The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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r . c . c
Version 1.7
Donation Tracking System
(C) Copyright 1991, 1992 by Alan Irwin
Alan Irwin
Irwin Computer Engineering
PO Box 1748
Goleta, CA 93116
CIS 71370,1513
September 1992
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
rccDONOR is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user
for evaluation. I encourage you to share it with other organizations, but
please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The
essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users
with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for
programmers to continue to develop new products.
If you find this program useful and find that you are using rccDONOR and
continue to use rccDONOR after a reasonable period of time, you must make a
registration payment of $100.00 to Irwin Computer Engineering. The $100.00
registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any
one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that
this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved
from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility
of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as
a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time.
Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Irwin Computer
Engineering. Please refer to the file REGISTER.DOC for further registration
information and a registration form. A registration form also appears in
Chapter 10 of this manual, or a form can be generated from the Info. on
rccDONOR task of the Utility menu.
Anyone distributing rccDONOR for any kind of remuneration must first
contact Irwin Computer Engineering for authorization. This authorization
will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as
adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such
distributors may begin offering rccDONOR immediately (however Irwin
Computer Engineering must still be advised so that the distributor can be
kept up-to-date with the latest version of rccDONOR). Please refer to the
the files VENDOR.DOC and SYSOP.DOC included with the distribution package.
You are encouraged to pass a copy of rccDONOR along to other non-profit
organizations for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy
if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive:
- a copy of the latest version of the rccDONOR system
- a printed, bound copy of the manual
- extensive support (see Chapter 10)
- a subscription to "For What It's Worth", a newsletter of tips and
ideas for fundraising using rccDONOR
1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Target Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How to Use This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Key Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
2 Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
System Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Basic File Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Basic Screen Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Editing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
4 Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Quit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5 Edit Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Mail List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Zip Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Searching . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6 Reports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Basic Report Prompt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Direct Output to Screen, Printer, or File . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Filter Selection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Mail List Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Labels/Pledge Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Donor Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Events Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Word Processor Merge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Zip Code Counts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7 Log (Event) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Select Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Event Log Edit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Print Event Log . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Word Processor Merge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Value Received Entry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
8 Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Option Values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Create/Convert Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Reindex Data Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Field Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Validate Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Info. on rccDONOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
9 Filter Commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Individual Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Combining Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Command Reference Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
10 Shareware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Registering rccDONOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Where to Register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Ombudsman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
RCCDONOR REGISTRATION FORM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
1 Introduction
Welcome to the latest release of rccDONOR. This is a donation tracking
system which can be used in a variety of ways. In its simplest form, this
is a mailing list program used to track members of an organization or
generate labels for a bulk mailing. But, when used fully, rccDONOR serves
as a sophisticated donation tracking system and event support system.
Target Audience
rccDONOR was developed and tested with small to medium sized non-profit
organizations, specifically a rape crisis center in California (that's
where the name came from) and a battered women's shelter in Pennsylvania.
Both groups were new to computerization. Traditional donation tracking
systems were priced too far out of their operating budget and seemed to be
aimed at much larger organizations. rccDONOR is meant to provide the power
of a donation tracking system at a price which a struggling non-profit can
afford, and it is marketed by the shareware method so that an agency can
"try before buy". There is a more complete discussion of shareware in
Chapter 10.
How to Use This Manual
The manual is written to closely follow the menu command structure seen
while operating the software. Later, a tutorial and common usage manual
will be provided to registered users.
Also, a "context sensitive help system" is provided. This means that at
most times, you can press the [F1] key to get a brief description of what
you can do (or are expected to do) at the current step of the program.
Key Conventions
Within this manual, the following font conventions will be used. When a
basic key on the keyboard is described (such as pressing the key for the
letter y), it will be shown as Y. When a special key is described (such as
one of the function keys either at the top or on the side of the keyboard),
it will be shown as [F1]. The ^ character is used to mean that the control
key is held down while the next key is pressed. The Control-C key sequence
will be displayed as ^C. And, a control key sequence for a special key is
represented as ^[F1].
When the computer is asking for a bunch of text to be entered (such as when
the program must be started from the DOS prompt), the computer prompt will
be shown as C:\> and the response you type will be displayed as rccdonor.
To simplify a description, you may be shown the prompt and response
together, such as:
C:\> rccdonor
The names of files will be shown as RCCDONOR.EXE
1 : Chapter 1 Introduction
2 Getting Started
System Requirements
The following is a list of requirements to run rccDONOR.
IBM PC/XT/AT/386/486
DOS 3.3 or higher
512K Memory
Floppy Disk
Hard Drive (optional but highly recommended)
Also, the CONFIG.SYS file must be checked or altered to allow at least 30
and the AUTOEXEC.BAT needs to include the statement:
During installation, the INSTALL program (see below) will check for both of
these lines in the proper files and add them if necessary.
There are two methods of installing rccDONOR, depending on the source and
type of distribution files you received. If you downloaded the distribution
file from a bulletin board service (BBS), then you should follow the
instructions under ZIP INSTALLATION, below. If you received rccDONOR on a
disk, then follow the instructions under BCF INSTALLATION.
A. ZIP Installation
If you downloaded a file from a BBS, then you probably received a single
file named RCCD17.ZIP (where 17 identifies the version 1.7). This file
contains the programs, documentation, and support files compressed into a
single package.
If this is the first time you are installing rccDONOR, then create a
subdirectory for the rccDONOR system and move the ZIP file into that
directory. If you are upgrading from a previous version of rccDONOR, then
move to the directory in which you have the current version.
Unpack the file using a ZIP decompression utility such as PKUNZIP. If you
are upgrading your version of rccDONOR and you are using PKUNZIP, then
answer YES (press the Y key) for every file it asks you to overwrite.
Now, continue with the next section, titled BCF INSTALLATION, below.
2 : rccDONOR
B. BCF Installation
If you received a floppy disk with a distribution copy of rccDONOR, or
after unpacking the ZIP file, there should be 10 files. They are:
FILE_ID.DIZ A text file following a standard format for describing
rccDONOR for use on BBS systems.
READ.ME Important last minute information.
PACKING.LST A list of all the files in this package.
VENDOR.DOC Information and restrictions for disk vendors, distributors,
user groups, and more.
SYSOP.DOC Information for Bulletin Board System distribution.
DESCRIBE.DOC Sample descriptions for catalogs, BBSs, etc.
REGISTER.DOC Registration information and order form.
HISTORY.DOC rccDONOR Upgrade History
INSTALL.EXE rccDONOR installation program
RCCD17.BCF The complete rccDONOR execution set in a compressed format
Switch to the drive where these files are located and then type
followed by the [ENTER] key. This starts the installation procedure. Answer
the questions you are asked and rccDONOR will be installed automatically.
If you are upgrading your version of rccDONOR, the installation program
will replace the necessary files.
The following files will be created by the installation:
Now start the program by entering:
C:\RCCDONOR> rccdonor
You will end up in the main menu display. The first step you must take is
to create or update your data files.
3 : Chapter 2 Getting Started
First, press the U key (for the Utilities menu). Then press C (for the
Create Data Files task). You will be shown a list of the data files used by
rccDONOR and the current status of each. If you are installing rccDONOR for
the first time, all of them need to be created. If you are upgrading from a
previous version of rccDONOR, then some of the data files may not need any
action, some of the files may need to be converted, and some of the files
may need to be created. You will be told which is which. Before any file
name which needs to be created or converted is a box which indicates
whether you request an action for that file. Make sure each box is marked
with a 'Y'. Press the Y key at each box to set them. Then, at the bottom of
the screen is a question whether to perform these actions. Mark this box
'Y' in the same way. The program will go off and create or convert data
files for each of the data sets. Any newly created data sets will start out
empty. Those data sets converted to a new format will go through a process
of automatically converting the data to the new format. The original
version of each file will be left on the disk as a back up.
If you are installing the rccDONOR program for the first time, you must
next customize this system for your computer. Press the [ESC] key leave the
file creation task. Press O (for the Options Values task). There are two
values which need to be set. First, press the E key to change the system
title. Enter the name of your organization and press [ENTER]. Next, press
the S key to select your printer. For a first time installation, you will
be told that there is no printer file and asked whether to create one.
Press Y. You will then be shown a list of available printers. Select a
printer closest to the one you use. If none are acceptable, select the NONE
option for now. Later, you can add a description for your printer (the
instructions for doing this are listed later in this manual, under the
UTILITIES section.
The basic installation of the system has been completed. Press the [ESC]
key to leave this task, press the [ESC] key again to leave the Utilities
menu, and press [ESC] again to leave the program. You will be asked whether
you truly want to leave the program. Press the Y key to finally exit back
to the C: prompt.
At this stage, all the necessary files for the rccDONOR system reside on
your disk. They are:
RCCDONOR.EXE The rccDONOR program.
RCCHELP.DBF Help data file.
RCCHELP.DBT The help text file.
RCCHELP.NTX The index for the help system.
RCCPRNTR.DBF Set up string for some printer choices.
RCCPUB.MEM Variable settings for this installation
RCCMAIL.DBF The basic mailing list data
RCCMID.NTX The mailing list index by Donor ID
RCCMNAME.NTX The mailing list index by last name
RCCMZIP.NTX The mailing list index by zip code
RCCMORG.NTX The mailing list index by organization
RCCZIP.DBF The basic zip code data
RCCZIP.NTX The zip code index by zip code
4 : rccDONOR
RCCSOLIC.DBF The solicitation data
RCCSOLIC.DBT Notes save for each donor
RCCSID.NTX The solicitation index by Donor ID
RCCDITEM.DBF The donation data
RCCDITEM.NTX Donation index by Donor ID
RCCDEVNT.NTX Donation index by event and number
RCCEVENT.DBF The event data
RCCEVENT.NTX Event index by event code
RCCCODES.DBF Donor and donation codes
RCCCODES.NTX Codes index by type and code
RCCDONOR.DOC An ASCII file of the documentation
The following sample files can be used for creating mail merge letters:
RCCTY1PF.WP5 Sample WordPerfect 5.1 merge file
RCCTY5PF.WP5 Sample WordPerfect 5.1 merge file
RCCTY1PF.MW5 Sample Microsoft Word merge file
RCCTY5PF.MW5 Sample Microsoft Word merge file
Also, from time to time a temporary file is created in the normal course of
operating rccDONOR. If you should see one of these files in the directory,
do not worry. The file will be properly dealt with by rccDONOR. These file
names are:
Finally, you may see files which you have optionally created during your
operation of rccDONOR. For instance, you can cause a report to be sent to a
file of your own choosing rather than to the printer. These file do not
affect the operation of rccDONOR, and they may be deleted.
5 : Chapter 2 Getting Started
3 Overview
This section will cover some of the basics about how to get around within
the rccDONOR program.
Basic File Definitions
The basic donation tracking information is contained in six files. The
files are:
This contains the basic mailing list information, including the name of the
donor, the address, phone number, and category codes. This file is the core
of the system and at its simplest, is a basic mailing list. However, all
the other files link into this file so that you can track donation
information about this donor and also what donors contribute to what
The city and state information for each donor could take up a lot of room.
To save space, the city and state components of the address for a donor in
the mailing list are derived from the zip code. This file lists each zip
code and what the city and state are for that zip code. There is a method
for specifying more than one city for a basic 5 digit zip code. This list
is created as you enter names into the mailing list. It is not a complete
list of all possible zip codes.
Not all entries in the zip code file are donors (or potential donors) which
you want to maintain extensive information on. Therefore, a separate file
exists to hold the additional data used in solicitation campaigns. The
information in this file is directly linked to the mailing list
information, and potentially every individual in the mailing list can have
a solicitation record. The specific information kept in the solicitation
record is discussed later.
This file holds information on each individual donation. The file holds
data relevant to cash and item donations. Each donation is linked to a
donor in the mailing list and to an event in the event list. This
arrangement allows report to be made based on an individual donor's
activity or a report on the donations made to an event.
6 : rccDONOR
This file collects some general information about each event which an
agency sponsors and for which it expects to receive donations. The
information includes the budgeted amounts and a summary of the donations
received. Reports can be generated based on each event.
Each entry in the mailing list can be marked with a set of 2 letter
category codes. Also, each donation to an event can be marked with a 2
letter code to categorize it within an event. The definitions for all of
these codes are kept in this file.
Basic Screen Definitions
The basic working screen of the rccDONOR system consists of five
components. The very top line displays basic status information. The
information may consist of the current data record within the overall data
file, whether the current data record is to be deleted, or whether the
editor is in insert mode or not. Also, any messages concerning the active
operation of the program may be displayed to allow you to track the
progress of the program.
The second line is the Main Menu line, which shows the primary work topics
available in rccDONOR. When active, the main menu will produce drop down
menus showing the possible tasks within the work topic. For instance, under
the Edit Data main menu item there is a drop down menu which lists the
files available for editing (Mail List, Zip Codes, Events, and Codes).
The bottom line is a description of what some basic keys will do. This list
will change based on the active keys available at each point in the
Between these information lines is the work area, surrounded by a double
box. The topmost line of this area is the title line for the user. This
title is entered into the system using the Utilities, Setup command. Below
the title is the activity currently being performed. The bottom line of the
work area is a prompt line for the activity being performed. Typically,
pressing a key will cause some activity important to the current task to be
performed, and these are listed on the bottom line. Finally, within the
work area is the data used by the selected task.
Each screen follows this basic format, although the information displayed
varies between applications.
7 : Chapter 3 Overview
Data is entered into new records, and old records are changed by the
editor. When the editor is active, data fields are surrounded by brackets
(the [ and ] characters) and the values in the data fields are bold. The
blinking cursor also appears and indicates where the next entered character
will be put. All the cursor keys are active and move you around the screen
in the following manner
Right Arrow [RIGHT] move one character right
Left Arrow [LEFT] move one character left
^Rt Arrow ^[RIGHT] move one word right
^Lf Arrow ^[LEFT] move one word to the left
Up Arrow [UP] move to the previous field
Down Arrow [DOWN] move to the next field
Page Down [PGDN] Exit the editor
Page Up [PGUP] Exit the editor
Home [HOME] Move to the start of field
End [END] Move to the end of field
^Home ^[HOME] Move to the first field
^End ^[END] Move to the last field
Insert [INS] Switch insert & overwrite
Delete [DEL] Delete character at cursor
Backspace [BKSP] Delete char. before cursor
^W ^W Exit & keep changes
Esc [ESC] Exit editor & lose changes
Enter [ENTER] Finish this field, to next
When you reach the last field, pressing ENTER will leave the editor.
8 : rccDONOR
4 Main Menu
Along the top of the screen is the main menu bar listing all the active
topics. When active, pressing the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] arrow keys will move
the cursor between the main topics. Select a topic by pressing the [ENTER]
key when the topic is highlighted. You will then see a 'Drop Down Menu'
listing the possible actions you can take within that topic.
You can also select a topic by pressing the first letter of that topic
name. For instance, you can select the Reports topic by pressing the R key.
These are the topics:
Edit Data All the mailing list and donation information can be edited
Reports The mailing list, labels, donor profiles, and other reports
Log (Event) Routines to edit and report on donations organized by event
Utilities Set system options, reindex files, create data files, or
convert data from older versions
Quit Leave this program, return to DOS
Most of these topics are discussed in their own sections. However, the
process to quit the program is discussed below.
To quit from rccDONOR and return to DOS, you can select the Quit option
from the main menu, or you can press the [ESC] key from the main menu. In
both cases you will be asked to confirm that leaving rccDONOR is your
intent. You must press Y to finally leave rccDONOR and return to DOS
9 : Chapter 4 Main Menu
5 Edit Data
There are four main tasks which you can perform under the Edit Data topic.
These tasks become available from a 'Drop Down Menu' when the Edit Data
topic is selected from the Main Menu. You can select a task by using the
[UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to move the cursor over the desired task and
then pressing the [ENTER] key. Or, you can press the first letter of the
desired task, such as pressing the Z key to edit the Zip Codes.
The four tasks are:
Mail List Edit Edit the mailing list, donation, and solicitation
Zip Code Edit Edit the Zip Code data
Events Edit Edit information about a fundraising event or campaign
Codes Edit Edit the codes used to label Mail List categories and
Donation Item categories
Mail List
A. Mail List Table
This mailing list is provided in a table format to allow quick comparison
and selection of entries. The list can be ordered in one of four ways.
Normally, the list is in alphabetical order by last name, but you can also
list by Donor ID, by Zip Code, or alphabetically by organization. Pressing
the [F5] key will show you the list of sort orders you may choose from.
Highlight the order you want with the cursor bar and press the [ENTER] key.
The current sort order is displayed at the top of the screen, next to the
current task.
Initially, the donor id, first name, last name, and organization of each
entry can be seen. By using the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] arrow keys, you can move
between the field columns. More fields are available to the right of the
screen and can be seen by continually pressing the right arrow key. You can
move an entire screen at a time by pressing ^[RIGHT] and ^[LEFT]. ^[HOME]
will take you to the furthest left field (Donor) and ^[END] will take you
to the furthest right field (Category).
The cursor bar can be moved between mail list entries by using the [UP] and
[DN] arrow keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block
of entries. By pressing ^[PGUP] you will be taken to the first entry.
^[PGDN] will take you to the last entry.
You can search for a specific entry by entering the name or Donor ID of an
entry. The methods of searching for an entry are discussed at the end of
this section.
You can mark an entry to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing it
again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right.
10 : rccDONOR
You can add an entry by pressing the [INS] key. A blank entry will be added
and you will be put into the basic mail list entry screen, ready to enter
the new information.
Pressing the [ENTER] key or the + key will move you to the basic data entry
screen for the mailing list. Pressing the - key will take you to the
donations list for this mailing list entry.
B. Mail List Basic
The mailing list data is edited one record at a time on the full screen.
All the basic information is listed here. At the top of the data screen, a
unique ID number has been assigned to each mailing list entry. This is
assigned automatically, and is displayed only. Also, at the right of the
screen is the current date, the date this entry was created (Date Added),
and the last date this entry was changed (Last Edit). All of this
information is displayed only and cannot be directly edited.
The data fields to be entered and edited are:
Title Such as Mr., Ms., Dr.
First Name First name and middle initial
Last Name Last name and titles such as DDS or Jr.
Greeting The name used for the salutation of a thank you letter
Organization Business or professional
Address Street address (or PO Box)
Zip Code The ZIP+4 code is entered here, and the city and state come
from the corresponding entry in the Zip Code file (see
discussion below)
Home Phone Home or nighttime phone number
Work Phone Work or daytime phone number
Categories A set of two letter codes separated by a dash (-) or a comma
(,) which label the categories this entry is part of. The
categories are derived from the codes entered in the codes
database, and the selected codes are displayed with their
meanings (below).
You can change these data fields by pressing the E key. The cursor will
appear in the Title field, and you can switch between fields by pressing
the [ENTER] key or the arrow keys. The city and state entries are derived
from the 5 digit zip code entry (NOT the entire ZIP+4 entry). If the
entered zip code is not in the zip code file, then you will be asked to
enter the city and state to be linked to that zip code. If the zip code is
already in the file, then you will be shown a list of all the cities
already linked to that zip code and asked to pick one of them or to select
a new entry. Whenever a new zip code entry must be made, you will enter the
city and state information after the phone numbers and category information
is entered.
The category codes may be entered manually by typing in the two letter
codes, separated with a comma. After the [ENTER] key is pressed, a list of
all the codes is displayed, with an X marking all the codes currently
assigned to this mail list entry. You may mark additional codes by moving
11 : Chapter 5 Edit Data
the cursor bar over the desired code and pressing the [SPACE] bar. Pressing
the [ENTER] key finishes the changes.
You can switch between entries by pressing [PGDN] (for the next entry) or
[PGUP] (for the previous entry). ^[PGDN] will show you the last mail list
entry. ^[PGUP] will show you the first entry.
The entries may be in one of four different orders. Normally, the list is
in alphabetical order by last name, but you can also list by Donor ID, by
Zip Code, or alphabetically by organization. Pressing the [F5] key will
show you the list of sort orders you may choose from. Highlight the order
you want with the cursor bar and press the [ENTER] key. The current sort
order is displayed at the top of the screen, next to the current task.
By pressing the S key, you can search for an entry by the sort method
currently active. If the list is in name order, then after requesting a
search you will be asked for the first 10 characters of the last name, the
first name, and the organization. If the order is by Donor ID, then you
will be asked to enter a Donor ID to search for. The Zip Code order will
ask you for a Zip Code, and the organization sort order will ask you for
the first 10 characters of the organization and the last name.
You can mark an entry to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing it
again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen.
You can add an entry by pressing the insert [INS] key. A blank entry will
be added and you will be put into the basic mail list entry screen, ready
to enter the new information.
Pressing the [ENTER] key or the + key will move you to the solicitation
data entry screen for the mailing list. Pressing the - key will take you to
the mail list table format.
C. Solicitation
Additional information can be stored for a mail list entry. This
information is geared towards donation requests. This information is
optional and only stored for those entries where donation information is
recorded, or when it is specifically requested.
The layout of the solicitation information is similar to the layout for the
basic mailing list. The additional information consists of:
Total Donations The sum of all donations attributed to this donor ID
Last Donation The date, amount, and event for the last donation
from this donor
Solicitor The name of the person who is to ask this donor for a
Requested Amount The donation amount which is to be requested of this
Notes Miscellaneous information you want to keep about this
12 : rccDONOR
If solicitation information already exists for a mail list entry, then the
data is shown on the screen and you are allowed to edit the data. If there
is currently no solicitation record for this mail list entry, then
asterisks appear in place of the data, and you are only allowed to add a
solicitation record for this donor.
You can move through the solicitation data in the same way you would the
basic mail list. You may use the cursor keys or search for an entry based
on the current sort order.
The information in the Notes field can be as long as you would like. This
field will allow you to enter any notes you would like to keep about a
donor. These notes could prove handy for any solicitation campaign you are
planning. The potential size of the note is quite large and should allow
you plenty of flexibility.
The note can be much larger than the display area shown. You can think of
the display as a small window looking onto the note, very much like a word
processor. The cursor keys will cause the note to scroll within the window.
The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will scroll the note a full window at a time,
and the [UP] and [DN] arrow keys will cause the window to scroll one line
at a time when they are at the limits of the window. You finish editing the
notes by pressing the [ESC] key (if you do NOT want to keep your changes)
or the [F7] key (if you want to KEEP your changes).
Pressing the [ENTER] key or the + key will move you to the donations table
for this donor. Pressing the - key will take you to the basic mail list.
D. Donations
Donation information can be kept for each donor in the mail list. Each
donation is individually tracked and linked to both a donor and an event so
that the complete donation history for any donor may be reviewed. In the
donations screen, a table is shown with all the donations for this donor.
Initially, the first eight fields for each entry can be seen. By using the
[LEFT] and [RIGHT] arrow keys, you can move between the field columns. More
fields are available to the right of the screen and can be seen by
continually pressing the [RIGHT] arrow key. You can move an entire screen
at a time by pressing ^[RIGHT] and ^[LEFT]. ^[HOME] will take you to the
furthest left field (Date Received) and ^[END] will take you to the
furthest right field (Description).
The data fields for a donation are:
Date Rcd The date the donation was made
C/I A single character indicates whether the donation is (C)ash
or an (I)tem
Event A 5 character code marks what the donation is for. I
recommend using 3 characters for the event and the last two
characters indicating the year of the event. For instance, a
donation from the 1990 fund appeal campaign would be marked
Num. Each item within a campaign may optionally be numbered for
use within that campaign (ex. auction)
13 : Chapter 5 Edit Data
Type Each event may use 2 letters to categorize a donation, these
codes are set in the Codes file.
Value The value of the donation
Received The value received for a donation, which is used when a
donated item is resold (ex. auction)
TYL Date The date a thank you letter was sent, used for generating
merge files for your word processor
Solicitor The solicitor of the donation
Location The current location of an item
Description A 40 character space for any special notes you want to keep
for this entry
You can edit the donation information by moving the cursor bar onto the
donation and pressing the [ENTER] key. The screen will change to show you
all the data for that entry and the editing controls will be in effect.
When the last data field has been edited, you will be returned to the
The Type field is optional, but if it is not blank, then the code must be
from the list defined in the Codes database. Whenever the Type field is not
blank after editing that field, then a list of the donation codes is shown.
Move the cursor bar over the code you want and press the [ENTER] key. The
selected code will appear along with its description.
The cursor bar can be moved between donation entries by using the [UP] and
[DN] arrow keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block
of entries. By pressing ^[PGUP] you will be taken to the first entry.
^[PGDN] will take you to the last entry.
You can mark an entry to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing it
again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen.
You can add an entry by pressing the [INS] key. A blank entry will be added
and you will put into the editor, ready to enter the new information. If
solicitation data is not already entered for this donor, a new solicitation
record will be also be added.
Pressing the + key will move you to the mail list table screen. Pressing
the - key will take you to the solicitation data for this donor.
Zip Codes
Editing zip codes is done in a table format. All the zip codes are listed
in numeric order along with the city and state associated with that zip
code. Since there can be more than one city associated with a 5 digit zip
code, there may be a letter attached to the zip code number. This letter is
used to distinguish between the possible cities. A blank space is used to
identify the first of a series of duplicate zip code entries and is the
only distinguishing character necessary for non-duplicated zip codes.
The cursor bar can be moved between zip codes by using the arrow keys. The
[PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block of zip codes. Pressing
14 : rccDONOR
^[PGUP] will take you to the first zip code. ^[PGDN] will take you to the
last zip code.
Pressing the [ENTER] key will allow you to edit the zip code at the cursor
bar. After entering all four values (the zip code, the distinguishing
letter, the city, and the state), you will be returned to the table list.
You can mark a zip code to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing
it again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion,
an indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen.
You can add a zip code by pressing the insert [INS] key. A blank entry will
be added, ready to edit.
Information about each event or campaign is kept in addition to a record of
all donations made to the event. In the event screen, a table is shown with
all the events listed. Initially, the event code, description, date of the
event, and budgeted income can be seen. By using the [LEFT] and [RIGHT]
keys, you can move between the field columns. More fields are available to
the right of the screen and can be seen by continually pressing the right
arrow key. You can move an entire screen at a time by pressing ^[RIGHT] and
^[LEFT]. ^[HOME] will take you to the furthest left field (Code) and ^[END]
to the furthest right field (Actual Exp).
The data fields for an event:
Code A 5 letter code which uniquely identifies an event. I
recommend using 3 characters for the event and the last two
characters indicating the year of the event. For instance, a
donation from the 1990 fund appeal campaign would be marked
Description You may put in a description of the event of up to 40
Date The date of the event
Bdgt Inc Budgeted event income
Bdgt Exp Budgeted event expense
Actual Exp Actual event expenses
You can edit the event information by moving the cursor bar onto the
donation and pressing [ENTER]. The screen will change so that you can see
all the data for that event in one spot and edit the event in the normal
way. When the last data field has been edited, you will be returned to the
basic table display.
The cursor bar can be moved between event entries by using the [UP] and
[DOWN] arrow keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block
of entries. By pressing ^[PGUP] you will be taken to the first entry.
^[PGDN] will take you to the last entry.
You can mark an entry to be deleted by pressing [DEL]. Pressing it again
will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen. Whenever an event
15 : Chapter 5 Edit Data
is to be deleted, the donations are checked to determine whether there are
any assigned to this event. If there are, then you are warned, and then you
are asked to select a new event for those donations. This helps prevent
donations from being assigned to unknown events.
You can add an entry by pressing the [INS] key. A blank entry will be added
and you will put into the editor, ready to enter the new information.
There are two sets of code lists which are kept by the system. One list is
for categorizing donors. The other set of codes are used to categorize
donations. Only one list at a time is shown in the data area (table
format). The data list currently displayed is shown at the top of the
screen, next to the task label. You can change between the two list by
pressing the C key for the donor category codes and pressing the D key for
the donation codes.
The codes are listed in alphabetical order along with the code
descriptions. The cursor bar can be moved between codes by using the arrow
keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block of codes.
Pressing ^[PGUP] will take you to the first code. ^[PGDN] will take you to
the last code.
Pressing the [ENTER] key will allow you to edit the code at the cursor bar.
After entering the values (the code and the description), you will be
returned to the table list.
You can mark a code to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing it
again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen.
You can add a code by pressing the insert [INS] key. A blank entry will be
added and will be ready to edit.
A. Search for Name
When the mail list is in alphabetical order by last name, only the first 10
letters of the last name are used. Those with the same last name then use
the first 10 letters of the first name to sort. Finally, the first 10
letters of the organization are used to further sort. The organization
sorting really is only important when there is no name associated with the
mail list entry. All the organizations entries with no first or last names
are sorted together at the beginning of the list.
To search for a name, enter the parts needed starting with the last name.
The search will find the name closest to the one you enter.
16 : rccDONOR
B. Search for ID
Each mail list entry has a unique Donor ID associated with it. This Donor
ID is printed on the mailing labels and is used throughout the rccDONOR
program. Sometimes you need to look up an entry by the Donor ID. The number
can be from 1 to 5 digits long.
If the number cannot be found, a message will appear at the bottom of the
C. Search for Zip Code
When the mail list is in zip code order, the 5 digit zip code, the first 10
letters of the last name, and the first 10 characters of the organization
are entered for the search. The search is done in that order, first a match
on zip code, then on last name, and if those all match, then on the
D. Search for Organization
When the mail list is in organization order, the first 10 characters of the
organization are matched first and then the first 10 characters of the last
name are matched. Mail list entries without an organization are grouped
together at the start of the list (organization is blank).
E. Zip Code Search
The zip code list is kept in the order of the zip codes. You can search for
a particular zip code by entering the zip code number.
F. Event Search
Each event has a unique, 5 letter code associated with it. You may search
for an event entry by entering its code.
17 : Chapter 5 Edit Data
6 Reports
There are six tasks which you can perform under the Reports topic. These
tasks become available from a "Drop Down Menu" when the Reports topic is
selected from the Main Menu. You can select a task by using the [UP] and
[DOWN] arrow keys to move the cursor over the desired task and then
pressing the [ENTER] key. Or, you can press the first letter of the desired
task, such as pressing the D key to get Donor Profiles.
The six tasks are:
Mail List Print entries from the mail list
Labels/Pledge Sheets Print addresses from the mailing list onto labels or
onto pledge sheets
Donor Profiles Print information about donors and potential donors
Event Summaries Print summary information about all the events
Word Processor Merge Create a word processor merge file from donor
Zip Code Counts Print the number of entries in the mail list for
each zip code
Basic Report Prompt
Most of the reports allow you to perform any of three actions. Towards the
bottom of the screen, the three controls for these actions are listed as: E
for editing the options unique to that report, S to select a filter to be
in effect during that report (see below), and P to start printing the
Each report has several options allowing you to alter the form or
organization of a report. At the very least, each report has one option
setting allowing you to determine the destination of the report. Each
report and all the options available for it are described below.
In most cases, all the possible entries from the mailing list or other data
files will be used to generate a complete report. However, occasionally
only a subset of the total data available needs to be included in a report.
To determine the data records to include, a filter is selected which checks
each data record against a set of tests and decides whether to include that
record based on the test. A complete description of selecting and creating
filters is given later.
The command to start a report being created is 'Print Report'. However,
that term can be misleading. The report will only go the printer if the
direction option is set to P for the printer. By executing the 'Print
Report' task, you just begin generating the report, and it is created onto
whichever device the output direction option is set to (see below).
You may pause the printing action at any time by pressing the [ESC] key. A
box will appear on the screen telling you that printing has paused. If you
press the [ESC] key again, you cancel any further printing action. Pressing
any other key will resume printing. This pause/cancel option is available
when you print to either the screen, printer, or file.
18 : rccDONOR
Direct Output to Screen, Printer, or File
The destination of each report can be set by editing the options. Most
reports have a set of option controls which can change the form or ordering
of the report. The last option for all reports is the output direction
option. Any report can be directed to the screen (S), the printer (P), or
to a file (F). What this means is that instead of only printing a report
onto your printer, you may also look at a report on the screen, or put the
report into a file.
You would direct the report to the screen in cases where you want to
quickly review a file without wasting paper or just to see if the report is
formatted the way you want it to look before committing it to paper.
You would direct the report to a file if you want to print it out later, or
if you want to incorporate it into another program, say a word processing
document or a spreadsheet. If you select the file direction, then you are
also asked for a name for the report file.
Filter Selection
A filter is a way of only printing out partial lists. Any report may have a
filter active when it is created, and so specialized reports can be
generated. For instance, you may print labels just for donors marked AA in
the category field and who have donated over $100.
A. Selection
Whenever you press S at any report prompt, you are shown a list of 9
previously defined filters. If one of the filter names is blank (no name)
then the filter is empty or undefined. Move the cursor bar over the name of
the filter you want and press the [ENTER] key.
The filter is initially set to ALL RECORDS whenever rccDONOR is started.
The ALL RECORDS filter also appears as the first entry in the filter list.
All the other entries are defined by the user. You can add a new entry to
the list by pressing the [INS] key, or by moving the cursor bar over a
blank entry and pressing the [F9] key. You may change any existing filter
(except for the ALL RECORDS filter) by moving the cursor bar over the
existing filter and pressing the [F9] key.
B. Editing
There are two components to a filter: its name and the filter conditions.
You are allowed to change either one when editing.
The name is used to identify the filter when selecting it from the list of
possible filters or to determine which filter is active when generating a
19 : Chapter 6 Reports
The filter conditions are a set of dBase III compatible commands which
logically determine whether to include a donor in the printout. The set of
possible commands and how they work together is more extensively discussed
in a later section. However, to simplify the most standard requests, there
are three different 'Set Screens' which can automatically create filter
commands. These screens can be selected by the function keys. [F2] will
allow you to set conditions based on the basic mailing list information.
[F3] will allow you to select conditions based on the category list of a
donor, and [F4] will allow you to set conditions based on the solicitation
information of a donor. Each of the 'Set Screens' (described below) will
add the appropriate commands to the filter conditions in the edit box. You
can alter these commands at any time by editing the filter.
C. Mail List Set Screen
Each of the mail list data fields are listed here as a potential range of
values. You may enter the starting and ending value of each field you want
to serve as a filter condition. The maximum and minimum values of each data
field are initially displayed. Only those fields which you change are
included in the final set of conditions. When you change the lower limit
(labeled as FROM), then those records which have a field value greater than
your entered value are selected for the report. When you change the upper
limit (labeled TO), then only those records with a value less than the
entered value are included. Changing both the upper and lower limits sets a
range of values which any record must fall between. If the upper and lower
limit are the same, then only records with values equal to the setting are
The Donor ID is listed as a selectable field range, as is the title field.
You can also select the name from which to start printing. There are two
ways to approach this. If you want to treat the last name, first name, and
organization fields separately, you may do so. But you will often want to
create a joint name, such as when you want to print all records after Jane
Doe from the YMCA. In this case you will want to treat all three fields as
a single entity. You do this by entering Y in the field after the name
You can also select a range using the street address, the zip codes, or the
phone number.
Finally, you can select entries based on the last date they were edited.
This allows you to print a report of just those entries you've changed
within a specified period of time.
After setting all the conditions, you will be asked to confirm the limits
you've selected. A verbal description of the limits is displayed along with
a request to add the settings to the filter. Pressing Y will add the
appropriate commands to the filter definition.
20 : rccDONOR
D. Category Set Screen
You may select a set of categories to include or exclude from the report.
Any categories entered here are matched against the categories in each
donor's record. If any of the categories match, then the donor's record is
considered a match. You also decide whether a matched record is to be
included in the report or excluded from the report.
The category codes may be entered manually by typing in the two letter
codes, separated with a comma. After the [ENTER] key is pressed, a list of
all the codes is displayed, with an X marking all the codes currently
assigned to this mail list entry. You may mark additional codes by moving
the cursor bar over the desired code and pressing the [SPACE] bar. Pressing
the [ENTER] key finishes the changes.
By entering the * character into the options, then if a donor is marked
with any category, that donor is a match. Only those donors with a blank
category field would not be considered a match.
E. Solicitation Set Screen
Each of the primary solicitation data fields are listed here as a potential
range of values. You may enter the starting and ending value of each field
you want to serve as a criteria. The maximum and minimum values of each
data field are initially displayed. Only those fields which you change are
included in the final set of conditions. When you change the lower limit
(labeled as FROM), then those records which have a field value greater than
your entered value are selected for the report. When you change the upper
limit (labeled TO), then only those records with a value less than the
entered value are included. Changing both the upper and lower limits sets a
range of values which any record must fall between. If the upper and lower
limit are the same, then only records with values equal to the setting are
The fields are the total donations from a donor (the sum of all donations
from this donor) and the requested donation. Also, the solicitor field can
be used for matching.
Mail List Report
This procedure prints out the information from the basic mailing list
entries. The list includes the Donor ID, Name (with Title), Organization,
Street Address, Zip Code, and Phone Numbers. Each entry takes up one line.
The mail list report provides the standard set of command controls, and the
only option setting provided is the destination of the report.
Labels/Pledge Sheets
This report will generate either of two types of mailing address inserts.
Mailing Labels are printed on sheets with 3 labels across the page and
continuously down a page. This is a standard format for mailing labels.
21 : Chapter 6 Reports
Pledge sheets are printed one across and 3 to a page. This is the standard
format for an insert which displays an address through a window envelope.
Both the labels and the pledge sheets are printed in order by zip code and
alphabetically by name within a zip code. The Donor ID appears in the upper
right, and then comes the name, the organization, and the address. If
either the name or the organization is blank, then the label is printed
without that line.
For the labels/pledge sheet report you have four options to edit. The first
is whether to print labels or pledge sheets. The next two are the offsets
for printing the address on a label or pledge sheet. The offset from the
top changes how far down on a label or pledge sheet the address appears.
The offset from the left changes how far over from the side edge the
address appears. The ranges allowed are shown, and the ranges are different
for a label than for a pledge sheet. Whatever values you select are
remembered for the next time you print. Independent values are kept for
labels and for pledge sheets.
The last option is where the report is to be sent. You can select sending
the report to your screen, to the printer, or to a text file.
When you print the report to a printer, you are given the opportunity to
test the alignment of the printer, since the alignment of labels or pledge
sheets is very important. This part of the procedure will let you print 6
sample labels (2 rows) or 3 sample pledge sheets (1 page) to test the
alignment. The samples are nonsense (X's and 9's) but are used to show how
a very large address would fit.
Pressing the Y key will print the sample set. After the set prints, you can
press Y again to print another sample set. When you are confident with the
allignment, you may press N (or press the [ENTER] key) to continue the
normal printing of the labels or pledge sheets.
Pressing the [ESC] key will halt all printing and return you to the control
Donor Profile
A donor profile report can consist of a short report or a long report. A
short report has a single line for each donor, including the donor's ID,
total amount donated, and name.
The long report has several lines for each donor separated by a double
line. Included in the report is mail list information for the donor, the
solicitation information, and a list of all the donations recorded for this
The entries in the donor profile can be listed in alphabetical order by
name or by the total donation amount (lowest values first, increasing to
the largest value last).
22 : rccDONOR
The three options you are allowed to edit are to select a long or short
report, whether to list donors alphabetically or in order of their total
donations (smallest to largest), and where to direct the report.
Events Report
The event report prints one line for each event summarizing the information
for that event. The event code, description, date of the event, actual
income (from all donation entries), budgeted income, actual expenses, and
budgeted expenses are reported.
This report has only two commands. You may change (edit) the options of the
report by pressing the E key. Or you can start printing the report by
pressing P. There is no filter selection available for the events report.
The only option available to edit is where the report is to be sent. As
usual, you can select whether the report is sent to your screen, to the
printer, or to a text file.
Word Processor Merge
This routine prints a merge file to be used by your word processor, either
WordPerfect or Microsoft Word (see the Option Values task of the UTILITES
menu item). You can create letters to donors or customized reports in your
word processor using this procedure.
As with any report, you have three options. You may change (edit) the
options of the report by pressing the E key. You can select a set of
conditions or ranges to filter the entries you want in the report by
pressing the S key. Or you can start printing the report by pressing P. In
this case, the report is printed to a file in the mail merge format.
The set of options for this report is a list of the fields you may include
in the merge records. To include a field, set the value to 'Y'. To remove a
field from the merge file, set the value to 'N'. Initially, all the fields
are set to 'Y'.
You will then be asked to enter the name of the merge file to be created.
Remember the name of this file when performing the mail merge operation
from your word processor.
When you press the P key to start printing the merge file, if you have not
already set the name of the merge file, you will be asked to enter the
name. A merge file name must be entered.
You are then shown a list of the fields which will be included in the merge
file. This list is derived from your option selections. The field numbers
listed will be used by your word processing program during a merge
operation. You will want to keep track of these field numbers.
Press Y to continue using this field set. Press N if you want to cancel
this report and change the field list.
23 : Chapter 6 Reports
Zip Code Counts
This report totals the number of mail list entries for each zip code. It is
useful when planning a mailing because it provides the zip code counts
necessary for bulk mailing and a total count needed to figure postage
costs. Be sure that when generating the report, you have the same filter
active that you use for printing the mailing labels.
This report function has the usual set of commands available, and the only
option you may edit is where to direct the report output.
24 : rccDONOR
7 Log (Event)
There are five tasks which you can perform under the Log topic. The tasks
work on the donation log of one specific event. These tasks become
available from a 'Drop Down Menu' when the Log topic is selected from the
Main Menu. You can select a task by using the [UP] and [DOWN] arrow keys to
move the cursor over the desired task and then pressing the [ENTER] key.
Or, you can press the first letter of the desired task, such as pressing
the E key to get the Event Log Edit.
The five tasks are:
Select Event Log Pick the event log to be used by the other tasks
Event Log Edit Add or edit entries in the selected Event Log
Print Event Log Print the Event Log
Word Processor Merge Create a merge file for a word processor using
donation information
Value Recvd Entry Enter the value received for each item in a Log
Select Event Log
The event log functions work on donations which have all been linked to the
same event. The donation list for an event is called the log, and so this
is where the event log is selected for the other tasks to work on.
You are shown an alphabetized list of defined events. The list shows the
event code followed by a colon and then the event description. The cursor
bar can be moved between mail list entries by using the [UP] and [DOWN]
arrow keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block of
entries. By pressing ^[PGUP] you will be taken to the first entry. ^[PGDN]
will take you to the last entry.
When the cursor bar is on the event you wish the log tasks to work on,
press the [ENTER] key to select it. The event description currently
selected will always appear in the upper part of a task screen, next to the
task description. You can quickly move to a specific event by entering the
event code.
Event Log Edit
The event log is displayed in one of two formats, either a table format
where several donation items are shown at one time or an expanded format
where one complete donation item is shown at a time (both are similar to
the mailing list formats)
A. Event Log Table
The log for an event is provided in a table format to allow quick
comparison and selection of entries. The list is in numeric order (by log
number) and includes all the data for a donated item. Initially, the
donation Number, Code, Description, Date Received, and Value are shown. By
using the [LEFT] and [RIGHT] arrow keys, you can move between the field
25 : Chapter 7 Log (Event)
columns. More fields are available to the right of the screen and can be
seen by continually pressing the right arrow key. You can move an entire
screen at a time by pressing ^[RIGHT] and ^[LEFT]. ^[HOME] will take you to
the furthest left field (Number) and ^[END] will take you to the furthest
right field (Location).
The cursor bar can be moved between event log items by using the [UP] and
[DOWN] arrow keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a block
of entries. By pressing ^[PGUP] you will be taken to the first entry.
^[PGDN] will take you to the last entry.
You can mark an entry to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing it
again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen.
You can add an entry by pressing the [INS] key. A blank entry will be added
and you will put into the basic event log entry screen, ready to enter the
new information.
Pressing the [ENTER] key or the + key or the - key will move you to the
basic data entry screen for the event log.
B. Event Log Basic
The event log data can be edited one record at a time on the full screen.
All the basic information is listed here. At the top right of the screen is
the current date, the date this entry was created (Date Added) and the last
date this entry was changed (Last Edit). All of this information cannot be
directly edited.
The data fields to be entered and edited are:
Date Recvd The date the item was received
Log No. This is an optional number assigned to identify each item
from an event as it is logged
Type A 2 letter code to categorize donations within an event,
these are set in the Codes database
Donor The donor of an item is identified by their ID in the
mailing list with the name and address of the donor shown
next to the ID
Value Value of the donated item
Descrip A description of the item
Solicitor The identification for the solicitor of this item
Date of TYL Date thank you letter was sent to donor
Location Current location of the item
You can change these data fields by pressing the E key. The cursor will
appear in the Date Received field, and you can switch between fields by
pressing the [ENTER] key or the arrow keys.
The Type field is optional, but if it is not blank, then the code must be
from the list defined in the Codes database. Whenever the Type field is not
blank after editing that field, then a list of the donation codes is shown.
26 : rccDONOR
Move the cursor bar over the code you want and press the [ENTER] key. The
selected code will appear along with its description.
You can switch between entries by pressing [PGDN] (for the next entry) or
[PGUP] (for the previous entry). ^[PGDN] will show you the last log entry.
^[PGUP] will show you the first entry.
The entries are in numeric order by the log number. You can search for any
entry by pressing the N key and then entering the log number.
You can mark an entry to be deleted by pressing the [DEL] key. Pressing it
again will remove the delete marker. If an entry is marked for deletion, an
indicator will be shown in the upper right of the screen.
You can add an entry by pressing the [INS] key. A blank entry will be added
and you will be put into the basic event log entry screen, ready to enter
the new information.
Pressing the [ENTER] key, the + key, or the - key will move you to the
event log table format.
In situations where you do not know the Donor ID of an entry in the mail
list, you can optionally search the mail list by name. You select this
option by pressing S and you are presented with a table of the names in the
mail list in alphabetical order. Move the cursor (using the standard cursor
controls for any list) over the name you want to select by using the cursor
keys, and then press the [ENTER] key. The Donor ID will be automatically
entered for this mail list entry.
Also, you may correct or add a name into the mailing list when necessary.
If you cannot find the donor in the alphabetical list, you can add a new
donor to the mailing list by pressing the [INS] key from the Select Donor
option. When you are looking at the alphabetical list of donors, press
[INS] and the screen will change to show you a blank mailing list entry
which you can then fill in. The standard editing controls are active. When
you are done, this entry will be added to the mailing list and you may then
select it from the list for this donation.
If you have entered a donor for the donation and you notice that the name
or address needs correcting, you can also change the current entry from the
Select Donor option. Press S to get the Alphabetical screen of donors. The
cursor should be on the selected donor. By pressing the + or - key, you
will be put into a full view of the mailing list entry for this donor with
the editing options active. You can make any changes you like to this mail
list entry. When you are done, you can again select this dongr, and the
corrected information will be displayed.
Print Event Log
The event log can be printed in 2 different ways and in 2 different orders.
You select whether to print all the log information with multiple lines for
each item in the extended format or just a quick log with a single line for
each item. You can print the list in item number order or grouped by type.
27 : Chapter 7 Log (Event)
This report follows the same format as the other reports previously
described. It does not allow a filter to be selected. There are three
options which can be edited. The first two set whether to print the log in
long or short format and whether to print the list in numeric order (by log
number) or by the donation type. The third option determines where to
direct the report.
Word Processor Merge
This routine prints a merge file to be used by your word processor, either
WordPerfect or Microsoft Word (see the Option Values task of the UTILITES
menu item) for generating letters from the event log. You can create thank
you letters to donors using this procedure.
As with other reports, you have two options. You may change (edit) the
options of the report by pressing the E key. Or you can start printing the
report by pressing P. In this case, the report is printed to a file in the
mail merge format.
The WP Merge report has several options. First, is the option to create a
record for all the entries in the log, or just for those entries which do
not yet have a date assigned to the TYL Date field. If the 'U' option is
selected, then this routine searches the list for those entries which do
not have a date and generates the merge file from those items. The 'A'
option will include all the log entries.
Next, you can select whether to create a new merge file entry for each item
in the log, or you can collect up to 5 donations from a single donor into a
single merge record. The 'O' option creates a new merge record for each log
entry, repeating the donor information if needed. The 'M' option will try
to create one merge record for each donor, and collect all the donations
from that donor into the merge record. The number of items for a donor is
limited to 5, and then a new merge record repeating the donor information
will be created for the next set of 5.
The next option determines whether to set the TYL Date field of a record to
today's date. This is useful when generating Thank You Letters. Press the Y
key to set the date of any log entry included in the merge file. Pressing
the N key will leave the dates in the log unchanged.
The next set of options are a list of the fields you may include in the
merge records. To include a field, set the value to 'Y'. To remove a field
from the merge file, set the value to 'N'. Initially, all the fields are
set to 'Y'.
Finally, you will be asked to enter the name of the merge file to be
created. Remember the name of this file when performing the mail merge
operation from your word processor.
When you press the P key to start printing the merge file, if you have not
already set the name of the merge file, you will be asked to enter the
name. A merge file name must be entered.
28 : rccDONOR
You are then shown a list of the fields which will be included in the merge
file. This list is derived from your option selections. The field numbers
listed will be used by your word processing program during a merge
operation. You will want to keep track of these field numbers.
Press Y to continue using this field set. Press N if you want to cancel
this report and change the field list.
The greeting field contains the "Greeting" entry from the mail list if the
entry is not blank. If the mail list "Greeting" entry is blank, then the
Name field is copied into this field. In a letter, this field is meant to
be used in the salutation, after 'Dear '.
There are two sample WordPerfect and two sample Microsoft Word merge files
included with the installation files. They are the primary files in a merge
operation and will properly use the secondary (data) files created with
this report. Modify them for your own use. RCCTY1PF is meant to be used
with reports for one donation per letter, and RCCTY5PF is meant to be used
for letters containing up to 5 donations. The files with the WP5 extension
are for WordPerfect 5.1, and the files with the MW5 extension are for
Microsoft Word. Please refer to the appropriate word processor's manual for
help in performing a merge operation.
Value Received Entry
The items donated to some events are resold at the event (such as auctions,
or rummage sales). After the event has been completed, you can enter the
final value received on each item (for later analysis). This routine
presents the event log in a table format. Only the log number, value of the
item, and item description are listed in the table, along with the value
received field. To enter the value received on an item, move the cursor
onto the row of the item and press the [ENTER] key. You will be put onto
the received field and allowed to enter the value. When you are done
entering the value and have pressed the [ENTER] key, the cursor will be
moved down to the next entry.
The cursor bar can be moved between auction items by using the [UP] and
down [DN] arrow keys. The [PGUP] and [PGDN] keys will move up and down a
block of entries. By pressing ^[PGUP] you will be taken to the first entry.
^[PGDN] will take you to the last entry.
You can also quickly move to an item by just entering the Event Log number.
29 : Chapter 7 Log (Event)
8 Utilities
There are six tasks which you can perform under the Utilities topic. These
tasks become available from a "Drop Down Menu" when the Utilities topic is
selected from the Main Menu. You can select a task by using the [UP] and
[DOWN] arrow keys to move the cursor over the desired task and then
pressing the [ENTER] key. Or, you can press the first letter of the desired
task, such as pressing the R key to Rebuild Indexes.
The six tasks are:
Option Values Change options for this system
Create/Convert Files Create new data files to be used or convert data
files from older versions of rccDONOR
Rebuild Indexes Pack data files and reindex
Field Options Change the way some fields in the database are
Validate All Data Check each of the data files for common errors, and
optionally delete data with those errors
Info. on rccDONOR The current version and how to register this copy of
Option Values
The option routine allows you to customize rccDONOR for your particular
organization. You have two sets of options you can change.
Pressing E will let you set two configuration values. The first is your
organization's name. This name will appear on all reports and at the top of
all data entry screens.
The second configuration value is the type of word processor you use. This
setting affects the Word Processing Merge task in the Reports menu and in
the Log (event) menu. Both of those tasks create files useable by a word
processor when performing a mail merge operation. By setting the word
processor type here, then the task will add the appropriate mail merge
codes to the file. You can set the value to 'W' for WordPerfect or to 'M'
for Microsoft Word.
You must inform rccDONOR of your current printer. This information is used
for report generation. There are two codes used to change the printer into
high density (sometimes called compact) mode and to reset the printer. By
selecting a standard printer the correct codes are automatically generated
for you. You select a printer by pressing S and then move the cursor bar
over the printer name which most nearly matches your current printer. If
you do not see a matching printer, you can enter your own codes by adding a
new printer command set.
To enter a new printer, press the [INS] key from the list of printers. You
will then be asked for the name of this printer and the two control codes.
The codes are entered in a special format such that non printable ASCII
codes are surrounded by the CHR() function and ASCII print codes are
surrounded by double quotes (").
30 : rccDONOR
In the case where you manually change the print format on your printer
before printing a report, you would want to make these two codes completely
blank. There is a NONE option available when selecting a printer, and that
setting will automatically provide blank codes for you.
Create/Convert Files
This routine is used to create new data files or convert files from older
RCCMail and rccDONOR formats into the current format. Each data file is
checked for its current status. If the file is the current version, then
that status is shown and you may not do anything else. If no file is found,
then you may create a new data file for the current version. If an older
version of the data file is found, then the appropriate conversion
procedure is given as an option. You select which actions to perform by
entering Y in the box before each data type. Typically, you will select all
the options listed. You must also enter Y at the bottom of the screen to
tell the system to go ahead.
Although the file creation process is very quick, the conversion process
takes a fairly long time depending on the size of your data files.
Reindex Data Files
This procedure is used to pack and index your data files. When you mark
entries for deletion in any data file, you do not actually remove the data
from the file. Instead, the data record is marked for future deletion in a
procedure called packing.
On the screen, you will see a box for each data file. Within each box is a
list of the ways that data is organized (indexed). When you pack the data
or in case the index files somehow get corrupted, you will want to reindex
the files. You can indicate which index you want rebuilt (usually all of
them within a data box) by entering Y at the beginning of each list item.
You must also enter Y at the bottom of the screen to tell the system to go
During the execution, you will see the current activity displayed at the
top of the screen. You will also see the number of records in each file
displayed at the top of each data box. The number will change after a pack
is completed to show you the new (smaller) number of entries left in the
data file (when records have been deleted). When an index has been rebuilt,
an asterisk will appear at the start of the index description.
Field Options
There is currently one field in the solicitation data base which can have
its definition changed. That field is the Total Donations field. The
parameters that define total donations are set here. Press the T key to
edit the parameters.
31 : Chapter 8 Utilities
The Total Donations field is the sum of the donations made by a donor. You
can restrict the donations summed by setting a date range; setting whether
to just count cash or item donations, or both; and whether to restrict
donations made to a specific event. By default, the date range is set from
January 1, 1980 (01/01/80) to December 31, 1999 (12/31/99). You can change
the range to a single year of interest. For instance, all of 1991 would be
in the range 01/01/91 to 12/31/91.
When all the values defining the Total Donations field have been set, then
all the Total Donations fields for all the donors will be recalculated.
Validate Data
This procedure is used to check the validity of the data in the files. You
select which data files to check and which types of errors are to be
automatically marked for deletion.
On the screen, you will see a box for each of the main data files. Within
each box is a list of the errors that will be checked within that file. You
decide which data files are to be checked by entering a Y at the top of the
box and leave the boxes marked N for files to be skipped.
If a record within an examined file is found to have and error, you can
have the program automatically mark the record to be deleted. All errors
found will cause a message to be generated, and if you want an error to
automatically mark a record to be deleted, enter a Y at the error
You will also need to indicate whether the error report should go to the
screen, the printer, or to a data file, just as you would for any of the
reports. After this entry has been made, rccDONOR will examine all the
selected files. This procedure will take quite a while to complete,
depending on the size of the data files.
Info. on rccDONOR
This task will display a brief message about the current version of the
rccDONOR program and how to get hold of someone to help with any problems
you may encounter. You may also generate a registration form from this
menu. When you press R, a registration form will be printed out on your
printer which you can fill out and send to Irwin Computer Engineering. This
form is similar to the one shown in Chapter 10, and either can be used for
registering your copy of rccDONOR.
32 : rccDONOR
9 Filter Commands
Filters are a way to choose just some of the mailing list to include in a
report. The ideas behind filters are pretty simple, although the simple
ideas can be combined in complex ways.
A filter acts in a way similar to what the name would suggest. Out of all
the names in the mailing list, some are kept (filtered) for a report and
the rest are discarded from the report, just as a water filter only allows
the desired, pure water to pass through.
A filter is made from a set of tests. Each record is tested by the filter,
and those which pass the test are kept for the report. The simplest test is
a single, individual criteria. Several criteria can be combined into
complex tests (filters).
Individual Criteria
An example of a typical test would be whether a donor had a particular zip
code. First we must decide how to express that we are looking at the zip
code. Since the zip code is part of the basic mailing list information, it
appears in the RCCMAIL file, and we express the zip code as:
This all appears as one connected set of letters, no spaces. The underlined
is important in the above expression.
Now that we know how to say what we are looking at, we need to show what
test we are performing. Since we are looking for a single zip code (say
93101), then we want the zip code to be equal to the value we want. We
express this statement as:
This little test can either pass or fail. We can also say that the test is
true or false. This test can be a complete filter all by itself, and what
it does is say that each record has its zip code checked. When the zip code
equals 93101 then the test is true for that record and the report will
print that record.
These single tests are important for filter criteria. Besides equality, a
test can check whether a value is greater than another value (>), less than
another value (<), greater than or equal to another value (>=), less than
or equal to another value (<=), or not equal to another value (<>).
The way these tests work make sense when we are talking about numbers, but
how about for names and letters. When we compare names or any field where
letters are allowed (called strings) then we are talking about alphabetical
order. For instance,
33 : Chapter 9 Filter Commands
says that the test is true when the last name is the same as (equals)
IRWIN. But, we can also say
and this means that any record with a last name greater than or equal to
IRWIN is true. In this case, anyone whose last name is after IRWIN
alphabetically is also true. Less than or equal to (<=) would mean any name
before IRWIN alphabetically or equal to IRWIN would be true.
There is an additional test specifically for strings, and that is appears
in ($). For example, we can test whether someone has the category code AA
in its category settings with the expression:
This would be described as AA appearing in the rccmail category field.
Combining Criteria
These single tests are important, but the more complex filters are created
by combining several of these tests at once. Two tests are connected by one
of three statements:
.AND. This word combines two tests such that both tests must be true
for the combined test to be true
.OR. This word combines two test such that if one of the tests or the
other test or both tests are true, then the combined test is
.XOR. This combines two tests so that if one test is true or the other
test is true but not both tests are true, then the statement is
Parenthesis are used to group individual tests, and also to group together
combination statements in any order you require. Tests within a set of
parenthesis are tested together before the next set of parenthesis are
For example, if you want to filter records so that only people with zip
codes in the range 93000 to 93999 are selected, the filter statement would
Another test would be for donors who have given more than $100, or who live
in the 93101 through 93130 zip code areas, or both.
34 : rccDONOR
This example shows how the zip code test is grouped together before the
donation test by the parenthesis.
You should not need to create your own filter from scratch very often. More
likely, you will want to modify a test created by the set screens. Every
time a set screen is used, the tests selected are added to the previous
filter conditions by an .OR. combining word. You should always check the
entire filter after you've used the set screens. Make sure that the
combined criteria is testing in the way you want it to. The set screens
will try and combine criteria for you, but the combinations they create may
not be the combinations you meant to occur.
35 : Chapter 9 Filter Commands
Command Reference Summary
Individual tests are expressed as:
x = y x must be equal to y
x > y x must be greater than y
x < y x must be less than y
x >= y x must be greater than or equal to y
x <= y x must be less than or equal to y
x <> y x must not be equal to y
x $ y x must appear in y
Individual tests are combined with:
x.AND.y Both x and y must be true
x.OR.y x or y or both must be true
x.XOR.y x or y true, but not both
The result of a test can be reversed by:
.NOT. x Requires x to be false
!x Same as .NOT. x
Parenthesis group tests together and sets the order of evaluating tests:
((x .AND. y) .OR. z)
The x .AND. y combined tests are evaluated first, and then the result
.OR. z is evaluated
36 : rccDONOR
10 Shareware
Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying
it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected
to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request
registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period.
With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using
the software to an updated program with printed manual.
Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the
copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as
stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like
commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both
cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the
method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy
and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific
group. For example, some authors require written permission before a
commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware.
Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find
software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or
Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because
you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low
also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use
the product, you don't pay for it.
Registering rccDONOR
rccDONOR is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user
for evaluation. I encourage you to share it with other organizations, but
please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. The
essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users
with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for
programmers to continue to develop new products.
If you find this program useful and find that you are using rccDONOR and
continue to use rccDONOR after a reasonable period of time, you must make a
registration payment of $100.00 to Irwin Computer Engineering. The $100.00
registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any
one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is
that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely
moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no
possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at
another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same
time. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Irwin Computer
Engineering. A registration form appears at the end of this section, in the
file REGISTER.DOC included with this package, or a form can be generated
from the Info. on rccDONOR task of the Utility menu.
Anyone distributing rccDONOR for any kind of remuneration must first
contact Irwin Computer Engineering for authorization. This authorization
will be automatically granted to distributors recognized by the (ASP) as
adhering to its guidelines for shareware distributors, and such
37 : Chapter 10 Shareware
distributors may begin offering rccDONOR immediately (however Irwin
Computer Engineering must still be advised so that the distributor can be
kept up-to-date with the latest version of rccDONOR). Please see the
VENDOR.DOC file for more information and an authorization form.
You are encouraged to pass a copy of rccDONOR along to other non-profit
organizations for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy
if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive:
- the latest version of the rccDONOR system
- a printed, bound copy of the manual
- extensive support (see below)
- a subscription to "For What It's Worth", a newsletter of tips and
ideas for fundraising using rccDONOR
Where to Register
You can order by sending check, cash or money order to Irwin Computer
Engineering (see the registration form below) or with MC, Visa, Amex, or
Discover from the Public (software) Library by calling 1-800-2424-PsL or
713-524-6394 or by FAX to 1-713-524-6398 or by CIS Email to 71355,470.
These numbers are for orders only. To insure that you get the latest
version, PsL will notify us the day of your order and we will ship the
product directly to you. Any questions about the status of the shipment of
the order, refunds, registration options, product details, technical
support, volume discounts, dealer pricing, site licenses, etc, must be
directed to Irwin Computer Engineering (see Support below). You can also
mail credit card orders to PsL at P.O.Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705.
rccDONOR is also part of the CompuServe registration program. If you have
an account with CompuServe, then after logging in, enter GO SWREG. Once
there, you will be allowed to register rccDONOR with your normal CompuServe
payment method. The Registration ID number for rccDONOR is 108.
Support for rccDONOR will be provided for 120 days after registration.
Questions, problems, compatibility issues, and bug reports all fall under
the definition of "support". Problems involving a specific hardware
environment, software environment, or a feature of rccDONOR, and which
require a significant alteration of rccDONOR, will be solved at the
discretion of the author. If this type of modification of rccDONOR has been
rejected, and the problem was reported within the support period, the
registration fee will be refunded.
Support can be provided in any of three ways: mail, CompuServe, or
38 : rccDONOR
A. Mail
The address for mail support:
Alan Irwin
Irwin Computer Engineering
P.O. Box 1748
Goleta, CA 93116
Please include a complete description of the problem, a sample (if
appropriate), a description of the system on which you are running rccDONOR
(hardware and software environment), and your address and phone number. I
will either respond by phone or by mail.
B. CompuServe
My CompuServe ID is 71370,1513. I regularly sign on to CompuServe and will
typically respond within a day. Please include a complete description of
the problem, a sample (if appropriate), a description of the system your
are running rccDONOR on (hardware and software environment), and your phone
C. Telephone
My office number is (805) 564-2400. There is an answering machine available
24 hours a day.
This program is produced by a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
Please write to:
ASP Ombudsman
545 Grover Road
Muskegon, MI 49442
or send a CompuServe message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
39 : Chapter 10 Shareware
Contact Name: ____________________________________________________________
Organization: ____________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________________________________________
Date rccDONOR First Obtained __________ Obtained From: __________________
Disk Format: 5.25" [ ] 3.5" [ ]
Answers to the following questions are optional, but will help me to
further develop rccDONOR and other information management programs for
non-profit organizations:
1) What is the purpose or mission of your organization?
2) What do you like about rccDONOR?
3) What features would you like to see added to rccDONOR?
4) What other information management programs do you have?
5) What other information management programs do you see a need for?
6) How did you hear about rccDONOR?
7) What type of computer and peripherals do you use?
8) Additional comments:
Send this registration form and $100.00 registration fee to:
Alan Irwin
Irwin Computer Engineering
P.O. Box 1748
Goleta, CA 93116
(805) 564-2400
AUTOEXEC.BAT 2 Filter 19
Codes 7, 16 Category Set Screen 20
Donation 16 Combining Criteria 34
Donor 16 Command Reference 36
Editing 16 Commands 33
RCCCODES 7 Editing 19
Selecting Donation 14, 26 Individual Criteria 33
Selecting Donor 11, 20 Mail List Set Screen 20
CONFIG.SYS 2 Selection 19
Create/Convert Files 31 Solicitation Set Screen
Donations 6, 13, 25 21
Donor 13 Getting Started 2
Editing 13 How to Use This Manual 1
Event 25 ID Searching 17
RCCDITEM 6 Info. on RCCDonor 32
Selecting Codes 14, 26 Installation 2
Donor Profile Report 22 Introduction 1
Edit Data Menu 10 Key Conventions 1
Editing 8 Labels/Pledge Sheets Report
Codes 16 21
Donations 13 Log (Event) Menu 25
Event Log 25 Mail List 6, 10
Events 15 Basic 11
Mail List 11, 27 Donations 13
Solicitation 12 Editing 11, 27
Zip Codes 14 RCCMAIL 6
Event Log 25 Report 21
Basic 26 Searching 12, 16
Editing 25 Select Entry 27
Report 27 Solicitation 12
Select 25 Sort Order 10, 12
Table 25 Table 10
Value Received Entry 29 Main Menu 9
Word Processor Merge 28 Microsoft Word 5, 23, 28,
Events 7, 15 30
Editing 15 Name Searching 16
RCCEVENT 7 Notes 13
Report 23 Option Values 30
Searching 17 Organization Searching 17
Field Options 31 Overview 6
Files 4 Quit 9
Convert Data 31 RCCCODES 7
Create Data 31 RCCDITEM 6
Create Execution 3 RCCEVENT 7
Definition 6 RCCMAIL 6
Reindex 31 RCCSOLIC 6
Temporary 5 RCCZIP 6
Reindex Data Files 31 Zip Codes 6, 14
Report Output (Screen, Count Report 24
Printer, File) 19 Editing 14
Reports 18 RCCZIP 6
Donor Profile 22 Searching 17
Event Log 27
Events 23
Filter Selection 19
Labels/Pledge Sheet 21
Mail List 21
Output Direction 19
Prompt 18
Word Processor Merge 23,
Zip Code Counts 24
Reports Menu 18
Screen Definitions 7
Searching 16
Event 17
ID 17
Mail List 12
Name 16
Organization 17
Zip Code 17
Select 27
Event Log 25
Mail List Entry 27
Shareware 37
Solicitation 6, 12
Editing 12
Notes 13
System Requirements 2
Target Audience 1
Total Donations 31
Utilities 30
Create/Convert Files 31
Field Options 31
Option Values 30
Reindex Data Files 31
Validate Data 32
Utilities Menu 30
Validate Data 32
Value Received Entry 29
Word Processor Merge
Event Log 28
Report 23
WordPerfect 5, 23, 28-30
Zip Code Searching 17