Labels:transparent material | handwriting | glass OCR: connects values of any two, the power rectly from the third at the point intersected by graph used to show relationships. Also called non de-lib/ nomarchia Into of which -graf'). [1905-10; < F nomogramme; see Nous. :4y. adv non/de.liv prov- no. (no mola je). n. I. the vines adi non/de.n 2. the science dealing with the Mes ef -ly, ac non/ the lower hal no t. < VL *umbili armorial log.i-cal (nony/o \o)') kat /ms = L um- -nomy, a contar ine) Suene son col.laps/i.b adj. non'col·le giate, n .: 4y . noms de guerre. a, ad non/com·bus/ti.b ights, paints, writes efd non/com.mer's non com. non/ no