The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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516 lines
| Code.Print for Visual Basic
| Copyright(c) 1991, 1992
| Caladonia Systems, Inc.
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Caladonia Systems, Inc. CPVB.DOC
HOW Code.Print for Visual Basic PRINTS...................4
PRINTING FROM PROJECT MAKE FILES.........................4
PRINTING SINGLE FILES....................................5
PRINTING SINGLE ROUTINES.................................5
CONFIGURATION AND OPTIONS................................6
MENU FILE COMMAND........................................9
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Caladonia Systems, Inc. CPVB.DOC
Code.Print for Visual Basic is designed to provide the
developer with an affordable, capable tool to produce easily
maintainable presentation quality source code documentation.
Code.Print for Visual Basic provides the user with a rich
set of printing options:
Header/Footer Options:
Date and Time
Project Name
File Name
Header/Footer Notes
Routine Name
Page Numbers
Continuous page numbering
Starting Page
Three header lines for additional notes
Three footer lines
Page and Output Options:
Line Spacing
Top, Bottom, Left and Right Margin Control
Sort Output by Sub-Routine
Sort File by Sub-Routine
Serialize Backups
Page Breaks on New Routines
Fit Subroutine on Page
Background Printing
Bold Routine Name
Subroutine Index
Individual fonts, styles, and sizes can be designated for
Header/Footer, Procedure Title, Comment, and Code lines.
Any font available to the printer is available for your
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HOW Code.Print for Visual Basic PRINTS:
Code.Print for Visual Basic does not print directly from
Visual Basic .FRM or .BAS files. These files are in a
proprietary binary format and thus are not decodable for
printing purposes.
Code.Print for Visual Basic prints from .TXT files created
in Visual Basic with the CODE SAVE TEXT command. Files
created in this manner are readable by Code.Print for Visual
Basic. Although Code.Print prints only text files, it does
try to determine what Visual Basic source file (.FRM or .BAS)
the text file belongs to and uses the source file name in the
printed output and print status box.
Note: Although you can create your text files by hand using
the SAVE TEXT command, a utility is available from Caladonia
Systems, TexMake, that automates this generation process.
Users can print files created with other editors provided
they are in TEXT format. Be sure to set the sort options
off and set the comment font attributes the same as your
code font settings if you want to print non-program source
code text files.
Code.Print for Visual Basic is capable of reading project
MAK files. By selecting a MAK file in the File List Box,
Code.Print for Visual Basic builds a sorted list of all
forms and modules and proceeds to find and print all
associated TXT code files available. This enables the user
to print an entire application with one command.
To print from a project make file, select the MAK file you
want in the FILE list box. (You can also type the name of
the file in the text box directly. Be sure to include the
.MAK extension.) Select FILE PRINT (Ctrl-P) to start
When Code.Print for Visual Basic prints from a MAK file,
page numbers increment continuously until the end of the
print job if Countinuous is checked in the Header/Footer
Options group. Otherwise page numbers reset to the starting
page with each new text file. Page number references in
the index reflect whatever page numbering method was used.
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Although Visual Basic allows you to have a form and module
with the same name in a project (ie. SAMPLE.FRM and
SAMPLE.BAS,) only one of the files can have a text code file
(ie. SAMPLE.TXT) Code.Print for Visual Basic will print the
text file twice, once for each occurrence of the root name
in the project make file. To avoid this confusion, give
each form and module file in a project a unique name.
To print a single file, select the TXT file you want in the
FILE list box.
(You can also type the name of the file in the text box
directly. Be sure to include the .TXT extension.)
Select FILE PRINT (Ctrl-P) to start printing.
To print a single procedure within a code file, select the
TXT file you want in the FILE list box.
(You can also type the name of the file in the text box
directly. Be sure to include the .TXT extension.)
Code.Print will scan the file and make a sorted list of the
procedures it finds. This list appears in the PROCEDURES
box. The default procedure is [All].
Select the procedure you wish to print and then select FILE
PRINT (Ctrl-P) to start printing.
Select [Declarations] to print only the declarations section
of a TXT file.
Code.Print for Visual Basic does not print an index when
printing single routines.
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windows are identical in appearance and use. The two
differ in that startup configuration settings are saved
to disk and are set when the program loads.
CURRENT SETTINGS enables you to change any settings
during the current session. They remain in effect until
changed or the program is exited.
The CURRENT SETTINGS window also contains a
command button labeled DEFAULT. Pressing DEFAULT
resets all options to pre-set values.
Saving Configurations and Settings:
If you are in the CURRENT SETTINGS window, settings are
saved as they are changed. The OK button restores the
Main Window.
CANCEL buttons. Pressing SAVE will write the
configuration settings to disk. Pressing CANCEL
will exit the window without saving the changes.
Header/Footer Options:
Date and Time - Check this box to print Date and Time.
Project Name - Check this box to print Project Name.
Project Name Text - If Project Name is checked you
can enter text into the Project Name Text box.
File Name - Check this box to print TXT file name.
Include Path - Check this box to print the full path
name of the file.
Header/Footer Notes - Check this box to print header
and footer notes, if they exist.
Header/Footer Border Lines - Check this box to print
horizontal lines that separate the header and footer from
the source code print area.
Print Routine Name - Check this box to print the name
of the routine on the title line.
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Page Numbers - Check this box to print page numbers.
Continuous - Check this box to print page numbers
without resetting to 1 at the start of a new file.
This option works only when printing from a MAK file.
Starting Page - Enter the page number to start (default 1).
Date, Project, Filename, Header Notes, and Print Routine
Name can be limited to print on the First Page Only for
each TXT file. Check the Page 1 Only box next to the
option you want to limit.
Individual fonts, styles, and sizes can be designated for
Header/Footer, Procedure Title, Comment, and Code lines.
Any font available to the printer is available for your
selection but must first be assigned to the Code.Print
font set. (See Font Setup.)
To change a font, press the FONT list button. Select the
desired font by double clicking on it.
Font Sizes:
To select a font size, press the SIZE list button for the
font you want to change. Select the size you want.
Code.Print for Visual Basic currently lacks the ability to
determine what sizes are actually available for any given
printer font (an environmental problem the folks at
Microsoft are working on). The list presented is most
likely to be available. If the size selected is not
available Code.Print for Visual Basic will select the
nearest usable size.
Font Styles:
To select a font style check the appropriate style box.
There are style check boxes for BOLD, ITALIC,
and UNDERLINE. Normal style is the default when
no styles are checked.
Headers and Footers:
Header Note Lines - To enter/edit header note lines press
the EDIT HEADER/FOOTER command button. Code.Print for
Visual Basic will display the current header lines. Edit as
you need and press OK when done.
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Footer Note Lines - To enter/edit footer note lines press
the EDIT HEADER/FOOTER command button.
Code.Print for Visual Basic will display the current
footer lines. Edit as you need and press OK when done.
Page and Output Setup:
To change the Page and Output Setup press the
Code.Print for Visual Basic will display the Page and
Output Options form. Press OK when finished.
Margins - Enter the size of the margins (Select in or cm)
Sort Output - Check this box to print the routines in each
file in alphabetical order.
Sort File - Check this box to sort the TXT file by
procedure. Code.Print for Visual Basic preserves the
declarations section at the top of the file.
Serialize Backups - When Code.Print for Visual Basic sorts a
TXT file it creates a backup of the original TXT file. If
SERIALIZE BACKUPS is checked, Code.Print for Visual Basic
copies the original file to a file with the next logical
serialized extension. For example, with a file called
SAMPLE.TXT, say the last backup created is SAMPLE.V05.
The next backup file that Code.Print for Visual Basic
makes will be SAMPLE.V06. Versions go from V00 to V99 and
then start over. If SERIALIZE BACKUPS is not checked the
backup file always has the extension of BAK.
Page Break on New Subroutine - Check this box to start a
new page for each new procedure encountered.
Fit Subroutine on Page - Check this box to insure that any
routine that is larger then can be printed on the current
page will be printed starting at the top of the next page.
This option is not available if Page Break on New Subroutine
is checked.
Line Spacing - Enter the line spacing you want (Default 1)
Print Subroutine Index - Check this box to print an index of the
procedures printed during a print job. The index lists the
procedure name, file, and page number where the procedure
was printed. When printing from a MAK file, the index list
is alphabetized based on the entire list of procedures
encountered during the print run. Indexes are not available
when printing single procedures.
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Print While Processing - Check this box to release output to
the Print Manager as soon as each TXT file is completed.
This option will allow you to split the output of a MAK file
print job into several individual print files rather than
one very large print file. It will also allow you to print
in background while Code.Print processes the files.
Bold Routine Name - Check this box to highlight the name of
each subroutine or function in the printout. Make sure your
code font is not set to bold, otherwise you will see no
difference in the output.
To improve performance, Code.Print for Visual Basic uses
a sub-set of the total fonts available to the system.
Since normal operation of Code.Print for Visual Basic
requires only a few fonts be available at any given moment
a substantial improvement in performance can be realized
by referencing this small sub-set rather than the total
fonts available. This is especially true in cases where
the total number of fonts available is very large.
To assign fonts to the Code.Print font set, select OPTIONS
The Font Setup window has two list boxes. On the left is
a list of unassigned fonts available. On the right is a
list of the current assigned Code.Print fonts. Double
clicking on a font (or highlighting and pressing ENTER)
will move the font from one list to the other. When you
are finished with your selections, press SAVE to set the
Code.Print font set to the assigned list. The CANCEL
button exits the Font Setup window without changing the
current assigned font list.
If you do not assign any fonts to the assigned font list
Code.Print will set the default font to Courier.
Print - Select this option to start a print job. You can
also use the quick key Ctrl-P.
Print Setup - Select this option to access the Print Setup
Dialog Box
Exit - Select this option to exit the program.
You can also use the quick key Ctrl-X or select CLOSE from
the control box menu on the Code.Print for Visual Basic main
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