The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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Text File
6,382 lines
This file contains the instruction manual for BIBLOGIC in
printable form.
It is formatted for printing on an ASCII compatible
80-column printer with 66 or more lines per page. The file
contains form-feed characters between pages.
Bibliographic Reference
Database Program
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Biblogic Computer Services
P.O. Box 1424
Thousand Oaks
CA 91358-0424
The BIBLOGIC Bibliographic Database Program was designed by
The manual was written by STEPHEN CHAMPION and was revised by
The program was written by STEPHEN CHAMPION using the Clipper
compiler by Nantucket Corporation.
BIBLOGIC Computer Services would like to thank the users of this
program for their suggestions, support and encouragement during
the development of the program and manual.
Manual first printed December 1987.
Revised April 1989, January 1992, June 1992.
Copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992
Stephen Champion, Biblogic Computer Services.
All rights reserved.
No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted,
transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any
other language, in whole or in part, in any form or by any means,
whether it be electronic, mechanical, magnetic, optical, manual
or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the
publisher and copyright owner.
Biblogic Computer Services believes that the information
contained in this manual is correct. However, Biblogic Computer
Services reserves the right to revise this manual and make
periodic changes to the content, without any obligation to notify
any person of such revisions or changes. Biblogic Computer
Services does not assume responsibility for the use of this
manual or software.
The software supplied with this manual contains valuable trade
secrets and proprietary information. Unauthorized use of this
manual or the software can result in prosecution.
IBM is a trademark of International Business Machines Corp.
Clipper is a trademark of Nantucket Corporation.
Medline & DIALOG are trademarks of the respective on-line
service providers.
CompuServe Mail is the trademark of CompuServe Incorporated.
BIBLOGIC is a trademark of Biblogic Computer Services.
Other trademarks are the trademarks of their respective
trademark owners
Biblogic Computer Services is a registered business name in the
state of Queensland, Australia and at Thousand Oaks, California
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION...............................................1
1.1. ABOUT THIS MANUAL.....................................1
1.2. THE DEMO PROGRAM......................................1
1.3. FEATURES OF BIBLOGIC..................................2
1.4. TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS................................3
1.5. DISCLAIMER & AGREEMENT................................3
1.6. SUPPORT POLICY........................................5
1.7. INSTALLING THE BIBLOGIC PROGRAM.......................5
1.7.1. Installing from floppy disks...................6
1.7.2. Installing from downloaded files...............7
2. LEARNING TO USE THE BIBLOGIC PROGRAM.......................8
2.1. HOW TO USE THIS MANUAL................................8
2.2. UPGRADING TO THE LATEST VERSION.......................8
2.3.1. The screen.....................................9
2.3.2. The keyboard...................................9
2.3.3. Menus.........................................10
2.3.4. File names....................................11
2.3.5. Databases.....................................11
2.3.6. Records.......................................13
2.3.7. Data input....................................13
2.3.8. The "Print-Screen" function...................13
2.4.1. How to input a book reference.................15
2.4.2. How to input a review.........................16
2.4.3. How to input an article reference.............18
2.4.4. Cursor movements..............................19 Cursor movement between fields.......19 Cursor movement between records......19
2.4.5. Editing a reference...........................20
2.4.6. Examining a reference.........................21
2.4.7. Generating a reference list...................21
2.4.8. Modifying the format of references............22
3. DESIGNING THE CATEGORY STRUCTURE..........................25
3.1. WHY USE A CATEGORY STRUCTURE ?.......................25
3.2. BIBLOGIC CATEGORY STRUCTURES.........................26
3.3. TYPES OF CATEGORY STRUCTURES.........................26
3.3.1. Hierarchical tree structures..................26
3.3.2. Matrices......................................27
3.5.1. Multiple users................................38
3.5.2. Chapters......................................38
3.5.3. Critical dates................................39
3.5.4. Marking references............................39
3.5.5. Zero as a topic code..........................39
3.5.6. Other uses....................................39
3.5.7. Partial categorization........................40
4.1. PREPARING TO INPUT REAL REFERENCES ..................41
4.1.1. Making a list of journals.....................41
4.1.2. Printing the current journal list.............43
4.2. INPUTTING REFERENCES.................................44
4.3. INPUTTING REVIEWS....................................44
4.4. LISTS................................................45
4.5. MODIFYING THE PRINT FORMAT...........................46
4.6. DEVELOPING A BACKUP STRATEGY.........................48
4.7.1. Specific features.............................49
5. BIBLOGIC REFERENCE........................................50
5.1. STARTING BIBLOGIC....................................50
5.2. THE BOOKS MENU.......................................52
5.2.1. Add - Add new book references.................52
5.2.2. Special features..............................55 Moving the cursor between names......55 Copying a previous reference.........55 Checking for duplicates..............56
5.2.3. Inputting a review............................57
5.2.4. Edit - Change a book reference................58 Editing by reference number..........58 Editing with searches................58 Special author searches..............59
5.2.5. Examine - Look at existing book references....60
5.3. THE ARTICLES MENU....................................61
5.3.1. Add - Add new journal article references......61 Special features.....................63
5.3.2. Edit - Change existing references.............63
5.3.3. Examine - Look at existing references.........63
5.4. THE REVIEWS MENU.....................................64
5.4.1. Add - Add new reviews.........................64 Special Features.....................64
5.4.2. Edit - Change existing reviews................64
5.5. THE LISTS MENU.......................................66
5.5.1. References - List full references.............66
5.5.2. Comments with number..........................68
5.5.3. Comments with authors.........................68
5.5.4. Comments with reference.......................68
5.5.5. Journals - List journal titles................69
5.5.6. Manual list...................................70
5.6. THE SET-UP MENU......................................71
5.6.1. Configuration.................................71
5.6.2. New journal list..............................73
5.6.3. Edit journal list.............................73
5.6.4. New database..................................74
5.6.5. New print format..............................74
5.6.6. Edit print format.............................80
5.6.7. Set numbers...................................80
5.6.8. Medline/DIALOG conversions....................80 Medline..............................81 DIALOG...............................82
5.7. THE UTILITIES MENU...................................83
5.7.1. Import........................................83
5.7.2. Export........................................83
5.7.3. Pack database.................................84
5.7.4. Topic code changes............................84 Add column...........................84 Delete column........................84 Individual substitutions.............85
5.7.5. Register......................................86
5.8. EXIT.................................................86
A. Installing BIBLOGIC on disk drives other than C:..........87
B. Running BIBLOGIC from other directories...................88
C. Field sizes...............................................90
D. Comments field editing....................................93
E. Backing up, considerations for advanced users.............95
F. The SOUNDEX algorithm.....................................97
G. On-screen topic help......................................99
H. Special effects codes for new word processors............100
The BIBLOGIC bibliographic database program is a
research/writing tool which allows the user to store, retrieve
and print bibliographic information and associated remarks. The
program can generate selected reference lists in many styles to
satisfy the requirements of different publishing bodies. It also
allows users to organize their own notes on references. The
comments on a particular concept may then be selectively combined
into a single document for further word processing. BIBLOGIC is
compatible with most word processors.
The program was initially written to meet the needs of PhD
candidates who found that existing programs fell short of their
requirements. Since the first version of this program was
released, it has been refined to incorporate many suggestions
from its users. The program is currently being used in
universities, hospitals and government departments, by
researchers in a wide range of disciplines.
In order to benefit as many users as possible, BIBLOGIC is
distributed as "Shareware". Shareware distribution gives you a
chance to try BIBLOGIC before buying it. If you try BIBLOGIC and
continue using it, you must register your copy.
When you register your copy, you will receive the right to
support via fax, mail or CompuServe Mail. You will also be able
to receive low-cost updates. See page 3 for details of how to
register your copy.
BIBLOGIC is NOT public domain software. It is copyrighted
software and, in evaluating or using it, you must adhere to the
terms set out in the agreement (see page 3).
Since this manual is supplied on disk, its size and the use
of diagrams is limited. This manual does, however, describe all
of the features of BIBLOGIC in full.
It is strongly recommended that, if you have not already
done so, you run the demonstration program included in the
package. This provides a quick overview of how BIBLOGIC works and
the manual will be much clearer to you if you have run the demo
program. A batch file DEMO.BAT is included so that (once you have
installed BIBLOGIC) you can just type "DEMO" at the DOS prompt in
the BIBLOGIC directory to do this.
BIBLOGIC incorporates a number of unique features:
* articles are categorized by a hierarchical numbering system
which is defined by the user. Retrieval is therefore much
easier than using keywords. The categories are chosen by the
user, so they closely match the natural divisions in the
papers being prepared.
* The user's comments on the articles (reviews) are kept in a
different area from the references themselves, along with
the category numbers. The user, or users, may therefore
enter multiple reviews for a single reference and so call up
reviews on different aspects of an article independently.
Comments on particular topics can be extracted from the
database and put into a document file for editing with a
word processor.
* Output from the program is in the form of text files which
can be directly read into most word processors. The program
can be configured to output the correct formatting
characters so that "special effects" such as bold,
underline, italics and so on are automatically included in
the output file (of course, your word processor and printer
have to be able to handle these effects !).
* References can be printed in many different formats to
satisfy the requirements of different journals. Hence,
producing a list in the format:
SMITH AB, JONES DF and PARKER CV (1984).......
is just as easy as:
A. B. Smith, D. F. Jones & C. V. Parker, (1984)......
This enables the same bibliographic information to be
readily included in articles submitted to different
* Journal titles are handled so that all references to the
same journal are exactly the same. The particular
abbreviation used for a journal name can easily be changed
for submission to different journals.
* Provisions for inserting "Cited by" references are provided.
* The user may develop several databases on one computer,
using a single copy of the program. A database can contain
several thousand references.
* The import and export features of BIBLOGIC allow the
contents of one BIBLOGIC database to be added to another. A
selected list of references can be exported to form a
separate database.
* Information from certain on-line database services can be
read into a BIBLOGIC database.
* A number of different search methods allow the user to
locate a particular reference, even when it has been
incompletely categorized. For example, the user may search
for references with a particular word in the title and
examine them on-screen.
* References from the BIBLOGIC database can be listed
alphabetically, by year, or in an arbitrary order selected
by the user.
The program runs on an IBM XT, or true compatible, running
DOS 2.1 or later. The machine must have a hard disk drive and a
minimum of 640k of memory. It is recommended that you install the
program on a disk with more than about 2 megabytes of free space.
Although the program itself does not take up this much room, a
typical database of several thousand references does take up
quite a bit of space.
Users of BIBLOGIC must accept the following disclaimer of
BIBLOGIC is a "shareware program" and is provided at no
charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with
your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part
of another system. The essence of "user-supported" software is to
provide personal computer users with quality software without
high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to
continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful
and find that you are using BIBLOGIC and continue to use BIBLOGIC
after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration
payment of $47 to Biblogic Computer Services at:
Biblogic Computer Services
P.O. Box 1424
Thousand Oaks
CA 91358-0424
Please make check or money order payable to "Biblogic
Checks should be in US dollars and drawn on a US bank.
Special note:
We can now accept checks (or cheques!) in Pounds Sterling drawn
on a UK bank or Australian Dollars drawn on an Australian bank.
Please use prevailing exchange rates to calculate the correct
equivalent of US$47.
The $47 registration fee will license one copy for use on
any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software
just like a book. Specifically, this software may be used by any
number of people and may be freely moved from one computer
location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it
being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just
as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same
Commercial or institutional users of BIBLOGIC must register
and pay for their copies of BIBLOGIC within 30 days of first use
or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be
made by contacting Biblogic Computer Services.
Anyone distributing BIBLOGIC for any kind of remuneration
must be authorized by Biblogic Computer Services. Please see
VENDOR.DOC for full details.
This authorization will automatically be granted to
distributors recognized by the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP) as adhering to its guidelines for shareware
distributors, and such distributors may begin offering BIBLOGIC
immediately (However Biblogic Computer Services must still be
advised so that the distributor can be kept up-to-date with the
latest version of BIBLOGIC.).
You are encouraged to pass a copy of BIBLOGIC along to your
friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their
copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users
receive the right to support via fax, mail or CompuServe Mail.
They are also eligible to receive low-cost updates.
Biblogic Computer Services undertakes to support registered
users of BIBLOGIC by answering queries relating to the program by
fax, mail or CompuServe Mail.
Biblogic Computer Services' policy on support is as follows.
It is subject to change without notice.
1) Support is limited to registered users only. In the case of
site licenses, a single contact person will be designated.
Requests for support must include the serial number given at
the time of registration.
2) Requests for support must be by mail, fax or CompuServe
3) All support requests from registered users will be
4) So far, it has not been necessary to limit the number of
support requests that a registered user may make. Biblogic
Computer Services reserves the right to limit the total
number of support requests or limit the period for which
support is available. In any case, limits will be in excess
of those recommended by the Association of Shareware
5) Biblogic Computer Services does not undertake to provide
support for programs other than Biblogic.
The method used to install BIBLOGIC depends on whether you
obtained the program on disks or by downloading from CompuServe
(or a BBS).
The disk version of the program includes an install program
which unpacks the package from compressed files, copies the files
to your hard disk, and modifies your CONFIG.SYS if required. You
may elect to alter your CONFIG.SYS manually if you prefer.
The download version of BIBLOGIC consists of two compressed
files, which you must decompress manually. You must also edit
your CONFIG.SYS file yourself.
The following instructions are for the most common type of
installation. If you have special requirements, please see page
87 and 88.
1.7.1. Installing from floppy disks
The installation program creates a subdirectory called
C:\BIBLOGIC and installs the program and example databases in
this subdirectory. The program itself and the databases you
create will all reside in this sub-directory. It is possible to
install the program in a directory other than "\BIBLOGIC" (see
page 88) if you have special reasons to do so.
The installation program will warn you if the directory that
you have chosen already contains a copy of BIBLOGIC.EXE. If you
are updating an old BIBLOGIC installation, please be sure to
follow the instructions in the README.DOC file in the new
package. The update instructions will ensure that you copy across
the new version of BIBLOGIC without overwriting any of your
existing files, which you may want to keep.
To begin installing the BIBLOGIC program, ensure your
computer is displaying the DOS prompt (for example "C:\>"). Place
the first BIBLOGIC distribution disk in drive A: and type:
Installation will then begin. Follow the instructions on the
screen. If you are using floppy drive B:, substitute B: for A: in
the above line.
When this process is complete, take out the distribution
disks and store it them in a safe place.
You may want to put the BIBLOGIC directory on the "path" so
that you can run it from any subdirectory. See page 88 for
details of how to do this.
If you intend to give a copy of BIBLOGIC to somebody for
evaluation, be sure to give them an exact copy of the
distribution disks and not a copy from your hard disk. This is
for two reasons. Firstly, it is a condition of your license
agreement that only complete and unaltered copies of the BIBLOGIC
package are distributed. Secondly, novice users may have
difficulty with a copy of the program which is not set-up EXACTLY
as on distribution disks, since this manual makes certain
assumptions about the way BIBLOGIC is set up in the tutorial
1.7.2. Installing from downloaded files
If you downloaded the BIBLOGIC package from CompuServe or a
BBS, it is installed as follows:
1) Create a directory called "\BIBLOGIC" in the root directory
on your hard disk.
2) Decompress both of the compressed files (BIBLOGI1 and
BIBLOGI2) into the new directory (some BBSs carry BIBLOGIC
as a single compressed file called BIBLOGIC).
3) Edit your CONFIG.SYS file to ensure that you have FILES=20
(minimum) and BUFFERS=15 (minimum).
4) Reboot your computer if you altered CONFIG.SYS.
Larger values for both files and buffers are permissible, but
will not necessarily make BIBLOGIC run any faster. Excessively
large values will reduce the amount of memory available to
BIBLOGIC to the extent that it will be unable to run. BIBLOGIC
will not function properly with smaller values.
If the CONFIG.SYS file on your disk already has larger
values than those shown above, leave them as they are because
they may be necessary for other software packages you already
have installed.
Ultimately you may want to put the BIBLOGIC directory on the
"path" so that you can run it from any subdirectory. See page 88
for details of how to do this.
This manual is separated into several sections.
The learning section provides a quick introduction to the
BIBLOGIC program and how to use its many features. It includes
basic information and practice examples.
The section on category structures outlines how to design a
category structure to suit your references.
The section entitled "Creating your own reference database"
explains how to input your own references. It is recommended that
you follow through these sections to learn how to use the
BIBLOGIC system quickly.
The reference section contains comprehensive explanations of
the various commands and features of the BIBLOGIC program. It is
organized menu by menu so you can easily find information.
The appendices which follow the reference section provide
technical information about the BIBLOGIC program.
Finally, a separate supplement (SUPPL.DOC) contains the
latest information regarding using particular word processors.
Since BIBLOGIC was first released, there have been many
additions and improvements to the program. This has occurred in
response to requests from BIBLOGIC users. As each new version is
released the changes are documented in a text file called
"README.DOC" which is supplied on the BIBLOGIC distribution
disks. This file also contains instructions on updating from one
version to another. To view the latest updates to the program put
the distribution disk in drive A: and type:
TYPE A:README.DOC then press the <Enter> key.
This file may also be printed using the DOS "Print" command
(see your DOS manual for details).
Before you start using the program you should familiarize
yourself with some basic principles. If you already use your
computer for other applications (such as word processing) much of
this will be familiar, but please read through this section as
there are some items which are specific to this program which you
should know.
2.3.1. The screen
In the BIBLOGIC program, text put on the screen by the
program is differentiated from text YOU have typed in by the way
the text is displayed. Text output by the program is output as
colored text on a black background (normal text) and text YOU
type in is usually shown as black text on a colored background
(reverse, or inverse video).
The cursor is a flashing "underline" symbol (_) which
appears on the screen to indicate the position at which the next
character you type will be put.
2.3.2. The keyboard
In this manual, text that YOU type in on the keyboard to
complete a specific task, is shown inside quotation marks. For
"BIBLOGIC <Enter>"
Special keys are shown inside angle brackets <>, shown as
you should find them marked on your keyboard. Everything else is
shown exactly as you should type it. Do not type the quotation
marks. Keyboards differ slightly, and you may find that certain
keys are marked differently on your keyboard. Some possible
variations are:
In this document: Some Keyboards:
<Enter> <Enter> <Return> or < <---' >
<Back Space> <Bsp> or < <-- >
<Ins> <Insert>
<Del> <Delete>
<Ctrl> <Control>
<Pg Up> <Page Up>
<Pg Dn> <Page Down>
The "arrow keys" which are used to move the cursor around
the screen are, on most keyboards, dual purpose keys which can
also be used for numeric input. These are an alternative to the
numbers above the QWERTYUIOP keys. To use these keys to move the
cursor around, the <Num Lock> must be off. This is turned on or
off by pressing the <Num Lock> key once. The <Num lock> light
shows the current state. On most computers the <Num Lock> is off
when the computer is first switched on. Some extended keyboards
have separate keys for numbers and arrows.
The <Ctrl> key ("Control" key) is used in a similar way to
the <Shift> key. For example, to obtain the sequence shown in
this text as <Ctrl Q>, press the <Ctrl> key, and while holding it
down, press the <Q> key. The keys can be released in any order.
The <Esc> key also has a special function. In most parts of
the program it can be used to "escape" from what you are doing
and return to the menu (see below). If the program is in the
middle of something very complicated it may be a little while
before it acknowledges your request to "escape". If there is a
delay, be patient, as one press of <Esc> will be enough to stop
the process. You may have to wait for the program to get to a
stage where it can safely escape from what it is doing in a tidy
The function keys <F1> to <F10> have special functions in
certain parts of the program. These functions are described in
the appropriate part of the reference section of this manual.
If you hold any key down for more than a very short time,
the "auto-repeat" function of your computer will be activated.
This function makes the keyboard react as if you have pressed the
key many times in quick succession. Although this function is
quite useful when you are word processing (for example), it may
be confusing in a program like BIBLOGIC. Be careful not to rest
your fingers on the keys after pressing them.
2.3.3. Menus
The BIBLOGIC program is a menu driven system. This means
that it allows the user to control the program by selecting from
lists of options that are displayed on screen, rather than by
typing commands.
After the program is loaded, the program's MAIN menu page
will be displayed.
The menu names are shown across the top line of the screen.
The current menu (initially the BOOKS menu) is highlighted and
below the name of the menu, the sub-menu choices appear. To
access these menus, you may use one of two methods to move the
highlight from one menu name to another. You may use the left-
and right-arrow keys to move through the menus or you may select
a particular menu by pressing the letter corresponding to the
first letter of the menu name. The EXIT menu may also be reached
by pressing <Esc>.
Once a menu has been chosen, the particular option required
is selected by moving the highlight within the menu to the
required option with the up- and down-arrow keys. The item is
then selected by pressing the <Enter> key. Alternatively, the
required option may be selected by pressing the number alongside
the option. With this method you do not need to press <Enter> to
select the option. Since the menus are selected by letters and
the menu items by numbers, you can move freely around the options
with very few keystrokes.
As you move the highlight around the menu options, a one-
line description of what each option does appears in the middle
of the screen. At the bottom of the screen a box containing
information about the current status of the program is displayed.
This box tells you which database, which print format and which
journal list is currently selected. On a registered copy, the
registered owner's name is also displayed.
Note that, when you are required to input a response to a
question a "default" response will often be shown on the screen
where your response is to be typed. If this is the response you
wish to make, just press <Enter> to accept this answer.
2.3.4. File names
In a number of instances you will be asked to provide a name
for a file. For example, this will occur when copying or creating
a database. A file name consists of up to eight characters, a
period (full stop) and a further three characters. For example:
The last four characters are called the filename extension.
BIBLOGIC ALWAYS supplies the extension, so you must only type the
main part of the file name. It must consist of up to eight
letters and numbers, and no other characters can be a part of a
file name in BIBLOGIC. Note that although DOS allows the use of
certain punctuation symbols, BIBLOGIC does not.
2.3.5. Databases
The BIBLOGIC program can be used to maintain any number of
independent databases, providing there is enough space on the
disk. You can tell it which database to use with options on the
SET-UP menu. Let us initially consider a single database called
The database "EXAMPLE" would actually consist of several
files, the main ones being:
EXAMPLE.BKS Which will contain bibliographic details on
books, or chapters in books.
EXAMPLE.JAR Which will contain bibliographic information
on journal articles.
EXAMPLE.RVU Which will contain comments on the articles,
chapters and books, and information
categorizing them.
The database is split up in this way for two reasons.
Separating the bibliographic data of books and journals allows
savings in disk space. Separating notes and category information
(reviews) from the bibliographic information allows multiple
reviews on an article when this is appropriate. Although book and
journal information is stored in different files, the program
uses both of these files when compiling reference lists.
In addition to these files, the program also uses other
files which initially have the following names:
EXAMPLE.JLS Which will contain a numbered list of journal
EXAMPLE.PFF Which will contain details on how a reference
should be printed, including special codes to
produce effects such as bold, underline and
so on (if this is possible with the word
processor that you use).
If you are the only person using the system, you will
probably want to keep all of your information in a single
database. To satisfy the formatting requirements of different
journals to which you submit articles, you may need to use the
SET-UP menu to select different print format (.PFF) files. This
will allow you to easily vary the format of the printed reference
list (see page 74). You may also need to keep more than one
journal list (.JLS) file. Multiple lists would usually represent
the same set of journal names, but would contain different
abbreviations of the names to satisfy the conventions adopted in
different journals.
If there are several users utilizing the program with
multiple databases, you will use the options on the SET-UP menu
to allow you to switch between different databases. Hence there
will be several sets of files like those listed above.
As well as the files listed above which you will be aware of
when using the program, the program also maintains a number of
other files which are not directly "seen" by the user:
EXAMPLE.IJA Which are indexes to the database files which the
EXAMPLE.IRV program uses to locate information quickly when
EXAMPLE.IJL you request it.
EXAMPLE.DBT Containing text associated with EXAMPLE.RVU
EXAMPLE.NUM Containing information allowing the program to
properly assign numbers to your references.
2.3.6. Records
The databases are divided into RECORDS. Each record pertains
to a particular journal article or book, and consists of several
FIELDS. For example, in a record pertaining to a particular book,
there are separate fields for the chapter name, book title,
publisher, place of publication and so on.
2.3.7. Data input
When data is to be input into fields a "blank form" will be
displayed on the screen. Data is input by filling in the empty
boxes. Each box represents a field in the record and they are
labeled so you can identify them. Specific details of this
process are included in the examples later in this section.
2.3.8. The "Print-Screen" function
If you have an ASCII printer connected to port LPT1 of your
computer, DOS allows you to print the contents of the screen.
This is achieved by pressing the <Shift> key, holding it down,
and pressing the <PrtSc> key. All of the regular text that
appears on the screen will be printed. Note that graphics symbols
(lines and boxes) may not print properly on some printers.
The print screen function is very useful in BIBLOGIC when
using the "Examine existing reference" options. It can be used to
make a print out of the reference displayed on the screen. This
is useful as it provides the user with a hard copy of the
reference details, and in particular the reference number.
The easiest way to learn to use the BIBLOGIC program is by
example. This section contains examples which show you how to
input book and journal references and reviews. This section also
deals with extracting information from the database.
If you have just installed BIBLOGIC, it is set up to use a
database called "EXAMPLE". You can add fictitious references to
this database to practice using the program, and later delete the
database. Do not type fictitious references into BIBLOGIC when
somebody else has installed the program for their own use. You
may be adding to a real database.
After you have installed the program as instructed, first
make sure that you are "logged" onto the correct drive, by typing
(for example):
then go to the BIBLOGIC directory by typing:
Now run the program by typing:
When biblogic is run, there will be a short delay while the
program is loaded from the disk. You will then see a screen
giving copyright information. Read this screen and then press
<Enter> to continue.
A few seconds later the BIBLOGIC MAIN menu screen will be
displayed. This menu screen gives you access to all of the
BIBLOGIC menus. The menu options, listed below, are displayed
across the top of the MAIN menu screen. If instead you see
messages about missing files, the installation has not been
completed successfully, or your disk package is not complete.
Check that you have the correct values in your CONFIG.SYS file.
The BIBLOGIC MAIN menu options are:
2.4.1. How to input a book reference
At the MAIN menu you should see that "Books" is the
currently highlighted menu (if it is not, use the left- and
right-arrow keys to move the highlight to the BOOKS menu). The
options on the BOOKS menu are:
1. Add (new article references)
2. Edit (existing references)
3. Examine (existing references)
To input a new book or a chapter of a book select option 1
(Add). If the Add option on this menu is not already highlighted
use the up- or down-arrow keys to move the highlight to the Add
option, and then type <Enter> to select it. Alternatively, the
Add option can be selected by just pressing <1>.
The screen will clear and a reference form (record) with a
number of empty boxes (fields) will appear. These labeled fields
represent the bibliographic details that need to be filled in for
each reference.
At this stage you should enter a fictitious reference into
the example database that has been created for you to practice.
You can use the example given, or make up your own. The example
database will be erased after the completion of the tutorial
section. To fill in the Author fields, type in the following
names, using lower case letters. The program will automatically
substitute capitals in names where appropriate. After entering
the author's surname type <Enter> to move to the initial field.
Continue and type <Enter> on completion of each field in order to
move onto the next field. Press <Enter> without typing anything
else to skip over unused initial fields. For example, type:
Once you have finished entering the authors' names press
<Enter> instead of typing a surname to move into the Editor
fields. Type the editors' names:
After entering the editors' names, move on to the year by
pressing <Enter> in an empty editor surname field.
You will notice that, in the name fields, the program
automatically capitalizes the first letter of the surnames and
the initials. You must do your own capitalization for all of the
other fields. Continue, entering the following details into the
appropriate fields to complete the reference screen.
While you are inputting data to this screen the flashing
cursor shows the current position on the screen. To fill out a
field and move onto the next one, simply type information into
the box and press <Enter>. The cursor moves on to the next field.
For the moment, don't worry about mistakes in the information you
are typing. If you really want to, you can go back to previous
fields to make alterations by using the up-arrow key.
Fill out, for example:
Field labeled: Type:
Year "1987<Enter>"
Edition "1st<Enter>"
Chapter "Chapter title<Enter>"
Book Title "Title of the book<Enter>"
Published by "Publisher<Enter>"
at "Place<Enter>"
Pages "100<Enter>105<Enter>"
Note that this book record is number B1. The program numbers
the reference automatically and displays the number between the
page numbers and notes fields.
The above example provides a very basic description of
filling in a book record. A more thorough explanation can be
found in the reference section on page 52. Details on complex
author or editor's names, specific field information and advanced
features are included in the reference section.
2.4.2. How to input a review
When you have completed filling the fields in the book
screen, the program will automatically present you with a review
screen. You will see that the review screen contains some
bibliographic information on the reference and some blank fields.
The program requires you to enter at least one review for a new
The TOPIC field is for the code which categorizes the
reference. You will learn about topic codes in the section on
category structures (see page 25). The PAGE field can be used to
refer to the particular part of the book or journal article you
are commenting on. This is usually only used for very lengthy
references. The COMMENTS field is for your notes on the book or
journal article.
The comments field is different from all the other fields
you have so far encountered. Firstly it is not shown in "inverse
video" and secondly it is a "variable length field", that is to
say you can type as much or as little text as you like into it.
The area at the bottom of the reviews screen is a "window"
through which you can see the text. When the window is filled,
the text "scrolls" upwards within the window. Press <F3> to move
down to the comment field then input the example comment.
"Good overview, but poor detail in method section. Check to see
if David has the original thesis.<Enter><Enter>"
Notice how the program puts the next word on a new line when
the maximum line-length is exceeded.
To see how the window scrolls, fill up the page by just
putting one letter on each line then typing <Enter>. When you
come to the bottom of the page you will notice that the screen
rolls up so that you can continue inputting text.
When entering comments you should not press <Enter> at the
end of each line. Press <Enter> only at the end of each
paragraph. This is because the text is ultimately destined for a
word processor file, where the line lengths may be different.
Pressing <Enter> puts a "hard" (fixed) new-line into the text,
whereas just typing beyond the end of the line and letting the
program organize the text, does not. Full details of how to use
this simple comments word processor are included in an appendix
(see page 93).
When you have finished typing comments, press <F4> to get
back to the other fields.
Type the following to fill the page and topic fields:
Another blank review screen will appear which can be filled if
you want to input more than one review for the reference. Once
you have finished entering reviews, press <Esc> at a blank review
screen. This will return you to a blank book reference screen.
You could now continue to enter further book references or press
<Esc> to return to the MAIN menu. Press <Esc>.
It is possible to avoid inputting a review for a reference
by pressing <Esc> at the initial blank review screen. This is not
recommended as the topic codes in the reviews are used to search
when generating reference lists.
2.4.3. How to input an article reference
We will now look at how to enter a article reference into a
database. Select the Article menu, by pressing <A> or by using
the arrow keys. You will now see the article menu:
1. Add (new article references)
2. Edit (existing references)
3. Examine (existing references)
Type <1> to select the add option to enter a new journal
article reference. Putting in article records is done in a
similar way to the way book records are entered. Make up two or
three authors names and type them into the blank fields, for
To move to the journal Title field after you have completed
entering authors names simply type <Enter> at an empty Author
surname field. Now enter some data into the remaining fields. For
example you could type:
Field: Type:
Title "A journal article<Enter>"
Journal "3<Enter>"
Year "1986<Enter>"
Volume "24<Enter>"
Supplement "<Enter>"
Pages "15<Enter>24<Enter>"
Note that this journal article record is numbered J1. The
program numbers the reference automatically and displays this
number between the page numbers and notes fields.
When you have finished inputting the reference press <Pg Dn>
to save the bibliographic information and move onto a blank
review screen. To input a review for an article follow the same
guidelines that were outlined above for the book review. Now
input a review for the article you have just entered, filling in
each field as appropriate.
2.4.4. Cursor movements Cursor movement between fields
Now that you have entered some references and reviews, you
can learn how to move the cursor around the screen more quickly.
As well as moving through the fields in sequence using the
<Enter> key, you can move back and forth between the fields by
using the following special keys:
<Back Space> Delete the last character typed into the box
< <- > Move back one character within a box
< -> > Move forward one character within a box
<"up-arrow"> Move back one box
<"down-arrow"> Move forward one box
<Ctrl -> > Move cursor forward one word
<Ctrl <- > Move cursor back one word
<Home> Move to start of box
<End> Move to end of box
<Ctrl Home> Move to first box
<Ctrl End> Move to last box
<Pg Up> Move back one screen
<Pg Dn> Move forward one screen
<Ins> Turn insert mode on (or off, if it is on)
<Del> Delete a character
<Ctrl T> Delete word
<Ctrl Y> Delete whole box
<Ctrl U> Restore box to original contents Cursor movement between records
To move on to the next record without going though the rest
of the fields on the screen one by one, use the <Pg Dn> key. This
has exactly the same effect as pressing <Enter> at each of the
remaining fields on the screen. In certain circumstances (for
example when using the examine option) the <Pg Up> key can be
used to go to the previous record.
If you are finished with the database, press <Pg Dn> to get
to a blank record screen and then press <Esc> to go back to the
MAIN menu. If you are not in a blank record, pressing <Esc> will
still quit from the current record and return you to the MAIN
2.4.5. Editing a reference
The procedure for editing information in a book, journal
article or review record is similar. For practice you will now
edit the book record that you entered earlier. Return to the MAIN
menu if you are not already there. Select the Book menu, by
pressing <B>. Press <3> to select the edit option for a book
reference record.
You will be asked for the number of the reference to edit.
This is the quickest way to locate a record (Alternative methods
of finding a particular record are described later). You should
The record that you entered earlier will be displayed on the
screen. The cursor will be positioned in the first Author surname
field. Change the name of the first author to "Williams". You may
change a few of the other details for practice. To save the
changes when you have finished editing, press either <Pg Dn> or
<Ctrl W>. Pressing <Esc> will save all of the changes made except
for any changes to the field currently being edited. This allows
you to escape from changes accidentally made to a field.
When you are editing existing references, the program will
find them much more quickly if you can supply the reference
number. If you are unable to do so, it is possible to search for
a reference by specifying a string of characters to search for.
Try this now.
First select the edit option at the BOOKS menu. When asked
for the reference number, just press <Enter> instead of giving a
A new screen is displayed which requires details which allow
you to complete the search procedure. This option allows you to
search for a particular word in a title, chapter, authors name
and so on. Try searching for the fictitious journal article you
typed in. Select one of the words in that title, for example
"the" and type:
The program will search for a book reference with the given
word in the title. The first reference it finds will be displayed
on the screen. When there are several matching references in the
database, you can use the <Pg Dn> key to look at other references
which match the criteria you have given. The <Pg Up> key can be
used to go back to a previous matching reference.
In this case the search will locate all of the book
references with the word "the" in the title. The search will not
take long because the database is small, but in a real database
this would be quite slow and so this method of searching should
be avoided except when absolutely necessary. The string of
letters that you use in a search need not be a whole word. For
example, you could use "hemip" to locate all of the references
with the words "hemiplegic", "hemiplegia" or "hemiplegics" in the
There are special features that can be used when completing
editing searches. These are more fully explained in the reference
section on page 58.
2.4.6. Examining a reference
The Examine option is located on both the Book and Article
menus. It allows you to find a particular reference, or browse
through similar references. You should use this option if you
want to look at records, but do not want to alter the existing
information. If you have an ASCII printer connected to LPT1 you
can print out a hard copy of the current reference being examined
on screen. This is done by pressing <Shift PrtSc> when the
printer is turned on and the reference is displayed on the
2.4.7. Generating a reference list
Before you can try out the process of producing a list of
references, you must input some more references and reviews. Type
in at least four or five more fictitious references and put in
reviews for them (using arbitrary topic codes, for example
At the main BIBLOGIC menu select the LISTS menu. The options
on the LISTS menu are:
1. References
2. Comments with number
3. Comments with authors
4. Comments with reference
5. Journals
6. Manual list
From these options you can see that there are several types
of lists which can be generated. The most commonly created list
is that of properly formatted references. Reference lists are the
most complex lists because they require specific search
procedures and special print formats. The format used for the
reference is determined by the currently selected print format
file. Practice generating a reference list now. To enable you to
do this an example journal title list and print format file were
provided when the program was installed.
To generate a reference list press <1> to select the
reference option. To search for the references which are included
in the list the program uses a "topic" code. The topic codes are
assigned to the references when reviews are added. Hence, only
references which have reviews added can be listed.
When the Reference option is selected, you must provide a
"topic", a number to start numbering from, and a name for the
output file. In this example select topic "**********" by
pressing <Enter>. To select an un-numbered list type <0> in the
"number from" field. You should call the output file TEST. The
file extension ".TXT" will be automatically added. When you press
<Enter> you will see a series of messages describing the
progression of the listing. Ultimately you will see some
formatted references on the screen.
Once the list has been created press <Enter> to return to
the LISTS menu. Select the Exit option on the MAIN menu to exit
from BIBLOGIC and return to DOS. At the DOS prompt type:
You will see that this file contains the references which
you typed in. At this stage DO NOT try to edit the file with your
word processor. You will need to read the supplement at the back
of the manual (regarding using BIBLOGIC with various word
processors) before doing this.
A comprehensive explanation of the different list options is
provided in the reference section on page 66.
2.4.8. Modifying the format of references
You will see that the references which have been produced
are in a consistent format, with the name and initials laid out
and punctuated in a particular way. If this is not the format you
require for your own references, it can be altered.
Start the BIBLOGIC program again. If you have forgotten how
to do this see page 14. At the MAIN menu select the SET-UP menu.
You will see a number of options which allow you to adjust
(configure) the way the program works. These are:
1. Configure
2. New journal list
3. Edit journal list
4. New database
5. New print format
6. Edit print format
7. Set numbers
8. Medline/DIALOG conversion
9. Exit from BIBLOGIC
Select option 6 (Edit print format). When asked for a file
name type:
After a short pause, you will be shown an example of the way the
names were printed in the sample file you just produced. In
answer to "Do you want to change the name format?" type:
You will then be asked "Do you want the initials before the
name?" type:
You will see the format of the example change, and you will be
asked "Do you want the names to be entirely in CAPITALS ?" type:
You will see the example change again. You will then be asked
further questions about the formatting of the reference. From now
on, in answer to every question just press <Enter> to accept the
current format.
Ultimately you will reach the "SPECIAL EFFECTS USAGE"
screen. Press <Pg Dn> once, or <Enter> repeatedly to accept the
current values. The program will then complete the format file
editing and return you to the SET-UP menu.
Go to the LISTS menu and make another alphabetical listing
of references, exactly as you did before. You don't really need
to go out into DOS to "type" the file produced. If you watch the
program as it lists the references on the screen you will see
that the format of the names in the references has been changed.
This concludes the tutorial section, now you are ready to
start the process of preparing to input real references. It
should be remembered that this tutorial section was aimed to
INTRODUCE you to the basic concepts of the BIBLOGIC program. You
are encouraged to read the reference section of the manual
carefully after coping adequately with the basics. Read the
reference section before adding many references as there are
other advanced aspects not covered in this introduction.
Category Structure
You will now need to design the coding scheme which you will
use to categorize the references in your database. The process of
designing this scheme is initially done on paper - without
actually putting in any references.
The BIBLOGIC program stores references of books or journals
in the order they are entered. You will not usually want to
create a reference list in this order, and you will not usually
want a list of all of the references in your database. Normally
the program is used to compile lists of references which share a
common topic, arranged in alphabetical order by author (although
other types of lists are possible).
To generate a text file containing a list of references
pertaining to a particular topic, some method must be used to
identify just the relevant references out of the whole database.
BIBLOGIC allows you to use an alpha-numeric coding system to
categorize references. The program can produce a list of
references on a particular topic by searching for references
marked with a particular code in the database.
A reference is categorized by putting a "review" for it into
the database. A review consists of an alpha-numeric code
representing a category and (optionally) notes or comments on the
A review can be added immediately following the addition of
a reference to the database, or at a later time from the REVIEWS
menu. The BIBLOGIC program is set up to force you to add a review
immediately after each reference is entered. You can set up the
program so that it does not do this (see page 72), but since
uncategorized references cannot be included in reference lists
you would not normally set it up this way.
A unique feature of BIBLOGIC is that more than one review
can be added for any particular reference. This allows multiple
categorization of articles that cover more than one topic or
concept. For example, the method, instrumentation, and results of
an experiment discussed in a reference may be categorized (and
commented on) separately. This feature also allows two or more
users to individually categorize the same reference in different
ways. This will be explained further in the section on multiple
users (see page 38).
Category Structure
Some reference systems use keywords to categorize
references. This can present several problems which BIBLOGIC
overcomes by using an alpha-numeric coding system.
In a system using keywords, inconsistencies in spelling
between authors, countries or languages can produce an incomplete
reference list. Likewise a spelling error in the keyword or a
reference title will result in not all references on that
particular topic being located. Searching with AND OR
combinations may produce a list of the references that you want.
Unfortunately, in practice, this method often generates a list of
too many references or ones that are not applicable. By using an
alpha-numeric system, in which the hierarchy is defined, the
relevant references can be selected easily.
Some computerized cataloging systems used in libraries use
keywords to categorize references. This allows a large number of
people access to a wide variety of broad topics. Although this
approach may be appropriate for a large library, it is not well
suited to a personal reference collection. In such a collection,
the user must have quick access to very specific topics, which
are organized in a way that suits the user's particular area of
The alpha-numeric system used in this program can be
implemented in a number of ways. Let us consider a basic method
3.3.1. Hierarchical tree structures
The simplest way to consider the alpha-numeric system is as
a tree structure. This structure consists of a central topic
which is progressively subdivided into a number of successively
smaller topics (see Figure 3.1). Each time a topic is split into
smaller areas it creates a new level of the tree. This process
can be repeated several times. BIBLOGIC allows a maximum of ten
tree levels. It is generally advisable to use the smallest number
of levels possible rather than defining a very elaborate tree
with unnecessary levels.
Category Structure
|--1 Nut-based
|--1 Vegetarian----------|--2 Cheese-based
| |
| |--3 Meat Substitutes
--1 Recipes----|
| |--1 Poultry
| |
|--2 Non-vegetarian------|--2 Fish
|--3 Other
Figure 3.1
The digits (0 to 9) and alphabetical characters (A to Z) are
used to label the branches at each level of the tree. Hence,
BIBLOGIC allows a maximum number of thirty-six (36) subdivisions
of each topic to form the next level. Thus a major topic can be
divided into thirty-six subtopics, and each of these subtopics
can be split into thirty-six "sub-subtopics", and so on.
Potentially, there are a maximum of 36 to the power 10 topic
codes available to categorize a reference (i.e. 3,650,000,000,000
,000). Although this limits the size of the tree structure, in
practice this limitation is not a problem. To simplify the tree
it is advisable that the minimum number of branches is used.
Fewer combinations will facilitate easier classification of
references in the reviews section. It is also advisable not to
use zero (0) to label a branch as it is better reserved for a
special function (more on this later).
Throughout the following explanation, the term "digit" is
used to mean "letter or digit" for simplicity.
References on a particular topic are categorized by using
the tree structure. A particular topic is numbered by listing the
digits corresponding to its position in the tree, from left to
right. The left-most digit represents the "branch" to take to get
to the chosen topic at the highest level. The following digits in
the code represent the branches taken at each successive level of
the tree. The concept of a numeric tree structure is similar to
the hierarchical system used to number the sections of this
manual, as shown in the table of contents.
3.3.2. Matrices
A matrix is a tabular structure which consists of rows and
columns as shown in Figure 3.2 below.
Category Structure
DIET Vegetarian Non-Vegetarian Special
Low Fat | | | |
Low Cholesterol | | | |
Low Salt | | | |
Figure 3.2
The intersections of the rows and columns represent
references that pertain to both of two topics. When designing
your category structure you will often find that parts of your
categorization divide more logically into a matrix representation
rather than a tree.
As you can see in Figures 3.3 and 3.4 below, this method of
categorizing topics can still be represented as a tree structure,
so the same numbering system can be used. The branching system
used in each example achieves the same results but the layout of
Figure 3.4 is simpler and more consistent than Figure 3.3.
|--1 Veg.
|--1 Low Fat-------------|--2 Non-Veg.
| |
| |--3 Special
| |--1 Non-Veg.
| |
-----|--2 Low Chol.-----------|--2 Special
| |
| |--3 Veg.
| |--1 Special
| |
|--3 Low Salt------------|--2 Veg.
|--3 Non-veg.
Figure 3.3
Category Structure
|--1 Veg.
|--1 Low Fat-------------|--2 Non-Veg.
| |
| |--3 Special
| |--1 Veg.
| |
-----|--2 Low Chol.-----------|--2 Non-Veg.
| |
| |--3 Special
| |--1 Veg.
| |
|--3 Low Salt------------|--2 Non-Veg.
|--3 Special
Figure 3.4
In Figure 3.4 it can be seen that, at the third level, each
branch is identical. Also, the order in which such levels are
defined is arbitrary. That is to say, the first level could
divide by type and the second level by diet, or vice versa. A
simplified way of representing this structure is shown in Figure
|--1 Low Fat----| |--1 Veg.------|
| | | |
----|--2 Low Chol.--|--------|--2 Non-Veg.--|----
| | | |
|--3 Low Salt---| |--3 Special---|
Figure 3.5
In a tree structure like that shown in Figure 3.1, the
branches with the same number at a particular level are not
necessarily related. In that example, topic 123 was no more
related to 113 than it was to 112, in other words the "3" has no
consistent significance across that level. On the other hand, in
the matrix example, a digit has a consistent meaning across a
whole level.
You can see then, that the matrix structure is really just a
special kind of tree structure. Most BIBLOGIC users find that
their tree structure that they develop has some levels that
represent a matrix (usually the first three or four levels) and
some levels that represent a hierarchical tree. Besides the
advantage of creating a logical and efficient categorization
structure, the matrix structure also assists in minimizing the
Category Structure
tree structure's depth. The benefit of creating such a combined
category structure (such as that shown in Figure 3.6) will be
explained in the next section.
|--1 Nut-based
|--1 Veg.------|--2 Cheese-based
| |
| |--3 Meat Subst.
|--1 Low Fat----| | |--1 Poultry
| | | |
---|--2 Low Chol.--|-----|--2 Non-Veg.--|--2 Fish
| | | |
|--3 Low Salt---| | |--3 Other
| |--1 Vegetable
| |
|--3 Special---|--2 Tofu
|--3 Pulses
Figure 3.6
Category Structure
This section describes how to create a category structure
for first time users of BIBLOGIC. In this manual, the term "topic
label" is used to describe the heading given to any division of
the category structure. The term "topic code" refers to the
alpha-numeric code that represents a topic label. The terms
Recipes, Vegetarian and Nut-based are examples of topic labels
used in the category structure on page 30. Considerable thought
should be given to the terminology used for topic labels. They
should be as descriptive and as specific as possible in order to
accurately define the concept they encompass. Obviously the topic
labels will become more specific the deeper they are located in
the category structure.
To devise your own category structure, begin by writing a
list of the major topic areas that are of interest to you. The
categories chosen initially should be broad and nonspecific. Once
these broad topic areas are established they can be subdivided
into more specific topics. At first, it may not be clear where
some topics that you want to include fit into the structure,
whereas the relationships between other topics will be clear-cut.
Reassess these major topics regularly, as you may find that these
initial topic areas may not make up the final top levels of the
structure. You will find that they can often be re-categorized
under a even broader topic (see Figure 3.7 below).
|--1 Nut-based
|--1 Veg.-----|--2 Cheese-b.
| |
| |--3 Meat Sub.
|--1 Low Fat----| | |--1 Poultry
|--1 Metric---| | | | |
--| |-|--2 Low Chol.--|-|--2 Non-Veg.-|--2 Fish
|--2 Imperial-| | | | |
|--3 Low Salt---| | |--3 Other
| |--1 Vegetable
| |
|--3 Special--|--2 Tofu
|--3 Pulses
Figure 3.7
It is a good idea to leave space to allow for the addition
of further topic categories as they are required or come to mind.
However, you should try to minimize the overall complexity of the
category structure.
Category Structure
Do not be too concerned about adhering to traditional
methods of categorizing topics within your area of interest. If,
for example, it suits your study to categorize flowers as, say,
either scented or unscented, then this should be done rather than
using traditional botanical categories.
The structure initially developed will often contain areas
where there is obvious repetition. This is usually indicative of
an underlying matrix structure and you should consider whether
matrix levels can be used to streamline the structure. This is
similar to the process that was used to simplify the category
structure in Figure 3.4 to get Figure 3.5. Often, it will be
convenient to use the first few levels of your structure as
matrix levels, although they need not necessarily be the first
The emphasis, in the initial stages of category structure
development, should be on experimentation with different
combinations of topics and the order of subdivision.
When first designing a category structure, users often
create a very elaborate structure with levels nested
unnecessarily deep. In the example shown in Figure 3.8, the
structure shown in (a) may be rearranged as shown in (b). In (a),
the user will be able to select references pertaining to the use
of a particular statistical test on a particular animal (for
example, by choosing the code for "...Breeding-Sheep-Statistics
-Parametric-Anova..."). In practice however, if the user knows
that they will be unlikely to be interested in singling out
statistics-related references by animal, then the structure shown
in (b) will be quite adequate.
It may at first seem strange to have a mutually exclusive
choice of Pigs, Sheep, Cattle or Statistics at one level. One
might ask "How do I categorize an article which is specifically
about pigs and uses a particular type of statistics ?". Of
course, the answer is that the article should be categorized
twice (by putting in two reviews), once as a "piggy" reference
and once as a statistics reference.
The argument put forward above can be taken a step further.
If the user has no reason to distinguish between statistical
techniques used to study breeding and those related to feeding,
then the first level can be a choice of Breeding, Feeding or
Statistics, and the whole statistics branch can be moved another
level as shown in (c).
Category Structure
|-Pigs---| |-Statistics-|
|-Breeding-| | | | |-Non-param.-|
--| |-|-Sheep--|--|
|-Feeding--| | | |
|-Cattle-| |-Experimental Design
|-Breeding-| | |
--| |-|-Sheep--|--
|-Feeding--| | |
| |-Parametric-|
|-Breeding-| | |
--| |-|-Sheep--|--
|-Feeding--| | |
| |-Cattle-|
| |-Parametric-|
Figure 3.8
Category Structure
If possible, you should not use all of the ten available
levels in your tree design, so that there is room for expansion
of the tree at a later date. Think carefully about your structure
as it develops, and reassess your approach frequently to pick up
this problem. An unnecessarily deep tree usually results from
losing sight of the purpose of the tree structure, which is to
categorize references so that particular topics can be located,
rather than to split up your area of interest wherever a
distinction COULD be made.
Obviously the opposite problem can occur. A tree with a
total of only, say, ten categories will be unlikely to provide
the flexibility required when making lists unless only very few
references are being categorized.
It can be useful to write your topic labels on cards, so
that you can spread them out and rearrange them easily.
Alternatively draw your structure on large sheets of paper so
that you can more easily see the relationships between topics. As
you work through this process your own logical category structure
with its subdivisions will emerge.
To start testing your category structure, select a
particular type of reference and work through the structure to
check that the reference can be distinctly categorized. By doing
this, you can ensure that your topic codes are specific enough to
allow accurate categorization of your references. Repeat this a
number of times, tracing a number of branches to thoroughly test
your structure. Remember that you will normally categorize
references more than once (when they address more than one
concept) by entering more than one review for each reference.
If you find it difficult to categorize your references
within the structure it may be too narrow and specific. If this
is the case further expansion of categories is needed. On the
other hand, if you can easily categorize references, the
structure may not be sufficiently specific. A balance between the
two is ideal.
At all times ask yourself the question: "What sort of
references would I need to be able to list, and what topic code
would I use to get just these references".
The next step is to designate the topic codes for your
structure. This is achieved by labeling the branches of your tree
with a letter of the alphabet or a digit from 0 to 9. The letters
and numbers can be assigned arbitrarily, or you may like to
choose letters that help you remember the label represented (for
example M for Male and F for Female). When possible, try to avoid
using letters or numbers that can be confused with each other
(for example 1 and I, O and 0 or 2 and Z) at the same level.
Category Structure
As well as having a diagram of your tree structure (which
inevitably develops as you design the structure), it is advisable
to keep a written copy of your category structure in a book or
folder. A suggested page layout is shown in Figure 3.9. Each page
of the book should represent a different level of the category
structure. It is most appropriate for the higher levels of the
category structure to be positioned at the front of the book. The
topic subdivisions and accompanying codes are listed under the
relevant level.
Category Structure
|------------------| |------------------|
| Page 1 (Level 1) | | Page 4 (Level 4) |
| | | |
| 1 Metric Pg 2 | | 1 Nut-based |
| 2 Imperial Pg 2 | | 2 Cheese-based |
| | | 3 Meat Subst. |
| |------------------| | |------------------|
| | Page 2 (Level 2) | | | Page 6 (Level 4) |
| | | | | |
| | 1 Low Fat Pg 3 | | | 1 Vegetable |
|----| 2 Low Chol. Pg 3 | |---------| 2 Tofu |
| 3 Low Salt Pg 3 | | 3 Pulses |
| |------------------| |------------------| |
| | Page 3 (Level 3) | | Page 5 (Level 4) | |
| | | | | |
| | 1 Veg. Pg 4 | | 1 Poultry | |
|----| 2 Non-Veg. Pg 5 | | 2 Fish |---------|
| 3 Special Pg 6 | | 3 Other |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
|------------------| |------------------|
Figure 3.9
Category Structure
When transcribing the category structure to the book you
will find that, due to the complexity of most category
structures, the category subdivisions will not necessarily be
able to follow on successive pages. This problem is overcome by
using a referral system. The right hand column is used to refer
to the next level of categorization and the page on which it is
located. This is especially important if matrices are
incorporated in the category structure.
BIBLOGIC allows the you to display notes on your category
structure on-screen. It is not essential to do this, but some
users find it helpful. The notes are stored in a special text
file (see page 99). The notes are displayed if you press the
function key <F1> whenever the cursor is in a topic field (for
example in a review or when typing in the topic code for a list).
Once you are satisfied with the basic layout of your
category structure, the next step is to input a small number of
references and reviews (for example 20) using your topic codes.
The next section of the manual shows you how to start to put in
real references. If possible, the references should cover a wide
variety of topics as this enables more comprehensive testing. To
test your structure, try to produce lists of particular types of
references that are included in your small database. This
procedure helps you to identify and correct mistakes in the
structure before you have entered hundreds of references and
reviews. When you have successfully completed this test, add more
reviews. When approximately one hundred reviews have been entered
in the database, repeat the testing procedure.
Note that, although BIBLOGIC has facilities for making bulk
changes to the topic codes in a database (see page 84), these
facilities are somewhat limited and should not be relied upon to
make major reorganizations to your structure.
Category Structure
In practice, there are certain situations that warrant
special consideration when designing a category structure. In the
following examples, it can be seen that the categorization and
coding of references need not relate only to topics. The category
structure can be utilized to divide references up for a variety
of purposes.
3.5.1. Multiple users
If several people are intending to share the database it may
be useful to separate their references or the comments they put
into the reviews database. To do this one of the digits in the
topic code can be used to distinguish between people. A user can
then list only their own comments or references by selecting the
correct digit, or everybody's comments by selecting "*". Which
column of the code is chosen for this purpose is unimportant,
because it is using a matrix form of categorization. Usually it
will be less confusing to use either the left-most or right-most
digit of the topic code.
Of course, if multiple users are to share a database, the
category structure has to be agreed upon between them.
3.5.2. Chapters
If you are writing a thesis or book you may already have
ideas about how it is going to be split up into chapters. In this
case it may be advantageous to use one digit of the
categorization code to mark references with a chapter number. You
will then be able to list comments in an appropriate grouping for
assimilation into the body of the text using a word processor.
Note that, it is being suggested here that you use a digit
to represent the chapter in each review AS WELL as categorizing
by topic. Hence a review might be categorized with the code
"3X41H" where the "3" represents Chapter 3 and "X41H" represents
a particular topic.
Because of the somewhat indistinct boundaries between
chapters, this approach will almost certainly diminish in
usefulness as the project goes on but, providing you have spare
digits in the topic code, this may be a useful scheme. Asterisks
can be used to ignore this categorization in searches if
required. In our example above, we might initially find searches
for "3*********" useful, but we might later only ever search for
"*X41H*****" or "*X4*******".
Category Structure
3.5.3. Critical dates
When categorizing references, you may find it useful to
categorize a reference with respect to a certain date or event.
This is useful if there is some distinct event in the history of
the subject that you are studying which affects the usefulness of
your references. If one digit of your categorization code
signifies, for example, "B" for "before the revolution" or "A"
for "after or during the revolution", you can use this to select
useful references.
Of course, this technique is not limited to historians. It
can be used to distinguish between the publication of a
significant paper which affects your subject, or an International
Standard which makes results easier to compare after a certain
3.5.4. Marking references
The topic coding of references can be used for marking
articles for a variety of purposes. These may include tagging
by course code
for inclusion in a particular reading list
which are entered into the database temporarily
which have been read or not.
by type (If you have a lot of references that are not
chapters in books or journal articles).
3.5.5. Zero as a topic code
As mentioned earlier, it is recommended that "0" is not used
to define a topic label level if possible. This enables "0" to be
used to label any level as "uncategorized" or "other category".
This is particularly useful when the structure consists of many
matrix levels, which gives a simple structure but may mean that
certain levels are not applicable to some references.
3.5.6. Other uses
Users preparing a major thesis could use one digit of the
code to categorize every reference as either "used" or "not used"
in the thesis. This will allow references to be excluded from
lists even when their topic, chapter number and so on are
appropriate. A variation on this idea is to use a "fake" chapter
number for the same purpose (assuming a topic digit is already
being used for chapter number).
Category Structure
Some users will like to put some sort of review into the
database as soon as the reference has been input, but leave
actually reading and commenting on the item until later. In this
case it may be useful to be able to call up items which have not
been fully reviewed. A topic digit could be used to indicate that
a review is incomplete.
3.5.7. Partial categorization
If it is still unclear as to the best approach to categorize
your references, it is possible to initially define only part of
the structure (maybe only three or four levels) and to "tighten
up" the categorization later. Reviews can be edited to
incorporate further categorization when the final structure is
designed. However it is recommended that you fully design your
category structure before adding many references and reviews, so
that it is not necessary to go back and edit a large number of
topic codes at a later date.
Creating A Database
So far, in learning how to use the BIBLOGIC program you have
entered some fictitious example references and reviews. These
have been stored in a database called "EXAMPLE". This section
describes how to go about entering real references. Before doing
this you will need to create a new database, journal list and
print format file and set up BIBLOGIC to use these new files. New
files can be produced using the options on the SET-UP menu.
During the installation process, appropriate blank files
(which were provided in the installation package) were copied
over to your hard disk. If you are not already at the BIBLOGIC
MAIN menu return to it now. From there exit to DOS. Now, you will
run a "Batch" file which will copy some empty databases and other
control files for you to use. At the DOS prompt type:
The examples that you previously typed in will now be
discarded and the program will be set up to use the following
Database: DATABASE
Journal List: JOURNALS
Print Format: PRINTFOR
The database and journal list are empty and the print format
file defines a simple format without "special effects codes".
4.1.1. Making a list of journals
To prepare to input your own references, you first need to
compile a list of at least some of the journal titles that you
expect to encounter. If you do not already have an existing
referencing system, such as a card index, you may find it best to
first compile a list of journal titles on paper and then number
them. If you do have an existing system you can enter these
directly into the program. It does not matter if you do not have
a complete list at this stage. As your database expands, you can
add to the journal list.
The program allows you to print out your journal list either
alphabetically or in numerical order. Most users use the
alphabetical listing when entering references and the number
assigned to each journal is, to all intents and purposes,
arbitrary. If your database includes a wide variety of journals
you may find it useful to group the journals by subject area or
source. For example, all journals relating to Surgery could be
Creating A Database
within the journal numbers 40-60. When using such a technique it
is best to leave suitable space (unused journal numbers) for
later additions. Printing out a journal list is described on page
There will be some references that you will wish to include
in your database that are not actually either journal articles or
chapters in books. Depending on the type of reference, these may
be put in as if they are a chapter in a book or as if they are an
article in a journal. It is probably best to deal with these
references when you are more familiar with the program, but
ultimately your "journal list" may contain some names that are
not actually the titles of journals.
An example of such a reference is a reference to a court
case. Some users include the names of courts in their journal
lists and find that they can get these references out in an
appropriate format this way. Some users also enter Conference
Proceedings in a similar way, although these can have editors and
a publishing body associated with them and may fit in better as
chapters in a book. If you have a lot of "problem references"
which do not appear to readily fit the database, then you should
try to resolve the problem at an early stage. If you have only a
few such references you can deal with the normal references first
and determine whether such references are included as articles in
a "fake" journal or chapters in a "fake" book when you are more
familiar with the ways that references are listed.
To create your own new journal list you must first run the
BIBLOGIC program. To do this type the following at the DOS
When the BIBLOGIC MAIN menu appears on screen, go to the
SET-UP menu options by pressing the <S> key (you could also use
the right- or left-arrow keys to move across the menus to the
SET-UP menu). Select option 3 (Edit journal list). This option
allows you to change the contents of an existing journal list, in
this case the empty one which was copied across during
Since "JOURNALS.JLS" is currently empty, you will need to
input the names and numbers of the journals into this file. When
asked for the name of the list to edit type "JOURNALS<Enter>".
You will then be asked if you want the journals in alphabetical
order, answer "Y". If, in the future, you want to edit the list
in numerical order simply select "N" when asked.
Creating A Database
You will now see a screen with an editing window with arrows
pointing to a line within the window. Above the window, the
functions associated with various keys are listed. Press
<F6> (Add) to add a journal and type the number and name of the
journal into the box that appears. The journal title must be
entered exactly as you want it to appear in references. Press
<Enter> and you will see the journal copied into the box. Add
further journals in the same way. You will see that the journals
are added to the box in alphabetical order.
If you are typing in new journals you will just use the Add
function. However, if you want to make changes to the ones you
have already typed in you can use the other functions. You can
use the up- and down-arrow keys to move the list up and down a
line at a time or the <Pg Up> and <Pg Dn> to move to the journal
currently at the top or bottom of the box respectively. You may
use the <F5> key to delete a journal title. The <F7> key can be
used to find a particular journal title. If you want to edit the
title at the arrows, press the <F8> key. To save the journal list
when you have finished editing, press <Ctrl W>. Further
instructions on editing the journal list appear on page 73.
4.1.2. Printing the current journal list
Although it is possible to bring up the journal list on the
screen when you are adding or editing journal article references
(see page 61), it is very useful to have a printed version of the
list on hand. You can print out a list of journal titles in
alphabetical or numeric order.
At the MAIN menu, select the lists option to display its
menu. Select option 5 on the LISTS menu to produce a list of the
currently selected journal file. You will be asked whether you
want the output file to have the journals listed alphabetically
or numerically. The program will generate a list which is
displayed on the screen as well as being stored on disk.
The list which is written to the hard disk as a text file
called "JOURNALS.ALP" if an alphabetical listing was selected or
"JOURNALS.NMR" if a numeric listing was selected. This disk file
can be printed out using the DOS "Print" command. If you are
unsure how to do this check your DOS manual.
It is possible to set up BIBLOGIC so that the lists made in
this way are automatically directed to your printer as well as to
disk (see page 72). In this case the printer must be turned on
before you select the current journal list option.
Creating A Database
It is necessary to have created your own topic category
structure before inputting real references. You should do this
because references entered without topic codes in reviews cannot
be listed. This is fully explained in the section on "Designing A
Category Structure" (see page 25). As well as this, you should
have completed the tutorial section on inputting book and journal
references (see page 14).
If you have not completed either of these sections of the
manual, you should refer to and complete these before continuing.
It is also strongly recommended that, if you have not already
done so, you run the demo program included in the release
package. A batch file DEMO.BAT is included so you can just type
"DEMO" at the DOS prompt in the BIBLOGIC directory to do this.
If you have already completed these sections of the manual,
and have defined a journal list, you can now go on to input real
references into your database. The order in which you input the
references is not important as they will be categorized by the
topic codes.
After a book or journal reference is put in, the program
will force you to add a review. You can avoid putting in a review
for the reference by pressing <Esc>. However, unless a review is
added, you will not be able to include the reference in any
To complete the review screen, first press <F3> and type
some comments, as you did in the tutorial. Then press <F4> to
return to the rest of the review and put in a topic code for the
reference according to your category structure. It is not
absolutely necessary to enter comments to use BIBLOGIC, but the
programs usefulness is greatly enhanced by doing so. More than
one topic code can be assigned to the reference by adding more
reviews. The benefit of this is that the reference can be
categorized a number of times to cover different topics. This
allows you to find the reference when you are researching
different areas, and to get lists of comments on a specific area
(but about different references).
Enter at least ten or twenty references (and corresponding
reviews) now, so that you can experiment with the various listing
Creating A Database
4.4. LISTS
The LISTS menu option enables you to generate a text file
consisting of references which are selected based on the topic
codes, and formatted to the your specifications. It will also
allow you to make a text file containing your comments based on
topic codes.
In the tutorial section (page 21), you used the LIST menu to
make a list of any references that had reviews, now you can be
specific about the sort of reference you want in the list. Select
the "References option".
When creating lists, you specify the type of references to
be included in the list by providing a topic code. This topic
code determines which references are to be included in the list.
Asterisks (*) are used in search code to represent "don't care"
or "all topics" at a particular level. For example, if you chose
the topic code "123*******" the list generated would include all
the references with the topics starting "123" with no regard for
the other digits in the topic codes.
An alternative to using a topic code to define the list is
using a word (or part of a word) in the "search comments for"
field. In this situation, the topic code will be ignored and a
list consisting of references which have review comments
containing the chosen word, will be created. Although this can be
a useful way of producing lists under certain circumstances, it
is not a very flexible method, and you should try to use your
topic coding scheme instead whenever possible.
Lists are formed from the combination of books and journal
article references that fit the topic criteria of the search. If
desired, only book or journal article references can be chosen by
typing <B> or <J> in the "Books, Journal articles or All ?"
field. The commonly used "reference list" option was covered in
the tutorial section. Normally these references are
alphabetically listed but may be listed in year order if desired.
Try making a reference list now, as you did in the tutorial
section (see page 21). This time use a real topic code to make a
list of references on a particular topic.
The lists you produce are written to an ASCII file. To make
use of the list, you will need to read it into your word
processor. Details of how to do this for various word processors
are included in the supplement SUPPL.DOC. Basically, word
processors can make use of these lists in one of three ways:
Creating A Database
1) Some can edit the file just as if it were a document which
was created within the word processor itself.
2) Some require that you create an empty document of an
appropriate format and read in the list using a "Read ASCII
File", "Get File", "Block Insert" or "Import" function.
3) Some require that you run some sort of conversion routine on
the file to convert it from raw ASCII to the correct format
for the word processor. This might be done from a menu
within the word processor or from DOS by running a special
If you have put in any comments on the references, try out
one or two of the comments list options from the LISTS menu.
Lists can also be made in an arbitrary order determined by the
user. Refer to the reference section for details of this and
other list features (see page 70).
You can now experiment with the reference format in the
lists you produce.
The style or layout of a reference is determined by the
print format. The print format also specifies the special codes
that the BIBLOGIC program uses to relay printing instructions to
your word processor, for example, for bold and underlined text.
There are a number of special print format files, provided
with the BIBLOGIC program, for commonly used word processors.
These print format files contain specific print codes but you may
find that you still need to modify the layout component of the
file to meet your requirements.
Since the print format supplied with the program will
probably not suit your purposes, ultimately you will need to
create a new format. For now, it is suggested that you leave the
fine tuning of the print format until you are more familiar with
the program. The following example shows you how to go about
creating changes to the print format file if you find it
Return to the MAIN menu and select the SET-UP menu. Choose
option <5> to make a new print format file. You will be asked if
you want to copy an existing print format file.
Creating A Database
You will be provided with a list of existing file names. You will
then need to supply a name of a file to copy from and a name to
copy to. If one of the names listed corresponds to the word
processor you use, select this name to copy FROM. The BIBLOGIC
program is currently supplied with example print formats using
special effects for a number of popular word processors. If you
do not use one of these word processors type "PLAIN".
You can name the new print format as you wish, but since the
program is currently set up to use "PRINTFOR" it is best to use
this name.
As you will have seen in the tutorial section, the program
will then prompt you with a series of questions that deal with
the modification of the following parameters in layout and print
code sections:
Name format
Punctuation separating parts of the reference
Year format
Publisher format
Volume format
Page format
Notes format
Print codes
Special printing effects - definition
Special printing effects - usage
This time, look more closely at the questions that are asked
about the format.
When you do this, it is best if you have some references in
front of you that are in the format that you are aiming to
duplicate. Answer the print format questions as best you can but
do not worry if you make some mistakes as you can go through this
process again later. Note that, in some of the questions you must
supply strings of characters. As you will want spaces in some of
these strings, you must fill unused locations in the string with
"#" which will be ignored by the program. This technique is used
so that you can tell the difference between a "space" in the
string and unused characters in the string.
When you are asked if you want to change the special effects
definitions answer:
Creating A Database
The effects set up in the example will do for now. At the SPECIAL
EFFECTS USAGE screen press <Pg Dn> to accept the current set-up.
To modify these codes or to look at more specific details on
modifying the print format refer to the reference section on page
74. The reference section provides a step by step description and
examples of these parameters.
To try out the new print format, first check that the
program is set up to use the right print format (PRINTFOR should
be shown as the current print format on the MAIN menu), and then
use the LISTS menu to make a reference list. If you have chosen
to experiment with a print format with some other name, use the
configure option on the SET-UP menu to change the current print
Note that, when you have developed several print formats
that produce the styles that you frequently use, you can use
these formats simply by selecting the relevant print format file
and making it the current one. You do NOT have to go through a
lengthy question and answer session to define the format each
time you want to make a list.
If you do not already have one, you should develop a
strategy for protecting the data on your hard disk. The
bibliographic database that you develop will be valuable to you
and you will not wish to lose it ! Of course this is probably
true for other data on your disk as well.
At some time you will certainly lose some, or all of, the
data on your hard disk. This is not just a possibility, it
happens to everybody at some time. You should protect against the
effects of losing your data by regularly copying the contents of
your hard disk onto floppy disks or tape. To protect your
reference database you should copy everything in the BIBLOGIC
sub-directory onto floppy disks. Subsequent backups need only be
of files which have changed.
The DOS "Backup" program and similar utilities for backing
up data can be made to back up only changed information by
examining the "Archive" bit in the directory. This allows some
interesting possibilities (see page 95). Consult your DOS manual
for more information on the BACKUP utility, or contact a local
software store for more information on alternative programs with
similar functions.
Creating A Database
You have now familiarized yourself with the basic features
of the program and you will be in a position to try some of the
more advanced features. Browse through the reference section of
the manual. The sections on the BOOKS, ARTICLES and REVIEWS menus
contain some details not yet covered. The section on the LISTS
menu describes the various methods of outputting information,
which you should investigate.
The most complicated part of the program, from the user's
point of view is the SET-UP menu. You should read through the
section on this menu so that you have an idea of how the
program's behavior can, and cannot be altered.
4.7.1. Specific features
As you become more adept at using the BIBLOGIC database
program you will be able to take advantage of the advanced
features. Two of these are briefly described below. You should
refer to the reference section to find information on the other
1. Import and Export of References (see page 83). The
BIBLOGIC program allows you to add the contents of one
database to another, or to output selected references
to form a separate database. In this way references can
be passed on to other BIBLOGIC users.
2. References captured during a session on some on-line
database services can be directly converted into a
BIBLOGIC database. (see page 80).
This section is arranged in a hierarchical fashion, in the
same way that the menus themselves are arranged within the
BIBLOGIC program.
If you have installed BIBLOGIC using the install program as
described on page 6 , then all you need to do is change the
default drive to the correct disk (if necessary) by typing (for
then go to the BIBLOGIC directory by typing (for example):
cd \biblogic<Enter>
and then run BIBLOGIC by typing:
(You could write a batch file to do this if you like).
If you want to install BIBLOGIC to run from subdirectories other
than \BIBLOGIC, see the appendix on page 88.
When BIBLOGIC is run, there will be a short delay while the
main program is loaded from the disk. You will then see an
information page giving copyright information. Read this page and
then press <Enter> to continue. A few seconds later you will see
the main menu.
This page gives you access to all of the BIBLOGIC menus, as
listed along the top line on the screen.
The currently selected menu name (initially "Books") is
highlighted, and below the name of the menu, the menu choices
themselves appear. To access these menus you may use one of two
methods to move the highlight from one menu name to another. You
may use the left- and right-arrow keys to move through the menus
or you may select a particular menu by pushing the letter
corresponding to the first letter of the menu name (The EXIT menu
may be reached by pressing <Esc>, as well as <E>).
Once a menu has been chosen, the particular option required
on that menu may be selected by moving the highlight within the
menu to the required option with the up- and down-arrow keys. The
item is then selected by pressing the <Enter> key. Alternatively,
the required item may be selected by pressing the number
alongside the option (in this case you do not need to press
<Enter> to select the item).
Since the menus are selected by letters and the menu items
by numbers, you can move freely around the options with very few
As you move around the options in the various menus you will
see a one-line description of what each option does, in the
middle of the screen.
At the bottom of the screen a box containing information
about the current status of the program is displayed. This box
tells you which database, which print format and which journal
list are currently selected. On a registered copy of the program
the name of the registered user also appears.
The options on each menu are described below.
The options on the BOOKS menu are:
1. Add
2. Edit
3. Examine
5.2.1. Add - Add new book references
This option is used to put in bibliographic details on a
book or a chapter in a book. When you select this option you will
be provided with a new reference, with blank boxes (called
"fields"), to fill in.
Type the first author's name, <Enter>, initial <Enter>,
initial <Enter>, initial <Enter>, second author's name, <Enter>
and so on. Continue until you have put in all of the names. Press
<Enter> without typing anything else to skip over unused
initials. Press <Enter> instead of typing a surname to move on to
the editors (see special features below).
Repeat this process for the editors names, if there are any.
Note that the first letter of the surname and the initials
are automatically capitalized. You should ALWAYS type names with
the <Caps Lock> OFF. This will allow you to ultimately print the
names either in upper case or lower case, which will not be
possible if you do not input the names in lower case. For the
very few names which do not begin with a capital (e.g."deBurgh")
start the name with a <Space> to avoid automatic capitalization
of the first letter. The entry will be stored and displayed on
the screen with a space in front of it, but when the reference is
formatted for output to a word processor file any leading spaces
in the surnames are removed.
Names containing accents and other special characters create
a special problem. Although your word processor may be able to
cope with some of these, different word processors do this in
different ways so it is difficult for BIBLOGIC to deal with them.
Because of this problem you will need to edit the final list
using your word processor. To allow you to find such names it is
suggested that you add a "+" to the end of the name when you type
it into BIBLOGIC. You may then use your word processor's find
(locate) function to fix these before printing.
The program will automatically assign a number to the
reference (beginning with B1 for the first book reference). This
number will be displayed below the publisher. This number should
be noted on your copy of the reference so you can quickly access
it when you need to. You may like to use these reference numbers
to file your copies of the articles. This way, when a reference
is located on the computer, the paper copy of the actual
reference can be found easily.
Fill out the rest of the information, noting the following
Year This should be a four digit number plus, where
appropriate, a single lower case letter to
identify articles by the same author in the same
year. If you only have one for that year use only
a number.
Edition Type the edition as, for example "2nd" or "3rd".
During printing " Ed." will be added
Chapter Type the full chapter title in this field, or
leave it blank if you are referencing a whole
book. You should use capital letters in the title
according to the convention you wish to adopt. The
program can cope with a much longer chapter title
than the size of the blank space on the screen. If
you fill the space just keep typing and you will
see the title scroll within the space. Use the
arrow keys or <Home> and <End> to move within the
scrolling window. Use <Enter> to move on to the
next field.
Book Title Type the full title of the book into this field.
Again, correct capitalization of the title is your
responsibility. This window can also scroll.
Published By This field should contain the name of the
publishing house. It also scrolls.
at This field should contain the name of the city
where the book was published.
Pages Put the first page number of the item in the first
page field and the last in the second field. You
may use page numbers which are non-numeric if
appropriate. If the item is on a single page,
leave the second field blank. If no page numbers
are appropriate leave both fields blank. Do not
put "p" or "pp" in the page fields.
Notes This field may be used to note a library call
number or other information about the item. It is
a fixed length field and it is normally only
displayed on the screen when editing the
reference. It is not normally printed (however,
see page 78.)
Cited in This field is used to indicate the source of the
reference. It is not normally used in the
preparation of references (but see below), it is
only for you own information. This field contains
B or J to indicate "book" or "journal article".
Number This field can contain the number of the reference
where this item was cited.
Use citation Normally this field will contain "N" and the
information in the previous two fields will not
appear in finished reference lists. If this field
contains "Y" the citing reference will be looked
up and "Cited in:" and the authors and year of the
citing reference will be appended to the cited
reference. You should make sure that the citing
reference also appears in your reference list.
If you like, you can use T for "True" and F for
"False" instead of Y and N.
If there is no information to put in a particular field,
leave it entirely blank. This will ensure that the format of
printed references will be as close as possible to the desired
In the event that there is information which you will have
to fill in or change later, type a "+" in the field, along with a
note. This will help you locate the reference in a list with your
word processor. "+" is also used to "flag" error messages in the
listing process (when for example an unlisted journal is
referenced) so it is a good idea to use this for "manually"
inserted flags as well. It can sometimes be useful to put
something in the Notes field to remind you what is missing.
In the special case where a book is being quoted as a whole,
there may be no authors, only editors, to quote. The program can
recognize this if you use the following technique. Put the
editors names in the authors field, put the first editors surname
also in the first editor name field, and make sure you do not
input anything into the Chapters field. Under these special
circumstances the reference will be output as (for example) :
Smith A. B. and Jones C. D. (Eds) (1987).........
5.2.2. Special features Moving the cursor between names
You may move between the name fields by pressing <Enter> as
described above, or you may use the arrow keys.
The arrow keys work in a special way when the names are
being input. This is designed to minimize the number of
keystrokes when inputting or changing authors and editors without
you having to remember special function keys. Although the action
of these keys may seem complicated at first, take a few moments
to try the various options and you will see the logic behind
The <Enter> key simply moves you on to the next field, with
one exception. When you press <Enter> in an empty Author surname
field (usually the one after the last name that has been input)
the cursor moves on over all of the remaining names to the
editors. When inputting editors, pressing the <Enter> key in an
empty surname field moves you on to the year field (i.e. on to
the rest of the reference).
The up-arrow and down-arrow keys can move the cursor from
initial to initial, but if they are pressed when the cursor is on
a surname they move you from name to name. To get from a surname
to the corresponding initials you must press the <Enter> key
(because the down-arrow key will skip the initials).
The left- and right-arrow keys only move you within a name,
and cannot move you from field to field.
When you have gone on to the rest of the reference, you can
go back up to make alterations to the authors or editors using
the up-arrow key. When you reach the year field, a single press
of this key takes you to the first author, rather than to one of
the unused fields. Copying a previous reference
Frequently, several similar references (for example
references for chapters in the same book) are input one after
another. BIBLOGIC allows you to copy information from any field
in a previous reference to a new reference that is being added.
To do this, press <F2>. You will see a list of the most recently
added references (in the order that they were added). Move the
cursor to the reference you want to copy using the up- and
down-arrow keys (or <Pg Up> and <Pg Dn> keys). Press <Enter> to
return to the new reference. The field you are in will be filled
in from the old reference that you selected. When you
subsequently press <F2> in any other field, that field will also
be filled in from the old reference that you selected. Checking for duplicates
When a reference is being input (or edited), pressing the
"help" key <F1> will display a list of existing books or chapters
in Author/year order. This can help you to avoid duplicating a
reference in the system. The current reference will be
highlighted. The up- and down-arrow keys (and <Pg Up> <Pg Dn>)
can be used to browse through the list. When <Esc> is pressed to
return to data input, the reference that was originally being
input will be returned to the screen.
5.2.3. Inputting a review
When you have finished putting in the bibliographic details
on this item you can go on by using the <Pg Dn> key. Pressing
<Esc> will abandon this reference and return you to the menu.
Normally, the program will now require you to enter at least
one review for the new reference you have input so you will then
see a review page.
This screen contains part of the bibliographic information
on the item above the top line and blank fields to fill beneath
the line. Fill out these fields as follows:
Comments Enter this field by pressing <F3>. Type your
comments on the article. Use two <Enter>s to
separate paragraphs, but do not press <Enter> at
the end of each line - let the program format the
lines. Press <F4> to exit from this field.
Topic Use the numbering system you have developed.
Page The page in the book to which the review refers
(if applicable).
Full details of the functions available while editing comments
are given in an Appendix (see page 93). The amount of text you
can put into the comments field is limited to about 1000 - 1500
lines (depending on their length - see page 93). In practice, it
usually is better to enter several reviews with one or two
paragraph comments on an article, rather than one with a very
large comment. By individually categorizing the comments by
topic, you will have access to your references and comments in a
more useful fashion.
Note that <F2> may be used to copy a field from a previously
entered review in a similar way to in references except that, in
a review, <F2> always copies from the most recently added review.
When you have finished putting in a review, you can leave
the review either by pressing <Enter> at the last field or by
pressing <Pg Dn>. In either case the review will be saved and
another blank review will appear. You can put in as many reviews
on the reference as you like. When you have put in all of the
reviews that you require for that particular book, press <Esc>
when the next new blank is displayed.
You will now see another blank reference. Continue filling
in references or press <Esc> to return to the menu.
Note that, although the program will present you with a
blank review after each reference has been put in, it is possible
to press <Esc> and avoid putting in any reviews at all for that
reference. It is however, recommended that each reference has at
least one review (even if no comments are put in) otherwise
retrieval of that reference by topic will not be possible.
5.2.4. Edit - Change a book reference Editing by reference number
Select this option to change the details stored about a
particular chapter or book. You will be asked to give the
reference number of the item you wish to change. This is the
quickest way to find the required item, so you should input this
number if it is known (but see the notes on authors below).
The program will then find the right reference and you can
proceed in just the same way as if you were inputting a new
reference. When you have finished making alterations you can use
<Ctrl W> or <Pg Dn> to save the changes. Pressing <Esc> will also
save the changes, except any changes to the field currently being
edited. This allows you to escape from changes accidentally made
to a field.
If you wish to completely delete a reference, you can do so
by pressing <Alt F10> while editing it. The program will then ask
you to confirm that you want to delete the reference by pressing
<Alt F10> a second time. The number of the reference that is
deleted cannot be reused, and the numbers of other references
will not be affected. You should not delete references except
under exceptional circumstances. Normally references that are not
useful to you can remain in the system (but will have topic codes
which will not cause them to be listed). A reference can also be
edited to change it into a completely different reference. If
deleting a reference, be sure to delete the reviews for the
reference as well. Editing with searches
If you do not know the reference number of the item, answer
"0" (i.e. just press <Enter>) instead of giving a number. You can
then search for a particular author, search the book and chapter
titles for particular words, and restrict the search to
particular years. Type in the word you are looking for (or part
of it) into the appropriate field on the screen. Step over unused
fields using the <Enter> key. After the last field is filled (or
if you press <Pg Dn>) the program will search for the required
reference. Upper and lower case will not be differentiated in the
search, but if you input a string containing spaces in the middle
(e.g. "OF THE HEART"), the spacing must be exact for the search
to work. You can use part words in the search, for example "vis"
will find "vision", "visual", "visually", "visit" and so on.
The earliest year and latest year fields are used to specify
a search restricted to material of a certain age. For example to
look at references published only in 1979, put 1979 in both
fields. For a search from 1979 to the present put 1979 in the
earliest year field and leave the latest year field blank. For
references before 1979 leave the earliest year field blank but
put 1978 in the latest year field.
For any of these searches, once a matching reference has
been found, you can use <Pg Dn> to get to other references which
match the criteria you have given. <Pg Up> may be used to go back
to the previous matching reference, and you may use <Esc> or
<Ctrl W> to get back to the menu without going through any more
matching references. Note though, that <Esc> does not save any
changes made to the field you are currently on.
The program keeps an index of first authors' names - so if
you know the first author or even just the first few letters of
the first author's name, type this in. This will greatly increase
the speed of this type of search. If you cannot supply this
information the program can still look for the reference, but it
will have to look through the entire database so the search will
be slower (possibly several minutes in a database with thousands
of entries on an "XT" type computer). Special author searches
The program can also search for an name in author fields
other than the first and it can search for names when you are not
sure of the spelling (although both of these searches are much
slower than a search of first author only). To use these special
features a * or ? are typed in after the name. For example:
First author: Smith finds Smith & Jones but not Jones & Smith
First author: Smith* finds Smith & Jones or Jones & Smith
First author: Smith? finds Smythe & Jones but not Jones & Smythe
First author: Smith*? finds Smythe & Jones or Jones & Smythe
* causes the program to search all of the author fields.
? causes the program to look for "similar" names
The program can only use the author index for the first of
these searches, so the others are slower. In all cases if words
in titles or years are also specified then only references
satisfying these criteria as well as the name criterion will be
shown by the program.
The search invoked by the ? symbol is based on a special
technique which is described in the appendix on page 97. It is
not guaranteed to find what you want, but it will generally pull
out similar sounding names, such as Anderson, Andreassen and so
on. The program will not find the name unless you have the first
letter of the name correct.
When you are editing references you may use the "help" key
<F1> to show a list of authors in the same way as when inputting
new references. The list will, however, include all references
(not just those that satisfy the author, year and word criteria).
5.2.5. Examine - Look at existing book references
This option is exactly the same as the "Edit existing
references" option, except you can only look at, not alter, the
contents of the references. It is best to use this option to
browse through references if you do not intend to alter them. It
is quite easy to go back and use the edit option on a particular
reference (make a note of its reference number) if you find you
need to alter it.
If you have used the word searching facility to find
references, the page you see will be the first reference in the
database which matches the criteria. You may use <Pg Up>, <Pg Dn>
and so on as you would when editing references to move between
different references which meet the criteria.
The options on the ARTICLES menu are:
1. Add
2. Edit
3. Examine
These options function similarly to the options on the BOOKS
menu, but on the Journal Article references database.
5.3.1. Add - Add new journal article references
Select this option to input bibliographic details on a
journal article. When you select this option you will be provided
with a new, blank, record to fill in.
Type the first author's surname followed by <Enter> and then
each initial followed by <Enter>. Continue in this manner for all
the authors. As with books references, the first letter of the
surname and initials are automatically capitalized. Again, you
should ALWAYS type names with the <Caps Lock> OFF. For the very
few names which do not begin with a capital (e.g."deBurgh") start
the name with a <Space> to avoid automatic capitalization of the
first letter.
The program will automatically number the reference in a
similar way as with book references, starting with J1 for the
first reference in the database. This number should be noted on
your copy of the reference.
Fill out the rest of the information, noting the following
Title Type the title of the article in this field. The
program can cope with a much longer title than the
size of the blank space on the screen. If you fill
the space just keep typing and you will see the
title scroll within the space. Use the arrow keys
or <Home> and <End> to move within the scrolling
window. Use <Enter> to move on to the next field.
Journal Type the number corresponding to the appropriate
journal in your journal list. When the cursor is
over this field, pressing the "help" key, <F1>
will show the currently selected journal list. You
may scroll through the list using the arrow keys,
or the letter keys (for example pressing J will
take you to the journals that start with J). Press
<Esc> to go back to editing the reference without
altering the journal recorded for that reference
or press <Enter> to select that journal title. The
title corresponding to the number put into the
Journal field will be displayed below the field.
Year This should be a four digit number plus, where
appropriate, a single lower case letter to
identify articles by the same author in the same
year. If you only have one for that year, use only
a number.
Volume This field should contain the volume number of the
journal containing the article, if applicable.
This will normally be just a volume number, or
volume and issue in the form 10(2). The volume may
be non-numeric (for example "IV").
Supplement This field should contain the supplement number
(or letter), if applicable. In the special case
where just 0 is entered in this field, the program
will output 'Suppl.' with no number.
Pages Put the first page number of the article in the
first page field and the last in the second field
You may use page numbers which are non-numeric if
appropriate. If the item is on a single page,
leave the second field blank. If no page numbers
are appropriate leave both fields blank. Do not
put "p" or "pp" into the page fields.
Notes This field may be used to note a library call
number or other information about the item. It is
a fixed length field and it is normally only
displayed on the screen when editing the reference
itself (but see page 78).
Cited in This field is used to indicate the source of the
reference. It is not normally used in the
preparation of references (but see below). This
field contains B or J to indicate "book" or
"journal article".
Number This field should contain the number of the
reference where this item was cited.
Use citation Normally this field will contain "N" and the
information in the previous two fields will not
appear in finished reference printouts. If this
field contains "Y" the citing reference will be
looked up and "Cited in:" and the authors and year
of the citing reference will be appended to the
cited reference. You should make sure that the
citing reference appears in your reference list.
If you like, you can use T for "True" and F for
"False" instead of Y and N. Special features
Similar special features as those available when inputting
book references are available when inputting a journal article
reference. Press <F2> to copy from a recently added reference in
exactly the same way as with a book reference. The <F1> key will
show you an alphabetical list of authors (just like in a book
reference) on any field except the journal title field (when the
journal list is displayed as described above).
When you have finished inputting details on this item you
can go on to do another by using the arrow keys or <Pg Dn>.
You will then be provided with a blank review to fill in.
Enter as many reviews as required and then press <Esc> when
presented with an unwanted new blank. You will then be given a
new blank reference. Enter the next reference or press <Esc>. to
go back to the menu.
This function is otherwise identical to adding a book
5.3.2. Edit - Change existing references
This option functions almost exactly the same way as the
equivalent option on the BOOKS menu. If you do not know the
number of the item you wish to locate, type "0" for the article
number and fill in the search screen.
Searches for an author using * and ? symbols work in the
same way as for book references (see page 59).
References may be deleted by pressing <Alt F10>, but this
should only be done under exceptional circumstances.
5.3.3. Examine - Look at existing references
This option is exactly the same as the "Edit existing
references" option except you can only look at, not alter, the
contents of the references.
The options on the REVIEWS menu are:
1. Add
2. Edit
5.4.1. Add - Add new reviews
This option is used to input reviews at a time other than
when you enter the corresponding reference.
When you select this option you will be asked to provide the
reference number for the book or journal article you are
categorizing. Reviews on both books and journal articles are
stored together so you must provide a number beginning with B or
J to differentiate between them.
Reviews are then entered in the same way as described in the
BOOKS menu section on page 57. Special Features
When the cursor is in the topic field of a review, you can
get help on topic codes by pressing <F1>. This help is in the
form of your own notes (or reminder screens) on your topic
structure. See the appendix on page 99 for details.
5.4.2. Edit - Change existing reviews
You can edit an existing review by selecting this option.
You will be asked for a book or journal number. Type in B or J
followed by the appropriate number to search for reviews on this
item. You will then be asked for a page number. Normally you will
leave this blank but if you have many reviews on a particular
item you may wish to include a page number so you start in the
appropriate review. When the review is found you will be able to
move between all reviews on this item using the <Pg Up> and
<Pg Dn> keys.
If you want to edit reviews based on the topic, rather than
reference number, leave the reference number blank and press
<Enter>. You will be asked for a topic to search on instead. You
can put asterisks (*) in the topic to match with any digit in
that position. This is not the best way to find reviews as it
takes much longer for the program to find them (than by reference
number) in a very large database.
Alternately, you may search for the occurrence of a
particular word in the comments fields. If you put anything in
the "search comments for" field the topic code will be ignored
and you will see only reviews that contain the given word in the
Note that, because <Pg Dn> takes you to the next review that
meets the topic criteria (and this may take some time to find)
you should use <Ctrl W> rather than <Pg Dn> to get back to the
menu when you have seen all the reviews you wish to. <Esc> may be
used in the same way, but should not be used if you have made
changes to the current review as it will not save the field you
are currently on (this allows you to abort from an accidental
alteration to a field).
A review can be deleted entirely from the database by
pressing <Alt F10>. The program will then ask you to confirm this
by pressing <Alt F10> again.
The options on the LISTS menu are:
1. References
2. Comments with number
3. Comments with authors
4. Comments with reference
5. Journals
6. Manual list
5.5.1. References - List full references
This option allows you to generate a file containing
properly formatted references which you can include in a document
using your word processor. The format used for the reference is
determined by the currently selected print format file. See page
71 for details of how to switch between different format files,
and how to create new ones.
The file produced by BIBLOGIC can be read into your word
processor to be included in a document or printed out. The
procedure to read the file in varies from one word processor to
another. Consult the supplement on word processors at the back of
the manual for details of how to do this for your word processor.
The references are usually selected on the basis of the
category information in the reviews. Only references which have a
review in the system can be selected.
The references will normally be listed in alphabetical
order, but they may optionally be listed in year order.
When you select this option, the program will ask for a
"topic" (or a word to search comments for), a number to start
numbering from and a name for the output file. Type in the
required topic code. Use asterisks (*) to define "don't care"
levels in the topic. For example choosing "123*******" will list
all references with topics starting "123" with no regard for the
right-most seven digits. If you want to list references which
have a particular word in the review comments put this word in
the "search comments for" field. If you do this the topic codes
will be ignored.
If you want the references that are output to be numbered in
sequence, put the number of the first reference in the "number
from" field. This will usually be 1 unless the list is to be a
continuation from another list. If you do not want the references
to be numbered, put "0" in this field.
Choose a name for the output file, it can be up to eight
characters. An extension ".TXT" will be added automatically.
Normally, a list will consist of both book and journal
article references, but you can restrict the list to references
of one type or the other by putting B or J in the "Books, Journal
articles or All ?" field.
Sometimes it is useful to generate a list which includes the
actual B or J numbers against each reference. If you want this,
answer "Y" to "Show B/J numbers ?".
A list in year order is produced by putting "Y" in the "Sort
by year ?" field.
After filling in the last field, press <Enter> (or <Pg Dn>
if you want to skip fields). The program will start to compile
the list. This can take several minutes with a very large
database, so the program will keep you informed of its progress
with messages on the screen:
Loading print format....
Opening output file....
**** Press <Esc> at any stage if you wish to abort listing ****
Setting up work area on disk....
Finding required reviews....
Removing duplicates....
Looking up book references....
Looking up journal article references....
Sorting book references....
Sorting journal article references....
Making list....
It is not important to follow this process, but you may find
it of interest to do so. First the program finds the currently
selected print format file and loads it into memory. A file to
hold the list to be produced is then created and some temporary
files for intermediate lists are also created. The reviews that
satisfy the criteria you have requested are then copied to a
separate file. Because the reviews are in numerical order it is
easy for the program to locate and delete duplications in the
The book references and journal article references in the
list are then separately looked up and two lists are compiled.
These are then put into alphabetical order and the output file is
generated from these lists. During the listing the print format
file is used to control the format of the list and appropriate
codes are inserted into the list for your word processor
according to the information in the print format file.
If any articles on the topic selected were found, you will
see a list of references scroll up the screen. You may notice
unusual symbols in the references. These are the special codes
which tell the word processor where special effects (such as bold
and underline) are to be placed in the text. The list will
normally scroll off the screen once the screen is full, but if
you want to stop the list from scrolling (and pause the process
of making the list) you can use <Ctrl S> to pause and <Ctrl Q> to
re-start. Of course, you will also be able to look at the list
using your word processor later.
At the end of the process BIBLOGIC gives you two figures:
1) how much disk space it used for temporary files during the
listing and 2) how much disk space there is left after these
temporary files have been removed. When the first figure
approaches the second in size it means that the amount of space
left on the disk will soon be too small for BIBLOGIC to generate
the necessary temporary files to generate a reference listing.
Then is a good time to clean up your disk by removing unwanted
backup copies of documents, old data which is already backed up
and so on.
5.5.2. Comments with number
This option allows you to put all the comments in a group of
references into a file for word processing. The references are
selected by topic, in the same way as when you list the
references themselves. When you select this option, you will have
to specify a topic and file name in a similar way to the
reference list option. In this option the comments are identified
in the list only by the reference number.
5.5.3. Comments with authors
This option is similar to the previous one, except the first
and second authors' surnames and the year are also included in
the list. The names are listed only for the first comment
pertaining to a particular reference.
If the reference has more than two authors, "et al." is
appended to the surnames of the first two authors.
5.5.4. Comments with reference
This option lists the comments as above, but all of the
bibliographic information on the items is included in the list.
This can be used for making annotated reference lists for use as
(for example) a reading list for students or a list of "new
acquisitions" (assuming that these have been marked in some way
using a topic code).
The options are similar to those for a reference list. You
can choose to suppress the topic code printout, and you can
choose to suppress the B/J numbers if these are not required.
These options will be adequate for most purposes, but the
"Extended comments" option is included to allow you to produce a
special type of comments list.
If this option is used, once the relevant references have
been selected using a topic code in the usual way, the comments
for the selected references that match this second code will be
included in the list. This feature can be used in a number of
ways, for example:
1) You may wish to categorize references with very specific
topic codes for reference retrieval, but only wish to use
the comments facility for general comments or abstracts. You
can mark these abstracts with a particular code (for example
an "A" in the first column) and then use this facility when
making a comments list. Use the topic code in the usual way
(to select references on a particular topic) and then
request comments marked "A*********" to get a list of the
abstracts for the references found.
2) You may wish to identify references which address both of
two different concepts. Use the first topic code to select
references on one topic and then list the comments attached
to these references on a different topic.
If you answer "Y" to "Extend comments ?", you will be asked:
Topic code to list for selected references ? **********
The second topic code is entered at this point.
5.5.5. Journals - List journal titles
This option allows you to make a list of the journal titles
in the currently selected journal list. You will be asked if you
want the list to be in alphabetical order. Answer "Y" for
alphabetical or "N" for numerical order. Press the <Enter> key.
If the program has been set up to use a printer (see page 72),
the list will be directed to the printer, as well as to a file on
disk and on the screen. If the printer is not ready, or the
program is not set up to use a printer the list will only be sent
to the screen and to disk.
The disk file will have the same name as the journal list
itself, with the extension ".ALP" for a list in alphabetical
order, or ".NMR" for a list in numerical order. It is an ASCII
5.5.6. Manual list
A list of properly formatted references in an arbitrary
order, determined by the user, can be made using this option. To
do this, a list of B and J numbers (in the required order) must
first be made outside BIBLOGIC. This may be done in your word
processor, but the list must be saved as a plain ASCII file with
no formatting characters. If your word processor cannot do this,
you could use the editor provided with DOS or the DOS copy
command (for example: "copy con list.msr") to create a file (see
your DOS manual for details).
The file must have the extension ".MSR" (for example, it
could be called "LIST.MSR"). Each B or J number must start on a
new line and there should be no spaces in the numbers and no
blank lines.
The options on this menu are:
1. Configure
2. New journal list
3. Edit journal list
4. New database
5. New print format
6. Edit print format
7. Set numbers
8. Medline/DIALOG conversions
9. Exit from BIBLOGIC
5.6.1. Configuration
This option allows you to set up the program for use in a
different operating environment or for use by different
When you select this option you will be shown the existing
configuration, and must fill in the following parameters:
Database This is the name of the database the program is to
use. Normally one person would have just one
database, but different users would often keep
their references in different databases. You
should avoid generating different databases based
just on subject unless there is little or no
overlap between the subjects. The name of the
database should consist of up to eight characters,
letters and numbers only. The name is used to
generate several filenames (.BKS, .JAR, .RVU etc.)
and no extension should be typed. The program is
initially set up to use a database called
Journal List In many cases each database will have a separate
journal list associated with it, but there may be
cases where a single list serves several users, or
one user wishes to switch between several lists
(usually to accommodate different abbreviation
schemes). To do this change the name of the list
here. The name of the journal list should consist
of up to eight characters, letters and numbers
only. An extension of .JLS is assumed, and should
not be typed in. The program is initially set up
to use "JOURNALS".
Print Format The print format file determines how reviews are
printed and what control codes are output for the
particular word processor being used. The file
name should consist of up to eight characters. An
extension of .PFF is assumed, and should not be
typed. The initial setting is "PRINTFOR"
Printer Port If you do not have a printer connected you should
leave this field blank. If you have a printer
connected to the computer this field should be set
as follows:
Port Name for field
Parallel port 1 LPT1
Parallel port 2 LPT2
Serial port 1 COM1
Serial port 2 COM2
If you are using a serial port for your printer,
it must be set up correctly using the DOS "MODE"
command before running BIBLOGIC (for example in
your "AUTOEXEC.BAT" file).
The program is initially set up for no printer
(i.e. this field is blank).
Force Review Normally the program "forces" the user to add a
review for a reference straight after the
reference is entered (although it is possible to
avoid entering a review at all by pressing the
<Esc> key at the blank review screen). If you do
not want to automatically go from references to
new reviews, select "N" for this option.
Normal Review In version 2.0 and later the TOPIC and PAGE fields
Format in a review appear in that order, with the topic
before the page. If you wish to have these fields
in the opposite order (like earlier versions of
the program) select "N" for this option.
Beep on Finds When you are searching through references (using
the edit or examine options) the program will
normally make a beep sound whenever it finds a
matching reference. If you wish to suppress this
feature, select "N" for this option.
5.6.2. New journal list
This option allows you to make a new journal list, either
completely from "scratch" or by copying and altering an existing
list. When you select this option you will be asked if you want
to copy an existing list.
If you answer "Y", you will be given a list of existing
journal list (.JLS) files and asked for the name of the old file
to copy, and the name of the new file. If you try to copy a file
which does not exist, or give an existing name for the new file
an error message will be given and you will be asked to specify
the names again. You may quit from this screen by pressing <Esc>.
If you answer "N" in response to the initial question, you
will also be given a list of existing .JLS files and you will be
asked for the name of the new list. If you specify an existing
file name for the new list an error message will be given and you
will be asked to re-enter the name. You may quit from this
process by pressing <Esc>.
In either case a new list will be produced, either
containing the same journals as the original list, or completely
blank, as requested.
5.6.3. Edit journal list
This option allows you to change the contents of an existing
journal list. When you select this option you will be given a
list of existing .JLS files and will be asked for the name of the
file you wish to edit.
You will then be asked if you want the list to be in
alphabetical order. You may edit the list in alphabetical, or
numerical order.
The list will be put on the screen in two columns: journal
numbers on the left and titles on the right. You may use the up-
and down-arrows to move through the list a line at a time. The
<Pg Up> and <Pg Dn> keys move to the journal at the top or bottom
of the current screen. The <Home> and <End> keys move to the
beginning or end of the whole list.
In an alphabetical list, the letter keys may also be used to
move to the relevant part of the list (for example, the "J" key
will move the cursor to the first journal that begins with the
letter "J").
The function keys shown above the list may be used to modify
the list. You may DELETE the journal at the arrows using <F5>,
ADD a new journal using <F6>, FIND a particular journal (<F7>) or
EDIT it (change the number or title) using <F8>.
Note that, when you add a journal or change an existing one,
the order of the list is changed to keep the list in numerical or
alphabetical order - although the arrows are kept at the
appropriate journal.
When you add a journal the program will find the highest
numbered journal in the list and will fill in the number for the
added journal one higher than this. You can change this number if
you like, but the program will not let you use a number that has
already been used (this is also true when you edit the number of
an existing journal).
5.6.4. New database
This option allows you to make a new database, either
completely from "scratch" or by copying and altering an existing
database. When you select this option you will be asked if you
want to copy an existing database.
If you answer "Y" you will be given a list of existing
databases (in fact a list of .BKS files - the database consists
of others too) and you will be asked for the name of the old
database to copy and the name of the new database. If you try to
copy a database which does not exist, or give an existing name
for the new database an error message will be given and you will
be asked to specify the names again. You may quit from this
screen by pressing <Esc>.
If you answer "N" in response to the initial question, you
will also be given a list of existing databases and you will be
asked for the name of the new database. If you specify an
existing database name for the new database, an error message
will be given and you will be asked to re-enter the name. You may
quit from this process by pressing <Esc>.
In either case a new database will be produced, either
containing the same data as the original database, or completely
empty, as requested.
5.6.5. New print format
Print format files determine two things. Firstly they define
the style or layout of the reference (for example, how the
authors' names are laid out and where in the reference the year
is to go). Secondly they define the special codes that are to be
used by BIBLOGIC to tell the word processor you are using which
words are to be in bold, underlined and so on. A particular print
format file is therefore specific to both your application (for
example publishing in a particular journal) and to the word
processor you are using.
A number of example print format files for different word
processors are supplied with BIBLOGIC, so the complicated part of
print format design (describing to BIBLOGIC the special codes to
use for bold, underline etc.) is already done for you.
This option allows you to create a new print format file and
determine the format it represents and the codes it uses.
When you select this option you will be asked if you want to
copy an existing file. If you answer "Y" you will be given a list
of existing files and asked to input names for the old and new
files. If you answer "N" you will be asked to name the new file.
The program will than set up tables for editing the file you
have produced. If you have copied an existing file the format
will initially be the same as that which you copied, otherwise it
will be the default format.
Specifying the format is done in several distinct stages.
This system has been designed to fall somewhere between "totally
flexible and difficult to use" and "easy to use but inadequately
flexible". As a result the process is a little involved but
should allow you to cover most of the formats you are likely to
need. Once you have generated the print formats that you require,
you can simply call them up by name, so you do not have to go
through the process of design very frequently.
The first stage is to specify the format of the author's
First you are given an example of the current name format
and are asked if you want to change it. This allows you to bypass
this step and go on to the YEAR FORMAT (see below) if the format
is already as you want it. If you answer "Y" you must then answer
specific questions about the name format:
Where do you want the initials to be positioned ?
1. After name: Smith AB, McDonald DEF and Evans GH...
2. Before name: AB Smith, DEF McDonald and GH Jones...
3. Inverted: Smith AB, DEF McDonald and GH Jones...
4. Inverted: AB Smith, McDonald DEF and Evans GH...
Normally you will choose option 1 or 2, but some journals do use
options 3 or 4.
Do you want the names to be entirely in CAPITALS (Y/N) ?
Do you want periods (full stops) after each initial (Y/N) ?
Do you want spaces between initials (Y/N) ?
In each case the current state of the name format is shown
and the answer already in the box chooses the current state. You
may change the answer to alter the format, and the example will
change to reflect this alteration.
After these simple yes/no responses, you have to define some
more complicated parameters:
What do you want between the surname and initials ?
(This will only be asked for formats where you have asked for the
initials to appear after the name).
What do you want between names (when there are more than two) ?
What do you want between the last two names ?
What do you want after the last name ?
These three items represent the characters which are
underlined in this example:
J Smith, A J MacDonald and P Stephens, (1973)....
~~ ~~~~~ ~~
In each case the answer field is filled with # symbols to
represent unused characters. This enables you to specify spaces
in the strings that you give.
After specifying these items you will be asked:
Is the above format for names correct ?
Answer "N" if you want to go back and change any of your
responses, or "Y" to continue.
Next you will be asked to specify what punctuation is to
separate the major parts of the reference. Most styles use either
", " or ". ".
You will then be asked:
How do you want the editors to be shown ?
2. edited by............
For the year format, first you will be asked:
Where do you want the year to be positioned ?
1. After the authors' names
2. At the end of the reference
3. After the journal or after publication information
4. After the volume or after publication information
What do you want before the year ?
What do you want after the year (books/chapters) ?
What do you want after the year (journal articles) ?
These questions allow a wide variety of different
punctuation to be used with the year.
Note that, depending on the position that you select for the
year, other strings may already be positioned before the year.
For example: if you elect to position the year after the authors'
names, then you will have already selected a string to follow the
names. This string will be followed by your answer to "What do
you want before the year ?", then the year, then another string.
You will then be asked to specify what is to separate a
chapter title from a book title. Most styles use "In", "in" or
You will then be given a choice of formats for the publisher (of
books or chapters):
How do you want the publisher to be shown ?
1. publisher, place
2. place: publisher
3. (publisher, place
4. (place: publisher
The last two of these may seem unusual, but they are used in
conjunction with options 3 and 4 for the year position to
generate (for example):
(New York: Champion & Champion, 1986)
Next you must specify the format of the volume information (in
journal articles):
How do you want the volume/number to be shown ?
1. 10(2) (as stored in database)
2. Vol. 10 No. 2
What do you want before the volume/supplement number ?
What do you want after the volume/supplement number ?
You will then be asked to specify the page format:
What do you want before the page number (one page item) ?
What do you want before the page numbers (multi-page item) ?
What do you want between page numbers (multi-page item) ?
These questions enable you to specify formats which allow,
for example:
"page 117" To be output where only a first page is
supplied in the reference and
"pages 117 to 119" To be output where a first and last page
is supplied.
You may elect to print the notes field in the reference for
special applications:
How do you want the notes field shown ?
1. Notes field not printed in reference
2. Notes field in [ ] at end of reference
3. In place of an undefined journal
You should choose option 1 unless you have a special application.
Option 2 is used when the notes field has been used to record,
for example, the location of an article and you want to print a
list for your own use, rather than for publication.
Option 3 can be used with references that have been converted
from Medline format to print the journal title information from
the notes field if the journal field has not been filled in.
The next stage is to define the special characters which
will be understood by your word processor to signify "special
effects" such as bold, underline and so on. You will be asked if
you wish to change these special effect definitions. If you
answer "N" you will skip this part of the procedure and go on to
If you copied an existing print format file (e.g. the
examples supplied with BIBLOGIC) then you will probably not want
to change these codes - so answer "N".
If you answer "Y" you will be asked to supply names for up
to six effects, and then the actual codes for turning these
effects on and off. This is a lengthy and somewhat complicated
process and you should read the Appendix on Print Format Files
(see page 100) before attempting to make changes here.
Next you must specify where the special effects are to be
used. The number corresponding to the desired effect should be
input against each of the options. These are mostly self
explanatory, the code to turn the effect on is output before the
item named and the code to turn it off again is output after the
item. The last two need some clarification:
file defines an effect, the "on" code for which is
output right at the beginning of the whole file
(list). The "off" code is output right at the end
of the list.
reference defines an effect, the "on" code for which is
output before each complete reference. The "off"
code is output right immediately after each
complete reference.
These last two options are used for special formatting
purposes in some word processors (see the example PFFs for
Microsoft Word, WordStar 2000 or WordPerfect [Trademarks]).
After you have specified where the effects are to be used
(or you can just press <Enter> for each one to accept the
existing scheme) the new print format file is produced and
written to disk.
5.6.6. Edit print format
This option works exactly like the previous one, except an
existing format is changed rather than a new one being created.
5.6.7. Set numbers
Under normal circumstances the program will assign the
reference numbers to book and journal article references,
starting with B1 and J1. If you need to start numbering at a
different number, or if you wish to number the references
yourself, you can use this option to do so.
When you select this option, you will be shown the numbers
which would be given to the next references to be input and you
should type in the new values.
You should avoid using this option unless you have special
requirements which make it necessary.
If you elect to number your own references the program will
not check for duplicated numbers and you may not be able to
access some references if you allocate the same number to more
than one reference.
It is safe to set the values to higher values than their
current value - except if you choose a very high value you may
run out of numbers sooner than you expect. Assigning a lower
number than the current value may result in duplications and
should be avoided.
5.6.8. Medline/DIALOG conversions
This option allows text captured from a MEDLINE or DIALOG
search to be used to create a BIBLOGIC database. This option will
prompt you for some file names and the type of conversion.
Reference Medline
The input file must be in the MEDLINE "RAW INDENTED" format.
In the conversion process, BIBLOGIC looks for the following lines
in the text, and all other lines are ignored.
The lines the program uses start with:
a number Start of a new reference
TA - Journal
MH - "Mesh" heading
TI - Title
PG - Page
DP - Date of publication
AB - Abstract
AU - Author
IP - Issue number / supplement
AD - Author data
VI - Volume
This option will prompt you for the name of the text file to
be converted and the name for the new BIBLOGIC database to be
created. During the conversion process a report file called
"CONVERT.TXT" is generated. This can be inspected using your word
processor or by the DOS "type" command to check the converted
file. You are advised to check either this report, or the
database generated, against the original MEDLINE text before
appending the newly generated database to your main database
using the IMPORT function.
Note that the conversion from MEDLINE format puts the
journal title into the notes field. You may then put in the
correct numbers manually using you journal list. You may also do
this by editing the MEDLINE text file before conversion. If
BIBLOGIC finds a number where the journal title should be in the
MEDLINE text, it will be put directly into the journal field
rather than the notes field. This is better than relying on the
journal titles being put into the notes field. This is because
long journal titles may be truncated.
In the conversion, the MEDLINE "MH", "AB" and "AD" fields
will be put into the comments field in the review. The other
fields listed above are put into the appropriate field in the
reference. A single review is generated for each reference. It is
left up to the user to put in an appropriate topic code and to
add more reviews if appropriate.
Reference DIALOG
This conversion works in a similar manner to the Medline
conversion, except the lines which are used begin with different
In the conversion process, BIBLOGIC looks for the following
lines in the text, and all other lines are ignored.
The lines the program uses start with:
< or a number Start of a new reference
JN- Journal
DE- Subject heading
BT- "
GL- "
BC- "
CC- "
SC- "
TI- Title
PG- Page
PY- Publication Year
AB- Abstract
AU- Author
CS- Author data
PU- "
VO- Volume
IS- Issue
NO- Number
SH- Heading
Note that the conversion from DIALOG format puts the journal
title into the notes field. You may then put in the correct
numbers manually using you journal list. You may also do this by
editing the DIALOG text file before conversion. If BIBLOGIC finds
a number where the journal title should be in the DIALOG text, it
will be put directly into the journal field rather than the notes
field. This is better than relying on the journal titles being
put into the notes field. This is because long journal titles may
be truncated.
In the conversion, the DIALOG IS-, VO-, NO- and subject
heading fields will be put into the comments field in the review.
The other fields listed above are put into the appropriate field
in the reference. A single review is generated for each
reference. It is left up to the user to put in an appropriate
topic code and to add more reviews if appropriate.
The UTILITIES menu allows you to add references to the
current database from another BIBLOGIC database, or to extract
references from the current database to form a new one. For
conversion from other types of databases see the SET-UP menu on
new databases (see page 74).
The options on the UTILITIES menu are:
1. Import
2. Export
3. Pack database
4. Topic code changes
5. Register
5.7.1. Import
When you select the import option you will be asked for the
name of a BIBLOGIC database. You will be asked to confirm this
operation. This database in its entirety will be added to the
current database.
The B & J numbers of the added references will be increased
to place them after the existing references, and the
corresponding reviews will be altered accordingly. Please note
that the journal title numbers and topic codes of the appended
references are not altered, so the topic and journal numbering
schemes of the current database and the appended database must be
consistent. It is best to change these (if necessary) in the
database to be appended before adding the new references to the
current database. It is also advisable to print out a reference
list with B/J numbers for the database to be added so that the B
and J numbers are known after the appending process.
5.7.2. Export
The EXPORT option will prompt you to provide a topic code
(or B/J number) to select references for output in the same way
as the list options. You will also be asked for a name for the
new database. If you select a name which already exists, you will
be asked whether you really do wish to overwrite that database.
Be careful that you do not overwrite a database that you wish to
keep. The appropriate reviews, book references and journal
article references will then be output to a new database. The
references will be given new B/J numbers, starting at B1 and J1
and the reviews will be altered accordingly.
The above functions are straightforward to use, but their very
nature makes them potentially destructive if they are used
indiscriminately. You are therefore advised to try them out on
COPIES of your databases until you fully understand their use.
5.7.3. Pack database
This option allows you to actually remove deleted items from
the database. When a reference or review is "deleted" it is
marked as being deleted, but the space it takes up in the
database is not reclaimed. This option will actually reduce the
size of the database by reclaiming the space used by deleted
items. It is only necessary to use this option if you have made a
large number of deletions and you wish to reclaim disk space or
speed up the operation of the program.
This operation can take several minutes for a large
5.7.4. Topic code changes
This option allows you to make changes to all of the topic
codes in the reviews in a database at one time. It allows you to
make changes to your tree structure even when a large number of
reviews have already been input. This function is somewhat
limited however, and should not be relied upon as a substitute
for careful tree design in the first place ! It is suggested that
you use these options on a copy of your database, rather than on
the database itself, as irreversible changes can be made to the
reviews in a database. The options are as follows. Add column
This option allows you to add a column in the codes so that
(for example):
"12345 6789"
Note that the digit or letter in column 10 will be lost.
Inserting a column before column 1 has the effect of moving
the codes one position rightwards (losing column 10). Delete column
This option allows you to remove a column from the code.
Columns to the right of the deleted columns will be moved
leftwards one position and the tenth column becomes blank so that
(for example):
"124567890 "
Deleting column 1 has the effect of moving the codes one
position leftwards (losing column 1). Individual substitutions
Individual substitutions can be made in the following ways.
A single code with all the columns specified may be replaced
with another code throughout the database, or a number of codes
(specified with an asterisk "*" in one or more columns) may be
The replacement may be a fully specified code (i.e. all ten
columns are given) or it may contain asterisks "*", in which case
the columns containing asterisks will be unmodified.
Note that the effect of the asterisks in the code being
replaced is different to the effect in the replacement code. In
the first case the asterisk means "change the code whatever is in
this column". In the second case it means "do not change this
When you have filled out both codes, you will be asked to
confirm that the substitution is to go ahead.
If the changes you are making to your tree structure are
extensive you may need to use this option many times. If your
changes require using this option repeatedly, you should be
careful that the change you make does not give rise to codes
which already exist and are to be changed. For example, you
cannot change:
"X*********" to "YQT*******"
and then
"Y*********" to "PQRST*****"
without all codes starting with X or Y ending up as "PQRST....".
These particular changes could be done in the opposite order with
an entirely different effect. You could change codes to an
intermediate value and then subsequently change them again (after
other changes that would have affected them have been made).
It is stressed that you should use this options on a copy of
your database, rather than on the database itself, as
irreversible changes can be made to the reviews in a database.
5.7.5. Register
This option displays instructions on how to register your
copy of BIBLOGIC. When Biblogic Computer Services receives your
registration payment you will be sent a serial number for your
copy of the program. Use this option to type in the serial
number. This action will mark your copy and de-activate the
sign-on screen which displays each time BIBLOGIC is run.
5.8. EXIT
The EXIT menu has just one option, that is to exit from
BIBLOGIC. Press <Enter> when this menu is displayed to exit from
the BIBLOGIC program. If the program was run directly from DOS
you will be returned to DOS. If BIBLOGIC was run from within
another program (for example a menu program) you will be returned
to that program.
Appendix A. Installing BIBLOGIC on disk drives other than C:
The following instructions will be relevant in only a few
cases, so they have been included as an appendix.
The installation program allows you to install BIBLOGIC on a
drive other than drive C: simply by typing in a different drive
letter at the appropriate prompt during installation.
The only complication that could arise is if, for some
reason (for example in certain network situations) the
installation program is unable to correctly identify your boot
drive and hence locate your CONFIG.SYS file.
Under these circumstances the CONFIG.SYS file can simply be
edited manually.
Appendix B. Running BIBLOGIC from other directories
If you want to run BIBLOGIC from different directories (for
example for different users) you must do the following:
1) Create subdirectories for each database.
2) Put the \BIBLOGIC directory on the search path so that DOS
can find the BIBLOGIC program whenever you type
"BIBLOGIC<Enter>" at the DOS prompt. See your DOS manual for
details on how to use the DOS "path" command.
3) When you first run BIBLOGIC from a particular directory a
set-up file "BIBLOGIC.BSU" will be created in that
directory. This will define the default set-up:
Database name: "DATABASE"
Journal list: "JOURNALS"
Print format: "PRINTFOR"
Printer: None
You will then have to go to the SET-UP menu and alter these
values if these are not what you require. Note that this
set-up will be "private" to the directory you are in and
will always be in effect when the program is run in this
directory. Usually, you will want to set up databases with
different names for each user, even though the databases
will be stored in separate subdirectories. This will avoid
any possible confusion between databases when, for example,
files are copied to floppies or transferred from one machine
to another.
4) Copy any print format files, journal lists etc. that you
will need into this directory. Note that any changes you
make to these files will only be effective when running the
program from this directory.
Note that there are certain files (.DBF files) which BIBLOGIC
uses to create new files which it must be able to find in the
\BIBLOGIC directory. These need not be copied to the new
The above-described method of setting up BIBLOGIC is ideal
when setting up a system to be used by novice users, since they
simply have to "cd" to their own directory and run BIBLOGIC. A
menu program can be used to isolate the users from DOS. Do not,
however, install a menu system for a novice user if you (or
somebody else) is not going to stay around to maintain the
system. Novice users who have to operate substantially on their
own should be encouraged to learn the rudiments of DOS.
Running with BIBLOGIC.EXE in a different location
BIBLOGIC always works in the current directory for database,
print format, and journal list files. This allows "private"
sub-directories to be set up as described above so that users do
not interfere with each other's data. BIBLOGIC also uses certain
files (such as NLSSTRUC.DBF) which, by default, it expects to
find in "\BIBLOGIC". Normally, the method of setting up described
above will be appropriate in a situation where more than one user
is using the program. Each user can simply go to their own
sub-directory and type BIBLOGIC to run the program. Data specific
to the user is obtained from the current directory while BIBLOGIC
system files are still available to the program because it looks
for them in subdirectory \BIBLOGIC (on the current drive) by
default. If, for some reason, you want to run BIBLOGIC in a
directory other than "\BIBLOGIC" you must use the DOS set command
in your AUTOEXEC.BAT to set up the environment variable BIBLOGIC.
For example:
will cause BIBLOGIC to look in a different subdirectory for its
system files. If the environment variable "BIBLOGIC" has been
set, its value overrides BIBLOGIC's search path for system files.
Note that, however, the location of program overlays is
determined from the system path.
The set-up file BIBLOGIC.BSU from the CURRENT directory is used
when BIBLOGIC is run. Note also that there MUST NOT be spaces
either side of the = sign in the SET command.
Appendix C. Field sizes
The sizes of the individual fields in a record are chosen as
a compromise between overall database size and fitting in the
actual information to be stored.
In order to move around the database quickly, all records
must be the same size (with the exception of the comments field
in the review database). Records with short titles, for example,
still take up the space taken by the largest possible title to be
stored in the system. Keeping these sizes to a minimum then,
reduces the overall size of the database and thus increases the
number of records which can be stored on the disk.
Fields which overflow can be accommodated (see page 54), but
if this were to occur frequently a great deal of "patching up" of
the final reference lists would be required.
The sizes chosen were based on an actual database containing
about 3000 references. The program has been written so that
future versions can have slightly different field sizes if
necessary. Adjustments (up or down in size) will be made based on
actual user experience.
All of the databases are compatible with dBASEIII+
(Trademark of Ashton Tate) and they may be manipulated using
dBASEIII+. The names assigned to the various fields should be
self explanatory, but look also at their contents in one of your
databases. Note that BIBLOGIC uses a different method of indexing
to dBASE III+ and that BIBLOGIC's indexes to a database which has
been altered or created outside BIBLOGIC must be deleted before
running BIBLOGIC so that it is forced to rebuild them. This is
easily done by deleting (for example) "DATABASE.I*" in DOS before
running BIBLOGIC. Failure to do this may result in irreversible
damage to the database by use of an inappropriate index by
At the time of writing, it is believed that dBASEIV cannot
be used to create or manipulate BIBLOGIC files because of
differences in the file headers between dBASEIII and dBASEIV.
The field sizes are as listed overpage.
Books database (.BKS File) Journal articles (.JAR file)
Authors (x5) Authors (x8)
Last name Character 25 Last Name Character 25
Initial 1 Character 1 Initial 1 Character 1
Initial 2 Character 1 Initial 2 Character 1
Initial 3 Character 1 Initial 3 Character 1
Editors (x3) Year Character 5
Last name Character 25 Title Character 210
Initial 1 Character 1 Journal Numeric 4
Initial 2 Character 1 Volume Character 7
Initial 3 Character 1 Supplement Character 4
Page start Character 5
Year Character 5 Page end Character 5
Chapter Character 150 Ref. number Numeric 5
Book Character 150 Notes Character 25
Edition Character 5 Cited B/J Character 1
Publisher Character 60 Number Numeric 5
Place/pub Character 30 Use ? Logical 1
Page start Character 5 ---
Page end Character 5 ** Total ** 501
Ref. number Numeric 5
Notes Character 25
Cited B/J Character 1
Number Numeric 5
Use ? Logical 1
** Total ** 671
Reviews database (.RVU file)
Ref. number Character 6
Topic Character 10
Page Character 5
Comments Memo 10 (pointer into .DBT file)
** Total ** 31
Comments (.DBT file)
The maximum size of comment that the program can handle is
approximately 65,000 characters. Note that this limit is larger
than dBASE III allows.
Journal list (.JLS file)
Number Numeric 4
Title Character 150
** Total ** 154
Appendix D. Comments field editing
On page 57 the comments editor (word processor) was briefly
This editor can handle a maximum of approximately 65,000
characters which is about 800-1500 lines (depending on their
length). This sets the limit for the maximum amount of text you
can put into a single comments field in a review.
<"Up-arrow"> Cursor up one line
<"Down-arrow"> Cursor down one line
< <- > Cursor left one character
< -> > Cursor right one character
<Ctrl -> > Cursor right one word
<Ctrl <- > Cursor left one word
<Home> Cursor to beginning of line
<End> Cursor to end of line
<Ctrl Home> Cursor to beginning of comment
<Ctrl End> Cursor to end of comment
<Pg Up> Cursor up one "screenful"
<Pg Dn> Cursor down one "screenful"
<Del> Delete character at cursor position
<Ctrl T> Delete word at cursor
<Ctrl Y> Delete line at cursor
<Ins> Switch from "Insert" to "Overtype" mode.
"Ins" shows at the top of screen when in
insert mode. In insert mode characters typed
push existing text along to make room for the
new text. In overtype mode new text typed
replaces the old text.
<Backspace> Delete character to left of cursor
<Ctrl B> Reformat text in window
<Esc> Abort changes, exit comments field
<F4> or <Ctrl W> Save comments and exit
Formatting of text in print-outs
When typing text into a comment, do not use tabs and spaces
to elaborately set out the text in tables and so on. Such
formatting cannot be guaranteed to be preserved through to the
final word processor file because the tabs and margins are
eventually decided by the word processor, not BIBLOGIC.
Instead, type the text in without pressing <Enter> except to
separate paragraphs. To separate paragraphs use two consecutive
carriage returns: "<Enter><Enter>".
Lists in "point form" for example:
1) Switch on the kettle
2) Get the teabags
3) Wait for the kettle to boil
should be typed on separate lines with <Enter><Enter> at the end
of each line.
Appendix E. Backing up, considerations for advanced users
If you are a seasoned computer user you will realize that
the advice on backing up on page 48 does not tell the whole
story. Incremental backups based on the state of the attributes
bits in files are a safe way of backing up, but often much more
data is copied in each backup than is really necessary. With big
files such as those handled by BIBLOGIC backing up the changed
files, and keeping all the previous copies of the files is
certainly safe, but if your backups are to floppy disk you will
either be knee deep in disks pretty soon, or you will be starting
a fresh backup from scratch much more often than you would like.
The answer is simple, but you will need to design your own
strategy to suit you own purposes. The author of the program now
uses a tape backup system, but when floppy disks were used in the
past, the technique described below was used.
A number of different programs to back up data to floppy
disk are available. You can use the DOS "Backup" command, or
contact your local dealer for other options.
NOTE: This technique is described here to help you design your
own backup strategy. It is not absolutely foolproof, and may not
suit your application - so if you use these suggestions, you do
so at your own risk.
Initially a batch file called FULLBACK is used carry out the
following process:
1) A utility program is used to set the "archive" bits on all
files on the hard disk.
2) The archive bit on all ".BAK" files (backups produced by
word processors) are then cleared.
3) A backup of all files with the archive bit set is made (i.e.
everything on the disk but the .BAK files).
Every day that the system is used, a batch file called PARTBACK
is used to carry out the following:
1) The archive bit on all the files in the BIBLOGIC
subdirectory is cleared.
2) A backup of all files with the archive bit set is made (i.e.
everything that has changed since the last backup EXCEPT the
files in the BIBLOGIC subdirectory). These files are added
to the end of the backup made with FULLBACK
When the total size of the backup set of disks gets too large
FULLBACK is used again to start another backup set. The above
process takes care of everything on the system EXCEPT THE FILES
IN BIBLOGIC. Because of their size they are handled differently.
Every time BIBLOGIC is used to add a significant amount of
information a batch file called BIBLBACK is used to do the
1) The archive bits on all files in BIBLOGIC are set.
2) The archive bits on all the index (*.I*) files are cleared
(the indexes can easily be rebuilt and do not need to be
backed up).
3) Everything in the BIBLOGIC subdirectory with the archive bit
set is backed up to a different set of disks to those used
for the PARTBACK/FULLBACK process. These are re-used each
time, although two sets are kept and used alternately. This
means that only the last two versions of the data in
BIBLOGIC are kept (the FULLBACK process also keeps one,
generally much older, copy as well).
The problem with this sort of strategy is that a certain amount
of the responsibility of keeping track of backups lies with the
user. Probably the only (almost) foolproof method of backing up
is to use a tape backup system to back up the whole of your hard
disk(s) on a daily basis. Rotating through a number of tapes and
making an occasional archive tape which is not re-used ensures
maximum integrity of your back-ups.
Appendix F. The SOUNDEX algorithm
The BIBLOGIC program allows the user to perform a special
sort of search for authors when the user is unsure of the
spelling of an authors name. The search is based on an algorithm
known as the "SOUNDEX" algorithm which was originally described
in "The Art of Computer Programming".
It is not necessary to understand how this algorithm works
to use it - this description is included here as a matter of
The algorithm works by converting names to be compared into
sequences of letters and numbers in such a way that similar names
will convert to the same sequence.
To convert a name into a code the following procedure is
1) The name is converted to upper case.
2) The first letter of the name becomes the first letter of the
code (in other words, there is no conversion of the first
3) Where double letters occur, the duplication is removed.
4) For the rest of the letters in the name, the characters
A,E,H,I,O,U,W and Y are omitted.
4) The string is truncated to four characters (or filled out to
four characters with zeroes if it is shorter).
5) Letters (other than the first one) are replaced with numbers
according to the following scheme:
B,F,P or V 1
C,G,J,K,Q,S,X or Z 2
D or T 3
L 4
M or N 5
R 6
Codes produced in this way for two "similar" names will be the
The scheme is not, of course, foolproof. It will not help you if
you are not sure whether you are looking for Christoff or
Kristoff (you would simply have to search twice in this case),
but it will enable you to overcome the most common problems with
vowels and double letters.
MK Odell & RC Russell in "The Art of Computer Programming", Vol.
3, Sorting and Searching", Page 392. Addison & Wesley.
Appendix G. On-screen topic help
Each time BIBLOGIC is run, it determines what database is
being used and then it looks for a text file with the same name
as the database and the extension ".HLP", for example
This text file is an ASCII file created by the user using a
word processor or program editor. It should contain notes to
remind you about your topic structure. The notes may be just text
or, if your word processor or editor allows, they may contain
special symbols to make up a diagram of your tree.
The file may have more than one page, the pages being
separated by a line containing an "@" in the first column (a
form-feed character may be used instead).
Each page may consist of up to 24 lines of text. Each line
should contain 79 characters or less. It is a good idea (but not
essential) to number each page on the first line with, for
example "PAGE 1".
Note that the .HLP file must be an ASCII file, not a word
processor document. Most word processors can produce an ASCII
file, consult your word processor manual for details.
When you are using BIBLOGIC and are about to fill out a
topic code field (in a review, or to specify what is to be
included in a list) you may call up the information in the ".HLP"
file by pressing function key <F1>. You may move from page to
page using the <Pg Up> and <Pg Dn> keys or by pressing the number
keys <1> to <9> to go directly to a particular page. The up- and
down-arrow keys work in the same way as the <Pg Up> and <Pg Dn>
keys. To leave the help file, press <Esc>.
If you want to make changes to your .HLP file, simply edit
it using the word processor or editor that you originally
produced it with.
An example of a .HLP file is included in the release
Appendix H. Special effects codes for new word processors
BIBLOGIC can be configured for use with most word
processors. If the documentation for the word processor does not
describe the embedded control codes, they can be often be worked
out by creating a simple text file using all the control codes
you need and examining what the word processor generates using a
program such as DEBUG. This is not an easy procedure to describe
to somebody not familiar with DEBUG, ASCII codes and so on, so it
is best left to somebody who is !
Create a new (empty) file using your word processor and type
in some example text using the appropriate special effects. For
This is Bold text
This is Underlined text
This is Bold and underline used together
Examine the file produced using DEBUG or some similar
utility. Depending on the word processor the file (sometimes each
page) may start with a header block. Skip over this part of the
file until you see the text you typed. Look among this text for
control codes. Many word processors use the same codes to turn an
effect on or off, but beware, this is not universal. Also, many
word processors use the most significant bit for special purposes
so you will need to take this into account. If you use DEBUG note
that the values are in hexadecimal and you will need to convert
them to decimal to generate a BIBLOGIC print format file.
If the word processor generates files without a header (e.g.
WordStar [Trademark]) then you can simply edit the files
generated by BIBLOGIC. If the word processor you use uses headers
on its files you will have to create an empty file with the word
processor and read in the text from the BIBLOGIC file using a
file read command (called "Block read", "Block insert", "File
input" or something similar).
Problems with special effects.
If, when you print a file using your word processor, the
special effects you have programmed do not appear in the text it
could be for a number of reasons. Examine the symptoms more
closely and use the table below to locate the fault.
(1) The special effects do not show up properly in the file when
you examine it with your word processor.
The simplest cause of this problem is having the wrong print
format file selected in the BIBLOGIC configuration. Use
option 1 on the SET-UP menu to check this.
If this is not the cause of the problem then either you have
set the codes up wrongly in the print format file, or the
word processor strips control codes when it reads in a text
file. If you are absolutely certain that you have set up the
codes correctly then, unfortunately you have a word
processor which is unable to read in text with special
effects already in place. It may be possible to use unusual
character strings (for example \B for bold) in place of
special effects codes, which can be replaced with effects
codes using the word processor's "find and replace"
function. You must use a combination of characters that you
will not want to include in regular text, to avoid
accidental replacements.
(2) The special effects show up properly in the file when you
examine it with your word processor, but they are not
printed correctly.
You have not properly set up your word processor to drive
your printer. Consult the word processor manual and printer
manual to rectify this.
Aborting a record, 19 Database
Accents, 52 creating a new one, 74
Adding file name, 71
a book, 15, 52 DBT files, 13
a review, 64 DIALOG, 82
an article, 61 DOS, 3
Advanced features, 49 Duplications, 56
ALP file, 69
Arrow keys, 9 E
Articles menu, 18 Editing information, 20
Author Edition, 53
list of authors, 56 Editors, 54
skipping over names, 55 Escape key, 10
Et al., 68
B Examine, 21, 60, 63
Backing up, 48
Basic principles, 9 F
BKS file, 12 Features, 2
Bold, 79 Fields, 13
Book reference format, 15 File names, 11, 67
Book title, 53 Files, 11
Books menu, 15, 52 Function keys, 10, 56
F1, 37, 56, 60, 61, 63, 99
C F2, 55, 57, 63
Categorization, 26, 57, 66 F3, 17, 44, 57
Category structure F4, 17, 44, 57, 93
customized, 31 F5, 43, 74
design, 25 F6, 43, 74
display, 37 F7, 43, 74
hierarchical, 26 F8, 43, 74
matrices, 27
partial, 40 G
testing, 34 Goreal, 41
Changing information, 20
Chapter numbers, 38 H
Chapter title, 53 Hierarchical system, 2
Citation, 54, 62 Hierarchical tree structure, 26
listing to a file, 68 I
on a reference, 16, 57 IBK files, 13
CONFIG.SYS, 7 IJA files, 13
Configuring the program, 71 Import/Export, 49
Control key, 10 Inputting
Copying Biblogic, 3 references, 41, 44
Copyright, 3 reviews, 44
Cursor movement, 13 Installation, 5
around screen, 19 special cases, 87, 88
between records, 19 IRV files, 13
Italics, 79
JAR file, 12 O
JLS file, 12 Overflow of fields, 54
Journal article title, 61
Journal articles menu, 18, 20, P
61 Page numbers, 53, 57, 62, 79
Journal list Page up & down keys, 19
creating a new one, 73 Parallel printer, 72
file name, 71 Partial categorization, 40
modifying an existing one, 73 PFF file, 12, 74
Journal name, 43, 61 Place of publication, 53
Plus symbol, 52
K Print format
Keyboard markings, 9 creating a new one, 74
Keywords, 26 file name, 71
modification of, 46
L name format, 75
Learning BIBLOGIC, 8 page number format, 79
Lists - introduction special effects, 79
journal list, 42 Print screen function, 13
options, 45 Printer port, 72
reference list, 21 Publisher, 53
Lists menu, 66
Long names or titles, 54 Q
Quiting a record, 19
Main menu, 10, 14, 50 R
Matrices, 27 Real references, 41
Medline, 81 Records, 13
Memory Requirements, 3 Reference number
Menu changing, 80
books, 15, 52 Review - introduction, 16
journal articles, 18, 20, 61 Reviews menu, 64
lists, 66 Running Biblogic, 14
main, 10, 14, 50 RVU file, 12
reviews, 64
set-up, 71 S
Missing information, 54 Screen boxes, 13
Screen function, 9
N Searching, 20, 21, 58
Name Serial printer, 72
in comments list, 68 Set-up menu, 71
of author, uncapitalized, 52 Sharing the system, 38
of authors, 15, 22, 61, 75 Special effects, 79
of city, 53 Spelling, 59
of databases, 11, 71 Starting Biblogic, 14
of editors, 15, 54 Supplement, 62
of files, 11, 67
of journal, 2, 12, 43, 61, 69 T
of journal list file, 71 Title, 61
of output file, 22, 66 Topic code, 26, 57, 66
of print format files, 47 critical date, 39
of special effects, 79 marking references, 39
skipping over names, 55 zero as, 39
too long, 54 Tree structure, 26
NMR file, 69
Notes, 53, 62
NUM files, 13
Underline, 79
Upgrading to latest version, 8
Volume, 62
Warranty, 3
Word-processor, 2, 47, 66, 93
Writing a record to disk, 19
Year, 59
book reference, 53
journal article reference, 62
Zero, as a category, 39