The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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File List
153 lines
CGA IBM Color Graphics Board (Paradise and Herc Color)
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006High High Res Graphics (640x200x2)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
EGA IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapt (& Compat w/ 128-256K)
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006CGA_HighHigh Res Graphics (640x200x2)
014High Color CGA High Res (640x200x16)
016EGA_HIGHEGA Extended High Res (640x350x16)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
EGA IBM Enhanced Graphics Adaptor (w/ONLY 64K)
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006CGA_HighHigh Res Graphics (640x200x2)
014High Color CGA High Res (640x200x16)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
EGAMONO IBM Enhanced Graphics Adapt (w/Monochrome Display)
015GraphicsMonochrome Graphics (640x350x4)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
VGA IBM Video Graphics Adapt (PS/2 50,60,&80)
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006CGA_HighHigh Res Graphics (640x200x2)
016EGA_HIGHEGA Extended High Res (640x350x16)
017VGA_B&W VGA High Res (640x480x2)
018VGA_HIGHVGA High Res Color (640x480x16)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
MCGA IBM PS/2 Model 25 & 30 Video Graphics Adapt
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006CGA_HighHigh Res Graphics (640x200x2)
017MCGA MCGA High Res (640x480x2)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
HERC Hercules Card - Both Full & Half Modes
003Full Full Page Graphics (720x348)
002Half Half Page Graphics (720x348)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
HERCHALF Hercules Card - Half Mode Only (2 display system)
002Half Half Page Graphics (720x348)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
ATT ATT 6300 w/ Display Enhancement Board
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006CGA_HighHigh Res Graphics (640x200x2)
064Super 640x400 Mono Graphics
065High Color CGA High Res (640x200x16)
066DEB_HIGHEGA Extended High Res (640x400x16)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
ATT ATT 6300 - Monochrome Display
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006High High Res Graphics (640x200x2)
064Super 640x400 Mono Graphics
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
004Medium Medium Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006High High Res Graphics (640x200x2)
116Super 640x400 Mono Graphics
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
GENIUS GENIUS (no Hardware Test Indication)
006LORES 640x200x2
016VHR Very Hi Res Graphics (736x1008x2)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
WYSE WYSE-700 or AMDEK 1280 (no Hardware Test Indication)
004Low Low Res Graphics (320x200x4)
006Med Med Res Graphics (640x200x2)
192High Hi Res Graphics (640x400x2)
193GVHR Gray Hi Res Graphics (640x800x4)
195VHR Very Hi Res Graphics (1280x800x2)
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
MONO IBM Monochrome Display (NO GRAPHICS)
007Text Monochrome Text Mode
099Current Default Mode (No Override)
IBM 2IBM Graphics, Epson MX & Compatibles (BW/Color)
IBM_HR 2IBM Graphics with 3 pass High Resolution Mode (BW/Color)
IBMQUICK IBM Quickwriter Printer
IBMQW IBM Quiet Writer
EPSON 2Epson FX,RX,JX and 100% Epson Compatibles (BW/Color)
EPSON24 2Epson LQ-800, LQ-1500 & LQ Compatible 24-Pin Printers
EPSON24H2Epson LQ Series using High-Res mode
GQ3500 Epson GQ-3500 Laser Printer (Read GQ3500.NTS for details)
LJET HP Laserjet - Portrait (Normal)
LJET-L HP Laserjet - Landscape mode
FAXPCL HP Laserjet - Laser output for fax cards resolution (200 X 200)
AMT 2Advanced Matrix Tech - Office Printer (BW/Color)
ANADEX 2Anadex Scribe Series Printers (BW/Color)
BROTHER 1Brother DM45
BR2024WP1Brother 2024L in WP mode
BRO_15091Brother 1509 in IBM emulation mode
BRTWDP 1Brother TwinWriter in DP[WP] mode
C_310 2C.Itoh C310 (BW/Color)
C_ITOH 2C.Itoh Prowriter
ISOCANON Canon LBP-A1/A2 Laser Beam Printers (Native mode)
CANON Canon LBP-A1/A2 Laser Beam Printers (Diablo mode text)
CANONJ 2Canon PJ-1080 Ink Jet printer
CORDATA Cordata 300X Laser Printer - VERSION 1.31 or later
PRISM 2Dataproducts 8050/8070 (BW/Color)
IBMCOLOR2Dataproducts 8051/8071 Printers (BW/Color)
D630 Diablo 630 Daisywheel and compatibles
D34LQ 1Diablo Companion 34LQ in Diablo mode
DYNAX 1Dynax (Fortis) Twinwriter (in Daisywheel mode)
FUJITSU 2Fujitsu DL24 color
GENICOM 2Genicom 33xx and 34xx Printers (BW/Color)
GEMINI_X1Gemini 10X and 15X Printers
HERMES 2Hermes 615 (Color)
HOWTEK 2HOWTEK Pixelmaster Color Ink Printer
PAINTJET2HP Paintjet Ink Jet printer
PJETXL 2HP Paintjet XL Ink Jet printer
PJETA 2HP Paintjet Ink Jet printer for Acetate
THINKJET1HP Thinkjet - IBM Mode (Switch 5 up)
HPTHINKJ1HP Thinkjet - Native HP mode
IBMCOLOR2IBM Color Printer
IBM_38522IBM Color Ink Jet
IBM_38121IBM Page Printer
PRISM 2IDS Prism (Color)
PRIMAGE Primage printer
JDL 2JDL 750 Color Printer
LJET Kyocera F-Series
CANON NCR Laser Printer (Diablo mode text)
MT_80 1Mannesmann Tally Spirit 80
NEC6302 1NEC - P2/P3 with 6302 ROM Cartridge
NEC6303 2NEC - P2/P3 with 6303 ROM Cartridge (Color)
NEC8023 NEC PC-8023
NECP5 2NEC P5 Printers
LJET Kyocera F-Series Laser Printers
OKIDATA 2Okidata Microline 84-92, 184 Printers
OKI20 2Okidta 20 color printer
OKI193 2Okidata Microline 192 and 193
OKI83 Okidate 83
OKI2410 1Okidata Pacemark 2410 Printer
PS PostScript printers
QUADJ 2QuadRam QuadJet (no side by side text and graphics)
QMSKISS QMS Kiss Laser Printer
TI855 1Texas Instruments TI855 dot matrix
TKNX46962Tektronix 4696 Color Ink Jet Printer
TOSHIBA 2Toshiba 1340, 1351, 351 and 3-in-1 Printers
WANG 2WANG PM-019 Color Printer
X2700 Xerox 2700 and Xerox 4045 in 2700 mode (native)
X4020 2Xerox/Diablo C-150 & 4020 Ink Jet Printers (Color)
X4045 Xerox 4045 in native mode
X630 Xerox 4045 in Diablo 630 emulation mode