The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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When you are running "LABELER" there are several
operational considerations that are generally
adhered to. The "Esc" key on your keyboard will
generally back you up from where you are to where
you were (from a sub-menu to a master menu, or
from within an input screen back to a menu). Up
and Down Arrow keys will move you from one field
within an input screen to another. Left and Right
Arrow keys will move you around within a field.
PgDn key will jump you past all remaining fields
in an input screen so that you don't have to use
Enter to step down through them.
When you are in a "Menu", you can either use the
arrow keys to move the light-bar to your choice
and then press 'Enter', or you can simply press
the letter key that corresponds with your choice.
MAIN MENU of "LABELER" . Notice that the your
organizations name is listed at the top of the
screen. To select an option from this menu,simply
press the key that corresponds to your selection,
or use the Up and Down arrow keys to move the
light bar to your selection and press the Enter
While in any Menu, you can press F9 to display a
calendar. The calendar will have todays date
highlighted. Press the PgDn key to step forward
through the months and the PgUp key to step back-
ward through the months. The F10 key will return
you to the Menu screen.
While in any Menu, you can press F8 to display a
calculator. You can perform just about any math-
ematical function with this calculator. Press "I"
for Instructions:
F10: Escape from Calculator
eXit: Escape from Calculator
cL: Clear entry
C: Clear Calculator
M+: Add to memory
mR: Recall memory
mrYcl: Clear memory
sQrt: Square Root of
^: To the power of
+-/: Add, sub, mult, & divide
V: Change sign
The arrow keys move the calculator around the
1. Your name (or organization) and address.
2. Whether you have a color monitor or not.
3. Whether you are using a laser printer or
dot matrix printer (or both), enter the
port that each is on (leave 0 if you do not
have that type of printer). If both are on
the same port (using a printer switch),
enter the same port number for both. If
you are using a dot matrix printer you can
indicate if you are using 1, 2, or 3 Across
labels. If you are using a dot Matrix
printer select just one label format.
4. What type of floppy drives you have in your
computer. The Defaults for the floppy drives
are Drive A: and B: 360K 5 1/4" DSDD. If
yours are different, use the Space Bar to
"blank out" the defaults and enter X's in the
correct selections.
If you do not have all of this information read-
ily available, the only thing that is really
needed here (at this time) is for you to select
your monitor type. When you have stepped past the
last entry, a Command Line will appear - press 1
to save your entries.
You can enter up to 32 Sort Areas for use in
classifying your entries. Areas could pertain to
just about anything, like FAMILY, FREINDS, ect..
Actually, what you enter is solely up to you. You
do not have to enter ALL areas! Just enter what
you want used. Additional entries can be made at
any time. Sort Areas can be used by the integrat-
ed word processor or mailing label options to
select just certain classes of name entries for
"Mail Merging" letters, or printing labels.
Press F2 (one of the Function keys at the top or
left side of your keyboard) to add an Entry. F3
to Edit or F5 to Delete.
1. Individuals Name, spouse.
2. Company Name.
3. Address.
4. Day Phone: Work Phone number.
5. Eve. Phone: Home Phone number.
6. Comments: F4 will bring up the comments field.
It will hold up to 64K of comments per entry
plus display the first line without accessing
so that you can tell that comments have been
entered. We recommend that you use the first
line of comments to indicate the nature of
what the full contents are (sort of like a
7. Sort Areas: You would have input the headings
for this area by selecting "SORT AREAS" from
the 'Labels Sub- Menu. Now just enter an X at
each appropriate heading.
Records will be listed alphabetically by Last
Name or Company Name, with the Company Name tak-
ing precedence. If a Last Name AND a Company Name
are entered, the record will be sequenced by the
Company Name.
If you have entered all the information that you
need to before you actually reach the bottom of
the screen, you can press PgDn to "jump" to the
bottom. This will save you from having to press
'Enter' several times unnecessarily.
If you need to edit a Entry's information, just
select the Entry by stepping through the database
with F6 or F7, OR enter the Entry's Last Name or
Company. If you wish to bring up a complete
scrolling list of Entries to choose from, simply
enter a ? instead of a Entry's last name. You do
not have to enter the whole name, but the more
information you give "LABELER" the faster you can
find the Entry. If you enter just the first char-
acter of a name, such as an "m", a listing of all
the M's will be displayed. If you enter an "me"
the list will include only those names that begin
with "Me". If only one name begins with "Me",that
file will be immediately displayed. No capital-
izations are required when searching. Once you
have the Entry "on screen", press F3 and make
your corrections.
This report lists all information in a record,
including Sort Areas that have been marked.
This report will list all information in each
`Entry's file except the Sort Areas.
If spouse's name is to be included, this report
will list the Entry's name, spouse, address and
phone number. If you elect not to print the
spouse's name, just the name and phone number
will be printed. You can also elect to print
just listings in specific Zip Codes.
Select this option and enter the month you want a
listing for."LABELER" will then give you a Direc-
tory listing of the Entry's whose birthdays fall
in that month.
Re-Indexing a file simply means that the special
pointer files (Indexes) will be re-built. Add-
itionally, when you delete a listing,that listing
is only "marked" for deletion,not actually remov-
ed from the database (which is why the count does
not go down). When you re-index, the lisings that
are "marked" will be physically removed. What do
index files do? Well, index files can tell the
program to display or print information in a cer-
tain order (by last name, date, etc.) without
physically sorting the file. They also allow for
faster searches by telling the program what re-
cord number holds the information that you are
looking for rather than the program having to
search all of them to find it. Re-Indexing rarely
has to be done, but it doesn't hurt to use this
function periodically (if for nothing more than
to remove records that are marked for deletion),
or if there is an indication that something is
There are many things that can happen in a com-
puter that can damage your data files, or make
them in-accessible (like a hard disk crash). To
protect your investment in time and your data it
is highly recommended that you perform a backup
at least once a week, or sooner if you have input
a lot of data since the last backup. Backups copy
all of your data files (databases) to floppy
disks. (LABELER must be on either C:,D:,E:,or F:
and in a directory called IDPLABEL.)
"LABELER" will format your floppy disks for you.
The options for formatting that will be available
to you depends upon what you entered into "Setup"
as to the size and the number of floppy drives in
your computer. If you only have a drive A:, you
will not be presented with options for drive B:.
If your drives are not "High Density" drives, you
will only be presented with "Dual Density"
options. Just put the disk to be formatted in
the drive and press the appropriate key and fol-
low instructions from that point.
Setup is where you entered your organization in-
formation and hardware setup information. If you
have any changes, select this option to enter
This option will check the selected database for
duplicate entries and allow for their deletion.
Use option allows you to view the illustrated
manual that came with your LABELER package, or
print it.
To start the "LABELER" integrated word processor,
select Option J from the Main Menu.
To create a new document, press "A" and you will
be presented with a clear data entry screen.
To edit an existing document, press "O" to open
it. You will then be asked to either enter the
document file name, or you can press the F8 key
for a listing of documents to select from. If
you use the F8 option, use the Up and Down arrow
keys to move the marker to the file you want and
press S to select it.
The word processor does "word wrapping", which
means that it will automatically start a new line
if the last word entered will not fit the remaing
space. This will simplify your typing because you
will not have to pay any attention to your line
lengths. A dynamic display at the top of the
screen will tell you what Page, Line and Column
you are presently at.
When you are creating a new letter and have sel-
ected "A" from the opening menu, you can just
start typing. At any time while you are writing,
you can move the cursor (see Cursor Movement), to
anyplace within the document. Therefore, if you
see a typing error, or you want to re-word some-
thing, just move the cursor to the appropriate
position and make your changes.
If you see a mistake in a line already typed, use
your arrow keys to go to the error then press the
"Insert" key. Then use the delete key to remove
what is in error and then type in the correction.
If "Insert" is not used,anything you type in will
"over-write" whatever is presently on the screen.
With "Insert" on,what you type will be "inserted"
wherever the cursor is at. If you have deleted a
word, or words, and the line length is off, just
press F9 and the paragraph will be "reformed" to
new line lengths. If you are adding words, the
line length will be automatically adjusted and
When you have finished your letter, press F10. If
the letter is a "new" letter (not currently in
the database), you will be asked to give your
letter a name (up to 8 characters. Then you will
be asked to enter a short description of the con-
tents of the letter (this will help you later
when you can't remember what you called a parti-
cular letter). If you have been editing an exis-
ting file, you will be asked if you wish to save
the changes.
Once a document has been saved, you may elect to
re-edit it (Option E), print it (Option P) or de-
lete it (Option D).
To delete a document, you must first "open" it.Do
this by selecting Option O from the Opening Menu
and selecting the document(or open it by entering
the file name). Now press 'Esc' and select Option
D. You will be asked to verify that you want to
delete the file and then it will be deleted.
Up one Line..........................Up Arrow
Down one Line......................Down Arrow
Left one character.................Left Arrow
Right one character...............Right Arrow
Left one Word.....................^Left Arrow
Right one Word...................^Right Arrow
Beginning of current Line................Home
End of current Line.......................End
Beginning of Letter.....................^Home
End of Letter............................^End
Window Up................................PgUp
Window Down..............................PgDn
Editing Keys:
Finish editing/writing (saves data).......F10
Abort editing/writing (not save)..........Esc
Delete current Line........................^Y
Delete word right..........................^T
Reform Paragraph...........................F9
First open the file to be printed. Next press
F10 or 'Esc' and select Option P. You will be
asked if the letter is "General" or "Mail Merge"
If you select Option M, for Mail Merge, you will
need to select "P" for Plain Paper or "L" for
Letter Head.
Letter Head would be your stationary. You will be
asked to enter the number of lines from the top
of the page to begin printing at (to clear the
letter head).Use a ruler to measure down to where
the printing should start. There are 6 lines to
the inch, so if you need a 1 1/2" offset, you
would enter 9. Next indicate if you are using
single sheets or form feed paper.If you are using
single sheets, printing will stop after each page
to allow you to insert the next sheet.
Plain Paper is just that, plain form feed paper.
If you select Plain Paper, you will be asked if
you want your organizations' name and address
centered and printed at the top of the first page.
If you have selected Mail Merging, you will be
asked if you wish to Mail Merge to a Labeler
If you are merging to a LABELER database you will
be asked if the letter is for A).ALL Entries, B).
By Selected Sort Areas. You can also select a
different database by entering C. If you select
A, the letter will be printed for each member in
the selected database, with the Entry's name and
address inserted as well as a "salutation".
Select Options B or C and you will be asked to
select up to 4 Sort Areas to sort under.
After the letters have been printed, you will be
asked if you want mailing labels for the letters
that have been printed. If you answer "Y", you
will be given an opportunity to insert mailing
labels into your printer after which you need
only to press any key. Mailing labels will only
be printed for those members to whom a letter has
been addressed.
A. ALL by Name or Zip. This option will allow you
to print labels for all records in the selected
database.You will be asked if you want them
sorted in Last Name/Company Name order, or by
Zip Code order (for Bulk Mail). If you select
Zip Code order, you can also select a specific
Zip Code to print for.
B. By Selected Sort Areas. This option will
allow you to select up to 4 areas to define
what labels will be printed. You will then be
asked if the selected areas are Inclusive (a
match must appear for ALL selected areas), or
Singly (a match in any area will cause a
label print).
A new feature of "Selected Sort Areas" is
that you can now further sort labels down to
a particular City & State OR to just a parti-
cular State OR just a particular Zip Code.
If you enter a City you MUST enter a State.If
you just want a State, leave the City blank.
If you want a particular Zip Code, you must
leave the City & State blank before you will
be allowed to enter the Zip. If you select
this option, and you do not select a City,
State, or Zip, the program will just ignore
this section and print on Sort Areas only.
C. By Selected Names. This option will allow you
to select names from a scrolling list, or
enter individual names\companies . Use the
arrow keys to move the marker through the list
and press "S" to select the name. This option
also lets you select how many copies of each
label you wish printed. If you want to print
return address labels for yourself, or some-
one you ship to often, this is a good way to
print up to 99 per job.
D. By Selected City. This option will allow you
to select a City & State for labels. Labels
will be printed in Zip Code order (some cities
have multiple zip codes), to allow for bulk
rates. You MUST enter the State or you will
not be allowed to continue. If you do not
enter a city, the operation will be aborted.
If your database does not contain the entered
city, you will be so advised.
E. By Selected State. This option will allow you
to select a State for labels. Labels will be
printed in Zip Code order to allow for bulk
rates. The two character state code will be
verified and if it is not valid, you will
be asked to re-enter. If your database does
not contain the entered state, you will be
so advised.
This option allows you to create, select or de-
lete databases.If you want to create a new data-
base press "A" for Add - then enter a File Name
of up to 8 characters (the name should reflect
the nature of the database, such as "FAMILY",
"FRIENDS", "OFFICE", etc.). Then enter a longer
description of what the database is for. After
you press "Enter" after typing in the descrip-
tion, you can either press "Esc" to stop enter-
ing databases, or enter a blank name and descrip-
tion to stop enter databases, or enter another
name and description to add another database.
Once a database has been entered, the only part
that can be edited is the description. To do
this, just use the arrow keys to position the
marker next to the desired database, and then
press "E" to Edit. When you press "Enter" at the
end of the Description field, editing will
To delete a database, use the arrow keys to pos-
ition the marker next to the desired database and
press "D" to Delete. You will be asked to confirm
that you indeed want to delete the database, and
then it will be gone.
To Select a database, use the arrow keys to pos-
ition the marker next to the desired database and
press "S" to Select. This database is now the one
that will be used by all other functions of
This options will allow you to add, edit, or
delete names or companies from the selected
This option will bring up a sub-menu which will
allow you to print mailing labels by several
different catagories.
This option will allow you to select a database
to work with, or create, edit or delete a data-
This option allows you to enter up to a total of
32 user defined sort catagories for use by all
name databases.
This option will allow you to select databases to
Copy or Move listing From and To.