXE is the executable program for the visitation module.
Visitation information may be maintained for all individuals
and events may be recorded for statistical reporting and for
detailed record keeping for each individual. A convenient
appointment schedular is also included.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting VISIT from the
main menu or by executing VISIT from the DOS command
line. To execute VISIT from the DOS command line:
Example: CD \CMTS32 <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required. If
the security option is not set, the main menu will
3. To make a selection from the visitation menu, touch the
letter on the keyboard corresponding to the menu
selection. The <UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also be
used to position the selector bar over the desired
module. Press <ENTER> and the selection will be
The menu choices are:
A) Enter Events
B) Data Entry Edit Listing
C) Finalize Transactions
D) View Event Detail By Category
E) View Event Detail By Member
F) Ten Year Event Summary
G) Roll Event Year
H) Members' Visitation Information
I) Appointment Schedular
J) Event Detail By Date
K) Event Detail By Category
L) Event Summary-Date Range
M) Five Year Event Summary
N) Visitation Roster By Route
O) Appointment Summary By Date
P) Purge Event History
MENU SELECTION: "A) Enter Events"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter events. Statistical totals will
be kept on all events entered for ten years. The actual event
details may be retained as long as desired.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Enter Events" from the menu, touch the letter
<A> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be
used to select this option.
2. "Member No" - Enter the member number or press <ENTER>
for a scrolling table of all members. Use the arrow keys
to position the selector bar over the member to be
accessed. Enter all or part of the person's last name to
quickly position the selector bar. Press <ENTER> to
3. "Event" - Enter the event number or press <ENTER> for a
scrolling table of events. Select the desired event and
press <ENTER> to continue.
4. "Date" - Enter the date this event occurred in <MMDDYY>
format. Events may only be entered for the current event
5. "Comments" - Enter a comment up to 30 characters related
to this event.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Data Entry Edit Listing"
Functional Description
The Data Entry Edit Listing will list all events that have
been entered since events were last finalized. This report
should be run prior to finalizing to insure that all data
entered is accurate.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Data Entry Edit Listing" from the menu by
touching the letter <B> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Finalize Events"
Functional Description
This procedure will finalize all events that have been entered
since it was last executed. Once events have been finalized,
they create a permanent audit. Be sure to back up all files
prior to selecting this option. See the section in the manual
on "Backing Up Data Files"
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Finalize Events" from the menu by touching the
letter <C> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "D) View Event Detail By Category"
Functional Description
Select this option to view event details by event category.
All events for the selected category will be displayed.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "View Event Detail By Category" from the menu by
touching the letter <D> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Select Category" - Enter the event category to be viewed
or press <ENTER> for a table of all event categories.
3. A display table of all events for this category will
appear. Use the <PAGE UP> and <PAGE DN> keys to scan the
events or press <ESC> to quit.
MENU SELECTION: "E) View Event Detail By Member"
Functional Description
Select this option to view event details by member. All
events for the selected person will be displayed.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "View Event Detail By Member" from the menu by
touching the letter <E> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. "Select Member" - Enter the member number to be viewed or
press <ENTER> for a table of all members. Use the arrow
keys to position the selector bar over the member to be
accessed. Enter all or part of the person's last name to
quickly position the selector bar. Press <ENTER> to
3. A display table of all events for this individual will
appear. Use the <PAGE UP> and <PAGE DN> keys to scan the
events or press <ESC> to quit.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Ten Year Event Summary"
Functional Description
Select this option to view a statistical summary for any event
for the last ten years.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Ten Year Event Summary" from the menu by touching
the letter <F> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A table of all events will appear with the last 3 year's
totals for each event showing. To see a complete 10 year
statistical total for any event, position the selector
bar over that event and press <ENTER>. Press <ESC> to
return to the menu.
MENU SELECTION: "G) Roll Event Year"
Functional Description
This option will move all yearly event totals back one year.
Current year totals will be cleared and the event year will be
incremented by one.
Please read the sections of this manual on "Backing Up Data
Files" and "Other Considerations". It is very important to
read and understand these section prior to initiating this
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Roll Event Year" from the menu by touching the
letter <G> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to selects this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "H) Members' Visitation Information"
Functional Description
Choose this option to enter visitation information.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Members' Visitation Information" from the
menu, touch the letter <H> and then press <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all members will appear. Select
the record to be edited or press <ESC> to return to the
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. You may also enter all or
part of the individual's last name to automatically
position the selector bar. Press <ENTER> to select the
2. A data entry form will appear. If you do not wish to
enter information in all fields, you may write the record
at any time by pressing <CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely
cancel all changes to this record, press <CTRL ESC>.
3. "Visitation Route" - Enter a two digit visitation route.
Members will be sorted by visitation route on the
visitation route listing. Press <ENTER> to go to the
next field.
3. "Date Last Visit" - Enter the date of the last visit in
<mmddyy> format. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "Shut-In Code" - Indicate whether this member is a shut-
in or not. To indicate that this member is a shut-in,
use the arrow keys to select <Y>. Otherwise, select <N>.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
5. The remaining fields are user definable. The field
titles may be maintained in the setup module. See page
4.9 of the manual for a definition of each field and its
Active Function Keys
F1 HELP - Always active
1. Press F1 at any time for a pop-up context sensitive help
F2 Detailed Notes
1. Press F2 at any time while maintaining a member to access
detailed visitation notes for this member. A table of
visitation notes will appear. Press <INSERT> to add a
new record or select an existing record to maintain.
2. "Date" - Enter the visitation date in <mmddyy> format.
3. "Time" - Enter the time of the visit in HHMM format using
24 hour time.
4. "Subject" - Enter up to 30 characters to indicate the
subject of the note or memo.
3. "Notes" - Notes on this visit may be entered in a free
form format. This is also a convenient place to store
other membership related information. Press <CTL>
<ENTER> from any line to return to a scrolling table of
note records for this member. Press <ESC> to routine to
the data entry form.
F3 View Events
1. Press F3 at any time while maintaining a member to view
all event details pertaining to this person.
MENU SELECTION: "I) Appointment Schedular"
Functional Description
Choose this option to access the calendar\appointment
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Appointment Schedular" from the menu, touch
the letter <I> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A calendar will appear. The current month will be
displayed and the current day will be highlighted. Use
the arrow keys to select any day in the current month.
Use <PAGEUP> and <PAGEDOWN> to access other months.
Select the day to be edited and press <ENTER> or press
<ESC> to return to the menu.
3. A table of all appointments for that day will appear.
(To add an appointment)
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
2. "Time" - Enter the time of the appointment.
3. "Purpose" - Enter the purpose of the appointment.
4. "Where" - Enter the location of the appointment.
5. "With" - Enter who the appointment is with.
6. "Comments" - Enter any notes relating to the appointment.
Notes may be entered in a word processing type of free
(To return to the menu)
1. Press <ESC> whenever the calendar is displayed to return
to the menu.
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "J) Event Detail By Date"
Functional Description
This report will print all events for a specified date range
in date order.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Event Detail By Date" from the menu by touching
the letter <J> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the start date in <MMDDYY> format.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
MENU SELECTION: "K) Event Detail By Category"
Functional Description
This report will print all events grouped by event category
and within each group in date order for a specified date
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Event Detail By Category" from the menu by
touching the letter <K> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the start date in <MMDDYY> format.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
MENU SELECTION: "L) Event Summary By Date Range"
Functional Description
This report will print a summary of the totals for all events
by event category for a specified date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Event Summary By Date Range" from the menu by
touching the letter <L> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the start date in <MMDDYY> format.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
MENU SELECTION: "M) Five Year Event Summary"
Functional Description
This report will print the annual totals for all events for
the last five years.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Five Year Event Summary" from the menu by
touching the letter <M> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "N) Visitation Roster By Route"
Functional Description
This report will print a list of members grouped by visitation
route. The report may be printed for one visitation route or
for all visitation routes.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Visitation Roster By Route" from the menu by
touching the letter <N> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Visitation Route" - Enter the visitation route number to
be reported on or leave blank for reports from all
visitation routes.
MENU SELECTION: "O) Appointment Summary By Date"
Functional Description
This report will print all scheduled appointments for a
certain date range.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Appointment Summary By Date" from the menu by
touching the letter <O> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Start Date" - Enter the start date in <MMDDYY> format.
4. "End Date" - Enter the ending date in <MMDDYY> format.
MENU SELECTION: "P) Purge Event History"
Functional Description
This option will purge old event history for any year except
the current event year. Please read the sections of this
manual on "Backing Up Data Files" and "Other Considerations".
It is very important that you read and understand these
sections prior to initiating this procedure!
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Purge Event History" from the menu by touching
the letter <P> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A confirmation screen will appear. Press <ESC> to cancel
the selection. To proceed, press any other key.
3. "Enter Year To Purge" - Enter the year for events to be
purged. Press <ENTER> to continue.
Functional Description
SETUP.EXE is the executable program for the setup module.
Access setup to customize and tailor many parameters of this
software to the unique requirements of your church. Set up
user definable tables for fund categories, special dates,
organizations, and talents.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting SETUP from the
main menu or by executing SETUP from the DOS command
line. To execute SETUP from the DOS command line:
Example: CD \CMTS33 <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required. If
the security option is not set, the main menu will
3. To make a selection from the setup menu, touch the letter
on the keyboard corresponding to the menu selection. The
<UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also be used to position
the selector bar over the desired module. Press <ENTER>
and the selection will be executed.
The menu choices are:
A) Donation Categories
B) Date Descriptions
C) Organizations
D) Talents
E) Events
F) Password Security
G) Miscellaneous Parameters
H) User Definable Field Descriptions
G) List of Fund Categories
H) List of Date Descriptions
I) List of Organizations
J) List of Talents
K) List of Events
This section provides options to maintain user definable
tables of all donation fund categories, dates, organizations
and talents to be tracked for the members of the church.
These tables are completely user definable. This provides
enormous flexibility in customizing the software to the unique
needs of a specific church.
There is also an option to maintain a password security file
for users. Finally, there are a number of additional
miscellaneous parameters that may be maintained.
MENU SELECTION: "A) Donation Categories"
Functional Description
Select this option to define the donation categories from
which members' donations will be tracked.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Donation Categories" from the menu, touch the
letter <A> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all categories currently defined
will appear. At this point, additional descriptions may
be added or existing descriptions may be changed.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the SETUP menu, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear on the
screen. If you do not wish to enter information in all
fields, you may write the record at any time by pressing
<CTRL> <ENTER>. To completely cancel entry for this
record, press <CTRL ESC>.
2. "Donation Category" - The system will automatically
assign the next available number. If this number is
acceptable, press <ENTER>. If not, enter up to four
numeric digits to assign a unique number to this fund.
3. "Description" - Enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters to
describe this fund. Press <ENTER> to continue. You will
be returned to the scrolling table.
(To modify an existing record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select the
record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, you will
be returned to the scrolling table. The "FUND NO" field
should not be changed after transactions have been posted
to that specific fund.
(To delete a record)
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
MENU SELECTION: "B) Date Descriptions"
Functional Description
Select this option to setup and describe the date categories
to be tracked for each member of the church. These must be
setup before specific dates can be entered for each member.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Date Descriptions" from the menu, touch the
letter <B> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all date descriptions currently
defined will appear. At this point, additional
categories may be added or existing descriptions may be
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the SETUP menu from the
scrolling table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear.
2. "Date No" - The system will automatically assign the next
available number. If this number is acceptable, press
<ENTER>. If not, enter up to two numeric digits to
assign a unique number to this date.
3. "Description" - Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to
describe this date category. Press <ENTER> to continue.
The scrolling table will return.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select the
record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, you will
be returned to the scrolling table. The "DATE NO" field
should not be changed after specific individual's dates
have been entered.
To delete a record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
MENU SELECTION: "C) Organizations"
Functional Description
Select this option to setup and describe the organizations to
be tracked for each member of the church. An organization
must be defined here before an individuals can be associated
with that organization.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Organizations" from the menu, touch the letter
<C> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be
used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all organizations currently defined
will appear. At this point, additional organizations may
be added or existing descriptions may be changed.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the SETUP menu from the scrolling table,
press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear.
2. "Organization No" - The system will automatically assign
the next available number. If this number is acceptable,
press <ENTER>. If not, enter up to two numeric digits to
assign a unique number to this organization. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Description" - Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to
describe this organization. Press <ENTER> to continue.
The scrolling table will return.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select the
record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
scrolling table will reappear. The "Organization No"
field should not be changed after individuals have been
assigned to that organization.
To delete a record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
Functional Description
Select this option to setup and describe the talents and
skills to be tracked for each member of the church. Each
talent or skill must be defined before an individual can be
associated with it.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Talents" from the menu, touch the letter <D>
and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used
to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all talents currently defined will
appear. At this point, additional talents may be added
or existing descriptions may be changed.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the SETUP menu from the
scrolling table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear.
2. "Talent No" - The system will automatically assign the
next available number. If this number is acceptable,
press <ENTER>. If not, enter up to two numeric digits to
assign a unique number to this talent or skill. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Description" - Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to
describe this talent. Press <ENTER> to continue. The
scrolling table will return.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. Press <ENTER> to select the record
to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
scrolling table will reappear. The "Talent No" field
should not be changed after specific individual's talents
have been entered.
To delete a record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
Functional Description
Select this option to setup and describe the events to be
tracked statistically and for each individual within the
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Events" from the menu, touch the letter <E>
and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used
to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all events currently defined will
appear. At this point, additional talents may be added
or existing descriptions may be changed.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the SETUP menu from the
scrolling table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear.
2. "Event No" - The system will automatically assign the
next available number. If this number is acceptable,
press <ENTER>. If not, enter up to two numeric digits to
assign a unique number to this event.
3. "Description" - Enter up to 25 alphanumeric characters to
describe this event. Press <ENTER> to continue. The
scrolling table will return.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be changed. Press <ENTER> to select the record
to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
scrolling table will reappear.
To delete a record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
MENU SELECTION: "F) Password Security"
Functional Description
This option is used to determine what users may access the
system and which modules they may access. If password
security is not required, this option may be skipped.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Password Security" from the menu, touch the
letter <F> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all users currently defined will
appear. Additional users may be added or existing users
may be maintained.
To return to the menu
1. To return to the SETUP menu from the scrolling table,
press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear. If you
do not wish to enter information in all fields, you may
write the record at any time by pressing <CTRL> <ENTER>.
To completely cancel all changes to this record, press
2. "First Name" - Enter the first name of this user. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
3. "Last Name" - Enter the last name of this user. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
4. "Initials" - Enter the initials of this user. These
initials will appear in the audit trail for all donation
and financial transactions that are finalized by the
user. Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
5. "Password" - Enter the password assigned to this user.
Press <ENTER> to go to the next field.
6. "Membership" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate if this user
may access the membership module. Press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
7. "Donations" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate if this user
may access the donation module. Press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
8. "Attendance" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate if this user
may access the attendance module. Press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
9. "Visitation" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate if this user
may access the visitation module. Press <ENTER> to go to
the next field.
10. "Fund Accounting" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate if this
user may access the fund accounting module. Press
<ENTER> to go to the next field.
11. "Setup" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate if this user may
access the setup module. Press <ENTER> to return to the
scrolling table.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select the
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. After all fields have been maintained, the
program will return to the scrolling table.
MENU SELECTION: "G) Miscellaneous Parameters"
Functional Description
Select this option to customize many miscellaneous parameters.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Miscellaneous Parameters" from the menu, touch
the letter <G> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A screen will appear showing many parameters that may be
3. "Address" - Enter up to 40 characters for each of the
three address lines.
4. "Pastor" - Enter up to 40 alphanumeric characters to
indicate the pastor's name.
5. "Event Year" - This field should not normally be
maintained. The initial installation is the only normal
exception. Running the roll event year procedure
automatically updates this field.
6. "Donation Year" - This field should not normally be
maintained. The initial installation is the only normal
exception. Running the donation year end procedure
automatically updates this field.
7. "Fund Accounting Year" - This field should not normally
be maintained. The initial installation is the only
normal exception. Running the fund accounting year end
procedure automatically updates this field.
8. "Fiscal Year Start Month" - Enter the numeric
representation of the first month of the churches fiscal
year. If the church is on a calendar year, this value
will be <1>. This field may be skipped if fund
accounting is not being used.
9. "Require Password" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate whether
password security is required.
10. "PRINT 0 Bal Stmts" - Enter "Y" or "N" to indicate
whether statements should print for all members or only
members with an active pledge amount or actual donations
in current year giving.
11. "Attendance Events 1-3" - Enter a description for each of
the congregational attendance events. The systems allows
for up to three events for congregational attendance.
12. "Show Last City As Default" - Answer Yes if the last city
entered should appear as the default when adding new
household records.
13. "Show Last State As Default" - Answer Yes if the last
state entered should appear as the default when adding
new household records.
14. "Show Last Zip Code As Default" - Answer Yes if the last
zipcode entered should appear as the default when adding
new household records.
MENU SELECTION: H) User Definable Field Descriptions"
Functional Description
Select this option to maintain the user definable field
description in the household and individual files.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "User Definable Field Parameters" from the
menu, touch the letter <H> and then press <ENTER>.
2. A screen will appear showing the current value for each
user definable field.
3. "Household User Definable Field 1 thru Field 6" - Enter
up to 12 characters for each of the six user definable
field descriptions at the household level.
4. "Individual User Definable Field 1 thru Field 20" - Enter
up to 12 characters for each of the six user definable
field descriptions at the family/household level.
When any report option is chosen, a confirmation screen will
appear. The report may be canceled by pressing the <ESC> key.
The report direction may be toggled between SCREEN and PRINTER
by pressing <F2>. Pressing any other key will initiate the
report. The report may be halted while it is processing by
pressing <ESC>.
Reports directed to the screen may be scrolled by pressing
<PageUp> or <PageDn>. When processing is complete, they may
be redirected to a printer by pressing <CTRL> <L>. To return
to the menu, press <ESC>. If the report was directed to a
printer, the main menu will automatically reappear once
printing is complete.
MENU SELECTION: "I) Donation Category Listing"
Functional Description
This report will list all fund categories that donations may
be associated with.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "Donation Category Listing" from the menu by
touching the letter <I> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "J) List of Date Descriptions"
Functional Description
This report will list the special date descriptions.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "List of Date Descriptions" from the menu by
touching the letter <J> and then pressing <ENTER>. The
arrow keys may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "K) List of Organizations"
Functional Description
This report will list all organizations that have been
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "List of Organizations" from the menu by touching
the letter <K> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys
may also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "L) List of Talents"
Functional Description
This report will list all talents that have been defined.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "List of Talents" from the menu by touching the
letter <L> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
MENU SELECTION: "M) List of Events"
Functional Description
This report will list all talents that have been defined.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. Select "List of Events" from the menu by touching the
letter <M> and then pressing <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A report confirmation screen will appear. The report
direction may be toggled to either a printer or the
screen by pressing <F2>. Press <ESC> to cancel the
selection. To proceed, press any other key.
Functional Description
RPTINIT.EXE is the executable program for the additional
reports module. Access the additional reports modules to run
reports contained in the "Special Report Packs" that will be
available from Torbert Data Systems beginning with the Version
3.2 release. A sample report pack with several often requested
reports has been included with this release. In addition, the
Additional Reports menu is a "soft menu". This means that
reports written by the user with the optional Clarion Report
Writer may also be placed within this menu.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. This module may be accessed by selecting ADDITIONAL
REPORTS from the main menu or by executing RPTINIT from
the DOS command line. To execute RPTINIT from the DOS
command line:
Example: CD \CMTS32 <ENTER>
2. If the security option is active, a password prompt will
appear. Input the appropriate password as required. If
the security option is not set, the main menu will
3. To make a selection from the additional reports menu,
touch the letter on the keyboard corresponding to the
menu selection. The <UP> or <DOWN> arrow keys may also
be used to position the selector bar over the desired
module. Press <ENTER> and the selection will be
The menu choices are:
A) Reports By Category
B) Reports By Name
C) Categories
D) Reports
This section provides options to run any additional reports
either by report name or by category, then by report.
MENU SELECTION: "Reports By Category"
Functional Description
Select this option to run any of the additional reports by
fist choosing a report category.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Reports By Category" from the menu, touch the
letter <A> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all categories currently defined
will appear.
3. Use the cursor keys to position the highlight bar over
the desired report category and press <ENTER>.
4. A scrolling table of all reports within that category
will appear. Select the desired report and press
5. "Enter Report Direction" - Select the report direction
for the chosen report. Valid choices are:
S- Screen P - Printer F-File
When selecting "F" or File, you will be prompted for a
file name.
6. At the confirmation prompt, press <ESC> to cancel the
report execution, any other key to continue.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the Additional Reports menu,
press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "Reports By Name"
Functional Description
Select this option to run any of the additional reports by
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Reports By Name" from the menu, touch the
letter <B> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may
also be used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all reports will appear. Select the
desired report and press <ENTER>.
3. "Enter Report Direction" - Select the report direction
for the chosen report. Valid choices are:
S- Screen P - Printer F-File
When selecting "F" or File, you will be prompted for a
file name.
4. At the confirmation prompt, press <ESC> to cancel the
report execution, any other key to continue.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the Additional Reports menu,
press <ESC>.
MENU SELECTION: "Categories"
Functional Description
Select this option to setup and describe the report categories
within this module. These must be setup before specific
reports can be assigned to each category..
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Categories" from the menu, touch the letter
<C> and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be
used to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all report categories currently
defined will appear. At this point, additional
categories may be added or existing descriptions may be
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the ADDITIONAL REPORTS menu
from the scrolling table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear. A
category number will be automatically assigned.
2. "Description" - Enter up to fifty characters for this
report category description. Press <ENTER> to return to
the scrolling table.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select the
record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to the description field and
press <ENTER>. The scrolling table will reappear.
To delete a record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete. A category should not be deleted that
has reports assigned to it.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
Functional Description
Select this option to setup and describe the actual reports
that have been written or supplied by TDS or an independent
consultant. These reports will become an integral part of
your CMTS system.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. To select "Reports" from the menu, touch the letter <D>
and then press <ENTER>. The arrow keys may also be used
to select this option.
2. A scrolling table of all reports currently defined will
appear. At this point, additional reports may be added
or existing records may be changed.
To return to the menu
1. When you wish to return to the ADDITIONAL REPORTS menu
from the scrolling table, press <ESC>.
To add a new record
1. Press <INSERT>. A data entry form will appear.
2. "Category" - Enter the category number for the desired
report. If this number is unknown, press <ENTER> and a
table of all existing categories will appear. Select the
correct category.
3. "Title" - Enter a descriptive title for this report. The
title may be up to fifty characters in length.
4. "Report Name" - Enter the eight character report name
that the report was saved as in Report Writer. The "DEF"
extension should not be entered.
5. "Database Name" - Enter the eight character database name
that the database was saved as in Report Writer. The
"DEF" extension should not be entered. Press <ENTER> to
return to the scrolling table.
To modify an existing record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record you wish to change. Press <ENTER> to select the
record to maintain.
2. Make the necessary changes to each field and press
<ENTER>. The scrolling table will reappear.
To delete a record
1. Use the arrow keys to position the selector bar over the
record to be deleted. Press <DELETE> to select the
record to delete.
2. A confirmation screen will show the complete record.
Press <ENTER> to delete the record or <ESC> to cancel
this selection. The scrolling table will reappear.
This section should be read thoroughly prior to the live
implementation. Should information on a specific procedure be
required, refer to the detailed step by step instructions for
that procedure elsewhere in this manual.
Functional Description
FILECRE.EXE is the executable program to purge the sample data
files and create the actual files.
Step-By-Step Instructions
1. The first step in live implementation is to remove the
sample data files that were supplied with this software.
Be sure the CMTS directory is the active directory. From
the DOS command line, execute FILECRE. This may be done
as follows:
Example: CD \CMTS32 <ENTER>
2. "Type of Data" - Select Sample by pressing "S" to create
sample data files for a quick evaluation or press "E" to
create empty data files prior to live implementation.
3. "Create Membership and Donation Files" - Indicate "YES"
to create data files for all modules except fund
accounting. Enter "NO" if these files should not be
4. "Create Fund Accounting Files" - Indicate "YES" to create
data files for the fund accounting module. Enter "NO" if
these files should not be recreated.
5. Press <ESC> now to abort this program. Press any other
key to begin processing.
Instructions For Live Implementation
The following instructions will detail the steps involved in
live implementation for each module. When installing all
modules at the same time, follow these steps in the sequence
given. These instructions assume the program FILECRE has been
executed to create empty files. See the section above for
details on creating the empty files.
1. Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program either by selecting SETUP
from the main menu or by entering "CUSTOMIZE SETUP" from
the DOS command line.
2. Select the option "Date Descriptions" from the SETUP
menu. Enter each date category that your church wishes
to track. Additional date categories may be added in the
future as required. For further instructions on
maintaining this file, refer to the step by step
instructions for this procedure.
3. Select the option "Organizations" from the SETUP menu.
Enter the name of each organization within the church
that your church wishes to track. You may add additional
organizations in the future as required. For further
instructions on maintaining this file, refer to the step
by step instructions for this procedure.
4. Select the option "Talents" from the SETUP menu. Enter
the name of each talent or skill that members of the
church may possess that is of value to your church.
Additional skill categories may be added in the future as
required. For further instructions on maintaining this
file, refer to the step by step instructions for this
5. Execute the MEMBER.EXE" program either from the main menu
by selecting MEMBERSHIP or by entering "MEMBER" from the
DOS command line.
6. Select the "Families" option from the menu and enter one
record for each family or household.
7. Select the "Individual Members" option from the menu and
enter one record for each individual. The individual's
dates, talents, and organizations may also be entered
using the appropriate hotkey.
1. The MEMBERSHIP instructions described above must be
completed prior to implementing DONATIONS.
2. Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program either by selecting SETUP
from the main menu or by entering "CUSTOMIZE SETUP" from
the DOS command line.
3. Select the option "Fund Categories" from the SETUP menu.
Enter each fund category that your church wishes to
track. Additional fund categories may be added in the
future as required. For further instructions on
maintaining this file, refer to the step by step
instructions for this procedure.
4. Select the option "Miscellaneous Parameter" from the
SETUP menu. Insure the "Donation Year" field is set
correctly. For further instructions on maintaining this
file, refer to the step by step instructions for this
5. Execute the DONATE.EXE" program either from the main menu
by selecting DONATIONS or by entering "DONATE" from the
DOS command line.
6. Select the option "Member Pledge\Giving Maintenance".
Enter the envelope number and each fund pledge amount for
each member of the church. For further instructions on
maintaining this file, refer to the step by step
instructions for this procedure.
1. Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program either by selecting SETUP
from the main menu or by entering "CUSTOMIZE SETUP" from
the DOS command line.
2. Select the option "Miscellaneous Parameter" from the
SETUP menu. Insure that the values for the "Fund
Accounting Year" field and the "Fiscal Year Start Month"
field are set correctly. For further instructions on
maintaining this file, refer to the step by step
instructions for this procedure.
3. Execute the FUND.EXE" program either from the main menu
by selecting FUND ACCOUNTING or by entering "FUND" from
the DOS command line.
4. Select the option "General Ledger Accounts". Enter each
account in the chart of accounts.
5. Select the option "Bank Information". Enter the
required information for each bank checking account.
6. Select the option "Vendors". Enter the name for each
vendor that checks are frequently written to.
7. Make one "balance forward" entry for each account. It is
possible to go live during any period of the year,
however it is easiest to begin live implementation at the
start of a new fiscal year.
The best way to do this is to set the accounting year to
the prior year, and post the adjusted account balance on
the last day of the year. By posting balances after all
adjustments and year end processing, only balance sheet
accounts will have to be posted as revenue and expense
accounts start the new year with zero balances.
1. The MEMBERSHIP instructions described above must be
completed prior to implementing ATTENDANCE.
2. Execute the "SETUP.EXE" program either by selecting SETUP
from the main menu or by entering "CUSTOMIZE SETUP" from
the DOS command line.
3. Select the option "Miscellaneous Parameter" from the
SETUP menu. Insure that the values for the "Attendance
Event 1" field, the "Attendance Event 2" field and the
"Attendance Event 3" field are set correctly. For
further instructions on maintaining this file, refer to
the step by step instructions for this procedure.
1. The MEMBERSHIP instructions described above must be
completed prior to implementing VISITATION.
2. No additional preparation is necessary.
This section documents all files used in the system and
describes the functional purpose for each. An understanding
of these files will help you better determine and plan the
backup procedures for your installation.
CTL_CMTS.DAT (The church control file)
The control file stores certain parameters used to
customize the software for your church. It is updated
during the initial installation when you elect to modify
one of its parameters and during quarter end when the
quarter code is automatically updated.
This file is accessed by choosing the "Miscellaneous
Parameters" option in the SETUP module.
FND_CMTS.DAT (The funds description file)
This is where the fund descriptions are kept. This file
is accessed by choosing the "Fund Categories" option in
the SETUP module.
Quarter-To-Date and Year-To-Date donation totals for each
fund are also stored automatically in this file.
DES_CMTS.DAT (The Special information file)
This file contains the description for every special
talent, date, and organization that is setup. This file
must be setup before entering member specific talent,
date, or organizational information
This file is accessed whenever any of the following
options in the SETUP module are selected:
"Date Descriptions"
FAM_CMTS.DAT (The Family File)
This file contains one record for every family in the
church. It may be accessed by selecting "Families" in
the MEMBERSHIP module.
MBR_CMTS.DAT (The individual member file)
This file contains one record for every member in the
church. It may be accessed by selecting "Individual
Members" in the MEMBERSHIP module.
This file is also updated with quarter-To-Date and year-
To-Date donation totals whenever donations are posted.
DATE_CMTS.DAT (The individual's date file)
This file contains one record for every individual's
special date defined in the system. It may be accessed
by selecting "Special Dates" from the MEMBERSHIP menu.
SKL_CMTS.DAT (The individual's skill file)
This file contains one record for every individual's
special skill defined in the system. It may be accessed
by selecting "Special Talents" from the MEMBERSHIP menu.
ORG_CMTS.DAT (The individual's organization file)
This file contains one record for every member per
organization that the member belongs to. It may be
accessed by selecting "Organizations" from the MEMBERSHIP
MFD_CMTS.DAT (Individual's Fund File)
This file contains a record for each fund a member has
pledged or donated to. It is accessed by selecting
"Member Pledge/Giving Maintenance" from the DONATION menu
The file is also updated whenever transactions are
TRN_CMTS.DAT (The donation transaction file)
This file contains one record for every donation
transaction. It is updated whenever donations are
entered or finalized.
APP_CMTS.DAT (The appointment\calendar file.
This file contains the calendar\appointment schedular
information. It is accessed by selecting "Appointment
Schedular" from the VISITATION menu.
VIS_CMTS.DAT (The visitation memo file)
This file contains the visitation information. It is
accessed by selecting "Member's Visitation Information"
from the VISITATION menu.
ATC_CMTS.DAT (The congregational attendance file)
This file contains the congregational attendance
information. It is updated whenever attendance records
are built or updated in the ATTENDANCE module.
ATO_CMTS.DAT (The organizational attendance file)
This file contains the organizational attendance
information. It is updated whenever attendance records
are built or updated in the ATTENDANCE module.
ACCT_GL (The general ledger accounts file)
This file contains a record for each general ledger
account. It is accessed whenever "General Ledger
Accounts" is selected from the Fund Accounting menu.
It is also updated whenever accounting transactions are
entered or finalized.
FUND_GL (The general ledger fund accounts file)
This file contains a record for each general ledger fund
equity account. It is accessed whenever "General Ledger
Accounts" is selected from the Fund Accounting menu.
It is also updated whenever accounting transactions are
entered or finalized.
BANK_GL (The general ledger bank file)
This file contains a record for each bank checking
account. It is accessed whenever "Bank Information" is
selected from the Fund Accounting menu.
It is also updated whenever accounting transactions are
entered or finalized.
VEND_GL (The vendor file)
This file contains a record for each vendor. It is
accessed whenever "Vendors" is selected from the Fund
Accounting menu.
It is also updated whenever accounting transactions are
entered or finalized.
TRAN_GL (The general ledger transaction file)
This file contains one record for every accounting
transaction. It is updated whenever transactions are
entered or finalized.
General Considerations
Good backup procedures are essential in all data processing
environments. There is no one best approach for all
environments. The guidelines documented here are general in
nature. Torbert Data Systems offers consulting services to
assist you in planning the backup requirements for your
specific installation. When in doubt, BACK UP!
A simple backup routine is included in the batch file BU.BAT.
When the Backup option on the main menu is selected, this
routine will be selected. It invokes the DOS Backup utility
however, the batch file can easily be modified to use other
backup programs you might have.
All data files end in the extension "*.DAT". Memo files end
in the extension "*.MEM". Therefore, the safest approach is
to back up all files each time the software is used. Since
there are numerous backup programs available and the size of
your files and the nature of your backup media may be
different from other installations, specific instructions can
not be given. If all of your files will fit onto one floppy
diskette, and your diskette drive is A:, the following command
will backup your files (Assuming you are in the CMTS
Maintenance Backups
Whenever control file or table parameters are updated, the
following files should be backed up.
Whenever new members or families are added to your system, or
membership information is changed, the following files should
be backed up.
Whenever accounting files are maintained, the following files
should be backed up.
Posting Backups - Donations
The following backup procedures are recommended during the
donation posting cycle.
Insure that ALL files are backed up prior to beginning a
posting cycle. (If the recommended procedures have been
followed in the past, this backup has already been done).
After entering but before finalizing donations, backup the
following files:
These files should also be backed up before running either the
"Year End Roll" or "Purge History" selections as well.
Posting Backups - Fund Accounting
The following backup procedures are recommended during the
accounting posting cycle.
Insure that ALL files are backed up prior to beginning a
posting cycle. (If the recommended procedures have been
followed in the past, this backup has already been done).
After entering but before finalizing transactions, backup the
following files:
These files should also be backed up before running either the
"Year End Processing", "Purge Old Transactions" or "Purge
Deleted Accounts" selections.
When it is necessary to restore from a backup, it is essential
to restore all data files and remove the old key files. Place
the diskette or diskettes containing the backup in the floppy
drive and copy the contents of each one to the CMTS directory.
Example: COPY A:*.DAT <ENTER>
Please call Torbert Data Systems prior to restoring the files
if there are any questions. In any instance where a partial
restore is being considered (restoring some files but not all
files) it is imperative that you contact Torbert Data Systems
before proceeding. Improper restore could result in files
being out of balance.
This product is extremely easy to use, however there will be
instances where technical support may be required.
Users receive free support for 90 days after purchase of this
product in any of the following ways.
CompuServe: All E-Mail addressed to User ID
73747,2336 will be answered promptly,
usually within 24 hours.
Support BBS: TDS BBS - 24 hours - 804-488-4146
US Mail: Support questions may be mailed to:
Torbert Data Systems, Inc.
P. O. Box 9218
Chesapeake, VA 23321
Telephone: (804) 488-5506
1. Problem: The message "TOO MANY OPEN FILES" appears when
an attempt is made to execute one of the programs.
Solution: This problem is a result of the CONFIG.SYS file
not being set up properly. The possible hardware
configurations vary considerably, but if your boot drive
is C, you may view the CONFIG.SYS file as follows.
Using either EDLIN or any ASCII text editor, insure that
the following values are setup in the CONFIG.SYS file.
2. Problem: When accessing certain screens, a table appears
and continues to "flicker". The system appears to be
Solution: You have executed a routine prior to having the
appropriate records built in the proper and logical
sequence. The sections of this manual on the Setup and
Membership modules should be read thoroughly prior to
attempting to build your actual files.
3. Problem: The message "FILE NOT FOUND" appears when an
attempt is made to execute one of the programs.
Solution: This problem is a result of the CTL_CMTS.DAT
file not being present in the currently active directory.
The software is written in such a way that all data files
will automatically be created if they do not already
exist. The one exception to this rule is CTL_CMTS.DAT.
If this file is missing, copy it from the release
4. Problem: The message "The program you are attempting to
load is missing" appears when an option is selected from
the main menu.
Solution: When a module is selected from the main menu,
one of six programs is executed. These programs are:
The EXE file that has been selected can not be found.
5. Problem: The message "Not enough memory to load program"
appears when an option is selected from any menu.
Solution: The software requires a machine of at least
512K to run properly. Insure that there are no TSRs
running in the background, and try again. If the problem
is still present, bypass the main menu, CMTS, and execute
the individual modules from the command line.
6. Problem: The message "Not enough memory to load report"
appears when an option is selected from a module menu.
Solution: The software requires a machine of at least
512K (640K highly recommended) to run properly. Insure
that there are no TSRs running in the background, and try
again. If the problem is still present, bypass the main
menu, CMTS, and execute the individual modules from the
command line.
7. Problem: The message "Not enough disk space to load
report" appears when a report is selected from any menu.
Solution: Whenever a report selection is made from any
module menu, a memory image of the current program is
written to disk prior to executing the program. The
report may also require disk space to build keys or sort
the data. At least one megabyte of disk space should be
available at all times to properly run CMTS.
If the amount of disk space is adequate, check to insure
that the CONFIG.SYS file has the statement FILES=50.
8. Problem: The message "Error loading overlay area" appears
when executing the program.
Solution: Versions of DOS below 3.0 do not handle the
overlays properly. This software should run with no
problem on versions of DOS at least 3.X or higher.
Thank you for evaluating CMTS. Torbert Data Systems is committed to
offering one of the best church management systems available at any price,
either through shareware or retail channels. Your comments and suggestions
are encouraged and can help in developing future versions. The software is
constantly being enhanced. If this product is more than six months old, it
is very likely that a newer version of the product is available or will be
shortly. When you register this product you will receive a registered copy
of the latest version of the software, a subscription to our quarterly
newsletter ("CMTS Journal"), ninety days free technical support, and an
attractive printed manual.
We now offer a free one year subscription to CHURCH BYTES magazine when
your church registers the entire CMTS system. Torbert Data Systems is
pleased to be able to make this fine christian publication available to our
registered users. We do, however, reserve the right to discontinue this
free subscription offer at any time. CHURCH BYTES is published by CHURCH
BYTES, INC. in Durham, NC.
Registered users also receive notices whenever a new release of this
software is available. You will be entitled to order the upgraded
software by paying only a small shipping/handling/upgrade fee and any price
difference between the new software and your current payment amount.
CMTS is marketed as shareware. This provides the user an opportunity
to evaluate the product prior to purchasing it. If you use this product
beyond a reasonable evaluation period, you are required to pay for it.
Many of the enhancements that have become part of this package have been
due to suggestions from our valued users. Your comments and suggestions
regarding CMTS would be greatly appreciated. You may register the entire
package or only selected modules. Choose the appropriate registration
form from below.
Technical support may be obtained in any of the following ways:
Telephone (804) 488-5506
TDS BBS (804) 488-4146
Compuserve Mail 73747,2336
Feel free to call if you have any questions or experience any difficulty
installing CMTS. In many instances the users of church management software
are not full time church employees and must work with the program in the
evenings and on weekends. It is for this reason, that we maintain our
technical support lines until 11PM (Eastern Time) Monday thru Saturday.
If someone is not immediately available to help you with your problem, your
call will be returned as soon as possible.
Torbert Data Systems, Inc. Phone: (804) 488-5506
P. O. Box 9218 BBS: (804) 488-4146
Chesapeake, VA 23321 FAX: (804) 488-8630
* There are several registration options. CMTS is available as a *
* complete integrated system. Optionally, you may purchase only *
* those modules you wish to use. The basic package (Membership and Setup) *
* must be purchased if you wish to buy visitation, attendance, or donations. *
WHERE ACQUIRED ___________________________________ DATE ______________
CHURCH NAME ____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________
CITY _______________________________ STATE ______ ZIP _________
PHONE _______________________________
YOUR NAME _____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS _____________________________________________________________
CITY _______________________________ STATE ______ ZIP __________
PHONE _______________________________
Church Membership Tracking System Complete System $389.00 ( )
- Or Register Only The Modules You Wish To Use At This Time!
Basic Package ( Membership and Setup Modules) $ 99.00 ( )
* Add Donation Module 99.00 ( )
* Add Attendance Module 49.00 ( )
* Add Visitation Module 69.00 ( )
Fund Accounting General Ledger System-Stand Alone 129.00 ( )
- Additional Products You Can Order
Report Writer (Enhance CMTS with your own reports) 99.00 ( )
Ultimate MailList Manager (Prospects, daycare, many uses) 49.00 ( )
4 1/2 Sales Tax - (Virginina Residents Only) _______
* Donation, attendance and visitation modules require the basic package.
5 1/4 HD 1.2M ( ) 5 1/4 DD 360K ( ) 3 1/2 HD 1.4M ( ) 3 1/2 DD 720K ( )
If Credit Card: Indicate Mastercard ( ) or Visa ( )
Signature _______________ Acct # _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp _ _ / _ _
If Check, make payable to: "Torbert Data Systems, Inc.
and mail with registration form. P. O. Box 9218
Chesapeake, VA 23321