The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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421 lines
//│ The Aurora Editor v1.20 - Configuration Settings │
//│ │
//│ Please keep a backup copy of this file. │
//│ │
//│ For a description of these configuration settings, select the │
//│ "Configuration" item on the "Help" pull-down menu. │
//│ │
//│ To change a configuration setting, locate the desired setting in │
//│ this file and type in the new value for the setting. Do NOT change │
//│ the name of the setting. String values containing blanks or │
//│ punctuation (',' or '.') should be enclosed in quotes and preceded │
//│ by the '@' character. Do not add or remove any punctuation. │
//│ │
//│ When you are finished, save this file and select "Restore │
//│ Settings" from the "Set" pulldown menu. Exit and re-enter the │
//│ editor for your changes to take effect. │
obj prf (
// Video ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
VidCols 0 ,// video columns (0=default)
VidRows 0 ,// video rows (0=default)
VidStr @"░" ,// video background fill string
// (null=use existing bkgnd)
VidSav y ,// (y/n) restore screen on exit
// (registered version only)
// Mouse ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Mouse y ,// (y/n) enable/disable mouse
MouReverse n ,// (y/n) reverse mouse buttons
MouSenX 5 ,// x sensitivity (lower=sensitive)
MouSenY 12 ,// y sensitivity (lower=sensitive)
MouDst 50 ,// double-speed threshold
MouDouble 300 ,// double-click interval (in msec)
MouHold 300 ,// mouse hold time (in msec)
MouDelay 0 ,// mouse repeat delay (in msec)
// 0=fast (try 0,8,16,24,30)
MouMrkS r ,// default mark on single-click & drag
// (r=column, l=line, s=stream)
MouMrkD l ,// default mark type on double-click
// & drag (see MouMrkS above)
// Word Processing ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
TabWidth 8 ,// tab width for interval tabs
Tabs @"4 8 16 24 50 72" ,// variable tab stops
VarTabs n ,// (y/n) default to variable tabs ON
SmartTabs n ,// (y/n) default to smart tabs ON
WordWrap n ,// (y/n) default to word wrap ON
LMargin 3 ,// left margin
RMargin 72 ,// right margin
Indent 0 ,// paragraph indent
// Default File Extensions ─────────────────────────────────────────────
DefExt @"c h cpp doc txt a asm pas inc bat" ,
// Open options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
OpenOpt f ,// default load options (z=maximize,
// f=full, c=cascade, n=minimize,
// e=same window)
LineDlm 0D0Ah ,// default line delimiter
BinaryLength 64 ,// default binary line length
TruncLength 0 ,// maximum line length at load
// (0=editor maximum)
FmgrOpt dhf ,// file manager options (d=subdir,
// (d=subdirectories, h=hidden &
// system files, k=show sizes in
// 1k increments, f=directories
// first when sorting by name)
FmgrSrt n ,// default file manager sort
// (n=name, s=size, d=date,
// o or null=OS default)
FmgrQuit n ,// (y/n) close file mgr window when
// loading file from file mgr
// Save options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────-──
Backup y ,// (y/n) default to backup ON
BakDir @"" ,// backup directory
// (null=directory of file)
BakExt @"BAK" ,// file extension for backup
SaveEOF n ,// (y/n) append Ctrl-Z to end of
// file when saving
AutoSave 0 ,// seconds between automatic saves
// (0=OFF)
// Editing preferences ─────────────────────────────────────────────────
UndoSize 300 ,// undo/redo stack size
HistSize 50 ,// prompt history size
ClipName @"clipboard" ,// default clipboard name
Insert y ,// (y/n) default to insert mode ON
EnterIns s ,// <Enter> key behavior in INS mode
// (s=split, i=ins line, null=to
// beginning of next line)
EnterOvl ,// <Enter> key behavior in OVL mode
// (see EnterIns above)
TabShift y ,// (y/n) shift text on tab left or
// tab right in INS mode
DelJoin y ,// (y/n) join lines if delete char
// at end-of-line
BakJoin y ,// (y/n) join lines if backspace at
// column one
BakOvl n ,// (y/n) backspace overlay if not
// in insert mode
CopyLine y ,// (y/n) block copy repeats current
// line if nothing marked
DelLine n ,// (y/n) block delete deletes current
// line if nothing marked
AutoMark ptb ,// default marking for block cmds
// (p=paragraph, l=line, null=none,
// if p then t=to top, b=to bot)
MoveMark y ,// (y/n) move mark on copy & overlay
DrawMark y ,// (y/n) cursor movement sizes mark
CurHigh y ,// (y/n) highlight cursor line
RepEnd n ,// (y/n) repeat End/Home keys
MatchChar n ,// (y/n) default to match char ON
AutoIndent y ,// (y/n) default to autoindent ON
LineStyle 0 ,// default line draw style (0=single,
// 1=double horz, 2=double vert,
// 3=double, 4=erase)
FastCursor 0 ,// cursor scroll acceleration
// (0=none)
MultCopy n ,// (y/n) allow loading of same file
// or directory more than once
OneWindow n ,// edit in "OneWindow" mode
CurOT 80 ,// cursor top in OVL mode (0-99)
CurOB 90 ,// cursor bot in OVL mode (0-99)
CurIT 50 ,// cursor top in INS mode (0-99)
CurIB 90 ,// cursor bot in INS mode (0-99)
SearchOpt i ,// default search options (i=ignore
// case, r=reverse, b=block only,
// g=global, w=whole word)
ReplaceOpt ,// default replace options
// (a=replace all, null=none)
SearchWrap n ,// (y/n) wrap to file top/bot on
// repeat last find/replace
EOTLine @"" ,// end-of-text line (null=default)
ExitOpen n ,// (y/n) display open prompt on exit
// tailored prompt string positions
// 1-open 11-macro command
// 2-open and insert 12-key macro open
// 3-rename 13-key macro save
// 4-save as 14-place & goto bookmark
// 5-os command 15-block fill
// 6-save block 16-open binary
// 7-find
// 8-replace 18-global settings
// 9-goto line & column 19-user defined prompts
// 10-scan files 20-file mgr command prompts
// tailored prompt values (0=cmd line, 1=one-line box, 2=dlgbox):
Prompts 11111111111111111111
// Window preferences ──────────────────────────────────────────────────
EditStyle nsmvh ,// edit window style (n=north title,
// s=south title, m=menu, h=horz
// scrollbar, v=vert scrollbar
// 1=toolbar)
EditTitle nl ,// edit window title location
// (n=north, s=south, l=left,
// c=center, r=right)
EditStatus nr ,// edit window status location
EditCtls n ,// edit window controls location
FmgrStyle nsmvh ,// file mgr window style
FmgrTitle nl ,// file mgr window title location
FmgrStatus sl ,// file mgr window status location
FmgrCtls n ,// file mgr window controls location
BoxStyle i1 ,// one-line box prompt style
// (f=flat, i=3D-in, o=3D-out,
// and border type 0-6)
DlgStyle i1 ,// dialog box style (see BoxStyle)
// (previous versions=f4)
TileNum 3 ,// number of tiles allowed before
// 2nd split when tiling windows
// Print options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
PrtDev PRN ,// printer device name
PrtPag 0 ,// lines per page (0=continuous)
PrtSpace 1 ,// line spacing
PrtCop 1 ,// number of copies to print
PrtIni @"" ,// printer specific initialization
// string
PrtTop 0 ,// top margin
PrtBot 0 ,// bottom margin
PrtLeft 0 ,// left margin
PrtRight 0 ,// right margin
PrtOpt hpes ,// default print options (h=header,
// f=footer, p=page numbers,
// l=line numbers, e=eject when
// done, s=separator line)
// Desktop options ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────
SaveWin y ,// (y/n) remember window/cursor pos
SaveHis y ,// (y/n) save window/cursor position
// and prompt history to A.HIS on
// exit (and reload on entry)
SaveMac n ,// (y/n) save all key macros to
// A.MAC on exit (and reload on
// entry)
BootOpt d ,// action to take when starting the
// editor and no filespec is
// specified (d=last desktop,
// f=file mgr, o=open prompt)
// Memory options ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────
MaxXMS -1 ,// maximum XMS memory (in k) to use
// 0=none, -1=available maximum
MaxEMS -1 ,// maximum EMS memory (in k) to use
// 0=none, -1=available maximum
SwapFile1 @"c:\aurora@1.swp" ,// primary swap file
SwapFile2 @"d:\aurora@2.swp" ,// secondary swap file
// Other options ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
KeyEnh y ,// (y/n) test for enhanced keyboard
KeyPad y ,// (y/n) use grey keypad keys as
// function keys
KeyTrim n ,// (y/n) trim keyboard buffer
Sound y ,// (y/n) enable/disable sound
SoundF 200 ,// beep frequency
// Char sets to define words for word functions ────────────────────────
CSetA @"a-zA-Z0-9_" ,// char set A
CSetB @"a-zA-Z0-9_()\-./\\@{}~:^!#$%&`'" ,// char set B
CSetC @"-!-■" ,// char set C
CSet @CSetA ,// default char set
// Text Translation ────────────────────────────────────────────────────
TextTran n ,// (y/n) default to translate ON
TranObj trn ,// translation object name
TranCSet @"a-zA-Z0-9_;" ,// translation lookup char set
// Confirmations ───────────────────────────────────────────────────────
ConDel y ,// (y/n) confirm on file delete
ConRpl y ,// (y/n) confirm on file replace
ConTch y ,// (y/n) confirm on file touch
// Colors ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
// background
coBak 121 ,// background color
// border
coBor 120 ,// window border color
coFsh 168 ,// window border flash color
coCor 135 ,// window corner color
coCorI 120 ,// window corner inactive color
// edit window colors
coEdiT 31 ,// edit text color
coEdiB 63 ,// edit block highlight color
coEdi0 155 ,// edit title color
coEdiS 112 ,// edit scroll color
coEdiM 112 ,// edit menu color
coEdiH 4 ,// edit menu highlight color
coEdiX 160 ,// edit menu bar highlight
coEdiZ 27 ,// edit end-of-text line color
coEdiC 14 ,// edit title control color
coEdiF 26 ,// edit text fold color
coEdiG 47 ,// edit search-found highlight color
coEdiL 30 ,// edit cursor line highlight color
coEdiD 31 ,// edit modified line color
coEdiDL 30 ,// edit modified line & cursor line
coEdi0I 151 ,// edit inactive title color
coEdiSI 120 ,// edit inactive scroll color
coEdiMI 120 ,// edit inactive menu color
// file manager window colors
coFmgT 47 ,// file mgr text color
coFmgB 160 ,// file mgr block highlight color
coFmg0 47 ,// file mgr title color
coFmgS 112 ,// file mgr scroll color
coFmgM 112 ,// file mgr menu color
coFmgH 4 ,// file mgr menu highlight color
coFmgX 160 ,// file mgr menu bar highlight
coFmgC 14 ,// file mgr title control color
coFmg0I 39 ,// file mgr inactive title color
coFmgSI 120 ,// file mgr inactive scroll color
coFmgMI 120 ,// file mgr inactive menu color
// dialog box colors
coDlg 127 ,// dialog box color
coDlgI 112 ,// dialog box inactive color
coDlgB 127 ,// dialog box border color
coDlgF 122 ,// dialog box flash color
coDlgH 4 ,// dialog box highlight color
coDlgC 14 ,// dialog box control color
// one-line box prompt color
coBox -1 ,// one-line box prompt color
// (-1=window title bar color)
// button colors
coButI 32 ,// button inactive color
coBut 47 ,// button color
// group box colors
coGrp 63 ,// group box color
coGrpI 48 ,// group box inactive color
// history tab color
coRtv 40 ,// history tab color
// video overscan border colors (-1=no change)
coVib -1 ,// entry screen border color
coVibX -1 ,// exit screen border color
// Borders ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Shadow 1 ,// shadow thickness
BorT 0 ,// border type (0=expanded, 1=single,
// 2=double horz, 3=double vert,
// 4=double, 5=solid, 6=blank)
// for expanded borders (BorT=0):
BorX 1 ,// x border thickness
BorY 1 ,// y border thickness
BorO 2 .// corner overlap length