The Education Master 1994 (4th Edition)
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977 lines
Version 2.00
'A Blank Book For YOU To Fill In'
From Unicorn Software Limited
Created By:
Charles P. Schell IV
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
Copyright (C) 1990-91 Unicorn Software Limited
All Rights Reserved
WordZ is a Trademark of Unicorn Software Limited
Unicorn Software Limited
P. O. Box 911
Wabash, IN 46992-0911
CompuServe: 70272,3317
Unicorn Software Limited is a member of the Association of Shareware
Professionals (ASP). ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle
works for you. If you are unable to resolve a shareware-related problem
with an ASP member by contacting the member directly, ASP may be able to
help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you resolve a dispute or problem with an
ASP member, but does not provide technical support for members' products.
Please write to the ASP Ombudsman at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-
9427 or send a Compuserve message via CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman
WordZ is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for
evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but WordZ must be
distributed in unmodified, complete form, including this Reference Guide
and License Agreement. Also, WordZ may not be distributed in conjunction
with any other product. The essence of "user-supported" software is to
provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices,
and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new
products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using
WordZ and continue to use WordZ after a reasonable trial period, you must
make a registration payment of $25.00 plus $4.00 S&H to Unicorn Software
Limited, P.O. Box 911 Wabash, IN 46992-0911. You can make a $15.00
donation to the American Cancer Society and forward the receipt along with
$10.00 and $4.00 S&H to register the program. Check your local phone
book for the office nearest you, or mail to: The American Cancer Society,
3408 South Western Ave. Marion, Indiana 46953 ATTN: WordZ. $15.00 of
every full registration is donated to the American Cancer Society. You can
use your MC, Visa, AmEx, or Discover by calling the Public(software)Library
at 800-2424-PsL or 713-524-6394 or by FAX to 713-524-6398 or by CompuServe
to 71355,470 or by mail to PsL, PO Box 35705, Houston, TX 77235-5705. These
numbers are for ordering only, order # 10354. For information about dealer
pricing, site licensing, shipping of product, returns, latest version
number or technical support call 219-563-HOME or write to Unicorn Software
Ltd. directly.
The $25.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one
computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book.
An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and
may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there
is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at
another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same
The WordZ cataloging program is protected by United States Copyright Law
and International Treaty provisions. All rights are reserved.
Non-registered users of WordZ are licensed only to use the program on a
trial basis for the sole purpose of determining whether or not it meets
their requirements. All other use requires registration.
Commercial users of WordZ must register and pay for their copies of WordZ
within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License
arrangements may be made by contacting Unicorn Software Limited.
You are encouraged to pass a copy of WordZ along to your friends for
evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that
they can use it. All registered users will receive a copy of the latest
version of the WordZ system, free updates, and another Unicorn Software
program to try.
Unicorn Software Limited makes no warranty of any kind, express or implied,
including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and/or
fitness for a particular purpose. Unicorn Software Limited shall not be
liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special or consequential
arising from a failure of this program to operate in the manner desired by
the user. Unicorn Software Limited shall not be liable for any damage to
data or property which may be caused directly or indirectly by use of the
The License Agreement and Warranty shall be construed, interpreted and
governed by the laws of the state of Indiana.
Introduction............................................................. 1
Features................................................................. 1
UNIEMM.COM............................................................... 2
New Users................................................................ 3
Mouse Usage.............................................................. 3
Initialization, Colours, FileName........................................ 3
PassCode, Title, Date Format, Universal Commands......................... 4
General Editing Notes.................................................... 5
Editor Commands.......................................................... 5
Make Entry............................................................... 6
Alter Entry.............................................................. 6
Erase Entry.............................................................. 6
Read Entries............................................................. 6
Print Out................................................................ 6
Utilities................................................................ 6
Build For Speed, Crunch File, Default SetUp, New PassCode, Printer SetUp. 7
Import WordZ............................................................. 8
Shell To DOS............................................................. 8
HOW TO UPGRADE........................................................... 8
TSR Thesaurus & SpellCheckers............................................ 8
Thesaur Plus............................................................. 9
Data Encryption..........................................................10
Notes On Writing A Book..................................................11
Technical Support (BBS/Phone/Mail).......................................12
Other Unicorn Programs...................................................13
Obtaining Other Titles...................................................15
Upgrade History..........................................................16
On July 14th 1991, my Granny passed away after a brief battle with cancer.
It is for this reason that I developed this program. She taught me the
value of family history. Through the spoken words of her and my great
grandfather, I found out a lot about the world as a whole and the history
of my family.
This program is released as a living memorial to her, and what she taught
me. The profits from every registration is donated to the American Cancer
Society, Unicorn keeps $10.00 to cover the costs associated with keeping
you updated about new versions and for the distribution of the program.
Check your local phone book for the nearest office or mail it to:
The American Cancer Society
3408 S. Western Ave.
Marion, Indiana 46953
You have the option of sending the $25.00 registration to Unicorn and
letting us make the donation; or making it yourself and sending us a
receipt plus $10.00. Whichever way you choose to do this is up to you, but
know that you are doing a good thing by making the donation and you are
making the future a better place to live for our kids.
At the same time this happened, my Reserve unit was being transitioned
into a new type of aircraft. In the Reserves you have an oppurtunity to
talk to and work with people who have been around for decades with one
unit. A lot of history and very good war stories to be heard. A lot of
the older Reservists were looking at getting out, and with the units
deactivation there was a lot of history that might be lost.
WordZ is a way to capture that history. {WordZ is the final call from the
cockpit back to the tower, prior to departure for last minute
The program is MSDOS compatible, runs on 256K RAM, uses IBM graphics/laser
printers, mono or colour monitor, and can operate on one/two or hard disk
drives. The User can set the colours, printer codes, and default data
drive. There are no 'crippled' features or options.
Program Features:
* User titles the book
* Handles up to 10 chapters, with seperate PassCodes for each.
* Up to 60 characters for KeyWordZ for each entry.
* Optional encryption of data
* 10,000 encryption possibilities (User defined)
* Modifiable PassCodes & encryption options
* Dynamic data file (only as large as entries)
* Entries can be from 1 to 5000 lines
* The ability to Alter Entry
* You define printer codes
* You name data file, screen colours, and data drive
* Word Wrap & Scroll toggle on/off
* Common word processor commands used
* On line text editor Help available (F1)
* The ability to Erase Entry)
* Read feature allows you to 'thumb' through entries
* Data files automatically install
* Full featured full screen editing of entries
* Works with TSR spell check/thesaurus programs
* Prints out entire book or for selectred KeyWordZ.
* Date formats for France, Britain, Germany, Italy and America
* MicroSoft Mouse compatable.
Getting Started:
The following files MUST be on the same disk or sub directory:
QEMM.SYS And Other Extended Memory Managers:
Occaisionally a problem will be incurred by a person using QEMM.SYS
or other extended memory manager. This has to do with the way that the SYS
file manages memory vs the way that the program wants to use the extended
memory (The program will attempt to use extended memory automatically, if
it is available).
On the distribution disk there is a program called UNIEMM.COM (This can be
renamed to any legal file name EXCEPT the name of the EXE program). If you
attempt to run the program and get a DOS ERROR or RUN ERROR message at the
top of the screen, use the UNIEMM utility to start the program. It
will tell the program you are using an extended memory that has this
anomoly and command the program to remain in low memory instead of
switching to extended memory. After passing these instructions to the
program, the program will start with no other commands needing to be
Mouse Users:
YOU must activate the mouse prior to the start of the program. Two Button
Users: The Left Button serves as the return/enter key, The Right Button is
the ESC key. Three Button Users: Same as two button Users, and the middle
button is the F1 key.
Type WORDZ or UNIEMM to start.
When you first bring up the program you will be requested to select the
Chapter for this session. Select the New Chapter for first time Users,
otherwise use the Arrow keys to select the User and hit the return key to
proceed. Up to 10 Chapters can be used at once.
First Time Users:
When you first start the program, the computer will bring up the New Set Up
screen first. Just enter the info requested. When you name the Disk
Drive, the program will automatically copy the data files to that drive for
you ! So Have A Disk In The Drive And Ready ! The program will not do any
further copying on its own. In order to create new data disks simply copy
the files fro the name you selected with the DAT and DBT extension onto
your new data disk. The Master Chapter is the very first one listed.
Color Letter
Black N
Blue B
Green G
Cyan BG
Red R
Magenta RB
Brown GR
White W
File Name:
Any 8 character name , except TEMP and WORDZ, can be used. If the name is
already used the program will ask you to select a new name.
Data Drive:
The drive where you will keep your data disk. ex A,B,C,D etc.
Any number between -999 and +9999. This number will get you into the
system and supply the seed for the data encryption. You can change this
later if you want. Sometimes the number you select will not work with the
algorithm in the system (See Data Encryption below). If the number you
select will not work the computer will tell you and you will need to select
a new number. This PassCode is valid for the Chapter selected. Each
Chapter can have its own PassCode.
A 25 character title for your book, ex The Smith Family History,
Random Thoughts, etc. This will appear on the screen and on print outs.
**NOTE** This option only appears when Master Chapter is selected, it
determines the Title for the entire book.
Your name up to 25 characters. This will appear on the screen and on print
Date Format:
You have the following choices:
A=American MM/DD/YY {Default}
B=British DD/MM/YY
F=French DD/MM/YY
G=German DD.MM.YY
I=Italian DD-MM-YY
Next/Second+ Time Users:
The program will ask you for your PassCode. You have three tries before
the system aborts. You do not have to enter +, but you do have to enter -.
The Main Menu will appear next.
The System:
Is designed using KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) so not much information is
needed to get started. Here are a few notes to help you use the system:
The ESC key will take you back one menu (Mouse Users use Right Button).
The box in the upper right hand corner of the screen will contain
information on how to move around, and data entry tips. The Title of the
Chapter you are working on will also be displayed.
The last line of the screen will tell you what the highlighted option does.
All menu entries can be selected with the light bar, or by pressing the
first letter of the option (Mouse Users when highlited the Left Button will
activate the option).
The F10 key will bring up Help for a particular item, if no Help is
availble for that item, it will allow you to enter the help index. From
the index you may select any of the topics of help available. The Help
file was not written by the same person who wrote this manual, therefore it
might help better explain something to you than this manual does and vice
The F1 key will bring up the Editing Help screen. Once the screen appears
you can exit the program by hitting the ESC key, any other key returns you
to the system. Great for when you are interrupted or as a Boss Key since
the entire screen is covered (Mouse Users: Hit the Middle Button).
When exiting from the Main Menu using ESC, you will be given the option of
exiting, Changing Chapters or Sneaking into another chapter. Sneak is not
shown as a command and is only valid while in the master Chapter, enter S
to sneak, and then select any of the other Chapters to open. This is
useful if someone else changes one of the PassCodes for a chapter.
General Editing Notes:
The screen will display only 20 lines of text at a time but by using the
down arrow key or Page Down key you can continue on. Up to 5000 lines can
be used.
Moving Around
CTRL Left Arrow or CTRL A Move left one word
CTRL Right Arrow or CTRL F Move right one word
CTRL Home Beginning of the Entry
CTRL End End of the Entry
PageUp Next edit window up
PageDown Next edit window down
{*=Not Valid In Erase Or Reminisce Modes}
CTRL Y or F3 Delete current line*
CTRL T Delete word right*
CTRL B Reformat text of Entry*
F4 Insert blank line*
Finishing Touches & Toggles
F5 Toggles Word Wrap
F6 Toggles Scrolling
ALT W Saves Entry*
ESC Aborts Entry*
{When Scrolling is on SCR will appear on the lower right of the screen.
When WordWrap is active WRP will appear}
Make Entry:
Allows you to add a new entry. You will be prompted for the KeyWordZ
for the entry. Enter the KeyWordZ about the entry (Joke, Story,
Ancedote, whatever) and then you will be taken to the entry screen to make
your entry.
Alter Entry:
This will allow you to change an entry. 17 entries will appear on the
screen at a time, the first few words for the entry will appear. Select
one of them or PageDown for the next 17.
Erase Entry:
This will allow you to erase an entry. 17 entries will appear on the
screen at a time, the date along with the first few words for the entry
will appear. Select one of them or PageDown for the next 17.
All of the 'Getting Around' keys work while in Delete mode, but you cannot
change any of the text. Hitting the ESC key will allow you to continue,
then you will have to confirm the deletion.
Read Entries:
This will allow you to view an entry. 17 entries will appear on the
screen at a time, the first few words for the entry will appear. Select one
of them or hit return for the next 17. If you know the KeyWordZ you want
select the Enter KeyWordZ option and then enter the KeyWordZ you want to
All of the 'Getting Around' keys work while in Read mode, but you cannot
change any of the text. Hitting the ESC key will allow you to continue,
then you can use the Home to go to the first entry, PageUp key to look at
the previous entry, PageDown for next, End for the last entry in the file
and ESC to Exit.
If you select the KeyWordZ option only entries matching the KeyWordZ will
be displayed.
Print Entries:
You will be allowed to select the KeyWordZ for the print out or print
the entire Chapter. Check Printer Set Up codes prior to printing.
Build For Speed:
Resequences entire Chapter for speed.
Crunch File:
Reduces the size of the file by smashing out blanks and empty lines. DOES
Default Set Up:
Set Colours, Default Data Drive, File Name, & Chapter. If you change file
names you MUST copy the file before changing the File Name. If you enter
"ZZZZZZZZ" for the file name it will destroy all the data and remove you
from the system. This is a security feature. Not even Norton Utilities
can bring back the file or data after you do this. If you are using the
first Chapter listed, you can change the Book name.
New PassCode:
This allows you to change your PassCode. Any number between -999 and
+9999. This number will get you into the system and supply the seed for the
data encryption. Sometimes the number you select will not work with the
algorithm in the system (See Data Encryption below). If the number you
select will not work the computer will tell you and you will need to select
a new number. The program will then Transmorgify the data for the new
Printer Set Up:
This allows you to customize the printer codes used by the program. These
codes can be found in your printer manual. The codes that the program has
when originally distributed are for the Epson FX100. You will need to know
the code for 10 cpi (Pica), 12 CPI (Elite), Enlarged, Condensed (17CPI) and
Double High/Wide. If your printer cannot handle double high/wide DON'T
PANIC, just leave it blank; the program will use Enlarged for that entry.
You do not have to enter the ESC part of the code, the program will add
that automatically. You can enter the letter ESC code or the number it does
not matter: ie ESC code 119 can be entered as "119" or "w". (Do not enter
any " "s!)
Import WordZ:
This lets you add any entries you may have made with a different computer
to your existing book. {I use it when traveling}. Just enter the location
and sub directory and the filename (without the DAT extension).
**NOTE** The PassCode for the Chapter you are adding MUST be the same.
The files with the DAT and DBT extensions must be in the same location.
Write Purpose:
This is the information that will be displayed in the Help Screen when
option A. is selected from the Help Index. Only the Master Chapter can
edit it.
Shell To DOS:
You can exit temporarily to DOS by using that option on the Utilities Menu.
The program will swap itself to expanded memory or disk if there is space
{about 300K}. If not the file COMMAND.COM must be on the same directory or
disk as the other program files to do this. You must return to the
subdirectory/drive of WordZ prior to entering EXIT to return to the
program. It will leave 256K RAM free.
Upgrading from previous versions to 2.00 is necessary to save your user
info and opus files.
2. The only files you need from this version are WORDZ.EXE, HELP.PLS,
HELP.DBT and COLOUR.SET. (Copying the DOCs is optional). Copy those files
to your work area.
3. Start the program, and select New User from the openning screen, then
type in UPGRADE in the Book name. The program will then upgrade your old
users file. You will need to select the Default Set Up entry and chnage
the Date Format, if you want to change from American.
TSR Thesaurus & SpellCheckers:
If you do not have a TSR thesaurus already, I heartily recommend Thesaur
Plus, by fellow ASP author Derrick Burgess. Even if you have a TSR
thesauraus I still recommend that you take a look at Thesaur Plus. What is
Thesaur Plus? In the words of the author:
"Thesaur Plus is a pop-up Thesaurus, whenever you need a different word
or a different shade of meaning than the word that comes to mind, pop-up
Thesaur Plus and get just the word you wanted, but couldn't quite
It works excellently with WordZ and has a registration price of only $20
(even less if you help build it's dictionaries). It can't be beat!
I will try to maintain the latest version, as convieniance to users of
WordZ and will send it out for $3 (to cover P&H). I would rather have you
contact Derrick himself, since he will ALWAYS have the latest version:
Derrick Burgess
23311 Schoolcraft St.
West Hills, CA 91307
He charges $6.00 for the latest version of Thesaur Plus, $5.00 of which is
applied toward registration.
I am still looking for, but have yet to find, a Shareware spell checker
that is a TSR. In the meantime the Borland product Turbo Lightening will
have to fill the gap. It works well with WordZ and does a very good job of
checking your spelling errors.
Data Encryption
I am not going to go into an extensive history of Data Encryption or
explain all the implications of it 90% of Users don't care or won't read
it. Simply:
1. I wanted to make the each Chapter a seperate system, with the
ability for different users to use different chapters, a PassCode was a
start, but the data file could have been read by any number of other
programs, so I needed a way to 'scramble' the file's text.
2. I wrote an algorithm to do the job, but then when you figured
out one chapter's code you code strip the entire system.
3. The algorithm is now different for each chapter in the system.
There are some numbers that will NOT work with the coding, if you enter one
of these the system will let you know so you can change it. This in itself
helps to make the data more secure since the 'bad' numbers follow no
logical sequence. For any given chapter there are approx 1800 bad numbers
out of the 10,998 possible PassCodes. {I apologize, in advance, for anyone
who finds that their 'lucky number' won't work.}
4. Using no encryption (PassCode 0) makes the system faster
(because the system doesn't have to encrypt and decrypt for on screen and
print operations) but it removes the security of the data.
3 hours to break a text file one of my beta testers sent me. I know the
algorithm, I knew the possibilities, and I worked with a 80386 system; but
even if I did not I could have broken it eventually.
6. Once you are in the system, if you are using encryption, do not
leave without exiting the system. {The quickest way is to hit F1 then ESC}
7. When choosing a PassCode avoid the "easys" ex 333,222,-999,555
and things like your phone number,SSANs, etc. This makes breaking the
code easier.
8. Write the PassCode down and keep it in a safe place, for you
(if you forget) or for posterity (should something happen to you).
Notes On Writing A Book
1. When you set the program up, remember that the Master Chapter
controls the title of the book, has Sneak capability, and can edit the
purpose of the book. If you are going to let multiple users make entries,
then PassCode that entry for yourself only. You might consider different
PassCodes for different Chapters.
2. Don't include the Chapter Title as one of your KeyWordZ, that is a
waste of space! Also, if you let multiple users use the system, have them
use their name as one of the KeyWordZ, that way you know who wrote it.
3. Make sure you reflect for a few minutes prior to writing, this will
give you a chance to compose your thoughts.
4. Don't abuse the Sneak feature. If you are letting people use the
program for a personal diary, don't go in and read their entries. If you
are tempted, listen to Lobo's "Diary".
5. If you have a lot of users, use the Sneak capability to go in and
Crunch the file occasionally. It will conserve disk space.
6. Part of the uniqueness of a blank book is that it is in your own
words and syntax, making the entry grammatically correct and perfectly
spelled takes away from the authenticity of the stories. {This is why no
spell checker or thesaurus is included in the program.}
7. Plan each chapter before you add it. Some might over lap. For
example if you have a chapter for Kid's Jokes, do you need another for
Jokes? Why not put Kid Joke in the KeyWordZ.
8. Remember "He who controls the present, controls the past. He who
controls the past controls the future" (George Orwell, 1984) when you go to
Alter or Delete an entry.
9. Every now and then, flip through what you've written and take a look at
what it says happened.
10. Enjoy!
Technical Assistance & Latest Versions:
Both registered and unregistered Users can obtain technical assistance by
calling (219) 563-HOME (4663). Unregistered Users will need to provide the
name and address of where they obtained the software from in order to gain
this assistance. This will let us go back to that company if they are
distributing an older version and it helps us track who is distributing the
program. The number is manned (by a human) from 6:00 to 9:00 PM EST, all
other hours by an answering machine.
Unicorn Software Support conferences exist on the following BBSs:
** The Kokomo BBS: 317-457-9100
** The RoadHouse BBS: 317-784-2147 (FIDONET 1:231/290)
Both BBSs allow first time downloads and will always have the latest
versions of Unicorn's software. Unicorn Software programs are available via
"File Request" from The RoadHouse BBS (1:231/290). You can FREQ the magic
name "UNICORN" from 1:231/290 for information on Unicorn Programs and their
FREQable "magic" names.)
Also, we monitor the Shareware conference on the following networks: RIME,
Intelec, NANet, MediaNET, and NAPNet.
The regional hub for RIME in Indiana (IBM-NET) will upload any of
Unicorn's files to the net on request:
** IBM-Net BBS: 317-882-5575
All of Unicorn's programs are also available through the Shareware
Distribution Network (SDN), and may be downloaded from any SDN location.
The Central Indiana SDN contact point is:
** Someplace BBS 317-353-9981 (FIDONET 1:231/120)
The above listed BBSs will always have the latest versions within hours of
release. Additionally, these BBSs have proven to be reliable and worth the
cost of every minute of connect time. Even if you are not looking for our
latest versions: Give Them A Call!
Other Unicorn Programs:
All programs are MSDOS compatible, run on 256K RAM, use IBM graphics/laser
printers, mono or colour monitor, and can operate on one/two or hard disk
drives (except DayMaster & CompUser which require a hard or high density
drive). The User can set the colours, printer codes, default data drive
and data file name. There are no 'crippled' features or options. The only
difference between the shareware and registered versions is the lack of
'plea' screens on the registered version and the clarity of the Users
conscience. Amount in {} is price for registration.
The *Master Series
CDMaster - To help Users catalog their CDs and assist in printing catalogs,
listings and labels for the case and front of the CD. There are entries
for CD Number, Title, Artist, and up to 24 Tunes as well as Category and 3
User defined fields. The program will hold up to 9999 CDs (depending on
disk space) and can be used to find even a single song. It will also
produce a list of every Tune User have in addition to the regular catalogs
and case inserts. Find! option locates CDs by any of the data fields or by
a User defined mix of data fields. {$25}
AlbumMaster - To help Users catalog their Albums and assist with printing
catalogs, listings and labels for the front of the Album. There are entries
for Album Number, Title, Artist, and up to 12 Tunes on each side as well as
Category and 3 User defined fields. The User can define fields for use as
producer, writer, opinions etc. The program will hold up to 9999 Albums
(depending on disk space) and can be used to find even a single song. It
will also produce a list of every Tune User have in addition to the regular
catalogs. Multiple data field Finds! and User designed listing make this a
must have for audiophiles. {$25}
CassetteMaster - To help User catalog their cassette tapes and print
catalogs, listings and inserts for the case and front of the tape. There
are entries for Tape Number, Title, Artist, and up to 14 Tunes on each side
as well as Category. The User can also define three entries for use as
producer, writer, opinions etc. The program will hold up to 9999
individual Tapes, with two Titles per Tape (depending on disk space) and
can be used to find even a single song. It will also produce a list of
every Tune User have in addition to the regular catalogs. The case inserts
not only print all the tunes, artist, and title but the User defined info
as well. Find! and Criteria print option make this very useful for the
'home recorder' or the 'store bought' cassette tape User. {$25}
VideoMaster - To help User catalog their video tapes and assist User in
printing catalogs, standard and User customized listings and labels for the
spine and front of the tape. There are entries for Tape Number, Title,
Rating, Start Point, Star, Co Star, three User defined entries and a seven
line Synopsis as well as Category. User can find any tape by any field.
The program can handle up to 5 titles per tape, with the data file only
being limited by disk space. Great for the home video buff. {$25}
PostCardMaster - The program will help User compose post cards and maintain
addresses on disk. Then User may retrieve either listings of the
addresses and cards, address labels, 3X5 cards, 4X6 post cards or Roladex
cards. The primary purpose of the program is to print post cards, and
address them for the User. Post cards cost 1/3 the price of a letter and in
some cases are equally as good ie meeting notices, invitations, change of
address. This program is a update for an earlier Unicorn Software release
called FORWARD2. {$25}
DayMaster - The program provides User with trivia, birthdays,
anniversaries for a particular date, but also allows User to include their
own information for any date. It also gives a quote for the day, and
informs User of any reminders (Weekly/Daily/Monthly/Single/Annual/Range Of
Dates) the User might have. All of this can take place at boot up or any
other time User activate the program. The data file contains over 2000
historical events and quotes. {$25}
The OMNI* Series
OMNIDiZk - A disk cataloger and labeling utility. Features: Reads a
floppy into memory and lets User save the data (The saving is optional);
Print out 4 X 1 7/16 or 3 X 15/16 labels as well as catalogs; Perform Find!
searches on any files that User has saved; Print lists of every file name
in the data file; Allow complete Updates of disks or of just the title
info; Lets User enter a 23 character title, 3 character code and two lines
of remarks up to 52 characters each; Lets User set the data and read
drives. {$25}
OMNIDay - Handles up to 10 Users with PassCode protection for privacy,
optional encryption of data with 10,000 possibilities per User, automatic
entry of text date line, and a full function text editor with online Help.
The data file is dynamic (only as large as entries) and can be located on
any drive. Daily entries can be from 1 to 5000 lines with the ability to
change history (Alter Entry) and the ability to make history vanish (Erase
Entry). The Reminisce feature allows User to 'thumb' through entries.
Prints out the entire opus or selected dates. User names the opus and
enters their name into program for use on screen and in print outs. {$25}
The Comp* Series
CompUser - A rated cyclopedia with the names, addresses and phone numbers
of shareware distributors, hardware companies, authors, computer clubs,
BBSs and more. Almost 2000 entries are in the complete database and it is
updated almost daily with revisions being mailed out every 120 days. The
program creates, edits & prints post cards, address labels and more. It
will also import new data and allow the User to change the data in the
file. Great for clubs (looking for authors and distributors), shareware
authors (looking for markets), shareware libraries (looking for authors),
BBS Users (looking for new BBSs) and the average Comp{ter}User (looking for
all of the above). All entries are rated A,B,C,D, or F for size of
operation and the way that they conduct business. This alone makes it
worthwhile because Users can avoid poorly rated businesses that have
historical problems and lack good customer service. {$30/Year}
The *4D Series
DiZk4D - The first dizk cataloging system specifically written for 4DOS.
DiZk4D will: Read a floppy into memory and lets User save the data (The
saving is optional). Lets the User enter a 21 character title, 4 digit DiZk
number, 3 character code and two lines of remarks up to 65 characters each.
Change or add file descriptions. Users have the option of using the same
description for all files, or describing them individually using a full
screen editor. Prints out 4 X 1 7/16 or 3 X 15/16 labels of the file names
or of file names and descriptions. Prints out or writes to a file complete
or select listings and catalogs. Prints out a complete list of all file
information, or writes that information to a file. Perform Find! searches
on any filename, description, date, title, DiZk number (alphanumeric),
code, or remarks. Allows complete Updates of DiZks or of just the title
info. Lets User use Auto numbering of DiZks. {$25}
Check with your favourite shareware dealer or do one of the following:
1. Call the Kokomo BBS at 317-457-9100 {First call downloads in the
Unicorn Support Conference) or IBM-NET at 317-882-5575. Both BBSs will
always have the latest versions of all of Unicorn's programs.
2. Send three blank formatted disks for each disk desired to Unicorn and
we'll copy them for you. {Each title is on one disk, the other disks cover
3. Send three dollars per title and we'll send them to you.
Charles P. Schell IV
What's New
2.00 First Public Release of WordZ.