The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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INI File
151 lines
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; Sample Installation Script -- 012294
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; The [infofile] section describes the name of the information
; file that is shown when the program starts up. The appname
; label is used to refer to the name of the application being
; installed.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
filename = README
appname = SAMPLE APPL
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; The [dialog caption] section is used to define the caption
; of the windows that shown in the INSTALL program.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
caption = "Sample Installation"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; The [data defdir] section defines the default directory. This
; directory is placed in the Install location editbox when the
; program starts. If the user does not change it, then this
; will be the base directory of the installation.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
defdir = C:\SAMPLE
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section is used to define each floppy disk.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
1 =., "INSTALL"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section tells INSTALL how much space is needed on the
; target disk to do a successful installation. The user will
; get an error message if they try to install to a disk that
; has less space.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
minspace = 40000
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section describes the install directories. In the
; example below, the first two entries define application
; specific directories. The #app.main directory will be the
; base directory defined by the user (or the default as
; described above). The #app.sub1 directory will cause a
; directory called sub1 to be created off of the base directory.
; The #app.sub2 directory will create a subdirectory off of the
; sub1 directory that was created first. Make sure that these
; dependant subdirectories are created in a logical manner, in
; effect: list sub1 first, and sub2 after it.
; The third and fourth entries refer to the two Windows
; specific directories: \WINDOWS and \WINDOWS\SYSTEM.
; INSTALL will find these directories and copy the specified
; files into them.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
#app.main, 0:
#app.sub1, 0:sub1
#app.sub2, 0:sub1\sub2
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the file list for the base directory. The format is
; as follows: [Disk Number]:[File Name], "Descriptive text to
; display while file is being copied"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the file list for the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
1:README, "Readme File"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the file list for the \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
1:INSTALL.TXT, "Install Doc File"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the file list for the sub directory located off of
; the base directory.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
1:APPSETUP.INF, "Application Configuration File"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This is the file list for the sub directory located off of
; the directory created above.
; -------------------------------------------------------------
1:README, "Readme File"
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section describes the Program Group to be created and
; uses the following format: Group Label, Group Filename
; -------------------------------------------------------------
Bob Dolan Shareware, BOBDOLAN.GRP
; -------------------------------------------------------------
; This section describes the Program Item Icon to add to the
; Program Group defined in the section heading and uses the
; following format: Item Label, Item Filename
; If a filename is specified without a path, then the file must
; have been installed in the main directory. Otherwise you can
; specify a path with the filename and the icon in the Program
; group will be derived from there. Note that the path must be
; a relative path and will be based from the main directory. An
; example of the latter format is shown below:
; -------------------------------------------------------------
[Bob Dolan Shareware]