The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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945 lines
Supplement to BIBLOGIC manual
Special effects codes for word-processors
January 18, 1992
This file should be printed out and inserted at the back of
your BIBLOGIC manual.
A number of ready-made print format files for various
word-processors are supplied with BIBLOGIC. These are copied
across to your hard disk during the installation process.
The example .PFF files all define the same style (layout) of
reference, but they contain different "special effects codes", as
required by the different word-processors to signify bold,
underline and so on.
When you want to create a print format file for one of these
word-processors, you do not need to define the special effects
codes yourself. You can simply copy the relevant ready-made
format and alter the style of reference.
For example, to make a print format file for use with
1) Select the "Make a new print format file" option on the
set-up menu.
2) When you are asked "Do you want to copy an existing print
format file?" answer "Y".
3) You will be asked which file you want to copy, choose
4) Answer the questions that follow to define the particular
style of reference you require.
screen you will be asked if you want to change any of the
special effects definitions. You should answer "N", since
the correct codes were copied from WS.PFF.
6) The next screen is the SPECIAL PRINTING EFFECTS - USAGE
screen. Choose the appropriate effects for each part of the
reference by putting the corresponding numbers in the boxes.
You now have a customized print format file with the correct
special effects codes for WordStar.
Using a list produced by BIBLOGIC with your word-processor
Depending on the word-processor you use, you may be able to
edit the file produced by BIBLOGIC directly, or you may have to
read the BIBLOGIC file into an existing word-processor document.
You may be able to do both. With some word-processors you will
have to use the word-processor's conversion facilities to change
the format of the file before reading it into the word-processor.
Instructions for particular word-processors are listed on
the following pages.
In many word-processors, a file from a subdirectory other
than the current one may be read into an existing document. This
is useful because it allows you to word-process in your usual
sub-directory and still have access to BIBLOGIC lists. For
example you could:
In the C:\BIBLOGIC subdirectory, run BIBLOGIC and produce a
file called (for example) LIST.TXT containing a list of
references or comments on a particular topic.
Exit BIBLOGIC and go to one of your word-processing
sub-directories (for example) C:\WP\THESIS.
Use your word-processor to edit (for example) CHAP9.DOC, and
use the "read in a file" function to read in
Note that, once you have successfully read LIST.TXT into a
word-processed document, you do not really need to keep a copy in
the C:\BIBLOGIC subdirectory. You can either delete it or, more
conveniently, simply re-use the file-name next time you make a
list in BIBLOGIC so that it is overwritten.
If the word-processor you use is unable to read a file from
a subdirectory other than the current one, you must either run
the word-processor in the directory where you generate lists with
BIBLOGIC, or copy the lists to the sub-directory where you
word-process after you have created them.
Word-processors without an existing .PFF file
If you wish to use BIBLOGIC with a word-processor for which
an example .PFF file has not been provided, you have two options.
If your word-processor includes a utility to convert files
from other word-processor formats, you may be able to use it to
read a BIBLOGIC list generated for another word-processor. This
is generally more successful with formats which are closest to
plain text (for example, those generated by WS.PFF or WORD.PFF).
Once a successful conversion process is established, it can be
streamlined using batch files or macros within your
word-processor, so that the conversion is semiautomatic.
If conversion is not possible, you may wish to generate a
.PFF file specifically for the new word-processor. This is simple
to do once you know what codes to put into the .PFF file (use the
New Print Format option on the SET-UP menu). You do, however,
have to do some research to figure out the correct codes. Refer
to the Appendix in the BIBLOGIC manual for more detailed
Inserting Italics in references
A number of BIBLOGIC users have requested the ability to
insert italics within references to signify (for example) foreign
words. The italicized words do not correspond to a part of the
reference as a whole, but rather are individual words or phrases
in titles or journal names. This is particularly common in the
medical field, where Latin words in titles are often italicized
in this way.
The ITALICS utility (ITALICS.EXE on the distribution disks)
allows this to be done by marking such text by manually putting
'italics on' and 'italics off' markers into the references. For
"A study of {in vitro} fertilization techniques."
This example uses curly brackets as on and off markers,
although other characters can be chosen. The characters for 'on'
and 'off' must be different.
This program reads an ASCII file, looking for any
occurrences of the two characters chosen to represent 'italics
on' and 'italics off'. Wherever these characters are found they
are replaced by pre-defined strings of ASCII characters.
This program can be used to make replacements before a
BIBLOGIC list is read into a word-processor, or to make changes
to a file before it is sent to a printer. The program can
therefore be used with most word-processors.
Do not specify tilde (~) or grave accent (`) for replacement
since BIBLOGIC already uses these characters internally for
another purpose. Curly brackets ( {} ) are a good choice.
The correct syntax is: italics <filename>
If a filename is not given, instructions are displayed on
the screen.
The program uses a setup file called ITALICS.DAT to
determine what characters to look for and what to replace them
with. If ITALICS.DAT cannot be found in the current directory,
you will be asked what characters to use and an ITALICS.DAT will
be created for you. If you want to change the set-up, simply
delete the ITALICS.DAT file in the current directory.
Of course, this approach does not provide a particularly
elegant way of inserting italics since a separate utility must be
run. Also, the user will only ever see the markers when editing
references in BIBLOGIC. However, it does allow the substitution
to be made and the process can be streamlined with a batch file.
In the event that an effect other than italics is needed for
a similar purpose, the utility can be used to substitute
different codes (despite the program's name !).
Example .PFF files
Specific instructions regarding the example .PFF files on
the BIBLOGIC distribution disks follow.
DisplayWrite 3 DISPWRT3.PFF
DisplayWrite 3 stores text in EBDIC rather than ASCII codes, but
fortunately it is able to read ASCII text files and furthermore
it does not strip off control codes when it reads them.
To get BIBLOGIC produced text into a DisplayWrite 3 text file,
first create a document, or revise an existing one. Position the
cursor at the point at which you want to insert the reference
list and then use the "GET" function (<F6>G) to read in the
BIBLOGIC text file. Do not give page numbers for the GET command.
The references will be read in, each reference becoming a very
long line. To format the document properly, save it (<F2>) and
then use the "paginate" task to put in page breaks and re-format
the lines. You can then revise the document to make any finishing
DisplayWrite 3 codes (all values are in decimal)
Begin Bold........................11
End Bold..........................15
Begin Underscore..................7
End Underscore....................25
Begin Keep........................5
End Keep..........................14
Begin Bold & Underscore...........15,7
End Bold & Underscore.............25,15
The Lettrix program uses the "\" to indicate a print control
functions. The file LETTRIX.PFF on the distribution disk is set
up to use some of these functions.
Lettrix control codes (all values are in decimal)
Bold on (\B).......................92,66
Bold off (\b)......................92,98
Italics on (\I)....................92,73
Italics off (\i)...................92,105
Microsoft Word & Word for Windows WORD.PFF
WORD.PFF generates a file in Microsoft "Rich Text Format". This
can be converted to a Microsoft Word document using the Microsoft
WORD_RTF utility, or it can be read into Microsoft Word for
Windows using the RTF filter.
Microsoft Word
If you have a recent copy of Microsoft Word, the WORD_RTF utility
will be on your original Word Disks. This utility became
available towards the end of 1988, so it may not be on your
original Word disks, even though the Word manual has documented
it for some time (Appendix E). Registered Word owners may obtain
a copy from Microsoft
To convert, for example, a BIBLOGIC list called LIST.TXT to a
Word document called LIST.DOC type:
You may specify path names for the files and hence move the file
in the conversion process, for example:
Microsoft Word for Windows
Microsoft Word for Windows is able to read in an RTF format file
using its own RTF conversion. If this conversion is not
installed, please see your Microsoft Word for Windows manual for
details of how to install the RTF conversion.
The Insert File command can be used to read an RTF format file
into a Microsoft Word for Windows document. Microsoft Word for
Windows will identify the file as an RTF format file and will ask
you to confirm this. Press <Enter> to confirm that it is RTF
format. The document will then be read in.
RTF Special Effects codes (all values are in decimal)
Bold on..............(\b ).........92,98,32
Bold off.............(\plain ).....92,112,108,97,105,110,32
Underline on.........(\ul )........92,117,108,32
Underline off........(\plain ).....92,112,108,97,105,110,32
Italics on...........(\i ).........92,105,32
Italics off..........(\plain ).....92,112,108,97,105,110,32
Double Underline on..(\uldb )......92,117,108,100,98,32
Double underline off.(\plain ).....92,112,108,97,105,110,32
Paragraph on.........(\par ).......92,112,97,114,32
Paragraph off........(\par ).......92,112,97,114,32
File header block on.({\rtf0\pc )..123,92,114,116,102,
File header block off(})...........125
MultiMate 3.25 MULTIMAT.PFF
After producing a list with BIBLOGIC, run "FILECONV" and use the
"ASCII to MULTIMATE" conversion option to generate a MultiMate
document file.
MultiMate Codes (all values are in decimal)
Shadow print on...................199
Shadow print off..................199
Bold on...........................178
Bold off..........................178
Enhanced print mode...............239
Alt A.............................230
Underlining is not easily supported by BIBLOGIC with MultiMate.
It can, however be done with certain printers using the MultiMate
"Alt A" function.
To send <Esc>E to the printer, set up BIBLOGIC to send:
"<Alt A>027<Alt A>069" i.e. 230,48,50,55,230,48,54,57.
Contact BIBLOGIC for full details.
You may directly edit a file produced by BIBLOGIC with PC-Write.
Initially the file will consist of very long lines with one
reference to each line. To reformat the file so that the
references fit the current margins, first mark the whole file
(Ctrl-F5) and then reformat (F7).
Alternately, you may read a file produced by BIBLOGIC into an
existing PC-Write document. First turn on automatic paragraph
reformatting (by pressing Shift-F7 until "Para+" appears on the
top line of the screen). Use the "File Insert" function (Ctrl-F3)
to read in the file, then press F5 to turn off the highlighting.
Bold on...........................2
Bold off..........................2
Underline on......................23
Underline off.....................23
Bold and Underline on.............2,23
Bold and Underline off............2,23
Italics on........................21
Italics off.......................21
Entire text on (Alt-G .E CR LF)..11,46,69,13,10
Entire text off (CR LF Alt-G .E)..13,10,11,46,69
"FIRSTCH.PFF" contains the correct codes for use with Epson
printers (many other printers use the same codes). To set up a
print format for some other printer use the printer instruction
manual to work out the correct *P......* string and then use the
conversion table below to specify the string to BIBLOGIC.
Character Decimal ASCII Character Decimal ASCII
* .............. 42 4 .............. 52
P .............. 80 5 .............. 53
, .............. 44 6 .............. 54
0 .............. 48 7 .............. 55
1 .............. 49 8 .............. 56
2 .............. 50 9 .............. 57
3 .............. 51
The document created by BIBLOGIC may be read into an existing
PFS:First Choice document using the Merge another document option
on the files menu.
PFS:First Choice control codes for Epson printer (all values are
in decimal)
Emphasized bold on..................42,80,50,55,44,54,57,42
Emphasized bold off.................42,80,50,55,44,55,48,42
Double-strike bold on...............42,80,50,55,44,55,49,42
Double-strike bold off..............42,80,50,55,44,55,50,42
Condensed on........................42,80,49,53,42
Condensed off.......................42,80,49,56,42
Italics on..........................42,80,50,55,44,53,50,42
Italics off.........................42,80,50,55,44,53,51,42
Underline on........................42,80,50,55,44,52,53,44,49,42
Underline off.......................42,80,50,55,44,52,53,44,48,42
Note: Some printers will sometimes underline the margin if it is
produced by inserting spaces at the beginning of each line. To
overcome this, set PFS:First Choice for a left margin in column 0
and send the correct code to your printer, at the beginning of
your document, to set the printer's margin to the required column
(see your printer manual).
To read BIBLOGIC text into a Q & A document the "insert document"
facility is used. When Q & A reads in an ASCII file it will
remove bold and underline markers, so the "read a WordStar file"
facility is used. QANDA.PFF produces a file with WordStar special
effects codes in it and the file is read into a Q & A document as
shown below.
WordStar Special Effects codes for Q & A (all values are in
Bold on...........................2
Bold off..........................2
Underline on......................19
Underline off.....................19
Bold and Underline on.............2,19
Bold and Underline off............2,19
First, edit the document into which you want to put the BIBLOGIC
text (or create a new file using Q & A). Position the cursor at
the position you want the text to be inserted and press:
<F8>I<Return> (insert document)
[filename]<Return> ( .TXT file)
W<Return> ("WordStar" format)
Ventura Publisher VENTURA.PFF
The following codes can be used to insert special effects into a
text file to be read into Ventura Publisher.
Tag..................(@R = ).......64,82,32,61
Bold on..............(<B>).........60,66,62
Bold off.............(<D>).........60,68,62
Underline on.........(<U>).........60,85,62
Underline off........(<D>).........60,68,62
Italics on...........(<MI>)........60,77,73,62
Italics off..........(<D>).........60,68,62
Bold italics on......(<BI>)........60,66,73,62
Bold italics off.....(<D>).........60,68,62
Small caps on........(<MS>)........60,77,83,62
Small caps off.......(<D>).........60,68,62
WordPerfect 4 & 5 WORDPERF.PFF
WordPerfect 4
You may directly edit a file produced by BIBLOGIC with
WordPerfect. Initially the you will see the file as very long
lines with one reference to a line. Use the "Screen" function
(<Ctrl F3>0) to reorganize the lines to fit the currently
selected margins. Do not use the "Text In/Out" (<Ctrl F5>)
function to read in BIBLOGIC files - the control codes will not
be properly read in. If you want to read a BIBLOGIC text file
into an existing document, use the "Retrieve" function instead
(<Shift FlO>).
WordPerfect 5
The same .PFF file can be used for WordPerfect 5, but you must
use the WordPerfect "CONVERT" utility to convert the list to
version 5 format. The utility can be run by typing "CONVERT" and
answering the prompts.
Once you have established the correct answers to the prompts, you
can run CONVERT by supplying all of the parameters on the command
line (in the same order as the prompts). For example:
CONVERT list.txt list.out 8 standard.crs
(Syntax is CONVERT <infile> <outfile> <conv.type> <crs>)
The .CRS file controls formatting during the conversion. It is
provided on your WordPerfect disks. For full instructions, see
your WordPerfect documentation.
WordPerfect 4 control codes (all values are in decimal)
Bold on...........................157
Bold off..........................156
Underline on......................148
Underline off.....................149
Bold & Underline on...............157,148
Bold & Underline off..............149,156
Block protect on..................236,254,4,236
Block protect off.................236,1,4,236
Indent (5)........................224,254,5,224
Margin release (5)................194,5,194
WordStar WS.PFF
The file output from the BIBLOGIC program has each reference on a
single line. The references are formatted by editing the file
using WordStar document mode (D) and doing a paragraph reformat
(^B) on each line. This will format the references to fit
whatever margins are set in WordStar at that time. This can be
accomplished quickly by going to the top of the file (^QR) and
using the repeat command: ^Q^Q^B1 (^Q^Q repeats, ^B does a
paragraph re-format and 1 sets the speed to maximum).
WordStar Special Effects codes (all values are in decimal)
Bold on...........................2
Bold off..........................2
Underline on......................19
Underline off.....................19
Bold and Underline on.............2,19
Bold and Underline off............2,19
Alternate ribbon on...............25
Alternate ribbon off..............25
Alternate pitch on................1
Alternate pitch off...............14 (Normal pitch)
WordStar 2000 WS2000.PFF
The file output by the BIBLOGIC program will be treated as an
unformatted file if you edit it with WordStar 2000 directly. To
treat it as a document file, create a new file (using an
appropriate format) with some name other than that of the
BIBLOGIC file and read the file into the new file using the ^BI
command. The file will be formatted to fit the margins as it is
read into the new file. The example format WS2000.PFF causes the
file to start with a hanging tab so the second and subsequent
lines of each reference will be indented.
WordStar 2000 Special Effects codes (all values are in decimal)
Bold on...........................127,5,127
Bold off..........................127,5,127
Underline on......................127,6,127
Underline off.....................127,6,127
Bold and Underline on.............127,5,127,127,6,127
Bold and Underline off............127,5,127,127,6,127
Hanging Tab.......................127,40,127
Tab in............................127,20,127
Tab out...........................127,22,127
Tab both..........................127,21,127
Tab paragraph.....................127,41,127
Keep next 5 lines together........127,73,53,73,127
Biblogic Computer Services is a registered company name
DisplayWrite is a trademark of International Business Machines
Epson is a trademark of Epson Corporation Corp.
Lettrix is a trademark of Hammerlab Corp.
Microsoft Word is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Microsoft Word for Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corp.
MultiMate is a trademark of MultiMate International Corp.
PC-Write is a trademark of Quicksoft
PFS:First Choice is a trademark of Software Publishing Corp.
Q&A is a trademark of Symantec Corp.
WordPerfect is a trademark of WordPerfect Corp.
WordStar is a trademark of MicroPro International Corp.
WordStar 2000 is a trademark of MicroPro International Corp.