The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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241 lines
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Large Character Print Formatting
Copyright Hexagon Products 1990
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.co on
B-Print prints ASCII text files on dot matrix printers using large
characters. B-Print is a free sample of large character software
available from Hexagon Products. See the last page of this document
for further information.
In its simplest form, B-Print works just like the DOS PRINT command.
The simplest form is:
BPRINT filename
B-Print also has a few command line options to control the printing.
Each option consists of a dash and a letter, such as -D for device.
The order is unimportant, as is capitalization. For example, if your
printer is attached as Device COM1, you would use the following command:
BPRINT bprint.doc -Dcom1
In addition to options given on the DOS command line, you can embed
B-Print commands within your document file. Each command consists
of dot ('.') in the first column followed by a two character command.
For example, if you want to skip to the top of a new page in your document,
you can embed a page eject command (PA) in your document:
This document contains many embedded commands to format the document.
Print it with the command BPRINT BPRINT.DOC.
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The command line options are given on the DOS command line when you first
execute B-Print. Each is preceded by a dash ('-'), such as:
BPRINT bprint.doc -Dcom1
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Device (-D)
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By default, B-Print writes to device LPT1. If your printer is attached
as LPT2 or COM1, etc., use the Device option to direct B-Print output to
your printer. You can alternatively use a filename instead of a device name.
If so, B-Print writew output to a disk file. You can later print
this file with the DOS command: COPY /B FILE LPT1. The Device option is:
-Ddevice COM1, COM2, LPT1, etc.
-Dfilename any disk filename
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Printer Type (-P)
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By default, B-Print formats output for an Epson dot matrix printer. For
a different type of printer, use the Printer option. The Printer option is:
-P0 Printer type is HP
-P1 Printer type is Epson
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Character Set (-C)
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B-Print starts with character set 2, which has 16-dot characters.
Use the Character set option (-C) to change this. The character
sets differ in size and shape. This option only names the starting
character set. You can override it for a portion of any document with
the .CS command described later. The Character set option is:
-CS 0 a tiny 8-bit character set
-CS 1 a small 12-bit character set
-CS 2 a medium 16-bit character set
-CS 3 a medium 24-bit font
-CS 4 a large san-serif font
-CS 5 a large serif font
-CS 6 a large bold font
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Several print control commands are supported by B-Print. The commands
must be embedded within the document to be printed. Each consists of a
dot ('.') in the first column followed by a two character command.
.PA eject to a new page
.PN n set page number
.PW n set paper width in dots
.PL n set paper length in dots
.CO n set combine ON or OFF
.CS n select character set
.LD n set leading
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PA Command
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By default, B-Print fills each page with text. If your document contains
a new section to be set off by itself, precede that text with a Page eject
command, and that section will start at the top of a new page. For example,
the section "Commands" in this document was preceded by a PA command.
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PN Command
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By default, B-Print does not number pages of text. If you want pages to
be numbered, use the PN command. After that, B-Print will display the number
of each page in the center of the bottom margin. B-Print will start with
page number 1 unless you give a different value on the PN command.
If, for example, you are only printing out the second section of a document,
you can use PN to start with an appropriate page number.
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PW Command
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The print width of each printer B-Print supports is coded within B-Print.
However you may want to override it. You can do so with the PW command.
For example, if your printer works like an Epson, but handles paper that
is twelve inches wide, you will have to override the print width.
The argument to print width is in dots. So, for example, if your printer
prints 60 dots per inch and supports a 12 inch print width, use the command
.PW 720
You can use the PW command with a smaller than default value to create a
larger right margin.
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PL Command
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The print length of each printer B-Print supports is coded within B-Print.
However you may want to override it. You can do so with the PL command.
For example, if your printer works like an Epson, but your paper is 14
inches long, you will have to override the print length.
The argument to print length is in dots. So, for example, if your printer
prints 60 dots per inch and supports a 14 inch print length, use the command
.PL 840
You can use the PW command with a smaller than default value to create a
larger bottom margin. You can use the PL command to set a large print
length and the page commands PA and PN to avoid printing page number on a
particular page, maybe that of a diagram in a document.
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CO Command
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By default, B-Print breaks up lines so they will fit on your printer. When
it gets to the end of a line, it COncatenates or COmbines the next line
and continues printing. If you want to format lines yourself, you can turn
concatenation on or off yourself. The arguments are either ON or OFF.
For example, you don't want the heading of a letter to be concatenated,
place .CO commands before and after the block of text like this:
.co off
Hexagon Products
P.O.Box 1295
Park Ridge, IL 60068
.co on
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CS Command
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By default, B-Print uses characters that fit in a dot matrix 16 high and
16 wide. On a printer that prints 80 dots per inch, this results in
characters that are a fifth (16/80) of an inch high and wide, or about
14 points (72*16/80). These characters are approximately the shape of the
characters used on a standard video display.
You can override the character set used with the -C command when you run
B-Print from DOS. However, you can also change the size used by B-Print
in the middle of a document with the CS command. The argument is a number
indicating the character set, the same as used with the -C option.
For example, you might want headings of section printed in a larger character
size than the body of a document. The heading of this document are produced
with the following three lines:
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CS Command
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LD Command
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Leading (pronounced "ledding") is a printer's term referring to the amount of
space left between lines. (Historically small pieces of lead were placed
between rows of type to separate them.) A good leading value results in
text that is easier to read.
By default, B-Print sets the leading at one quarter the size of the text
characters. If you change the character size with the CS command, B-Print
automatically adjusts the leading.
You can override the leading with the LD command. Follow the LD command with
the leading value in dots. For example, the default leading value for the 16
dot character size is one quarter of 16, or 4 dots. Get a larger leading
value with a command such as:
.ld 5
I'm currently taking requests for B-Print improvements. Let me know
what suggestions for improvements you have. I'm specifically interested
* What other dot matrix printers need to be supported.
* What other character sizes or styles you want.
* If you are interested in proportionally spaced fonts.
* If you are interested in text that is aligned on both sides.
* If you have suggestions for more embedded commands.
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Other Products
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B-Print is a free sample of large character software from Hexagon Products.
Other products provide large character displays on your monitor making
software easier to read. They include:
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Free B's:
B-Type - like DOS's TYPE command
B-Dir - like DOS's DIR command
B-Look - ASCII file browser
B-Print - ASCII file printer
Low-Priced Products:
B-Edit - text editor
B-Pop - memory resident text enlarger
BIG for 1-2-3 - enlarger only for 1-2-3
BIG for WP - enlarger for WordPerfect
Call or write for further information:
Hexagon Products
P.O. Box 1295
Park Ridge, IL 60068-1295