Amiga Developer CD v1.2
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C/C++ Source or Header
2,497 lines
W.D.L 930330
* COPYRIGHT: Unless otherwise noted, all files are Copyright (c) 1993
* Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All rights reserved.
* DISCLAIMER: This software is provided "as is". No representations or
* warranties are made with respect to the accuracy, reliability, performance,
* currentness, or operation of this software, and all use is at your own risk.
* Neither commodore nor the authors assume any responsibility or liability
* whatsoever with respect to your use of this software.
// Tab size is 8!
#include <exec/types.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <dos/dosextens.h>
#include <intuition/intuition.h>
#include <graphics/gfx.h>
#include <graphics/gfxbase.h>
#include <graphics/videocontrol.h>
#include <libraries/lowlevel.h>
#include <hardware/custom.h>
#include <hardware/intbits.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/utility_protos.h>
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#include <clib/lowlevel_protos.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/graphics_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/lowlevel_pragmas.h>
#include <math.h> // For min() & max()
#include <string.h> // for setmem()
#include "stdio.h"
#include "devices/cd.h"
#include "cdxl/pan.h"
#include "cdxl/cdxlob.h"
#include "cdxl/runcdxl.h"
#include "cdxl/asyncXL.h"
#include "cdxl/runcdxl_protos.h"
#include "cdxl/xlm.h"
#include "cdxl/debugsoff.h"
// Uncomment to get debug output turned on
#define KPRINTF
//#include "cdxl/debugson.h"
struct CDInfo __aligned cdinfo,saveinfo;
extern struct ExecBase * SysBase;
struct IntuitionBase * IntuitionBase;
struct GfxBase * GfxBase;
struct Library * IFFParseBase;
struct Library * FreeAnimBase;
struct Library * LowLevelBase;
struct Process * parent;
STATIC struct MinList XList;
STATIC struct MinNode * Pred,* Succ;
LONG XLSignal = -1;
STATIC LONG XLSignalBit = -1;
ULONG Count;
BOOL AudioSignalTask;
STATIC struct Device * CDDevice;
STATIC struct MsgPort * CDPort;
STATIC struct IOStdReq * CDDeviceMReq;
STATIC LONG CDPortSignal = -1;
IMPORT struct Custom far custom;
* Close every thing down.
closedown( VOID )
if ( IntuitionBase )
CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)IntuitionBase );
if ( GfxBase )
CloseLibrary( (struct Library *)GfxBase );
if ( IFFParseBase )
CloseLibrary( IFFParseBase );
if ( FreeAnimBase )
CloseLibrary( FreeAnimBase );
if ( LowLevelBase )
CloseLibrary( LowLevelBase );
} // closedown()
* Open all of the required libraries. If iff is TRUE, then open iffparse.
init( BOOL iff )
if ( !(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library", 39L)) ) {
printf("Could NOT open intuition.library!\n");
return( RC_FAILED );
if(!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *)OpenLibrary("graphics.library",39L)) ) {
printf("Could NOT open graphics.library!\n");
return( RC_FAILED );
if ( iff ) {
D(PRINTF("opening iffparse.library!\n");)
if(!(IFFParseBase = OpenLibrary("iffparse.library",0L)) ) {
printf("Could NOT open iffparse.library!\n");
return( RC_FAILED );
LowLevelBase = OpenLibrary( "lowlevel.library", 39L );
D(PRINTF("Opening freeanim.library\n");)
FreeAnimBase = OpenLibrary("freeanim.library",0L);
D(PRINTF("After opening freeanim.library\n");)
return( RC_OK );
} // init()
StopCDXL( struct IOStdReq * req )
if ( req ) {
// This correctly terminates a CDXL
if ( !CheckIO( (struct IORequest *)req ) ) {
AbortIO( (struct IORequest *)req );
WaitIO( (struct IORequest *)req );
/* Removed 930831
// Then a SEEK is required to force the drive to stop (sometimes necessary)
req->io_Command = CD_SEEK;
req->io_Offset = 0;
req->io_Length = 0;
req->io_Data = NULL;
SendIO( (struct IORequest *)req );
WaitIO( (struct IORequest *)req );
} // StopCDXL()
* Send a CD_INFO command to cd.device. The info is stored in the cdinfo structure.
GetCDInfo( struct CDInfo * cdi )
SendIOR( CDDeviceMReq, CD_INFO, NULL, sizeof ( *cdi ), cdi );
WaitIO( (struct IORequest *)CDDeviceMReq );
if ( !(CDDeviceMReq->io_Error ) ) {
D(PRINTF("\nReadXLSpeed= %ld, MaxSpeed= %ld\nSectorSize= %ld, XLECC= %ld\nStatus= %ld\n\n",
return( TRUE );
} else {
D(PRINTF("CD_INFO ERROR!!! io_Error= %ld\n",CDDeviceMReq->io_Error);)
return( FALSE );
} // GetCDInfo()
* Send a CD_CONFIG command to cd.device.
CDConfig( ULONG tag, ... )
SendIOR( CDDeviceMReq, CD_CONFIG, NULL, 0, &tag );
D(PRINTF("CDConfig() Calling WaitIO() ior= 0x%lx, io_Flags= 0x%lx, io_Error= 0x%lx, ln_Type= 0x%lx\n",
WaitIO( (struct IORequest *)CDDeviceMReq );
D(PRINTF("CDConfig() After WaitIO() ior= 0x%lx, io_Flags= 0x%lx, io_Error= 0x%lx, ln_Type= 0x%lx\n",
if ( CDDeviceMReq->io_Error ) {
D(PRINTF("\n!!!CD_CONFIG ERROR!!! io_Error= %ld\n\n",CDDeviceMReq->io_Error);)
return( FALSE );
GetCDInfo( &cdinfo );
return( TRUE );
} // CDConfig()
* Take a Pan structure and determine what kind of display to open.
Pan2Display( PAN * pan, DISP_DEF * disp_def, ULONG flags, struct TagItem * inti )
LONG pi;
int i,ht = NTSC_HEIGHT;
struct Rectangle drect;
struct DisplayInfo disp;
struct TagItem * ti;
if ( GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *)&disp, sizeof(struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP, LORES_KEY) ) {
if ( disp.PropertyFlags & DIPF_IS_PAL )
disp_def->Depth = pan->PixelSize;
pi = PI_VIDEO( pan );
// disp_def->ModeID = NULL;
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) ||
(disp_def->Flags & DISP_XLMODEID) ) {
if( pi == PIV_HAM ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= HAM;
} else if( pi == PIV_AVM ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= HIRES;
} else if ( (pi == PIV_STANDARD) && (pan->PixelSize == 6) ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
// High Resolution guess
if ( pan->XSize >= i) {
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) || (disp_def->Flags & DISP_XLMODEID) )
disp_def->ModeID |= HIRES;
} else {
i >>= 1;
if ( pan->XSize > i)
disp_def->Flags |= DISP_OVERSCANX;
i = ht;
// InterLace guess
if ( pan->YSize >= i ) {
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) || (disp_def->Flags & DISP_XLMODEID) )
disp_def->ModeID |= LACE;
} else {
i >>= 1;
if ( pan->YSize > i)
disp_def->Flags |= DISP_OVERSCANY;
* Tag that tells us to force an interlace/noninterlace display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_LACE, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data )
disp_def->ModeID |= LACE;
disp_def->ModeID &= ~LACE;
* Tag that tells us to force a noninterlace/interlace display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NONLACE, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data )
disp_def->ModeID &= ~LACE;
disp_def->ModeID |= LACE;
* Tag that tells us to force a HAM/NONHAM display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_HAM, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= HAM;
disp_def->ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
} else {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~HAM;
* Tag that tells us to force a NONHAM/HAM display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NONHAM, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~HAM;
} else {
disp_def->ModeID |= HAM;
disp_def->ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
* Tag that tells us to force a EHB/NONEHB display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_EHB, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
disp_def->ModeID &= ~HAM;
} else {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
* Tag that tells us to force a NONEHB/EHB display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NONEHB, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
} else {
disp_def->ModeID |= EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
disp_def->ModeID &= ~HAM;
* Tag that tells us to force a HIRES/LORES display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_HIRES, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data )
disp_def->ModeID |= HIRES;
disp_def->ModeID &= ~HIRES;
* Tag that tells us to force a LORES/HIRES display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_LORES, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data )
disp_def->ModeID &= ~HIRES;
disp_def->ModeID |= HIRES;
* Tag that tells us to force a scan doubled/single display.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_SDBL, inti ) ) {
if ( ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= LORESSDBL_KEY;
} else {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~LORESSDBL_KEY;
if ( ((ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NoPromote, inti )) && ti->ti_Data) ||
(disp_def->ModeID & LORESSDBL_KEY) || !(flags & CDXL_BLIT) ) {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
if ( ht == PAL_HEIGHT ) {
disp_def->ModeID |= PAL_MONITOR_ID;
} else {
disp_def->ModeID |= NTSC_MONITOR_ID;
* Tag that tells us to force an NTSC display.
if ( (ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NTSC, inti ))
&& ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
disp_def->ModeID |= NTSC_MONITOR_ID;
* Tag that tells us to force a PAL display.
if ( (ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_PAL, inti ))
&& ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
disp_def->ModeID |= PAL_MONITOR_ID;
* Tag that tells us to force a DEFAULT display.
if ( (ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_DEFMON, inti ))
&& ti->ti_Data ) {
disp_def->ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
disp_def->NominalWidth = SCREEN_WIDTH;
disp_def->NominalHeight = ht;
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) ) {
disp_def->Width = pan->XSize;
disp_def->Height = pan->YSize;
D(PRINTF("1 Setting disp_def->Height= %ld\n",disp_def->Height);)
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCAN ) {
QueryOverscan( disp_def->ModeID, &drect, OSCAN_MAX );
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCANX ) {
D(PRINTF("Pan2Display() DISP_OVERSCANX\n");)
disp_def->NominalWidth = (drect.MaxX - drect.MinX) + 1;
disp_def->Left = drect.MinX + (disp_def->NominalWidth - disp_def->Width);
} else if ( !(disp_def->ModeID & HIRES) ) {
disp_def->NominalWidth >>= 1;
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCANY ) {
D(PRINTF("Pan2Display() DISP_OVERSCANY\n");)
disp_def->NominalHeight = (drect.MaxY - drect.MinY) + 1;
disp_def->Top = drect.MinY + (disp_def->NominalHeight - disp_def->Height);
} else if ( !(disp_def->ModeID & LACE) ) {
disp_def->NominalHeight >>= 1;
D(PRINTF("Pan2Display() DISP_OVERSCAN, NominalWidth= %ld, NominalHeight= %ld\nWidth= %ld, Height= %ld\n MinX= %ld, MaxX= %ld, MinY= %ld, MaxY= %ld\n",
} else {
if ( !(disp_def->ModeID & HIRES) )
disp_def->NominalWidth >>= 1;
if ( !(disp_def->ModeID & LACE) )
disp_def->NominalHeight >>= 1;
D(PRINTF("Pan2Display() Left= %ld, Top= %ld\n",disp_def->Left,disp_def->Top);)
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND )
* If we are blitting from a buffer to our display, open the display
* full width. Else open a display only as big as the CDXL.
if ( flags & CDXL_BLIT ) {
disp_def->Width = max(disp_def->NominalWidth,pan->XSize);
disp_def->Height = max(disp_def->NominalHeight,pan->YSize);
if ( disp_def->ModeID & LORESSDBL_KEY ) {
disp_def->Height = max( disp_def->height, pan->YSize << 1 );
D(PRINTF("2 Setting disp_def->Height= %ld\n",disp_def->Height);)
} else {
disp_def->Width = pan->XSize;
disp_def->Height = pan->YSize;
D(PRINTF("3 Setting disp_def->Height= %ld\n",disp_def->Height);)
} // Pan2Display
* clipit - passed width and height of a display, and the text, std, and
* max overscan rectangles for the mode, clipit fills in the
* spos (screen pos) and dclip rectangles to use in centering.
* Centered around smallest containing user-editable oscan pref,
* with dclip confined to legal maxoscan limits.
* Screens which center such that their top is below text
* oscan top, will be moved up.
* If a non-null uclip is passed, that clip is used instead.
void clipit(SHORT wide, SHORT high,
struct Rectangle *spos, struct Rectangle *dclip,
struct Rectangle *txto, struct Rectangle *stdo,
struct Rectangle *maxo, struct Rectangle *uclip)
struct Rectangle *besto;
SHORT minx, maxx, miny, maxy;
SHORT txtw, txth, stdw, stdh, maxw, maxh, bestw, besth;
/* get the txt, std and max widths and heights */
txtw = txto->MaxX - txto->MinX + 1;
txth = txto->MaxY - txto->MinY + 1;
stdw = stdo->MaxX - stdo->MinX + 1;
stdh = stdo->MaxY - stdo->MinY + 1;
maxw = maxo->MaxX - maxo->MinX + 1;
maxh = maxo->MaxY - maxo->MinY + 1;
if((wide <= txtw)&&(high <= txth))
besto = txto;
bestw = txtw;
besth = txth;
D(bug("Best clip is txto\n"));
besto = stdo;
bestw = stdw;
besth = stdh;
D(bug("Best clip is stdo\n"));
D(bug("TXTO: mnx=%ld mny=%ld mxx=%ld mxy=%ld stdw=%ld stdh=%ld\n",
D(bug("STDO: mnx=%ld mny=%ld mxx=%ld mxy=%ld stdw=%ld stdh=%ld\n",
D(bug("MAXO: mnx=%ld mny=%ld mxx=%ld mxy=%ld maxw=%ld maxh=%ld\n",
*dclip = *uclip;
spos->MinX = uclip->MinX;
spos->MinY = uclip->MinY;
D(bug("UCLIP: mnx=%ld mny=%ld maxx=%ld maxy=%ld\n",
/* CENTER the screen based on best oscan prefs
* but confine dclip within max oscan limits
* FIX MinX first */
spos->MinX = minx = besto->MinX - ((wide - bestw) >> 1);
maxx = wide + minx - 1;
if(maxx > maxo->MaxX) maxx = maxo->MaxX; /* too right */
if(minx < maxo->MinX) minx = maxo->MinX; /* too left */
D(bug("DCLIP: minx adjust from %ld to %ld\n",spos->MinX,minx));
/* FIX MinY */
spos->MinY = miny = besto->MinY - ((high - besth) >> 1);
/* if lower than top of txto, move up */
spos->MinY = miny = min(spos->MinY,txto->MinY);
maxy = high + miny - 1;
if(maxy > maxo->MaxY) maxy = maxo->MaxY; /* too down */
if(miny < maxo->MinY) miny = maxo->MinY; /* too up */
D(bug("DCLIP: miny adjust from %ld to %ld\n",spos->MinY,miny));
/* SET up dclip */
dclip->MinX = minx;
dclip->MinY = miny;
dclip->MaxX = maxx;
dclip->MaxY = maxy;
D(bug("CENTER: mnx=%ld mny=%ld maxx=%ld maxy=%ld\n",
CenterDisplay( DISP_DEF * disp_def )
int i,ht = NTSC_HEIGHT;
struct Rectangle drect;
struct DisplayInfo disp;
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND ) {
struct Rectangle txto,stdo,maxo,spos,dclip;
QueryOverscan( disp_def->ModeID, &txto, OSCAN_TEXT );
QueryOverscan( disp_def->ModeID, &stdo, OSCAN_STANDARD );
QueryOverscan( disp_def->ModeID, &maxo, OSCAN_MAX );
clipit( disp_def->Width, disp_def->Height, &spos, &dclip, &txto, &stdo,
D(PRINTF("spos.MinX= %ld, MinY= %ld\n",spos.MinX,spos.MinY);)
disp_def->Left = spos.MinX;
disp_def->Top = spos.MinY;
if ( GetDisplayInfoData(NULL, (UBYTE *)&disp, sizeof(struct DisplayInfo), DTAG_DISP, LORES_KEY) ) {
if ( disp.PropertyFlags & DIPF_IS_PAL )
// High Resolution guess
if ( !( (disp_def->Width >= i) || (disp_def->ModeID & HIRES) ) ) {
i >>= 1;
if ( disp_def->Width > i)
disp_def->Flags |= DISP_OVERSCANX;
i = ht;
// InterLace guess
if ( !( (disp_def->Height >= i) || (disp_def->ModeID & LACE) ) ) {
i >>= 1;
if ( disp_def->Height > i)
disp_def->Flags |= DISP_OVERSCANY;
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCAN ) {
QueryOverscan( disp_def->ModeID, &drect, OSCAN_MAX );
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCANX ) {
D(PRINTF("CenterDisplay() DISP_OVERSCANX\n");)
disp_def->NominalWidth = (drect.MaxX - drect.MinX) + 1;
disp_def->Left = drect.MinX + (disp_def->NominalWidth - disp_def->Width);
if ( disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCANY ) {
D(PRINTF("CenterDisplay() DISP_OVERSCANY\n");)
disp_def->NominalHeight = (drect.MaxY - drect.MinY) + 1;
disp_def->Top = drect.MinY + (disp_def->NominalHeight - disp_def->Height);
D(PRINTF("CenterDisplay() DISP_OVERSCAN, NominalWidth= %ld, NominalHeight= %ld\nWidth= %ld, Height= %ld\n MinX= %ld, MaxX= %ld, MinY= %ld, MaxY= %ld\n",
D(PRINTF("CenterDisplay() Left= %ld, Top= %ld\n",disp_def->Left,disp_def->Top);)
} // CenterDisplay
* Free the CDXLOB and its buffers
int i;
if ( xlfile ) {
CloseAsyncXL( xlfile, CDXL_ob );
xlfile = NULL;
if( CDXL_ob ) {
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
if( CDXL_ob->Buffer[i] )
FreeMem( CDXL_ob->Buffer[i], CDXL_ob->BufSize );
FreeMem( CDXL_ob, sizeof( CDXLOB ) );
} // CDXLFreeOb();
* Allocate a CDXLOB and its buffers and do setup.
CDXLObtain( UBYTE * CDXLFile, DISP_DEF * disp_def, CDXLOB **CDXLob, ULONG flags, struct TagItem * inti )
struct FileLock * FileLock;
struct FileInfoBlock * fib;
struct TagItem * ti;
LONG fsLock;
LONG File;
UBYTE fibbuf[ ( sizeof( struct FileInfoBlock ) + 3 ) ];
int ret,i,j,ImageStart;
PAN pan;
BOOL sdbl;
*CDXLob = CDXL_ob = NULL;
if( !(CDXLFile ) )
return( RC_MISSING_FILE );
File = NULL;
if ( ! ( fsLock = Lock( CDXLFile, ACCESS_READ ) ) ) {
printf("Could not Lock '%ls'\n",CDXLFile);
goto error;
FileLock = (struct FileLock *) BADDR( fsLock );
// Pluck the sector right out of public part of the structure
CDXLSector = FileLock->fl_Key;
// Get size of file.
// (Force longword alignment of fib pointer.)
fib = (struct FileInfoBlock *) ( (LONG) ( fibbuf + 3 ) & ~3L );
Examine( fsLock, fib );
Size = fib->fib_Size;
UnLock( fsLock );
fsLock = NULL;
if ( ! ( File = Open( CDXLFile, MODE_OLDFILE ) ) ) {
printf("Could not open '%ls'\n",CDXLFile);
goto error;
// Get the first PAN
if ( Read( File, &pan, PAN_SIZE ) != PAN_SIZE ) {
goto error;
if( pan.Type != PAN_STANDARD ) {
ret = RC_BAD_PAN;
goto error;
if( Read( File, cmap, pan.ColorMapSize ) != pan.ColorMapSize ) {
goto error;
* If we are NOT loading an ILBM for the background, determine
* what kind of display to open based upon the PAN. Else we
* determine the display from the ILBM.
// if ( (disp_def->Flags & DISP_XLMODEID) || !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) )
Pan2Display( &pan, disp_def, flags, inti );
CenterDisplay( disp_def );
Close( File );
File = NULL;
if( !(CDXL_ob = AllocMem( sizeof( CDXLOB ), MEMF_CLEAR ) ) ) {
ret = RC_NO_MEM;
goto error;
CDXL_ob->FibSize = Size;
// pan.Reserved holds the READXLSPEED.
CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed = (pan.Reserved+1) * DEFAULT_XLSPEED;
CDXL_ob->flags = flags;
CDXL_ob->ImageSize = IMAGE_SIZE( &pan );
CDXL_ob->PlaneSize = PLANE_SIZE( &pan );
// CDXL_ob->FrameSize = FRAME_SIZE( &pan );
CDXL_ob->FrameSize = pan.Size; // To account for padding. W.D.L 930811
CDXL_ob->CMapSize = CMAP_SIZE( &pan );
CDXL_ob->AudioSize = pan.AudioSize;
CDXL_ob->BufSize = CDXL_ob->FrameSize;
CDXL_ob->StartSector = CDXLSector;
CDXL_ob->NumFrames = ( Size / CDXL_ob->FrameSize );
if ( (flags & CDXL_DOSXL) && !(xlfile = OpenAsyncXL( CDXLFile, CDXL_ob, 0 ) ) ) {
D(PRINTF("Could NOT open AsyncXL FILE\n");)
ret = RC_NO_MEM; // ??
goto error;
* Set 2 buffers.
for ( j = 0; j < 2; j++ ) {
if( !(flags & CDXL_DOSXL) && !(CDXL_ob->Buffer[j] = AllocMem( CDXL_ob->BufSize, MEMF_CHIP|MEMF_CLEAR ) ) ) {
ret = RC_NO_MEM;
goto error;
* Point the audio to the correct offset into the buffer.
if( CDXL_ob->AudioSize ) {
CDXL_ob->audio[j] = (UBYTE *)CDXL_ob->Buffer[j] + PAN_SIZE + CMAP_SIZE( &pan ) + IMAGE_SIZE( &pan );
* Point the CMAP to the correct offset into the buffer.
CDXL_ob->CMap[j] = (UWORD *)(CDXL_ob->Buffer[j] + PAN_SIZE);
CopyMem( cmap, CDXL_ob->CMap[j], pan.ColorMapSize );
* Since the bitmap MUST be the same size as the CDXL,
* AllocBitMap() can NOT be used as it will round the width
* up according to the restrictions of the OS.
ImageStart = PAN_SIZE + CMAP_SIZE( &pan );
* Point the Video to the correct offset into the buffer.
CDXL_ob->Video[j] = CDXL_ob->Buffer[j] + ImageStart;
* Set up the bitmap planes to point into our buffer.
for ( i = 0; i < CDXL_ob->bm[j].Depth; i++ ) {
CDXL_ob->bm[j].Planes[i] = (PLANEPTR)(CDXL_ob->Video[j] + i * CDXL_ob->PlaneSize);
D(PRINTF("pan.YSize= %ld\n",pan.YSize);)
Read( File, CDXL_ob->bm[0].Planes[0], CDXL_ob->ImageSize );
BltBitMap( &CDXL_ob->bm[0],0,0,&CDXL_ob->bm[1],0,0,pan.XSize,pan.YSize,0xC0,0xFF,NULL);
Close( File );
File = NULL;
* If a volume is specified use it.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Volume, inti ) ) {
CDXL_ob->Volume = ti->ti_Data;
} else {
CDXL_ob->Volume = 64;
if ( (ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_SDBL, inti )) && ti->ti_Data ) {
sdbl = TRUE;
} else {
sdbl = FALSE;
* If a left value is specified use it. Else center.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Left, inti ) ) {
CDXL_ob->rect.MinX = ti->ti_Data;
} else {
// Center it;
CDXL_ob->rect.MinX = (max(disp_def->NominalWidth,disp_def->Width) >> 1) - (pan.XSize >> 1);
* If a top value is specified use it. Else center.
if ( ti = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Top, inti ) ) {
CDXL_ob->rect.MinY = ti->ti_Data;
} else {
// Center it;
CDXL_ob->rect.MinY = (max(disp_def->NominalHeight,disp_def->Height) - (sdbl ? (pan.YSize << 1) : pan.YSize) )/2;
// CDXL_ob->rect.MinY = (max(disp_def->NominalHeight,disp_def->Height) >> 1) - (sdbl ? pan.YSize : (pan.YSize >> 1));
// CDXL_ob->rect.MinY = (max(disp_def->NominalHeight,disp_def->Height) >> (sdbl ? 2 : 1)) - pan.YSize;
D(PRINTF("1 MinY = %ld, Ht= %ld, Ht>>1= %ld, YSize= %ld, YSize>>1= %ld\n",
(max(disp_def->NominalHeight,disp_def->Height) >> 1),
pan.YSize,(pan.YSize >> 1));)
D(PRINTF("disp_def->Heigh= %ld, disp_def->NominalHeight= %ld\nmax(disp_def->NominalHeight,disp_def->Height)= %ld,(pan.YSize << 1)= %ld\n",
(pan.YSize << 1) );)
D(PRINTF("Miny= %ld - %ld\n",
max(disp_def->NominalHeight,disp_def->Height),((pan.YSize << 1)/2) );)
// Clip it.
CDXL_ob->rect.MinX = max(0,min( CDXL_ob->rect.MinX, disp_def->Width ));
CDXL_ob->rect.MinY = max(0,min( CDXL_ob->rect.MinY, disp_def->Height ));
// If display will be scan doubled
if ( sdbl ) {
D(PRINTF("SDBL... Before MinY= %ld, Top= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->rect.MinY,disp_def->Top);)
CDXL_ob->rect.MinY >>= 2;
disp_def->Top >>= 2;
D(PRINTF("AFTER MinY= %ld, Top= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->rect.MinY,disp_def->Top);)
CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX = pan.XSize + CDXL_ob->rect.MinX;
CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY = pan.YSize + CDXL_ob->rect.MinY;
// Clip it.
CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX = min( CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX, disp_def->Width );
CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY = min( CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY, disp_def->Height );
*CDXLob = CDXL_ob; // Set return ptr
* If we are useing the imbedded bitmaps for the display
* (ie we are NOT blitting from the imbedded bitmaps to the
* display), point the display bitmaps to the imbedded ones.
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_ALLOCBM) ) {
disp_def->bm[0] = &CDXL_ob->bm[1];
disp_def->bm[1] = &CDXL_ob->bm[0];
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCANX) ) {
disp_def->Left = CDXL_ob->rect.MinX;
D(PRINTF("Setting disp_def->Left 1 to %ld\n",disp_def->Left);)
if ( !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_OVERSCANY) && !(disp_def->Flags & DISP_SCREEN) ) {
disp_def->Top = CDXL_ob->rect.MinY;
D(PRINTF("Setting disp_def->Top 1 to %ld\n",disp_def->Top);)
D(PRINTF("CDXLObtain... END MinY= %ld, Top= %ld, Height= %ld, YSize= %ld\n",
D(PRINTF("PAN_SIZE= %ld, CMapSize= %ld, ImageSize= %ld, AudioSize= %ld, FrameSize= %ld\n",
Delay( 14 ); // Delay for cd.device prefetch doublespeed bug.
return( RC_OK );
if ( xlfile ) {
CloseAsyncXL( xlfile, CDXL_ob );
xlfile = NULL;
D(PRINTF("CDXLObtain error ret= %ld\n",ret);)
if( File )
Close( File );
if ( fsLock )
UnLock( fsLock );
CDXLFreeOb( CDXL_ob );
return( ret );
} /* CDXLObtain() */
* Close cd/cdtv.device, depending upon which one was opened.
CDDeviceTerm( CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
if ( CDDeviceMReq ) {
if ( CDDevice ) {
if ( CDXL_ob && !(CDXL_ob->flags & CDTV_DEVICE) ) {
// Reset CDConfig to how we found it.
CloseDevice( (struct IORequest *)CDDeviceMReq );
CDDevice = NULL;
if ( CDPort ) {
while( GetMsg( CDPort ) );
DeleteStdIO( CDDeviceMReq );
CDDeviceMReq = NULL;
if ( CDPort ) {
DeleteMsgPort( CDPort );
CDPort = NULL;
CDPortSignal = -1;
} // CDDeviceTerm()
* Attempts to open CD/CDTV.device if not already opened.
* Tries to open cd.device first, if not successful, tries for cdtv.device
* Returns:
* retcode: (BOOL) reflects device's open state.
* *opened: (BOOL) TRUE if opened by this call.
CDDeviceInit( ULONG * opened, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
UBYTE * device_name[] = { CD_NAME, CDTV_NAME };
int i;
if ( opened )
*opened = FALSE;
if ( !CDDevice ) {
D(PRINTF("CDDeviceInit() have to prep CDDevice!");)
if ( CDPort = CreateMsgPort() ) {
D(PRINTF("CDDeviceInit() GOT CDPort\n");)
if ( CDDeviceMReq = CreateStdIO( CDPort ) ) {
D(PRINTF("CDDeviceInit() GOT CDDeviceMReq\n");)
// Try to open cd.device. If can't, try for cdtv.device.
i = (CDXL_ob->flags & CDTV_DEVICE) ? 1 : 0;
for ( ; i < 2; i++ ) {
if ( !OpenDevice( device_name[i], 0, (struct IORequest *)CDDeviceMReq, 0 ) ) {
D(PRINTF("CDDeviceInit() Got a Device\n");)
CDDevice = CDDeviceMReq->io_Device;
if ( !CDDevice ) {
printf("CDDeviceInit() Failed!! port 0x%lx request 0x%lx device 0x%lx\n",
CDPort, CDDeviceMReq, CDDevice );
CDDeviceTerm( CDXL_ob );
return( FALSE );
CDPortSignal = ( 1 << CDPort->mp_SigBit );
if ( opened )
*opened = TRUE;
// If we have cd.device as opposed to cdtv.device
if ( i == 0 ) {
D(PRINTF("GOT cd.device\n");)
GetCDInfo( &cdinfo );
saveinfo = cdinfo; // structure copy
CDXL_ob->NumSectors = CDXL_ob->FibSize / cdinfo.SectorSize;
D(PRINTF("1 CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed= %ld, cdinfo.ReadXLSpeed= %ld\n",
CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed,cdinfo.ReadXLSpeed );)
if ( CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed != cdinfo.ReadXLSpeed ) {
if ( CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed > cdinfo.MaxSpeed )
CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed = cdinfo.MaxSpeed;
CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed = cdinfo.ReadXLSpeed;
D(PRINTF("2 CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed= %ld, cdinfo.ReadXLSpeed= %ld\n",
CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed,cdinfo.ReadXLSpeed );)
// Set Errror Correction
CDConfig( TAGCD_XLECC, (CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_XLEEC) ? 1 : 0, TAG_END );
} else {
D(PRINTF("GOT cdtv.device\n");)
// Indicate that we are using cdtv.device
CDXL_ob->flags |= CDTV_DEVICE;
CDXL_ob->NumSectors = CDXL_ob->FibSize / DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE;
return( TRUE );
} // CDDeviceInit()
* Free the list of struct CDXL or CDTV_CDXL, depending upon which device we opened.
FreeXList( struct MinList * xllist, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
struct CDXL * xl;
if ( xllist->mlh_Head ) {
xllist->mlh_Head->mln_Pred = Pred;
Pred = NULL;
if ( xllist->mlh_TailPred ) {
xllist->mlh_TailPred->mln_Succ = Succ;
Succ = NULL;
while ( xl = (struct CDXL *)RemHead( (struct List *)xllist) ) {
FreeMem( xl, (CDXL_ob->flags & CDTV_DEVICE) ? sizeof( CDTV_CDXL ) : sizeof( struct CDXL ) );
} /* FreeXList() */
* Shut down everything CDXL related.
// Terminate the audio.
if( CDDeviceMReq ) {
// This correctly terminates a CDXL
if ( !CheckIO( (struct IORequest *) CDDeviceMReq ) ) {
D(PRINTF("CDXLTerm() Calling AbortIO() ior= 0x%lx, io_Flags= 0x%lx, io_Error= 0x%lx, ln_Type= 0x%lx\n",
AbortIO( (struct IORequest *) CDDeviceMReq );
D(PRINTF("CDXLTerm() Calling WaitIO() ior= 0x%lx, io_Flags= 0x%lx, io_Error= 0x%lx, ln_Type= 0x%lx\n",
WaitIO( (struct IORequest *) CDDeviceMReq );
D(PRINTF("CDXLTerm() After WaitIO() ior= 0x%lx, io_Flags= 0x%lx, io_Error= 0x%lx, ln_Type= 0x%lx\n",
/* Removed 930831
// Then a SEEK is required to force the drive to stop (sometimes necessary)
CDDeviceMReq->io_Command = CD_SEEK;
CDDeviceMReq->io_Offset = 0;
CDDeviceMReq->io_Length = 0;
CDDeviceMReq->io_Data = NULL;
SendIO( (struct IORequest *) CDDeviceMReq );
WaitIO( (struct IORequest *) CDDeviceMReq );
CDDeviceTerm( CDXL_ob );
if( XList.mlh_Head ) {
FreeXList( &XList, CDXL_ob );
if( XLSignalBit != -1 ) {
FreeSignal( XLSignalBit );
XLSignalBit = -1;
XLSignal = -1;
CDXLFreeOb( CDXL_ob );
} /* CDXLTerm() */
* CDXLCallBack -- XL Callback function (runs as an interrupt)
__interrupt __asm __saveds
CDXLCallBack( register __a1 APTR intdata, register __a2 struct CDXL * xl )
if ( CDXL_OB->AudioSize ) {
// disable AUD0 interrupt
custom.intreq = INTF_AUD0;
CDXL_OB->curVideo ^= 1;
if ( Count==1 ) {
} else {
// enable AUD0 interrupt
custom.intena = INTF_SETCLR|INTF_AUD0;
} else {
CDXL_OB->curVideo ^= 1;
Signal( (struct Task *)parent, XLSignal );
return( 0 );
} /* CDXLCallBack() */
* SendIOR -- asynchronously execute a device command
SendIOR( struct IOStdReq * req, LONG cmd, ULONG off, ULONG len, APTR data)
req->io_Command = cmd;
req->io_Offset = off;
req->io_Length = len;
req->io_Data = data;
if ( (cmd == CDTV_READXL) || (cmd == CD_READXL) ) {
D(PRINTF("SendIOR() cmd= %ld io_Offset= %ld, io_Length= %ld\n",
SendIO( (struct IORequest *)req);
if ( req->io_Error ) {
printf("SendIOR() ERROR!!! io_Error= %ld\n",req->io_Error);
return( FALSE );
} else {
return( TRUE );
} // SendIOR()
* Call this if cdtv.device was opened as opposed to cd.device.
NewCDTV_XL( struct MinList * first, UBYTE * buf, ULONG len, PF code )
if( !(xl = AllocMem( sizeof( CDTV_CDXL ) , MEMF_CLEAR ) ) )
return( RC_NO_MEM );
xl->Buffer = (char *)buf;
xl->Length = len;
xl->DoneFunc = (VOID(* )())code;
AddTail( (struct List *)first, (struct Node *)xl );
return( RC_OK );
} // NewCDTV_XL()
* Call this if cd.device was opened as opposed to cdtv.device.
NewCD_XL( struct MinList * first, UBYTE * buf, ULONG len, PF code )
struct CDXL * xl;
if( !(xl = AllocMem( sizeof( struct CDXL ) , MEMF_CLEAR ) ) )
return( RC_NO_MEM );
xl->Buffer = (char *)buf;
xl->Length = len;
xl->IntCode = (VOID(* )())code;
xl->IntData = NULL;
D(PRINTF("NewCD_XL xl= 0x%lx\n",xl);)
AddTail( (struct List *)first, (struct Node *)xl );
return( RC_OK );
} // NewCD_XL()
ButtonAbort( ULONG flags )
if ( ((flags & CDXL_LMBABORT) && LMBDown() ) ||
((flags & CDXL_RMBABORT) && RMBDown() ) ||
((flags & CDXL_FIREABORT) && FireDown() ) ) {
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
} // ButtonAbort()
#define S(MASK) (MASK & state )
ReadPort( ULONG flags )
ULONG state;
state = ReadJoyPort( 0 );
if ( flags & CDXL_LMBABORT ) {
if ( (JP_TYPE_MASK & state) == JP_TYPE_MOUSE) {
if (S(JPF_BTN2))
return( TRUE );
if ( flags & CDXL_RMBABORT ) {
if ( (JP_TYPE_MASK & state) == JP_TYPE_MOUSE) {
if (S(JPF_BTN1))
return( TRUE );
if ( flags & CDXL_FIREABORT ) {
state = ReadJoyPort( 1 );
if ( ((JP_TYPE_MASK & state) == JP_TYPE_GAMECTLR) || ((JP_TYPE_MASK & state) == JP_TYPE_JOYSTK) ) {
if (S(JPF_BTN2))
return( TRUE );
return( FALSE );
} // ReadPort()
* Conatins the main loop which handles the CDXL playback.
PlayCDXL( DISP_DEF * disp_def, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
LONG LastFrame,NumColors;
ULONG SignalMask,DBufSignal;
ULONG Signal;
#ifdef DO_REBOOT // [
ULONG copcount;
#endif // ]
SHORT curbm,curvid,DstX,DstY,Wid,Ht;
BOOL Need2Change,Safe2Change;
BOOL (* babort)( ULONG );
int ret = RC_OK,oldpri;
* The signal for the CDXL interrupt to ping us with.
if ( ( XLSignalBit = AllocSignal( -1 ) ) == -1 ) {
return( RC_NO_MEM );
XLSignal = ( 1 << XLSignalBit );
if ( LowLevelBase ) {
babort = ReadPort;
} else {
babort = ButtonAbort;
* The signal from the copper interrupt telling us to call ChangeVPBitMap().
DBufSignal = CopSignal;
curvid = 0;
curbm = 1;
Count = 0;
Need2Change = Safe2Change = FALSE;
NumColors = min(CDXL_ob->CMapSize >> 1,disp_def->vp->ColorMap->Count);
LastFrame = CDXL_ob->NumFrames-1;
* Wait for signals from:
* the CDXL interrupt (XLSignal),
* the user telling us to abort (CDXL_ob->KillSig),
* the device telling us something is wrong (CDPortSignal),
* the copper interrupt telling us to Call ChangeVPBitMap() (DBufSignal).
SignalMask = ( XLSignal|CDXL_ob->KillSig|CDPortSignal|DBufSignal);
DstX = CDXL_ob->rect.MinX;
DstY = (disp_def->ModeID & LORESSDBL_KEY) ?
(CDXL_ob->rect.MinY>>1) : CDXL_ob->rect.MinY;
Wid = (CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX - CDXL_ob->rect.MinX) - CDXL_ob->xoff;
Ht = (CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY - CDXL_ob->rect.MinY) - CDXL_ob->yoff;
D(PRINTF("DstX= %ld, DstY= %ld, Wid= %ld, Ht= %ld\n",
CDXL_OB = CDXL_ob; // Set the Global ptr
oldpri = SetTaskPri( FindTask( NULL ), 50L );
CDXL_ob->flags |= CDXL_PLAYING;
D(PRINTF("PlayCDXL() Count= %ld, LastFrame= %ld\n",Count,LastFrame);)
do {
D(PRINTF("TOP loops= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->loops);)
SetSignal( 0, SignalMask );
curvid = 0;
curbm = 1;
Count = 0;
Need2Change = Safe2Change = FALSE;
CDXL_ob->curVideo = CDXL_ob->curAudio = 0;
* Start the CDXL. Things are done differently depending upon whether
* we have cd.device opened or cdtv.device.
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDTV_DEVICE ) {
// SendIOR(CDDeviceMReq,CDTV_READXL,CDXL_ob->StartSector,CDXL_ob->NumSectors,XList.mlh_Head);
} else {
SendIOR(CDDeviceMReq,CD_READXL,CDXL_ob->StartSector * cdinfo.SectorSize,CDXL_ob->NumSectors * cdinfo.SectorSize,&XList);
// SendIOR(CDDeviceMReq,CD_READXL,CDXL_ob->StartSector * cdinfo.SectorSize,CDXL_ob->NumSectors * cdinfo.SectorSize,XList.mlh_Head);
* Our main CDXL loop. Continue until we get a kill signal from the user,
* (CDXL_ob->KillSig) or from the device (CDPortSignal), or until we reach
* the last frame.
#ifdef DO_REBOOT // [
copcount = 0;
#endif // ]
while ( 1 /*Count < LastFrame*/ ) {
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BUTTONABORTMASK ) {
if ( babort( CDXL_ob->flags ) ) {
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
Signal = Wait( SignalMask );
#ifndef OUTT // [
if ( Signal & CDXL_ob->KillSig ) {
D(PRINTF("// Got a kill signal. Count= %ld, LastFrame= %ld\n",
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
if ( Signal & CDPortSignal ) {
D(PRINTF("// Got a Reply signal from cd.device. Count= %ld, LastFrame= %ld\n",
#else // ][
if ( Signal & (CDXL_ob->KillSig|CDPortSignal) ) {
D(PRINTF("// Got a kill signal. Signal= 0x%lx, CDPortSignal= 0x%lx\n",
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
#endif // ]
* Recieved a signal from our CDXL interrupt telling us that it
* has finished with one of our transfer lists.
if ( Signal & XLSignal ) {
#ifdef DO_REBOOT // [
copcount = 0;
#endif // ]
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BLIT ) {
BltBitMap( &CDXL_ob->bm[curvid],0,0,disp_def->bm[curbm],
curvid = CDXL_ob->curVideo;
} else {
curvid = curbm = CDXL_ob->curVideo;
Need2Change = TRUE;
* Its time to call ChangeVPBitMap()
if( (Signal & DBufSignal) || Safe2Change ) {
#ifdef DO_REBOOT // [
if ( copcount > (60*15) ) {
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
D(PRINTF("Exiting loop\n");)
D(PRINTF("cd.device NOT responding... REBOOTING!! copcount= %ld, Count= %ld, LastFrame= %ld\n",
D(PRINTF("ior= 0x%lx, io_Command= 0x%lx, io_Flags= 0x%lx, io_Error= 0x%lx\nio_Actual= %ld, io_Length= %ld, io_Data= 0x%lx, io_Offset= %ld, ln_Type= 0x%lx\n",
#endif // ]
if ( Need2Change ) {
ChangeVPBitMap(disp_def->vp, disp_def->bm[curbm], disp_def->dbuf);
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_MULTI_PALETTE ) {
* Since the PAN format that we are using only stores
* 4 bits per gun, might as well just use LoadRGB4.
LoadRGB4( disp_def->vp, CDXL_ob->CMap[curvid^1],NumColors );
Safe2Change = FALSE;
Need2Change = FALSE;
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BLIT ) {
curbm ^= 1;
} else {
Safe2Change = TRUE;
if ( Count ) {
D(PRINTF("Need2Change= %ld, Safe2Change= %ld\n",Need2Change,Safe2Change);)
AudioSignalTask = TRUE;
if ( CDXL_ob->AudioSize ) {
if ( !ret ) {
Signal = NULL;
while ( !(Signal & (XLSignal|CDXL_ob->KillSig)) )
Signal = Wait( SignalMask );
AudioSignalTask = FALSE;
if ( (CDXL_ob->loops == -1) || (CDXL_ob->loops-1) ) {
D(PRINTF("Calling StopCDXL()!!!!\n");)
StopCDXL( CDDeviceMReq );
D(PRINTF("BOTTOM2 loops= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->loops);)
} while ( (CDXL_ob->loops == -1) || --CDXL_ob->loops );
CDXL_ob->flags &= ~CDXL_PLAYING;
D(PRINTF("END loops= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->loops);)
SetTaskPri( FindTask( NULL ), oldpri );
return( ret );
} // PlayCDXL()
* Conatins the main loop which handles the DOSXL playback.
PlayAsyncXL( DISP_DEF * disp_def, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob, ASYNCXLFILE * xlfile )
LONG LastFrame,NumColors;
ULONG SignalMask,DBufSignal;
ULONG Signal;
SHORT curbm,curvid,DstX,DstY,Wid,Ht;
BOOL Need2Change,Safe2Change;
BOOL (* babort)( ULONG );
LONG bytesArrived;
int ret = RC_OK,oldpri;
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 1\n");)
* The signal for the CDXL interrupt to ping us with.
if ( ( XLSignalBit = AllocSignal( -1 ) ) == -1 ) {
return( RC_NO_MEM );
XLSignal = ( 1 << XLSignalBit );
if ( LowLevelBase ) {
babort = ReadPort;
} else {
babort = ButtonAbort;
* The signal from the copper interrupt telling us to call ChangeVPBitMap().
DBufSignal = CopSignal;
curvid = 0;
curbm = 1;
Count = 0;
Need2Change = Safe2Change = FALSE;
NumColors = min(CDXL_ob->CMapSize >> 1,disp_def->vp->ColorMap->Count);
LastFrame = CDXL_ob->NumFrames;
* Wait for signals from:
* the CDXL interrupt (XLSignal),
* the user telling us to abort (CDXL_ob->KillSig),
* the device telling us something is wrong (CDPortSignal),
* the copper interrupt telling us to Call ChangeVPBitMap() (DBufSignal).
SignalMask = ( XLSignal|CDXL_ob->KillSig|CDPortSignal|DBufSignal);
DstX = CDXL_ob->rect.MinX;
DstY = (disp_def->ModeID & LORESSDBL_KEY) ?
(CDXL_ob->rect.MinY>>1) : CDXL_ob->rect.MinY;
Wid = (CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX - CDXL_ob->rect.MinX) - CDXL_ob->xoff;
Ht = (CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY - CDXL_ob->rect.MinY) - CDXL_ob->yoff;
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 2\n");)
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 3 Count= %ld, LastFrame= %ld\n",Count,LastFrame);)
CDXL_OB = CDXL_ob; // Set the Global ptr
oldpri = SetTaskPri( FindTask( NULL ), 50L );
CDXL_ob->flags |= CDXL_PLAYING;
do {
D(PRINTF("TOP loops= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->loops);)
// If we are relooping
if ( Count ) {
// WaitPacket( xlfile );
SetSignal( 0, SignalMask );
curvid = 0;
curbm = 1;
Count = 0;
Need2Change = Safe2Change = FALSE;
CDXL_ob->curVideo = CDXL_ob->curAudio = 0;
/* ask that the buffer be filled */
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 4\n");)
WaitPacket( xlfile );
* Our main CDXL loop. Continue until we get a kill signal from the user,
* (CDXL_ob->KillSig) or from the device (CDPortSignal), or until we reach
* the last frame.
while ( Count < LastFrame ) {
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 5\n");)
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BUTTONABORTMASK ) {
if ( babort( CDXL_ob->flags ) ) {
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
Signal = Wait( SignalMask );
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 6\n");)
if ( Signal & CDXL_ob->KillSig ) {
D(PRINTF("// Got a kill signal Signal= 0x%lx, CDXL_ob->KillSig= 0x%lx, CDPortSignal= 0x%lx\n",Signal,CDXL_ob->KillSig,CDPortSignal);)
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
* Recieved a signal from our CDXL interrupt telling us that it
* has finished with one of our transfer lists.
if ( !(CDXL_ob->AudioSize) || (Signal & XLSignal) /*|| !Count*/ ) {
D(PRINTF("PlayAsyncXL() 7\n");)
WaitPacket( xlfile );
bytesArrived = xlfile->af_Packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Res1;
D(PRINTF("bytesArrived= %ld\n",bytesArrived);)
if (bytesArrived <= 0) {
if (bytesArrived <= 0)
/* error, get out of here */
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
D(PRINTF("Read Error Count= %ld, LastFrame= %ld\n",
/* ask that the buffer be filled */
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BLIT ) {
BltBitMap( &CDXL_ob->bm[curvid],0,0,disp_def->bm[curbm],
curvid = CDXL_ob->curVideo;
} else {
curvid = curbm = CDXL_ob->curVideo;
Need2Change = TRUE;
* Its time to call ChangeVPBitMap()
if( (Signal & DBufSignal) || Safe2Change ) {
if ( Need2Change ) {
ChangeVPBitMap(disp_def->vp, disp_def->bm[curbm], disp_def->dbuf);
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_MULTI_PALETTE ) {
* Since the PAN format that we are using only stores
* 4 bits per gun, might as well just use LoadRGB4.
LoadRGB4( disp_def->vp, CDXL_ob->CMap[curvid^1],NumColors );
Safe2Change = FALSE;
Need2Change = FALSE;
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BLIT ) {
curbm ^= 1;
} else {
Safe2Change = TRUE;
if ( Count ) {
D(PRINTF("Need2Change= %ld, Safe2Change= %ld\n",Need2Change,Safe2Change);)
WaitPacket( xlfile );
if ( CDXL_ob->AudioSize ) {
if ( !ret ) {
Signal = NULL;
while ( !(Signal & (XLSignal|CDXL_ob->KillSig)) )
Signal = Wait( SignalMask );
D(PRINTF("BOTTOM2 loops= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->loops);)
} while ( (CDXL_ob->loops == -1) || --CDXL_ob->loops );
CDXL_ob->flags &= ~CDXL_PLAYING;
D(PRINTF("END loops= %ld\n",CDXL_ob->loops);)
SetTaskPri( FindTask( NULL ), oldpri );
return( ret );
} // PlayAsyncXL()
* Get ready to start playing the DOSXL.
StartAsyncXL( DISP_DEF * disp_def, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
int ret;
D(PRINTF("StartAsyncXL() 1\n");)
if( !CDXL_ob )
return( RC_FAILED );
D(PRINTF("StartAsyncXL() 2\n");)
if ( CDXL_ob->AudioSize ) {
if ( ret = InitAudio( CDXL_ob ) )
return( ret );
D(PRINTF("StartAsyncXL() 3\n");)
SetSignal( 0, CDPortSignal ); // Make sure signal is clear.
* Call the main CDXL playing routine.
ret = PlayAsyncXL( disp_def, CDXL_ob, xlfile );
D(PRINTF("StartAsyncXL() END ret= %ld\n",ret);)
return( ret );
} // StartASyncXL()
* Get ready to start playing the CDXL.
StartCDXL( DISP_DEF * disp_def, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
int ret,i;
PFI newxl;
if( !CDXL_ob )
return( RC_FAILED );
Pred = Succ = NULL;
NewList( (struct List *)&XList );
if( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_DOSXL )
return( StartAsyncXL( disp_def, CDXL_ob ) );
if ( !CDDeviceInit( NULL, CDXL_ob ) ) {
D(PRINTF("StartCDXL CDDeviceInit() FAILED\n");)
return( RC_NO_CDDEVICE );
if ( CDXL_ob->AudioSize ) {
if ( ret = InitAudio( CDXL_ob ) )
return( ret );
* We call a different transfer list allocation function depending
* upon whether we have opened cd.device or cdtv.device.
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDTV_DEVICE ) {
newxl = NewCDTV_XL;
} else {
newxl = NewCD_XL;
* We have 2 buffers so we need 2 transfer lists.
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
if( newxl( &XList, CDXL_ob->Buffer[i], CDXL_ob->FrameSize,
CDXLCallBack )
) {
ret = RC_NO_MEM;
if ( !ret ) {
// Tie list together to give us an endless loop
Pred = XList.mlh_Head->mln_Pred;
Succ = XList.mlh_TailPred->mln_Succ;
XList.mlh_Head->mln_Pred = XList.mlh_TailPred;
XList.mlh_TailPred->mln_Succ = XList.mlh_Head;
SetSignal( 0, CDPortSignal ); // Make sure signal is clear.
* Call the main CDXL playing routine.
ret = PlayCDXL( disp_def, CDXL_ob );
return( ret );
} // StartCDXL()
* Draw a box in color 0 around the CDXL. May be necessary to avoid some
* HAM problems.
Boxit( DISP_DEF * disp_def, CDXLOB * CDXL_ob )
struct RastPort rp;
int i;
InitRastPort( &rp );
SetABPenDrMd( &rp, 0, 0, JAM2 );
for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
rp.BitMap = disp_def->bm[i];
Move( &rp, max(CDXL_ob->rect.MinX - 1,0), max(CDXL_ob->rect.MinY - 1,0) );
Draw( &rp, max(CDXL_ob->rect.MinX - 1,0), min(CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY,disp_def->Height) );
Draw( &rp, min(CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX,disp_def->Width), min(CDXL_ob->rect.MaxY,disp_def->Height) );
Draw( &rp, min(CDXL_ob->rect.MaxX,disp_def->Width), max(CDXL_ob->rect.MinY - 1,0) );
Draw( &rp, max(CDXL_ob->rect.MinX - 1,0), max(CDXL_ob->rect.MinY - 1,0) );
} // Boxit()
* If XLTAG_MSGPortName is specified, this task will get invoked which
* will handle commands recieved from a port that is created with the
* name specified.
STATIC VOID __saveds
MsgPortTask( VOID )
struct Task * task = FindTask( NULL );
struct MsgPort * port;
UBYTE * portname = (UBYTE *)task->tc_UserData;
XLMESSAGE * xlmsg;
ULONG portsig,signals;
int ret = RC_OK;
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() ENTERED\n");)
if ( !(port = CreatePort( portname, 0 )) )
ret = RC_FAILED;
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() 1 ret= %ld\n",ret);)
task->tc_UserData = (APTR)ret;
Signal( (struct Task *)parent, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E );
if ( !ret ) {
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() 2\n");)
portsig = 1 << port->mp_SigBit;
signals = Wait( portsig|SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C );
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() 3\n");)
if ( signals & portsig ) {
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() 4 portsig\n");)
while ( xlmsg = (XLMESSAGE *)GetMsg( port )) {
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() GOT xlmsg\n");)
if ( CDXL_OB->flags & CDXL_PLAYING ) {
xlmsg->status = XLM_STATUS_PLAYING;
} else {
xlmsg->status = NULL;
if ( xlmsg->command == XLM_CMD_ABORT ) {
xlmsg->status |= XLM_STATUS_ABORTING;
ReplyMsg( (struct Message *)xlmsg );
ReplyMsg( (struct Message *)xlmsg );
if ( signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C ) {
D(PRINTF("MsgPortTask() 5 CTRL_C\n");)
Signal( (struct Task *)parent, CDXL_OB->KillSig );
while ( xlmsg = (XLMESSAGE *)GetMsg( port )) {
xlmsg->status = XLM_STATUS_ABORTING;
if ( CDXL_OB->flags & CDXL_PLAYING )
xlmsg->status |= XLM_STATUS_PLAYING;
ReplyMsg( (struct Message *)xlmsg );
DeletePort( port );
} // MsgPortTask()
* Our CDXL entry point. Takes a taglist which defines the options.
* See runcdxl.h for the definitions/meanings of these tags.
RunCDXL( ULONG tag, ... )
UBYTE * cdxlfile,* ilbmfile;
struct TagItem * tagitem,* intagitem = (struct TagItem *)&tag;
struct Task * MSGTask;
int ret,EndDelay;
DISP_DEF disp_def ;
ULONG flags = NULL;
BOOL (* babort)( ULONG );
ilbmfile = NULL;
setmem( &disp_def, sizeof (DISP_DEF) ,0 );
// Get cdxlfile
if ( !(tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_XLFile, intagitem )) ||
!(cdxlfile = (UBYTE *)tagitem->ti_Data) ) {
return( RC_MISSING_FILE );
* Tag for specifying an ILBM to load into the background. If
* found, set flags to indicate that we must AllocBitMap() with
* the dimensions found in the file and we must then use seperate
* bitmaps/buffers to load the CDXL image into and then blit
* them to the display.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Background, intagitem )) &&
(ilbmfile = (UBYTE *)tagitem->ti_Data) ) {
flags |= CDXL_BLIT;
* Tag for using the CDXL's idea of ModeID.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_XLModeID, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.Flags |= DISP_XLMODEID;
if ( ret = init( (disp_def.Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) ? TRUE : FALSE ) ) {
return( RC_FAILED );
if ( LowLevelBase ) {
babort = ReadPort;
} else {
babort = ButtonAbort;
* Tag for blitting from a buffer to our display. If this tag is
* found, set flags telling the display opening routines to
* AllocBitMap() our bitmaps, and make them interleaved.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Blit, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
flags |= CDXL_BLIT;
* Tag for loading a new palette for each frame.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_MultiPalette, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
if ( disp_def.Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND ) {
// Query the ILBM to find what sort of display to open.
if ( !DoQuery( ilbmfile, &disp_def ) ) {
* Tag that says to open a view instead of a screen.
if ( !(tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_View, intagitem )) ||
!(tagitem->ti_Data) ) {
disp_def.Flags |= DISP_SCREEN;
* Tag that says to read the XL file through DOS
if ( !(tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_DOSXL, intagitem )) ||
!(tagitem->ti_Data) ) {
flags &= ~CDXL_DOSXL;
} else {
flags |= CDXL_DOSXL;
* Tag that says to read the XL file through cd/cd.device
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_CDXL, intagitem ) ) {
if( tagitem->ti_Data ) {
flags &= ~CDXL_DOSXL;
} else {
flags |= CDXL_DOSXL;
* Allocate the CDXLOB structure. Note that a **CDXL_ob is being sent
* in, and that the allocated CDXLOB will be returned in it.
if ( !ret && !(ret = CDXLObtain( cdxlfile, &disp_def, &CDXL_ob, flags, (struct TagItem *)&tag )) ) {
* Tag that says how many times to play the CDXL
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Loop, intagitem ) ) {
if ( (CDXL_ob->loops = tagitem->ti_Data) < -1 )
CDXL_ob->loops = -1; // Infinite loop
} else {
CDXL_ob->loops = 1;
* Tag that specifies a signal that will abort playback.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_KillSig, intagitem ) ) {
CDXL_ob->KillSig = tagitem->ti_Data;
* Tag that specifies an override READXLSPEED.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_XLSpeed, intagitem ) ) {
CDXL_ob->ReadXLSpeed = tagitem->ti_Data;
* Tag that tells us to abort on Left Mouse Button
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_LMBAbort, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
CDXL_ob->flags |= CDXL_LMBABORT;
* Tag that tells us to abort on Right Mouse Button
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_RMBAbort, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
CDXL_ob->flags |= CDXL_RMBABORT;
* Tag that tells us to abort on Joystick FIre Button
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_FIREAbort, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
* Tag that tells us to turn Error Correction on.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_XLEEC, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
CDXL_ob->flags |= CDXL_XLEEC; // Turn on Error Correction
* Tag that tells us to load a different palette for each frame.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_XLPalette, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.Flags |= DISP_XLPALETTE; // Use XL Palette
* Tag that tells us to force an interlace/noninterlace display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_LACE, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data )
disp_def.ModeID |= LACE;
disp_def.ModeID &= ~LACE;
* Tag that tells us to force a noninterlace/interlace display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NONLACE, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data )
disp_def.ModeID &= ~LACE;
disp_def.ModeID |= LACE;
* Tag that tells us to force a HAM/NONHAM display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_HAM, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID |= HAM;
disp_def.ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
} else {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~HAM;
* Tag that tells us to force a NONHAM/HAM display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NONHAM, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~HAM;
} else {
disp_def.ModeID |= HAM;
disp_def.ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
* Tag that tells us to force a EHB/NONEHB display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_EHB, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID |= EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
disp_def.ModeID &= ~HAM;
} else {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
* Tag that tells us to force a NONEHB/EHB display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NONEHB, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
} else {
disp_def.ModeID |= EXTRA_HALFBRITE;
disp_def.ModeID &= ~HAM;
* Tag that tells us to force a HIRES/LORES display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_HIRES, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data )
disp_def.ModeID |= HIRES;
disp_def.ModeID &= ~HIRES;
* Tag that tells us to force a LORES/HIRES display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_LORES, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data )
disp_def.ModeID &= ~HIRES;
disp_def.ModeID |= HIRES;
* Tag that tells us to force a scan doubled/single display.
if ( tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_SDBL, intagitem ) ) {
if ( tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID |= LORESSDBL_KEY;
} else {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~LORESSDBL_KEY;
* Tag that tells us to force an NTSC display.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_NTSC, intagitem ))
&& tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
disp_def.ModeID |= NTSC_MONITOR_ID;
* Tag that tells us to force a PAL display.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_PAL, intagitem ))
&& tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
disp_def.ModeID |= PAL_MONITOR_ID;
* Tag that tells us to force a DEFAULT display.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_DEFMON, intagitem ))
&& tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.ModeID &= ~MONITOR_ID_MASK;
* Tag for Turning OFF Intuitions pointer if DISP_SCREEN.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Pointer, intagitem )) &&
!tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.Flags |= DISP_NOPOINTER;
* Tag for SetFunction()-ing OpenWorkbench to avoid the system
* from forcing the Workbench screen to open when the CDXLScreen
* closes if its the only screen open in the system.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Patch_OpenWB, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
disp_def.Flags |= DISP_PATCH_OPENWB;
* Wait for the intro animation to stop.
D(PRINTF("Closing freeanim.library\n");)
CloseLibrary( FreeAnimBase );
D(PRINTF("After closing freeanim.library ret= %ld\n",ret);)
FreeAnimBase = NULL;
* Open the display, specifying an optional ilbmfile.
if ( !ret && !(ret = OpenDisplay( &disp_def, ilbmfile ) ) ) {
D(PRINTF("Got Display\n");)
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_MULTI_PALETTE ) {
// So the border doesn't flash colors
VideoControlTags( disp_def.vp->ColorMap,
if ( !(disp_def.Flags & DISP_BACKGROUND) || (disp_def.Flags & DISP_XLPALETTE) ) {
* Since the PAN format that we are using only stores
* 4 bits per gun, might as well just use LoadRGB4.
D(PRINTF("\n\n\nCalling LoadRGB4\n\n");)
LoadRGB4( disp_def.vp, CDXL_ob->CMap[0], min(CDXL_ob->CMapSize >> 1,disp_def.vp->ColorMap->Count) );
* Tag that says to draw a box in color 0 around the CDXL.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_Boxit, intagitem )) &&
tagitem->ti_Data ) {
Boxit( &disp_def, CDXL_ob );
parent = (struct Process *)FindTask( NULL );
// Check if a MsgPort is being requested.
if ( (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_MSGPortName, intagitem )) &&
(UBYTE *)tagitem->ti_Data && *(UBYTE *)tagitem->ti_Data ) {
D(PRINTF("ti_Data= '%ls'\n",tagitem->ti_Data);)
if ( MSGTask = CreateTask( "XLMsgTask", 30L, MsgPortTask, 8000L) ) {
MSGTask->tc_UserData = (APTR)tagitem->ti_Data;
D(PRINTF("Created TASK\n");)
SetSignal( 0, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E ); // Make sure signal is clear.
if ( ret = (int)MSGTask->tc_UserData )
D(PRINTF("Created GOT CTRL_E ret= %ld\n",ret);)
} else {
ret = RC_FAILED;
D(PRINTF("Could NOT Create TASK\n");)
* Go to it.
if ( !ret )
ret = StartCDXL( &disp_def, CDXL_ob );
if ( !ret && (tagitem = FindTagItem( XLTAG_EndDelay, intagitem )) &&
(EndDelay = tagitem->ti_Data) ) {
while ( (EndDelay < 0) || EndDelay-- ) {
if ( CDXL_ob->flags & CDXL_BUTTONABORTMASK ) {
if ( babort( CDXL_ob->flags ) ) {
if ( Wait(CDXL_ob->KillSig|CopSignal) & CDXL_ob->KillSig )
D(PRINTF("\nStartCDXL returned ret= %ld\n",ret);)
if ( MSGTask && FindTask("XLMsgTask") ) {
if ( ret ) {
D(PRINTF("// KILL the task 1\n");)
D(PRINTF("WAITING on KillSig\n");)
Wait( CDXL_ob->KillSig );
D(PRINTF("GOT KillSig\n");)
if ( FindTask("XLMsgTask") ) {
D(PRINTF("// KILL the task 2\n");)
} else {
} else {
CloseDisplay( &disp_def );
} else {
D(PRINTF("Did NOT get display ret= %ld\n",ret);)
CDXLTerm( CDXL_ob );
return( ret );
} // RunCDXL()