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File List | 1995-02-16 | 38.3 KB | 548 lines |
- T1000.ZIP 186537 08-25-94 Graphics patch to add the Terminator to
- | DOOM.
- T2.ZIP 2816 10-02-94 Little Nightmare Mode-Massacre a la PWAD
- | No way out ... Deathmatch nodes might work
- T4.ZIP 31901 08-12-94 DOOM WAD file called T4
- TAAWTS.ZIP 108264 08-12-94 Two massive DOOM levels
- | with lots of puzzles,
- | power-ups, and nasties!
- | Best with multi-players.
- | Are you man enough?
- TALLON.ZIP 37677 08-12-94 New DOOM wad file
- TECHBASE.ZIP 25299 11-10-94 TECHBASE.WAD Ver 1.0 for DOOM. Afterthe Doom
- | incident an interplanetary war was sparked
- | between theumans and the creatures from
- | Doom. You were sent on a mission to an enemy
- | military installation to gather intelligence
- | but you were captured. Sl`Tek Kor, Commander
- | of the 121st Infantry (also a spider daemon),
- | found you lurking around and imprisioned you
- | but not before you were able to find out that
- | a major weapons shipment is about to take
- | place. You find yourself now inside a holding
- | cell in the military compound. A drop ship
- | has arrived and the weapons are being loaded
- | on by Sl`Tek Kor himself. You've gotta find
- | a way to stop them!
- TECHNOO.ZIP 348582 10-23-94 Techno SFX PWAD For DOOM. This is a big one!
- TEK.ZIP 36751 09-30-94 Another new techno DOOM WAD file
- TELEFRAG.ZIP 5999 08-29-94 unique deathmatch wad for Doom.
- TEST2KIL.ZIP 186226 08-20-94 Test 2 Kill (Satan's Training Grounds)
- TFWDETH.ZIP 36362 01-12-95 =====THE FLOPPY WIZARD Deathmatch PWAD=====
- | The best DEATHMATCH PWAD file you will ever
- | find!!! It was first written for DOOM, and
- | was never released into cyberspace! But, now
- | it has been converted to DOOM 2, and put out
- | for the public to enjoy!!!! It was played
- | for months between a few people, and updated
- | thousands of times!!! Now not only is it
- | perfect, it has the super shotgun!
- THEEND.ZIP 11120 07-03-94 Blast fest final battle for Episode 3 DOOM
- THEJOKER.ZIP 65506 08-12-94 he Joker is the 1st of a New 486 Series
- | of DOOM PWAD files created by Master map
- | maker VAB. The Joker (E1M1) is Presented
- | as an Original, DOOM 1.2, Deathmatch Ma
- | that will bring a whole new view of play
- | in Deathmatch mode! Best get practicing!
- THEKURSE.ZIP 66130 09-01-94 Doom WAD
- THELORD.ZIP 346639 12-12-94 New six level add-on for DOOM II! The evil
- | mastermind from an unknown galaxy has sent
- | his minions to Earth, and guess who has to
- | stop them?
- THEME12.ZIP 507003 01-26-95 Do you ever wanted to see ALIEN vs PREDATOR
- | vs TERMINATOR in Doom? Now it is possible!
- | The Theme Doom Patch modifies Doom and Doom 2
- | to feature the deadly monsters from your
- | favorite action movies.
- THE_ZONE.ZIP 62724 11-18-94 New Level fr DOOM ][ - THE-ZONE. Completely
- | new Techniques used to create this HUGE (165k
- | WAD) level with some of the best puzzles you
- | have seen in a WAD. If you are a serious
- | DOOMER and are sick of the LAMER WADS that
- | have 1000 Imps in a room and you have a
- | pistol, DOWNLOAD THIS WAD!. Author- Claude
- | Phillips > If you like it drop me a Note.
- THUNDER2.ZIP 207481 10-05-94 New doom wad file from Patrick Woods. NEW
- | sound and NEW graphics. Used bsp and dck
- | editors to create these. text file included.
- TIME2DIE.ZIP 8298 10-21-94 Get ready to Die fellow Doomers!
- TLR.ZIP 1127318 12-10-94 The Last Resort (TLR) is a Deathmatch only
- | episode for Doom version 1.666. It replaces
- | all nine levels of episode 2, and contains
- | new graphics, sounds, music, demos and
- | sprites.
- TLR_II.ZIP 1097825 02-06-95 The Last Resort II. This is an add-on Doom
- | II wad. It takes place on the desert.
- TNPLHOME.ZIP 36779 07-12-94 LEVEL: E1M1, ORIGINAL. "There's no place
- | like home." You're sitting back in your easy
- | when you get this eerie feeling. You look
- | around the room which now seems unfamiliar.
- TORCHED.ZIP 253472 07-17-94 TORCHED.WAD included Torched.txt for info
- TORTURE.ZIP 68095 08-09-94 Great external wad file for the registered
- | only version of Doom.
- TOUGHGUY.ZIP 18868 06-26-94 New E1M1 level for single player DOOM WAD
- TOUGHLUC.ZIP 25346 01-26-95 The Tough Luck Series Tough Luck The original
- | WAD file. Made for registered DOOM I, Tough
- | Luck is Single player, Deathmatch, and Co-op
- | ready game. What have you gotten into? Tough
- | luck... Tough Luck II Tough Luck for DOOM
- | II! You return to your old battlefield but
- | it's filled with more tougher enemies. Single
- | player, Co-op, and Deathmatch capable.
- | Released on Atlanta On-line 404-426-7461
- TOURWAD.ZIP 71636 08-09-94 Tour De France (Watched it while creating)
- | Tour.wad by Paul Engel (Sandman for years)
- TOWERS.ZIP 83020 07-11-94 Doom: Towers.wad E1M1
- TOWN.ZIP 37979 08-27-94 This WAD file is another WAD for Registered
- | Doom. Enjoy!
- TRAIN2.ZIP 28363 09-10-94 Doom WAD: Space Marine Training
- TRIDEATH.ZIP 31338 10-03-94 Triangle Death WAD by Scott Thompson for DOOM
- TRIDETH.ZIP 7781 01-26-95 Triple Death - Fully optimized deathmatch
- | wad. Designed to allow kills on average of
- | 4-5 seconds. There is no where to hide and
- | plenty of places to die. Design allows easy
- | access to the other player's back! DOOM 1.666
- | version.
- TRIDETH2.ZIP 7783 01-26-95 Triple Death Fully optimized deathmatch wad.
- | Designed to allow kills on average of 4-5
- | seconds. There is no where to hide and plenty
- | of places to die. Design allows easy access
- | to the other player's back! DOOM II version,
- | includes super shotgun.
- TRILOGY.ZIP 276647 11-24-94 ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌──────┐ ┌───────┐ ▓
- | ▒ └┐ ┌─┐ │ │ ┌──┐ │ │ ┌──┐ │ │ ┌┐ ┌┐ │ ▒
- | ░ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │└─┘│ │ ░
- | ▒ ┌┘ └─┘ │ │ └──┘ │ │ └──┘ │ │ │ │ │ ▒
- | ▓ └──────┘ └──────┘ └──────┘ └─┘ └─┘ ▓
- | ░▒▓ T R I L O G Y (3 levels + demos) ▓▒░
- | ┌─────────────────────────────────────────┐
- | │ Tired of those hundreds of amateuristic │
- | │ bad looking WAD-files, which are often │
- | │ stuffed with more BUGS than monsters?!? │
- | │ Then flag/download this one RIGHT NOW! │
- | │ REGISTERED DOOM v1.666 recommended, but │
- | │ will work with other versions. « MARC » │
- | └─────────────────────────────────────────┘
- TRIPWIRE.ZIP 34080 10-05-94 Tripwire Doom WAD
- TRUETEST.ZIP 205520 07-24-94 A awesome two levels that contain great traps
- | and many other ingenious ideas.
- TRUNK.ZIP 35182 08-13-94 TRUNK.WAD by Richard Smol
- TTA_CHUD.ZIP 147480 09-24-94 CHUD: The wadfile. by Bilbo
- TUNNELS.ZIP 6163 07-19-94 Doom: Tunnels.wad e1m2
- UAE.ZIP 85563 12-16-94 This is a really neat wad for Doom 2. It is
- | made with a tunnel that goes all around it.
- UC.ZIP 32129 11-16-94 Doom II - Ultimate Challenge Beta Version
- | (0.5) by Steven J King The Ultimate Challenge
- | is full of Nasty Monsters, which may prove
- | too much for a solo player. There areplenty
- | of weapons and ammoand even a few secret
- | areas. Replaces Map 1.
- UCA.ZIP 64995 08-12-94 "UCA" PWAD for DOOM 1.x REG - great level!
- ULTIMATE.ZIP 401609 10-21-94 Deathmatch WAD - multiple levels
- ULTRA.ZIP 10652 12-15-94 I have created this level to be high in frags
- | and low in size. Be warned though, there are
- | still a large amount of bad guys, big bad
- | guys, huge!! Requires DOOM II
- ULTRA_2.ZIP 30562 12-15-94 A cpletely fair Deathmatch level to prevent
- | whining crybabies - everyone starts in a spot
- | with ammo and weapons, and no other weapons
- | (i.e. BFG, Rocket Launcher..etc.) are
- | available. Requires DOOM II - Hell on Earth
- UMBRING.ZIP 107343 07-29-94 Umbring (MURDER) WAD for DOOM by Woody
- UNDERGRD.ZIP 67976 10-27-94 This is a DOOM II DEATHMATCH pwad.
- | -----------------------------------
- | Blast your way through old underground
- | stations and monster crawling streets.
- | buildings, but watch your back!!
- | There are plenty of monsters to kill before
- | the real fraggin' can begin, so this will
- | get you warmed up. If you don't want any
- | monsters, use the -nomonsters option when
- | loading.
- UNDRGRND.ZIP 86146 10-03-94 UNDRGRND.wad by Eliot G. Mah
- UPLIFTNG.ZIP 54261 08-12-94 "UPLIFTNG.WAD" New WAD level for DOOM
- URMEAT.ZIP 31653 12-21-94 Doom 1 wad -- Very tough YOU RLLY ARE MEAT
- USQ1.ZIP 46889 10-03-94 USQ IRC goes Hogwild by Chris Willacy
- USQ2.ZIP 20152 10-03-94 USQ IRC goes Deathmatch by Chris Willacy
- UWHOTEL.ZIP 70957 11-17-94 Urban Warfare - Episode 1; 5-Star Hotel
- | First in the Urban Warfare series.
- | Welcome to a small desert town and a
- | beautiful 5-star hotel. A place where
- | your every desire can come true...
- | Take a swim in the Olympic swimming pool;
- | enjoy 5-star cuisine under the stars; and
- |njoy the night life at the night club.
- | Problem is, the bad-guy convention is also
- |in town this week!!!
- VAMPIR51.ZIP 69302 09-26-94 FRODO 5 PWAD, mighty netDOOM titillation!
- | An E1M1 and E1M9 favorable PWAD for DOOM!
- VORTEX.ZIP 137690 09-13-94 MUTT presents: VORTEX A doom mini-
- | Battle your way through 3 lightning fst
- | floors full of monsters, puzzles and a no win
- | situation or two. Enjoy!
- VORTEX2.ZIP 142631 10-31-94 MUTT presents: VORTEX A doom mini-episode.
- | Battle your way through 3 lightning fast
- | floors: The Mines, Jungle Fever and The
- | Gateway. Each offers plenty of monsters.
- WACKERB7.ZIP 141005 07-29-94 DOOM Wacker beta 7-create/manipulate textures
- WADCAT05.ZIP 36914 10-03-94 WAD Concatenater v0.5 - By Matthew Ayres
- | Merge .WADs with this handy little utility.
- WADPAK2.ZIP 980456 07-03-94 WadPak 2 for the DOOM action arcade game
- | entire level WAD file set.
- WAKE_DED.ZIP 40176 10-04-94 You fall asleep on Earth, but you wake up
- | fighting for your life....is it a dream or
- | are you really fighting for the right to live
- | on a moonbase in a different dimension. This
- | is a dimension where teleportation is the
- | main means of travel. Excellent wad for
- | multi-player games.
- WANTON.ZIP 84138 08-12-94 Wanton. New level for DOOM.. Try it out. You
- | might like it, if your not afraid..
- WANTON12.ZIP 163344 08-12-94 This file contains 2 made-from-scratch
- | levels for DOOM. They seem to be very good.
- WARHOUSE.ZIP 62410 08-12-94 New DOOM level - very big and extremely hard
- WARZONE.ZIP 25810 08-12-94 NewWAD for Doom, E1M1. Try this one on
- | Ultra....Go kick some demon BUTT!!!!!!!!!!
- WARZONE0.ZIP 338537 08-28-94 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- | </\>arzone
- | the
- | Epsiode!!
- | Are you sick of being stuck at the end of an
- | epsiode when playing a deathmatch with your
- | friends? Well download this pwad for doom
- | and you will no longer have this problem!!!
- | </\>arzone0.wad takes the place in Epsiode 1.
- WARZONE1.ZIP 28084 08-12-94 New Level for DOOM, E1M1...Created for
- | Deathmatch, solo, or cooperative.
- WARZONE2.ZIP 31263 08-12-94 New level for DOOM, E1M2...Created for
- | Deathmatch, solo or cooperative.
- WARZONE3.ZIP 17566 08-12-94 New level for ])()()(\/), E1M3. This is the
- | 3rd level in the Warzone series. Registered
- | Version Only.
- WARZONE4.ZIP 47504 08-12-94 New Level for ])()()(\/)..E1M4
- | Registered ver ONLY.......
- | Good for Deathmatch, solo or cooperative
- | Now go kick some demon BUTT!!!!!!!
- WARZONE5.ZIP 39179 08-12-94 New Level for ])()()(\/) E1M5, Registered Ver
- | ONLY...This is my best level yet!!!
- | Very good for DEATHMATCH....Also hard to find
- | secret stuff....
- WARZONE6.ZIP 64102 07-18-94 New level for ])()()(\/), E1M6
- | This one takes place in a warehouse...
- | Now go kick some demon BUTT!!!
- WARZONE7.ZIP 49173 07-29-94 New level for ])()()(\/), E1M7.
- | After clearing out the wharehouse, you find
- | yourself at the deamons hidden weapon and
- | supplies area. Your job is simple. Shoot
- | and ask questions later!!! Now go kick some
- | deamon BUTT!!!!!
- WARZONE9.ZIP 24319 09-18-94 New level for Doom, E1M9. The secret level
- | Good for deathmatches!
- WEEZUL.ZIP 95300 08-12-94 A great new trilogy of levels for DOOM
- | registered version only. Into the Weezul's
- | Lair by James Gerbino. Includes score by
- | J.S.Bach and demos in one PWAD!
- WEEZUL14.ZIP 35257 08-12-94 A new DOOM level. Part 4 of INTO the WEEZUL'S
- | LAIR. The first 3 levels are available here
- | as WEEZUL.ZIP Part 4 includes a spiffy new
- | level with a neato fountain of blood and a
- | replacement soundtrack. Not a blasto-thon or
- | a puzzle maniac level. Suitable for single
- | player or deathmatch. Enjoy!!
- WEEZUL5.ZIP 151010 08-12-94 The complete Into the Weezul's Lair missions
- | for DOOM registered version. The new 5th
- | level features the 7 gates...er well the 6
- | gates of hell! Don't miss the fountain of
- | blood of the legendary power word! See a kill
- | many of the very best citizens of hell. All
- | to a soudntrack by J,S.Bach. Enjoy!
- WHARE15.ZIP 48343 07-12-94 Warehouse is in Hell! replaces e1m5 Doom WAD
- WHIPME2.ZIP 7320 11-14-94 Whip me, whip me, whip me!!! by Andrew Hulme
- | This is a DooM II update of my fourth wad
- | whip_me. It's a small deathmatch only level,
- | ideal for 2 plaers, very fast and furious.
- | Another all time classic I'm sure.
- WHITE.ZIP 50269 09-10-94 Doom WAD by Stephen J Woods
- | Uploaded by: Richard Kent
- WICKED8.ZIP 35711 12-01-94 Yet another great WAD file for DOOM. This
- | one's WICKED!
- WICKEDDM.ZIP 53184 11-12-94 WICKED.WAD [E2M1] by Ken Seaman for DOOM 1.x
- | A medium sized vel with lots of sargents,
- | imps, a few demons, and a cacodemon or 2. All
- | 3 keys will be needed. Plenty of ammo can be
- | found, some in secret areas. A few trap
- | doors, and automatic opening rooms. Not an
- | easy level.
- WIDOW101.ZIP 59127 11-13-94 DOOM WAD: THE BLACK WIDOW The greatest,
- | hottest, slimiest, most macabre, violently
- | and SEXIEST level ever seen by the DOOM com-
- | munity! Includes new cool graphics, music and
- | new HOT BABES! Great for single, DM or co-op
- WIDOWMKR.ZIP 90769 06-28-94 Inhabitants of DEMOS have escaped... WAD
- WILL.ZIP 15417 08-12-94 Doom .WAD file
- WILLE1M1.ZIP 16558 05-01-94 COOL DOOM WAD
- WILLIAM1.ZIP 69889 12-11-94 William's DOOM, for DOOM 1.666 - This group
- | of levels is made just by random thought so
- | it might not be a good designed level. This
- | group of levels is just for 1 player. Some
- | secrets and some suprise attacks. No special
- | new graphics or sounds.
- WINGS.ZIP 5389 12-23-94 Deathmatch WAD for HERETIC WAD file
- WIZDOOM.ZIP 34021 08-11-94 This is a Pwad file for the REGISTERED
- | version of Doom, it replaces E2M1.
- | It includes a text and demo file, drop us a
- | note if you like it and have the time, enjoy!
- WIZDOOM2.ZIP 135899 09-14-94 This PWAD file is for the REGISTERED version
- | of DOOM, it replaces E2M1.
- | This PWAD IS HUGE!, one of the largest I've
- | ever seen. It's full of teleporters, tricks,
- | puzzles, and surprises. It has DEATHMATCH and
- | CO-P modes, it was made strickly for KILLER
- | UV MODE, but it's completely DOABLE. This
- | PWAD hassome of the BEST
- | texturing/structuring I've seen, really done
- | to bring out the 3 effect in the game.
- WIZDOOM3.ZIP 103077 10-13-94 This is a PWAD file for the REGISTERED
- | version of DOOM. In the WIZDOOM tradition,
- | we present, WIZDOOM3, the castle of HELL.
- | GREAT texturing, design, and scheme! HUGE
- | castle. Made for KILLER UV mode! CO-OP,
- WOLFDM.ZIP 318090 09-30-94 Wolfenstien DOOM wad.
- WOLFDOOM.ZIP 164493 08-12-94 Puts those familiar NAZI's from Wolf3D were
- | they belong - in HELL! This replaces the
- | Grunts and Sergeants in DOOM registered
- | version with the Nazi troopers and SS guards
- | from Wolf3D. Includes DMGRAPH1.0 to make
- | the changes to your .WAD GREAT!!
- WOLFEN.ZIP 42528 08-12-94 A PWAD for Doom based on the first level of
- | Wolfenstein 3D, uploaded by author.
- WOLFWAD.ZIP 42518 08-12-94 An external PWAD for Doom, uploaded by
- | author. Based on the classic first level
- | of Wolfenstein 3d. The first 3 skill
- | levels play much like WOLF3D. Play
- | changes quite a bit at ULTRAVIOLENCE
- | level. Please play through at a lower
- | skill level first, to get the full
- | effect.
- WOODISDE.ZIP 255565 12-13-94 New episode for DOOM II. Awesome package! 6
- | New levels - Tons of New graphics - New Music
- | for Every Level - CooP or Deathmatch - You'll
- | love it!
- WOPWORLD.ZIP 207537 10-06-94 WOPWORLD WAD for Doom 1.2 or newer!
- WWORLD.ZIP 740601 10-21-94 ███████████████████████████████████████████
- | WWORLD PWAD for DOOM. Sound replacement
- | WAD with sounds from Waynes World.
- | Party Time !!!!! EXCELLENT !!!!!
- | Programmed by Eric Westcott
- | ███████████████████████████████████████████
- WWORLD20.ZIP 627458 08-12-94 Waynes World SoundFXS for DOOM
- | type "DOOM -file wworld.wad"
- XENO11.ZIP 81399 11-10-94 Xenomorph 'The complex' XENO11.WAD for DOOM.
- | Specially designed for D/Match or Coop.Fight
- | in & around a huge complex building, finding
- | the secret transporters and weapon caches to
- | outsmart your enemy. In single player mode,
- | Fire up Ultra violence, get outside with god
- | mode on & watch the light show! Transporters
- | are hidden behind secret doors, so you'll
- | have to look to find them. All weapons are
- | included in this level for ultimate carnage.
- XFIREWAD.ZIP 93800 06-29-94 XFire - Three level crossfire WAD for DOOM
- YAHOOS.ZIP 460388 12-10-94 DOOM Episode 4: Yahoos in Hell
- | ==============================
- | Here is a completely new episode
- | for DOOM. All episodes can be
- | completed without cheaing. Only
- | the best pwad releases were include
- | in EPISODE4. Registered copy of
- | DOOM required!
- YAKWORLD.ZIP 487863 08-12-94 Spectacular WAD for Doom. Over 1 meg in size
- | with many new graphics, problems.
- YIGGLE.ZIP 132957 09-26-94 ***********-------------**************
- | This is a DOOM patch that replaces the
- | Sergeant graphics with those of the Yiggle.
- | (A cartoon creation I dreamed up one day.)
- | Also included is a PWAD to provide the
- | appropriate sound effects. Hope you enjoy
- | it!
- | ************-------------**************
- YOEDDY.ZIP 15017 12-14-94 YOEDDY.WAD -Graphics Patch Wad for Doom
- YOHO.ZIP 60941 09-13-94 Doom WAD by John Cecere
- ZAMBONY.ZIP 45090 08-12-94 Nice level for DOOM called ZAMBONY
- ZAPHOD11.ZIP 273758 01-26-95 "Ktulu Calls Zaphod" PWAD for Doom 1 Version
- | 1.1 -------------------------------------
- | Hopefully this level will be a break from all
- | the generic ones going around. At least I
- | think (of course) that it is a very
- | imaginative level and even has its own aura
- | about it. I paid a lot of attention to
- | realism and detail. Includes original
- | graphical effects, sounds, and music.
- ZEBEDEE.ZIP 161423 08-09-94 Yes, the one you have been waiting for,
- | Magic Roundabout Doom! This patch turns
- | all of the troopers, the puny ones with
- | pistols, into Zebedee from The Magic
- | Roundabout.
- | you know you want to. Zebedee-Doom (TM)
- | ===========================================
- | Title: ZMAZE11.WAD
- | Fun map. If y like looking around corners
- | before jumping out, and if you like simple
- | azes, then this is your map. There is
- | enough excitement to keep you busy for hours.
- | Noneed for cheat keys. For those DieHards,
- | I put at five barons in the level. If you
- | don't feel like taking these on, then don't
- | let them out!
- ZONE13.ZIP 31866 08-12-94 Zone13 - Excellent new Doom level; good for
- | single player mode, but GREAT in deathmatch!
- | Replaces e1m3.
- ZORF1.ZIP 24617 10-03-94 Zorf WAD by Ron Olsen
- ZRAT.ZIP 122986 08-08-94 WAD for Doom by Dan Gannon
- | This is IT! This is THE external WAD file for
- | DOOM lovers! All NEW music! All NEW levels!
- | Contains complete episode 2, levels 1 through
- | 8 and secret level! Superb levels for
- | Multiplayer network, Deathmatch, [1/3]
- _CRINGE2.ZIP 1335374 09-06-94 ┌────────────[ MK DOOM ]─────────────┐
- | │ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▌ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ │
- | │ █ ▀ █ █ ▌█ █▀▄ █ █ ▀ █ ▐ │
- | │▐█ ██▀ █ █ ▀▄█▌▐█ ▄▄ █▀▀ │
- | │ █ ▄ █ ▀▄ █ █ █▌ █ █ █ │
- | │ ▐▀▀ ▐ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▌ ▌ ▀▀▌ ▐▀▀▀▀ │
- | New Xtra BLOODY graphics! Check out
- | the new Double-bladed Chainsaw, or
- | the gold Chaingun and Rocket Launcher.
- | Beware of the new character-The Son of
- | the CyberDemon. Check out tat death
- | scene! Blue Demons, hanging chains
- | with meat on it's hooks, plu a whole
- | lot more. No more wondering who those
- | guys hanging from the ceilings are;
- | hey're easily disinguished as your
- | fellow Space Marine Officers who just
- | weren't as good as you. This is the
- | graphics patch for CRINGE! Totally
- _CRINGE3.ZIP 341848 09-06-94 ┌────────────[ MK DOOM ]─────────────┐
- | │ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▌ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ │
- | │ █ ▀ █ █ ▌█ █▀▄ █ █ ▀ █ ▐ │
- | │▐█ ██▀ █ █ ▀▄█▌▐█ ▄▄ █▀▀ │
- | │ █ ▄ █ ▀▄ █ █ █▌ █ █ █ │
- | │ ▐▀▀ ▐ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▌ ▌ ▀▀▌ ▐▀▀▀▀ │
- | New sounds for CRINGE! This file will
- | make CRINGE! complete if you've got
- | the first 2 already. It doesn't
- | replace all of the originals, but
- | makes it a little better for your
- | playing enjoyment. This is the sounds
- | patch for CRINGE! Totally external;
- | never touches any of your original
- | DOOM files.─────────────────File [3/3]
- _CRINGE6.ZIP 788108 09-14-94 ┌────────[ MK∙DOOM UPDATE! ]─────────┐
- | │ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄ ▄▄▄ ▄ ▌ ▄▄ ▄▄▄▄▄ │
- | │ █ ▀ █ █ ▌█ █▀▄ █ █ ▀ █ ▐ │
- | │▐█ ██▀ 1 . 6█6 6▄█▌▐█ ▄▄ █▀▀ │
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- | This is the CRINGE! WAD for DOOM 1.666
- | NEW music! NEW levels! Episode 2,
- | levels 1 through 8 and secret level!
- | Superb levels for Multilayer network
- | Deathmatch, or Single play. Totally
- | external; never touchesany of your
- | original DOOM files. This ZIP file
- | contains the NEW levels and music.
- _DM2_06.ZIP 24182 11-09-94 Doom II LMP recording of level 06 "The
- | Crusher" showing 100% kills, items and
- | secrets.
- _DMWALZ_.ZIP 259785 08-20-94 This is a good wad for doom featuring 4 level
- | a few new textures, and some movie music.
- _MLEV11.ZIP 33365 07-05-94 Amazing! Great for people who want to make
- | complete episodes, but only have a one
- | mission per PWAD editor. This combines PWADS
- | to make complete levels! FREEWARE.
- _MOOED_.ZIP 495558 08-27-94 A DOOM WAD very funny!!
- | featuring:
- | *new music
- | *new sounds
- | *new graphics
- | *and a .BAT to run it
- _PIPE_.ZIP 79212 11-07-94 !PIPE!.WAD by Jon Landis for DOOM 1.666
- | Here is your chance to take a lovely tour of
- | the subterranian sewer system that exists to
- | fulfil all of ell's waste disposal needs.
- | But what is that coming out of the pipe?! I
- | guess it is time to takeut the trash!
- | Mangle the monsters, clean the sewers out,
- | explorehorrific ventilation shafts and find
- | the pipe that will bring you back to the
- | surface.
- _POISDEM.ZIP 7351 11-07-94 re is a demo for !Pois!.wad that
- | demostrates all the secrets. This file
- | explains all thsecrets for all you guys
- | that can't learn from visual aids.
- _POIS_.ZIP 57469 11-07-94 Poisonous Prison, or Get Poised by Jon Landis
- | You were sent to rescue two of your friends.
- | They were captured by an enemy ship, piloted
- | by Cacodemons and placed in a high security
- | prison. You beam into the prison only to
- | realize your friends have been genetically
- | altered and are waiting for you, in their
- | cells, with shotguns.
- _RSSNDBX.ZIP 14061 10-21-94 »»»»»»»»»» The SandBox v1 «««««««««
- | BY: Randy Sommerfeld
- | »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»««««««««««««««««««
- | A simple DEATHMATCH level that will
- | keep you occupied for hours!
- | Instant 'meetings' with your best
- | friend or <gulp> worst enemy!
- | Only the Rocket Launcher and Plasma
- | Gun are available, so it's your
- | choice: Use an effective damager
- | but need good aim? or Use the
- | plasma with a good firing rate
- | and spread, but bad damage!?
- | »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»««««««««««««««««««
- _ULTIMAT.ZIP 30508 09-08-94 █ █ █ ▀█▀▀█▀ █ █ ▄▀▄▀█▀█▀
- | █ █ █ █ █ ███ █▄█ █ █▀
- | ▀ ▀▀ ▀ ▀▀▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀ ▀▀ PATCH FOR DOOM
- | Mines, Power-Weapons,
- | Max. Ammo, LightWeight
- | ▌ Exploding Enemies!!!!! ▌
- | █ Do All Of This ▐▌
- | █▌With What You See Right█▌
- | ██ HERE! ▐█▌
- | ██▌Requires DeHacked 1.3██▌
- _VOLCAN.ZIP 38571 10-21-94 ---)Tired of Boring,Drawn out Wads?(---
- | With giant rooms and a Kagillion
- | monsters in every one? Or empty ones
- | that are maybe great for deathmatch but
- | are crummy solo? Well LOOK NO FURTHER.
- | Here's a tried and tested .wad with a
- | decent plot and a carefully thought out
- | layout...Was it worth the cheesy
- | introduction? Let's hope so.
- _WOWLMP.ZIP 5454 01-27-95 Here is a .LMP file for !WOW!.wad for all
- | you guys that need a little help finishing
- | a DOOM level. This LMP does NOT show
- | the multiplayer secret. Figure that out
- | yourself! REQUIRES DOOM v1.666 and !WOW!.WAD
- _WOW_.ZIP 61404 11-07-94 !WOW!.WAD by Jon Landis, for DOOM 1.666 This
- | is the chilling finale to The Shores of Hell,
- | but with a fw extra twists. There are many
- | more enemies and things to figure out. There
- | is an entire section that cannot be reached
- | without TWO people playing. Here is a
- | wrning... Even on the easiest skill setting,
- | this level will be challenging.