Night Owl's Games 1
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Location Of files 001A
| ALL-NEW for Feb. 1992. EGA/VGA graphics.
| Full-screen scrolling adventure/action game
| were you play a top agent who must retrieve
| stolen plans to a deadly laser satellite.
| Action and puzzles galore!
1ARCTIC.ZIP 86616 06-01-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê ARCTIC ADVENTURE ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| The chilling sequel to Pharaoh's Tomb finds
| Nevada Smith on the hunt for more treasure,
| this time in icy glaciers. Perilous traps
| and puzzles will stump you on every level.
| Will you survive the abominable snowman?
| Ultra-smooth animation, detailed graphics,
| and arcade sound effects.
1BASH21.ZIP 1009997 05-25-93 ΓûôΓûê MONSTER BASH! ΓöÇ HORROR BY APOGEE! V2.1 ΓûêΓûô
| Young hero Johnny Dash visits the Under
| World of Count Chuck to save his dog, Tex.
| Over 2 Megs compressed graphics (Apogee's
| biggest game yet!). Full Ad Lib soundtrack
| and nightmarish Sound Blaster digitized
| effects. Two cinematic scenes. Get the
| file #1MB-PIX.ZIP for preview slide show.
| Absolutely the most animated game Apogee
| has created to date. Three skill levels.
| Joystick support, save/restore, hints, etc.
| Don't let the gruesome graphics give you
| nightmares--it's only a game!!! (v2.1)
| Part 1/3 (V2.1) Needs #1BASH2B & #1BASH2C
| These three parts duplicate the large file.
| Young hero Johnny Dash visits the Under
| World of Count Chuck to save his dog, Tex.
| Over 2 Megs compressed graphics (Apogee's
| biggest game yet!). 3 Skill Levels. Joystick
| support, save/restore, on-line hints, etc.
| Full Ad Lib soundtrack and nightmarish Sound
| Blaster digitized effects here to enjoy!
| Two cinematic scenes. Absolutely the most
| animated game Apogee has created to date!
| Don't let the gruesome graphics give you
| nightmares--it's only a game!!! (v2.1)
| Part 2/3 (V2.1) Needs #1BASH2A & #1BASH2C
| These three parts duplicate the large file.
| Young hero Johnny Dash visits the Under
| World of Count Chuck to save his dog, Tex.
| Over 2 Megs compressed graphics (Apogee's
| biggest game yet!). 3 Skill Levels. Joystick
| support, save/restore, on-line hints, etc.
| Full Ad Lib soundtrack and nightmarish Sound
| Blaster digitized effects here to enjoy!
| Two cinematic scenes. Absolutely the most
| animated game Apogee has created to date!
| Don't let the gruesome graphics give you
| nightmares--it's only a game!!! (v2.1)
| Part 3/3 (V2.1) Needs #1BASH2A & #1BASH2B
| These three parts duplicate the large file.
| Young hero Johnny Dash visits the Under
| World of Count Chuck to save his dog, Tex.
| Over 2 Megs compressed graphics (Apogee's
| biggest game yet!). 3 Skill Levels. Joystick
| support, save/restore, on-line hints, etc.
| Full Ad Lib soundtrack and nightmarish Sound
| Blaster digitized effects here to enjoy!
| Two cinematic scenes. Absolutely the most
| animated game Apogee has created to date!
| Don't let the gruesome graphics give you
| nightmares--it's only a game!!! (v2.1)
1BM_PIX.ZIP 126750 05-23-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê BIO MENACE SLIDE SHOW BY APOGEE ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| This is a musical slide show for the new
| game from Apogee Software Productions, Bio
| Menace. This slide show contains 14 hot
| shots from this game. This is another hit
| game by Apogee, which you will enjoy if you
| like our Keen, Duke, Cosmo, & Bash games!
| Check out this cool game coming in June 93!
| This is a musical slide show for the new 3-D
| game from Apogee and Jam, Blake Stone! This
| contains several hot shots from the game.
| These pictures, while exciting, do not even
| dent the surface of the amount of exciting
| graphics in this game! Be one of the first
| to take a look at this hot game coming in
| the Summer of 1993 from Apogee Software and
| Jam Productions!
| ALL-NEW, Mar. 1992. SUPERB EGA/VGA graphics.
| Full-screen wide adventure/action game made
| with SUPERIOR graphics than our Duke Nukum.
| Show-stopping animation! FIRST EVER IBM PC
| theme songs! Help Cosmo rescue his parents
| on a peril-packed planet! 80286+ required!
1CRYSTL.ZIP 220299 10-23-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê CRYSTAL CAVES ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Ultra-smooth, full-screen scrolling EGA
| animation and graphics, like Commander
| Keen. You're Mylo, and you're out to strike
| it rich. Explore an Altarian planet in this
| action-packed arcade roller coaster ride.
| Excellent animation and screen effects.
| Joystick supported. By Apogee. Member SPA.
1DARK.ZIP 187630 02-01-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê DARK AGES ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Great EGA graphics and Ad Lib music make
| this one of Apogee's more popular games.
| In medieval times the powerful wizard Garth
| has overthrown the Kingdom. Can you save
| the Kingdom? A Nintendo-style game with
| ten scrolling levels. Save/restore.
1DUKE.ZIP 275596 11-01-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê DUKE NUKUM ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Save Earth in this amazing EGA super game!
| Over one megabyte of animation and graphics!
| Incredible 360┬░ dual-layered playfields, like
| never before seen on an IBM PC! Builtin hint
| mode, joystick support, arcade sound effects,
| save/restore, etc. This game beats the Sega
| Genesis games--a real show stopper!
1KEEN.ZIP 207931 11-01-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê COMMANDER KEEN ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Five months straight as the number one
| selling shareware program--unprecedented!.
| This vivid EGA game has four-way scrolling
| levels and great arcade action. No other
| IBM game as ever duplicated Nintendo action
| better. You're lost on Mars, battling the
| Vorticons. Dozens of great features.
1KROZ.ZIP 48924 11-10-90 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê KINGDOM OF KROZ ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| The classic adventure/arcade game that
| Apogee first released. This is a 16-color
| CGA game that won a national contest when
| first released. Excellent puzzle-based
| game where you guide an adventurer through
| diabolical maze-like levels. Ingenious
| melding of action and trap-solving.
1MAJR14.ZIP 565907 02-20-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê MAJOR STRYKER v1.4 -- BY APOGEE! ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| Triple parallax scrolling sets this action
| shoot 'em up game apart from any other.
| EGA/VGA graphics, joystick, AdLib & Sound
| Blaster supported. Incredible 3-D illusion
| of depth. Become Earth's greatest hero as
| you repel an alien invasion. Multi-skill
| levels, cinematics, demo, saved games, etc.
1MARS.ZIP 90251 11-10-90 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê MONUMENTS OF MARS ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Rocket to Mars and explore the mysterious
| structures that seem to be built by an
| alien civilization. You must rescue trapped
| NASA astronauts, survive countless hazards,
| and uncover ancient secrets. Great arcade
| action and adventure, with plenty of alien
| surprises. A CGA game with Nintendo-like
1MATH.ZIP 421902 05-08-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê MATH RESCUE -- APOGEE EDU-GAME!! ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| Improved and more feature-packed sequel to
| popular WORD RESCUE (file #1RESCUE.ZIP).
| The Gruzzles are back and stealing all the
| numbers in this funny, adventure filled
| Nintendo-style EGA/VGA multi-scrolling
| learning game. Includes puzzling word-math
| problems and arithmetic. Many, many options.
1MB_PIX.ZIP 143996 05-20-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê MONSTER BASH SLIDE SHOW -- APOGEE ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| This is a musical slide show for the new
| platform game from Apogee and Frank Maddin!
| This game has the most graphics yet in a
| game of this type! Keen and Duke fans will
| love this game. The halloween theme of this
| game will provide hours of fun! Graphics
| from all three episodes of this Apogee game!
1PAGA.ZIP 320625 11-01-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê PAGANITZU ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Indiana Jones look out--here comes Alabama
| Smith! Paganitzu is an epic EGA graphics
| adventure game in a vast Aztec pyramid. Can
| you overcome the amazing puzzles in the many
| perilous chambers. Longest animated ending
| sequence ever in an APOGEE game. Very fun
| game! Joystick supported. Member SPA.
1PTOMB.ZIP 77381 10-23-91 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûê PHARAOH'S TOMB ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| A colorful arcade game full of puzzles,
| prizes and adventure. Journey into a vast
| Egyptian pyramid in search of priceless
| treasure. Excellent run & jump type game
| with smooth animation and great sound
| effects. Reviewed in Computer Gaming
| World as "Superior". Joystick support.
1RESCUE.ZIP 372275 03-18-92 ΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûê WORD RESCUE ΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓûêΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûîΓûêΓûÉΓöé
| Word Rescue is Apogee's first educational
| game, yet is a great challenge for adults,
| too. Tons of EGA/VGA graphics, and it was
| created using our Duke Nukum-style game
| system. Play as a male or a female character
| and explore many fascinating locations as
| you search for all the stolen words. Three
| difficulty levels, auto-save, unlimited
| lives, ADlib Music, Joystick and much more!
1WOLF14.ZIP 727175 01-01-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê WOLFENSTEIN 3-D V1.4 - ID/APOGEE! ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| NEW VERSION 1.4 -- 256 color VGA graphics.
| Fastest 3-D graphics of ANY PC game. Sound
| Blaster effects and Ad Lib music. Graphics
| so real they cause dizziness! Rated PC-13
| due to intense, realistic visual effects.
| Needs 286 or better. Fixes some video
| problems, and adds joystick calibration.
1WOLF_A.ZIP 388130 05-20-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê WOLFENSTEIN 3-D V1.4 - ID/APOGEE! ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| NEW VERSION 1.4 - File 1/2 Needs #1WOLF-B.ZIP
| Fastest 3-D graphics of ANY PC game. Sound
| Blaster effects and Ad Lib music. Graphics
| so real they cause dizziness! Rated PC-13
| due to intense, realistic visual effects.
| Needs 286 or better. Fixes some video
| problems, and adds joystick calibration.
1WOLF_B.ZIP 339490 05-20-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûêΓûê WOLFENSTEIN 3-D V1.4 - ID/APOGEE! ΓûêΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| NEW VERSION 1.4 - File 2/2 Needs #1WOLF-A.ZIP
| Fastest 3-D graphics of ANY PC game. Sound
| Blaster effects and Ad Lib music. Graphics
| so real they cause dizziness! Rated PC-13
| due to intense, realistic visual effects.
| Needs 286 or better. Fixes some video
| problems, and adds joystick calibration.
4KEEN.ZIP 646806 02-01-92 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûê COMMANDER KEEN in "GOODBYE GALAXY" ΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| ALL-NEW! Ground breaking EGA/VGA graphics
| & incredibly smooth animation! Apogee & Id
| Software bring you a brilliant sequel, an
| EPIC adventure with 1.6 MEGs of graphics,
| smooth scrolling levels, Ad Lib music,
| tilted level view, and hilarious action
| sequences! OUTSTANDING GAME! Member SPA.
| ALL-NEW! Finally in CGA graphics, too! Now
| those with CGA graphics can enjoy the epic
| adventures of kid genius, Billy Blaze. Over
| 1.6 MEGs of ultra-smooth, full-screen, high-
| speed graphics & ANIMATION GALORE! Play the
| game that beats all the slow moving animated
| commercial games. Released by Apogee (SPA).
MBPATCH4.ZIP 75731 05-25-93 ΓöéΓöéΓûîΓûê MONSTER BASH PATCH - Version 2.1! ΓûêΓûÉΓöéΓöé
| This is a drop in replacement for the main
| executable file for Monster Bash's shareware
| episode. Please note that this only works
| if you were using version 2.0 of the game.
| If you were using any other version, then
| you must download the full version.
_1BIO11.ZIP 638051 08-24-93 BIO MENACE v1.1 APOGEE'S ACTION HIT! Total
| action, kick butt, Duke Nukem-style,
| shoot-everything-that-moves adventure. As a
| CIA agent, you must rescue Metro City from
| the mutant army of Dr. Mangle. Use several
| high-powered weapons & watch the guts fly!
| Great levels, Ad Lib music & sounds, huge
| boss creatures, stunning variety. GET THIS!
| Developed with Id Software's game engine.
| Secret areas and maneuvers to discover. 286
| required, Joystick support, 3 skills.
| musical slide show for the ground breaking
| game from Apogee Software, "Halloween Harry".
| This game features full screen 256 color VGA
| parallax scrolling graphics, digitized music,
| sound effects, and gameplay only seen on
| cartridge machines. Release date: Late
| September/Oct. 1993.
_1MBLITE.ZIP 527642 07-28-93 MONSTER BASH! "LITE" BY APOGEE! Young hero
| Johnny Dash visits the Under World of Count
| Chuck to save his dog, Tex. Commander Keen &
| Duke Nukum fans will love this ghastly game.
| Kill zombies, skeletons, dismembered hands,
| demons and anything else that gets in your
| way! AdLib & SB support! Apogee does
| Horror.YOU will be scared! Joystick support,
| save games, cinematics, digitized effects,
| killer animation, more! Rave reviews in
| several magazines. This is perhaps Apogee's
| most inventive game yet.
Epic Games
Location of files 002A
_AMATH.ZIP 399653 09-25-92 ADVENTURE MATH: Epic's New Educational Game!
| An excellent shareware learning experience
| from the makers of Jill of the Jungle. Solve
| addition & subtraction problems in 256 snazzy
| VGA colors. Adlib scores, Sound Blaster
| sound effects and voice! Makes learning fun
| for ages 5-10. Epic MegaGames, member ASP.
_BESTZZT.ZIP 151972 07-12-92 Two new ZZT adventures brought to you by
| Epic MegaGames. If you liked ZZT, you'll
| love the 16-color ANSI graphics, tricky
| puzzles, and fun action here!
_BRIX.ZIP 309311 11-26-92 BRIX: New EPIC MEGAGAMES 256-color action
| puzzle game. Featuring 112 levels of mega
| VGA excitement, Sound Blaster music and
| digital sound, and 100% pure FUN! Drive
| yourself nuts with some of the most clever
| puzzles in the universe. Tense, fast
| action but you'll need to keep a cool
| attitude to triumph. It's high quality
| entertainment ASP member Epic MegaGames.
_BRIX12.ZIP 314930 03-24-93 BRIX: A new Epic 256-color action/puzzle game
| Featuring 112 levels of excellent VGA action
| puzzles, Sound Blaster music & digital sound,
| and 100% pure FUN! This new puzzler from
| Epic MegaGames will drive you nuts with some
| of the most clever puzzles in the universe!
| Commercial-quality shareware, member ASP.
| A dazzling fantasy role-playing adventure for
| Windows. Based on Norse mythology, you face
| an incredible and challenging quest as you
| advance to the top level. Great game,
| graphics, online help. Member ASP.
_DARE.ZIP 760820 03-01-93 DARE to DREAM adventure game for Windows
| Γöé Γûá New from Epic MegaGames! Γûá Γöé
| Γöé A Sierra-style graphical adventure game Γöé
| Γöé for Windows 3.0 or later. Guide TYLER Γöé
| Γöé through beautifully-designed scenes and Γöé
| Γöé puzzles in search of a way to escape the Γöé
| Γöé dream... Brilliant, addictive, highly Γöé
| Γöé sophisticated, with an incredible sound Γöé
| Γöé track. A 1993 shareware EPIC release! Γöé
_DARE1.ZIP 760820 03-01-93 DARE to DREAM adventure game for Windows
| Γöé Γûá New from Epic MegaGames! Γûá Γöé
| Γöé A Sierra-style graphical adventure game Γöé
| Γöé for Windows 3.0 or later. Guide TYLER Γöé
| Γöé through beautifully-designed scenes and Γöé
| Γöé puzzles in search of a way to escape the Γöé
| Γöé dream... Brilliant, addictive, highly Γöé
| Γöé sophisticated, with an incredible sound Γöé
| Γöé track. A 1993 shareware EPIC release! Γöé
| Room-shaking sound effects and music for your
| whole family! Requires Sound Blaster card.
| Turn your PC into a drum pad with loads of
| digitized sound effect and background music!
_JILL.ZIP 297431 07-12-92 New 256-color scrolling arcade adventure,
| supports VGA/EGA/CGA/Jys, Sound Blaster. HOT!
| Epic MegaGames brings you a new era in gaming
| with this immense 16-level world featuring
| Super Nintendo-quality animation, effects and
| sound track. Try JILL OF THE JUNGLE now!
_KILO.ZIP 536238 08-13-92 KILOBLASTER 1.0 -- new from EPIC MEGAGAMES
| A superb 256-color VGA animated arcade game,
| 30 levels of fun & wild digitized artwork!
| Supports VGA (also EGA), Jys, and a Megacool
| sound track for the Sound Blaster. The makers
| of Jill of the Jungle have returned to bring
| you even more *excellent* entertainment. Yes,
| those Epic folks are back again, and this new
| game is COOL... No, wait... It's HOT...
_OVERKIL.ZIP 407454 11-19-92 OVERKILL Arcade game from EPIC MEGAGAMES
| -------------------------------------------
| SMOOTH 16-color scrolling action, SB/Adlib
| sound track, and joystick support! You
| arrive at your home planet after a long
| space flight, only to find it has been
| destroyed by a demonic warlike alien race
| that kills for sheer pleasure. IT'S TIME
| FOR REVENGE. Shareware, Member ASP.
| Space Arcade-Adventure game from Epic
| MegaGames! *HOT* thriller -- 256-color
| VGA graphics, SOUND BLASTER musical sound
| track, digital sound effects, Joystick &
| mouse support. You are JAKE STONE, BOUNTY
| HUNTER. You'll take on the galaxy while a
| detailed STORY develops, revealing a
| devious plot. Commercial-quality 1993
| shareware release from EPIC!
| The colorful scrolling sequel to ZZT, with
| loads of new tricks and traps. Can you
| escape all 7 levels of the Monster Zoo?
| Become an official Epic MegaGames release
| point and get in on the newest phenomenon
| in shareware. Download this file for info.
_ZONE66.ZIP 1062550 03-13-93 **ZONE 66** Ultra action 32-bit arcade game
| of mayhem and destruction from EPIC
| 360-degree scrolling. Pilot your fighter
| jet around a massive playfield, leaving
| devastated earth in your wake. Includes
| huge CINEMATIC animated intro & digital
| soundtrack for the SB. Requires 386 or
| better, 2 Megs RAM. [Note: For GRAVIS
| ULTRASOUND support, also get $ZONE66G.ZIP]
_ZONE66G.ZIP 311822 03-13-93 **ZONE 66** Add-on Gravis Ultrasound
| musical sound track for Zone 66. Requires
| Zone 66. [Sysops, if you're downloading
| the game to post on your BBS, please be
| sure to post this one too]
_ZZT.ZIP 130446 07-12-92 ZZT 3.2 from EPIC MEGAGAMES
| Arcade-adventure game with 16-color
| ANSI graphics work on any monitor.
| Explore the Town of ZZT, battle monsters,
| and solve amazingly clever puzzles!
MVP Games
Location of files 003A
1HC.ZIP 169464 03-15-93 Hoosier City arcade game. MVP Software (ASP).
| Intrigue abounds in this engrossing new
| action/adventure game. Track down and
| conquer the formidable dragon to drive the
| fierce invaders from Hoosier City. To do so
| you must explore dangerous underground
| caverns, as well as other places no normal
| mortals dare go, such as the spooky Crypt of
| the Undead. With sparkling EGA graphics and
| original Sound Blaster music & sound effects.
1RAPID.ZIP 110150 03-23-93 Rapid Response tactical war simulation game
| by MVP Software <ASP>. You are the
| commanding general in this graphics war game
| of strategy and tactical troop deployment.
| As you square off against one of the eight
| different opposing generals in the game, you
| discover just how well your military cunning
| stacks up against the real thing. Req 286 or
| better, EGA/VGA; joystick is optional.
1RM2.ZIP 130125 07-10-92 Robomaze II: The Lobby MVP Software (ASP)
| Fast-paced action game selected by PsL
| News as one of the best arcade games of
| 1991. Battle evil robots in your quest
| as a freedom fighter. This is one of
| most popular shareware games ever, with
| over 7,000 copies sold! Colorful hi-res
| graphics on EGA/VGA; also works on CGA.
1ROBO3.ZIP 147408 07-10-92 Robomaze III: The Dome MVP Software (ASP).
| Super-cool arcade/adventure game chosen as
| one of the best new programs of 1991 by PsL
| News. Heart-stopping action; eye-popping
| graphics. This game is so good that it is
| now shipping as a major retail product (under
| a different name, of course)! Explore eerie
| underground strongholds such as Fort Doom &
| the Enclave of the Penguins. REQ 286 OR
1ROBO3C.ZIP 125115 06-27-92 Robomaze III: The Dome
| Copyright 1991 MVP Software
| Super-cool arcade/adventure game
| chosen as one of the best new
| programs for 1991 by PsL News.
| Heart-stopping action; eye-popping
| graphics. THIS GAME REQUIRES A 286
| EGA/VGA version is also available.
BGROUN.ZIP 125157 08-11-92 Battle Ground MVP Software (ASP)
| It's the US vs Germany in this two-player
| graphics WWII ground combat game. Choose
| from over 30 different battle fields.
| This game plays like Risk or other great
| strategy war games. Req CGA.
CC3D34.ZIP 379389 03-19-93 Corncob 3D ver 3.42 by MVP Software (ASP).
| As you hear the scream of KLA homing devices
| that barely miss your wobbling Corsair, you
| know you're in for the fight of your life.
| You check your altitude gauge, then steel
| yourself for another run at the enemy.
| This is part of the action in Corncob 3D,
| the best shareware air combat game ever.
| Req VGA/SVGA and 286 or better. Supports
| AdLib, SB, joystick. Updated version.
MVP.ZIP 5922 03-20-93 This is a text file with complete
| descriptions of all current MVP Software
| shareware titles, including Robomaze II,
| Robomaze III, Sand Storm, Corncob 3D,
| Hoosier City, MVP Paint, Battle Ground,
| and the remarkable Gamebuilder Lite
| graphics game-creation software.
MVPALL1.ZIP 814328 03-23-93 This file includes the following MVP Software
| shareware products: Robomaze II, Robomaze
| III, Battle Ground, Hoosier City, and Rapid
| Response. If you download this file you do
| not need to download the individual files for
| these games.
MVPALL2.ZIP 849704 03-23-93 This file includes the following MVP Software
| shareware products: Sand Storm, Corncob 3D,
| and MVP Paint. If you download this file you
| do not need to download the individual files
| for these products.
MVPP2.ZIP 268134 03-18-93 MVP Paint, VGA graphics workshop by MVP
| Software <ASP>. Many advanced features, such
| as animation, sunbursting, interpolation,
| trending, palette manipulation permitting use
| of 262,144 colors. Created as an in-house
| graphics program by one of the leading
| shareware games developers. Supports EMS,
| XMS, disk-cache; PCX, GIF and VGA file
| formats. Requires 640K, VGA/SVGA, mouse.
SAND21.ZIP 201604 03-21-93 Sand Storm ver 2.1 by MVP Software <ASP>.
| Fire up your mouse for non-stop action in
| this high-octane graphics arcade game.
| Intercept Scud missiles and jet attacks with
| your Patriots; then guide your Tomahawk
| missile through enemy AA fire on a search
| and destroy mission. This is the fully-
| functional shareware version of the popular
| retail game. Includes 20 missions. Req
| VGA/SVGA, mouse.
FS4/AAF Airplanes
Location of files 004A
32_NR.ZIP 24642 05-23-93 Fs4/Aaf Plane: Airbus A320 With Northwestern
| MarkingsΓêÖ
32_QU.ZIP 48909 04-10-93 QANTAS A320 Jetliner designed by AAF for FS4,
| AAF not need to runΓêÖ Game Adjunct
37_AA.ZIP 25369 02-21-93 FS4/AAF Plane: Boing 737 with American
| markings
37_CD.ZIP 49063 04-09-93 Boeing 737-300 in the markings of Delta
| Airlines and another in Continental markings
| designed with AAF for fs4 ΓêÖ Game adjunct.
37_UA.ZIP 52425 04-17-93 This is a SF4 aircraft file with two planes
| includedΓêÖ They are the 737-400 with United
| Airline markings and the Falker 50 also with
| United airline markingsΓêÖ
57_NR.ZIP 24775 05-23-93 Boeing 757 Flight Simulator For Ms Fs-4ΓêÖ
757AA.ZIP 31527 03-01-93 Boeing 757 A/C For Flight Sim.
A6M_ZERO.ZIP 24044 02-18-93 A6M2 Zero "Zeke" Jap WWII fighter for FS4.
AAFT34.ZIP 1725 02-04-93 FS4/AAF airplane: T34 Aeromodel. This
AH1COB.ZIP 27070 01-30-93 Ah-1 Huey Cobra For Fs4/Asd.
APP200.ZIP 213100 03-13-93 FS4/AAF utility: Approach Control v2.0.
| Automatically creates adventure files that
| simulate Air Traffic Control (specifically
| airport approach control) at a user-defined
| airport. No programming necessary. Will
| create the "source code" for the AAF compiler
AUNTJU.ZIP 24442 03-03-93 FS4/AAF Plane: German Junkers 52 WWII
| transport
BA747.ZIP 25733 05-03-93 FS4/AAF Plane: Boing 747-400 in British
| Airways livery
BARON5.ZIP 26254 05-05-93 FS4/AAF airplane: Beech Baron D55ΓêÖ The Baron
| is an excellent aircraft model to fly the AAF
| adventures, approach sim's, etcΓêÖ, because of
| it's stable 130 knot cruise and decent
| slow-speed mannersΓêÖ
BLERIO.ZIP 31362 02-16-93 Fs4/Aaf Airplane: Bleriot Xi-1 Monoplane. A
| Very Fliable Simulation Of The Historic
| Monoplane That Enabled Louis Bleriot To Be
| The First Man To Fly An Heavier-Than-Air
| Craft Accross The English Channel In 1911.
| Includes Sim, Afx And Sc0 Files.
BV141.ZIP 26573 02-12-93 Fs4/Aaf Airplane: Blohm Und Voss Bv141. Who
| Says Aircraft Have To Be Symmetrical?! The
| Blohm Und Voss Aircraft, From Wwii, Was A
| Very Unusual Plane For Its Time.
C130SE.ZIP 31521 01-10-93 AAF/FS4 Plane: C130-SE Hercules
CAHBPIER.ZIP 1670 02-01-93 Fs4 Scenery Area Of New Huntington Beach
CORSAIR.ZIP 23995 02-01-93 F4U Corsair. WWII Navy fighter for FS4.
CP320.ZIP 53571 04-19-93 Canadian Airlines A320 Jetliner designed by
| AAF for FS4ΓêÖAAF not needed very detailedΓêÖ ΓêÖ
C_141.ZIP 28942 05-19-93 C-141 AIRCRAFT SIMULATOR v1 C-141 Aircraft
| For Microsofts Flight Simulator Version 4.
| Pretty Realistic Looking And Handles Like a
| Heavy Aircraft. In Delta Colors... Requirs
| Flight Simulator Version 4 And Aircraft and
| Scenery
DSKLND_1.ZIP 64704 07-30-93 Fantasy scenery for FS4 and A&SD located in
| the Hudson's BayΓêÖ SD-11 may be used in
| conjunctionΓêÖ SEE4 enhanced scenery: fly at
| dusk to see why I call it DusklandΓêÖ
EXTRA300.ZIP 26932 03-21-93 This is an extra 300 acrobatic aircraft
| designed with aaf for fs4. Source included.
F6F_6.ZIP 23874 02-19-93 F6F-6 Hellcat Navy WWII fighter for FS4
FINALA21.ZIP 112399 03-15-93 FS4 or ATP Utility: Approach Plate Designer.
| Design/display/print your own Instrument
| Approach Plates for use with FS4 and ATP.
| LOTS of added features! Reqs Windows 3.1 and
| VBRUN200.DLL. Prints, fully editable, etc.
FS4AC1.ZIP 192605 02-15-93 New AC for FS4 flight sim - B-17, C-130, P-3,
| C-1A, Dash 8.
FS5PR.ZIP 4068 06-07-93 Press release from Microsoft on the new
| Flight Simulator 5ΓêÖ0 and Space Simulator 1ΓêÖ0ΓêÖ
FSSTRUCT.ZIP 44037 01-11-93 MS Flight Simulator Data File Structures -
| text to aid developers.
FUTADV02.ZIP 15597 05-01-93 Futzer Avenue Flight Adventure for the
| Microsoft Flight Simulator v4ΓêÖ0ΓêÖ MUST have
| Aircraft and Adventure Factory to useΓêÖ
J3_CUB.ZIP 32677 03-16-93 Fs4/aaf airplane: piper j-3 cub. Updated and
| improved version of classic 1946 era piper
| j-3 cub.
MAA0B6.ZIP 38609 03-17-93 Fs4/asd scenery: chatham, ma. Chatham muni is
| a small airport at the "elbow" of cape cod,
| mass. This file includes a complete airport
| plus the surrounding town with docks & boats
RECL14.ZIP 30717 06-14-93 Fs4/Aaf Airplane: Lockheed L-14w ElectraΓêÖ
| This Is A Representation Of Lockheed'S
| Airliner Of The 1930'S And 1940'SΓêÖ Many
| Variations Were Built In The L-Series And
| This Is Just One ExampleΓêÖ Twin Tails And
| Powerful Engines, Even A Bomber Version Was
| Built During WwiiΓêÖ
SARASOTA.ZIP 42658 03-28-93 Static and dynamic scenery files for Sarasota
| Florida.
SC1MAP92.ZIP 157658 04-11-93 FS4 utility to map Scenery files for
| locations of navaids, airports, major areas,
| ect.
SEAHAR.ZIP 28382 02-12-93 FS4/AAF airplane: British Aerospace GR1 Sea
| Harrier Vtol Fighter/Bomber, version 3ΓêÖ It
| has improved colours with almost no
| bleedthrough and now the exhaust nozzles
| rotateΓêÖ The low speed handling has been
| improvedΓêÖ Last revision date in archive:
| 02-12-1993ΓêÖ
SU29BH.ZIP 44551 02-24-93 FS4/AAF airplane: Sukhoi SU-29. Single
TWINVO.ZIP 22060 03-20-93 More Fs4 Support Files.
VAMPIR.ZIP 25131 02-20-93 FS4/AAF airplane: de Havilland Vampire. The
_C_130.ZIP 27606 01-10-93 A c-130 transport plane for fs4.
JNSE ( Golf )
Location of files 005A
ATLCC.ZIP 277388 03-07-93 Jack nicklaus signature - atlanta ccΓêÖ
AUGNAT93.ZIP 305957 02-13-93 Augusta National Golf course Home of the
| Masters golf tournament. This course designed
| by the noted designer Lee Ritze for the
| Signature (SE) version of Jack Nicklaus golf
| game.
BREAKSE.ZIP 176649 04-14-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Breakheart Pass.
| (Σ).
BRENTW.ZIP 216373 04-08-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Brentwood gc.
BRNTMILL.ZIP 323262 06-29-93 Jack nicklaus signature - burnt mill run gcΓêÖ
BUCKHAM.ZIP 248229 06-12-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Buchingham's HillsΓêÖ
CEDAR.ZIP 184992 01-22-93 Nicklaus Signature Edition course designed by
| Terry Clark. This is the Cedar Creek GC, a
| municiple in San Antonio TX, designed by
| Fingers and Dye. "I think you'll find it
| unique and challenging! Hope you enjoy!" 25.
CHASTYSE.ZIP 253076 02-20-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Chastity Springs.
| Golf course.
COUNTRSE.ZIP 284611 05-22-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - The Country ClubΓêÖ
CREASNT.ZIP 251120 04-30-93 Jack nicklaus signature - creasant canyonsΓêÖ
CRIVCC.ZIP 120927 03-13-93 Jnug Course- an Imaginary One From Florida.
| Golf
CRNUSTSE.ZIP 219041 07-07-93 Jack nicklaus signature - carnoustie gcΓêÖ
DUNELAND.ZIP 261516 06-04-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Duneland Greens &
| Yacht ClubΓêÖ
EAGLESE.ZIP 142393 05-21-93 jnse golf course
EMERALDI.ZIP 196105 01-27-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Emerald Isle.
ESPERANC.ZIP 223748 06-03-93 A course for jΓêÖnΓêÖ Signature edΓêÖby piΓêÖ
FORESTGL.ZIP 293346 05-22-93 jnse golf course
FORSPARK.ZIP 160761 05-19-93 Jack nicklaus signature - forest parkΓêÖ
FRSTOKSE.ZIP 223527 06-11-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Forest OaksΓêÖ
FURNACE.ZIP 303758 06-10-93 Jack nicklaus signature - furnace springs
| g&ccΓêÖ
GEORGESE.ZIP 268451 07-08-93 Jack nicklaus signature - royal st georgesΓêÖ
HAZELTSE.ZIP 218651 07-04-93 Jack nicklaus signature - hazeltine nat'l gcΓêÖ
HEAVENSE.ZIP 139405 05-30-93 Jack nicklaus signature - heavenwood gcΓêÖ
HIGHMOOR.ZIP 180006 03-10-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - The Royal Highmoor.
JOSHUASE.ZIP 219667 03-27-93 Jack nicklaus signature - joshua valley gc.
| (Σ).
KAPALUSE.ZIP 220188 01-22-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Kapalua-plantation.
LIGHTH.ZIP 195782 05-08-93 Jack nicklaus signature - lighthouse pointΓêÖ
LUQUILLO.ZIP 113521 03-31-93 Jack nicklaus signature - luquillo beach.
MAHOOSUC.ZIP 329219 03-17-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Mahoosuc Ridge.
MGAPACHE.ZIP 336903 03-03-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Apache Hills
| Canyon.
MGBEANE.ZIP 268097 02-25-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Beane Hill Gc.
MGCOMAN.ZIP 267421 03-05-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature-Commanche Highlands.
MGCRESCE.ZIP 237322 02-25-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Crescent Bay
| Resort.
MIDIEVIL.ZIP 143333 07-18-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Midievil Greens.
NAIRNSE.ZIP 238960 02-26-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Nairn.
NIGHTMRE.ZIP 169201 02-01-93 Course for Jack Nicholous Signature Edition
OAKRIDGE.ZIP 167415 04-06-93 Oak Ridge Golf Club, Feeding Hills, MA for
| JNSE. A beautiful rendition by Don Schnur of
| West Hartford CT
PALMDE.ZIP 149954 04-28-93 Palm Dale Desert Oasis Course For Jack
| Nicklaus Golf (New)ΓêÖ
PARTHREE.ZIP 248128 03-04-93 Jack nicklaus signature golf course parthree.
PECANV.ZIP 128250 04-29-93 Jack nicklaus signature - pecan valley gcΓêÖ
PGAWSTSE.ZIP 209913 04-22-93 Jack nicklaus signature - pga west - stadiumΓêÖ
PINEHILL.ZIP 283001 04-20-93 Jack nicklaus signature - pinehill gcΓêÖ
PLANTATN.ZIP 282739 04-01-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Plantation gc.
PORTKE.ZIP 122929 04-26-93 Jack nicklaus signature - port kemblaΓêÖ
REFUGESE.ZIP 221424 04-12-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Refuge.
SAMCATSE.ZIP 167742 04-04-93 JNSE fantasy course. Golf
STILWOOD.ZIP 279104 08-06-93 Jack nicklaus signature - stillwood cc.
SUNSETSE.ZIP 233979 06-24-93 Jack nicklaus signature - sunset valley gcΓêÖ
SWAMPSE.ZIP 173355 03-10-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Cedar Swamp gc.
TEKVILL.ZIP 230641 08-20-93 Tek Village Golf Course Jnse.
TWILIG.ZIP 209831 04-24-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Twilight GolfCourse
VENTURSE.ZIP 273875 03-01-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Ventura Point cc.
WATERTGC.ZIP 73535 03-16-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Watertown gc.
WHEHUB.ZIP 192348 04-17-93 Jack nicklaus signatue - wheel & hub gcΓêÖ
WHISPRSE.ZIP 124721 03-14-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature - Whispering Wind.
WILDWOOD.ZIP 193068 04-04-93 Jack Nicklaus Signature- Wildwood golf course
YOURWO.ZIP 139343 06-03-93 A course for jΓêÖnΓêÖ Signature edΓêÖ By piΓêÖ
ZZT ( Maze's )
Location of files 006A
2NDGAME.ZIP 5152 05-11-93 this is my 2nd game using the zzt editor
| you must rescue a girl and return Γò£Γîáher
| to her mother
| has a strange ending
| version 1.0
COWHEAD.ZIP 20384 05-03-93 this is a zzt ad-on game. you must search and
| find the fountain of youth
| very fun!
| version 1.0
MGMWORLD.ZIP 15406 05-06-93 this is a game made with the zzt editor
| called mgmworld.
| it's very fun!
| version 1.0
STARHECK.ZIP 9934 07-24-93 Add-on ZZT game parodying Star Trek.
ZONE10ZZ.ZIP 78327 03-17-93 ***ZoNe 10 [ZZT]*** NEW By Digital Reality
| Action pack game w/6 levels of FUN. Sound
| Must get $ZZT.ZIP to run. Shareware $5 Reg
ZZTDUN2F.ZIP 45289 02-17-93 Dungeons ][ The Five Golden Coins For Zzt 3.2
| Fun , Tough! By Gregory Janson, Prodigy Id-
| (Check Out Zzt Club!)
ZZT_BUGT.ZIP 26971 02-17-93 Bugtown For Zzt 3.2
| By Gregory Janson...
| My First Game...Not Quite As Good As
| Zzt-3trl Or Zztdun2f...
| Interesting Objects, Fun! Enjoy!
ZZT_CNBL.ZIP 30973 02-17-93 Cannibal Island World For Zzt 3.2
| By Gregory Janson, Good, Just Like All Of
| My Others! Contact Me At Prodigy: Pjtk93b!
ZZT_CRED.ZIP 189833 04-07-93 The COOKIE Factory game to run with ZZT 3.2
| Here as $ZZT.ZIP. Music, sound, graphics, fun
ZZT_MISC.ZIP 786 06-08-93 A wimpy little ZZT toolkit thinghy. Just
| thought I'd U/L it in case anyone is
| interested. -Joe
ZZT_QUES.ZIP 14038 04-18-93 ______________________Quest of
| ZZT!!!!!!!!
| OK graphics. Good for new programmers. My
| very first game.
ZZT_ZAPK.ZIP 26812 02-17-93 ___________zapzak_in_epsilon_nine__________
| -------------------------------------------
| A Zzt Science Fiction Game For Play With
| Epic Megagame'S Zzt V3.2. Guide Zak, The
| Intrepid Human Bounty Hunter,In A Galaxy Of
| Teran Haters, Through The Evil Epsilon Nine
| Jail Station. For Use With Zzt V3.2 Only.
| ----------Not A Stand-Alone Game.----------
| By: Tim Gallagher, Member, Prodigy Zzt Club
_KINGDOM.ZIP 12085 05-07-93 this is a game titled mega-kingdom made with
| the zzt editor. it's fun and hard!
| version1.0
_T2.ZIP 6218 05-11-93 this is a termanator 2 like game made
| using the zzt editor. it's a good game
| that goes along with the movie (sort of)
| and has an interesting ending
| version 1.0┤²
Mah Jongg
Location of files 007A
5TILES93.ZIP 110910 04-15-93 30 new tilesets for Nels Anderson's Mahjongg
| downloaded from Xevious BBS in MAY 1993
ALPHA_MJ.ZIP 5333 04-02-93 MJ TileSet: Designes
APOGTIL.ZIP 9188 05-22-93 Tileset for Nels Anderson's EGA Mahjongg Tile
| Matching game. This is a set based on Apogee
| Software! Covers from Dark Ages to Monster
| Bash! If you're a fan of Nels' Mahjongg
| game, and Apogee Software, this tileset is a
| MUST for you!
APOGTILE.ZIP 8894 05-03-93 A Mahjongg tile set with APOGEE characters on
| the tiles. You will love this one!
BOXNDTMJ.ZIP 2676 03-11-93 MJ TileSet: Lines, boxs, dots, ect
BRIGHTMJ.ZIP 10378 04-21-93 Mj TileSet: bright shapes
CHEM1_MJ.ZIP 4379 04-06-93 CHEM1 Tiles for Mahjongg 4.0 - designed with
| and eye for beauty by a chemist.
COLORTIL.ZIP 1605 05-10-93 A fairly easy .TIL set using colors. Use
| with Nels Anderson's Mahjong
DIAMONMJ.ZIP 2574 03-11-93 Mj Tileset: Diamonds.
DOGSTUFF.ZIP 6658 03-31-93 MJ TileSet: Dog Stuff
DOTSMJ.ZIP 3255 03-11-93 Mj Tileset: Dots Today'S Sets Are New!
EKING_MJ.ZIP 4686 04-17-93 Mah Jong Tile Set - Elvis Presley Third and
| most difficult Set
ELVIS_MJ.ZIP 4802 04-18-93 Mah Jong Tile Set - Elvis Presley created by
| Philippe de Deckere. Reverently done.
EZREADMJ.ZIP 8519 04-20-93 Mj Tileset: Short Consonants For
| YoungreadersΓêÖ
FDINMJ.ZIP 2106 04-20-93 Mj Tileset: Experiments In B&WΓêÖ
FDOUTMJ.ZIP 2048 04-20-93 Mj Tileset: Experiments In B&WΓêÖ
FLOWERMJ.ZIP 9359 02-10-93 MJ TileSet: Flowers
GRAFYXMJ.ZIP 4630 03-11-93 Mj Tileset: Faces.
HELLENES.ZIP 7974 06-12-93 Mah Jongg Tiles: Greek Alphabet/ HellenismΓêÖ
KARATETL.ZIP 5509 05-17-93 Awesome karate tile set for Mah Jongg!
KLNGTI.ZIP 3005 04-18-93 MJ TileSet of the Klingon alphabet (Star
| Trek)
KNOTHOMJ.ZIP 3304 04-20-93 Mj Tileset: Squares, EctΓêÖ
LADYBGMJ.ZIP 2807 03-11-93 Mj Tileset: Ladybugs.
LNGVLSMJ.ZIP 8707 04-19-93 MJ TileSet: Long vowels for young readers
MAHJNG41.ZIP 199158 07-07-93 Mah Jongg v4ΓêÖ1: addictive solitaire gameΓêÖ
| Play with colorful Chinese tiles or design
| your own with the included tile editor
| -hundreds of tile sets available! Best! ASP
| Tournaments, mouse/keyboard playΓêÖ Supports
| EGA, VGA and Hercules graphics systemsΓêÖ
MAYA20MJ.ZIP 1978 06-04-93 Mj Tileset: Mayan Base 20 NumbersΓêÖ
MAYAA_MJ.ZIP 6793 04-15-93 MJ TileSet: Mayan alphabet
MJALTAIL.ZIP 6797 07-16-92 Mj Tileset: Airline Logos On Plane Tails
MJPLCTIL.ZIP 26808 08-18-92 Mahjongg tile set of places. Included in this
| file are sets of Texas, NYC, Korea, Egypt.
| For use with EGA mahjongg.
MJSCRNSV.ZIP 7162 06-11-93 Mah Jongg Tiles: Simulated Screensavers
MJSF.ZIP 8422 01-08-93 Mahjong tile set featuring science fiction
| tiles.
MJTIL48X.ZIP 33109 05-24-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 480-489. Includes many suites of
| symbols, dog things.
MJTIL49X.ZIP 69621 05-24-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 490-499. Includes U.S. state maps,
| illustrated alphabet, fish, flowers, army
| symbols, Christian symbols.
MJTIL50X.ZIP 42494 06-17-93 Mah Jong Tile Sets 500-509ΓêÖ Includes Klingon
| Alphabet, Elvis, Karate, ArmyΓêÖ
MJTIL51X.ZIP 55154 06-17-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 510-519. Includes U.S. states, words
| with illustrations, Mayan alphabet, Apogee
| games.
MJTIL529.ZIP 8157 06-14-93 Mj Tileset: Patterns Emphisizing The ColorΓêÖ
MJTIL52X.ZIP 60026 06-17-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 520-529. Includes toys, trucks, Earth
| Day, Greek letterS.
MJTIL530.ZIP 7875 06-14-93 Mahjongg Tileset: Colorful ShapesΓêÖ
MJTIL531.ZIP 9454 06-14-93 Mj Tileset: Common First NamesΓêÖ
MJTIL532.ZIP 6750 06-14-93 Mj Tileset: Various TrianglesΓêÖ
MJTIL533.ZIP 8114 05-17-93 Mj Tileset: InsectsΓêÖ
MJTIL534.ZIP 9001 04-24-93 Mj Tileset: Trees, Plants, FlowersΓêÖ
MJTIL536.ZIP 4474 05-16-93 Mj Tileset: All Kinds Of HatsΓêÖ
MJTIL537.ZIP 6237 04-19-93 Mj Tileset: New Year ThemeΓêÖ
MJTIL538.ZIP 4571 06-06-93 Mj Tileset: FootwearΓêÖ
MJTIL54X.ZIP 66019 07-06-93 Mah Jongg tile set collection: contains all
| sets 540-549ΓêÖ sci-fi
| movies, alphabet blocks, neck ties,
| Christmas/winterΓêÖ
MJTIL551.ZIP 5649 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Abstract Shapes
MJTIL552.ZIP 8818 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Alien Chars And MacheansΓêÖ
MJTIL553.ZIP 8082 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Animals And SignsΓêÖ
MJTIL554.ZIP 7412 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Crochet PattrnsΓêÖ
MJTIL555.ZIP 3398 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Checkerboard PatternsΓêÖ
MJTIL556.ZIP 6454 06-30-93 Mj Tilest: Things Around The House UnrelatedΓêÖ
MJTIL557.ZIP 6040 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Kids StuffΓêÖ
MJTIL558.ZIP 5152 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: MosaicsΓêÖ
MJTIL559.ZIP 7927 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Visit By AliensΓêÖ
MJTIL560.ZIP 4126 06-30-93 Mj Tileset; Trains And Train CarsΓêÖ
MJTIL561.ZIP 2489 06-30-93 Mj Tileset: Very Difficult PatternsΓêÖ
MJTROPTL.ZIP 23604 12-16-90 Mahjongg tile set with a tropical theme. File
| includes Florida, Bermuda and Fishes. For use
| with EGA mahjongg.
MJVGA30.ZIP 475860 05-13-92 Mahjongg VGA tile game, v 3.0.
MJ_AKBAR.ZIP 6928 05-06-93 Mahjongg Tileset: Colorful 05-06-93 New: ΓêÖ
MJ_APOGE.ZIP 10103 08-23-93 Revised Tile set of Apogee Characters for
| Mahjongg 4.1.
MJ_CARTN.ZIP 21801 05-15-93 Mah Jongg Tileset: Cartoon FunΓêÖ Colorful
| tiles - great to use! This is a new one
MJ_CLR.ZIP 7252 05-30-93 MJ tileset: pretty color tiles
MJ_KID.ZIP 9195 03-14-93 Maj Jong tiles (.TIL) featuring Kids'
MJ_MUSIC.ZIP 6450 07-14-93 Mah Jongg Tile Set: Some Favorite MusiciansΓêÖ
MJ_SF2GM.ZIP 13621 07-01-93 Mj Tileset: Street FighterΓêÖ
MUSHR_MJ.ZIP 7426 02-13-93 MJ TileSet: Mushrooms
NFLLOGOS.ZIP 21149 03-26-93 Nfl Logos For Mah Jongg / Mj Windows. ).
PRESLEYM.ZIP 4619 04-18-93 Mah Jong Tile Set - Elvis Presley Second Set
RENAS_MJ.ZIP 5457 02-22-93 MJ TileSet: Misc pictures
ROBOTSMJ.ZIP 3138 03-11-93 MahJongg TileSet
SHAPESMJ.ZIP 4583 05-30-93 MJ TileSet: colorful shapes
TAJBOTMJ.ZIP 2493 03-11-93 MahJongg TileSet
TFISHEMJ.ZIP 5623 04-12-93 MJ TileSet: Tropical Fish
TOONTILE.ZIP 20542 02-03-93 Mahjongg Tile Set: Cartoon Characters. ).
TOYS_MJ.ZIP 6151 04-20-93 Mj Tileset: All Kinds Of ToysΓêÖ
TRUX_MJ.ZIP 5620 06-04-93 Mj Tileset: All Kinds Of Trucks, 18 Wheelers,
| Pickups, EctΓêÖ
TURKEYMJ.ZIP 6652 04-02-93 MJ TileSet: Thankgiving
USAEAST.ZIP 4907 04-01-93 mahjongg tileset, outline of eastern states
USAWEST.ZIP 4328 04-01-93 mahjongg tileset, outlines of western states
VALEN_MJ.ZIP 7173 04-22-93 Mj Tileset: Valentine'S DayΓêÖ
WHTOUTMJ.ZIP 2041 04-20-93 Mj Tileset: Experiments In B&W
Demo Games
Location of files 008A
CASTLESI.ZIP 438911 07-09-93 Nice demo version of Castles (Windows-game).
COMIX_1.ZIP 735641 03-10-93 Trial version of HYPERCOMIX: "Lance Stone in
| Trouble At the WOZ." Cyperpunk thriller set
| in 21st century.
LSL6DEMO.ZIP 1120293 08-10-93 Local Lamers Limited proudly present .
ROMEDEMO.ZIP 319580 03-11-93 A demo of The Rome game by Maxis.
SAMDEMO.ZIP 893193 05-21-93 Demo of Lucasfilm's upcoming game, Sam and
| Max. Non-playable.
SC2_DEMO.ZIP 1454193 12-14-92 Star Control ][ Demo from Accolade Software.
| Excellent VGA graphics. Supports Soundblaster
| and UltraSound Cards.
STORM0.ZIP 170511 04-27-93 Space Chase 1.13 Fully playable DEMO of soon
| to be released game from Safari Software
| VGA/EGA, 286-16 or higher recommended
WTDEMO.ZIP 130927 08-14-93 A windows demo of the game"Wintrek".
Educational Board Games
Location of files 009A
ANTICX.ZIP 77878 03-31-92 EGA. Mouse supported game. Cross between life
| and othello.
AQUAMAN1.ZIP 133441 03-01-93 AQUA MAN v1.0 Req. EGA/VGA Aqua Man is
| mind-bending game of logic, planning, and
| problem solving. The objective is to push and
| position pipe links so that they connect two
| storage pumps on the game board. Use rocks
| and whirlpools to help you solve each of the
| 20 different puzzles. Aqua Man is a pure
| animated strategy game, that is a must for
| all puzzle lovers! (Σ).
AUMON33.ZIP 92286 12-06-92 Latest Version Of Automatic Monopoly
| (Ver.3.3) From Author.
AUTMON41.ZIP 75101 07-30-93 Automon v4ΓêÖ1: DOS version of Monopoly for PC
| computers w/game logging, free rides, new
| game, mortgage rates, jail cards, house
| auctions & more; 07/30/93; Ron MigneryΓêÖ
B4UGO2.ZIP 25703 04-17-93 An unusual implementation of the ancient
| oriental game GO-MOKU. Features include new
| ASCII graphics characters in text mode.
| Keywords: 19x19 Board game, Strategy game,
| GO-MOKU. Requires color monitor and mouse.
| ASP Author.
BG200.ZIP 50148 07-01-93 BattleGrid is a version of the classic board
| gameΓêÖ Play against the computer or another
| personΓêÖ Watch the computer play itself using
| different strategies.
BTEASER.ZIP 23818 01-07-93 Brain Teaser Board Game, Like "Hi-Q".
CAMP6.ZIP 338861 10-19-92 Game like Risk or Stratego.
CELLS.ZIP 33701 10-23-92 CELLS is a graphical version of Conway's
| LIFE. Watch cells reproduce and move around
| the screen. Great fun! NOTE: VGA and MOUSE
| required!
CHESS88.ZIP 4541 07-11-87 Nice Black and White Chess Games
CHEXO.ZIP 83177 02-18-93 CHEXO v1.0 Req. EGA/VGA & Mouse
| If you like board games of pure strategy
| and logic, then Chexo is for you! The
| objective is similar to Checkers yet with
| added twists. Try to jump and capture your
| opponents chips so that he is left with only
| one on the game board. Chexo provides hours
| of challenging enjoyment and is written in
| beautiful animated EGA/VGA Graphics. Chexo
| is a combination of many board games in one!
CHINCHK.ZIP 197671 11-01-93 chinchk.zip chinese checkers board game
| vga 2-6 plyr mouse required
CONQ18.ZIP 127916 09-06-92 Conquest v. 1.8 by David Burns...Risk-like
| game with new options including demo mode,
| modem capability to play with others over the
| modem lines, greater range of computer
| opponent options, team play...any map ever
| created works in this version.
CONQ20.ZIP 127832 02-08-93 Conquest vΓêÖ2ΓêÖ0ΓêÖ Excellent risk-type gameΓêÖ
CWBSET.ZIP 187677 03-07-93 Civil War game like RiskΓêÖ
DDOM11A.ZIP 36136 09-25-92 Double Dominoes ver 1.1a by "3 Guys
| Software" A 4-sided tile game but played
| differently than dominoes. Features
| include: Graphical online help, various
| levels of difficulty, game screen color
| customization, cheat key (shows next
| possible play), single player vs computer
| only. Registration fee $20. Copyright 1990
| by "3 Guys Software"
DIACHESS.ZIP 120650 07-13-93 Diachess 1ΓêÖ0: Allows You to Record And Print
| Complete Chess Games With A Diagram For Every
| MoveΓêÖ Diachess is Also A Valuable Teaching
| And Study Tool For Serious PlayersΓêÖ Ideal For
| Printing A Permanent Record of Tournament
| GamesΓêÖ Improve Your Play by Studying Your Own
| Games, The Games of Masters, And Standard
| "book" OpeningsΓêÖ Printing Requires an IBM- or
| Epson-Compatible Dot Matrix PrinterΓêÖ
| Shareware ($20ΓêÖ00) From Tnt Software.
ELF11.ZIP 152661 11-22-92 Save the Elves in this wacky kiddie game
EMP20.ZIP 272073 09-10-92 Update of World Empire a risk type game
EURO_GEO.ZIP 163962 03-14-93 "Europe" Geography Game.
FLUX.ZIP 74601 05-11-93 FLUX: v1.0 (Requires VGA/Mouse) This is a
| VERY ADDICTIVE, new strategy board game you
| play against the computer. Once you start
| playing you may not be able to stop! Move
| your pieces to invade and conquer the game
| grid while the computer does the same. Many
| grid sizes and setups. Computer has 3 levels
| of play, can you beat it? Good luck the
| computer is very good. MOONLITE SOFTWARE
| Files: 6 Oldest: 12/31/92 Newest: 5/11/93
| Captian Klondike meets the G.O.R.G. machine
| in an asteriod in Part One: The Seed Ship.
| Over 2 Megs compressed graphics in each part
| of this trilogy! Full Ad Lib soundtrack.
| Support for over 8 different sound cards.
| Story and epilogue sequences. Three skill
| levels. Joystick support, save/restore,
| hints, etc. Requires VGA, 570K RAM, 286 or
| better. Sound card and joystick optional.
| (v1.3)
FLUX11.ZIP 79506 06-03-93 FLUX: v1ΓêÖ1 (Requires VGA/Mouse) This version
| fixes mouse cursor problem some systems
| experiencedΓêÖ This is a VERY ADDICTIVE, new
| strategy board game you play against the
| computerΓêÖ Once you start playing you may not
| be able to stop! Move your pieces to invade
| and conquer the game grid while the computer
| does the sameΓêÖ Many grid sizes and setupsΓêÖ
| Computer has 3 levels of play, can you beat
| it? Good luck the computer is very goodΓêÖ
GETALIFE.ZIP 71379 08-21-93 GETALIFE Version 1.0 This is a new version of
| Conway's "Game of Life" for Microsoft
| Windows. It features file operations for
| loading and saving Life patterns, onscreen
| editing capabilities like those found in
| graphics programs, a complete Help file, and
| dozens of sample patterns.
GLWAR30.ZIP 274821 07-14-93 Global War 3.0 (Rockland Software
| Productions; $20) is a super risk game.
| Features: bitmapped graphics, digital and FM
| sound, navy, air, carriers, airborne, bases,
| supply rules, nukes, reenforecements, multi
| attack, 1-9 player, MORE! Needs 286, VGA, MS
| mouse. Soundblaster compatable card required
| for FM sound. Soundblaster Pro required for
| digital sound.
HICOM.ZIP 369467 07-08-92 High Command -- Like Risk supports VGA
IGO_10.ZIP 254198 07-25-92 Chineese board game with good graphics.
LAZCHESS.ZIP 182551 07-31-92 Lazer Chess - Great CGA/EGA/VGA Chess game
| with a twist. Shoot lazers at your opponent
| instead of jumping them. Also has Sound
| Blaster Pro and Sound Blaster support. The
| best chess game I've ever seen
MASTER1 258855 03-01-93 A Game Of Logic And Deduction. Playing Board
| Consists Of 5-7 Empty Boxes That The Player
| Fills From A Selection Of 5-9 Fruits.
| Duplicates May Be Allowed Or Not. The
| Object Is To Find What Piece Goes In Each
| Position. 3 Reporting Levels. Uses Mouse.
| Great Graphics. Vga 640x480x16. 350k Ram.
MINDLESS.ZIP 34406 05-29-93 Memory Like GameΓêÖ Fast Graphics Ega/VgaΓêÖ
MINODINO.ZIP 84093 11-02-92 Mino Dino (Shareware) 3-D environment created
| using Virtual Reality Studio. Very strange
| and entertaining (children, especially).
NIMZOTXT.ZIP 95388 04-08-93 Over 400 of Aaron Nimzowitsch's games of
| chess.
PCGAM512.ZIP 139675 11-05-92 Best Pc Backgammon game ever.New
| options,Modem play...Must have this!
SEKUNREG.ZIP 140217 11-29-92 Nice seek and find game
SMBINGO.ZIP 52369 12-19-92 Vga Only Bingo Game.
SOLVEIT.ZIP 297428 01-18-92 Solve-it - a very good IQ game
SPEC10A.ZIP 145402 04-18-93 Speculator(tm) - A Game of Land Acquisition.
| A new real estate strategy game that is
| played using maps depicting real and
| imaginary land areas. Requires EGA/VGA
| Fully functional FREEWARE game.
TCLIFE12.ZIP 15016 07-06-92 Game of life--in full color
TORNAK14.ZIP 58959 03-14-93 TORNAKS is a strategy game with action.
| Like checkers, it's easy to learn, but
| hard to master.
TRIBOLO.ZIP 144180 03-14-93 TRIBOLO v1.1 Req. EGA/VGA Mouse
| Optional, This is Soleau Software's
| popular three way Othello game. Each
| board is different, yet instead of one
| opponent, there are two! This is a must for
| all
WRDALIVE.ZIP 365898 04-18-93 Three state of the art games that grab your
| child's attention with colorful, fully
| animated pictures, tunes and speech from
| internal PC speakers.
WRDC11.ZIP 469030 09-06-92 Nice English vocabulary/word game. You'll
| like like it!
Puzzle's / Trivia
Location of files 010A
3DXWD121.ZIP 63528 03-09-93 Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle/Cruiser v1ΓêÖ21:
| three dimensional crossword puzzle for
| MSWindows; req VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 03/09/93; Ivory
| Tower SoftwareΓêÖ
3DXWD123.ZIP 63628 07-08-93 Cyberspace Crossword Puzzle/Cruiser v1ΓêÖ23:
| three dimensional crossword puzzle for
| MSWindows; req VBRUN300ΓêÖDLL; 07/08/93; Ivory
| Tower SoftwareΓêÖ
ACRO23.ZIP 51563 05-25-93 Acrostix v2.3: Word puzzle converts a
ACROSTX.ZIP 46318 05-25-93 Acrostix v2ΓêÖ3 - A word puzzle which converts
| a Quotation or saying into a crossword type
| puzzle which has to be reconstructedΓêÖ The
| program allows you to create puzzles for
| others to playΓêÖ Contains anti-virus self
| checkΓêÖ Requires Color MonitorΓêÖ FreewareΓêÖ
ALPHAMAN.ZIP 101914 10-03-92 ALPHA MAN v1.0 Req. EGA/VGA
| Alphaman.zip Soleau Software has created
| another new fun-filled strategy logic game.
| Use Alpha Man to push your letter blocks
| into the proper places on the game board to
| solve each of the 25 puzzles. The game is
| packed with features and is written in
| beautiful EGA/VGA graphics. Simple to play,
| but not so easy to solve. Alpha Man's a
| puzzler's delight!
ANAGRAM1.ZIP 26348 04-06-93 Anagram Helper v1.0 - short and fast program
| to help you create and solve anagrams.
AQUAMAN.ZIP 133459 03-10-93 AQUAMAN: Mind-bending game of logic planning
| and problem solving. Contains 20 different
| puzzles.
C2.ZIP 60733 08-11-92 This is a rewritten sequel to the puzzle game
| of Cyberbox. Requires EGA/VGA.
CLASSW.ZIP 61324 02-23-92 Fast and powerful word-square puzzle maker.
| Create your own user-defined word puzzles.
CODEBKR1.ZIP 21294 04-14-93 Code Breaker 1ΓêÖ0; clone of MasterMind game
| Challenging puzzle game reqsΓêÖ EGA/VGAΓêÖ
CROSSWRD.ZIP 134398 11-07-92 Crossword games. If you like crossword
| puzzles, this is for you.
CROSW111.ZIP 99913 07-21-93 CrossWords v1.11: MS-Windows puzzle game
| where the object is to guess the theme to the
| crossword puzzle; online help is available;
| 07/21/93; Glen DeBiasa.
CRY_V11.ZIP 46005 02-05-93 Cryptoanalyzer V1.1- This Is A Tool That Will
| Aid The User In Solving Cryptograms. It Will
| Also Allow The User To Create Their Own. This
| Version Allows Users To Encipher And Decipher
| Simple, Railfence, Playfair & Polyalphabetic
| Type Cryptograms. If You Like Cryptograms
| This Program Is A Must Have.
| *** Developed In Ada ***
ENIGMX15.ZIP 222140 04-20-93 ENIGMACROSS v1.4 ASP - Solve and construct
| real acrostic puzzles. ENIGMACROSS features a
| colorful mouse-driven graphical interface,
| animated selection buttons, on-screen help
| and sound effects. Puzzles can be printed out
| in a variety of styles with standard acrostic
| numbering added automatically. This package
| includes 8 professionally made acrostics.
| ENIGMACROSS is written by Sam Bellotto Jr.,
| author of the CROSSDOWN puzzle software.
FUNQUIZ.ZIP 93284 02-27-93 Funquiz Is A General Knowledge Trivia Game
| With many Diverse Categories
HB1SPUZZ.ZIP 338952 04-21-93 HEAD BANGER #1 Sliding Puzzle Game: Great VGA
| game uses mouse and SoundBlaster
IWS101.ZIP 37388 03-17-93 Interactive Word Search v1.01s for word
| search game <adjunct>
KRYP23.ZIP 40289 05-25-93 Krypto v2ΓêÖ3: Word puzzle converts a quotation
| into a kryptogram which you decodeΓêÖ Both of
| the above are learning tools, not games,
| right?
LHEXICON.ZIP 115121 05-18-93 Lhexicon 0.3: Become the master of a high-
| strategy word game. Place letters to form
| words which may be straight, staggered, etc
| Single-player version. $ 15 reg Mindgames
MRM_1.ZIP 507344 03-14-93 Merlin - Riddle Master NEW By Digital Reality
| many brain twister riddles within Merlins
| Threshold. Can you solve Merlins FiNAL
| Riddle? Γûá Supports: EGA/Sound Blaster/PC
NRMAZE.ZIP 61856 01-15-93 A logical puzzle game.
OXYD34.ZIP 939737 12-31-92 Oxyd is a challenge in creativity, hand and
| mind coordination. Using the mouse, a black
| marble is guided through elaborate mazes.
| Intricate puzzles, magic objects and tokens,
| deadly traps and the multitude of surfaces
| encountered make Oxyd a fascinating journey.
OXYD_37.ZIP 1092239 02-09-93 Oxyd is a challenge in exploration and dis-
| covery with puzzles, mazes, friction, gravity
| velocity, gravity, electricity, magnetism,
| lasers, prisms and many other aspects of the
| physical world. Using the mouse, a marble is
| guided through the Oxyd landscapes. You may
| even play Oxyd by modem. EGA/VGA v3.7 for PC
PBUSTR32.ZIP 418082 07-27-92 Puzzle Buster v3.2 shareware version -
| Creates & solves crossword puzzles
PUZX.ZIP 297924 09-08-92 Puzsvg: Supervga Puzzle -- Version03 --
| Stunning Images From Around The World In
| Supervga Color! The Ultimate Puzzle Game.
PZL8_103.ZIP 16083 05-24-93 Puzzle-8 v1ΓêÖ03: computerized version of the
| well-known 8 tile puzzle; 05/24/93; Eric
| Bergman-Terrell/Pocket-Sized SoftwareΓêÖ
PZLR.ZIP 235815 03-10-92 Helps solve word puzzles like
| crossword, anagrams, etc
QM40.ZIP 146643 08-15-92 Quiz Master Construction Set 4.0! Design your
| own multiple choice question and answer games
| with this good program. It's very easy to use
| and builds really professionally looking
| tests for your professional use or just for
| fun! Examples included (Geographics quiz and
| test about traffic rules).
QUATO.ZIP 243149 03-01-93 QUATO v1.1 - reqs EGA/VGA and hard disk
| Soleau stratey puzzle word game -
| very entertaining for all ages!
QUOTRS10.ZIP 78697 04-16-93 Quote-Tris - Tetris-style word game. Fun!
ROBIX.ZIP 92042 11-20-92 ROBIX v1.0 Requires EGA/VGA Robix is another
| logic puzzle game from Soleau Software. The
| objective of this pure strategy game is to
| get your colored blocks to the bottom of the
| game board by pushing entire rows either
| left or right. You can play Robix against
| the computer or a friend. Written in
| beautiful EGA/VGA graphics, it is both
| addictive and challenging for all ages!
RROVER2.ZIP 174489 05-25-93 Intricate puzzles and schemes game -
| very challenging! and colorful.
SOKOSW.ZIP 109587 08-26-93 VGA version of SOKOBAN - a move the blocks
| type puzzle - with new addtions and
| refinements.
SUJU.ZIP 26951 03-26-90 Word Jumble game
TEXTTRIS.ZIP 98439 08-20-92 TextTris v1.0 - new game by Acumen Software
| VGA only with Adlib/Soundblaster support
| like commerical game WordTris, but it has
| many more user-selectable options. Great fun
VGAWHE19.ZIP 104530 02-22-93 VGAWHEEL vΓêÖ1ΓêÖ90 ASP - A "Wheel of Fortune"
| hangman type word game requiring VGA, and
| mouse optionalΓêÖ Features: colorful wheel, 1-3
| players, 5 rounds, 1000 puzzles, a sound
| on/off toggle option, a high score table for
| the top 10 WHEELERS, and an editor to
| add/delete/modify puzzlesΓêÖ Registered users
| ($10 UΓêÖSΓêÖ Funds) receive the author's
| database of over 12,000 puzzlesΓêÖ
WF200.ZIP 153106 09-11-92 Word Puzzle Guessing Game v2.00
| for 1-5 players EGA/VGA.
WSC25.ZIP 122302 04-02-93 Word Search Creator 2.5 Word Puzzle Editor
WSC30A.ZIP 106188 06-11-93 Word Search Creator 3ΓêÖ0 EGA/VGA Word Puzzle
| EditorΓêÖ
WSP10.ZIP 47886 06-30-93 Word Search Puzzle GeneratorΓêÖ Up to 30 wordsΓêÖ
| Can use spaces in entriesΓêÖ Plain or fancy
| printout on Epson & IBM compatible printersΓêÖ
WSS114.ZIP 77038 06-19-93 Word Search and Scramble (WSS) v1ΓêÖ14: word
| search puzzle and word scramble (jumble)
| generator; also provides a powerful text
| editor that you can use to create and edit
| the word lists required by WSS; designed as
| an aid in teaching vocabulary skills;
| 06/19/93; QED SoftwareΓêÖ
WTLW.ZIP 27504 04-07-93 Logic and Deduction Word Game like Mastermind
_PUZZLES.ZIP 733574 03-01-93 Good selection of mind puzzles! good!!
Hints / Ect.
Location of files 011A
1X_PAK.ZIP 191486 05-05-93 Game cheats and alterations for "X-WING" all
| in a menu format.
386TIP.ZIP 115902 07-21-93 Almost 50 recorded rounds for Links 386/Pro.
| All scores under 50 on various courses. Text
| file explaining how to achieve scores like
| this.
AARON_X.ZIP 384 03-20-93 Ace Commander Pilot For Lucasarts' X-Wing
| Space Combat Simulator...Makes A Good Wingie
| For All The Tough Missions! ; -) ).
AL041193.ZIP 19569 04-13-93 American League statistics for Week 1 to be
| run into STATMAN Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball.
| Includes Rosters and Eligible lists.
ALNEDRK.ZIP 1934 03-09-93 Alone in the Dark listing of objects and page
ALONSLVE.ZIP 5216 02-28-93 Solve for Alone in the Dark 1993 by Interplay
ALON_CHT.ZIP 29830 08-20-93 Alone in the Dark save game cheat. Free for
| distribution!
ANDROPO2.ZIP 7300 04-25-93 Battles of Destiny custom mapΓêÖ Game adjunct.
BASHAN.ZIP 820 08-26-93 Hi Mr. Anderson! My name is Andrew Chan and
| this lake, Bashan Lake, is a lake found in
| central Connecticut. I hope that you, and
| other users of the Xevious BBS enjoy this
| lake!
BASHCHT.ZIP 9732 04-28-93 Cheat For Monster BashΓêÖ Game adjunct
BASHSAVE.ZIP 5937 04-12-93 Save games for every level of Apogee's game
| "Monster Bash" -- also includes some icons I
| captured so you can decorate your desktop
BASHTRNR.ZIP 12911 04-13-93 Monster Bash Trainer And Cheater
BASH_CHT.ZIP 36574 04-14-93 Cheat for the game Monster Bash.
BC031493.ZIP 6366 03-14-93 Links386 pro recorded games from barton cree.
BM1_WLK.ZIP 4798 08-11-93 Bio-Menace Episode #1 Walk-Thru.
BTECHT.ZIP 4563 10-22-90 Cheat for BATTLE TECH.
BTMA120.ZIP 88755 01-13-93 Battletech Map Editor. Vga Graphics. Design
| Your Own Battletech Maps. Mouse Capable.
BTMA130.ZIP 101499 05-23-93 BiF Presents... presents the newest version
| of his Battletech map editor. This time, a
| map printer is included. The maps are
| printed using graphics, not text, so you can
| easily use them immediatly for playing a
| Battletech session. Requires VGA and a mouse
C2LEVELS.ZIP 10233 02-16-93 5 User Developed Levels For The Great Puzzle
| Game Cyberbox Ii Found On This Board Under
| The Name C2.Zip.
C5WALK.ZIP 4023 04-18-93 Walkthrough for Challenge of the Five Realms
CATAGOD.ZIP 14768 12-01-92 The Catacomb Abyss - Saved Game Editor!
| Give Yourself Full Health, Curing Potions,
| Zappers, Xterminators, Keys And Gems! A Must
| For All Players Of The Catacomb Abyss By
| Gamer'S Edge.
CHRHAC22.ZIP 71020 02-24-93 A Nifty Little Tool For Nh3.1 (Nethack), It
| Allows You To Edit All The Character
| Graphics To Your Liking, Incl. Monsters!
| Vga Is Required. Shareware.
CHRHAC23.ZIP 74138 03-28-93 New version of CHRHACK v.2.3. This will let
| you edit the character sets in NETHACK 3.1.1
| for the DOS version requires VGA too.
CIVCHEA1.ZIP 10812 01-12-93 Cheat File For Civilization.
COMANCHT.ZIP 22329 03-04-93 Maximum Overkill Cheat & Mission Editor.
DARESOLV.ZIP 1195 03-16-93 A complete solution to Dare To Dream by EPIC
DDD_P2ED.ZIP 25083 02-01-93 The Populous ][ Save Game Editory Deluxe 1.03
DOGFTTRN.ZIP 4419 05-28-93 Trainer for MicroProse's DOG FIGHT 1993 game
DOTTSOLV.ZIP 9619 06-21-93 Day of the tentacle Walky-thru.
DRAFT93.ZIP 4497 04-27-93 '93 NFL Draft file-useful for updating Front
| Page Sports football teams
DRKSUPER.ZIP 14512 04-17-93 Darkland Fans, Tired Of Taking Hours To Build
| Up Strong Characters. Here'S A Solution.
DSBIOHNT.ZIP 5139 08-11-93 Bio Menace v1.0 Hintbook. Game Adjunct.
DUKESET2.ZIP 29751 03-30-93 New worlds to use with Duke Nukem. Adjunct.
DUNE2_T2.ZIP 9891 12-09-93 Trainer for DUNE II - game adjunct
DWEOB3CH.ZIP 11295 04-28-93 [ EOB ] [Character Editor] Game adjunct
ELPLBOUN.ZIP 92288 08-17-93 Links386 Pro tournament played at Bountiful
| by ELPL members. Includes recs and
| leaderboard.
ELPLHARB.ZIP 81468 08-10-93 Our First Links386 Pro Tournament Played At
| Harbour Town By Members Of The ElplΓêÖ Contains
| Recs And LeaderboardΓêÖ 07-16-93ΓêÖ08-11-93 New:ΓêÖ
| Last revision date in archive: 08-10-1993ΓêÖ
ENFORCER.ZIP 390 03-16-93 This Is The Best Pilot I Have Found For The
| Game "X-Wing" By Lucas Arts Inc.
EOB3HNT.ZIP 8014 05-08-93 Hints for Eye of the Beholder, Game Adjunct
EOB3MA.ZIP 240443 05-30-93 Maps, helps, and hints for eye of the
| Beholder iii.
EXECBAL2.ZIP 5814 03-12-93 Execball fantasy baseball players lists.
| game adjunct
EX_EOB3.ZIP 3854 04-25-93 Character Editor for Eye of the Beholder 3.
EX_SOLAR.ZIP 6166 03-07-93 Gives You Unlimited Shields/Lasers/Missles
| For SolarWinds...
F15IRAQ.ZIP 85699 02-07-93 Maps For F15iii Iraq Scenario. ).
F15REF.ZIP 2031 04-25-93 F15 Strike Eagle III Keyboard Commands Ref.
F86_SHOW.EXE 22964 04-08-93 Airshow film recordes from Chuck Yeager Air
| Combat Simulator
FALUNDOC.ZIP 455 01-04-93 undocumented commands in Falcon 3.0(+) by
| Spectrum Holobyte
FBTRAIN2.ZIP 4979 04-25-93 Cheat for Flashback. Game adjunct.
FPEDIT40.ZIP 138065 01-12-93 Front page sports editor 4.0
| for fps football by dynamix.
FPEDIT5N.ZIP 190581 02-13-93 Team/Player Editor For Fps: Football. Direct
| Player Trades, Scouting, Etc. New Jersey
| Colors And The Ability to Change Potential
| Stats. V5 Now Shareware.
FPSFPR.ZIP 15251 08-16-93 Release notes for Sierra's Pro Football
| Deluxe.
FPSPLAN6.ZIP 168873 03-18-93 400 Pro And College Plays Off And Def For
| Front Page New Football. Game adjunct
FRPFAQ.ZIP 38824 07-08-93 A TXT file with facts about fantasy role
| playing.
FSLV_TZU.ZIP 40083 04-21-93 ProudlyPresents TZU QWIK-SOLVE(tm) for Freddy
| Pharkas Frontier Pharmacist. Game adjunct
GG_SEGAG.ZIP 33339 05-19-93 All the newest codes for the Game Genie game
| enhancer for use with the Sega Genesis
GOB2SLV.ZIP 7511 04-30-93 Solve for Goblins 2
GOD.ZIP 181 03-30-93 Spear Of Destiny Godmode Cheat Text.
GT3X30.ZIP 101017 02-05-93 Gametools v3.0: Edit Games
GWT_UNT.ZIP 8684 05-06-93 UNTOUCHABLES GateWorld "The Seed Ship"
| Interactive 5 option trainer .
HB1993.ZIP 398265 05-12-93 1993 Rosters for Hardball IIIΓêÖ Updated May
| 1993 for all AL/NL RostersΓêÖ
HB3_LOGO.ZIP 21037 05-08-93 Hardball II -ΓêÖLgd File With Correct Logos For
| All 26 Major League TeamsΓêÖ Expansion Teams
| Are Not IncludedΓêÖ
HT033093.ZIP 7878 03-31-93 Links386 Pro Foursome from Harbour Town
| I was basically playing for 2nd
HT051993.ZIP 18658 04-24-93 Links386 Pro tournament recs from Harbour
| Town.
HT052393.ZIP 7468 05-24-93 Links386 Pro foursome at Harbour Town
INCAHNTS.ZIP 5085 03-27-93 INCA Hints - Game adjunct.
JETCARL1.ZIP 2967 04-14-93 10 New Jetpack Levels for the Jetpack
| Maniacs. These Levels Were Made With the New
| Version of Jetpack. Registered Users Only.
JETLEVS.ZIP 4742 03-21-93 Levels For Jetpack Created With The Built In
| Editor... Very Dificult! ). Game adjunct
JETLV000.ZIP 4908 04-08-93 More Levels For Jetpack (Tm)1! 13 Awesome
JETLV001.ZIP 1620 04-08-93 More Levels For Jetpack (Tm)1! 5 Simple
| Levels: Iceworld, Nowhere To Run, Red Roof
| Inn, Rocket Maze, And Tables. ).
K5HNT.ZIP 7776 08-27-93 Total Walkthru for Kings Quest 5. Last
| revision date in archive: 08-27-1993.
K6HNT.ZIP 9237 08-27-93 Total Walkthru for Kings Quest 6. Last
| revision date in archive: 08-27-1993.
KENFIX.ZIP 10909 03-29-93 Partial fix for graphics problems in Ken's
| Labyrinth. Game adjunct.
| your save games to give you keys, weapons,
| lightnings, coins, a compass, etc.
KYRTIP.ZIP 3753 03-04-93 Fables And Fiends: The Legend Of Kyrandia
| Tips By: The Loose Goose.
LEM2TRNR.ZIP 13468 03-23-93 Lemmings ][: The Tribes Trainer
LEM2_CHT.ZIP 1204 07-27-93 My Favourite game Lemmings 2 - The Tribe
| Cheat. GET IT.
LETHLCOD.ZIP 2561 05-26-93 Level codes for levels 1 - 4, ect for Lethal
| Weapon 1992/3 IBM game
LOMT_UNT.ZIP 9080 05-06-93 UNTOUCHABLES Legend of Myra Interactive 10
| option trainer . Game Adjunct.
LOOMCHT.ZIP 12094 11-05-90 Cht for loom by lucasfilm inc.
LOTTATRX.ZIP 18730 03-21-93 A bunch of tracks for Sunts.
| I mean Stunts.
LUKE.ZIP 375 03-14-93 This Is Yet Another Character Pilot For The
| Best Space Flight Simulator "X-Wing" By Lucas
| Arts Inc. ).
MARTSOLV.ZIP 36675 05-26-93 Really good solve/hints for Martian Dreams
MB02BCHT.ZIP 63177 04-12-93 Cheat information [Rev B] for Monster Bash
| v1.02, including god and warp modes!
MB11BCHT.ZIP 63746 04-26-93 Cheat information [Rev B] for Monster Bash
| v1.1, including god and warp modes!
MB20CHT.ZIP 62756 05-11-93 Cheat Information for Monster Bash v2.0,
| including god, warp and JUMP modes!
MBT_UNT.ZIP 8838 05-06-93 UNTOUCHABLES Monster Bash Interactive 4
| option trainer .
ME109SHW.EXE 19112 04-09-93 A film fron Chuck yeager's Air Combat
| simulator.
MECHGAME.ZIP 657 04-29-93 This is a saved game for FASA's MECHWARRIOR.
| It gives you 4 BattleMasters with really good
| pilots. Game adjunct
MHWINGS.ZIP 301295 03-20-93 Add in mod files for x-wing commander
MIG15SHW.EXE 40516 04-09-93 A film fron Chuck Yeager's Air Combat sim
MK053193.ZIP 9231 05-31-93 Links386 Pro foursome at Mauna Kea
MKTIPS.ZIP 11535 02-19-93 Hint files for the arcade game Mortal Kombat.
MMANAGE1.ZIP 60166 04-13-93 XManager is a ship, pilot, and environment
| 12itor for X-Wing. Customize your ship,
| modify your pilot file, and change colors of
| lasers, starts, and space environment.
MYWOLF01.ZIP 17534 04-28-93 10 New Levels To Wolfenstein 3dΓêÖ Shareware
| Version Only! 05-04-93 Update V1ΓêÖ3
NL041193.ZIP 19517 04-13-93 National League statistics for Week 1 to be
| run into STATMAN Fantasy/Rotisserie Baseball.
| Includes rosters and eligible lists.
P51S.EXE 33651 04-09-93 a mission film from Chuck yeager's Air Combat
| simulator
P51SHOW.EXE 31636 04-09-93 A film from Chuck Yeager's Air COmbat
| simulator
PAC10.ZIP 17330 07-30-93 92 PAC-10 teams for Front Page Sports
| Football.
PAGA1FAQ.ZIP 1942 04-29-93 FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) on the
| Paganitzu game. Hints on how to get through
| levels and where some secret things are.
PEWALK.ZIP 42907 01-17-93 Planet's Edge Game Hints/SolutionΓêÖ Provides
| detailed Weapon/Armor/Item infoΓêÖ Solves the
| Mineral ProblemΓêÖ Give you all the info you
| need to win the game without ruining the funΓêÖ
PE_XWTRN.ZIP 8191 03-07-93 Another trainer for X-Wing fighter
PH040193.ZIP 7801 04-02-93 Links386 Pro foursome from Pinehurst
| My best score to date on this course
PH053193.ZIP 18991 05-20-93 Links386 Pro recs from Pinehurst
PH060193.ZIP 7523 06-02-93 Links386 Pro foursome at Pinehurst.
| All red round for Fast Eddy
PHAB0493.ZIP 2454 04-19-93 LINKS386 player for Pinehurst. Golf
PHANWALK.ZIP 3755 08-14-93 Walkthrough For Return Of The Phantom993 By
| Microprose 08-14-93 New: .
POP2TRN.ZIP 22163 05-07-93 Trainer for Populous II Allows you to change
| energy levels during a game and other nice
| things! Game adjunct.
POP2_SAV.ZIP 357 05-26-93 Save Games File for Prince of Persia 2 Levels
| 1 Thru 14 - Alt-l during games gets it
POPLEV.ZIP 6453 05-20-93 Populous II level jumper. Game adjunct
PP2T_TDT.ZIP 18978 05-18-93 The Dream Team/Proudly /P R E S E N T S
PWHINT8.ZIP 45588 05-23-93 Hints/tips for Pacific War 1992/3 SSI WWII
| wargame a must read for all owners of game.
REV8_11.ZIP 3736 07-28-91 Awesome reviews for games by death shadow and
| lord toth. - dated 8/11/93.
RINGWSLV.ZIP 11079 02-08-93 Ring World Solve. Game adjunct
RUNSHT.ZIP 5504 04-19-93 This is a game plan for front page sports
| football. Is is based on the run and shoot
| concept.
RWEBART1.ZIP 2209 04-25-93 Links386 Pro recorded player for Barton Creek
| course.Burned it up pretty good for a usual
| 1-3 handicapper! Golf
RWEVANS.ZIP 2355 04-03-93 This is recorded player for Links386-Pro. An
| Average player,not 32 under par!
S101HINT.ZIP 3385 10-17-92 Hint text file for Spellcasting 101 - not
| enough hints to ruin the game, but enough to
| make it possible to win.
SAKOPY.ZIP 879 08-28-93 Sakopy River is a river for BassTour/Bass
| Class.
SC.HLP 4917 05-02-93 Strike Commander Install Help from Origin.
| Answers some questions that may arise during
| the install and gameplay. Downloaded from
| Compuserve.
SCOM.TXT 15711 05-02-93 Thinking about buying Strike Commander? Read
| this file before you do...it may give you
| some insight on whether this game is for you.
| It is defintely software made for a new
| hardware plateau (486 MINIMUM!)
SEGATIP2.ZIP 32197 05-01-93 SegaTips v1.2 Includes 130+ diff games
| including the new X-MEN.
SIEGEHNT.ZIP 5124 04-26-93 Siege Hints,Downloaded off Prodigy Game Hint
| Section,Gives Each Race Attributes.
SIMCTYS.ZIP 29257 02-02-93 A collection of good cities for SimCity.
SIMC_EDT.ZIP 30391 08-21-93 SimCity Savegame Editor [1/1].
SISHUTT.ZIP 35531 02-28-93 Stunt Island SET: land the space shuttle
SODBLST2.ZIP 47237 06-21-93 21 New Levels For Spear Of Destiny!
| Commercial Game Required. Fixes Sodblast.Zip
| Level 18 Blast Brothers Charlotte Nc
| 05-26-93.06-21-93 New: .
SODGOD.ZIP 1950 01-31-93 Spear of Destiny Cheat Sheet - God Mode, etc.
SODMAPWP.ZIP 85534 08-23-93 All maps for Spear of Destiny in WordPerfect
| format.
SOLCHT.ZIP 240 03-13-93 The Hidden Cheat Code To Solar Winds!
SQ5HNT.ZIP 8832 03-07-93 Space Quest V Hints From Sierra Bbs.
STEPHAN.ZIP 9539 03-31-93 A City For Simcity, Has $ 2 Billion.
STONAGE.ZIP 951 06-03-93 STONEAGE level codesΓêÖ Can't get past a hard
| level? Try these password codes they will
| help you get to the next levelΓêÖ Free from
STP1.ZIP 8412 03-23-93 Pack of Tracks For Stunts.
STRCCODS.ZIP 377 05-28-93 answers to MOST (about 80%) of the Strike
| Commander Install copy protect questions
STRCHELP.ZIP 2271 05-28-93 Strike Commander 1993 Origin game technical
| help file covers workarounds and solutions to
| many problems above and beyond the docs.
| from Origin tech support
STRIKE01.ZIP 253867 02-09-93 Strike Commander: Preview Screen Shots (11)
| Eleven Gif Files From The Upcoming Strike
| Commander Flight Simulator From Origin;
| From Internet Via America On-Line.
STUNTRAX.ZIP 1082 03-06-93 Stuntrax - the premier in custom race trax
| for Broderbund's "Stunts". These were
| created with the track editor. These first 2
| in a series of "MAJOR" tracks. One of these
| is fairly difficult, and 4 minutes long or
| so. The other takes 6+ minutes to complete.
| Try 'em out! UL By Author.
STUNTT.ZIP 27302 04-03-93 Some Stunts Tracks, Vcr Files, And Docs.
| Great If You Have The Popular Game Stunts. ).
SWOTLIVE.ZIP 38023 04-13-93 SWOTLIVE will restore a killed pilot in the
| Lucas Secret Weapons Of The Luftwaffe game.
SWOTL_8.ZIP 6666 02-24-93 SWOTL custom missions
SYNDCHT.ZIP 9273 08-27-93 A cheat file for Electronic Art's Syndicate
| game. It edits your saved games to give you 2
| billion dollars!
T7GHINT.ZIP 1702 06-03-93 Unlucky 13 Hints/Solves for the Seventh Guest
T7G_HINT.ZIP 9189 06-12-93 T7G HINTΓêÖZIP Various hints from the Virgin
| Games BBS for puzzles in The Seventh Guest CD
| ROM GameΓêÖ
T7G_SOL.ZIP 20076 06-06-93 7th Guest hintsΓêÖ Text file to explain/helpΓêÖ
TIMWALK.ZIP 18124 05-14-93 Walkthru for all levels of The Incredible
| Machine. Game adjunct
TN040693.ZIP 7460 04-06-93 Links386 Pro foursome at Troon North
| Good competition from everyone
TP040493.ZIP 7555 04-05-93 Links386 Pro foursome at Torrey Pines
W3DMAPWP.ZIP 231638 08-20-93 Maps for all 6 episodes of Wolfenstein in
| WordPerfect format.Very Nice!
WGH3TDT.ZIP 2415 03-13-93 Quick Reference Sheet For Wayne Gretzky
| Hockey. Game adjunct.
WM50.ZIP 38863 05-07-93 Spear of Destiny AND Wolfenstein Map EditorΓêÖ
| This is a limited versionΓêÖ Please registerΓêÖ
WOLFSTUF.ZIP 177631 08-21-93 Wolfenstein 3-D Stuff. Sound Editor, Graphics
| Editor, Mapeditor v4.1 and More Maps!
XCHEAT2.ZIP 10319 02-26-93 UPDATED Working Cheat for all Missions of
| X-Wing.... Game adjunct
XCONTROL.ZIP 1277 04-24-93 X-Wing Fighter Control Chart
| Restore dead or captured pilots, award rank,
| medals, battle patches at will. Increase a
| pilot's skill level. View all cut scenes.86
XEDIT12C.ZIP 43915 03-26-93 This is an editor for Lucas's X-Wing Fighter
| It will allows you to change your skill
| level, award yourself medals, etc.
XEDITOR.ZIP 7860 04-24-93 A program to edit X-wing pilots. Award battle
| patches, medals, rank, etc. Version 1. Only
| program like it!
XMISSION.ZIP 9579 02-25-93 This will change each Mission in the four
| Tours of X-Wing.
XP106.ZIP 60777 08-20-93 XWING PRO Editor V1.06 - Edits Pilot's,
| Missions, Ships & Much More. Very Easy to use
| interface. Many Options. U/l by Author.
XPLT10.ZIP 60789 05-12-93 XW-PLT 1ΓêÖ0 allows you to edit all aspects of
| X-wing pilot files, including rank, skill,
| medals, victories, etcΓêÖ Generate summaries
| for pilotsΓêÖ
XWED10.ZIP 43911 04-14-93 XWEDIT is a mission and pilot file editor.
| game adjunct for X-Wing
XWINGKB.ZIP 7960 05-17-93 Finally! All X-WING keyboard functions in
| TEXT form.
XWNG_PAT.ZIP 28626 04-19-93 Patch for X-Wing sounds.
XWOFFSET.ZIP 1448 03-25-93 X-wing pilot file offsets for those who wish
| to modify or create their own wingmen.
| Requires a disk editor similar to norton.
XWR11.ZIP 10949 03-23-93 X-Wing Resurrector V1.1. Revives dead pilots
| without any loss of TOD scores and ranks.
XWSAV.ZIP 32158 03-18-93 X-wing pilot file editor.
XWT3OPS.ZIP 2602 03-07-93 X-wing wingman files. Fourteen pilot files
| that allow you to see the death star.
XWTIP.ZIP 16165 03-12-93 Tips, hints for X-WING. Includes a General!
XWTIPS.ZIP 16166 05-17-93 General tips for playing XWING as well as
| specific tips for getting through the tough
| missions. It also contains a TOPACE pilot,ETC
XWTRAIN.ZIP 10200 03-16-93 Trainer for X-Wing fighter
Z66CHT.ZIP 5194 03-14-93 ZONE 66 CHEAT PROGRAM. Give your Bomber lots
| of energy, payload, etc. Game adjunct,
ZK033193.ZIP 8517 04-01-93 Links386 Pro foursome from Mauna Kea
| Lost on 1st hole of Sudden Death
ZORKSOL.ZIP 1280 08-26-93 Points for zork and/or dungeon text game.
ZORTRUNT.ZIP 5174 03-20-93 Trainer 2+ for Zool
__ZAP200.ZIP 31114 03-26-93 Now You Can Cheat In Major Stryker,
| Catacomb Abyss, Cosmo, Wolf3d0, Commander
| Keen 1, Commander Keen 4, Keen Dreams, Secret
| Agent, Crystal Caves, Sim ).
RPG'S /D & D /Strategy
Location of files 012A
ADVADD_D.ZIP 155457 02-01-93 Advanced Adventurers. Character generator
| for AD&D. Very flexible. Game adjunct.
CATABYSS.ZIP 809313 11-20-92 THE CATACOMB ABYSS in 3-D! A captivating
| tale of wizards & fantasy trips into other
| dimensions. You've been called upon to
| perform feats of magic & courage against your
| arch-rival, Nemesis. You'll discover a myriad
| of bizzare creatures and places as you embark
| on an unforgettable adventure into the wild
| world of the Abyss. Definitely among the best
| 3-D graphics available anywhere! Sys.Req.:
| 286 or better, 640K, EGA or better. GAMER'S
CLRX.ZIP 106034 08-19-93 Color Cross 1.0 is a unique, abstract, and
| kinetic two-player color strategy game in
| which the objective is to freeze (immobilize)
| all of your opponent's pieces. Requires 8086
| series CPU, 300 KB free RAM, VGA color
| graphics, Microsoft-compatible mouse, and
| DOS-resident driver. Shareware ($20) from
| Gene Brown/Cold Water Software.
DANIS.EXE 44688 05-29-93 DANI Squares - a Shareware strategy game
| reqs 256k memory, any graphics. $5 Register
DMA11A_A.ZIP 305440 01-18-93 Dungeon Master Assistant 1.1, this is a
| utility for all dungeon master wanting to
| create a set of players in less than 15
| minutes ! You'll need a 286+, mouse, 2 megs
| of HD at least, 500k ram conventional, 1 meg
| expanded recomended. Support 2nd edition
| rules. Nice piece of shareware 1/3
DMA11A_B.ZIP 292395 01-18-93 Dungeon Master Assistant 1.1, this is an
| utility for all dungeon master wanting to
| create a set of players in less of 15 minutes
| You'll need 286+, mouse, 2 megs of HD at
| least, 500 k ram conventional, 1 meg expanded
| recomended. Support 2nd edition rules. 2/3
DMA11A_C.ZIP 364932 01-18-93 Dungeon Master Assistant 1.1, this is an
| utility for all dungeon master wanting to
| create a set of players for his AD&D campaign
| in less than 15 minutes ! You'll need 286+,
| mouse, 2 megs of HD, 500 k ram conventional
| and 1 meg expanded recomended. Don't forget
| the two others files. 3/3
DNDGEN10.ZIP 36955 06-04-93 Dndgen- an ad&d character generator for dm'sΓêÖ
| Last revision date in archive: 06-04-1993ΓêÖ
DRAGONC.ZIP 13079 04-21-93 Dragon Creator Designed With Visual Basic For
| Use With Fantasy Role Playing Games. Allows
| Coice of Color, Age, And Has The Ability to
| Print. Very Good.
D_DMAKE.ZIP 45282 04-08-93 D&DMAKE is a very complete utility for
| generating characters for the D&D (trademark
| of TSR, Inc.) game. It has many features,
| including saving to "character files".
FW_ANC20.ZIP 374642 08-24-92 ANCIENTS I V2.0: THE DEATHWATCH The
| Deathwatch is a 3-dimensional fantasy
| role-playing game. It takes place in the city
| of Locklaven. Characters explore the city,
| visiting many of the shops, and finally
| entering the dungeon. A number of quests must
| be solved in order for the characters to
| complete the game.
ME060393.ZIP 602003 06-03-93 Mystic Earth Roleplaying Game in DART Format,
| updated and revised as of 6/3/93. Includes
| new magic traditions and updated learning
| rules for spells. This extensive game is
| Shareware ($15) Roleplaying in the year 2002
| in an alternative Earth where Magic works.
| Needs D10's for character generation & play.
MECH101.ZIP 659284 09-29-92 Combat game between 12 meter high robots.
| Based on the Fasa board game MechWarrior.
MON.ZIP 63924 03-26-93 d&d monster database and generator
| and random encounter table generator
| Includes all relevent data and generates all
| relevent data For Use w/AD&D - game adjunct.
OE042993.ZIP 681773 04-29-93 Oerth RPG latest update of this roleplaying
| game (Not software) in dart format.
PHAGE2.ZIP 142088 06-08-93 Phage Fight 2ΓêÖ0, VGA Strategy gameΓêÖ UL by
| authorΓêÖ A bit like othello, but yet a
| different game totallyΓêÖ Requires VGA, will
| support a Sound Blaster and mouse if you have
| themΓêÖ Enjoy!
QUEST2.ZIP 150747 02-28-93 Sword Quest 2,Ver 1.0,Ega or better.
| A fantasy roll-playing game based in a
| world of dragons,knights and magic,The
| player controls a character who is whisked
| from his/her own world into another where
| he/her is charged with freeing the land of
| the evil dragon king.
SHADOW_D.ZIP 441941 06-14-93 Shadow KeepΓêÖ A Might & Magic 1 person Type
| CloneΓêÖ By Magic Lemon SoftwareΓêÖ Kbrd,Mouse,
| SoundBoardΓêÖ A Very Nice Role Playing GameΓêÖ
| This 3D world allows you to battle monsters,
| gather treasureΓêÖ Your mission is of cource to
| explore the surrounding areas and at all
| times be on the defense of predator'sΓêÖ A save
| game feature is includedΓêÖ Quite well doneΓêÖ
| Place archive in dir of choice and select itΓêÖ
| Is self extractingΓêÖ
TACT529.ZIP 351900 01-17-93 Tactical v5.29 Star Fleet Battles Simulator.
| Based on FASA's Star Trek RPG. Allows combat
| with up to 30 ships at once. One or two
| player. Full-featured. Shareware. $25 reg
Card Games
Location of files 013A
3MONT101.ZIP 36627 01-30-93 3 CARD MONTE - Version 1.01 (C)1992,1993
| Three Card MONTE is a variation of hide
| the pea under the walnut shell. In this
| game, the computer has two black cards
| and a red card. The object is for the
| player to pick the RED card. As the game
| dealer, the computer is tough to beat.
| Original VIP Software.
CRAZY8S.ZIP 122062 10-31-92 Crazy Eights V1.0 Released October 1992
| Addictive card game with high resolution VGA
| graphics. Cards are amazingly detailed!
| Supports Adlib/Sound Blaster/Mouse
CRIBBG12.ZIP 79362 06-25-93 Cribbage v1ΓêÖ2: card game that requires EGA/
| VGA/MDA/ATT/3270/Hercules graphics system and
| supports mouse/keyboard; 06/25/93; David AΓêÖ
| Teach/Universal SoftwareΓêÖ
DBLP101.ZIP 141733 02-10-93 Doubles Pinochle Version 1.01 Play
| Double-Pack Pinochle on Your Computer.
DOSPADES.ZIP 57335 02-01-93 Nice Card Game Of Spades For DOS
DPIN100.ZIP 141770 02-04-93 Doubles Pinochle Version 1.00
| Play Double-Pack Pinochle On Your
| Computer. Choose Partner And Opponents
| From 9 Computer Players. Saves Your
| Record Versus Each Computer Player.
| You May Modify The Rules. 6 Cardbacks.
| Ega Or Better And 510,000 Free Ram
| Required.
EUCHRE17.ZIP 136907 06-08-93 E U C H R E v1ΓêÖ7 256-color VGA graphics, more
| bitmapped animation than before, configurable
| settings, sound, and special key-combo
| additions to enhance your viewing pleasure!
| This is the best Euchre game out anywhere!
GINRUM42.ZIP 90998 06-25-93 Gin Rummy v4ΓêÖ2: card game that requires EGA/
| VGA/MDA/ATT/3270/Hercules graphics system and
| supports mouse/keyboard; 06/25/93; David AΓêÖ
| Teach/Universal SoftwareΓêÖ
HRT65.ZIP 79810 10-16-92 Newest version of 'Hearts' from the author
KENO10R.ZIP 67745 01-19-93 Keno Royale EGA/VGA 286 Excellent Play! By
| Software Delight- Author Norm SailerΓêÖ Two
| Play Modes-Casino And State Lottery Many More
| Features Than Other Keno Games For The
| ComputerΓêÖ Aids Beginning PlayerΓêÖ Seasoned
| Players - Try Out Your Systems or ExpeRIMEnt
| With New OnesΓêÖ Registered Versions Keep Track
| of All Number Draws And Games PlayedΓêÖ Analyze
| `hot Numbers'ΓêÖ Requires A 286 Microprocessor
| or BetterΓêÖ
KINGCORN.ZIP 387226 05-27-93 King's Corner card game. Play and win by
| filling in the grids with cards.
KOSYNK11.ZIP 68854 12-06-92 Kosynka'S An Ega/Vga Card Solitaire
| Game Similar To Klondike But Played With Two
| Decks Of Cards Arranged In 9 Or 10 Columns.
| The Stock Pile Is Only Gone Through Twice,
| One Card At A Time. Very Beautiful "Russian"
| Face Cards. Written By Sergey Ryzhkov Of
| Moscow, Russian, Distributed By Everett
| Kaser, $15. 5
KOSYNKA.ZIP 69126 05-31-92 Solitaire game, known in Russia as "
| KOSYNKA", it's a very nice game for one to
| play.
KPSKENO.ZIP 59815 08-14-92 Keno machine simulator for CGA
MATCH120.ZIP 139764 03-23-93 Concentration! The Mind Boggling Game!
MINHATO.ZIP 88453 06-02-92 Minhato is a Korean card game similar to Go
| Fish. Played against the computer. VGA
| required. Mouse supported but not required.
ONO.ZIP 63754 01-07-93 UNO card game: VGA w/mouse support
SOLON1.ZIP 105860 11-06-92 Solon Solitaire v1.0. Three solitaire games
| in one! Get more games when you register!
| Lots of fun, very addicting. Easy to use;
| choose your game from a menu, learn how to
| play from the help files.
SP104.ZIP 144871 10-21-92 SIMPLE PLEASURES 1.04: A six-pack of
| sensational solitaires. Six thoroughly
| addictive new card games in one feature-
| packed program. Public Brand Software
| rates it "best in it's class"! Requires
| EGA or VGA and a mouse.  
SP105.ZIP 153175 03-01-93 Simple Pleasures 1.05 Major Upgrade! Two New
| Games! Now Contains Eight of The Best
| Graphical Solitaires in One Addictive
| Package. Requires EGA or VGA And A Mouse.
SS104.ZIP 342833 10-21-92 SOLITAIRE SUITE 1.04: A popular collection
| of seven highly addictive graphical card
| games: Calculation, Concentration, Idiot's
| Delight, Midnight Oil, Monte Carlo,
| Osmosis,  and Royal Cotillion. Stunning
| graphics and  an elegant, easy-to-use
| interface. Requires  EGA or VGA and a mouse.
THIEVES.ZIP 55267 06-11-92 Thieves & Kings is a solitaire like game.
| Fill in a 16 card grid. Two can play.
UNO4DOS.ZIP 20064 08-01-92 A UNO game for dos.
Arcade Games
Location of files 014A
1MSTFALL.ZIP 308654 05-18-93 One Must Fall v1.0 Game for VGA/Soundblaster
| Freeware version- arcade animation and sound
AQUAN135.ZIP 149233 04-03-93 Aquanoid ver 1.35. A decent 'break-out' style
| game from Germany with a twist.
AQUANOID.ZIP 84664 07-17-92 This is a shareware arkanoid clone from
| Germany. VGA, very good, but hard.
BALLOONZ.ZIP 151289 01-03-93 Balloonz! v1.0 by Adrian B. Danieli 1993
| VGA required, SoundBlaster supported Two
| action\arcade games in one! Pop balloons
| while flying thru deadly star fields, and
| blow your opponent a way with your puff gun
| in game 2.
| Help Construction Bob as he bounces and
| bounces to make items for the Bouncing
| Factory! Features excellent VGA graphics,
| 50 exciting levels of non-stop bouncing
| action, and great sounds! It features a PG
| mode (not for the faint of heart!) and a G
| mode (for kids and faint of heart!)
| Requires VGA, and a high-speed PC
BOMBS11.ZIP 51953 06-15-93 Bomb Squad v1ΓêÖ1: game where your job is to
| make the playing field safe for humanity by
| marking the location of each hidden bomb you
| find; req mouse; 06/15/93; Brian McKiernan/
| Emerald City SoftwareΓêÖ
BUMPFLT.ARJ 359787 02-07-93 Bumpys arcade fantasy. With Sound
CLYDE1.ZIP 179506 10-14-92 Version 2.00 by Moonlite Software
| Clyde requires 512k free memory, ega or vga
| graphics and at least a 10mhz machine.
| Clyde does support ad lib or soundblaster,
| but if you do not have either it will work
| with a PC speaker but will not run the music.
| Arcade style graphics, nice game.
CNX12SHR.ZIP 123479 11-11-92 Connex v1.2 - Shareware game
CRUSH.ARJ 120786 02-07-93 Crusher-fun and addictive game
DDAN11.ZIP 108433 01-29-92 Digger Dan v1.1 EGA game similar to Lode
| Runner. Comes with level editor. Recommend
| 286 or faster
DEFNDR.ZIP 38089 01-02-93 Defend, a game for DOS. A DEFENDER DELUXE
| clone without the stargates.
DUEL100.ZIP 71160 06-16-93 Duel v1ΓêÖ00: two-player game in which each
| player tries to kill the other; players move
| their characters around a maze filled w/ropes
| traps, teleporters and moving sidewalks,
| attempting to shoot the other player; each
| player gets a set amount of Health & grenades
| a gun & an infinite amount of bullets w/which
| to acomplish the task; 06/16/93; Matt EbelΓêÖ
EARTH11B.ZIP 143293 06-01-93 Earth Invasion is a space fight game in which
| you are a Yanchooz fighter pilotΓêÖ Your job is
| to lead the attack on the planet earthΓêÖ You
| must accomplish 10 missions of fast action
| space dogfightsΓêÖ You will have to face many
| human fighters and capital shipsΓêÖ It feature
| great EGA high resolution graphicΓêÖ
EARTH11D.ZIP 179227 07-11-93 Earth Invasion Is A Space Fight Game With Air
| Combat Missions. It Feature Great Ega High
| Resolution Graphics/ 11-09-92.07-11-93 New: .
EARTHINV.ZIP 124004 12-31-92 Earth Invasion, Scrolling Space Fighter
| Game You Are Fighter Pilot Trying To Defeat
| Earth'S Forces.
ECPLAY40.ZIP 97042 06-18-93 Space Arcade Game (Requires Mouse)
ELECBODY.ZIP 684563 06-15-92 Nice arcade game from Poland - an alien
| search & destory game. CGA/VGA,
| Soundblaster. Run set-up program to set
| options. F10 exits.
FELIX.ZIP 210196 05-18-92 An arcade game - not bad
GALAC13A.ZIP 807149 10-14-92 Galactix v1.3a =============================
| The newest version of an excellent shareware
| game! The Xidus fleets are invading, and you
| are the last ship left to save Earth! This
| version features new ray-traces, new
| digitized sounds, new graphics, and an
| enhanced soundtrack. VGA/MCGA Required
| SoundBlaster/Adlib support! NOW HAS STEREO
| SUPPORT FOR SB PRO ** BBS 1-(508) 343-8848 **
GALACTA1.ZIP 166250 12-19-92 Galacta I - The Battle For Saturn
| Ega/Vga.
GIG.ZIP 77094 02-05-93 Arcade Style Game Not Bad. ).
GOTCHA20.ZIP 63277 06-03-93 Gotcha v2ΓêÖ0: arcade-style VGA game where the
| object is to move around the screen
| completing three sides of a box and not being
| hit by the meanies; 06/03/93; Don HerringΓêÖ
GOTCHA22.ZIP 64040 07-09-93 Gotcha v2ΓêÖ2: arcade-style VGA game where the
| object is to move around the screen
| completing three sides of a box and not being
| hit by the meanies; 07/09/93; Don HerringΓêÖ
GRAVWAR2.ZIP 69857 08-15-92 A good, basic game. 2 space ships shoot at
| each other. Their missles are affected by
| the gravitational pull of nearby planets.
| Requires color VGA.
GRVTN101.ZIP 84320 10-27-92 Gravity - Vector Based VGA Game Space
| Shootup type game
HELL13.ZIP 39659 06-01-93 ELEVATORS FROM HELL arcade game; needs ega;
| escape psychotic guard in deserted building
| using elevators: the guard also knows how to
| use the elevators!
HERO.ZIP 155950 01-24-93 Hero'S Heart1, High Quality Graphics Game Of
| Logic From Everett Kaser, Author Of Snarf,
| Solitile, And Sherlock The Game Of Logic.
| Similar To Boulderdash And Pc Wanderer, The
| Hero Must Navigate Super Mousetrap
| ArrangeMents Of Objects To Collect All Of The
| Hearts And Exit The Level. Includes Level
| Editor. Shareware: $15 or $20 (Delue Gold)
HWITZ090.ZIP 164635 07-04-93 HOWITZER, v0ΓêÖ90beta(7/04/93) by Randall
| Spangler (rspangle@microΓêÖcaltechΓêÖedu)
| -Multiplayer artillery combat simulatorΓêÖ 386
| , mouse, 800x600x256 Super-VGA requiredΓêÖ
| Supports EMSΓêÖ Many types of ammo, shields,
| computer tanksΓêÖ Shareware ($10 - maybe less)ΓêÖ
JUMPJET.ZIP 105273 05-16-93 shoot'em game with spaceship
JUMPMAN.ZIP 238360 12-29-92 Try to jump man from level to level without
| getting hit
KAEON.ZIP 318298 02-13-92 A nice VGA, 256-color arcade game!
| Supports Adlib (good soundtrack).
LUNLNDR.ZIP 7485 05-22-93 Another lunar lander game, compiled from
| quickbasiΓêÖ
MEANMINI.ZIP 62189 03-02-93 Minigolf A Simple But Good Minigolf Game.
| Play 18 Holes Of Golf With Obstacles Such
| As... Sand, Water, Moving Holes, Etc. A Fun
| Distraction From Time To Time.
MEGA.ZIP 669454 12-17-92 Battle Mech/Modem playable
METEORTS.ZIP 46115 01-02-93 Meteor, a game for DOS. Similar to LUNAR
| one.
MICRO2.ZIP 36391 03-11-92 Fun arcade game- uses mirrors and lazers
MX7_10.ZIP 58001 05-09-93 MX7 v1ΓêÖ0: "wall-pushing" style arcade game
| with VGA graphics & AdLib or PC speaker sound
| support; 3 stages of play; 05/09/93; Jean-Guy
| LavalleΓêÖ
NOVA20.ZIP 71983 08-13-92 Flight simulator combat game. Requires VGA.
NUBB12.ZIP 34856 07-05-93 NUBB: Place the pipes in the correct place on
| the grid, and stop the water from
| overflowing! Mouse supported, but not neededΓêÖ
| CGA or betterΓêÖ
NUKEM112.ZIP 38407 05-29-93 Nukem v1ΓêÖ12: game of Anti-Missile-Missile;
| operate AMM bases and intercept enemy
| incoming missiles to defend your cities; req
| VGA; 05/29/93; Takeshi InoueΓêÖ
NVWAR21C.ZIP 103795 04-20-93 Naval Warfare V2.1c. Sort of a Super
| Battleship game with Recon. Planes, Bombers,
| AA-Guns, even ICBMs. Requires EGA/Mouse. This
| game requires more than just luck to win.
OILCAP6.ZIP 102942 01-01-93 OILCAP v6ΓêÖ0 ReqΓêÖ EGA/VGA & Mouse Oilcap pits
| you against the clock as you try to contain
| the gushing oil.
ONEFALL.ZIP 308775 06-16-93 ΓòôΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉ> One Must Fall v1.0 <ΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòÉΓòû
| Γòæ VGA/Soundblaster. If you like Street Γòæ
| Γòæ Fighter, Mortal Combat, or Time Killers, Γòæ
| Γòæ welcome to the new generation of Fight Γòæ
| Γòæ games. This is a preview of a game Γòæ
| Γòæ system in development. Arcade animation Γòæ
| Γòæ and realistic sounds. Two player, or Γòæ
| Γòæ fight the computer. This version is Γòæ
| Γòæ FREEWARE!!! New from Diversions Ent. Γòæ
| Γòæ Game released May 18, 1993 Γòæ
ORBWARS.ZIP 90336 08-24-92 An outer space combat game for one or two
| players. Supports VGA (and maybe EGA) Have
| FUN!
PACKRAT.ZIP 56898 02-15-93 256 Color Full Scrolling Arcade Game
| Inexpensive Shareware Game Similar To
| Nintendo Style Games.
PARNOID.ZIP 32379 04-24-93 Arkanoid style gameΓêÖ
PATCOM.ZIP 422101 07-11-92 Missile Command-type game with VGA graphics
| and terrific backgrounds. This is a must
| have!
PHYLOX.ZIP 332542 05-09-93 PHYLOX - Great new VGA game from Great
| Britain. Get ready for the battle of your
| life in a strange new world of mind-blowing
| graphic action. Armed with a jetpack, a gun
| and a handful o grenades, you must wipe out
| the mutant insects in the underground tunnels
| and caverns, and defeat he diabolical PHYLOX
| before they take over the world. Great 256
| color VGA graphics. REQUIRES 286+, 640k, hard
| disk.
PROTEC10.ZIP 94499 06-18-93 PROTEC v1ΓêÖ0: pinball arcade game (IBM/VGA);
| 06/18/93; Wilfried LottermoserΓêÖ
QAT.ZIP 65201 12-29-92 Qat is a very fun and addictive game where
| you drop chips down a chute and try to get
| four in a row while tring to block your
| opponent. This version also features a
| challanging computer player for a skillfull
| one plyer game. Requires EGA.
RICOCHET.ZIP 47385 06-12-93 Ricochet is an action packed arcade game that
| calls for you to blow up all guns of the
| opposite color from yours; 06/12/93; Rob
| CaubleΓêÖ
ROX.ZIP 104330 04-29-93 Asteroids program for DOS.
RUNOFF21.ZIP 84718 06-06-92 Run race/guide the racers (sortta like
| volcano)
SANDSTRM.ZIP 210590 10-01-92 SandStorm VGA arcade game... defend American
| installations from Iraqi missiles and planes
SCOR12.ZIP 199632 11-09-92 Scorched Earth v1.2: 256 color VGA
| artillery game that allows up to 10 players
| to blow each other to bits. Tons of
| configurable options including weapons,
| defense mechanisms, weather, economics, etc.
| Can also be played by one person against
| various computer foes. VGA Required.
SCRCH123.ZIP 200767 01-11-93 Scorched Earth V1.2: 256 Color Vga Artillery
| Game That Allows Up To 10 Players To Blow
| Each Other To Bits. Tons Of Configurable
| Options Including Weapons, Defense Mechanisms
| Weather, Economics, Etc. Can Also Be Played
| By One Person Against Various Computer Foes.
| Vga Required. Shareware By Wendell Hicken.
SCUD2_10.ZIP 163940 06-22-93 Scud Atak 2 v1ΓêÖ0: game where you command
| missile defense posts protecting your city
| buildings against incoming scud missiles
| which attack each hour; requires VGA and
| mouse; supports Ad-Lib compatible FM music
| card for background music, Soundblaster
| compatible DSP board for DMA digitized
| speech, Disney Sound Source for digitized
| speech; 06/22/93; David Lee PetersonΓêÖ
SD11.ZIP 529389 02-07-93 STELLAR DEFENSE v1.1 Space Arcade Game
| 256 VGA Graphics! You're a Lagarian Star
| Fighter ina desperate fight to save your
| galaxy from the relentless onslaught of the
| Yarian invaders. Pilot your ship in a free
| movement spectrum out-maneuvering your
| opponents in a series of Yarian conflicts by
| dodging raytraced asteroids and your
| opponents attacks. <ASP> From Giant Toad
| Software & Shareable Software International.
SFII.ZIP 110917 05-03-92 STICK FIGHTER II by Gary Shaw. A martial
| arts type game with various kick/punch
| commands. Plays like Street Fighter II only
| with stick figures. Characters like those
| in SFII only with different names. Ability
| to construct new characters. Sound Blaster
| support. PUBLIC DOMAIN.
SGOOSE.ZIP 85946 11-21-92 Star Goose is a great shoot-em-up game that
| is very addicting.
SNAKE.ZIP 82280 05-12-93 Snake-Snap,An ega-vga arcade type game.
| 5-levels of caves to explore,
| Exellent graphics,and loads of fun.
| Keyboard and pc-speaker sound.
SNARF.ARJ 62995 02-07-93 A great arcade game. C source code included.
SP.ZIP 78415 04-11-93 space pizza game...like paperboy.
SPEXP1.ZIP 264798 07-19-93 Space Explorer, a spaceship-landing gameΓêÖ
SPILOT1.ZIP 76917 08-12-93 Space Pilot is a 256-color VGA action/arcade
| game w/7 different levels (add'l level
| available in commercial version); 08/12/93;
| Yosemite Software.
SPTANK10.ZIP 16199 06-03-92 SuperTank another version of classic tank
| battle, new methods of scoringΓêÖ ΓêÖ
SQUARE12.ZIP 66316 09-21-92 Another tetris-like game. Create squares.
SRTRS300.ZIP 299854 12-18-92 Super Retriss 3.0!! Vga256c/Sound
| Blaster... Much Better Than The Already Great
| Super Retriss 2.01. Includes Zone Designer,
| Several Block Designs... A Must Have!!
STARFR.ZIP 149202 01-03-93 Starfire 1.2 Is An All-Action
| Arcade-Quality "Shoot-Em-Up." An Evil Alien
| Race Has Sent A Number Of Huge Invasion Ships
| Toward Earth, Carrying Weapons Capable Of
| Destroying Entire Planets. Features 256-Color
| Vga Graphics, Sound Card, Mouse, And Joystick
| Support, And Hours Of Entertainment. Requires
| Vga And 286, 386, Or 486. Shareware (Aud$20)
| From Silver Lightning Software.
STELLAR2.ZIP 421120 05-20-93 STELLAR DEFENSE II ALL NEW Space Arcade Game
| 256 VGA Graphics! You're a Lagarian Star
| Fighter in a desperate fight to save your
| galaxy from the relentless onslaught of the
| Yarian invaders. Pilot your ship in a free
| movement spectrum out-maneuvering your
| opponents in a series of Yarian conflicts by
| dodging raytraced asteroids and your
STWICKET.ZIP 86768 08-11-92 Play cricket...for the Angliophiles...
TANK.ZIP 173735 03-26-93 Multiple player Tank game. Wipe out your
| other players before they wipe you out
THREADS.ZIP 107736 04-14-92 Similar to the old arcade game Missle command
| but with a few added twists. EGA/VGA
TUROID.ZIP 85602 08-27-93 TUROID - - - - New ball-paddle game, but
| different and more fun. Turoid is full of
| features including bonus shoot'em up levels,
| up to 64 balls, two lazers, high score table,
| full-width display, on-line help, an
| intuitive Level Editor, and much more all in
| smooth 60 fps VGA animation. Adlib support.
| 286 or higher, VGA, and mouse required.
| Shareware.
VLEAPER.ZIP 26368 03-09-93 Leaper is a frog-jumping arcade game; move
| Leaper the frog across the road & river w/out
| getting him run over or letting him fall in
| the river; req VGA; 03/09/93; Lee ChapelΓêÖ
WALLPIPE.ZIP 114225 05-01-93 WALL PIPE v1.0 Req. EGA/VGA & Mouse Wall Pipe
| pits you against the clock as you try to keep
| water flowing from a Well - strategy game.
WARP100.ZIP 232816 02-02-93 WARP SPACE V1.00 - SPACE SHOOT EM UP GAME 2
| player modem to modem space shoot em up. Must
| have EGA/VGA display and Hayes compatible
| modem. Good for Trekkies
WARTANK.ZIP 87032 06-17-93 War-Tank vΓêÖ 1ΓêÖ3b, 2 player, tank vsΓêÖ Tank
| gameΓêÖ Great action, and competition! Sareware
| $5 (or more)ΓêÖ
XXIV.ZIP 63291 06-05-93 XXIV is a "falling blocks" arcade game
| similar to the Russian import; requires VGA ;
| 06/05/93; Mark AmbachtsheerΓêÖ
_011HAVO.ZIP 38231 06-01-93 ELECTRON HAVOC arcade game; needs vga; shoot
| opponent through deflecting gravity fields;
| for one or two playersΓêÖ
_011HORR.ZIP 58933 05-31-93 ENDLESS HORROR arcade game; needs ega; parody
| of Street Fighter-type games; spar with
| mutants: knock their heads off or get slimed!
_BIPBOP2.ZIP 156510 01-29-93 BipBop II ...NEW from S&M Software!
| An incredible new VGA game from S&M Software,
| featuring:
| * 256-color graphics and art!
| * real time 3D rotation effects!
| * raytraced game pieces
| * hypnotically flowing backdrops!
| BipBop II is the BEST arcade game in the
| whole entire UNIVERSE, or so says the
| programmer. VGA or MCGA and 512k required.
_SCV16.ZIP 283496 10-07-92 Stelcon 2469 V1.6 (A Must See!) The
| Ultimate Space War / Strategy Game! Supports
| Only High-Quality 256 Color Vga Graphics!
| Stelcon Can Be A Simple 2 Player War Game To
| A 5 Player Campaign! Playing Field Can Have
| Up To 20 Star Systems, Each With Its Own
| Planets And Resources! Manage New
| Technologies And Starships! Play Against A
| Friend Or The Computer! Compiled Oct 3,1992.
| Shareware:$20
Adventure Games
Location of files 015A
ADVENT2.ZIP 58691 07-29-93 Adventure! V7/29/93 ASPΓêÖ The original
| Colossal Cave game! Executable programΓêÖ (If
| you'd rather cheat and look at the source
| code and maps first, look for ADVSRCΓêÖZIPΓêÖ)
| Ported to MS DOS PDS FORTRAN v5ΓêÖ10 by Paul
| Munoz-Colman, FunStuff Software, authors of
| Personal Calendar and other productsΓêÖ FreeΓêÖ
ADVSRC.ZIP 139421 04-08-93 Adventure! v4/8/93 <ASP>. The original
| Colossal Cave game! Source code, data base
| generator, and map generator. Use w/ADVENT,
| the game. Ported to MS DOS PDS FORTRAN v5.10
AGT15.ZIP 316601 05-30-93 Adventure Game Toolkit V1ΓêÖ5 Create Your Very
| Own Text Adventure Games With This
| Easy-To-use "authoring System" Which Can be
| Used to Make Games as Professional as Those
| From Infocom And OthersΓêÖ 384k Memory NeededΓêÖ
AVVY16.ZIP 252580 03-11-93 DENARIUS AVARICIUS SEXTUS v1.6 from Thorsoft
| This is an adventure game about a red-haired
| Roman named Avaricius (Avvy to his friends.)
| Making his way through Pompeii, hampered by
| blackmailers, his nagging wife and a lion or
| two, Avvy must try and escape the disaster so
| that he can survive to star in the sequel.
| Features include: integrated shoot-'em-up,
| menu or command control, boss key,
| save/restore, and *corny* jokes... Thomas and
| Mark Thurman spent a year writing this.
BLINDWAR.ZIP 135315 11-20-92 BLIND WARS v1.0 Requires EGA/VGA & Mouse
| Blind Wars is a strategy war game where the
| object is to conquer all the cities on the
| game board. In this sequel to Soleau
| Software's Isle Wars, the task becomes quite
| challenging because you cannot see the
| strength of the opposing armies. It plays
| like 'Risk' yet adds elements such as
| production centers, volcanic eruptions,
| floods, and much more! Options include,
| sound toggle, save game, speed play and
BOLO2_12.ZIP 111732 08-02-92 BOLO ADVENTURES II v1.2: Mr. Bolo carries on
| his adventures through 40 more floors of mind
| bending logic puzzles.
BOLO3.ZIP 109280 04-01-93 BOLO ADVENTURES III v1.0 Requires EGA/VGA
| Bolo Adventures is a mind-boggling strategy
| game where the objective is to get Mr. Bolo
| out of 15 rooms of challenging puzzles. Each
| room is filled with obstacles such lasers,
| crates, water and boxes and more! Unlike
| arcade games, Bolo Adventures isn't a contest
| of how fast you're reflexes are, it's a test
| of your resourcefulness. A must for all
| serious gamers. Great Animated Graphics! (Σ).
CAVE.ZIP 21934 12-26-92 A Really Fun Game In Which You Go Down
| A Deep Cave, Trying To Avoid The Walls.
| Please Download It'S Really Fun! (Cool,
| Etc.)
CRSHR21.ZIP 126869 05-01-93 CRUSHER CASTLE II v1ΓêÖ0 ReqΓêÖ EGA/VGA Crusher
| Castle II is and adventure, strategy, and
| arcade game all in oneΓêÖ Your objective is to
| escape from a haunted castle of 25 rooms
| filled with ghosts, bombs, candles, maps, and
| much moreΓêÖ Packed with features and with
| animated graphics, no two adventures are ever
| the same! Very few have escaped the CastleΓêÖ
| Can you ? Crusher II is fun for ALL ages!
CRUSH2.ZIP 126876 05-01-93 CRUSHER CASTLE II v1ΓêÖ0 ReqΓêÖ EGA/VGA Crusher
| Castle II is and adventure, strategy, and
| arcade game all in oneΓêÖ Your objective is to
| escape from a haunted castle of 25 rooms
| filled with ghosts, bombs, candles, maps, and
| much moreΓêÖ Packed with features and with
| animated graphics, no two adventures are ever
| the same! Very few have escaped the CastleΓêÖ
CRUSHER2.ZIP 120715 05-01-93 CRUSHER CASTLE II v1.0 Req. EGA/VGA
| Crusher Castle II is and adventure, strategy,
| and arcade game all in one. Feature packed!!!
CRYSTQST.ZIP 212154 09-04-92 Crystal Quest. A Super Vga Game. Very
| Well Done! Try It.
DANGDAVE.ZIP 240079 04-27-93 Travel through haunted house. Shoot ghosts
| and goblins in attempt to save your kid
| brother.
DRAGON20.ZIP 480234 05-28-92 Nice VGA adventure game
DRAKLR40.ZIP 32049 10-18-92 Dungeons Of Drakklor -- Version 4.0 You are
| Binkley, the bravest explorer of all time.
| You will soon begin the most dangerous
| campaign of your life, the search for the
| fountain of life. Legend has it that the
| fountain is located in the lost fire-city of
| Arrythrias. Your quest will not be easy.
| Arrythrias lies in the outer reaches of the
| Drakklor Mountains, where unspeakably evil
| creatures lurk, waiting for unwary explorers
| Fame, fortune and eternal life await anyone
DUNGEON6.ZIP 139019 02-11-93 Freeware Adventure Game With Basic Source.
DUNJIN.ZIP 234270 10-07-92 Excellent text adventure game in the
| tradition of Zork, Adventure and Dungeon.
| is! The BIGGEST, BADDEST (FINAL) version of
| ENIGMA'S NIGHTMARE alternate graphics and
| maps for the shareware version of WOLFENSTEIN
| 3D! THIS supercedes previous buggy version
| You'll also need ENITE3F2 Adjunct 1 of 2ΓêÖ
FLATMAN1.ZIP 15625 06-15-93 The (MIS)adventures of Jumpin' Jack FlatΓêÖ
| Animated ANSI, possibly first in a seriesΓêÖ
| Encryption programΓêÖ Works using a key file
| rather than an algorithmΓêÖ
GATE16.ZIP 699818 05-03-93 GateWorld v1.6: Newest version of the game by
| HomeBrew Software. Captain Klondike meets the
| G.O.R.G. machine in GateWorld: The Seed Ship.
GW16UPD.ZIP 217652 05-03-93 GateWorld by HomeBrew Software: Version 1.6
| update for people who have Versions 1.3 or
| 1.4 of this game.
HMANOR.ZIP 49265 12-17-92 Hampton Manor - A Text Adventure In
| Horror.
HUMBUG47.ZIP 149546 07-07-93 Humbug v4.7: Huge text adventure game. You
| are sent to Grandad's for the holidays, but
| something strange is afoot. Why is there a
| time machine in the cellar? What would you do
| with a trombone, a terrapin, and half a pound
| of lard? By Graham Cluley.
JACJIM50.ZIP 98523 06-30-93 Jacaranda Jim v5.0: Text adventure game.
| Escape from Ibberspleen IV! Why has Alan the
| Gribbley been hypnotised? Who taught Mavis
| the cow to tapdance? What is the significance
| of the word "invoices"? By Graham Cluley.
JARACAND.ZIP 90415 02-18-92 Jaracanda Jim... Cool, if somewhat odd text-
| adventure game
LAB3D.ZIP 450301 01-01-93 Lab 3D. Great game. Like Wolf3D.
MDWVGA.ZIP 593579 03-05-93 Cam Debuck Software & Game Crafters Present
| Maddog Williams. A Vga Adventure Game.
| Help Maddog Williams Save The Princess.
| Includes Soundblaster/Adlib Support And A
| Joystick As Well (Optional). Truely One Of
| The Best Shareware Games.
MODSS.ZIP 41621 07-07-93 Excellent Virtual Reality Action Game
| You move the mouse and zap those robots and
| find the teleporter to beam up to the space
| ship and destroy the threat to the world.
| Lots of fun!
NOBEERC2.ZIP 219594 02-02-93 Also includes COMPU-NERD NOBEER is an
| incredibly funny science fiction adventure
| game that is, astounding as it may seem,
| logical. It was created with the GAMESCAPE
| adventure development system. In NOBEER, you
| are an astronaut who has crash landed on an
| alien planet (again). Beware the BLADDER
| BEASTS, SLURPERS, AIR SQUIDS, and above all,
| the deadly PUN PALM (really, we're not
| kidding. That Pun Palm is a pain... We're
| just not frond of it at all). ANOTHER
QUEST1V2.ZIP 143814 06-04-92 Quest EGA version like Ultima.
SHERLK15.ZIP 142071 08-02-92 Sherlock game of deduction.
SHERLOCK.ARJ 77056 02-07-93 Sherlock Holmes: a "Who Owns the Zebra" type
| of reasoning puzzle. Very good mind game.
SIMONA.ZIP 486202 03-24-93 Simona And Her Gang Of Thugs Are On The
| Loose, Stealing Priceless Valuables From New
| York City'S Shops And Historic Sites.
| Armed With Only A Guidebook And Your Crime
| Computer, You Must Track Down The Crooks
| Before They Polish Off The Big Apple. With
| Over 200 Cases, 20 Crooks And Two Megabytes
| Of Graphics, You'Ll Learn While You Play.
SIMONA2.ZIP 472839 04-08-93 Simona and her gang of thugs game-rev 4.8.93
| 2 megs of graphics - adventure set in NYC.
SIMSPAC1.ZIP 339154 07-12-93 SIMSPACE, shareware release from Rockland
| Software, HIREZ, digital sound space game, 1
| of 5ΓêÖ
SIMSPAC2.ZIP 130406 05-23-93 SIMSPACE, 2 of 5ΓêÖ
SIMSPAC3.ZIP 237333 06-07-93 SIMSPACE, 3 of 5ΓêÖ
SIMSPAC4.ZIP 991871 05-27-93 SIMSPACE, 4 of 5ΓêÖ
SIMSPAC5.ZIP 900511 05-27-93 SIMSPACE, 5 of 5ΓêÖ
SJOEV30.ZIP 651360 05-05-93 SLICK JOE 1 (V3.0!) NEW By Digital Reality.
| Supports: EGA/VGA/PC Sound [No SB Yet]. All
| *NEW* Graphics (3-D Eye View) and a whole new
| story/plot and dialogue! You are Joe Rock ,
| you just lost your beautiful wife Nancy after
| having a weeks agument over your junk in the
| house. She drives off and leave you. You end
| up Lost In Reno trying to find her...
SKYLAND.ZIP 255835 02-19-93 'Skyland's Star'. The Earth is in
| trouble--it's out of energy!. Text adventure
SOVIET.ZIP 95454 10-07-92 Escape the gulag.. text fun..
S_JOEV1.ZIP 369762 01-29-93 Slick Joe 1: Lost in Reno V1ΓêÖ1 EGA/PC Sound
| Graphical Typing Adventure GameΓêÖ Rd:
| [01/29/93] New Version by Digital RealityΓêÖ
| Info: Slick Joe is Cool Kind of GuyΓêÖ He Got
| Into A Major Fight With His GirlfriendΓêÖ She
| Ran OffΓêÖ Joe Thought he Was A Little Harsh,
| so he Goes After Her; Ends up Lost in Reno!
| $hareware $10ΓêÖ00ΓêÖ Hey! Support Shareware!
TADS2DOC.ZIP 73970 12-03-92 Tads game builder instructions/docs 1 of 2
TADS2EXE.ZIP 179726 12-20-92 Tads Adventure game builder 2 of 2
THIEF204.ZIP 386736 01-06-93 Multi dimensional thief from australia v2.04
| text adventure game.
TREAS155.ZIP 247274 02-15-93 The Search For The Lost Dutchman Gold Mine:
| Interactive true-to-life adventure text
| adventure that takes you back to search for
| lost gold that has not been found to this
| day.
VGATRON.ZIP 66538 07-26-92 VGATron v1.0 - VGA only TRON style game
| by Acumen Software
WADEWAR3.ZIP 112296 04-25-93 VG text adventure. Good details.
XERIX11.ZIP 138029 10-04-92 XERIX version 1.1 by Brendan Reville.
| 256-color VGA futuristic space adventure.
| Guide a space ship through a strange world
| and destroy/avoid enemy obstacles. Smooth,
| multi-level scrolling, triple parallaxing,
| beautiful graphics. Optional EMS/XMS, Adlib,
| and SoundBlaster support. Written with
| Fastgraph.
Casino Games]
Location of files 016A
BJTABL15.ZIP 102274 09-02-92 Sophisticated Blackjack Tutor 5
BJ_231D.ZIP 170693 02-07-93 Blackjack: Your Key To Winning Casino Play
| V2.31d. Blackjack Game Which Also Teaches
| Correct Blackjack Strategy. Many Features.
| Ega Or Vga Required.
CON15.ZIP 84478 07-14-93 Contact: Contact is A 6 Die Dice Game With no
| Gambling InvolvedΓêÖ As With All Dice Games,
| There is A Certain Element of Chance in The
| GameΓêÖ But Contact Also Requires Some Skill to
| WinΓêÖ This Version of Contact Allows From 1 to
| 4 Players, Human or ProgrammedΓêÖ
CRAPS2S.ZIP 124757 07-20-92 Game of craps just like in casino! good!
DBL_SLT.ZIP 92123 03-05-93 Vegas style slot machine game.
FFSV1.ZIP 128047 08-01-93 Fantasy Five Spot v1.0 - Fast-paced, casino
| style video game that combines the excitement
| of keno and lottery games with the thrill of
| bingo! Outstanding graphics with 3D effects,
| icons, buttons and animation. Full mouse and
| keyboard support, as well as music and sound
| effects! A must have!
FOURQS.ZIP 329134 04-11-92 12 Casino EGA/VGA games
KNOCKPOK.ZIP 72603 03-27-92 Knock poker is a card game which combines the
| elements of draw poker and rummy. Played
| against three computer opponents. EGA/VGA
| required.
POKER57.ZIP 65628 10-06-92 CLASSIC DRAW POKER from Gellman Software
| Version 5.7, released October 1992 Now with
| more challenging betting and a new
| tournament mode. Can you beat the computer?
| Freeware. Runs on just about any PC.
SHOOTR14.ZIP 74533 03-05-93 Shooter v1ΓêÖ4: Vegas-style craps simualtion
| for EGA ; includes online help and a craps
| tutorial; 03/05/93; Bill Troemel/Sam Cook/
| BΓêÖSΓêÖ SoftwareΓêÖ
SPOKER21.ZIP 186533 03-18-93 STRATEGY POKER v2.1 - most entertaining
| teacher/poker simulation. 28 hand categories.
| Simulates casino game called video draw poker
VGAPOKER.ZIP 55926 11-12-92 Excellent VGA Graphics on this fun and easy
| to play Draw Poker game. Written by a Las
| Vegas company, this game saves top 10
| finishes, and looks just like a real Las
| Vegas machine. Networkable too! From
| Peregrin Technology
VPOKER.ZIP 197835 04-28-93 Realistic video poker game
VPTUTOR.ZIP 79239 03-19-92 Video Poker Tutor v1.02 - Program allows the
| user to play casino game of video poker,
| while it indicates playing errors. Computer
| calculates the correct play for each hand
| using sound statistical methods. Errors are
| indicated to the user, and play data is
| accumulated to provide feedback on the
| current skill level.
WF_EGA.ZIP 95915 05-15-93 WOODFRUIT Req. EGA/VGA
| wf-ega.zip
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
| ~~~~~~ Woodfruit is a full colour fruit
| machine simulator. Incorporating 3 fruit
| reels and one feature reel, plus many
| features such as Gamble, Skill Chance, Reel
| Holds, Nudges, The Meter, and most of all a
| Reel Design Kit, it is surely one of the best
| fruit machine simulators around at the
| present time !
Misc. Games
Location of files 017A
10C105.ZIP 43032 01-30-93 10c V1.05 Challenging Game of 10 Colors And
| 10 Chances. Original VIP Software.
1_0.ZIP 222385 12-26-92 One Nil. Amazaing Maze Game.
| Very Addictive. See if you are good enough
| for this one
28ROKETS.ZIP 586 03-05-93 A game for The Incredible Machine
4NAROW22.ZIP 53507 04-29-93 Ega/Vga "Connect Four" game
9LIVES0D.ZIP 32701 06-01-93 New version of 9 LivesΓêÖ
ACTION15.ZIP 257931 10-09-92 Action Graphics v1.5 is an amusement program
| based on the old "Erector Set" concept of
| building things (on your screen) and making
| them move. The mouse is used to select from
| several graphic objects (circle, line, gear,
| etc) or action icons which include Move,
| Resize, Rotate, Attach, & many others.
| Requires 10 MHz cpu, VGA & mouse.
AMAZING1.ZIP 81422 04-28-93 For DOS. EGA or VGA required. To score points
| you must work your way through mazes. The
| mazes move. The mazes are never the same.
| You have not seen a game like this before.
ANCIENTS.ZIP 315785 08-04-92 A neat and intresting Game
AOS10.ZIP 654659 03-16-93 Armies of Steel V1.0 - Fast Paced Combat
| Strategy Game. Requires A 286 or Better, 2mb
| RAM, Vesa Compatible SVGA Card w/ 1 mb Ram,
| And Monitor Capable of 1024x768 Resolution.
ARIVA.ZIP 84747 09-12-92 Excellent guide a snake through a graphic
| maze of randomly placed obstacles before your
| time runs out. Each level becomes more
| difficult by increasing your snake length and
| by added more obstacles that do things to you
| Very challenging. VGA Graphics Required.
ATOMS3.ZIP 35919 07-19-92 "ATOMS" is a Network or Local strategy game.
| Each player has "atoms" of his own color
| which can be placed in a an empty square or
| combined with "atoms" of the same color.
| When the number of "atoms" (mass) in any
| square reaches its "critical" value, a chain
| reaction begins and If there are any "atoms"
| in those squares the color will change to
| the intruder
BALLOONC.ZIP 94743 04-01-93 BALLOON CHALLENGE v1.0 Req. EGA/VGA Balloon
| Challenge pits you against the computer as
| you try to launch your 25 balloons into a sky
| maze filled with planes, rain clouds,
| hurricanes and much more! The higher the
| balloon can rise into the sky, the higher the
| score. You have to use logic and blocking
| strategies in order to beat the Computer.
| Beautiful animated graphics make this a game
| for all ages! (Σ).
| Balloon Challenge pits you against the
| computer as you try to launch your 25
| balloons into a sky maze filled with planes!
| Beautiful animated graphics, and much more!
BASEBLL.ZIP 8512 02-08-93 Tile set for Solitile - game adjunct
BEAST.ZIP 9157 10-01-92 A fun little maze game
BLACKB12.ZIP 135648 05-22-93 Black Box v1ΓêÖ2: adaptation of the game by
| Parker Bros, the black box is a square matrix
| (8x8) where a number of balls are hidden by
| the computer - you have to find the locations
| of these hidden balls, by shooting rays into
| the black box from its sides; req EGA/VGA/
| mouse; 05/22/93; Michael HaugrudΓêÖ
BOB20C.ZIP 194105 07-31-93 Construction Bob In The Boucing Factory Game!
| Features Excellent Vga Graphics, 50 Exciting
| Levels Of Non-Stop Bouncing Action, And Great
| Sounds! It Features A Pg Mode (Not For The
| Faint Of Heart!) And A G Mode (For Kids And
| Faint Of Heart!) Requires Vga, Mouse.
BOLO12.ZIP 90545 01-06-93 Boloball version 1.2 by William Soleau, a
| nice VGA logic game.
BRAINY.ZIP 42786 08-08-93 The Brain game is a simple but amusing mind
| game of jump the pegs. Reqs. EGA at least.
| Try to leave as few pegs as possible. Really
| neat!
BTB105.ZIP 103996 07-03-93 Beat The Bomb V05 Addition Drill Program Race
| Against A Clock, A Bomb, Or A Snail Or Build
| Castles With Correct Answers. Many Options:
| Change Number Of Problems, Missing Factors,
| Etc. Sound, Clock, And Animation Can Be
| Turned On Or Off. Setups And Scores Saved.
| Fast Animated Color Graphics. Free. Enhanced
| Version ($15 $3 S&H) Includes Subt., Mult.,
| Div., Combined Mode, More Animation. Needs
| Mouse, 512k, Dos 2.1 Min., Color Ega/Vga.).
BUGHUNT.ZIP 40008 06-29-93 Tommy's Bughunt Details on how to report bugs
| in Tommy's Toys and win free prizes!
CMATCH10.ZIP 57395 04-28-93 Color Matching GameΓêÖ
COINTOSS.ZIP 5890 05-21-93 Coin Toss v1ΓêÖ0ΓêÖ Simulates the tossing of a
| coin as many times as you wantΓêÖ Written by:
| Craig GibsonΓêÖ FREEWARE!
DGRAV101.ZIP 50361 08-26-93 DGRAV v1.01: gravity planets game now with
| negative gravity planets for the rockets to
| jump around; 08/26/93; Jeff Cummings.
DOB.ZIP 84548 06-19-92 Defense Of The Boat.
DOTS100.ZIP 54772 09-09-92 DOTS game. Version 1.0
DRUGLORD.ZIP 44173 11-07-92 Latest version 2.01, buy and sell drugs,
| trying to avoid the authorities... great game
ECOEGAX.ZIP 351415 01-25-93 Ega Ecomaster -- V 2.03 --Ega Ecomaster Is
| An Ecology Simulation In Which You Try To
| Predict How Animals Will Survive In A Series
| Of Different Environments Or Biomes. Each
| Round, Players Bid For Animals. Animal
| Increase Or Decrease In Value, Depending On
| The Current Environment. Players Win By
| Deciding Which Animals Will Perform The Best
| In Changing Biomes.
FARKLE24.ZIP 61754 02-20-93 Version4 Of Farkle The Vga/Mouse Only Dice
| Game That Is Sure To Help You Log More Hours
| On Your Computer. ).
FEDLOT.ZIP 35481 05-15-93 Federal Balance the Budget Lottery Game
FENCE.ZIP 132091 06-20-92 Fence - Tetris like strategy game in which
| you build fences and mazes to prevent your
| sheep from escaping. Change the landscape by
| planting hedges or stonewalls and by
| destorying unneeded fences. Includes several
| levels of difficulty. Requires EGA/VGA.
FNFTBALL.ZIP 226857 08-11-92 Fantasy Football, NFL teams included
GATE16A.ZIP 351081 05-03-93 GateWorld By HomeBrew Software! Captian
| Klondike meets the GΓêÖOΓêÖRΓêÖGΓêÖ Machine inside an
| asteriod in "GateWorld: The Seed Ship"ΓêÖ Over
| 2 Megs compressed graphics in each part of
| this trilogy! Full Ad Lib soundtrackΓêÖ Support
| for over 8 different sound cardsΓêÖ Story and
| epilogue sequencesΓêÖ Three skill levelsΓêÖ
| Joystick support, save/restore, hints, etcΓêÖ
| Requires VGA, 560K RAM, 286 or betterΓêÖ Sound
| card and joystick optionalΓêÖ This is part one
| of twoΓêÖZIP filesΓêÖ Need GATE15BΓêÖZIP alsoΓêÖ
| (v1ΓêÖ6)ΓêÖ
GE.ZIP 156536 07-19-92 The object of this game is to control the
| most worlds within a specified period of
| time,Just how good are you??
GRIDLK20.ZIP 100717 05-24-93 Gridlock (Ver0) Lets You Control Traffic In A
| Section Of A City. Reqs EGA/VGA, 512 k RAM.
| Game
GW16.ZIP 817495 07-14-93 GateWorld By HomeBrew Software! Captian
| Klondike meets the GΓêÖOΓêÖRΓêÖGΓêÖ Machine in Part
| 1: "The Seed Ship"ΓêÖ Over 2 Megs compressed
| graphicsΓêÖ Full Adlib soundtrackΓêÖ Support for
| over 8 different sound cardsΓêÖ Story and
| epilogue sequences, demo mode, save/restore,
| hints, preview, and MORE! Requires VGA, 560K
| RAM, 286 or betterΓêÖ Sound card and joystick
| optionalΓêÖ Needs PKUNZIP 2ΓêÖ04 to extractΓêÖ
| (v1ΓêÖ6); 07/14/93ΓêÖ
HANG31.ZIP 178259 08-13-92 Great game, lot's of nice features.
HELIOUS.ZIP 286983 05-19-93 HELIOUS is a game to guide a balloon through
| various levels of play, noting the secret
| symbol at each level for use at the end.
| This game supposedly was written by UFO
| aliens--or so the story line goes.
HILOW.ZIP 34101 06-17-93 The Hi-Low Game : Awesome Game! Last revision
| date in archive: 06-17-1993ΓêÖ
HMCIDE1.ZIP 278025 02-09-93 A game made w/ Game Builder... Homocide on
| High Seas-from GameBuilder BBS (614) 988-2307
ICYMETAL.ZIP 48062 08-30-92 Great 256-color mouse action game
IGO.ZIP 265642 02-21-92 Interesting But Difficult Game
JOHNGAME.ZIP 198750 08-31-92 John's Animated Games
KCF201.ZIP 250274 04-28-93 Keyboard Coach Fantasy Football Puts You in
| Charge of Your Own Team Made up of NFL
| Players. You Become The Owner, General
| Manager, Head Coach, And Chief Scout For Your
| Own NFL Team. It's up to You to Draft The
| Players, Make The Trades And Set The Starting
| Lineup And Then Take on The Other Guys in
| Your League Head to Head. (Σ).
LORDS.ZIP 75354 04-04-93 You control a number of lords in battle.
| Against the ruthless enimies. very good game
MAD_V101.ZIP 18062 08-12-92 Madness v1.01 a small fun game to play. Hard
| & easy to play.
MASTER21.ZIP 23792 05-12-93 Master Mind 2ΓêÖ11ΓêÖ
MATCH105.ZIP 112959 03-14-93 Concentration! The Ultimate Mind Boggling
| game... Very User-Friendly. Also Has
| Many Informative Features. Registration
| Enables Many New Features!
MATHGAME.ZIP 81462 02-04-93 Mathgame Pits Your Country Against Another In
| An Olympic Setting. Eight Levels Of Problems,
| Winner Awarded Bronze, Silver, Or Gold Medal
| At A Ceremony Flag Is Raised & The Country'S
| Anthem Played. Great Fun & For Grades 2 To
| Sound Blaster Support. Asp Shareware From
| Texasoft.).
MEGAVGA1.ZIP 330637 05-21-92 Fun VGA fullcolor game
MEMORY11.ZIP 64084 05-31-93 Challenge Your Memory Game V1ΓêÖ1 Colorful Reqs
| Ega/Vga Or Mcga To RunΓêÖ
MGVGA420.ZIP 133021 08-07-92 Master Graph - VGA
MRDGUESS.ZIP 38701 06-18-93 Word Guess : Great Game!
MUNCHER.ZIP 68860 12-26-92 A Text Mode Game That Is Fun!!!! It Is
| Sort Of Like Nibbles But A Lot Better!! The
| Objective Is To Eat "Pills" And Finish
| Levels.
NUCLEAR1.ZIP 188928 08-06-92 Nuclear reactor simulation. Try to achieve a
| high profit and safe plant operation without
| a meltdown! Menu driven.
PCROBOTS.ZIP 109192 01-20-93 Programming Game, Program Robots To Do Tasks
| In Several Languages.
PFEDGE92.ZIP 281819 09-23-92 PRO FOOTBALL EDGE! 92 -- Excellent program
| to Handicap NFL Winners and Over/Unders. 7
| matchup screens per game guide you through
| an efficient handicapping process. Takes
| only 20 minutes per week and a newspaper to
| add to the 10 year database & 1992 schedule
| provided. Online documentation and context
| help. Requires: Dos 2.0, Mono/Color, 512KB.
PIKE877.ZIP 47301 09-18-92 Design your own Railroad on your PC
P_PMAKR1.ZIP 144658 03-04-93 Pencil and Paper Activity Maker 1.0.<GAME>
RRALLY10.ZIP 102170 11-17-92 Road Rally Trivia Ver 1.0 VGA!
SAFEC1.ZIP 37028 03-15-92 Safe Cracker! Cool Game
SBS201.ZIP 230673 03-23-93 Strategic Baseball Simulator 2.01
| Character-Based Baseball Program Uses Real
| Statistics To Simulate Major League Base-
| Ball. Capable Of Simulating An Entire League
| Schedule And Summarizing The Statistical
| Results. Or Play In Single-Game Mode Where
| You Can Manage Against The Computer Or
| Against A Buddy. Includes Data For Many Old-
| Timer Teams As Well As Recent Teams.
| Major Upgrade From Version 1.3.
SBTTT.ZIP 62404 04-21-93 It's UNBELIEVABLE! ------------------ -SB
| TIC-TAC-TOE!!- ------------------ A Sound
| Blaster is required, but if you can manage
| the hardware require- ments, you HAVE TO SEE
| THIS!!!!!!!
SMILEY2C.ZIP 30484 05-13-93 Smiley Face Arena in bothΓêÖEXE andΓêÖBAS
| formats! Fun! : )ΓêÖ
SPELLGM.ZIP 155913 02-04-93 SPELL GAMES is a game to help you practice
| spelling. The game pits your country against
| an opponent. Each time you spell a word
| correctly, your team wins a point. If you
| make a mistake, your opponent gains a point.
| Winner is rewarded with a ceremony where the
| national anthem is played and the flag is
| raised. ASP Shareware from TexaSoft.
TELEGO41.ZIP 133272 05-01-93 TeleGo v4.1 2-player version of Go.
| Supports remote players via modem. Mouse,
| VGA required
TETRIS45.ZIP 77759 06-11-93 TETRIS Version 4ΓêÖ5 By Shamus Young June 10,
| 1993 This is a quality shareware version of
| TetrisΓêÖ It requires an 8 Mhz machine with EGA
| graphics and at least 640k memoryΓêÖ This game
| is completely free and no donations are asked
| forΓêÖ However, I would welcome any comments or
| questions you might have about this gameΓêÖ My
| address is: Shamus Young 158 Tower View DrΓêÖ
| Butler, PA, 16001ΓêÖ
TETRIS_D.ZIP 103440 06-25-93 Tetris Clone by Fibblesnork SoftwareΓêÖ
TILT100.ZIP 41791 04-23-92 EGA/VGA "Leverage" Game
TO.ZIP 89045 09-18-92 Cool game. VGA get the keys and exit the
| tomb.
TOMANAME.ZIP 121207 04-04-93
TOMCLOB.ZIP 152577 02-19-93
TOMCRYPT.ZIP 154908 02-19-93 TOMMY's GAME of CRYPTOGRAMS for families.
| Guess the words.
TOMHOLLY.ZIP 175910 03-13-93
TOMHWRDS.ZIP 135554 06-10-93 Tommy'S Hidden Words, Makes Up Hidden Words
| That You Must Try And Figure OutΓêÖ
TOMLETRU.ZIP 161721 03-15-93
TOMPITCH.ZIP 144457 06-07-93 TOMMY'S PITCH - play Auction Pitch, the
| traveling salesman's favorite card game, with
| this neat low-priced shareware toyΓêÖ Works
| with any IBM PC or clone, any monitor, no
| mouse or joystick neededΓêÖ Written by aliens
| from outer space!
TOMTOYP1.ZIP 1137219 04-27-93
TOMTOYP2.ZIP 1095892 04-27-93
TOMTRAIN.ZIP 105095 06-10-93 A Silly Game For Kids 8 And UpΓêÖ Steer The
| Train, Toot The Whistle UntilΓêÖ Last revision
| date in archive: 06-10-1993ΓêÖ
TOMTRIV.ZIP 246750 05-24-92
TOMWH001.ZIP 145950 06-10-93 Tommy'S Wheel Of MisfortuneΓêÖ A Funny Tv Game
| ShowΓêÖ Over A Thousand Pharses To SolveΓêÖ
TORNADO.ZIP 265781 01-14-93 Tornado Jet Simulator. Fly the tornado!
TRADWARS.ZIP 11743 05-22-93 Intergalactic trading gameΓêÖ Compiled
| quickbasicΓêÖ
TTOY_3.ZIP 1010758 04-27-93
TXTMINES.ZIP 9406 07-30-92 Text based mine sweeper game, requires mouse
| Based on Windows game, but don't need
| Windows.
TXTRIS20.ZIP 103895 07-08-93 Textris 2ΓêÖ0 game: make words from falling
| lettersΓêÖ EGA or betterΓêÖ By Tom HanlinΓêÖ
ULTRIS12.ZIP 169670 07-31-92 Super Tetris clone, VGA, mouse, and Sound
| Blaster support
UPTRIS1.ZIP 281370 08-11-93 SRM Productions - Uptris. Yet another Tetris
| clone, but MORE! It's upside down, with
| bombs! All background screens are ray traced!
| Nicer, fancier features than the others. (VGA
| Only 386-16sx or faster recommended)
| QuickBasic 4.5 Source Sold.
WEENIES1.ZIP 363419 05-12-93 Tommy's Space Weenies 1.0 VGA Game Kids 8 an.
WLTETRIS.ZIP 293027 06-05-93 Wildlife Tetris - Version0 By Felix Wu June
| 5,1993 Classic Tetris Type Game In Vga
| 320x200 256 Colours Mode With Wildlife
| Pictures In The BackgroundΓêÖ
WP10.ZIP 341778 03-17-93 Wild Pitch Baseball v1.02 - Good text based
| windowing baseball simulation. Includes all
| 1992 teams. Runs on CGA/EGA/VGA.
WP103.ZIP 342394 05-18-93 WILD PITCH! V1ΓêÖ03 - Baseball simulation that
| allows you to test your skills as a big
| league skipperΓêÖ Select lineups, pitchers,
| steal bases, bunt, hit and run, etcΓêÖ View
| tons of stats any time! Expanded boxscore,
| detailed score card, cool ballpark window
| shows outcome of plays, automatic lineup
| selection! Easy-to-use user interfaceΓêÖ All
| 1992 AL & NL teams! SharewareΓêÖ $25 registered
| version includes printed manualΓêÖ MS SoftwareΓêÖ
WSR4_0.ZIP 360448 05-31-93 WALL $TREET RAIDER v4.0 ASP - The corporate
| takeover game and simulation. Rave reviews in
| BYTE Magazine, InfoWorld, etc. Simulates a
| "real-time" stock market, with constantly
| moving stock ticker, financial news
| headlines, as you attempt to react to
| constantly changing economic model, investing
| in any of 250 companies (IBM, GM, etc.) in 36
| industries. 1 to 4 players, or play against
| the computer. Nothing else like it! Ronin
| Software, $25.00.
YTZ221.ZIP 85795 06-28-93 Yacht-Z is a version of the classic dice
| gameΓêÖ Triple and single scoring are included
| for quicker, simpler gamesΓêÖ Four players can
| now play at one timeΓêÖ All dialogs have a new
| lookΓêÖ
YUMB.ZIP 68737 03-27-93 Yumb Game Of Skill, Challenge And ... You Can
| Play By Yourself Or With Computer You Can
| Save The Game For Later Play. Very Easy
| Installation/Configuration. Will Even Work On
| A 1-Floppy 8088 Pc!
ZIPMAN_.ZIP 122202 02-20-93 Cool Game with great graphics.
ZNSEARCH.ZIP 5374 06-21-93 KaBob's Number Search is guess the number
| game; 06/21/93; Gnarf AdamdeskΓêÖ
ZULULA.ZIP 196544 07-19-92 The Tournament Of Zulula.
_1MEMORY.ZIP 7989 07-10-93 Memory Challenger v1ΓêÖ0: game centers around
| the old fashioned game of Memory; req VGA;
| 07/10/93; Bendik AnthonsenΓêÖ
Window Games
Location of files 018A
ABM.ZIP 30508 03-07-93 Missile Command like game for Windows 3.x
| SmartBombs, MIRVs, Bonus Cities
ACBJ100.ZIP 67810 05-28-93 Atlantic City Blackjack v1ΓêÖ00: MS-Windows
| blackjack program; requires VGA or better;
| 05/28/93; Oleg GoldfaynΓêÖ
ACBLKJAK.ZIP 62543 05-28-93 A new more realistic version of blackjack for
| Windows, hasa hint feature and a card
| counting feature, great for practice!
BALLCLIM.ZIP 5337 07-15-93 BallClimb, simple game with falling balls
| (WIN)ΓêÖ
BDD.ZIP 134741 03-01-93 Battle in a Distant Desert. A Windows
| strategy wargame similar to Operation Desert
| Storm. Command Apachess, M1A1s, Bradleys,
| etc. Requires Windows and VGA.
BLACKBOX.ZIP 25551 02-19-93 Black Box logic game - find the hidden
| whatzits
BLACKO30.ZIP 103353 02-01-93 Blackout, Windows Game Of Mouse Coordination.
BLC301.ZIP 32783 03-27-93 Block Breaker for Windows, an arcade style
| game. (Σ).
BLKBOX.ZIP 23010 02-19-93 Blackbox is a freeware game for windows
BLOCK.ZIP 63978 02-03-93 Block out !!
BOG106.ZIP 31447 05-24-93 Bog v1ΓêÖ06: MS-Windows word-finding game
| similar to the game of Boggle; 05/24/93; Eric
| Bergman-Terrell/Pocket-Sized SoftwareΓêÖ
BOG_NT.ZIP 52152 03-15-93 Boggle-Like Game for Windows NT.
CASCRAPS.ZIP 355806 01-08-93 Casino Craps for Windows - version 1ΓêÖ0 Craps
| just like in Las VegasΓêÖ The quality looks
| good, but I don't know the game myself so I
| can't judge the accuracyΓêÖ
CHEAT100.ZIP 91538 03-26-93 Popup "cheat window" lets you check off which
| cards have been played
COLUMNS.ZIP 13427 04-05-93 A game like Tetris, that runs in windows.
| Match colors in rows to erase lines.
COMPOUND.ZIP 65480 03-22-93 COMPOUND: Word game for Windows; uses a
| timer; fun for all...
CONFND10.ZIP 54873 03-28-93 Confound, you vs. computer strategy game
CSBT.ZIP 107838 03-19-93 Card Shark Bridge Tutor
CSHRT40A.ZIP 151107 08-18-93 CARDSHARK HEARTS 4.02D for Windows 3. This is
| the strongest, most feature- filled Hearts
| game available. "Game of the Month" in
| Windows Sources mag. WinTech Journal gave it
| rave reviews and $3000 in prizes in their
| Windows programming contest. Nelson Ford,
| ASP. (Requires VBRUN200.DLL, not included).
CSHRT40B.ZIP 168493 10-14-92 Card Shark Hearts v4.0D - File 2 of 2.
CSHRTS37.ZIP 291700 01-20-93 Card Shark Hearts, play the computer
CSNO21.ZIP 83044 04-02-93 Casino BlackJack for Windows
DBM10.ZIP 121364 06-21-93 Double Match 1ΓêÖ0 is a FAST and FUN game for
| Windows where players take turns matching
| pictures to reveal parts of a hidden phraseΓêÖ
| Scores are made for each correct matchΓêÖ The
| first player who correctly guesses the phrase
| is the winnerΓêÖ Features fun animation, sound
| effects, human/computer opponents and top-10
| hi-scoresΓêÖ Sound Blaster or Windows sound
| card required for sound effectsΓêÖ REQUIRES
| VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL TO RUN (free)ΓêÖ Shareware $12ΓêÖ00ΓêÖ
DISCARDW.ZIP 97648 03-22-93 DISCARD 1.0, a VBWin solitaire game. Similar
| to ICICLE (also on this board), a bit easier
| Requires VBRUN200.DLL. By matt tag software.
DOTS20.ZIP 37394 05-11-93 Connect The Dots Game For WindowsΓêÖ
DRAUGHTS.ZIP 103534 02-16-93 Draughts/Checkers game and tutorial system
| for Windows 3.X. Play checkers against the
| computer or another player.
ECNEUQ11.ZIP 139651 07-05-93 Ecneuqes (ek-nukes, previously Sequence) 1ΓêÖ1:
| MS-Windows board/card game; the object of the
| game is to place chips on the playing board
| matching the corresonding card played; req
| VBRUN300ΓêÖDLL; 07/05/93; Matthew LΓêÖ SmithΓêÖ
EMPIPE.ZIP 28922 01-30-93 Connect the pipes, grid-type game
FSTMOU10.ZIP 106324 04-12-93 The Fastest Mouse v1ΓêÖ0S: the objective of the
| MS-Windows game is to shoot the objects on
| the screen in the fastest time &/or with the
| best shot ratio; 04/12/93; Pyramid Software
| DevtΓêÖ
GEMS10.ZIP 84570 05-20-93 Gems v1ΓêÖ0 Puzzle for MS-Windows3ΓêÖ1 Windows
| brain-teaser: turn all gems from red to
| greenΓêÖ
GREENSV1.ZIP 266448 04-15-93 GREAT Windows 3.1 Putt Putt game, with 256
| color graphics, and SoundBlaster Support
HANGM102.ZIP 76707 05-24-93 Hangman v1ΓêÖ02: MS-Windows version of the well
| known game; 05/24/93; Eric Bergman-Terrell/
| Pocket-Sized SoftwareΓêÖ
HANG_N.ZIP 99119 03-15-93 Hangman Game for Windows NT.
HEARTS20.ZIP 138624 05-25-93 Hearts v2ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows four player card game
| in which the goal is to get as few points as
| possible; 05/25/93; Paul PedrianaΓêÖ
HOMRDOE_.ZIP 9258 07-04-93 Homer's DOE! Is a little MS-Windows "game" to
| play when thinking of Fox's The Simpsons TV
| show; req VGA, mouse, Soundblaster-compatible
| card & VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 07/04/93; Ross
| CΓêÖGoldsteinΓêÖ
HRTS20.ZIP 137791 03-22-93 Hearts 2ΓêÖ0 For Windows Fantastic VersionΓêÖ
| Customizable TooΓêÖ
HURRI101.ZIP 306657 06-01-93 Hurricane v1ΓêÖ01: MS-Windows arcade style game
| alot liiek the old arcade game Tempest; fully
| scalable graphics w/sound support; requires
| VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 05/26/93; Timothy Schmidt/
| Systems Software Developing IncΓêÖ
ICICLE.ZIP 43582 02-21-93 ICICLE: A Windows card game. Easy to play,
| but (almost) impossible to win. Requires
ICON_S10.ZIP 81970 01-19-93 IconCentration, memory matching game
KLOKS10.ZIP 107469 05-20-93 Kloks v1ΓêÖ0 Puzzle for MS-Windows3ΓêÖ1 Windows
| emulation of a mechanical puzzle: get both
| hands of all nine interacting klok faces
| pointing to 12 in the shortest time and
| fewest movesΓêÖ
KLOTZ303.ZIP 114390 05-04-93 The game of KLOTZ for Windows NT.
LAD101.ZIP 120026 04-18-93 LAD (Local Area Dungeon) v1ΓêÖ01: strategy
| adventure game for MS-Windows; 04/18/93; BCS
| SoftwareΓêÖ
LIL256.ZIP 930666 04-19-93 Lost In A LAbyrinth 256: Maze game uses 256
| color raytraced animations. for Windows 3.1
MAZMAK.ZIP 82694 03-01-93 MazeMaker creates Mazes under Windows. Very
| challenging game - even includes mazes
| divided in various floors. (Σ).
MICRO1.ZIP 263189 04-01-93 Great Windows 3.1 action game, with real
| animated graphics and soundcard support!
MIMA250.ZIP 463977 01-05-93 Missile Master for Windows v1.50s GAME
| Advanced features & sound. Reqs VBRUN200.DLL
NAILS.ZIP 12274 07-02-93 Nails is a simple MS-Windows game pretty much
| the same as those little pegboard games you
| get at restaraunts; VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 07/02/93;
| Ross CΓêÖ GoldsteinΓêÖ
NAMEGM10.ZIP 49724 06-19-93 Name of the Game v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows card game
| that actually consists of a series of card
| puzzles; 06/19/93; Toggle BooleansΓêÖ
NEDWLD10.ZIP 103435 07-04-93 Neural Ned in Ned's World v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows
| educational game that uses a neural network
| to train a little critter (NED) to run about
| in his world (Ned's World) - the better you
| train him, the longer he lives; VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL
| is req'd; 07/04/93; David SΓêÖ SmiczekΓêÖ
NEWTON10.ZIP 132603 07-07-93 Newton v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows celestial simulation/
| game where you can construct your own
| planetary or solar system, & experiment with
| things like binary and trinary stars, the
| slingshot effect, retrograde motions, energy
| transfer in near collisions, and a whole lot
| more; 07/07/93; Paul KeetΓêÖ
NT_BOG.ZIP 34702 04-03-93 Windows NT Word game (March 93 verΓêÖ)
| 04/03/93ΓêÖ
NT_PZL.ZIP 18935 04-03-93 Windows NT Word Game (March93 ver) 04/03/93ΓêÖ
PAIGOW20.ZIP 84074 03-03-93 PaiGow Poker v2ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows poker game w/
| high score table, allows you to enter your
| name and more; 03/03/93; Chris GΓêÖ StraghalisΓêÖ
PARSECND.ZIP 121182 04-09-93 Parsec v 1.0 Deductive Puzzle game for Win
| 3.1. If you liked Minesweeper, you'll LOVE
| Parsec! Includes 1 and 2 player game,
| extensive help and 2 sizes of game boards.
| This version does NOT include the
| VBRUN200.DLL required for Visual Basic
| Programs. If you don't have VBRUN200.DLL,
| download PARSECWD.ZIP instead of this .ZIP.
PATUMAN2.ZIP 46939 05-18-93 Pacman Clone Type Game For Windows
PPYTHON.ZIP 47545 05-11-93 Paulie Python. A Windows 3.x game. Guide
| Paulie the Python through eight scrolling
| screens eating mice and avoiding obstacles.
PYRSOL22.ZIP 80976 05-07-93 WINdows Pyramid solitaire game
QUADWIN.ZIP 18011 03-16-93 Quad v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows game where you stack
| tiles and try to get 4 in-a-row; you can play
| against a friend or the computer; 4 various
| levels of difficulty; full help system, mouse
| and keyboard support; 03/16/93; SverrirΓêÖ
| BergΓêÖ
QUENZR10.ZIP 92071 06-15-93 Quenzar's Caverns v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows dungeon
| game which combines action and logic; reqs
| VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 06/15/93; Pulse Ventures LtdΓêÖ
ROULET10.ZIP 61577 04-13-93 Roulette v1ΓêÖ0S: MS-Windows roulette game w/
| great graphics (ball actually spins in the
| wheel); 04/13/93; Pyramid Software
| DevelopmentΓêÖ
ROULETTE.ZIP 52524 04-02-93 Roulette wheel game - bet and spin!
SCRAPS10.ZIP 135320 05-14-93 Super Craps v1ΓêÖ0: Las Vegas style Craps game
| for MS-Windows with sound effects; includes
| Pass, Don't Pass, Come, Big Six, Big Eight,
| Place and proposition bets; online help;
| 05/14/93; Chris PetersonΓêÖ
SCRBL1.ZIP 276705 03-09-93 The Scrambler 1.0 program files. A word
| scramble game for win 3.1. sound effects and
| animation. requires win 3.1 and toolbox.
| this one has updated docs. need also Scrbl2
SHOOTER1.ZIP 74458 05-03-93 windows shooting gallery game.
SLGOLF.ZIP 58020 05-09-93 solitaire game
SLIDER10.ZIP 118501 05-20-93 Slider v1.0 Puzzle for MS-Windows3.1 Windows
| puzzle consisting of sliding blocks of
| various sizes. Move the earth block from the
| left side to the right.
SOLPK_1.ZIP 107015 05-05-93 Card game pack for Windows 3.x. FREEWARE!
| Acey-Ducey, Golf Solitaire, Poker Solitaire
| and Pyramid Solitaire. This archive includes
| the RLZRUN10.RTS runtime system. Requires a
| mouse. Written by Jim Waddell.
SPANIT.ZIP 195081 07-01-93 Span-It! Is A Two-Player Connect-The-Dot Game
| For Windows1ΓêÖ
SSBAT11.ZIP 630953 01-01-93 S.S. BattleShip for Windows v1.1 - Shareware.
| THE BattleShip game for Windows with a twist!
| S.S. BattleShip provides VGA high resolution
| graphics. Reqs Windows 3.x, mouse, and VGA
| mouse, and VGA. by SimoneSystems Software.
STE2V10.ZIP 120486 06-14-93 Slider II v1ΓêÖ0 Puzzle for MS-Windows3ΓêÖ1
| Windows puzzle consisting of sliding blocks
| of various sizesΓêÖ Move the earth block from
| the upper left corner to the lower rightΓêÖ
STICKEM.ZIP 268040 05-26-93 Windows game of stick placing and matching.
| You need a sharp mind to beat this computer
| opponent. One of my all time favorites.
STICKM10.ZIP 48955 06-04-93 StickEm v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows game where the
| object is to be the first to discard all
| shape cards; shapes consist of 5 connecting
| sticks, & you may move only one stick per
| turn in any match attempt; timed game,
| pause/resume, peek at computer's cards, watch
| computer think, UNDO, online help;
| VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 06/04/93; Financial Systems
| Associates, IncΓêÖ
SVPOKE10.ZIP 197977 05-20-93 Super Video Poker (SVPoker) v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows
| game based on the video poker machines found
| in many casinos; animation and sound effects;
| online context-sensitive help; best-play
| advice for any hand setup by the user; game
| save/restore; user-definable payoff tables;
| automatic play mode & more; requires VGA ;
| 05/20/93; Elton InadaΓêÖ
SWATM11.ZIP 20201 06-12-93 SwatM v1ΓêÖ1: MS-Windows game where you have to
| swat the various objects that appear on the
| screen w/options for speed, number of objects
| and kind of objects; req VBRUN300ΓêÖDLL;
| 06/12/93; Mainstay ComputerΓêÖ
THEGRN15.ZIP 280795 05-28-93 The Greens v1ΓêÖ5 for Windows 3ΓêÖ1 From
| Shadoware Exciting new Miniature golf game
| for Windows 3ΓêÖ1! Features great 256 color
| graphics, animations, and sound card support!
| Req: 256 color graphhics, sound card
| optionalΓêÖ
TOWNS10.ZIP 96327 05-20-93 Towns v1ΓêÖ0 Puzzle for MS-Windows3ΓêÖ1 Windows
| version of a puzzle from OMNI magazineΓêÖ Solve
| it for a $5000 prizeΓêÖ
TYH20B.ZIP 136589 04-23-93 Triple Yahoo! 2ΓêÖ0b is a Windows 3ΓêÖ1(game
| similar to the popular dice game of Triple
| YahtzeeΓêÖ 1-3 players roll dice and try to get
| the highest scoresΓêÖ Configurable sound
| effects viaΓêÖWAV filesΓêÖ Realistic animationΓêÖ
| Top-10 high-scoresΓêÖ GREAT VERSION OF GAME!)
| Also runs in Windows 3ΓêÖ0 with Microsoft
| Multimedia extensions installedΓêÖ REQUIRES
TYH20C.ZIP 141055 05-08-93 Triple Yahoo! 2ΓêÖ0c is A Windows 3ΓêÖ1( ) Game
| Similar to The Popular Dice Game of Triple
| YahtzeeΓêÖ Animation and realistic Sound
VPOKER12.ZIP 117960 04-13-93 Video Poker v1ΓêÖ2S: MS-Windows 5-card draw
| video poker game; payoffs are editable; great
| graphics and WAV format sounds; supports the
| use of mouse, keyboard or keypad; 04/13/93;
| Pyramid Software DevelopmentΓêÖ
WACEY.ZIP 235863 04-13-93 Acey-Ducey for Windows 3.x. FREEWARE!
| Sometimes called Red Dog. Fun, gambling card
| game -- Jim Waddell. Reqs mouse. this vers.
| INCLUDES the RLZRUN10.RTS Realizer runtime
WALIENS2.ZIP 45738 06-08-93 Win Aliens v1ΓêÖ01 - Very good arcade game for
| Windows 3ΓêÖ1 with great animationsΓêÖ A must
| have for everyone who likes arcade gamesΓêÖ
| This game uses high-tech programming This
| game uses high-tech programmingΓêÖ
WARBOAT1.ZIP 53872 05-04-93 War Boats v1ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows battleship type
| game where players try to sink the opponent's
| boats on a 10x10 grid; req VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL;
| 05/04/93; Jim CunninghamΓêÖ
WATORW11.ZIP 53460 08-14-93 Wa-Tor for Windows (verΓêÖ 1ΓêÖ1) is population
| ecology simulationΓêÖ You pit hungry sharks
| against tasty fish and see who comes out on
| topΓêÖ You may get fluctuating populations that
| will exist for hundreds of generationsΓêÖ You
| control the initial number of sharks and
| fishes, their breeding rates, and shark
| starvation timeΓêÖ The dynamics of the
| populations can be watched on the graphs as
| well as on the Wa-Tor world mapΓêÖ STARΓêÖ
WCUBE.ZIP 122371 01-23-93 Rubik's Cube game
WES100.ZIP 122285 04-15-93 Win Elvis-n-Space a windows 3.1 game
| The object of this game is to return elvis to
| elvis from his alien captors. Sound & graphic
WILLI.ZIP 61711 03-28-93 A fast arcade action game for Windows...
WINFIGHT.ZIP 69066 01-25-93 Gun fight at the Windows corral! Use as a loa
| on startup or a stand alone!
WINGO10G.ZIP 94793 07-16-93 WinGo! Is a fun version of Bingo for WindowsΓêÖ
| Play against several levels of computer
| opponentsΓêÖ Use as many cards as you can and
| play at the speed you likeΓêÖ
WINPOOL3.ZIP 68633 06-15-93 Pool game for MS WindowsΓêÖ Requires math
| coprocessor to run at a decent speedΓêÖ
WINQUEEN.ZIP 79756 04-27-93 A simple, solitaire card game called Queen
| for windowsΓêÖ
WINSIEGE.ZIP 212700 07-15-93 Siege! For windows 1ΓêÖ1 (ASP) /- Use strategy
| to capture landΓêÖ Play computer players with
| artificial inteligence or a friend via modem
| or networkΓêÖ Train computer characters and
| match them against each otherΓêÖ The history of
| each player is kept on disk forΓêÖ
WINYTZ20.ZIP 94189 05-15-93 WinYotZ v2ΓêÖ0: MS-Windows multiple player
| implementation of the popular dice game w/top
| ten list, multiple dice types and more;
| 05/15/93; Todd Short/Short SoftwareΓêÖ
WINYZ11.ZIP 73116 04-06-93 Win-Yacht v1ΓêÖ1: Yahtzee like dice game for
| MS-Windows; requires VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL; 04/06/93;
| Philip DiSarioΓêÖ
WNCHSS.ZIP 169389 03-30-93 WinChess v1ΓêÖ01 Great Windows 3ΓêÖx chess game
| from the creator of TaipeiΓêÖ ΓêÖ
WNYTZ20B.ZIP 97466 07-06-93 WinYotZ v2.0B: MS-Windows multiple player
| implementation of the famous dice game; has
| Triple YotZ mode, top ten list, multiple dice
| types, and customization; 07/06/93; Todd
| Short/ Short Software.
WOL21D.ZIP 199469 05-08-93 Wheel of Luck 2ΓêÖ1d is A Windows 3ΓêÖ1 Game
| Similar to Wheel of FortuneΓêÖ Players Take
| Turns Guessing Letters to Solve A PhraseΓêÖ
WPYR.ZIP 243768 04-08-93 Windows Pyramid soiltaire game
WRDTREAS.ZIP 696592 11-07-93 Word Treasure for Windows - You've seen those
| books on building a better vocabulary; if
| you've ever tried them you'd know how
| difficult they are. Word Treasure has 500
| college level words, each one with its
| pronunciation, definition, and usage. There's
| no guessing! Sticking with the program is
| easy. Set the pop up timer. Have Word
| Treasure quiz you with a hangman game. Don't
| worry about installation. Run setup.exe and
| press F1 for help when you are done.
WRMWLD12.ZIP 128569 03-03-93 WormWorld v1ΓêÖ2: MS-Windows game, requiring
| thought and reactions to succeed, where you
| must guide the worm to the safety of the exit
| tube by placing command blocks in his path to
| tell him what to do; supports SoundBlaster;
| 03/03/93; Kevin NgΓêÖ
WT170.ZIP 130624 07-06-93 Win Trek v1ΓêÖ70: StarTrek game for MS-Windows;
| 07/06/93; Brett McDonald/BFM SoftwareΓêÖ
YACHT221.ZIP 26717 06-13-93 Yacht 2ΓêÖ21 For Windows A Yahtzee-Like Dice
| Game For 1 or 2 PlayersΓêÖ
ZANTI0.ZIP 91770 04-14-93 Zanti Is An Action/Puzzle Game In Which You
| Guide The Invading Zantis To The Edge Of The
| Game Board To Score A WinΓêÖ If You Don'T Make
| It, The Invaders WinΓêÖ Great Graphics, Plays
| Under Microsoft Windowsx And Requires
| Vbrun200ΓêÖDll, Available On CisΓêÖ This Is An
| "Alpha" Version, Shareware ($5)ΓêÖ
ZANTI05.ZIP 91602 04-18-93 Zanti! V0ΓêÖ5: MS-Windows game whose object of
| the game is to guide the Zanti invaders along
| the garden path until they reach the edge of
| the game board where the earth's military can
| then wipe them out; requires VBRUN200ΓêÖDLL;
| 04/18/93; PSS/LLCTΓêÖ