Encyclopedia of Graphics File Formats Companion
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Truevision TGA (tm)
Version 2.0
Document prepared by:
Truevision, Inc.
7340 Shadeland Station
Indianapolis, IN 46256-3925
317-577-TRUE (8783)--BBS
Technical Manual Version 2.2 January, 1991
Copyright (c) 1989, 1990, 1991 Truevision, Inc.
Truevision is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
TARGA is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
TrueVista is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
ATVista is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
NuVista is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
TEPS is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc.
TGA is a trademark of Truevision, Inc.
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitations of Liabilities
This manual and the enclosed software were prepared by Truevision,
Inc. While the authors and program developers have taken reasonable
care in preparing this manual to assure accuracy, the authors
assume no liability resulting from any inaccuracy or omissions
contained in them or from the use of the information or programs
contained herein.
The authors and Truevision, Inc. have no expressed or implied
warranty of any kind with regard to these programs or to the
supplemental documentation in this manual. In no event shall the
authors, the program developers, or Truevision, Inc. be liable for
incidental or consequential damages in connection with or arising
out of the furnishing, performance or use of any of these programs
or documentation. This disclaimer includes but is not limited to
any loss of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits, or
consequential damages resulting from the use or operation of the
enclosed software.
TGA FILE FORMAT SPECIFICATION................................4
TGA FILE HEADER..............................................6
ID Length - Field 1 (1 byte):........................6
Color Map Type - Field 2 (1 byte):...................6
Image Type - Field 3 (1 byte):.......................6
Color Map Specification - Field 4 (5 bytes):.........7
Image Specification - Field 5 (10 bytes):............8
IMAGE/COLOR MAP DATA........................................10
Image ID - Field 6 (variable):......................10
Color Map Data - Field 7 (variable):................10
Image Data - Field 8 (variable):....................10
DEVELOPER AREA..............................................11
Developer Data - Field 9 (variable):................11
EXTENSION AREA..............................................13
Extension Size - Field 10 (2 Bytes):................13
Author Name - Field 11 (41 Bytes):..................13
Author Comments - Field 12 (324 Bytes):.............13
Date/Time Stamp - Field 13 (12 Bytes):..............14
Job Name/ID - Field 14 (41 Bytes):..................14
Job Time - Field 15 (6 Bytes):......................14
Software ID - Field 16 (41 Bytes):..................15
Software Version - Field 17 (3 Bytes):..............15
Key Color - Field 18 (4 Bytes):.....................15
Pixel Aspect Ratio - Field 19 (4 Bytes):............16
Gamma Value - Field 20 (4 Bytes):...................16
Color Correction Offset - Field 21 (4 Bytes):.......16
Postage Stamp Offset - Field 22 (4 Bytes):..........16
Scan Line Offset - Field 23 (4 Bytes):..............17
Attributes Type - Field 24 (1 Byte):................17
Scan Line Table - Field 25 (Variable):..............18
Postage Stamp Image - Field 26 (Variable):..........18
Color Correction Table - Field 27 (2K Bytes):.......18
TGA FILE FOOTER.............................................19
Byte 0-3 - Extension Area Offset - Field 28.........19
Byte 4-7 - Developer Directory Offset - Field 29....19
Byte 8-23 - Signature - Field 30....................20
Byte 24 - Reserved Character - Field 31.............20
Byte 25 - Binary Zero String Terminator - Field 32..20
IMAGE TYPES.................................................21
DATA TYPE 1 - COLOR-MAPPED IMAGES...................21
DATA TYPE 2 - TRUE-COLOR IMAGES.....................21
COLOR-MAPPED IMAGES................................22
TRUE-COLOR IMAGES..................................23
DATA TYPE 11 - RUN-LENGTH ENCODED (RLE),............23
BLACK AND WHITE IMAGES..............................23
RUN-LENGTH ENCODING OF IMAGES...............................24
Run-Length Packet:..................................25
Raw Packet (i.e., Non-Run-Length Encoded):..........26
The success of the TGA(tm) File Format for storing color images
can be attributed to its ease of use, the small amount of program
memory needed to parse the file, and the fact that it was the first
truecolor file format widely available. Truevision (r) defined the
TGA file format in 1984 for use with its first videographics
products. Since then, it has been estimated that today over 80
percent of the color images stored on hard drives employ some
variation of the TGA file format. Many government offices,
corporations, service bureaus, production shops and nearly all
Truevision developers have standardized on the TGA format as a
means of allowing cross-product and cross-application
compatibility. Truevision recommends that this format be used by
all software developed for Truevision products since it allows
customers flexibility in combining many applications together to
provide a total solution to meet their needs.
The original Truevision TGA File Format has been widely accepted
by the graphics industry. However, newer technology and techniques
have created the need for additional image information to be
recorded in the file. In 1989, Truevision introduced extensions to
the TGA File Format to satisfy requests made by the graphics
industry and to ensure that the standard will meet future needs of
the color imaging marketplace. The extensions are optional and will
have no impact on existing packages (assuming the packages followed
the original TGA File Format guidelines). In particular, the new
TGA File Format addresses the following needs:
* The inclusion of a scaled-down "postage stamp" copy of the
* Date and Time of image file creation
* Author Name
* Author Comments
* Job Name
* Job Accumulated Time
* Gamma Value
* Correct Color LUT
* Pixel Aspect Ratio
* Scan Line Offset Table
* Key Color
* Software Package Name and Version Number
* Developer Definable Areas
* Attribute (Alpha) channel Type
* The ability for simple expansion
Throughout this document, we will be using the terms Pseudo-Color,
True-Color and Direct-Color. These terms are defined as follows:
Pseudo-Color--Each pixel value is used as a single index into a
programmable color map which contains the actual red, green and
blue intensities to be displayed. The Truevision products that
use this type of image are: VDA, VDA/D, TARGA(r) M8, ATVista(r),
NuVista(r) and HR(tm) videographics boards.
True-Color--Each pixel value is sub-divided into red, green and
blue fields that directly determine the intensities of each
primary color. The Truevision products that use this type of
image are: ICB, TARGA 16, TARGA 24, TARGA 32, ATVista and
NuVista videographics boards.
Direct-Color--Each pixel value is sub-divided into red, green and
blue fields which are used as separate indices to access
independent, programmable look-up tables. The outputs of the
individual color maps directly determine the intensities of each
primary color. A Direct-Color system is similar to Pseudo-Color
except that the values in the color maps can be altered
individually for the red, green and blue channels; whereas, the
red, green and blue values in a Pseudo-Color system are loaded
into one map which is accessed by a single index. Truevision
products that use this type of image are: ATVista and NuVista
videographics boards.
The TrueVista(r) (ATVista and NuVista) videographics cards can be
programmed to accept images which are Pseudo-Color, True-Color and
Direct-Color. When they are functioning in any of the Linked Modes,
they are said to be acting as Pseudo-Color devices. When they are
configured for any of the Independent Modes, they are said to be
acting as Direct-Color devices. When bypassing the look-up tables
altogether, they are said to be acting as True-Color devices.
The VDA, VDA/D, TARGA M8 and HR can only be used as Pseudo-Color
devices. The ICB, TARGA 16, 24 and 32 can only be used as
True-Color devices.
Long = 32 bit value
Short = 16 bit value
Byte = 8 bit value
ASCII = sequence of bytes conforming to the ASCII definition
(Truevision recommends that the ASCII fields contain only
printable ASCII characters, with exception of the null
terminator, and that all formatting be performed by the
Bit Numbering (for diagrams in this document)
31 24 16 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Byte Ordering
TGA files are stored using the Intel byte ordering convention
(least significant byte first, most significant byte last). For
this reason, applications running on Motorola-based systems will
need to invert the ordering of bytes for short and long values
after a file has been read.
Suffix and File Type Definitions
Since there is a great need to be able to locate files easily on
mass storage devices, we have defined a filename suffix for DOS
and UNIX operating systems, and a file type for the Macintosh
environment. You should use this filename suffix or file type for
all TGA image files.
1. DOS, UNDC and XENIX environments--Append to the end of the
filename a three character suffix "TGA" after the "." indicator.
Example: "Image.tga."
2. Macintosh environment--Use a file type of "TPIC".
However, the demonstration software and the programs in the
Truevision software series currently use the suffixes, ".VDA",
".ICB", ".TGA", and ".VST", for VDA/D, ICB, TARGA and ATVista
images. It is therefore suggested that applications should allow
the user the capability of reading images with any of these
extensions, but should only use the extension ".TGA" when writing
images. As future versions of Truevision software products are made
available, they will convert to using the ".TGA" and "TPIC"
conventions exclusively.
ED. NOTE: Figures are not available in this plain text version
of the specification.
Figure 1
While Figure 1 demonstrates one possible arrangement for the
various data blocks within a TGA File, other arrangements are
possible since many of the data blocks are referenced by an offset
position from the beginning of the file. In particular, developers
may find it easier to create the file if the Scan Line Table, the
Postage Stamp Image and the Color Correction Table are located
before the Extension Size field (Field 10). The Truevision TGA File
Format comprises 5 areas, each of which contains one or more fields
of fixed or variable length. The 5 file areas are: (1) TGA File
Header, (2) Image/ColorMap Data, (3) Developer Area, (4) Extension
Area and (5) TGA File Footer.
The last 3 areas, the Developer Area, the Extension Area and the
TGA File Footer are new to the file specification as of September,
1989. For this reason, images created with software written before
September, 1989 will probably not contain these three fields. In
this document, the TGA File format prior to September, 1989 will
be referred to as the Original TGA Format while the current TGA
File format will be referred to as the New TGA Format.
1. A TGA Reader should begin by determining whether the desired
file is in the Original TGA Format or the New TGA Format.
This is accomplished by examining the last 26 bytes of the
file (most operating systems support some type of SEEK
function). Reading the last 26 bytes from the file will
either retrieve the last 26 bytes of image data (if the file
is in the Original TGA Format), or it will retrieve the TGA
File Footer (if the file is in the New TGA Format).
2. To determine whether the acquired data constitutes a legal
TGA File Footer, scan bytes 8-23 of the footer as ASCII
characters and determine whether they match the signature
This string is exactly 16 bytes long and is formatted
exactly as shown above (capital letters), with a hyphen
between "TRUEVISION" and "XFILE." If the signature is
detected, the file is assumed to be in the New TGA format
and MAY, therefore, contain the Developer Area and/or the
Extension Area fields. If the signature is not found, then
the file is assumed to be in the Original TGA format and
should only contain areas 1 and 2; therefore, the byte
format for the TGA File Footer is defined as follows:
Bytes 0-3: The Extension Area Offset
Bytes 4-7: The Developer Directory Offset
Bytes 8-23: The Signature
Byte 24: ASCII Character "."
Byte 25: Binary zero suing terminator (0x00)
BE INCLUDED WITH THE FILE. Please see page 19 for more information
about the TGA File Footer.
ID Length - Field 1 (1 byte):
This field identifies the number of bytes contained in Field 6,
the Image ID Field. The maximum number of characters is 255. A
value of zero indicates that no Image ID field is included with
the image.
Color Map Type--Field 2 (1 byte):
This field indicates the type of color map (if any) included with
the image. There are currently 2 defined values for this field:
0- indicates that no color-map data is included with this image.
1- indicates that a color-map is included with this image.
The first 128 Color Map Type codes (Field 2) are reserved for use
by Truevision, while the second set of 128 Color Map Type codes
(128 to 255) may be used for developer applications.
True-Color images do not normally make use of the color map field,
but some current applications store palette information or
developer-defined information in this field. It is best to check
Field 3, Image Type, to make sure you have a file which can use
the data stored in the Color Map Field. Otherwise ignore the
information. When saving or creating files for True-Color images
do not use this field and set it to Zero to ensure compatibility.
Please refer to the Developer Area specification for methods of
storing developer defined information.
Image Type--Field 3 (1 byte):
The TGA File Format can be used to store Pseudo-Color, True-Color
and Direct-Color images of various pixel depths. Truevision has
currently defined seven image types:
Image Type Description
0 No Image Data Included
1 Uncompressed, Color-mapped Image
2 Uncompressed, True-color Image
3 Uncompressed, Black-and-white image
9 Run-length encoded, Color-mapped Image
10 Run-length encoded, True-color Image
11 Run-length encoded, Black-and-white image
Table 1 - Image Types
Image Data Type codes 0 to 127 are reserved for use by Truevision
for general applications. Image Data Type codes 128 to 255 may be
used for developer applications.
For a complete description of these image-data types, see the IMAGE
TYPES section later in this manual.
Color Map Specification--Field 4 (5 bytes):
This field and its sub-fields describe the color map (if any) used
for the image. If the Color Map Type field is set to zero,
indicating that no color map exists, then these 5 bytes should be
set to zero. These bytes always must be written to the file.
Field 4.1 (2 bytes)- First Entry Index
Index of the first color map entry.
Index refers to the starting entry in
loading the color map.
Example: If you would have 1024 entries
in the entire color map but you only
need to store 72 of those entries, this
field allows you to start in the middle
of the color-map (e.g., position 342).
Field 4.2 (2 bytes)- Color map Length:
Total number of color map entries
Field 4.3 (1 byte)- Color map Entry Size:
Establishes the number of bits per
entry. Typically 15, 16, 24 or 32-bit
values are used.
When working with VDA or VDA/D cards it
is preferred that you select 16 bits (5
bits per primary with 1 bit to select
interrupt control) and set the 16th bit
to 0 so that the interrupt bit is
disabled. Even if this field is set to
15 bits (5 bits per primary) you must
still parse the color map data 16
bits at a time and ignore the 16th bit.
When working with a TARGA M8 card you
would select 24 bits (8 bits per
primary) since the color map is defined
as 256 entries of 24 bit color values.
When working with a TrueVista card
(ATVista or NuVista) you would select
24-bit (8 bits per primary) or 32-bit
(8 bits per primary including Alpha
channel) depending on your application's
use of look-up tables. It is suggested
that when working with 16-bit and 32-bit
color images, you store them as
True-Color images and do not use the
color map field to store look-up tables.
Please refer to the TGA Extensions for
fields better suited to storing look-up
table information.
Image Specification--Field 5 (10 bytes):
This field and its sub-fields describe the image screen location,
size and pixel depth. These bytes are always written to the file.
Field 5.1 (2 bytes)- X-origin of Image:
These bytes specify the absolute horizontal
coordinate for the lower left comer of the
image as it is positioned on a display
device having an origin at the lower left
of the screen (e.g., the TARGA series).
Field 5.2 (2 bytes)- Y-origin of Image:
These bytes specify the absolute vertical
coordinate for the lower left comer of the
image as it is positioned on a display
device having an origin at the lower left
of the screen (e.g., the TARGA series).
Field 5.3 (2 bytes)- Image Width:
This field specifies the width of the image
in pixels.
Field 5.4 (2 bytes)- Image Height:
This field specifies the height of the image
in pixels.
Field 5.5 (1 byte)- Pixel Depth
This field indicates the number of bits per
pixel. This number includes the Attribute
or Alpha channel bits. Common values are 8,
16, 24 and 32 but other pixel depths could
be used.
Field 5.6 (1 byte)- Image Descriptor:
Bits 3-0: These bits specify the number
of attribute bits per pixel. In
the case of the TrueVista, these
bits indicate the number of bits
per pixel which are designated
as Alpha Channel bits. For the
ICB and TARGA products, these
bits indicate the number of
overlay bits available per
pixel. See field 24 (Attributes
Type) for more information.
Bits 5 & 4:These bits are used to indicate
the order in which pixel data
is transferred from the file to
the screen. Bit 4 is for
left-to-right ordering and bit
5 is for top-to-bottom ordering
as shown below.
Screen destination Image Origin
of first pixel bit 5 bit 4
bottom left 0 0
bottom right 0 1
top left 1 0
top right 1 1
Table 2--Image Origin
Bits 7 & 6:Must be zero to insure future
Image ID--Field 6 (variable):
This optional field contains identifying information about the
image. The maximum length for this field is 255 bytes. Refer to
Field 1 for the length of this field. If field 1 is set to Zero
indicating that no Image ID exists then these bytes are not written
to the file.
Color Map Data- Field 7 (variable):
If the Color Map Type (field 2) field is set to zero indicating
that no Color-Map exists then this field will not be present (i.e.,
no bytes written to the file).
This variable-length field contains the actual color map
information (LUT data). Field 4.3 specifies the width in bits of
each color map entry while Field 4.2 specifies the number of color
map entries in this field. These two fields together are used to
determine the number of bytes contained in field 7.
Each color map entry is stored using an integral number of bytes.
The RGB specification for each color map entry is stored in
successive bit-fields in the multi-byte entries. Each color
bit-field is assumed to be MIN (Field 4.3/3, 8) bits in length. If
Field 4.3 contains 24, then each color specification is 8 bits in
length; if Field 4.3 contains 32, then each color specification is
also 8 bits (32/3 gives 10, but 8 is smaller). Unused bit(s) in
the multi-byte entries are assumed to specify attribute bits. The
attribute bit field is often called the Alpha Channel, Overlay
Bit(s) or Interrupt Bit(s).
For the TARGA M-8, ATVista and NuVista, the number of bits in a
color map specification is 24 (or 32). The red, green, and blue
components are each represented by one byte.
Image Data--Field 8 (variable):
This field contains (Width)x(Height) pixels. Each pixel specifies
image data in one of the following formats: a single color-map
index for Pseudo-Color, Attribute, Red, Green and Blue ordered data
for True-Color; and independent color-map indices for Direct-Color.
The values for Width and Height are specified in Fields 5.3 and 5.4
The number of attribute and color-definition bits for each pixel
are defined in Fields 5.6 and 5.5, respectively. Each pixel is
stored as an integral number of bytes.
Developer Data--Field 9 (variable):
Truevision created the Developer Area to satisfy the needs of
developers who have already created similar areas on their own. We
have made an attempt to remain upwardly compatible with these
developers' methods.
The Developer Area is an area which may be used to store any type
of information, although it is recommended that it be used only
for application specific information, that is, information which
would not be applicable to other products, and which is not already
covered by the TGA File Format.
The size and format of the Developer Fields is totally up to the
developer. Readers of files containing these fields should ignore
the fields unless they have an understanding of their organization
and content.
Since a file may contain more than one Developer Field, a Developer
Directory was created which contains a "map" to the fields included
in the Developer Area. The Developer Directory is located by using
the offset pointer contained in bytes 4-7 of the TGA File Footer.
The contents of this field are a byte offset from the beginning of
the file to the start of the Developer Directory. If the Offset is
ZERO (binary zero) no directory and no Developer Area fields exist.
ED. NOTE: Figures are not available in this plain text version
of the specification.
Figure 2
The first SHORT in the directory specifies the number of tags which
are currently in the directory. The rest of the directory contains
a series of TAG, OFFSET and SIZE combinations. Each TAG is a SHORT
value in the range of 0 to 65535. Values from 0-32767 are available
for developer use, while values from 32768-65535 are reserved for
Truevision. Truevision will maintain a list of tags assigned to
companies. To get a tag assignment for a product, simply contact
Truevision Developer Services to request the next assignable tag.
If you wish to supply Truevision with the data format of your
field, we will make this information available to other developers
who may wish to read your data (this is at your request only).
Following each TAG is an OFFSET. This OFFSET is a LONG value which
specifies the number of bytes from the beginning of the file to
the start of the field referenced by the tag.
Following the OFFSET is a FIELD SIZE. The FIELD SIZE is a LONG
value which specifies the number of bytes in the field. This is
useful for the allocation of buffer space for reading the field
and for determining when the end of the field has been reached.
There is no termination character to indicate the end of a field's
Each TAG, OFFSET, SIZE set references a particular field of data
in the Developer Area. The TAGS may appear in any order in the
directory (i.e., they do not need to be sorted). Since each set is
10 bytes in size (1 short, 2 longs), the total size of the
directory will be:
bytes in size. The "+ 2" includes the 2 bytes for the SHORT value
specifying the number of tags in the directory.
Although the size and format of the actual Developer Area fields
are totally up to the developer, please define your formats to
address future considerations you might have concerning your
fields. This means that if you anticipate changing a field, build
flexibility into the format to make these changes easy on other
developers. Major changes to an existing TAG's definition should
never happen. If major changes are required, we would prefer that
you request another TAG number so as not to confuse programs which
may honor your existing tag. Additionally, the developer should
take care that the field is COMPLETE. That is, if there are any
variable sized sub-fields, they should be INSIDE the field and the
SIZE indicated in TAG, OFFSET and SIZE should contain the complete
size. In this way, programs which may not understand a particular
TAG and associated field can still preserve the data (i.e., pass
it on in the file) without worry that data pointed to by a
potential offset was not copied.
The Extension Area was created to satisfy requests from developers
for additional file information. Every attempt has been made to
keep the format of the Extension Area simple yet flexible enough
to satisfy most developers' needs.
The Extension Area is pointed to by the Extension Area Offset in
the TGA File Footer. If the Offset is ZERO (binary zero) then no
Extension Area exists. Otherwise, this value is the offset from
the beginning of the file to the beginning of the Extension Area.
The combination of the Developer Area and the Extension Area should
serve Truevision and its developer community well into the future.
However, should technology dictate additional changes to the
specification, they will be quite easy to implement. The first
field of the Extension Area is the "Extension Size" field. This
field currently contains the value 495, indicating that there are
495 bytes in the fixed-length portion of the Extension Area. If
future development warrants additional fields, then this value may
change to indicate that new fields have been added. Any change in
the number of bytes in the Extension Area will be made by
Truevision and will be relayed to the Developer community via a
revised TGA File Format Specification. TGA readers should only
parse as much as they understand (i.e., 495 bytes for this first
release). If they encounter additional bytes (as specified by the
"Extension Size") they should not preserve them if rebuilding the
file, since they do not know the nature of the extra bytes.
Extension Size - Field 10 (2 Bytes):
Bytes 0-1 - This field is a SHORT field which specifies the number
of BYTES in the fixed-length portion of the Extension
Area. For Version 2.0 of the TGA File Format, this
number should be set to 495. If the number found in
this field is not 495, then the file will be assumed
to be of a version other than 2.0. If it ever becomes
necessary to alter this number, the change will be
controlled by Truevision, and will be accompanied by
a revision to the TGA File Format with an accompanying
change in the version number.
Author Name - Field 11 (41 Bytes):
Bytes 2-42 - This field is an ASCII field of 41 bytes where the
last byte must be a null (binary zero). This gives a
total of 40 ASCII characters for the name. If the
field is used, it should contain the name of the
person who created the image(author). If the field is
not used, you may fill it with nulls or a series of
blanks (spaces) terminated by a null. The 41st byte
must always be a null.
Author Comments - Field 12 (324 Bytes):
Bytes 43-366 - This is an ASCII field consisting of 324 bytes which
are organized as four lines of 80 characters, each
followed by a null terminator. This field is
provided, in addition to the original IMAGE ID field
(in the original TGA format), because it was
determined that a few developers had used the IMAGE
ID field for their own purposes. This field gives
the developer four lines of 80 characters each, to
use as an Author Comment area. Each line is fixed
to 81 bytes which makes access to the four lines
easy. Each line must be terminated by a null. If you
do not use all 80 available characters in the line,
place the null after the last character and blank
or null fill the rest of the line. The 81st byte of
each of the four lines must be null.
Date/Time Stamp - Field 13 (12 Bytes):
Bytes 367-378 - This field contains a series of 6 SHORT values
which define the integer value for the date and
time that the image was saved. This data is
formatted as follows:
SHORT 0: Month (1-12)
SHORT 1: Day (1- 31)
SHORT 2: Year (4 digit, ie. 1989)
SHORT 3: Hour (0- 23)
SHORT 4: Minute (0 - 59)
SHORT 5: Second (0 - 59)
Even though operating systems typically time- and
date-stamp files, this feature is provided because
the operating system may change the time and date
stamp if the file is copied. By using this area, you
are guaranteed an unmodified region for date and time
recording. If the fields are not used, you should
fill them with binary zeros (0).
Job Name/ID - Field 14 (41 Bytes):
Bytes 379-419 - This field is an ASCII field of 41 bytes where the
last byte must be a binary zero. This gives a total
of 40 ASCII characters for the job name or the ID.
If the field is used, it should contain a name or
id tag which refers to the job with which the image
was associated. This allows production companies
(and others) to the images with jobs by using this
field as a job name (i.e., CITY BANK) or job id
number (i.e., CITY023). If the field is not used,
you may fill it with a null terminated series of
blanks (spaces) or nulls. In any case, the 41st
byte must be a null.
Job Time - Field 15 (6 Bytes):
Bytes 420-425 - This field contains a series of 3 SHORT values
which define the integer value for the job elapsed
time when the image was saved. This data is
formatted as follows:
SHORT 0: Hours (0 - 65535)
SHORT 1: Minutes (0 - 59)
SHORT 2: Seconds (0 - 59)
The purpose of this field is to allow production houses (and
others) to keep a running total of the amount of time invested in
a particular image. This may be useful for billing, costing, and
time estimating. If the fields are not used, you should fill them
with binary zeros (0).
Software ID - Field 16 (41 Bytes):
Bytes 426-466 - This field is an ASCII field of 41 bytes where the
last byte must be a binary zero (null). This gives
a total of 40 ASCII characters for the Software ID.
The purpose of this field is to allow software to
determine and record with what program a particular
image was created. If the field is not used, you
may fill it with a null terminated series of blanks
(spaces) or nulls. The 41st byte must always be a
Software Version - Field 17 (3 Bytes):
Bytes 467-469 - This field consists of two sub-fields, a SHORT and
an ASCII BYTE. The purpose of this field is to
define the version of software defined by the
"Software ID" field above. The SHORT contains the
version number as a binary integer times 100.
Therefore, software version 4.17 would be the
integer value 417. This allows for two decimal
positions of sub-version. The ASCII BYTE supports
developers who also tag a release letter to the
end. For example, if the version number is 1.17b,
then the SHORT would contain 117. and the ASCII
BYTE would contain "b". The organization is as
SHORT (Bytes 0 - 1): Version Number * 100 BYTE
(Byte 2): Version Letter
If you do not use this field, set the SHORT to
binary zero, and the BYTE to a space (" ").
Key Color - Field 18 (4 Bytes):
Bytes 470-473 - This field contains a long value which is the key
color in effect at the time the image is saved. The
format is in A:R:G:B where `A' (most significant
byte) is the alpha channel key color (if you don't
have an alpha channel in your application, keep
this byte zero [0]).
The Key Color can be thought of as the `background
color' or `transparent color'. This is the color
of the `non image' area of the screen, and the same
color that the screen would be cleared to if erased
in the application. If you don't use this field,
set it to all zeros (0). Setting the field to all
zeros is the same as selecting a key color of
A good example of a key color is the `transparent
color' used in TIPS (tm) for WINDOW loading/saving.
Pixel Aspect Ratio - Field 19 (4 Bytes):
Bytes 474-477 - This field contains two SHORT sub-fields, which
when taken together specify a size ratio. The
format is as follows:
SHORT 0: Pixel Ratio Numerator (pixel width)
SHORT 1: Pixel Ratio Denominator (pixel height)
These sub-fields may be used to determine the aspect
ratio of a pixel. This is useful when it is important
to preserve the proper aspect ratio of the saved
image. If the two values are set to the same non-zero
value, then the image is composed of square pixels.
A zero in the second sub-field (denominator)
indicates that no pixel aspect ratio is specified.
Gamma Value--Field 20 (4 Bytes):
Bytes 478-481 - This field contains two SHORT sub-fields, which
when taken together in a ratio, provide a
fractional gamma value. The format is as follows:
SHORT 0: Gamma Numerator
SHORT 1: Gamma Denominator
The resulting value should be in the range of 0.0
to 10.0, with only one decimal place of precision
necessary. An uncorrected image (an image with no
gamma) should have the value 1.0 as the result.
This may be accomplished by placing the same,
non-zero values in both positions (i.e., 1/1). If
you decide to totally ignore this field, please set
the denominator (the second SHORT) to the value
zero. This will indicate that the Gamma Value field
is not being used.
Color Correction Offset - Field 21 (4 Bytes):
Bytes 482-485 - This field is a 4-byte field containing a single
offset value. This is an offset from the beginning
of the file to the start of the Color Correction
table.This table may be written anywhere between
the end of the Image Data field (field 8) and the
start of the TGA File Footer. If the image has no
Color Correction Table or if the Gamma Value
setting is sufficient, set this value to zero and
do not write a Correction Table anywhere.
Postage Stamp Offset--Field 22 (4 Bytes):
Bytes 486-489 - This field is a 4-byte field containing a single
offset value. This is an offset from the beginning
of the file to the start of the Postage Stamp
Image. The Postage Stamp Image must be written
after Field 25 (Scan Line Table) but before the
start of the TGA File Footer. If no postage stamp
is stored, set this field to the value zero (0).
Scan Line Offset - Field 23 (4 Bytes):
Bytes 490-493 - This field is a 4-byte field containing a single
offset value. This is an offset from the beginning
of the file to the start of the Scan Line Table.
Attributes Type - Field 24 (1 Byte):
Byte 494- This single byte field contains a value which specifies
the type of Alpha channel data contained in the file.
Value Meaning
0: no Alpha data included (bits 3-0 of field
5.6 should also be set to zero)
1: undefined data in the Alpha field, can
be ignored
2: undefined data in the Alpha field, but
should be retained
3: useful Alpha channel data is present
4: pre-multiplied Alpha (see description
128-255: Un-assigned
Pre-multiplied Alpha Example: Suppose the Alpha channel
data is being used to specify the opacity of each pixel
(for use when the image is overlayed on another image),
where 0 indicates that the pixel is completely
transparent and a value of 1 indicates that the pixel
is completely opaque (assume all component values have
been normalized). A quadruple (a, r, g, b) of ( 0.5,
1, 0, 0) would indicate that the pixel is pure red with
a transparency of one-half For numerous reasons
(including image compositing) is is better to
pre-multiply the individual color components with the
value in the Alpha channel. A pre-multiplication of the
above would produce a quadruple (0.5, 0.5, 0, 0).
A value of 3 in the Attributes Type Field (field 23)
would indicate that the color components of the pixel
have already been scaled by the value in the Alpha
channel. For more information concerning pre-multiplied
values, refer to the 1984 SIGGRAPH Conference
Porter, T., T. Duff, "Compositing Digital Images,"
SIGGRAPH '84 Conference Proceedings, vol. 18, no. 3,
p. 254, ACM, July 1984.
Scan Line Table - Field 25 (Variable):
This information is provided, at the developers'
request, for two purposes:
1) To make random access of compressed images
2) To allow "giant picture" access in smaller
This table should contain a series of 4-byte offsets.
Each offset you write should point to the start of the
next scan line, in the order that the image was saved
(i.e., top down or bottom up). The offset should be
from the start of the file. Therefore, you will have
a four byte value for each scan line in your image.
This means that if your image is 768 pixels tall, you
will have 768, 4-byte offset pointers (for a total of
3072 bytes). This size is not extreme, and thus this
table can be built and maintained in memory, and then
written out at the proper time.
Postage Stamp Image - Field 26 (Variable):
The Postage Stamp area is a smaller representation of
the original image. This is useful for "browsing" a
collection of image files. If your application can deal
with a postage stamp image, it is recommended that you
create one using sub-sampling techniques to create the
best representation possible. The postage stamp image
must be stored in the same format as the normal image
specified in the file, but without any compression. The
first byte of the postage stamp image specifies the X
size of the stamp in pixels, the second byte of the
stamp image specifies the Y size of the stamp in
pixels. Truevision does not recommend stamps larger
than 64 x 64 pixels, and suggests that any stamps
stored larger be clipped. Obviously, the storage of the
postage stamp relies heavily on the storage of the
image. The two images are stored using the same format
under the assumption that if you can read the image,
then you can read the postage stamp. If the original
image is color mapped, DO NOT average the postage
stamp, as you will create new colors not in your map.
Color Correction Table - Field 27 (2K Bytes):
The Color Correction Table is a block of 256 x 4 SHORT
values, where each set of four contiguous values are
the desired A:R:G:B correction for that entry. This
allows the user to store a correction table for image
remapping or LUT driving. Since each color in the block
is a SHORT, the maximum value for a color gun (i.e.,
A, R, G, B) is 65535, and the minimum value is zero.
Therefore, BLACK maps to 0, 0, 0, 0 and WHITE maps to
65535, 65535, 65535, 65535.
1. A TGA Reader should begin by determining whether the desired
file is in the Original TGA Format or the New TGA Format. This
is accomplished by examining the last 26 bytes of the file
(most operating systems support some type of SEEK function).
Reading the last 26 bytes from the file will either retrieve
the last 26 bytes of image data (if the file is in the Original
TGA Format), or it will retrieve the TGA File Footer (if the
file is in the New TGA Format).
2. To determine whether the acquired data constitutes a legal TGA
File Footer, scan bytes 8-23 of the footer as ASCII characters
and determine whether they match the signature string:
This string is exactly 16 bytes long and is formatted exactly
as shown above (capital letters), with a hyphen between
"TRUEVISION" and "XFILE." If the signature is detected, the
file is assumed to be in the New TGA format and MAY, therefore,
contain the Developer Area and/or the Extension Area fields.
If the signature is not found, then the file is assumed to be
in the Original TGA format and should only contain areas 1 and
2; therefore, the byte format for the TGA File Footer is
defined as follows:
Bytes 0-3: The Extension Area Offset
Bytes 4-7: The Developer Directory Offset
Bytes 8-23: The Signature
Byte 24: ASCII Character "."
Byte 25: Binary zero string terminator (0x00)
BE INCLUDED WITH THE FILE. Please see page 19 for more information
about the TGA File Footer.
Byte 0-3--Extension Area Offset--Field 28
The first four bytes (bytes 0-3, the first LONG) of the
TGA File Footer contain an offset from the beginning
of the file to the start of the Extension Area. Simply
SEEK to this location to position to the start of the
Extension Area. If the Extension Area Offset is zero,
no Extension Area exists in the file.
Byte 4-7--Developer Directory Offset--Field 29
The next four bytes (bytes 4-7, the second LONG)
contain an offset from the beginning of the file to the
start of the Developer Directory. If the Developer
Directory Offset is zero, then the Developer Area does
not exist.
Byte 8-23--Signature--Field 30
This string is exactly 16 bytes long and is formatted
exactly as shown below capital letters), with a hyphen
between "TRUEVISION" and "XFILE." If the signature is
detected, the file is assumed to be of the New TGA
format and MAY, therefore, contain the Developer Area
and/or the Extension Area fields. If the signature is
not found, then the file is assumed to be in the
Original TGA format.
Byte 24--Reserved Character--Field 31
Byte 24 is an ASCII character "." (period). This
character MUST BE a period or the file is not
considered a proper TGA file.
Byte 25--Binary Zero String Terminator--Field 32
Byte 25 is a binary zero which acts as a final
terminator and allows the entire TGA File Footer to be
read and utilized as a "C" string.
This data type is used for storing color-mapped images (e.g.,
VDA/D, TARGA M8 or Color-Mapped TrueVista images). Images stored
in this format can be retrieved and displayed rapidly; however, a
full-screen (256 x 200) VDA image requires 51K bytes of storage.
This format is desirable where storage and display time are
critical but where file size is not.
This file format also provides a compact way to store limited-color
True-Color TARGA images. Software can easily display color-mapped
images in real-color display modes by mapping pixels when it copies
them to the display memory.
File Format Requirements:
Field 2 - Color-Map Type (1 Byte):
This value MUST be 1 (0x01) for this type.
Field 3 - Image Type (1 Byte):
This value is 1 (0x01) for this data type.
This data type is used for storing images where each pixel is
represented by its red, green, and blue values (e.g. ICB, TARGA
16, TARGA 24, TARGA 32, and TrueVISTA images). This format is
useful where storage and display time are critical and where file
size is not.
File Format Requirements:
Field 2 - Color-Map Type (1 Byte):
This value MUST be 0 (0x00). TIPS (r) from Truevision sets this
value to 1 and stores a color pallet in this area. It is wise to
check the image type to know when a color-map is needed, otherwise
ignore the information. When new releases of Truevision software
products are made available they will meet the TGA standard file
format and no longer put pallet information in the color-map area.
Field 3--Image Type (1 Byte):
This value must be 2 (0x02) for this data type.
This data type is used for storing raster images where each pixel
can be represented by a grey-scale value (e.g., the TARGA 8, TARGA
M8 and some TrueVista modes).
This file format is used by the demonstration programs distributed
with the TARGA 8.
File Format Requirements:
Field 2 - Color-Map Type (1 Byte):
This value is always Zero (0X00) for unmapped images.
Field 3 - Image Type (1 Byte):
This value is 3 (0x03) for this data type.
This data type is used for storing images where each pixel is
represented by a color map index. The information is encoded so
that successive pixels with the same color value are run-length
encoded. This format is designed for use with computer-generated
(as opposed to captured) images which have large contiguous
sections containing the same colors.
File Format Requirements:
Field 2 - Color Map Type (1 Byte):
This value is always 1 (0x01) for color-mapped images.
Field 3 - Image Type (1 Byte):
This value is 9 (0x09) for this data type.
This data type is used for storing raster images where each pixel
is represented by its red, green, and blue components. The
information is encoded so that successive pixels with the same
color value are run-length encoded.
Use this format for storing ICB, TARGA (1 6, 24, and 32), and
TrueVISTA (1 6-bit RGB and 32-bit RGB modes) images. This type was
primarily designed for computer generated (as opposed to captured)
images which have large sections containing the same colors.
File Format Requirements:
Field 2 - Color Map Type (1 Byte):
This value is always Zero (0X00) for True-Color images.
Field 3 - Image Type Code (1 Byte):
This value is 10 (0X0A) for this data type.
This data type is used for storing raster images where each pixel
is represented by a grey level. The information is encoded so that
successive pixels with the same color value are run-length encoded.
This format is used for storing black and white TARGA 8 and TARGA
M8 images and was primarily designed for use with
computer-generated (as opposed to captured) images which have large
sections containing the same gray values.
File Format Requirements:
Field 2 Color Map Type (1 Byte):
This value is always Zero (0X00) for True-Color images.
Field 3 Image Type Code (1 Byte):
This value is 11 (0X0B) for this data type.
Some of the Image Types described above are stored using a
compression algorithm called Run-length Encoding. This type of
encoding is used with file types 9 (Run-length Encoded Color-mapped
Images), 10 (Run-length Encoded True-Color Images) and 11
(Run-length Encoded Black-and-white Images).
Run-length encoding takes advantage of the fact that many types of
images have large sections in which the pixel values are all the
same. This situation occurs more often in graphic images as opposed
to captured, video images. In those images where large areas
contain pixels of the same value, run-length encoding can greatly
reduce the size of the stored image.
Run-length encoded (RLE) images comprise two types of data
elements: Run-length Packets and Raw Packets.
The first field (1 byte) of each packet is called the Repetition
Count field. The second field is called the Pixel Value field. For
Run-length Packets, the Pixel Value field contains a single pixel
value. For Raw Packets, the field is a variable number of pixel
The highest order bit of the Repetition Count indicates whether
the packet is a Raw Packet or a Run-length Packet. If bit 7 of the
Repetition Count is set to 1, then the packet is a Run-length
Packet. If bit 7 is set to zero, then the packet is a Raw Packet.
The lower 7 bits of the Repetition Count specify how many pixel
values are represented by the packet. In the case of a Run-length
packet, this count indicates how many successive pixels have the
pixel value specified by the Pixel Value field. For Raw Packets,
the Repetition Count specifies how many pixel values are actually
contained in the next field. This 7 bit value is actually encoded
as I less than the number of pixels in the packet (a value of 0
implies 1 pixel while a value of 0x7F implies 128 pixels).
Run-length Packets should never encode pixels from more than one
scan line. Even if the end of one scan line and the beginning of
the next contain pixels of the same value, the two should be
encoded as separate packets. In other words, Run-length Packets
should not wrap from one line to another. This scheme allows
software to create and use a scan line table for rapid, random
access of individual lines. Scan line tables are discussed in
further detail in the Extension Area section of this document.
As an example of the difference between the two packet types,
consider a section of a single scan line with 128, 24-bit (3 byte)
pixels all with the same value (color). The Raw Packet would
require 1 byte for the Repetition Count and 128 pixels values each
being 3 bytes long (384 bytes). The total number of bytes required
to specify the chosen data using the Raw Packet is, therefore, 385
bytes. The Run-length Packet would require 1 byte for the
Repetition Count and a single, 3-byte pixel value. The total number
of bytes required to specify the chosen data using the Run-length
Packet is, therefore, just 4 bytes!
Run-Length Packet:
Run-length packets are composed of two parts. The first is a
repetition count and the second is the pixel value to repeat.
Field Name Packet Type Pixel Count Pixel Data
MUST BE 1 for (number of pixels The common
run-length encoded by this pixel value to
packet -1) be used
Field Size 1 bit 7 bits Pixel Depth
(field 5.5)
Table 3--Run-length Packet
1. Pixel Count: The pixel count can range from 0 to 127. Since a
run-length packet never encodes zero pixels, and in order to make
use of all of the values available with seven bits, a zero (0) in
Pixel Count is defined to mean that 1 pixel is encoded by the
packet. A 1 in Pixel Count means that 2 pixels are actually
contained in the packet. In other words, the value in Pixel Count
is always 1 less than the actual number of pixels encoded in the
packet. Thus, you may encode between 1 and 128 pixels with a single
packet. If you have a run which is longer than 128 bytes, you must
encode it using multiple packets.
Note: The high-order bit of this subfield is always set to 1 to
indicate that the packet type is Run-length.
2. Pixel Data: This field contains a single pixel value to be
repeated. The number of bits in this field is specified in Field
5.5 of the TGA File Header.
If 19 contiguous pixels in a scan line had the value 0x36 (assuming
8-bits-per-pixel) then the Run-length Packet would be encoded as
Packet Type Pixel Count Pixel Data
1 0010010 (0x12) 001100110 (0x36)
Remember that the Repetition Count contains 1 less than the actual
number of pixels being encoded. Since we were encoding 19 (0x13)
pixels, a value of 18 (0xl2) was placed in the repetition count.
Also, since this is a Run-length Packet, the high-order bit is set
to 1. This changes the Repetition Count byte from a 0xl2 to a 0x92.
The resulting packet is, therefore, 0x9236.
Raw Packet (i.e., Non-Run-Length Encoded):
The raw packet is always composed of two fields. The first field
is the Repetition Count and the second field is the Pixel Data
Field Name Packet Type Pixel Count Pixel Data
MUST BE 0 for (number of pixels
raw packet encoded by this
packet -1)
Field Size 1 bit 7 bits (Pixel depth *
Pixel Count + 1)
Table 4--Raw Packet
1. Pixel Count: The pixel count can range from 0 to 127. Since a
raw packet never encodes zero pixels, and in order to make use of
all of the values available with seven bits, a zero (0) in Pixel
Count is defined to mean that 1 pixel is included in the packet.
A 1 in Pixel Count means that 2 pixels are actually contained in
the packet. In other words, the value in Pixel Count is always 1
less than the actual number of pixels contained in the packet.
Thus, you may encode between 1 and 128 pixels with a single packet.
If you have a run which is longer than 128 bytes, you must encode
it using multiple packets.
Note: The high-order bit of this subfield is always set to 0 to
indicate that the packet type is a Raw Packet.
2. Pixel Data: Non-Run-Length Encoded pixel data. The pixels will
be displayed in the order that they are stored.