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File List | 1995-02-16 | 30.0 KB | 411 lines |
- 1994POOL.ZIP 624384 11-20-94 1994 POOL 6.01: This totally new exciting
- | billiard pool game is like nothing you've
- | seen on a computer! Each level has cool
- | objects such as dragon, helicopter, bombs,
- | fireballs, UFO, etc. 1994 POOL uses advanced
- | physics, vector calculus & CAGD to achieve
- | 1/100th pixel accuracy! Extremely challenging
- | and addictive. Req. 386/486+, VGA, 580K RAM,
- | mouse. Recommended: Sound Blaster- or Gravis
- | Ultrasound-compatible card. Ninano Software.
- 1995CARD.ZIP 451526 11-01-94 FLOWER CARD v6.02 - very popular card game
- | played by 150 million Japanese, Koreans and
- | many Americans as well. Very easy to learn
- | and has auto-self-play (demo) mode. Good
- | online help. Recommended: Sound Blaster- or
- | Gravis Ultrasound-compatible sound card. From
- | Ninano Software.
- 1STINGER.ZIP 106413 07-14-94 Neat little dice game of chance, but watch
- | out for the Stinger!
- 3DCUBE.ZIP 32131 12-24-94 3DCUBE v1.0 - The best 3D cube puzzle
- | available. Features very smooth 3D animation
- | in 320x400x256 mode. Works just like the real
- | thing! Requires at least a 286 with VGA.
- | Mouse is optional, but highly recommended.
- 3DPIT13.ZIP 108656 01-07-95 3D-PITFALL, ver 1.3: 3D arcade game, vga
- 95CARD.ZIP 479018 01-06-95 <FLOWER CARD V6.3> Totally different kind
- | of Mahjongg/Card game! Great Sound & Grafix!
- | Now try this popular solitaire game which is
- | played by 150 million Japanese, Korean, and
- | many Americans as well. Very easy to learn
- | and even has auto-self-play mode and a lot
- | of help inside the game in English!! Also
- | adult version available (GODORI)
- | "I'm hooked! Great gfx/sounds, & just right
- | mix of skill and luck!" -- Kim, California
- ACRO24.ZIP 51944 07-09-94 Acrostix v2.4 - A word puzzle which converts
- | a Quotation or saying into a crossword type
- | puzzle which has to be reconstructed. The
- | program allows you to create puzzles.
- ADDALOT.ZIP 681880 01-20-95 SIR ADDALOT 2.0 is LANDMARK's new math game!
- | This arcade style educational game improves
- | addition and subtraction skills as kids face
- | dragons in enchanted castles. The Game has
- | levels for a wide range of skills. Come join
- | the adventure in this 256 color VGA learning
- | experience! Ages 6-12 by Landmark Solutions.
- AJQST40.ZIP 683459 10-20-94 A-J'S QUEST 4.0: The original namesake for
- | Sound Blaster sound effects. There are five
- | levels and five bonus stages. This game is
- | the top!
- AMG30.ZIP 238823 05-27-94 Animated Memory Game - tests your memory
- | skills. NEW: improved video card
- | compatability, support for SVGA.
- ANGL_DEM.ZIP 11755 07-10-94 Angel-Demon: The Rapture. A World of Darkness
- | Game FOR the StoryTeller series. Text.
- ANTRUN2.ZIP 146550 03-01-94 Ant Run v2.0 Req.EGA/VGA & Mouse Race
- | against the clock as you rotate tunnels for
- | the ant to run through. Quick thinking and
- | fast reflexes are required.
- ASE7.ZIP 887666 11-23-94 ASE Scorer 7.000 - This version is a result
- | of developments of the previous 6 versions of
- | the ASE Scorer over the past 14 years. For
- | Contract Bridge Tournaments. For DOS or OS/2
- AST10.ZIP 95295 08-11-94 Arcade Skills Test - is a game in which you
- | have to use reflex and concentration. You
- | have to move a snake that grows each time he
- | eats a capsule. Progress from round to round
- ATC0594.ZIP 57966 05-29-94 A classic air traffic controller game that's
- | perfect for a few minutes or hours of fun.
- | Easy to learn, but difficult to master.
- | " so realistic that when I first began to
- | play the game I would break out in a sweat"
- ATTACK20.ZIP 129936 11-15-94 LETTER ATTACK An arcade-style typing tutor in
- | which the player must defend the planet from
- | the aliens. Words and letters flash across
- | the screen and must be typed correctly. CGA
- AUSBIRDS.ZIP 10093 10-03-94 MJ TileSet: Birds from Australia
- BACKUP14.ZIP 133012 05-22-94 >> BACKUP v1.4 - Board game << BACKUP is a
- | MS-Windows board game where four opponents
- | compete to become the first to move all four
- | baccarat player has gone before, into the
- | ULTIMATE zone! Enter a fully animated casino
- | card game and gambling school.
- | Children's program draws balloons & rainbow-
- | Children's program draws balloons & sounds
- | tone when any key is hit. Hitting up-arrow
- | causes balloon to grow until it pops into a
- | rainbow as 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star' is
- | played. Down-arrow key causes balloon to
- | shrink. Rqs. CGA/EGA/VGA $7ASP.
- BASKETJ.ZIP 112353 11-23-94 BASKETBALL STATS POWER Version 1.10 ASP
- | Analyze and print complete individual, team,
- | and opponent basketball statistics. Save data
- | for up to 45 teams, 45 games per team, MORE
- | COMEDIC BANTER! MCGA! Saves up to 30 of your
- | boards for quickload playing screens
- | animated backgrounds. "Digital sound ready"
- BAXTER.ZIP 211052 05-05-94 Baxter demos an arcade-style/virtual reality
- | game where Baxter must fight his way through
- | time and distant places to stop the evil plan
- | for world domination by the aliens from Mars;
- BBT100.ZIP 39436 06-26-94 This is BASEBALL TRIVIA 100, a 100 question
- | baseball trivia game. Should run on any DOS
- | computer. No special graphics card required.
- | Freeware.
- BEYABYSS.ZIP 289514 09-28-94 Beyond The Abyss - incredible Gauntlet-style
- | game, but with so much more variety. A must
- | download! Optional: Snd Crd & Joystick.
- | Requires: 1M ram, 286+, VGA.
- BJ250.ZIP 172907 08-21-94 BLACKJACK! 2.50D ASP
- | If you're looking for the finest way to learn
- | Blackjack look no more... you have found it!
- | Basic strategy & Card counting drills -
- | Strategy error tracking & reporting - User
- | defined card counting system - Custom betting
- | strategies. SUPER GRAPHICS! The comments of
- | hundreds of registered users can be summed up
- | in 5 words - "The Best I've Ever Seen!".
- | Requires VGA, EGA or Hercules Graphics.
- BLITZ54.ZIP 34386 11-23-94 BLITZ-DRAUGHTS, (C) PC Solutions. -Wel- come
- | to BLITZ DRAUGHTS, the world's strongest
- | shareware draughts program! BLITZ lets you
- | play against the computer, another human
- | player, or have the computer play itself.
- BLKJK403.ZIP 452523 07-28-94 David Caune's Blackjack Tutorial - from the
- | Australian Johnnie Walker Blackjack Champion
- | Full 7 Player Sim - Complete basic Strategy
- | and Card Counting Tutor - Actual play, MORE!!
- BODYBLOW.ZIP 437016 05-14-94 BodyBlows- VGA fighting game - kicks butt!
- | Tons faster than Sango or SFII for PC, this
- | is a playable demo version of a retail game
- | distr. by MicroLeague Software. Speech,
- | sound, and music supported for Sounblaster.
- BOLBAL20.ZIP 99275 08-01-94 Bolo Ball EGA VGA Marble logic Game.
- BOLO1A30.ZIP 146478 08-01-94 BOLO ADVENTURES I v3.0 Requires EGA-VGA Bolo
- | Adventures is a mind boggling strategy game
- BOLO3A12.ZIP 124188 08-01-94 BOLO ADVENTURES III v1.2 Requires EGA/VGA
- | Bolo Adventures is a challenging strategy
- | game where the objective is to get Mr. Bolo
- | out of 15 rooms of mind-boggling puzzles.
- | Great Animated Graphics! From Soleau.
- BOWHUNT.ZIP 228804 06-11-94 Shareware arcade game. Reqs 286+, VGA
- | graphics w/mouse support.
- BRUDAL10.ZIP 1275830 08-20-94 ≡≡≡==- BRUDAL BADDLE -==≡≡≡
- | A Fast Action Fighting Game in the
- | Tradition of Mortal Kombat and Street
- | Fighter 2. Cool sound, hot music,
- | digitized actors and special moves.
- | 386 or better, VGA, 4 MB ram
- BTBETA30.ZIP 74873 10-08-94 Battle Trip v.30ß - Based on the French Car
- | game Mille Borne. It is a fast paced race
- | against the computer to see who can get to
- | 1000 miles first. Watch out for accidents,
- | out of gas, flat tires, etc. Supports all the
- | usual, non standard COM ports
- BTC103.ZIP 126728 08-02-94 Battle Charge v1.03: two-player game played
- | w/2 sets of opposing (red vs. Blue) neutral &
- | charged pieces; the game ends when a charged
- | piece captures its opposing king;
- BTRIP10.ZIP 77752 10-22-94 Battle Trip v.1.0 - Based on the French Card
- | game Mille Borne. It is a fast paced race
- | against the computer to see who can get to
- | 1000 miles first. Watch out for accidents,
- | out of gas, flat tires, etc.
- BUBBLEOI.ZIP 64211 10-22-94 Canadian take off on standard arcade game.
- | Rocks have been replaced with bubbles.
- | Supports but doesn'r require Joystick & adlib
- CANAS10.ZIP 93393 11-21-94 CANASTA is a four-handed game of two opposing
- | partnerships, combining elements of Gin,
- | Pinochle, Bridge with the deception of Poker.
- CANNONF1.ZIP 1341728 09-28-94 Cannon Fodder arcade game by Virgin
- | Interactive Entertainment and distributed by
- | MVP Software <ASP>. This hilarious new
- | retail action game that has taken England by
- | storm is now available as shareware! Loads
- | of cool graphics and witty game play. PC
- | Gamer says it is destined to be one of the
- | top games of the year! Don't miss Cannon
- | Fodder. Remember, war has never been so
- | much fun! Req 386, VGA, mouse. Update.
- CANTON10.ZIP 1437907 12-25-94 ░▒▓█ CANTON ─ v1.0 from NNN Software █▓▒░
- | As Atlas PathFinder, Aventurer and Trader,
- | explore the mysterious Far-East and amass a
- | fabulous fortune. Start with one caravan and
- | build up a mercantile empire, but first you
- | must survive!
- | Stunning animated and still graphics. Very
- | nice beginner level strategy game, On-Line
- | manual. Requires 286 or higher, EGA, 640K
- | RAM, mouse, and hard disk with 4Megs free.
- CAPFLAG3.ZIP 402170 12-05-94 CAPTURE THE FLAG! v3.0 New Play by E-Mail!
- | "This wilderness version of hide-and-seek
- | remains the most exquisite shareware strategy
- | game for the PC. What makes it so great?
- | Maybe it's the artful melding of high detail
- | and ease of use... Or Maybe it's the lovely
- | artwork. This game is so intriguing that you
- | won't want to stop playing." ELECTRONIC
- | ENTERTAINMENT pg 63, Oct 94.640K, VGA, & 286+
- CASTLEPC.ZIP 48994 02-20-94 Public Domain Version of the Old Star Castle
- | Arcade Game. Very Well Done, Includes Sound
- | Card Support, and Very, Very Free. Good!
- CBOOK21.ZIP 156065 12-20-94 Coloring Book Version 2.1! A classic child's
- | toy is now here for your PC. Coloring Book 2
- | includes 10 pictures (35 pictures come in the
- | registered version.) The program supports 50
- | colors, sound effects (the registered version
- | adds digital sound support,) keyboard, mouse,
- | or joystick control, and color printing to HP
- | and Epson compatible printers. VGA required.
- CHESSRP3.ZIP 75868 06-06-94 CHESSRP3 is a CHESS replay program. You
- | select a precoded CHESS game that you wish to
- | play and CHESSRP3 sets up a game board on
- | your PC monitor and invokes your game.
- CHOPPER_.ZIP 276616 10-01-94 Chopper Commando 1 Mouse or keyboard
- | 256 color flight simulator style game extra!
- CHRMATCH.ZIP 193012 11-02-94 Christmas Matchup - Copyright 1994 by Dan
- | Sharpe. Game based on Word of God.
- CIPHER22.ZIP 103296 09-01-94 Cipher v2.2: Cryptoquotes word puzzle game
- | Runs in hi-res EGA/VGA graphics or in text
- | modes. Many features: hints, saved games,
- | high scores hall of fame, etc. Enter your
- | own puzzles, either straight text or ones
- | already encrypted. Game is written by Nels
- | Anderson. (ASP)
- CLX104.ZIP 108232 08-02-94 Color Cross v1.04 is a unique, abstract and
- | kinetic two-player color strategy game whose
- | objective is to freeze all of your opponent's
- | pieces. Requires: 8086 series CPU, 300K free
- | RAM, VGA color graphics, and a Microsoft
- | compatible mouse and DOS resident driver.
- CL_SOL11.ZIP 73122 10-02-94 Classic Solitaire v 1.1.
- COMBAT_M.ZIP 5355 08-27-94 Combat Monster, Comedy RPG.
- | Short Role Playing Game
- COZ10.ZIP 478972 07-20-94 Champions of ZuLuLa - VGA/Adlib fight game!
- | Competitive monsterbash by Oracle for 386+
- CPLAY.ZIP 261342 09-04-94 Child's Play 256 color children's paint progr
- | will keep the younguns busy for hours. Includ
- | incredible paint tool effects, rubber stamps,
- | sound effects, and various screen erasers.
- CROSSP6B.ZIP 235457 11-25-94 CROSSWORD POWER Version 6.02 (ASP)
- | Create crossword puzzles from your words and
- | clues. Words are manually or automatically
- | placed in the puzzle grid. Auto-search.
- | Supports Foreign language characters. 512K
- CRUSADES.ZIP 392896 07-07-94 ROBOT CRUSADES v1.0 Copyright (c) 1994 By:
- | John A. Reder - RederWare -Welcome to the
- | 22nd Century! Where RoboSports are so popular
- C_CUT_UP.ZIP 572301 10-02-94 Christian Cut Up onscreen jigsaw puzzle
- DARKWOLF.ZIP 706737 12-12-94 D'India Software's latest SHAREWARE
- | masterpiece! DARKWOLF, the action game with
- | awesome 256 color VGA graphics, digital
- | sound, digital music, 32-bit parallax
- | scrolling, and more!
- DCNT11_1.ZIP 1456866 01-06-95 DESCENT Shareware v1.1 by Parallax Game 1/2
- DCNT11_2.ZIP 1453257 01-06-95 DESCENT Shareware v1.1 by Parallax Game 2/2
- DD13A.ZIP 330658 07-22-94 DIGITAL DOWNS VERSION 1.3 <ASP> 1/2
- | Outstanding graphics, mouse interface, two
- | animated views of the actual horse race.
- | 1000 horses and 10 stables keep the action
- | fresh. Horse records updated with each race.
- DD13B.ZIP 281749 07-22-94 DIGITAL DOWNS VERSION 1.3 <ASP> 2/2
- DDATA_46.ZIP 109506 07-30-94 Diamond Data Version 4.6 ASP A complete
- | baseball and softball statistics tracking
- | package. 34 stats are maintained for batters,
- | fielders (each position seperately), and
- | pitchers. 9 stats for games are maintained.
- DINOEGG1.ZIP 449349 10-24-94 DINOEGG Version 1.0 DinoEgg is based on the
- | mother dinosaur laying her eggs which will
- | pop out of the botton of the dino mountains.
- | As a caveman your given a 3D caveman club
- | which you will pound down on the DinoEggs
- | that will be poping out at you.
- DNDROLL1.ZIP 7785 01-20-94 A great AD&D character score roller!
- | Completely configurable!
- DOGS_V10.ZIP 261055 08-11-94 Dogs ver. 1.0 Action Arcade game
- | Freeware game from Sweden. Enjoy!
- DQHOMCPN.ZIP 17317 03-07-94 DragonQuest Home Companion.
- DROBOS13.ZIP 65555 07-31-94 DRoboWHOids 1.3 You find yourself on an open
- | field surrounded by hords of hostile thingies
- DUKE_WAR.ZIP 41403 10-04-94 Duke /A set of all new lev /Nukum /for the
- | original Duk /Nukum. Can you hand /intense
- | action and c /ARTIME puzzles? Shareware.
- DYNAMO67.ZIP 51175 03-10-94 Dynamo Draughts v6.7 Shareware Game
- ECOGAME.ZIP 356949 05-29-94 ECOMASTER is an ecology simulation in which
- | you try to predict how animals will survive
- | in a series of different environments or
- | biomes. Each round, players bid for animals.
- | Not new....but interesting.;
- EGATRK31.ZIP 129786 09-01-94 EGATrek v3.1: EGA/VGA space/strategy game.
- | You are in command of a powerful starship
- | in a battle to save the galaxy. Use your
- | weapons, scanners, comm, etc. to control
- | your ship. Colorful hi-res graphics in this
- | updated version of the classic space game.
- | By Nels Anderson (ASP).
- ELVES93.ZIP 61171 08-30-94 A Christmas text adventure game for kids who
- | still feel the spirit of Xmas.
- EUCHRE40.ZIP 45289 04-28-94 Four-Handed Euchre - lets you play one hand
- | of four-handed Euchre while the computer
- | plays the other three hands.
- FFLM94D.ZIP 226913 08-16-94 1994 FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE MGR ver "D".
- | Keep track of all aspects of your fantasy
- | football league with ease and flexibility!
- | Rosters include rookies. Shareware $40.
- FFLM94I.ZIP 204564 10-02-94 1994 FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE MGR ver "I".
- | Keep track of all aspects of your fantasy
- | football league with ease and flexibility! Up
- | to 20 teams in 4 divisions with any type of
- | scoring system you define. Stats are updated
- | weekly throughout the 1994 NFL season.
- FFLM94K.ZIP 207031 11-01-94 1994 FANTASY FOOTBALL LEAGUE MGR ver "K".
- | Keep track of all aspects of your fantasy
- | football league with ease and flexibility! Up
- | to 20 teams in 4 divisions with any type of
- | scoring system you define. Stats are updated
- | weekly throughout the 1994 NFL season.
- FLOTC50.ZIP 115489 08-30-94 FLOTTO Cinco - The FAST Lottery Program! Play
- | all Pick 3,4,5,6,7 games. Powerful wheeling.
- | Comes with ready made wheels or add your own.
- | Track tickets with dates and bonus numbers.
- FMAZ01.ZIP 43824 08-19-94 FastMaze v.01 Maze generator
- FUZION26.ZIP 96270 01-01-95 A variety of colorful VGA puzzle games
- | Play with the 12 familiar Pentominoes or
- | 35 awesome all new Hexomino shapes on an
- | overwhelming puzzle board of 210 squares.
- | Thousands of known solutions, but finding
- | one is quite tough. Or...switch to auto and
- | solutions amazingly pop-up in seconds!
- GAL94_V2.ZIP 239787 10-17-94 GALAGA '94 v2.1 (c) 1994 by APSS AUSTRIA
- | MailWare! [1/1] The good old 'Space Invaders'
- | style shoot-em-up game.
- GAMBIT16.ZIP 65195 09-07-94 Professionally designed to make your modem
- | chess game a pleasure. Gambit delivers the
- | following features: Advanced chess logic
- | verifies every move made. Easy to use graphic
- | user interface. High speed error correcting
- | modem protocol.
- GAZI.ZIP 9510 07-22-94 MJ TileSet:
- GEMS2.ZIP 50666 06-25-94 *** Gemstones II *** VGA Breakout *** Amazing
- | 256 color VGA graphics. Support for up to 6
- | players with 3 difficulty settings and 10
- | levels. The game has 15 types of blocks
- | The game speed and mouse speed are both
- | adjustable. Soundblaster support.
- GEOG18.ZIP 35500 11-09-94 Geography Ace - is a geography quiz game. For
- | ages 11 and up. World questions...
- GMSB29.ZIP 75853 12-30-94 GAMBLER'S MATE: Super Bowl Ed XXIX - WINS!!!
- | Answers question, "WHO WILL WIN SUPER BOWL?"
- | Picks Super Bowl WINNER at 25-3 89.3%! YES!
- | BEST BET scenario has been 15-0 100.0% LOOK!
- GOLF43.ZIP 55216 11-23-94 GOLF 4.3 ■ This is a program to calculate the
- | golf handicap of up to 255 individuals who
- | may have played on up to 255 courses. MORE
- GOLFH42.ZIP 51083 10-04-94 Golf Handicapper 4.2. Stores any number of
- | scores for any number of players and
- | automatically calculates their index and
- | handicap for each game. Can be used by
- | individual players, teams, or entire golf
- | clubs. Uses slope method.
- GOLF_93G.ZIP 167332 01-11-95 GolfLog v9.3g Golf handicapping system
- | Latest release features full Mouse support
- | Maintain stats for 8 Golfers, 50 Courses,
- | 2000 Games. Determines HANDICAP Index and
- | Course HANDICAP. Provides Summary for each
- | Golfer showing 40+ stats. Keeps scorecard
- | for each game. Provides stats like those
- | maintained for the PGA touring pros! This
- | program is perfect for maintaing a history
- | of all your Golf outings along with giving
- | you up-to-the-minute Handicap status plus
- | 36+ additional stats about all your games.
- GUESS10.ZIP 714448 11-14-94 Second Guess v1.0: solitaire and more!
- | Concentration solitaire game with every
- | imaginable playing option. Also multi player
- | games and play versus the computer. SuperVGA
- | graphics and digitized sound effects for
- | SoundBlaster. Photo backgrounds and sharp,
- | detailed tiles for playing pieces with tile
- | editor included. By Nels Anderson (ASP).
- GWIZ250.ZIP 110065 10-07-94 GAME WIZARD v2.50 The most powerful GAME
- | CHEATING utility ever developed anywhere in
- G_O_LIFE.ZIP 42580 11-07-94 The Game of Life with source code. By
- | Zaskoda. This version has a full graphic
- | interface and built in editor.
- HAPPY1.ZIP 61429 11-26-94 Super Happy Land - A Happy faces high odd
- | slot machine. Requires VGA and IBM compatible
- HAZON.ZIP 18217 03-07-94 Hazon Fantasy RPG Role Playing Game scenario.
- HIRED.ZIP 28277 09-07-94 Emlith is a Tetris-like game with a lot of
- | enhancements and fun! The new feature
- | includes the items such as Bombs and Oil!
- | There are 60 kinds of liths that you can
- | enjoy. Each lith consists of 1 to 6 blocks!
- ICHNG11.ZIP 228551 10-05-94 Ancient Chinese fortune telling and
- | philosophy. You toss coins or sticks to
- | create a pattern of six lines, forming a
- | hexagram for interpretation.
- IFTPR513.ZIP 386751 07-18-94 IFT-PRO Instrument Flight Trainer Flight
- | Simulator.
- IMM1_00R.ZIP 170478 11-26-94 Imortal v 1.00.