Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats Companion
Text File
1,382 lines
This file contains examples of Windows BMP and OS2 BMP header structures,
how to read, write, display, decode, and encode a BMP file, and how
to use all the functions in the BMP library.
BMP Header File
** Title: BMP.H **
** Purpose: BMP Header file **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: October 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** **
** This header file contains the structures for the three flavors of the **
** BMP image file format (OS/2 1.x, WIndows 3.0, and OS/2 2.0). Each BMP **
** file will contain a BMPINFO header followed by either a PMINFPHEAD, **
** WININFOHEAD, or PM2INFOHEAD header. To simplify reading and writing **
** BMP files the BMP file format structure defined in BMP.H contains **
** structures for all three flavors of the BMP image file format. **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 Graphics Software Labs. All rights reserved. **
#ifndef BMP_H
#define BMP_H 1
#include "datatype.h" /* Include the data type definitions */
#define COMPRESS_RGB 0L /* No compression */
#define COMPRESS_RLE8 1L /* 8 bits per pixel compression */
#define COMPRESS_RLE4 2L /* 4 bits per pixel compression */
#define BMP_ID 0x4d42 /* BMP "magic" number */
#define LSN(value) ((value) & 0x0f) /* Least-significant nibble */
#define MSN(value) (((value) & 0xf0) >> 4) /* Most-significant nibble */
** BMP File Format Bitmap Header.
typedef struct _BmpInfo /* Offset Description */
WORD Type; /* 00h File Type Identifier */
DWORD FileSize; /* 02h Size of File */
WORD Reserved1; /* 06h Reserved (should be 0) */
WORD Reserved2; /* 08h Reserved (should be 0) */
DWORD Offset; /* 0Ah Offset to bitmap data */
** Presentation Manager (OS/2 1.x) Information Header Format.
typedef struct _PmInfoHeader /* Offset Description */
DWORD Size; /* 0Eh Size of Remianing Header */
WORD Width; /* 12h Width of Bitmap in Pixels */
WORD Height; /* 14h Height of Bitmap in Pixels */
WORD Planes; /* 16h Number of Planes */
WORD BitCount; /* 18h Color Bits Per Pixel */
** Windows 3.x Information Header Format.
typedef struct _WinInfoHeader /* Offset Description */
DWORD Size; /* 0Eh Size of Remianing Header */
DWORD Width; /* 12h Width of Bitmap in Pixels */
DWORD Height; /* 16h Height of Bitmap in Pixels */
WORD Planes; /* 1Ah Number of Planes */
WORD BitCount; /* 1Ch Bits Per Pixel */
DWORD Compression; /* 1Eh Compression Scheme (0=none) */
DWORD SizeImage; /* 22h Size of bitmap in bytes */
DWORD XPelsPerMeter; /* 26h Horz. Resolution in Pixels/Meter */
DWORD YPelsPerMeter; /* 2Ah Vert. Resolution in Pixels/Meter */
DWORD ClrUsed; /* 2Eh Number of Colors in Color Table */
DWORD ClrImportant; /* 32h Number of Important Colors */
** Presentation Manager (OS/2 2.0) Information Header Format.
typedef struct _Pm2InfoHeader /* Offset Description */
DWORD Size; /* 0Eh Size of Info Header (always 64) */
WORD Width; /* 12h Width of Bitmap in Pixels */
WORD Height; /* 14h Height of Bitmap in Pixels */
WORD Planes; /* 16h Number of Planes */
WORD BitCount; /* 18h Color Bits Per Pixel */
DWORD Compression; /* 1Ah Compression Scheme (0=none) */
DWORD SizeImage; /* 1Eh Size of bitmap in bytes */
DWORD XPelsPerMeter; /* 22h Horz. Resolution in Pixels/Meter */
DWORD YPelsPerMeter; /* 26h Vert. Resolution in Pixels/Meter */
DWORD ClrUsed; /* 2Ah Number of Colors in Color Table */
DWORD ClrImportant; /* 2Eh Number of Important Colors */
WORD Units; /* 32h Resolution Mesaurement Used */
WORD Reserved; /* 34h Reserved FIelds (always 0) */
WORD Recording; /* 36h Orientation of Bitmap */
WORD Rendering; /* 38h Halftone Algorithm Used on Image */
DWORD Size1; /* 3Ah Halftone Algorithm Data */
DWORD Size2; /* 3Eh Halftone Algorithm Data */
DWORD ColorEncoding; /* 42h Color Table Format (always 0) */
DWORD Identifier; /* 46h Misc. Field for Application Use */
** Presentation Manager (OS/2) RGB Color Triple.
typedef struct _PmRgbTriple
BYTE rgbBlue; /* Blue Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbGreen; /* Green Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbRed; /* Red Intensity Value */
** Windows 3.x RGB Color Quadruple.
typedef struct _WinRgbQuad
BYTE rgbBlue; /* Blue Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbGreen; /* Green Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbRed; /* Red Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbReserved; /* Reserved (should be 0) */
** OS/2 2.0 RGB Color Quadruple.
typedef struct _Pm2RgbQuad
BYTE rgbBlue; /* Blue Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbGreen; /* Green Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbRed; /* Red Intensity Value */
BYTE rgbReserved; /* Reserved (should be 0) */
** Composite structure of the BMP image file format.
** This structure holds information for all three flavors of the BMP format.
typedef struct _BmpHeader
BMPINFO Header; /* Bitmap Header */
PMINFOHEAD PmInfo; /* OS/2 1.x Information Header */
PMRGBTRIPLE *PmColorTable; /* OS/2 1.x Color Table */
WININFOHEAD WinInfo; /* Windows 3 Information Header */
WINRGBQUAD *WinColorTable; /* Windows 3 Color Table */
PM2INFOHEAD Pm2Info; /* OS/2 2.0 Information Header */
PM2RGBQUAD *Pm2ColorTable; /* OS/2 2.0 Color Table */
** Function prototypes
VOID WriteBmpHeader(BMPHEADER *, FILE *);
#endif /* BMP_H */
BMP Header Reader
The function reads the header(s) of a BMP file. The data is stored in
the appropriate areas of the header structure
depending upon the flavor of the BMP file being read.
** Title: BMPREAD **
** Purpose: Display the data in a BMP image file header. **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: September 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** C Compilers: Borland C++ v2.0, Microsoft C v6.00a **
** **
** This module contains the following function: **
** **
** ReadBmpHeader - Read a BMP header from a FILE stream. **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 James D. Murray. All rights reserved. **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "endianio.h"
#include "bmp.h"
/* External global variables */
WORD (*GetWord)(FILE *);
DWORD (*GetDword)(FILE *);
** Read a Windows or PM BMP header.
** This function reads the information from a FILE stream open
** to a BMP file and writes the information to a BMPHEADER structure.
** Returns: Nothing.
ReadBmpHeader(BmpHead, FpBmp)
BMPHEADER *BmpHead; /* Pointer to BMP header structure */
FILE *FpBmp; /* BMP image file input FILE stream */
register SHORT i; /* Loop Counter */
DWORD InfoHeaderSize; /* Size of the BMP information header in bytes */
WORD NumColors; /* Number of colors in color table */
GetWord = GetLittleWord; /* Read using little-endian byte order */
GetDword = GetLittleDword;
BmpHead->Header.Type = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Header.FileSize = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Header.Reserved1 = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Header.Reserved2 = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Header.Offset = GetDword(FpBmp);
InfoHeaderSize = GetDword(FpBmp);
** The type of information found in a BMP structure is indicated by
** the Size (Information Headere Size) field with a non-zero value.
BmpHead->PmInfo.Size = 0;
BmpHead->WinInfo.Size = 0;
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size = 0;
** The size if the information header indicates if the BMP file
** originated on an MS Windows or OS/2 Presentation Manager system.
if (InfoHeaderSize == 12L) /* OS/2 1.x */
BmpHead->PmInfo.Size = InfoHeaderSize;
BmpHead->PmInfo.Width = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->PmInfo.Height = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->PmInfo.Planes = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->PmInfo.BitCount = GetWord(FpBmp);
if (BmpHead->PmInfo.BitCount != 24)
/* Determine number of entries in color table */
NumColors = (WORD) (1U << (BmpHead->PmInfo.Planes *
/* Allocate memory for the color table entries */
if ((BmpHead->PmColorTable = (PMRGBTRIPLE *)
calloc((size_t) NumColors, sizeof(PMRGBTRIPLE))) ==
/* Read in the color table one color triple at a time */
for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
BmpHead->PmColorTable[i].rgbBlue = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->PmColorTable[i].rgbGreen = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->PmColorTable[i].rgbRed = GetByte(FpBmp);
else /* Windows 3 */
if (InfoHeaderSize == 40L)
BmpHead->WinInfo.Size = InfoHeaderSize;
BmpHead->WinInfo.Width = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.Height = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.Planes = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.BitCount = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.Compression = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.SizeImage = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.XPelsPerMeter = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.YPelsPerMeter = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrImportant = GetDword(FpBmp);
/* Read in the color table (if any) */
if (BmpHead->WinInfo.BitCount != 24 || BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed != 0)
/* Determine number of entries in color table */
if (BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed)
NumColors = BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed;
NumColors = (WORD) (1U << (BmpHead->WinInfo.Planes *
/* Allocate memory for the color table entries */
if ((BmpHead->WinColorTable = (WINRGBQUAD *)
calloc((size_t) NumColors, sizeof(WINRGBQUAD))) ==
/* Read in the color table one color quad at a time */
for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbBlue = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbGreen = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbRed = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbReserved = GetByte(FpBmp);
else /* OS/2 2.0 */
if (InfoHeaderSize == 64L)
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size = InfoHeaderSize;
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Width = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Height = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Planes = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.BitCount = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Compression = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.SizeImage = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.XPelsPerMeter = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.YPelsPerMeter = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrImportant = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Units = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Reserved = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Recording = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Rendering = GetWord(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size1 = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size2 = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.ColorEncoding = GetDword(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2Info.Identifier = GetDword(FpBmp);
/* Read in the color table (if any) */
if (BmpHead->Pm2Info.BitCount != 24 || BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed != 0)
/* Determine number of entries in color table */
if (BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed)
NumColors = BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed;
NumColors = (WORD) (1U << (BmpHead->Pm2Info.Planes *
/* Allocate memory for the color table entries */
if ((BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable = (PM2RGBQUAD *)
calloc((size_t) NumColors, sizeof(PM2RGBQUAD))) ==
/* Read in the color table one color quad at a time */
for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbBlue = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbGreen = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbRed = GetByte(FpBmp);
BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbReserved = GetByte(FpBmp);
BMP Header Writer
This function writes out the headers of a BMP file. The version of
the information header may be selected. The
header data is always written in little-endian order.
** Title: BMPWRITE **
** Purpose: Display the data in a BMP image file header. **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: September 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** C Compilers: Borland C++ v2.0, Microsoft C v6.00a **
** **
** This module contains the following function: **
** **
** WriteBmpHeader - Write a BMP header to a FILE stream. **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 Graphics Software Labs. All rights reserved. **
#include <stdio.h>
#include "endianio.h"
#include "bmp.h"
/* External global variables */
VOID (*PutWord)(WORD, FILE *);
VOID (*PutDword)(DWORD, FILE *);
** Write a Windows or PM BMP header.
** This function reads the information from a BMPHEADER structure
** and writes it to a FILE stream in the form of a BMP header.
** Returns: Nothing.
WriteBmpHeader(BmpHead, FpBmp)
BMPHEADER *BmpHead; /* Pointer to BMP header structure */
FILE *FpBmp; /* BMP image file output FILE stream */
register SHORT i; /* Loop counter */
WORD NumColors; /* Number of colors in color table */
PutWord = PutLittleWord; /* Write using little-endian byte order */
PutDword = PutLittleDword;
/* Write the bit map file header */
PutWord(BmpHead->Header.Type, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Header.FileSize, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->Header.Reserved1, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->Header.Reserved2, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Header.Offset, FpBmp);
** Write the bit map information header.
** The size if the information header indicates if the BMP file
** originated on an MS Windows or OS/2 Presentation Manager system.
if (BmpHead->PmInfo.Size) /* OS/2 1.x */
PutWord(BmpHead->PmInfo.Size, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->PmInfo.Width, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->PmInfo.Height, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->PmInfo.Planes, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->PmInfo.BitCount, FpBmp);
if (BmpHead->PmColorTable)
/* Determine number of entries in color table */
NumColors = (WORD) (1U << (BmpHead->PmInfo.Planes *
/* Write the color table one color triple at a time */
for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
PutByte(BmpHead->PmColorTable[i].rgbBlue, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->PmColorTable[i].rgbGreen, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->PmColorTable[i].rgbRed, FpBmp);
else /* Windows 3 */
if (BmpHead->WinInfo.Size)
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.Size, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.Width, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.Height, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->WinInfo.Planes, FpBmp);
PutWord(BmpHead->WinInfo.BitCount, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.Compression, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.SizeImage, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.XPelsPerMeter, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.YPelsPerMeter, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrImportant, FpBmp);
if (BmpHead->WinColorTable)
/* Determine number of entries in color table */
if (BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed)
NumColors = BmpHead->WinInfo.ClrUsed;
NumColors = (WORD) (1U << (BmpHead->WinInfo.Planes *
/* Write the color table one color quad at a time */
for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
PutByte(BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbBlue, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbGreen, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbRed, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->WinColorTable[i].rgbReserved, FpBmp);
else /* OS/2 2.0 */
if (BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size)
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Width, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Height, FpBmp);
PutWord( BmpHead->Pm2Info.Planes, FpBmp);
PutWord( BmpHead->Pm2Info.BitCount, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Compression, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.SizeImage, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.XPelsPerMeter, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.YPelsPerMeter, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrImportant, FpBmp);
PutWord( BmpHead->Pm2Info.Units, FpBmp);
PutWord( BmpHead->Pm2Info.Reserved, FpBmp);
PutWord( BmpHead->Pm2Info.Recording, FpBmp);
PutWord( BmpHead->Pm2Info.Rendering, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size1, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Size2, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.ColorEncoding, FpBmp);
PutDword(BmpHead->Pm2Info.Identifier, FpBmp);
if (BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable)
/* Determine number of entries in color table */
if (BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed)
NumColors = BmpHead->Pm2Info.ClrUsed;
NumColors = (WORD) (1U << (BmpHead->Pm2Info.Planes *
/* Write the color table one color quad at a time */
for (i = 0; i < NumColors; i++)
PutByte(BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbBlue, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbGreen, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbRed, FpBmp);
PutByte(BmpHead->Pm2ColorTable[i].rgbReserved, FpBmp);
BMP File Information Lister
This useful program displays the information found in the header and
color table of a BMP file. It is also a useful
example of how to use several of the functions in the BMP library.
** Title: BMPHEAD **
** Purpose: Display the data in a BMP image file header. **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: September 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** C Compilers: Borland C++ v2.0, Microsoft C v6.00a **
** **
** BMPHEAD displays all real information contained within the **
** header of a BMP image file including the array of color map **
** values. **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 James D. Murray. All rights reserved. **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "endianio.h"
#include "bmp.h"
main(argc, argv)
int argc;
char *argv[];
register WORD i; /* Loop Counter */
WORD NumberColorTableEntries;
CHAR BmpFileName[80]; /* Holder for the BMP image file name */
FILE *fpBmpIn; /* File pointer to the BMP image file */
puts("BMPHEAD - Display the header info within a BMP image file (v1.00)\n");
/* Check for proper number of command line arguments */
if (argc < 2)
fputs("Usage: BMPHEAD filename.bmp\n\n", stderr);
/* Add the .bmp extension to the file name if no extension exists */
strcpy(BmpFileName, argv[1]);
if (!strrchr(argv[1], '.'))
strcat(BmpFileName, ".bmp");
/* Open the BMP image file */
if ((fpBmpIn = fopen(BmpFileName, "rb")) == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "BMPHEAD: Cannot open file %s\n", BmpFileName);
/* Read the BMP image file header information */
ReadBmpHeader(&bmpHead, fpBmpIn);
/* Check for FILE stream error */
if (ferror(fpBmpIn))
fputs("BMPHEAD: Error reading header information!\n", stderr);
/* Check the Identification Type */
if (bmpHead.Header.Type != BMP_ID)
fprintf(stderr, "BMPHEAD: %s is not a BMP-format file!\n",
** Display the BMP file information.
printf(" File Type: %x\n", bmpHead.Header.Type);
printf(" File Size: %ld\n", bmpHead.Header.FileSize);
printf(" Reserved1: %d\n", bmpHead.Header.Reserved1);
printf(" Reserved2: %d\n", bmpHead.Header.Reserved2);
printf(" Image Data Offset: %ld\n\n", bmpHead.Header.Offset);
if (bmpHead.PmInfo.Size) /* OS/2 1.x bitmap */
printf(" Size of Header: %ld", bmpHead.PmInfo.Size);
puts("\t(OS/2 1.x Bitmap)");
printf(" Width of Image: %d", bmpHead.PmInfo.Width);
puts("\t(in Pixels)");
printf(" Height of Image: %d", bmpHead.PmInfo.Height);
puts("\t(in Pixels)");
printf(" Number of Planes: %d", bmpHead.PmInfo.Planes);
puts("\t(Must be 1)");
printf(" Bits Per Pixel: %d", bmpHead.PmInfo.BitCount);
printf("\t(%ld Colors Total)\n", 1L << (bmpHead.PmInfo.Planes *
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.Size) /* Windows 3.0 bitmap */
printf(" Size of Header: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.Size);
puts("\t(Windows 3.0 Bitmap)");
printf(" Width of Image: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.Width);
puts("\t(in Pixels)");
printf(" Height of Image: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.Height);
puts("\t(in Pixels)");
printf(" Number of Planes: %d", bmpHead.WinInfo.Planes);
puts("\t(Must be 1)");
printf(" Bits Per Pixel: %d", bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount);
printf("\t(%ld Colors Total)\n", 1L << (bmpHead.WinInfo.Planes *
printf(" Compression: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression);
switch (bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression)
puts("\t(No Compression)");
puts("\t(4-bits Per Pixel Encoding)");
puts("\t(8-bits Per Pixel Encoding)");
puts("\t(Unknown Compression Format)");
printf(" Size of Image: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.SizeImage);
puts("\t(in Bytes)");
printf("Horizontal Resolution: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.XPelsPerMeter);
puts("\t(in Pixels Per Meter)");
printf(" Vertical Resolution: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.YPelsPerMeter);
puts("\t(in Pixels Per Meter)");
printf(" Color Indexes Used: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrUsed);
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount == 24)
puts("\t(No Color Table)");
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrUsed != 0)
printf("\t(%lu Entries in Color Table)\n", bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrUsed);
printf("\t(%lu Entries in Color Table)\n",
(DWORD) (1U << (bmpHead.WinInfo.Planes * bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount)));
printf(" Colors Important: %ld", bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrImportant);
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrImportant == 0)
printf("\t(All Colors Are Important)");
printf("\t(%ld Colors Are Important)", bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrImportant);
fputc('\n', stdout);
if (bmpHead.PmInfo.Size) /* OS/2 2.0 bitmap */
printf(" Size of Header: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.Size);
puts("\t(OS/2 2.0 Bitmap)");
printf(" Width of Image: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.Width);
puts("\t(in Pixels)");
printf(" Height of Image: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.Height);
puts("\t(in Pixels)");
printf(" Number of Planes: %d", bmpHead.Pm2Info.Planes);
puts("\t(Must be 1)");
printf(" Bits Per Pixel: %d", bmpHead.Pm2Info.BitCount);
printf("\t(%ld Colors Total)\n", 1L << (bmpHead.Pm2Info.Planes *
printf(" Compression: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.Compression);
switch (bmpHead.Pm2Info.Compression)
puts("\t(No Compression)");
puts("\t(4-bits Per Pixel Encoding)");
puts("\t(8-bits Per Pixel Encoding)");
puts("\t(Unknown Compression Format)");
printf(" Size of Image: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.SizeImage);
puts("\t(in Bytes)");
printf("Horizontal Resolution: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.XPelsPerMeter);
puts("\t(in Pixels Per Meter)");
printf(" Vertical Resolution: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.YPelsPerMeter);
puts("\t(in Pixels Per Meter)");
printf(" Color Indexes Used: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrUsed);
if (bmpHead.Pm2Info.BitCount == 24)
puts("\t(No Color Table)");
if (bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrUsed != 0)
printf("\t(%lu Entries in Color Table)\n", bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrUsed);
printf("\t(%lu Entries in Color Table)\n",
(DWORD) (1U << (bmpHead.Pm2Info.Planes * bmpHead.Pm2Info.BitCount)));
printf(" Colors Important: %ld", bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrImportant);
if (bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrImportant == 0)
printf("\t(All Colors Are Important)");
printf("\t(%ld Colors Are Important)", bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrImportant);
fputc('\n', stdout);
fputs("BMPHEAD: No BMP information read!\n", stderr);
** Display the color table (if any).
** Use ClrUsed to determine the number of entries in the
** color table. If ClrUsed is 0, then the number of entries
** is calculated using BitCount. Typically, bitmaps with
** 24-bits per pixel do not have color tables unless ClrUsed
** is non-zero. All other types of bitmaps (1, 4, or 8-bits per
** pixel) do.
/* Display the color table */ /* OS/2 1.x */
if (bmpHead.PmInfo.Size && bmpHead.PmInfo.BitCount != 24)
/* Determine the number of RGB entries in the color table */
NumberColorTableEntries =
(WORD) (1U << (bmpHead.PmInfo.Planes * bmpHead.PmInfo.BitCount));
fputs("\nHit Enter for color table information...", stdout);
printf("\nNumber of Color Table Entries: %u\n\n", NumberColorTableEntries);
for (i = 0; i < NumberColorTableEntries; i++)
if (i && i % 22 == 0)
fputs("Hit Enter for next page...", stdout);
else /* Windows 3.0 */
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.Size &&
(bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount != 24 || bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrUsed != 0))
/* Determine the number of RGB entries in the color table */
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrUsed != 0)
NumberColorTableEntries = (WORD) bmpHead.WinInfo.ClrUsed;
NumberColorTableEntries =
(WORD) (1U << (bmpHead.WinInfo.Planes * bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount));
fputs("\nHit Enter for color table information...", stdout);
fputc('\n', stdout);
printf("\nNumber of Color Table Entries: %u\n\n", NumberColorTableEntries);
for (i = 0; i < NumberColorTableEntries; i++)
if (i && i % 22 == 0)
fputs("Hit Enter for next page...", stdout);
else /* OS/2 2.0 */
if (bmpHead.Pm2Info.Size &&
(bmpHead.Pm2Info.BitCount != 24 || bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrUsed != 0))
/* Determine the number of RGB entries in the color table */
if (bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrUsed != 0)
NumberColorTableEntries = (WORD) bmpHead.Pm2Info.ClrUsed;
NumberColorTableEntries =
(WORD) (1U << (bmpHead.Pm2Info.Planes * bmpHead.Pm2Info.BitCount));
fputs("\nHit Enter for color table information...", stdout);
fputc('\n', stdout);
printf("\nNumber of Color Table Entries: %u\n\n", NumberColorTableEntries);
for (i = 0; i < NumberColorTableEntries; i++)
if (i && i % 22 == 0)
fputs("Hit Enter for next page...", stdout);
BMP Run-Length Encoder
This function encodes raw BMP data into 4-bit or 8-bit BMP RLE data.
The algorithm always uses encoded runs for pixel runs greater than
five pixels in length, otherwise raw runs are used. Delta and end
of bitmap escape sequences are not included in the encoding. The
end of bitmap escape code must be written by the function calling
** Title: BMPENCODE **
** Purpose: Display the data in a BMP image file header. **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: September 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** C Compilers: Borland C++ v2.0, Microsoft C v6.00a **
** **
** This module contains the following function: **
** **
** BmpEncodeScanLine - **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 Graphics Software Labs. All rights reserved. **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "endianio.h"
#include "bmp.h"
Read encoded data from a FILE stream and write to a buffer.
Pixels are either 4-bits or 8-bits in size. The Method parameter
indcates the size with a value of COMPRESS_RLE4 or COMPRESS_RLE8.
Note that this code only writes absolute runs of pixels that are the same
value. Literal runs may just as easily represent a line of pixels with
different values.
For 4-bit pixels the MSN (Most Significant Nibble) is the first pixel
value and the LSN (Least Significant Nibble) is the second pixel value.
This particular algorithm encodes 4-bit per pixel data two nibbles at a time.
In other words, if you had the raw run "11 11 15" only first four nibbles
would be encoded in the run. The fifth nibble would be treated part of
of the next run. Not the most efficient scheme, but it
simplifies the algorithm by not needing to tear apart bytes into sparate
nibble values and add padding for odd-length pixel runs. So there.
** Method may have one of the following values:
** 0 - Unencoded
** 1 - Four bits per pixel
** 2 - Eight bits per pixel
BmpEncodeScanLine(EncodedBuffer, BufferSize, LineLength, Method, FpBmp)
BYTE *EncodedBuffer; /* Pointer to buffer to hold encodeded scan line */
WORD BufferSize; /* Size of buffer holding unencoded data */
WORD LineLength; /* The length of a scan line in pixels */
DWORD Method; /* Encoding method to use */
FILE *FpBmp; /* FILE pointer to the open input BMP image file */
WORD runCount; /* The number of pixels in the current run */
WORD pixelCount; /* The number of pixels read from the scan line */
SHORT bufIndex; /* The index of DecodedBuffer */
BYTE pixelValue1; /* Pixel value read from the scan line (4-byte max) */
BYTE pixelValue2; /* Pixel value read from the scan line */
/* Check that a proper compression method has been specified */
if (Method != COMPRESS_RLE4 && Method != COMPRESS_RLE8)
bufIndex = 0;
runCount = (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4 ? 2 : 1);
pixelCount = (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4 ? 2 : 1);
/* Read in first pixel value */
pixelValue1 = GetByte(FpBmp);
/* Main encoding loop */
for (;;)
/* Read in another pixel value */
pixelValue2 = GetByte(FpBmp);
/* Count number of pixels read so far */
pixelCount += (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4 ? 2 : 1);
/* If the pixels are the same then start or continue a run */
if (pixelValue1 == pixelValue2) /* Compare pixels */
/* Advance the run count */
runCount += (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4 ? 2 : 1);
if (runCount < 256) /* Maximum run-length is 256 pixels */
if (pixelCount < LineLength) /* Don't run past end of scan line */
continue; /* Continue reading the run */
** If we have gotten this far then we have either come to the end of
** a pixel run, have reached the maximum number of pixels encodable
** in a run, or read to the end of the scan line. Now encode the
** current run.
** Literal runs must have a runCount greater than 2 or the
** literal run indicator will be confused with an escape code.
** This scheme will also only encode even-length runs as literal
** runs. This frees us from keeping track of left over nibbles
** from odd-length runs.
#if 0
if (runCount > 2 && runCount < 8 && !(runCount % 2)) /* Write a Literal Run
if (runCount < 0)
/* Make sure writing this next run will not overflow the buffer */
if (bufIndex + runCount >= BufferSize - 2)
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = 0; /* Literal Run indicator */
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = runCount; /* Number of pixels in run */
if (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4)
runCount /= 2;
/* Write the pixel data run */
while (runCount--)
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = pixelValue1;
else /* Write an Encoded Run */
printf("runCount: %d value %d\n", runCount, pixelValue1);
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = runCount; /* Number of pixels in run */
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = pixelValue1; /* Value of pixels in run */
/* If we've encoded the entire line then break out of the loop */
if (pixelCount == LineLength)
/* Start a new pixel run count */
runCount = (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4 ? 2 : 1);
/* Store next pixel value run to match */
pixelValue1 = pixelValue2;
/* Write an End of Scan Line Escape Code */
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = 0;
EncodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = 0;
BMP Run-length Decoder
This function decodes 4-bit and 8-bit BMP RLE image data. Note the
delta escape sequences are not supported because this function can
only decode one scan line at a time.
** Title: BMPDECODE **
** Purpose: Display the data in a BMP image file header. **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: September 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** C Compilers: Borland C++ v2.0, Microsoft C v6.00a **
** **
** This module contains the following function: **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 Graphics Software Labs. All rights reserved. **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "endianio.h"
#include "bmp.h"
BmpDecodeScanLine(DecodedBuffer, LineLength, BufferSize, Method, FpBmp)
BYTE *DecodedBuffer; /* Pointer to buffer to hold decoded data */
WORD BufferSize; /* Size of buffer to hold decoded data in bytes */
WORD LineLength; /* The length of a scan line in pixels */
DWORD Method; /* Data encoding method used on scan line data */
FILE *FpBmp; /* FILE pointer to the open input BMP image file */
BYTE runCount; /* Number of pixels in the run */
BYTE runValue; /* Value of pixels in the run */
BYTE Value; /* Temporary pixel value holder */
WORD bufIndex; /* The index of DecodedBuffer */
/* Check that a proper compression method has been specified */
if (Method != COMPRESS_RLE4 && Method != COMPRESS_RLE8)
bufIndex = 0; /* Initialize the buffer index */
** Subtract 2 bytes from the size of the buffer to save room for
** the end-of-scan-line marker. The buffer should have two more
** bytes than it need to hold the scan line, of course.
BufferSize -= 2;
/* Main decoding loop */
while (bufIndex < BufferSize)
runCount = GetByte(FpBmp); /* Number of pixels in the run */
runValue = GetByte(FpBmp); /* Value of pixels in the run */
case 0: /* Literal Run or Escape Code */
case 0: /* End of Scan Line Escape Code */
puts("End of scan line Code");
case 1: /* End of Bitmap Escape Code */
puts("End of bit map Code");
case 2: /* Delta Escape Code (not supported) */
fputs("Delta Escape Codes not supported!", stderr);
default: /* Literal Run */
/* Check for a possible buffer overflow */
if (bufIndex + runValue > BufferSize)
if (Method == COMPRESS_RLE8)
while (runValue--)
DecodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = GetByte(FpBmp);
if (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4)
** Alternate writing the most-significant and
** Least-significant nibble to the buffer. The
** odd-length literal runs are a bit tricky.
while (runValue--)
Value = GetByte(FpBmp);
DecodedBuffer[bufIndex] = (MSN(Value) << 4);
if (runValue--)
DecodedBuffer[bufIndex++] |= LSN(Value);
default: /* Encoded Run */
if (Method == COMPRESS_RLE4) /* Write a 4-bit value */
/* Check for a possible buffer overflow */
if (bufIndex + (runCount / 2) > BufferSize)
** Alternate writing the most-significant and
** Least-significant nibble to the buffer.
while (runCount--)
DecodedBuffer[bufIndex] = (MSN(runValue) << 4);
if (runCount--)
DecodedBuffer[bufIndex++] |= LSN(runValue);
else /* Write an 8-bit value */
printf("bufIndex %d runCount %d BufferSize %d\n", bufIndex, runCount, BufferSize);
/* Check for a possible buffer overflow */
if (bufIndex + runCount > BufferSize)
while (runCount--)
DecodedBuffer[bufIndex++] = runValue;
fputs("BMPDECOD: No End of Scan line code!\n", stderr);
return(-3); /* No End-of-Scan Line or End-of-Bitmap code! */
BMP File Reader and Writer
This code is an example of how to use all the functions in the BMP
library. This program will encode and decode BMP files and may
be modified to change the flavor of a BMP file as well.
** Title: BMPCODE **
** Purpose: Read, decode, encode, and write a BMP image file. **
** Version: 1.0 **
** Date: September 1991 **
** Author: James D. Murray, Anaheim, CA, USA **
** C Compilers: Borland C++ v2.0, Microsoft C v6.00a **
** **
** This program is an example of how to use the BMP library functions to **
** read, write, encode, and decode a BMP image file. BMP files may be **
** decoded and reencoded using a different encoding scheme or left **
** unencoded (raw). With a little effort this code could be modified to **
** convert one flavor of BMP image file to another (for example, Windows 3 **
** to OS/2 1.x). **
** **
** Copyright (C) 1991 Graphics Software Labs. All rights reserved. **
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "endianio.h"
#include "bmp.h"
main(argc, argv)
int argc; /* Number of command line arguments */
char *argv[]; /* Array of command line arguments */
register WORD i, j; /* Loop counters */
FILE *fpBmpIn; /* BMP image file input FILE stream */
FILE *fpBmpOut; /* BMP image file output FILE stream */
BYTE *buffer; /* Buffer to hold scan line data */
WORD bufSize; /* Size of the scan line buffer */
SHORT byteCount; /* Number of bytes in a buffer */
DWORD compression; /* Compression value */
BMPHEADER bmpHead; /* BMP image file header structure */
puts("BMPCODE - Decode and recode a BMP image file (v1.00)\n");
/* Check for proper number of command line arguments */
if (argc < 3)
fputs("Usage: BMPHEAD input_filename.bmp output_filename.bmp\n\n",
/* Open the input BMP image file */
if ((fpBmpIn = fopen(argv[1], "rb")) == (FILE *) NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "BMPHEAD: Cannot open input file %s\n", argv[1]);
/* Open the output BMP image file */
if ((fpBmpOut = fopen(argv[2], "wb")) == (FILE *) NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "BMPHEAD: Cannot open output file %s\n", argv[2]);
/* Read the BMP image file header information */
ReadBmpHeader(&bmpHead, fpBmpIn);
/* Check for FILE stream error */
if (ferror(fpBmpIn))
fputs("BMPHEAD: Error reading header information!\n", stderr);
/* Check the Identification Type */
if (bmpHead.Header.Type != BMP_ID)
fprintf(stderr, "BMPHEAD: %s is not a BMP-format file!\n", argv[1]);
/* Seek to the bitmap data (we should already be at the data) */
fseek(fpBmpIn, bmpHead.Header.Offset, SEEK_SET);
** If the BMP file is unencoded then encode it. If it's encoded then
** unencode it. Write out a new BMP image file.
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.Size) /* Windows 3.x BMP file */
/* Calculate the size of the scan line buffer in bytes */
bufSize = (bmpHead.WinInfo.Width * ((bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount + 7) >> 3) + 2);
/* Allocate scan line buffer memory */
if ((buffer = (BYTE *) calloc(bufSize, sizeof(BYTE))) == (BYTE *) NULL)
fputs("BMPCODE: Error allocating memory.\n", stderr);
/* If the BMP file contains compressed image data, then decode it */
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression == COMPRESS_RLE4 ||
bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression == COMPRESS_RLE8)
printf("Decoding BMP File %s to %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
/* Save compression type */
compression = bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression;
/* Change header to "not compressed" */
bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression = COMPRESS_RGB;
/* Write out the header and color table */
WriteBmpHeader(&bmpHead, fpBmpOut);
/* Check that we are a the image data offset specified in the header before
reading */
if (ftell(fpBmpIn) != bmpHead.Header.Offset)
printf("WARNING: At %ld, should be %ld\n",
ftell(fpBmpIn), bmpHead.Header.Offset);
for (i = 0; i < bmpHead.WinInfo.Height; i++)
/* Decode a scan line */
if ((byteCount =
BmpDecodeScanLine(buffer, bmpHead.WinInfo.Width,
bufSize, compression, fpBmpIn)) < 0)
fputs("BMPCODE: Error decoding scan line.\n", stderr);
/* Write the decoded scan line to the output file */
for (j = 0; j < byteCount; j++)
PutByte(buffer[j], fpBmpOut);
else /* The BMP file contains uncompressed image data */
if (bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression == COMPRESS_RGB &&
(bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount == 4 || bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount == 8))
printf("Encoding BMP File %s to %s\n", argv[1], argv[2]);
/* Change header to "compressed" */
bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression =
(bmpHead.WinInfo.BitCount == 4 ? COMPRESS_RLE4 : COMPRESS_RLE8);
/* Write out the header and color table */
WriteBmpHeader(&bmpHead, fpBmpOut);
/* Check that we are a the image data offset specified in the header before
reading */
if (ftell(fpBmpIn) != bmpHead.Header.Offset)
printf("WARNING: At %ld, should be %ld\n",
ftell(fpBmpIn), bmpHead.Header.Offset);
for (i = 0; i < bmpHead.WinInfo.Height; i++)
/* Encode a scan line */
if ((byteCount =
BmpEncodeScanLine(buffer, bmpHead.WinInfo.Width,
bufSize, bmpHead.WinInfo.Compression, fpBmpIn)) < 0)
fputs("BMPCODE: Error encoding scan line.\n", stderr);
/* Write the Encoded scan line to the output file */
for (j = 0; j < byteCount; j++)
PutByte(buffer[j], fpBmpOut);
/* Write end-of-bitmap escape code */
PutByte(0, fpBmpOut);
PutByte(1, fpBmpOut);
if (bmpHead.PmInfo.Size) /* OS/2 1.x BMP file */
if (bmpHead.Pm2Info.Size) /* OS/2 2.0 BMP file */
return(0); /* Successful termination */