The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Text File
939 lines
* RE default profile
* to assemble from RE run DI REPROF <O-newfile.exe> <F>
* O- gives new exe file, default is RE.EXE
* F means fast, with partial help compression
*PATCHES and MACROS*************************************************************
* basic configuration patches
B @apdelay 0 // * automatic permanent panel delay - 0.. (1/18 sec)
B @autopanel ^no // * automatic permanent panel - ^no 1..36
B @beep ^critical // * beep on messages - ^no ^critical ^error
B @cmdsavelen 1 // * min length of command on recall list - 0..255
B @cmdsavenum 16 // * max number of commands on recall list - 0..255
B @csrposedit ^cmdln // * cursor pos after edit command - ^cmdln ^txtar
B @csrspeed 2 // * cursor speed 0..31
B @csrspeedv 0 // * cursor speed vertical 0..31
W @dateform ^mm-dd-yy // * date format - ^mm-dd-yy ^yy-mm-dd ^yyyy-mm-dd
B @decoastkb ^yes // * decoast keyboard - ^yes ^no
B @defsavetp ^backup // * default save type - ^direct ^indirect ^backup
B @deftabhan ^tabed(8) // * tab handling - ^tabed(2..63) ^tabedsv(2..63)
// * ^taboff(2..63)
B @defwrap 1 255 // * default word wrap margins
B @edcurfl ^no // * always check current files before edit - ^yes ^no
// * ^yes on this option is more effective if
// * @exfilename is also ^yes
B @emkbbfprm ^yes // * empty kb buffer on prompt ^yes ^no
B @enhancedkb ^off // * enhanced keyboard - ^auto ^off
B @exchar - // * excluded line character
B @excharst + // * excluded line start of line character
B @exfilename ^no // * expand file names - ^yes ^no
B @filetp ^old // * file type - ^old ^new
B @gotomargin 1 // * go to margin 0..40
B @hicsrfind 2 // * highlight cursor on find/change - ^yes ^no 1..126
B @horscrncor 10 // * horizontal screen correction 0..78
B @initrplins ^rpl // * initial replace insert mode - ^rpl ^ins
B @lastpghelp R // * last page of help text
B @lnlen 255 // * line length - 80..255
B @menupos ^auto // * menu position - ^auto ^bottom
B @mouse ^yes // * allow mouse? - ^yes ^no
B @mousehsen 12 // * mouse horizontal sensitivity - ticks/column
B @mousereset ^hard // * mouse reset type - ^hard ^soft
B @mousevsen 16 // * mouse vertical sensitivity - ticks/line
B @nondosmem ^all // * use non-DOS upper memory - ^none ^ems ^xms ^all
B @permpanel ^no // * permanent panel - ^no 1..39
B @pollinput ^yes // * poll input - ^auto ^yes ^no
B @scrnwait ^auto // * screen update waits - ^auto ^yes ^no
B @showhidsys ^no // * ed cmd shows hidden and system files - ^yes ^no
B @sortdir ^yes // * sort directories - ^yes ^no
W @tbnewln ^newln(1) // * new line function for typing on Top or Bot line -
// * ^newln(1) ^newlnalign(1) ^newlnww(1) ^newlncol1(1)
B @timeform ^12hour // * time format - ^12hour ^24hour
B @trashlines 20 // * number of lines of trash saved - 0..255
B @verscrncor 0 // * vertical screen correction - 0..40
* startup macro
x 0
* screen colors and cursor type
B @clrcsrtp ^noblink // * cursor type - ^noblink ^noblink/bios ^bios
B @moncsrtp ^noblink
B @b/wcsrtp ^noblink
B @lcdcsrtp ^noblink
B @clrtxt $07 // B @montxt $07 // B @b/wtxt $07 // B @lcdtxt $07
B @clrextxt $03 // B @monextxt $07 // B @b/wextxt $03 // B @lcdextxt $07
B @clrarmk $17 // B @monarmk $01 // B @b/warmk $27 // B @lcdarmk $70
B @clrarmkex $13 // B @monarmkex $01 // B @b/warmkex $27 // B @lcdarmkex $70
B @clrpsmk $47 // B @monpsmk $70 // B @b/wpsmk $37 // B @lcdpsmk $70
B @clrinscsr $57 // B @moninscsr $70 // B @b/winscsr $30 // B @lcdinscsr $70
B @clrrplcsr $67 // B @monrplcsr $09 // B @b/wrplcsr $70 // B @lcdrplcsr $70
B @clrerrmsg $34 // B @monerrmsg $70 // B @b/werrmsg $37 // B @lcderrmsg $70
B @clrstln $31 // B @monstln $70 // B @b/wstln $30 // B @lcdstln $70
B @clriastln $51 // B @moniastln $70 // B @b/wiastln $30 // B @lcdiastln $70
B @clrcmdln $07 // B @moncmdln $07 // B @b/wcmdln $07 // B @lcdcmdln $07
B @clrtopbot $03 // B @montopbot $07 // B @b/wtopbot $03 // B @lcdtopbot $07
B @clrhlpttl $07 // B @monhlpttl $07 // B @b/whlpttl $07 // B @lcdhlpttl $07
B @clrhlptxt $03 // B @monhlptxt $07 // B @b/whlptxt $03 // B @lcdhlptxt $07
B @clrmenttl $31 // B @monmenttl $70 // B @b/wmenttl $30 // B @lcdmenttl $70
B @clrmentxt $07 // B @monmentxt $07 // B @b/wmentxt $07 // B @lcdmentxt $07
B @clrmencsr $67 // B @monmencsr $70 // B @b/wmencsr $70 // B @lcdmencsr $70
B @clrmentx2 $03 // B @monmentx2 $07 // B @b/wmentx2 $03 // B @lcdmentx2 $07
* keys
* special keys - locations that control draw, enter to continue, help, menus
W @specialkey @csrlf @csrrt @csrup @csrdn @ent @esc @pgup @pgdn @a-f1
* alternate values for special keys
W @specialkal @mouself @mousert @mouseup @mousedn @mousebtnlf @mousebtnrt @pgup @pgdn @a-f1
W @a-- &scrolllfcsr
W @a-= &scrollrtcsr
W @a-1 &repcurfind
W @a-2 &repcurchange
W @a-3 &fillnum
W @a-4 &blankarrem // * &blankar to keep mark
W @a-5 &fillblock
W @a-6 ¯o(103) // * ex/unex children
W @a-7 &csrupoutline
W @a-8 &csrdnoutline
W @a-9 &shiftlf
W @a-0 &shiftrt
W @a-a &asciicode
W @a-b &mkcor // * &mkcorres for resizing corner mark
W @a-c ©lns
W @a-d &delar
W @a-e ¯o(125) // * edit file at cursor
W @a-f &flow // * &flowextrasp gives two spaces at eos
W @a-f1 &help
W @a-g ¯o(101) // * go to pos/area/bottom of area mark
W @a-h &hicsr(10)
W @a-i &insar
W @a-j &rtjustify // * &rtjustifyextrasp gives two spaces at eos
W @a-k &eraseendln
W @a-l &mkln // * &mklnres for resizing line mark
W @a-m &movelns
W @a-n &newlnalign(1) // * &newln(1) leaves cursor in current column
// * &newlncol1(1) puts cursor in column 1
// * &newlnww(1) puts cursor in left word wrap col
W @a-o &overlayar
W @a-p &set/re/unpsmk
W @a-q &nextses
W @a-r &reshow
W @a-s &split/join
W @a-t &noop
W @a-u &unmk
W @a-v ¯o(102) // * center/left side/right side
W @a-w &windowa/b
W @a-x &exindent // * &exindentrem removes mark
W @a-y &recallcmdfor
W @a-z ¯o(100)
W @bksp &bksp
W @bktab &tabbkcurset
W @c-bksp &delln
W @c-end &bottomoffile
W @c-home &topoffile
W @c-lf &scrolllf(1)
W @c-pgdn &scrolldn(1)
W @c-pgup &scrollup(1)
W @c-rt &scrollrt(1)
W @csrdn &csrdnwrap // * csrdn for autoscroll
W @csrlf &csrlfwrap // * csrlf for autoscroll
W @csrrt &csrrtwrap // * csrrt for autoscroll
W @csrup &csrupwrap // * csrup for autoscroll
W @delete &delchar(1)
W @end &csrendln
W @ent ^macro(106)
W @esc &csrcmd/txt
W @f1 ¯o(112)
W @f2 ¯o(113)
W @f3 ¯o(114)
W @f4 ¯o(115)
W @f5 ¯o(116)
W @f6 ¯o(117)
W @f7 ¯o(118)
W @f8 ¯o(119)
W @f9 ¯o(120)
W @f10 ¯o(121)
W @home &csrstartln
W @insert &insrplmd
W @mouself &csrlf
W @mousert &csrrt
W @mouseup &csrup
W @mousedn &csrdn
W @mousebtnlf ¯o(105)
W @mousebtnmd &noop
W @mousebtnrt &csrcmd/txt
W @pgdn &scrolldncsr
W @pgup &scrollupcsr
W @tab &tabcurset
* macros
* rotate drawing modes
X 100 ^jumpforlbcycle(4)
Y ^label(1) ^if<>0 ^drawingmd ^jumpforlb(4) &setdrawingmdsl ^jumpforlb(5)
Y ^label(2) &setdrawingmddl ^jumpforlb(5)
Y ^label(3) &setdrawingmdcc ^jumpforlb(5)
Y ^label(4) &setdrawingmdoff
Y ^label(5) ^setprevfcn ^macro(*)
* goto posmk/areamk/end of areamk
X 101 ^if= ^armkmd ^sp ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^if=0 ^psmkses ^jumpforlb(5) ^jumpforlbcycle(3)
Y ^label(1) ^gotopsmk ^jumpforlb(4)
Y ^label(2) ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(3) ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(5) ^jumpforlbcycle(2)
Y ^label(1) ^gotoarmk ^jumpforlb(4)
Y ^label(2) ^gotoarmkbl
Y ^label(4) ^setprevfcn ^macro(*)
* center/left side/right side
X 102 ^jumpforlbcycle(3)
Y ^label(1) ¢er ^jumpfor(6)
Y ^label(2) &lfside ^jumpfor(3)
Y ^label(3) &rtside
Y ^setprevfcn ^macro(*)
* exchildren/unexchildren
X 103 ^jumpforlbcycle(2)
Y ^label(1) &exchildren ^jumpfor(3)
Y ^label(2) &unexchildren
Y ^setprevfcn ^macro(*)
* mouse enter
X 105 ^macro(124) ^if=0 ^var(0) ^endmacro
Y ^macro(112)
* keyboard enter
X 106 ^macro(124) ^if=0 ^var(0) ^endmacro
Y ^csrreturn
* * The last line of this macro may be replaced to get a different function
* * if there is no pending command. Two suggestions are given here.
* * cursor return, home
* ^csrreturn ^csrstartln
* * replace mode - return, home / insert mode - new line
* ^ifcsrcmdln ^jumpfor(5) ^ifrplmd ^jumpfor(3) ^newlnalign(1) ^endmacro
* ^csrreturn ^csrstartln
* start an empty unnamed file
X 122 ^macro(126)
Y ^varset(15) ^bytepatch @edcurfl ^patchbyte @edcurfl ^no
Y e ^rescsrps ^execcmdnorecall
Y ^patchbyte @edcurfl ^var(15)
Y ^ifsuccess ^endmacro
Y ^csrcmdln ^eraseendln ^rescsrps &dispmsg(5)
* quit file without are your sure prompt
X 123 ^csrcmdln ^eraseendln q ^suppressays ^execcmdnorecall
* execute pending command and set var(0) to 0 or 1 if no commmand
X 124 ^varset(0) 1
Y ^ifcsrtxt ^jumpfor(4)
Y ^iflnblank ^endmacro ^jumpfor(7)
Y ^ifpendingcmd F ^jumpfor(4)
Y ^ifpendingcmdnot C ^endmacro
Y ^execcmd ^varset(0) 0
* edit file at cursor
X 125 ^savecsrps &wordcmdln ^csrcmdln ^insmd e ^sp ^rescsrps ^execcmd
* save position, prepare for a command
X 126 ^savecsrps ^csrcmdln ^eraseendln ^csrstartln
* menu macros
* basic menu
X 112 ^label(1) ^menu(21) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(8) ^macro(113) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(46) ^help(3) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) ^help ^endmacro
Y ^label(21) ^macro(113) ^endmacro
Y ^label(22) ^macro(114) ^endmacro
Y ^label(23) ^macro(115) ^endmacro
Y ^label(31) ^macro(116) ^endmacro
Y ^label(32) ^macro(117) ^endmacro
Y ^label(33) ^macro(118) ^endmacro
Y ^label(41) ^macro(119) ^endmacro
Y ^label(42) ^macro(120) ^endmacro
Y ^label(43) ^macro(121) ^endmacro
Y ^label(14) ^windowa/b ^endmacro
Y ^label(15) ^split/join ^endmacro
Y ^label(16) ^newlnalign(1) ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(25) ^reshow ^endmacro
Y ^label(26) ^updatescrn ^asciicode ^endmacro
Y ^label(36) ^delln ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(35) ^eraseendln
* file menu
X 113 ^label(1) ^menu(22) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(112) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(114) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(46) ^help(5) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) ^updatescrn ^macro(125) ^endmacro
Y ^label(25) ^nextses ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(26) ^prevses ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(36) ^trashses ^endmacro
Y ^label(34) ^macro(122) p ^csrtxt 12
Y ^execcmdnorecall ^macro(123) ^endmacro
Y ^label(*) ^macro(126) ^execfcn
Y ^label(12) e d ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(14) s ^updatescrn &execcmdnorecall ^rescsrps ^endmacro
Y ^label(15) s q ^updatescrn &execcmdnorecall ^endmacro
Y ^label(16) q ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(21) e ^sp ^endmacro
Y ^label(22) e d ^sp ^endmacro
Y ^label(23) n ^sp ^endmacro
Y ^label(31) p ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(32) p m ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(33) p m x ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(41) d ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(42) d ^sp ^endmacro
Y ^label(1) ^rescsrps ^updatescrn &execcmdnorecall
* general menu
X 114 ^label(1) ^menu(23) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(113) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(115) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(46) ^help(7) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) &mkcor ^endmacro
Y ^label(12) &mkln ^endmacro
Y ^label(13) &mkcol ^endmacro
Y ^label(14) &mkses ^endmacro
Y ^label(15) &unmk ^endmacro
Y ^label(21) &mkcorres ^endmacro
Y ^label(22) &mklnres ^endmacro
Y ^label(23) &mkcolres ^endmacro
Y ^label(25) &setpsmk ^endmacro
Y ^label(26) &unsetpsmk ^endmacro
Y ^label(31) ^ifcsrcmdln ^jumpfor(10)
Y ^varset(0) ^currow ^if= ^curwindow 0 ^jumpfor(3)
Y ^varadd(0) ^scrnsplit ^jumpfor(7)
Y ^varset(0) ^scrnheightfull ^varadd(0) 1 ^vardiv(0) 2
Y ^varadd(0) ^splitscrn(1) ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(32) ^unsplitscrn ^endmacro
Y ^label(33) &setdrawingmdsl ^endmacro
Y ^label(34) &setdrawingmddl ^endmacro
Y ^label(35) &setdrawingmdcc ^endmacro
Y ^label(36) &setdrawingmdoff ^endmacro
Y ^label(41) ^updatescrn &recallcmdfor ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(42) ^updatescrn &recallcmdbk ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(43) ^hicsr(10) ^endmacro
Y ^label(44) ^updatescrn ^defrag
* position menu
X 115 ^label(1) ^menu(24) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(114) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(116) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(46) ^help(9) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) ^csrstartln ^endmacro
Y ^label(12) ^csrendln ^endmacro
Y ^label(13) ^topoffile ^endmacro
Y ^label(14) ^bottomoffile ^endmacro
Y ^label(15) ^csrupoutline ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(16) ^csrdnoutline ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(21) ^keyfcn @pgup ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(22) ^keyfcn @pgdn ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(24) ^keyfcn @a-- ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(25) ^keyfcn @a-= ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(31) ^scrollup(1) ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(32) ^scrolldn(1) ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(34) ^scrolllf(1) ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(35) ^scrollrt(1) ^updatescrn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(41) ^gotopsmk ^endmacro
Y ^label(42) ^gotoarmk ^endmacro
Y ^label(43) ^gotoarmkbl
* exclude menu
X 116 ^label(1) ^menu(25) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(115) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(117) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(46) ^help(10) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) &exnoneses ^endmacro
Y ^label(12) &exindentses ^endmacro
Y ^label(13) &exparases ^endmacro
Y ^label(14) &revexlnsses ^endmacro
Y ^label(15) &exnotmodaddses ^endmacro
Y ^label(21) &exln ^endmacro
Y ^label(22) ^updatescrn &unexfirstln ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(23) ^updatescrn &unexlastln ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(24) ^iflnexcluded ^reshow ^endmacro
Y ^label(25) ^exchildren ^endmacro
Y ^label(26) ^iflnnotexcluded &dispmsg(16) ^unmk
Y ^iflnnotblank ^jumpfor(3) ^reshow ^endmacro
Y ^csrstartln ^csrrt ^mkln ^exindentrem ^csrlf ^endmacro
Y ^label(31) &exnone ^endmacro
Y ^label(32) &exall ^endmacro
Y ^label(34) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(33) &exindent ^endmacro
Y ^label(35) &expara ^endmacro
Y ^label(36) &revexlns ^endmacro
Y ^label(43) &exsaveses ^endmacro
Y ^label(44) &exrestoreses ^endmacro
Y ^label(*) ^macro(126) f s ^if= ^var(0) ^jumpforlb(42) m ^sp
* documents menu
X 117 ^label(1) ^menu(26) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(116) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(118) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(46) ^help(12) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) ^setwwlfx 1 ^setwwrtx 70 ^endmacro
Y ^label(12) ^setwwlf ^endmacro
Y ^label(13) ^setwwrt ^endmacro
Y ^label(14) ^macro(126) w ^sp ^endmacro
Y ^label(16) ^setwwlfx 1 ^setwwrtx 255 ^endmacro
Y ^label(21) ^label(22) ^ifcsrcmdln &dispmsg(16) ^iflntopbot
Y &dispmsg(16) ^unmk
Y ^iflnexcluded ^reshow ^iflnblank ^csrnextpara
Y ^csrnextendpara ^csrup ^mkln ^csrdn ^csrprevpara &mkcor
Y ^if= ^var(0) ^jumpforlb(22) ^jumpfor(4)
Y ^keyfcn @a-f ^jumpfor(3) ^keyfcn @a-j
Y ^csrnextpara ^csrnextendpara ^csrprevpara
Y ^csrprevendpara ^endmacro
Y ^label(31) &keyfcn @a-f ^endmacro
Y ^label(32) &keyfcn @a-j ^endmacro
Y ^label(33) &flowlist ^endmacro
Y ^label(41) ^overlaydate ^endmacro
Y ^label(42) ^overlaytime ^endmacro
Y ^label(44) ^macro(126) t ^sp
* find/change menu
X 118 ^label(1) ^menu(27) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(117) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(119) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(16) ^help(14) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(11) ^updatescrn &repcurfind ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(12) ^updatescrn &repcurchange ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(*) ^macro(126) ^execfcn
Y ^label(21) f ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(22) f f ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(23) f l ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(24) f m f ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(25) f m l ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(31) f a ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(32) f s ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(33) f s m ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(41) c ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(42) c a ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(43) c a w ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(44) c a m ^jumpforlb(2)
Y ^label(45) c a m w
Y ^label(2) ^sp
* modify mark contents menu
X 119 ^label(1) ^menu(28) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(118) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(120) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(16) ^help(15) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(12) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(11) ^updatescrn ^shiftlf ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(14) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(13) ^updatescrn ^shiftrt ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(22) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(21) ^updatescrn ^shiftup ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(24) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(23) ^updatescrn ^shiftdn ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(32) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(31) ^center ^endmacro
Y ^label(34) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(33) ^lfside ^endmacro
Y ^label(36) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(35) ^rtside ^endmacro
Y ^label(42) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(41) ^uppercase ^endmacro
Y ^label(44) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(43) ^lowercase ^endmacro
Y ^label(46) &ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(45) ^upperfirst
* copy, del, fill menu
X 120 ^label(1) ^menu(29) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(119) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^macro(121) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(16) ^help(16) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(12) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(11) ^copylns ^endmacro
Y ^label(14) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(13) ^movelns ^endmacro
Y ^label(22) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(21) ^insar ^endmacro
Y ^label(24) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(23) ^overlayar ^endmacro
Y ^label(26) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(25) ^mergeoverlay ^endmacro
Y ^label(32) &revexlns ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^dellns ^if<> ^armkmd ^sp ^revexlns ^endmacro
Y ^label(33) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(31) ^dellns ^endmacro
Y ^label(35) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(34) ^delblock ^endmacro
Y ^label(42) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(41) ^blankar ^endmacro
Y ^label(44) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(43) ^fillnum ^endmacro
Y ^label(46) ^ignoreexlnsmd1 ^label(45) ^fillblock
* order marked lines
X 121 ^label(1) ^menu(30) ^if= ^var(0) ^macro(*) ^endmacro
Y ^execfcn ^endmacro
Y ^label(6) ^endmacro
Y ^label(7) ^macro(120) ^endmacro
Y ^label(8) ^jumpbklb(1) ^endmacro
Y ^label(9) ^label(16) ^help(18) ^jumpbklb(1)
Y ^label(*) ^macro(126) o ^execfcn
Y ^label(21) c ^label(11) a i ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(22) c ^label(12) a x ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(23) c ^label(13) d i ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(24) c ^label(14) d x ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(31) r i ^jumpforlb(1)
Y ^label(32) r x
Y ^label(1) ^updatescrn &execcmdnorecall
* REPROF does not check tab values for validity
* tab set 1 is automatic tab looking at four lines above current with max distance 8
T 1 0 4 8
* tab set 2
T 2 1 9 17 25 33 41 49 57 65 73
*HELP, MENUS********************************************************************
ARavitz Editor Help A
Help Contents
A Help
B User Interface
C Basic Functions
E File, Print, DOS
G General Functions
I Position Functions
J Line Exclude
L Document Processing
N Find/Change
O Modify Mark Contents
P Copy, Delete, Fill Mark
R Order Lines
Help Keys
Esc, Ms-Br, Alt-F1 quits help PgDn, Down next page
A..R page A..R PgUp, Up previous page
BRavitz Editor User Interface B
Function Keys
Function keys (F*, Alt-*, Ctrl-*, Ms-*, named keys) run functions immediately.
Enter commands on the top line of the screen and press Enter to execute.
Optional parameters are shown enclosed in < and >. Exclusive options are
separated by /. Option characters may follow the command or may be attached
to the command character ("S file Q" is the same as "SQ file").
Enter, Ms-Bl selects item PgUp, PgDn next, previous menu
Cap letter immediate select Left, Right, Up, Down moves selection bar
Esc, Ms-Br returns Alt-F1 help
< shows key equivalent to menu function.
marks a macro that may change the area mark or command line.
* means text entry followed by Enter is required.
CRavitz Editor Basic Functions (1 of 2) C
F1 basic functions menu
Ms-Bl executes command/basic functions menu
F1-Help_system, Alt-F1 help system
F1-File,print,dos, F2 file, print, DOS menu
F1-General, F4 general menu
F1-Position, F3 position menu
F1-line_eXclude, F5 line exclude menu
F1-Documents, F6 documents menu
F1-fInd/change, F7 find/change menu
F1-Mod_mk_contents, F8 modify mark contents menu
F1-Copy,del,fill_mk, F9 copy, fill, del mark menu
F1-Order_lines, F10 order lines menu
DRavitz Editor Basic Functions (2 of 2) D
F1-Ascii_code, Alt-A enters an ASCII code
To enter any character, press Alt-A and enter a three digit code from 000 to
F1-Erase_end_line, Alt-K erases end of line
F1-New_line, Alt-N inserts new line
F1-Reshow, Alt-R redisplays line/reshows excluded lines
F1-Split/join, Alt-S splits/joins lines
If the current line has text on or to the right of the cursor, Alt-S splits
the line at the cursor, otherwise the next line is joined at the cursor.
F1-Window_a/b, Alt-Z switches to window A/B
F1-delete_line, Ctrl-Bksp deletes non-excluded line
Break cancels printing, find/change all, sort, or macro
Enter executes command/moves cursor to col 1 of next line
Bksp, Del, Ins
ERavitz Editor File, Print, DOS (1 of 2) E
E <file <C/G><D><N/T>> edits file in new session
C look for current file first G go to file
D directory list
N without tab expansion T with tab expansion (default)
*, ?, or trailing \ or : in the file name implies a directory list.
F2-Edit_file, Alt-E edits file at cursor
F2-Directory, F2-edit_*, F2-dir_*
S <file <Q><D/I/B><T/N>> saves edit session
Q quit after save
D direct save B indirect save with .BAK file (default)
I indirect (safe) save
T with tab compression N without tab compression (default)
* or blank for the file name refers to the displayed name.
F2-Save, F2-sAve_+_quit
Q quits edit session/program
FRavitz Editor File, Print, DOS (2 of 2) F
P <file/device <M><X>> prints edit session
M print only the marked area
X ignore excluded lines
F2-print, F2-print_mark, F2-print_unex_mark, F2-Form_feed
N file sets session file name
F2-Next_session, Alt-Q switches to next edit session
F2-Trash_buffer switches to trash buffer session
D <DOS command> invokes a DOS shell
If you do not specify a DOS command then use EXIT to return from DOS to RE.
F2-dos, F2-dos_*
GRavitz Editor General Functions (1 of 2) G
F3_Unmark, Alt-U unmarks marked area
F3-mark_Line, Alt-L marks line(s)
F3-mark_Block, Alt-B marks corner of block
F3-mark_Column marks column(s)
F3-mark_block_resize, F3-mark_column_resize, F3-mark_line_resize
Repeating these functions cycles through the possible resized marks.
F3-mark_all marks entire session
Combinations of different functions:
block column block to top/bottom
block line block to column 1/255
column block column with previous margins/word wrap margins
column line column to 1/255
line block block with previous margins/word wrap margins
line column line to top/bottom
The direction of the top/bottom and 1/255 combinations is based on the cursor
position relative to the start of the mark.
HRavitz Editor General Functions (2 of 2) H
F3-Highlight_csr, Alt-H highlights cursor
Alt-P sets/removes position mark
To set the position mark (only on a text line), press Alt-P. To remove it,
move the cursor to the position mark and press Alt-P.
F3-set_Pos_mark, F3-remove_ps_mk
Alt-Z sets single line/double line/character drawing mode
F3-single_draw, F3-double_draw, F3-char_draw, F3-draw_md_off
F3-Recall_cmd_up, Alt-Y recalls commands
F3-split_screen splits screen at the cursor
F3-unsplit_screen unsplits screen
IRavitz Editor Position Functions I
F4-Bot_of_file, Ctrl-End moves cursor to bottom of file
F4-Top_of_file, Ctrl-Home to top of file
F4-End_of_line, End to end of line
Esc, Ms-Br to command line/text area
F4-Start_of_line, Home to beginning of line
F4-up_outline, Alt-7 to prev line that starts on or left of cursor
F4-down_outline, Alt-8 to next line that starts on or left of cursor
any line number to a specific line
Alt-G to position/area/bottom of area mark
F4-go_Pos_mk, F4-go_Ar_mk_ul, F4-go_ar_mk_ll
Left, Right, Up, Down, Tab, Left Tab
F4-scroll_Left, Alt-- scrolls screen left to cursor/full screen
F4-scroll_Right, Alt-= right to cursor/full screen
F4-scroll_lf_1, Ctrl-Left left one column
F4-scroll_rt_1, Ctrl-Right right one column
F4-scroll_dn_1, Ctrl-PgDn down one line
F4-scroll_up_1, Ctrl-PgUp up one line
F4-scroll_Up, PgDn down to cursor/full screen
F4-scroll_Down, PgUp up to cursor/full screen
JRavitz Editor Line Exclude (1 of 2) J
F5-ex_mark_indent, Alt-X excludes lines by indentation
To exclude or show a group of lines based on indentation, mark the lines with
an area mark, position the cursor, and press Alt-X. If the cursor is inside
the mark then all lines that are blank from the left side of the mark up to
the cursor column are excluded. All other lines are shown. If the cursor is
outside the mark then all lines are shown.
F5-ex_Indent excludes entire session by indentation
F5-ex_Para, F5-ex_mark_para excludes lines by paragraph
Paragraph exclude functions exclude all but the first line in each paragraph,
that is lines that are non-blank within the mark and follow lines that are
blank within the mark.
F5-show_group, Alt-R reshows excluded group
KRavitz Editor Line Exclude (2 of 2) K
F5-Show_all, F5-show_Mark shows lines
F5-ex_mark excludes lines in mark
F5-Reverse_ex, F5-reverse_ex_mark reverses excluded status on each line
F5-show_Changes shows new and modified lines since start
of session
F5-ex_One_line excludes one line
F5-show_First_line, F5-show_Last_line shows first or last line from group
F5-ex_children excludes lines indented under current
Alt-6 excludes/unexcludes children
F5-show_one_level excludes current group one column to the
right of the leftmost nonblank
F5-show_*, F5-show_mark_* sets up Find Show command
F5-save_ex, F5-restore_ex saves and restores excluded state
LRavitz Editor Document Processing (1 of 2) L
W <<col1> col2> sets word wrap margins
F6-set_left_margin, F6-set_right_margin sets margins at cursor position
F6-margins_off, F6-Margins_*_*
F6-flow_mark, Alt-F flows text
F6-rt_Justify_mk, Alt-J flows text with right justification
F6-flow_mark_list flows text into list
To flow a group of lines, set an area mark covering the lines with the left
and right sides of the mark at the flow margins. To get a special position for
the first word, move the cursor to that position (on the first line of the
mark, not with flow list). Then run a flow function.
F6-Flow_para, F6-rt_Justify_para reflows paragraph
Paragraph flow functions flow a paragraph, delimited by blank lines, to the
current margins, with the cursor marking the first line indentation.
MRavitz Editor Document Processing (2 of 2) M
T <1/2/c1 c2 ../A l c> sets the tab key function
1 tab set 1 (default)
2 tab set 2
c1 c2 .. tabs at columns c1, c2, .. (2 columns required)
A l c auto tabs, l lines, c max columns
F6-Date, F6-Time overlays date, time at the cursor
NRavitz Editor Find/Change N
F string <F/L/N/P><A/H/S><M><U/X><B/E/W><C> finds string
C string1 string2 <F/L/N/P><A/H/S><M><U/X><B/E/W><C> changes string1 to string2
F first L last N next P previous
A all H hide all S show all
M only in marked area
U ignore unex lines X ignore ex lines
B beginning of word E end of word W word
C check capitalization
* or blank for the strings refers to the displayed values.
* for the options refers to the displayed values.
Strings are delimited by blanks, apostrophes, or quotes.
F7-repeat_Find, Alt-1 repeats current find
F7-repeat_Change, Alt-2 repeats current change
ORavitz Editor Modify Mark Contents O
Alt-V moves text to center/left/right of the mark
F8-Center, F8-center_unex
F8-Left_side, F8-left_side_unex
F8-Right_side, F8-right_side_unex
F8-Upper, F8-upper_unex uppercases marked text
F8-Lower, F8-lower_unex lowercases marked text
F8-upper_First, F8-upper_first_unex uppercases first letter of words in mark
F8-shift_left, Alt-8 shifts marked text left one column
F8-shift_right, Alt-9 shifts marked text right one column
F8-shift_up, F8-shift_up_unex shifts marked text up one line
F8-shift_down, F8-shift_down_unex shifts marked text down one line
PRavitz Editor Copy, Delete, Fill Mark (1 of 2) P
F9-Copy_lines, Alt-C copies marked LINES below cursor
Alt-D deletes marked lines/block
F9-delete_lines, F9-delete_ex_lines, F9-delete_unex_lines
F9-delete_block, F9-delete_unex_block
F9-Insert, Alt-I inserts area mark at the cursor
F9-Move_lines, Alt-9 moves marked LINES below cursor
F9-Overlay, Alt-O overlays area mark at the cursor
F9-merge overlays area mark at the cursor where target is blank
QRavitz Editor Copy, Delete, Fill Mark (2 of 2) Q
F9-fill_num_ln_pt, Alt-3 fills marked area with numeric line pattern
To fill a marked area from the cursor to the bottom of the mark with a line
pattern, enter the pattern and press Alt-3. If the cursor is on a number then
the number will be incremented in the cursor column.
F9-blank, Alt-4 fills marked area with blanks
F9-fill_block_pat, Alt-5 fills marked area with rectangular pattern
To fill a marked area with a rectangular pattern, enter the pattern in the
upper left corner of the mark, put the cursor on the lower right corner of the
pattern, and press Alt-5.
RRavitz Editor Order Lines R
O A/D/R I/X <C> Orders marked lines
A ascending sort by value of marked columns
D descending sort by value of marked columns
R reverse lines
I order lines independently
X keep excluded lines with parent
C sorts by ASCII code
One of A, D, and R and one of I and X must be chosen.
U Basic
Help system File,print,dos <f2 line eXclude <f5 Mod mk contents <f8
General <f3 Document proc <f6 Copy,del,fill mk <f9
Position <f4 fInd/change <f7 Order lines <f10
Window a/b <a-w
Split/join <a-s Reshow <a-r Erase end line <a-k
New line <a-n Ascii code <a-a delete line <c-bs help
V File, Print, DOS
Edit file <a-e edit * print dos
Directory dir * print mark dos *
name * print unex mark
Save Form feed
sAve + quit Next session <a-q
Quit Previous session Trash buffer help
W General
mark Block <a-b mark block resize split screen Recall cmd up <a-y
mark Line <a-l mark line resize unsplit screen recall cmd dn
mark Column mark column resize single draw <a-z1 Highlight csr <a-h
mark All double draw <a-z2 free memory
Unmark <a-u set Pos mark <a-p1 char draw <a-z3
remove ps mk <a-p2 draw md off <a-z4 help
X Position
Start of line <hm scroll Up <pgup scroll up 1 <c-pgup go Pos mk <a-g1
End of line <end scroll Down <pgdn scroll dn 1 <c-pgdn go Ar mk ul <a-g2
Top of file <c-hm go ar mk ll <a-g3
Bot of file <c-en scroll Left <a-- scroll lf 1 <c-lf
up outline <a-7 scroll Right <a-= scroll rt 1 <c-rt
down outline <a-8 help
Y Line Exclude
Show all ex One line show Mark show *
ex Indent show First line ex mark show mark *
ex Para show Last line ex mark indent <a-x save ex
Reverse ex show group ex unex mark indent restore ex
show Changes ex children <a-61 ex mark para
show one level reverse ex mark help
1 Document Processing
margin 1..70 Flow para flow mark <a-f Date
set Left margin rt Justify para rt justify mk <a-j Time
set Right margin flow mark list
Margins * * tab *
margins Off help
2 Find/Change
repeat Find <a-1 find * find All * change * *
repeat Change <a-2 find first * find Show * chg all * *
find last * find show mark * chg all word * *
find mark first * chg all mark * *
find mark last * chg all mk word * *
3 Modify Mark Contents
shift left <a-9 shift up Center <a-v1 Uppercase
shift left unex shift up unex center unex uppercase unex
shift right <a-0 shift down Left side <a-v2 lowercase
shift right unex shift down unex left side unex lowercase unex
Right side <a-v3 uppercase First
help right side unex uppercase first unex
4 Copy, Delete, Fill Mark
Copy lines <a-c Insert <a-i delete lines <a-d1 blank <a-4
copy unex lines insert unex delete ex lines blank unex
Move lines <a-m Overlay <a-o delete unex lines fill num ln pt <a-3
move unex lines overlay unex delete block <a-d2 fill num ln pt unex
merge delete unex block fill block pat <a-5
help merge unex fill block pat unex
5 Order Lines
ascend ind ascend ind code reverse ind
ascend ex ascend ex code reverse ex
descend ind descend ind code
descend ex descend ex code