Amiga Developer CD v1.2
< prev
Text File
1,809 lines
* Copyright (c) 1988 Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
* Executables based on this information may be used in software for
* Commodore Amiga computers. All other rights reserved.
* This information is provided "as is"; no warranties are made. All use
* is at your own risk, and no liability or responsibility is assumed.
Struct.doc by Kodiak
$0026 38 sizeof(AnimComp)
$0000 0 Flags
$0002 2 Timer
$0004 4 TimeSet
$0006 6 NextComp
$000a 10 PrevComp
$000e 14 NextSeq
$0012 18 PrevSeq
$0016 22 AnimCRoutine
$001a 26 YTrans
$001c 28 XTrans
$001e 30 HeadOb
$0022 34 AnimBob
$002a 42 sizeof(AnimOb)
$0000 0 NextOb
$0004 4 PrevOb
$0008 8 Clock
$000c 12 AnOldY
$000e 14 AnOldX
$0010 16 AnY
$0012 18 AnX
$0014 20 YVel
$0016 22 XVel
$0018 24 YAccel
$001a 26 XAccel
$001c 28 RingYTrans
$001e 30 RingXTrans
$0020 32 AnimORoutine
$0024 36 HeadComp
$0028 40 AUserExt
$0018 24 sizeof(AreaInfo)
$0000 0 VctrTbl
$0004 4 VctrPtr
$0008 8 FlagTbl
$000c 12 FlagPtr
$0010 16 Count
$0012 18 MaxCount
$0014 20 FirstX
$0016 22 FirstY
$0010 16 sizeof(AudChannel)
$0000 0 ac_ptr
$0004 4 ac_len
$0006 6 ac_per
$0008 8 ac_vol
$000a 10 ac_dat
$000c 12 ac_pad[0]
$000a 10 sizeof(AvailFonts)
$0000 0 af_Type
$0002 2 af_Attr
$0002 2 sizeof(AvailFontsHeader)
$0000 0 afh_NumEntries
$0028 40 sizeof(BitMap)
$0000 0 BytesPerRow
$0002 2 Rows
$0004 4 Flags
$0005 5 Depth
$0006 6 pad
$0008 8 Planes[0]
$0020 32 sizeof(Bob)
$0000 0 Flags
$0002 2 SaveBuffer
$0006 6 ImageShadow
$000a 10 Before
$000e 14 After
$0012 18 BobVSprite
$0016 22 BobComp
$001a 26 DBuffer
$001e 30 BUserExt
$000a 10 sizeof(BoolInfo)
$0000 0 Flags
$0002 2 Mask
$0006 6 Reserved
$000c 12 sizeof(BootBlock)
$0000 0 bb_id[0]
$0004 4 bb_chksum
$0008 8 bb_dosblock
$0014 20 sizeof(BootNode)
$0000 0 bn_Node
$000e 14 bn_Flags
$0010 16 bn_DeviceNode
$0010 16 sizeof(Border)
$0000 0 LeftEdge
$0002 2 TopEdge
$0004 4 FrontPen
$0005 5 BackPen
$0006 6 DrawMode
$0007 7 Count
$0008 8 XY
$000c 12 NextBorder
$0f02 3842 sizeof(CIA)
$0000 0 ciapra
$0001 1 pad0[0]
$0100 256 ciaprb
$0101 257 pad1[0]
$0200 512 ciaddra
$0201 513 pad2[0]
$0300 768 ciaddrb
$0301 769 pad3[0]
$0400 1024 ciatalo
$0401 1025 pad4[0]
$0500 1280 ciatahi
$0501 1281 pad5[0]
$0600 1536 ciatblo
$0601 1537 pad6[0]
$0700 1792 ciatbhi
$0701 1793 pad7[0]
$0800 2048 ciatodlow
$0801 2049 pad8[0]
$0900 2304 ciatodmid
$0901 2305 pad9[0]
$0a00 2560 ciatodhi
$0a01 2561 pad10[0]
$0b00 2816 unusedreg
$0b01 2817 pad11[0]
$0c00 3072 ciasdr
$0c01 3073 pad12[0]
$0d00 3328 ciaicr
$0d01 3329 pad13[0]
$0e00 3584 ciacra
$0e01 3585 pad14[0]
$0f00 3840 ciacrb
$0024 36 sizeof(ClipRect)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 prev
$0008 8 lobs
$000c 12 BitMap
$0010 16 bounds
$0018 24 _p1
$001c 28 _p2
$0020 32 reserved
$0012 18 sizeof(ClipboardUnitPartial)
$0000 0 cu_Node
$000e 14 cu_UnitNum
$0008 8 sizeof(ColorMap)
$0000 0 Flags
$0001 1 Type
$0002 2 Count
$0004 4 ColorTable
$0040 64 sizeof(CommandLineInterface)
$0000 0 cli_Result2
$0004 4 cli_SetName
$0008 8 cli_CommandDir
$000c 12 cli_ReturnCode
$0010 16 cli_CommandName
$0014 20 cli_FailLevel
$0018 24 cli_Prompt
$001c 28 cli_StandardInput
$0020 32 cli_CurrentInput
$0024 36 cli_CommandFile
$0028 40 cli_Interactive
$002c 44 cli_Background
$0030 48 cli_CurrentOutput
$0034 52 cli_DefaultStack
$0038 56 cli_StandardOutput
$003c 60 cli_Module
$0128 296 sizeof(ConUnit)
$0000 0 cu_MP
$0022 34 cu_Window
$0026 38 cu_XCP
$0028 40 cu_YCP
$002a 42 cu_XMax
$002c 44 cu_YMax
$002e 46 cu_XRSize
$0030 48 cu_YRSize
$0032 50 cu_XROrigin
$0034 52 cu_YROrigin
$0036 54 cu_XRExtant
$0038 56 cu_YRExtant
$003a 58 cu_XMinShrink
$003c 60 cu_YMinShrink
$003e 62 cu_XCCP
$0040 64 cu_YCCP
$0042 66 cu_KeyMapStruct
$0062 98 cu_TabStops[0]
$0102 258 cu_Mask
$0103 259 cu_FgPen
$0104 260 cu_BgPen
$0105 261 cu_AOLPen
$0106 262 cu_DrawMode
$0107 263 cu_AreaPtSz
$0108 264 cu_AreaPtrn
$010c 268 cu_Minterms[0]
$0114 276 cu_Font
$0118 280 cu_AlgoStyle
$0119 281 cu_TxFlags
$011a 282 cu_TxHeight
$011c 284 cu_TxWidth
$011e 286 cu_TxBaseline
$0120 288 cu_TxSpacing
$0122 290 cu_Modes[0]
$0125 293 cu_RawEvents[0]
$0044 68 sizeof(ConfigDev)
$0000 0 cd_Node
$000e 14 cd_Flags
$000f 15 cd_Pad
$0010 16 cd_Rom
$0020 32 cd_BoardAddr
$0024 36 cd_BoardSize
$0028 40 cd_SlotAddr
$002a 42 cd_SlotSize
$002c 44 cd_Driver
$0030 48 cd_NextCD
$0034 52 cd_Unused[0]
$0006 6 sizeof(CopIns)
$0000 0 OpCode
$0002 2 u3
$0002 2 u3.nxtlist
$0002 2 u3.u4
$0002 2 u3.u4.u1
$0002 2 u3.u4.u1.VWaitPos
$0002 2 u3.u4.u1.DestAddr
$0004 4 u3.u4.u2
$0004 4 u3.u4.u2.HWaitPos
$0004 4 u3.u4.u2.DestData
$0022 34 sizeof(CopList)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 _CopList
$0008 8 _ViewPort
$000c 12 CopIns
$0010 16 CopPtr
$0014 20 CopLStart
$0018 24 CopSStart
$001c 28 Count
$001e 30 MaxCount
$0020 32 DyOffset
$0010 16 sizeof(CurrentBinding)
$0000 0 cb_ConfigDev
$0004 4 cb_FileName
$0008 8 cb_ProductString
$000c 12 cb_ToolTypes
$01c0 448 sizeof(Custom)
$0000 0 bltddat
$0002 2 dmaconr
$0004 4 vposr
$0006 6 vhposr
$0008 8 dskdatr
$000a 10 joy0dat
$000c 12 joy1dat
$000e 14 clxdat
$0010 16 adkconr
$0012 18 pot0dat
$0014 20 pot1dat
$0016 22 potinp
$0018 24 serdatr
$001a 26 dskbytr
$001c 28 intenar
$001e 30 intreqr
$0020 32 dskpt
$0024 36 dsklen
$0026 38 dskdat
$0028 40 refptr
$002a 42 vposw
$002c 44 vhposw
$002e 46 copcon
$0030 48 serdat
$0032 50 serper
$0034 52 potgo
$0036 54 joytest
$0038 56 strequ
$003a 58 strvbl
$003c 60 strhor
$003e 62 strlong
$0040 64 bltcon0
$0042 66 bltcon1
$0044 68 bltafwm
$0046 70 bltalwm
$0048 72 bltcpt
$004c 76 bltbpt
$0050 80 bltapt
$0054 84 bltdpt
$0058 88 bltsize
$005a 90 pad2d[0]
$0060 96 bltcmod
$0062 98 bltbmod
$0064 100 bltamod
$0066 102 bltdmod
$0068 104 pad34[0]
$0070 112 bltcdat
$0072 114 bltbdat
$0074 116 bltadat
$0076 118 pad3b[0]
$007e 126 dsksync
$0080 128 cop1lc
$0084 132 cop2lc
$0088 136 copjmp1
$008a 138 copjmp2
$008c 140 copins
$008e 142 diwstrt
$0090 144 diwstop
$0092 146 ddfstrt
$0094 148 ddfstop
$0096 150 dmacon
$0098 152 clxcon
$009a 154 intena
$009c 156 intreq
$009e 158 adkcon
$00a0 160 aud[0]
$00a0 160 aud[0].ac_ptr
$00a4 164 aud[0].ac_len
$00a6 166 aud[0].ac_per
$00a8 168 aud[0].ac_vol
$00aa 170 aud[0].ac_dat
$00ac 172 aud[0].ac_pad[0]
$00e0 224 bplpt[0]
$00f8 248 pad7c[0]
$0100 256 bplcon0
$0102 258 bplcon1
$0104 260 bplcon2
$0106 262 pad83
$0108 264 bpl1mod
$010a 266 bpl2mod
$010c 268 pad86[0]
$0110 272 bpldat[0]
$011c 284 pad8e[0]
$0120 288 sprpt[0]
$0140 320 spr[0]
$0140 320 spr[0].pos
$0142 322 spr[0].ctl
$0144 324 spr[0].dataa
$0146 326 spr[0].datab
$0180 384 color[0]
$000c 12 sizeof(DBufPacket)
$0000 0 BufY
$0002 2 BufX
$0004 4 BufPath
$0008 8 BufBuffer
$000c 12 sizeof(DateStamp)
$0000 0 ds_Days
$0004 4 ds_Minute
$0008 8 ds_Tick
$002c 44 sizeof(DevInfo)
$0000 0 dvi_Next
$0004 4 dvi_Type
$0008 8 dvi_Task
$000c 12 dvi_Lock
$0010 16 dvi_Handler
$0014 20 dvi_StackSize
$0018 24 dvi_Priority
$001c 28 dvi_Startup
$0020 32 dvi_SegList
$0024 36 dvi_GlobVec
$0028 40 dvi_Name
$0022 34 sizeof(Device)
$0000 0 dd_Library
$0034 52 sizeof(DeviceData)
$0000 0 dd_Device
$0022 34 dd_Segment
$0026 38 dd_ExecBase
$002a 42 dd_CmdVectors
$002e 46 dd_CmdBytes
$0032 50 dd_NumCommands
$002c 44 sizeof(DeviceList)
$0000 0 dl_Next
$0004 4 dl_Type
$0008 8 dl_Task
$000c 12 dl_Lock
$0010 16 dl_VolumeDate
$001c 28 dl_LockList
$0020 32 dl_DiskType
$0024 36 dl_unused
$0028 40 dl_Name
$002c 44 sizeof(DeviceNode)
$0000 0 dn_Next
$0004 4 dn_Type
$0008 8 dn_Task
$000c 12 dn_Lock
$0010 16 dn_Handler
$0014 20 dn_StackSize
$0018 24 dn_Priority
$001c 28 dn_Startup
$0020 32 dn_SegList
$0024 36 dn_GlobalVec
$0028 40 dn_Name
$000e 14 sizeof(DiagArea)
$0000 0 da_Config
$0001 1 da_Flags
$0002 2 da_Size
$0004 4 da_DiagPoint
$0006 6 da_BootPoint
$0008 8 da_Name
$000a 10 da_Reserved01
$000c 12 da_Reserved02
$0090 144 sizeof(DiscResource)
$0000 0 dr_Library
$0022 34 dr_Current
$0026 38 dr_Flags
$0027 39 dr_pad
$0028 40 dr_SysLib
$002c 44 dr_CiaResource
$0030 48 dr_UnitID[0]
$0040 64 dr_Waiting
$004e 78 dr_DiscBlock
$0064 100 dr_DiscSync
$007a 122 dr_Index
$0056 86 sizeof(DiscResourceUnit)
$0000 0 dru_Message
$0014 20 dru_DiscBlock
$002a 42 dru_DiscSync
$0040 64 dru_Index
$006a 106 sizeof(DiskFontHeader)
$0000 0 dfh_DF
$000e 14 dfh_FileID
$0010 16 dfh_Revision
$0012 18 dfh_Segment
$0016 22 dfh_Name[0]
$0036 54 dfh_TF
$004e 78 sizeof(DiskObject)
$0000 0 do_Magic
$0002 2 do_Version
$0004 4 do_Gadget
$0030 48 do_Type
$0032 50 do_DefaultTool
$0036 54 do_ToolTypes
$003a 58 do_CurrentX
$003e 62 do_CurrentY
$0042 66 do_DrawerData
$0046 70 do_ToolWindow
$004a 74 do_StackSize
$0044 68 sizeof(DosEnvec)
$0000 0 de_TableSize
$0004 4 de_SizeBlock
$0008 8 de_SecOrg
$000c 12 de_Surfaces
$0010 16 de_SectorPerBlock
$0014 20 de_BlocksPerTrack
$0018 24 de_Reserved
$001c 28 de_PreAlloc
$0020 32 de_Interleave
$0024 36 de_LowCyl
$0028 40 de_HighCyl
$002c 44 de_NumBuffers
$0030 48 de_BufMemType
$0034 52 de_MaxTransfer
$0038 56 de_Mask
$003c 60 de_BootPri
$0040 64 de_DosType
$0014 20 sizeof(DosInfo)
$0000 0 di_McName
$0004 4 di_DevInfo
$0008 8 di_Devices
$000c 12 di_Handlers
$0010 16 di_NetHand
$0036 54 sizeof(DosLibrary)
$0000 0 dl_lib
$0022 34 dl_Root
$0026 38 dl_GV
$002a 42 dl_A2
$002e 46 dl_A5
$0032 50 dl_A6
$002c 44 sizeof(DosList)
$0000 0 dol_Next
$0004 4 dol_Type
$0008 8 dol_Task
$000c 12 dol_Lock
$0010 16 dol_misc
$0010 16 dol_misc.dol_handler
$0010 16 dol_misc.dol_handler.dol_Handler
$0014 20 dol_misc.dol_handler.dol_StackSize
$0018 24 dol_misc.dol_handler.dol_Priority
$001c 28 dol_misc.dol_handler.dol_Startup
$0020 32 dol_misc.dol_handler.dol_SegList
$0024 36 dol_misc.dol_handler.dol_GlobVec
$0010 16 dol_misc.dol_volume
$0010 16 dol_misc.dol_volume.dol_VolumeDate
$001c 28 dol_misc.dol_volume.dol_LockList
$0020 32 dol_misc.dol_volume.dol_DiskType
$0028 40 dol_Name
$0030 48 sizeof(DosPacket)
$0000 0 dp_Link
$0004 4 dp_Port
$0008 8 dp_Type
$000c 12 dp_Res1
$0010 16 dp_Res2
$0014 20 dp_Arg1
$0018 24 dp_Arg2
$001c 28 dp_Arg3
$0020 32 dp_Arg4
$0024 36 dp_Arg5
$0028 40 dp_Arg6
$002c 44 dp_Arg7
$0038 56 sizeof(DrawerData)
$0000 0 dd_NewWindow
$0030 48 dd_CurrentX
$0034 52 dd_CurrentY
$024c 588 sizeof(ExecBase)
$0000 0 LibNode
$0022 34 SoftVer
$0024 36 LowMemChkSum
$0026 38 ChkBase
$002a 42 ColdCapture
$002e 46 CoolCapture
$0032 50 WarmCapture
$0036 54 SysStkUpper
$003a 58 SysStkLower
$003e 62 MaxLocMem
$0042 66 DebugEntry
$0046 70 DebugData
$004a 74 AlertData
$004e 78 MaxExtMem
$0052 82 ChkSum
$0054 84 IntVects[0]
$0114 276 ThisTask
$0118 280 IdleCount
$011c 284 DispCount
$0120 288 Quantum
$0122 290 Elapsed
$0124 292 SysFlags
$0126 294 IDNestCnt
$0127 295 TDNestCnt
$0128 296 AttnFlags
$012a 298 AttnResched
$012c 300 ResModules
$0130 304 TaskTrapCode
$0134 308 TaskExceptCode
$0138 312 TaskExitCode
$013c 316 TaskSigAlloc
$0140 320 TaskTrapAlloc
$0142 322 MemList
$0150 336 ResourceList
$015e 350 DeviceList
$016c 364 IntrList
$017a 378 LibList
$0188 392 PortList
$0196 406 TaskReady
$01a4 420 TaskWait
$01b2 434 SoftInts[0]
$0202 514 LastAlert[0]
$0212 530 VBlankFrequency
$0213 531 PowerSupplyFrequency
$0214 532 SemaphoreList
$0222 546 KickMemPtr
$0226 550 KickTagPtr
$022a 554 KickCheckSum
$022e 558 ExecBaseReserved[0]
$0238 568 ExecBaseNewReserved[0]
$01c8 456 sizeof(ExpansionBase)
$0000 0 LibNode
$0022 34 Flags
$0023 35 pad
$0024 36 ExecBase
$0028 40 SegList
$002c 44 CurrentBinding
$003c 60 BoardList
$004a 74 MountList
$0058 88 AllocTable[0]
$0158 344 BindSemaphore
$0186 390 Int2List
$019c 412 Int6List
$01b2 434 Int7List
$0010 16 sizeof(ExpansionControl)
$0000 0 ec_Interrupt
$0001 1 ec_Reserved11
$0002 2 ec_BaseAddress
$0003 3 ec_Shutup
$0004 4 ec_Reserved14
$0005 5 ec_Reserved15
$0006 6 ec_Reserved16
$0007 7 ec_Reserved17
$0008 8 ec_Reserved18
$0009 9 ec_Reserved19
$000a 10 ec_Reserved1a
$000b 11 ec_Reserved1b
$000c 12 ec_Reserved1c
$000d 13 ec_Reserved1d
$000e 14 ec_Reserved1e
$000f 15 ec_Reserved1f
$0006 6 sizeof(ExpansionInt)
$0000 0 IntMask
$0002 2 ArrayMax
$0004 4 ArraySize
$0010 16 sizeof(ExpansionRom)
$0000 0 er_Type
$0001 1 er_Product
$0002 2 er_Flags
$0003 3 er_Reserved03
$0004 4 er_Manufacturer
$0006 6 er_SerialNumber
$000a 10 er_InitDiagVec
$000c 12 er_Reserved0c
$000d 13 er_Reserved0d
$000e 14 er_Reserved0e
$000f 15 er_Reserved0f
$002c 44 sizeof(FileHandle)
$0000 0 fh_Link
$0004 4 fh_Port
$0008 8 fh_Type
$000c 12 fh_Buf
$0010 16 fh_Pos
$0014 20 fh_End
$0018 24 fh_Funcs
$001c 28 fh_Func2
$0020 32 fh_Func3
$0024 36 fh_Args
$0028 40 fh_Arg2
$0104 260 sizeof(FileInfoBlock)
$0000 0 fib_DiskKey
$0004 4 fib_DirEntryType
$0008 8 fib_FileName[0]
$0074 116 fib_Protection
$0078 120 fib_EntryType
$007c 124 fib_Size
$0080 128 fib_NumBlocks
$0084 132 fib_Date
$0090 144 fib_Comment[0]
$00e0 224 fib_Reserved[0]
$0014 20 sizeof(FileLock)
$0000 0 fl_Link
$0004 4 fl_Key
$0008 8 fl_Access
$000c 12 fl_Task
$0010 16 fl_Volume
$0010 16 sizeof(FileSysStartupMsg)
$0000 0 fssm_Unit
$0004 4 fssm_Device
$0008 8 fssm_Environ
$000c 12 fssm_Flags
$0104 260 sizeof(FontContents)
$0000 0 fc_FileName[0]
$0100 256 fc_YSize
$0102 258 fc_Style
$0103 259 fc_Flags
$0004 4 sizeof(FontContentsHeader)
$0000 0 fch_FileID
$0002 2 fch_NumEntries
$0010 16 sizeof(FreeList)
$0000 0 fl_NumFree
$0002 2 fl_MemList
$002c 44 sizeof(Gadget)
$0000 0 NextGadget
$0004 4 LeftEdge
$0006 6 TopEdge
$0008 8 Width
$000a 10 Height
$000c 12 Flags
$000e 14 Activation
$0010 16 GadgetType
$0012 18 GadgetRender
$0016 22 SelectRender
$001a 26 GadgetText
$001e 30 MutualExclude
$0022 34 SpecialInfo
$0026 38 GadgetID
$0028 40 UserData
$0008 8 sizeof(GamePortTrigger)
$0000 0 gpt_Keys
$0002 2 gpt_Timeout
$0004 4 gpt_XDelta
$0006 6 gpt_YDelta
$0026 38 sizeof(GelsInfo)
$0000 0 sprRsrvd
$0001 1 Flags
$0002 2 gelHead
$0006 6 gelTail
$000a 10 nextLine
$000e 14 lastColor
$0012 18 collHandler
$0016 22 leftmost
$0018 24 rightmost
$001a 26 topmost
$001c 28 bottommost
$001e 30 firstBlissObj
$0022 34 lastBlissObj
$0148 328 sizeof(GfxBase)
$0000 0 LibNode
$0022 34 ActiView
$0026 38 copinit
$002a 42 cia
$002e 46 blitter
$0032 50 LOFlist
$0036 54 SHFlist
$003a 58 blthd
$003e 62 blttl
$0042 66 bsblthd
$0046 70 bsblttl
$004a 74 vbsrv
$0060 96 timsrv
$0076 118 bltsrv
$008c 140 TextFonts
$009a 154 DefaultFont
$009e 158 Modes
$00a0 160 VBlank
$00a1 161 Debug
$00a2 162 BeamSync
$00a4 164 system_bplcon0
$00a6 166 SpriteReserved
$00a7 167 bytereserved
$00a8 168 Flags
$00aa 170 BlitLock
$00ac 172 BlitNest
$00ae 174 BlitWaitQ
$00bc 188 BlitOwner
$00c0 192 TOF_WaitQ
$00ce 206 DisplayFlags
$00d0 208 SimpleSprites
$00d4 212 MaxDisplayRow
$00d6 214 MaxDisplayColumn
$00d8 216 NormalDisplayRows
$00da 218 NormalDisplayColumns
$00dc 220 NormalDPMX
$00de 222 NormalDPMY
$00e0 224 LastChanceMemory
$00e4 228 LCMptr
$00e8 232 MicrosPerLine
$00ea 234 MinDisplayColumn
$00ec 236 reserved[0]
$0044 68 sizeof(IOAudio)
$0000 0 ioa_Request
$0020 32 ioa_AllocKey
$0022 34 ioa_Data
$0026 38 ioa_Length
$002a 42 ioa_Period
$002c 44 ioa_Volume
$002e 46 ioa_Cycles
$0030 48 ioa_WriteMsg
$0034 52 sizeof(IOClipReq)
$0000 0 io_Message
$0014 20 io_Device
$0018 24 io_Unit
$001c 28 io_Command
$001e 30 io_Flags
$001f 31 io_Error
$0020 32 io_Actual
$0024 36 io_Length
$0028 40 io_Data
$002c 44 io_Offset
$0030 48 io_ClipID
$003e 62 sizeof(IODRPReq)
$0000 0 io_Message
$0014 20 io_Device
$0018 24 io_Unit
$001c 28 io_Command
$001e 30 io_Flags
$001f 31 io_Error
$0020 32 io_RastPort
$0024 36 io_ColorMap
$0028 40 io_Modes
$002c 44 io_SrcX
$002e 46 io_SrcY
$0030 48 io_SrcWidth
$0032 50 io_SrcHeight
$0034 52 io_DestCols
$0038 56 io_DestRows
$003c 60 io_Special
$003e 62 sizeof(IOExtPar)
$0000 0 IOPar
$0030 48 io_PExtFlags
$0034 52 io_Status
$0035 53 io_ParFlags
$0036 54 io_PTermArray
$0052 82 sizeof(IOExtSer)
$0000 0 IOSer
$0030 48 io_CtlChar
$0034 52 io_RBufLen
$0038 56 io_ExtFlags
$003c 60 io_Baud
$0040 64 io_BrkTime
$0044 68 io_TermArray
$004c 76 io_ReadLen
$004d 77 io_WriteLen
$004e 78 io_StopBits
$004f 79 io_SerFlags
$0050 80 io_Status
$0038 56 sizeof(IOExtTD)
$0000 0 iotd_Req
$0030 48 iotd_Count
$0034 52 iotd_SecLabel
$0008 8 sizeof(IOPArray)
$0000 0 PTermArray0
$0004 4 PTermArray1
$0026 38 sizeof(IOPrtCmdReq)
$0000 0 io_Message
$0014 20 io_Device
$0018 24 io_Unit
$001c 28 io_Command
$001e 30 io_Flags
$001f 31 io_Error
$0020 32 io_PrtCommand
$0022 34 io_Parm0
$0023 35 io_Parm1
$0024 36 io_Parm2
$0025 37 io_Parm3
$0020 32 sizeof(IORequest)
$0000 0 io_Message
$0014 20 io_Device
$0018 24 io_Unit
$001c 28 io_Command
$001e 30 io_Flags
$001f 31 io_Error
$0030 48 sizeof(IOStdReq)
$0000 0 io_Message
$0014 20 io_Device
$0018 24 io_Unit
$001c 28 io_Command
$001e 30 io_Flags
$001f 31 io_Error
$0020 32 io_Actual
$0024 36 io_Length
$0028 40 io_Data
$002c 44 io_Offset
$0008 8 sizeof(IOTArray)
$0000 0 TermArray0
$0004 4 TermArray1
$0014 20 sizeof(Image)
$0000 0 LeftEdge
$0002 2 TopEdge
$0004 4 Width
$0006 6 Height
$0008 8 Depth
$000a 10 ImageData
$000e 14 PlanePick
$000f 15 PlaneOnOff
$0010 16 NextImage
$0024 36 sizeof(InfoData)
$0000 0 id_NumSoftErrors
$0004 4 id_UnitNumber
$0008 8 id_DiskState
$000c 12 id_NumBlocks
$0010 16 id_NumBlocksUsed
$0014 20 id_BytesPerBlock
$0018 24 id_DiskType
$001c 28 id_VolumeNode
$0020 32 id_InUse
$0016 22 sizeof(InputEvent)
$0000 0 ie_NextEvent
$0004 4 ie_Class
$0005 5 ie_SubClass
$0006 6 ie_Code
$0008 8 ie_Qualifier
$000a 10 ie_position
$000a 10 ie_position.ie_xy
$000a 10 ie_position.ie_xy.ie_x
$000c 12 ie_position.ie_xy.ie_y
$000a 10 ie_position.ie_addr
$000e 14 ie_TimeStamp
$000c 12 sizeof(IntVector)
$0000 0 iv_Data
$0004 4 iv_Code
$0008 8 iv_Node
$0016 22 sizeof(Interrupt)
$0000 0 is_Node
$000e 14 is_Data
$0012 18 is_Code
$0034 52 sizeof(IntuiMessage)
$0000 0 ExecMessage
$0014 20 Class
$0018 24 Code
$001a 26 Qualifier
$001c 28 IAddress
$0020 32 MouseX
$0022 34 MouseY
$0024 36 Seconds
$0028 40 Micros
$002c 44 IDCMPWindow
$0030 48 SpecialLink
$0014 20 sizeof(IntuiText)
$0000 0 FrontPen
$0001 1 BackPen
$0002 2 DrawMode
$0004 4 LeftEdge
$0006 6 TopEdge
$0008 8 ITextFont
$000c 12 IText
$0010 16 NextText
$0050 80 sizeof(IntuitionBase)
$0000 0 LibNode
$0022 34 ViewLord
$0034 52 ActiveWindow
$0038 56 ActiveScreen
$003c 60 FirstScreen
$0040 64 Flags
$0044 68 MouseY
$0046 70 MouseX
$0048 72 Seconds
$004c 76 Micros
$001e 30 sizeof(Isrvstr)
$0000 0 is_Node
$000e 14 Iptr
$0012 18 code
$0016 22 ccode
$001a 26 Carg
$0020 32 sizeof(KeyMap)
$0000 0 km_LoKeyMapTypes
$0004 4 km_LoKeyMap
$0008 8 km_LoCapsable
$000c 12 km_LoRepeatable
$0010 16 km_HiKeyMapTypes
$0014 20 km_HiKeyMap
$0018 24 km_HiCapsable
$001c 28 km_HiRepeatable
$002e 46 sizeof(KeyMapNode)
$0000 0 kn_Node
$000e 14 kn_KeyMap
$001c 28 sizeof(KeyMapResource)
$0000 0 kr_Node
$000e 14 kr_List
$00a0 160 sizeof(Layer)
$0000 0 front
$0004 4 back
$0008 8 ClipRect
$000c 12 rp
$0010 16 bounds
$0018 24 reserved[0]
$001c 28 priority
$001e 30 Flags
$0020 32 SuperBitMap
$0024 36 SuperClipRect
$0028 40 Window
$002c 44 Scroll_X
$002e 46 Scroll_Y
$0030 48 cr
$0034 52 cr2
$0038 56 crnew
$003c 60 SuperSaveClipRects
$0040 64 _cliprects
$0044 68 LayerInfo
$0048 72 Lock
$0076 118 reserved3[0]
$007e 126 ClipRegion
$0082 130 saveClipRects
$0086 134 reserved2[0]
$009c 156 DamageList
$0066 102 sizeof(Layer_Info)
$0000 0 top_layer
$0004 4 check_lp
$0008 8 obs
$000c 12 FreeClipRects
$0018 24 Lock
$0046 70 gs_Head
$0054 84 longreserved
$0058 88 Flags
$005a 90 fatten_count
$005b 91 LockLayersCount
$005c 92 LayerInfo_extra_size
$005e 94 blitbuff
$0062 98 LayerInfo_extra
$0022 34 sizeof(Library)
$0000 0 lib_Node
$000e 14 lib_Flags
$000f 15 lib_pad
$0010 16 lib_NegSize
$0012 18 lib_PosSize
$0014 20 lib_Version
$0016 22 lib_Revision
$0018 24 lib_IdString
$001c 28 lib_Sum
$0020 32 lib_OpenCnt
$000e 14 sizeof(List)
$0000 0 lh_Head
$0004 4 lh_Tail
$0008 8 lh_TailPred
$000c 12 lh_Type
$000d 13 l_pad
$003c 60 sizeof(MathIEEEBase)
$0000 0 MathIEEEBase_LibNode
$0022 34 MathIEEEBase_Flags
$0023 35 MathIEEEBase_reserved1
$0024 36 MathIEEEBase_68881
$0028 40 MathIEEEBase_SysLib
$002c 44 MathIEEEBase_SegList
$0030 48 MathIEEEBase_Resource
$0034 52 MathIEEEBase_TaskOpenLib
$0038 56 MathIEEEBase_TaskCloseLib
$002c 44 sizeof(MathIEEEResource)
$0000 0 MathIEEEResource_Node
$000e 14 MathIEEEResource_Flags
$0010 16 MathIEEEResource_BaseAddr
$0014 20 MathIEEEResource_DblBasInit
$0018 24 MathIEEEResource_DblTransInit
$001c 28 MathIEEEResource_SglBasInit
$0020 32 MathIEEEResource_SglTransInit
$0024 36 MathIEEEResource_ExtBasInit
$0028 40 MathIEEEResource_ExtTransInit
$0008 8 sizeof(MemChunk)
$0000 0 mc_Next
$0004 4 mc_Bytes
$0008 8 sizeof(MemEntry)
$0000 0 me_Un
$0000 0 me_Un.meu_Reqs
$0000 0 me_Un.meu_Addr
$0004 4 me_Length
$0020 32 sizeof(MemHeader)
$0000 0 mh_Node
$000e 14 mh_Attributes
$0010 16 mh_First
$0014 20 mh_Lower
$0018 24 mh_Upper
$001c 28 mh_Free
$0018 24 sizeof(MemList)
$0000 0 ml_Node
$000e 14 ml_NumEntries
$0010 16 ml_ME[0]
$001e 30 sizeof(Menu)
$0000 0 NextMenu
$0004 4 LeftEdge
$0006 6 TopEdge
$0008 8 Width
$000a 10 Height
$000c 12 Flags
$000e 14 MenuName
$0012 18 FirstItem
$0016 22 JazzX
$0018 24 JazzY
$001a 26 BeatX
$001c 28 BeatY
$0022 34 sizeof(MenuItem)
$0000 0 NextItem
$0004 4 LeftEdge
$0006 6 TopEdge
$0008 8 Width
$000a 10 Height
$000c 12 Flags
$000e 14 MutualExclude
$0012 18 ItemFill
$0016 22 SelectFill
$001a 26 Command
$001c 28 SubItem
$0020 32 NextSelect
$0014 20 sizeof(Message)
$0000 0 mn_Node
$000e 14 mn_ReplyPort
$0012 18 mn_Length
$000c 12 sizeof(MinList)
$0000 0 mlh_Head
$0004 4 mlh_Tail
$0008 8 mlh_TailPred
$0008 8 sizeof(MinNode)
$0000 0 mln_Succ
$0004 4 mln_Pred
$0032 50 sizeof(MiscResource)
$0000 0 mr_Library
$0022 34 mr_AllocArray[0]
$0022 34 sizeof(MsgPort)
$0000 0 mp_Node
$000e 14 mp_Flags
$000f 15 mp_SigBit
$0010 16 mp_SigTask
$0014 20 mp_MsgList
$0020 32 sizeof(NewScreen)
$0000 0 LeftEdge
$0002 2 TopEdge
$0004 4 Width
$0006 6 Height
$0008 8 Depth
$000a 10 DetailPen
$000b 11 BlockPen
$000c 12 ViewModes
$000e 14 Type
$0010 16 Font
$0014 20 DefaultTitle
$0018 24 Gadgets
$001c 28 CustomBitMap
$0030 48 sizeof(NewWindow)
$0000 0 LeftEdge
$0002 2 TopEdge
$0004 4 Width
$0006 6 Height
$0008 8 DetailPen
$0009 9 BlockPen
$000a 10 IDCMPFlags
$000e 14 Flags
$0012 18 FirstGadget
$0016 22 CheckMark
$001a 26 Title
$001e 30 Screen
$0022 34 BitMap
$0026 38 MinWidth
$0028 40 MinHeight
$002a 42 MaxWidth
$002c 44 MaxHeight
$002e 46 Type
$000e 14 sizeof(Node)
$0000 0 ln_Succ
$0004 4 ln_Pred
$0008 8 ln_Type
$0009 9 ln_Pri
$000a 10 ln_Name
$00e8 232 sizeof(Preferences)
$0000 0 FontHeight
$0001 1 PrinterPort
$0002 2 BaudRate
$0004 4 KeyRptSpeed
$000c 12 KeyRptDelay
$0014 20 DoubleClick
$001c 28 PointerMatrix[0]
$0064 100 XOffset
$0065 101 YOffset
$0066 102 color17
$0068 104 color18
$006a 106 color19
$006c 108 PointerTicks
$006e 110 color0
$0070 112 color1
$0072 114 color2
$0074 116 color3
$0076 118 ViewXOffset
$0077 119 ViewYOffset
$0078 120 ViewInitX
$007a 122 ViewInitY
$007c 124 EnableCLI
$007e 126 PrinterType
$0080 128 PrinterFilename[0]
$009e 158 PrintPitch
$00a0 160 PrintQuality
$00a2 162 PrintSpacing
$00a4 164 PrintLeftMargin
$00a6 166 PrintRightMargin
$00a8 168 PrintImage
$00aa 170 PrintAspect
$00ac 172 PrintShade
$00ae 174 PrintThreshold
$00b0 176 PaperSize
$00b2 178 PaperLength
$00b4 180 PaperType
$00b6 182 SerRWBits
$00b7 183 SerStopBuf
$00b8 184 SerParShk
$00b9 185 LaceWB
$00ba 186 WorkName[0]
$00d8 216 RowSizeChange
$00d9 217 ColumnSizeChange
$00da 218 PrintFlags
$00dc 220 PrintMaxWidth
$00de 222 PrintMaxHeight
$00e0 224 PrintDensity
$00e1 225 PrintXOffset
$00e2 226 wb_Width
$00e4 228 wb_Height
$00e6 230 wb_Depth
$00e7 231 ext_size
$0aa2 2722 sizeof(PrinterData)
$0000 0 pd_Device
$0034 52 pd_Unit
$0056 86 pd_PrinterSegment
$005a 90 pd_PrinterType
$005c 92 pd_SegmentData
$0060 96 pd_PrintBuf
$0064 100 pd_PWrite
$0068 104 pd_PBothReady
$006c 108 pd_ior0
$006c 108 pd_ior0.pd_p0
$006c 108 pd_ior0.pd_s0
$00be 190 pd_ior1
$00be 190 pd_ior1.pd_p1
$00be 190 pd_ior1.pd_s1
$0110 272 pd_TIOR
$0138 312 pd_IORPort
$015a 346 pd_TC
$01b6 438 pd_Stk[0]
$09b6 2486 pd_Flags
$09b7 2487 pd_pad
$09b8 2488 pd_Preferences
$0aa0 2720 pd_PWaitEnabled
$0042 66 sizeof(PrinterExtendedData)
$0000 0 ped_PrinterName
$0004 4 ped_Init
$0008 8 ped_Expunge
$000c 12 ped_Open
$0010 16 ped_Close
$0014 20 ped_PrinterClass
$0015 21 ped_ColorClass
$0016 22 ped_MaxColumns
$0017 23 ped_NumCharSets
$0018 24 ped_NumRows
$001a 26 ped_MaxXDots
$001e 30 ped_MaxYDots
$0022 34 ped_XDotsInch
$0024 36 ped_YDotsInch
$0026 38 ped_Commands
$002a 42 ped_DoSpecial
$002e 46 ped_Render
$0032 50 ped_TimeoutSecs
$0036 54 ped_8BitChars
$003a 58 ped_PrintMode
$003e 62 ped_ConvFunc
$004e 78 sizeof(PrinterSegment)
$0000 0 ps_NextSegment
$0004 4 ps_runAlert
$0008 8 ps_Version
$000a 10 ps_Revision
$000c 12 ps_PED
$00bc 188 sizeof(Process)
$0000 0 pr_Task
$005c 92 pr_MsgPort
$007e 126 pr_Pad
$0080 128 pr_SegList
$0084 132 pr_StackSize
$0088 136 pr_GlobVec
$008c 140 pr_TaskNum
$0090 144 pr_StackBase
$0094 148 pr_Result2
$0098 152 pr_CurrentDir
$009c 156 pr_CIS
$00a0 160 pr_COS
$00a4 164 pr_ConsoleTask
$00a8 168 pr_FileSystemTask
$00ac 172 pr_CLI
$00b0 176 pr_ReturnAddr
$00b4 180 pr_PktWait
$00b8 184 pr_WindowPtr
$0016 22 sizeof(PropInfo)
$0000 0 Flags
$0002 2 HorizPot
$0004 4 VertPot
$0006 6 HorizBody
$0008 8 VertBody
$000a 10 CWidth
$000c 12 CHeight
$000e 14 HPotRes
$0010 16 VPotRes
$0012 18 LeftBorder
$0014 20 TopBorder
$0072 114 sizeof(PrtInfo)
$0000 0 pi_render
$0004 4 pi_rp
$0008 8 pi_temprp
$000c 12 pi_RowBuf
$0010 16 pi_HamBuf
$0014 20 pi_ColorMap
$0018 24 pi_ColorInt
$001c 28 pi_HamInt
$0020 32 pi_Dest1Int
$0024 36 pi_Dest2Int
$0028 40 pi_ScaleX
$002c 44 pi_ScaleXAlt
$0030 48 pi_dmatrix
$0034 52 pi_TopBuf
$0038 56 pi_BotBuf
$003c 60 pi_RowBufSize
$003e 62 pi_HamBufSize
$0040 64 pi_ColorMapSize
$0042 66 pi_ColorIntSize
$0044 68 pi_HamIntSize
$0046 70 pi_Dest1IntSize
$0048 72 pi_Dest2IntSize
$004a 74 pi_ScaleXSize
$004c 76 pi_ScaleXAltSize
$004e 78 pi_PrefsFlags
$0050 80 pi_special
$0054 84 pi_xstart
$0056 86 pi_ystart
$0058 88 pi_width
$005a 90 pi_height
$005c 92 pi_pc
$0060 96 pi_pr
$0064 100 pi_ymult
$0066 102 pi_ymod
$0068 104 pi_ety
$006a 106 pi_xpos
$006c 108 pi_threshold
$006e 110 pi_tempwidth
$0070 112 pi_flags
$000c 12 sizeof(RasInfo)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 BitMap
$0008 8 RxOffset
$000a 10 RyOffset
$0064 100 sizeof(RastPort)
$0000 0 Layer
$0004 4 BitMap
$0008 8 AreaPtrn
$000c 12 TmpRas
$0010 16 AreaInfo
$0014 20 GelsInfo
$0018 24 Mask
$0019 25 FgPen
$001a 26 BgPen
$001b 27 AOlPen
$001c 28 DrawMode
$001d 29 AreaPtSz
$001e 30 linpatcnt
$001f 31 dummy
$0020 32 Flags
$0022 34 LinePtrn
$0024 36 cp_x
$0026 38 cp_y
$0028 40 minterms[0]
$0030 48 PenWidth
$0032 50 PenHeight
$0034 52 Font
$0038 56 AlgoStyle
$0039 57 TxFlags
$003a 58 TxHeight
$003c 60 TxWidth
$003e 62 TxBaseline
$0040 64 TxSpacing
$0042 66 RP_User
$0046 70 longreserved[0]
$004e 78 wordreserved[0]
$005c 92 reserved[0]
$0008 8 sizeof(Rectangle)
$0000 0 MinX
$0002 2 MinY
$0004 4 MaxX
$0006 6 MaxY
$000c 12 sizeof(Region)
$0000 0 bounds
$0008 8 RegionRectangle
$0010 16 sizeof(RegionRectangle)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 Prev
$0008 8 bounds
$000c 12 sizeof(Remember)
$0000 0 NextRemember
$0004 4 RememberSize
$0008 8 Memory
$0070 112 sizeof(Requester)
$0000 0 OlderRequest
$0004 4 LeftEdge
$0006 6 TopEdge
$0008 8 Width
$000a 10 Height
$000c 12 RelLeft
$000e 14 RelTop
$0010 16 ReqGadget
$0014 20 ReqBorder
$0018 24 ReqText
$001c 28 Flags
$001e 30 BackFill
$0020 32 ReqLayer
$0024 36 ReqPad1[0]
$0044 68 ImageBMap
$0048 72 RWindow
$004c 76 ReqPad2[0]
$001a 26 sizeof(Resident)
$0000 0 rt_MatchWord
$0002 2 rt_MatchTag
$0006 6 rt_EndSkip
$000a 10 rt_Flags
$000b 11 rt_Version
$000c 12 rt_Type
$000d 13 rt_Pri
$000e 14 rt_Name
$0012 18 rt_IdString
$0016 22 rt_Init
$0044 68 sizeof(RomBootBase)
$0000 0 LibNode
$0022 34 ExecBase
$0026 38 BootList
$0034 52 Reserved[0]
$0020 32 sizeof(RootNode)
$0000 0 rn_TaskArray
$0004 4 rn_ConsoleSegment
$0008 8 rn_Time
$0014 20 rn_RestartSeg
$0018 24 rn_Info
$001c 28 rn_FileHandlerSegment
$001a 26 sizeof(SatisfyMsg)
$0000 0 sm_Msg
$0014 20 sm_Unit
$0016 22 sm_ClipID
$015a 346 sizeof(Screen)
$0000 0 NextScreen
$0004 4 FirstWindow
$0008 8 LeftEdge
$000a 10 TopEdge
$000c 12 Width
$000e 14 Height
$0010 16 MouseY
$0012 18 MouseX
$0014 20 Flags
$0016 22 Title
$001a 26 DefaultTitle
$001e 30 BarHeight
$001f 31 BarVBorder
$0020 32 BarHBorder
$0021 33 MenuVBorder
$0022 34 MenuHBorder
$0023 35 WBorTop
$0024 36 WBorLeft
$0025 37 WBorRight
$0026 38 WBorBottom
$0028 40 Font
$002c 44 ViewPort
$0054 84 RastPort
$00b8 184 BitMap
$00e0 224 LayerInfo
$0146 326 FirstGadget
$014a 330 DetailPen
$014b 331 BlockPen
$014c 332 SaveColor0
$014e 334 BarLayer
$0152 338 ExtData
$0156 342 UserData
$0024 36 sizeof(Semaphore)
$0000 0 sm_MsgPort
$0022 34 sm_Bids
$000c 12 sizeof(SemaphoreRequest)
$0000 0 sr_Link
$0008 8 sr_Waiter
$002e 46 sizeof(SignalSemaphore)
$0000 0 ss_Link
$000e 14 ss_NestCount
$0010 16 ss_WaitQueue
$001c 28 ss_MultipleLink
$0028 40 ss_Owner
$002c 44 ss_QueueCount
$000c 12 sizeof(SimpleSprite)
$0000 0 posctldata
$0004 4 height
$0006 6 x
$0008 8 y
$000a 10 num
$0010 16 sizeof(SoftIntList)
$0000 0 sh_List
$000e 14 sh_Pad
$0008 8 sizeof(SpriteDef)
$0000 0 pos
$0002 2 ctl
$0004 4 dataa
$0006 6 datab
$0044 68 sizeof(StandardPacket)
$0000 0 sp_Msg
$0014 20 sp_Pkt
$0024 36 sizeof(StringInfo)
$0000 0 Buffer
$0004 4 UndoBuffer
$0008 8 BufferPos
$000a 10 MaxChars
$000c 12 DispPos
$000e 14 UndoPos
$0010 16 NumChars
$0012 18 DispCount
$0014 20 CLeft
$0016 22 CTop
$0018 24 LayerPtr
$001c 28 LongInt
$0020 32 AltKeyMap
$0036 54 sizeof(TDU_PublicUnit)
$0000 0 tdu_Unit
$0026 38 tdu_Comp01Track
$0028 40 tdu_Comp10Track
$002a 42 tdu_Comp11Track
$002c 44 tdu_StepDelay
$0030 48 tdu_SettleDelay
$0034 52 tdu_RetryCnt
$005c 92 sizeof(Task)
$0000 0 tc_Node
$000e 14 tc_Flags
$000f 15 tc_State
$0010 16 tc_IDNestCnt
$0011 17 tc_TDNestCnt
$0012 18 tc_SigAlloc
$0016 22 tc_SigWait
$001a 26 tc_SigRecvd
$001e 30 tc_SigExcept
$0022 34 tc_TrapAlloc
$0024 36 tc_TrapAble
$0026 38 tc_ExceptData
$002a 42 tc_ExceptCode
$002e 46 tc_TrapData
$0032 50 tc_TrapCode
$0036 54 tc_SPReg
$003a 58 tc_SPLower
$003e 62 tc_SPUpper
$0042 66 tc_Switch
$0046 70 tc_Launch
$004a 74 tc_MemEntry
$0058 88 tc_UserData
$0008 8 sizeof(TextAttr)
$0000 0 ta_Name
$0004 4 ta_YSize
$0006 6 ta_Style
$0007 7 ta_Flags
$0034 52 sizeof(TextFont)
$0000 0 tf_Message
$0014 20 tf_YSize
$0016 22 tf_Style
$0017 23 tf_Flags
$0018 24 tf_XSize
$001a 26 tf_Baseline
$001c 28 tf_BoldSmear
$001e 30 tf_Accessors
$0020 32 tf_LoChar
$0021 33 tf_HiChar
$0022 34 tf_CharData
$0026 38 tf_Modulo
$0028 40 tf_CharLoc
$002c 44 tf_CharSpace
$0030 48 tf_CharKern
$0008 8 sizeof(TmpRas)
$0000 0 RasPtr
$0004 4 Size
$000c 12 sizeof(UCopList)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 FirstCopList
$0008 8 CopList
$0026 38 sizeof(Unit)
$0000 0 unit_MsgPort
$0022 34 unit_flags
$0023 35 unit_pad
$0024 36 unit_OpenCnt
$003c 60 sizeof(VSprite)
$0000 0 NextVSprite
$0004 4 PrevVSprite
$0008 8 DrawPath
$000c 12 ClearPath
$0010 16 OldY
$0012 18 OldX
$0014 20 Flags
$0016 22 Y
$0018 24 X
$001a 26 Height
$001c 28 Width
$001e 30 Depth
$0020 32 MeMask
$0022 34 HitMask
$0024 36 ImageData
$0028 40 BorderLine
$002c 44 CollMask
$0030 48 SprColors
$0034 52 VSBob
$0038 56 PlanePick
$0039 57 PlaneOnOff
$003a 58 VUserExt
$0012 18 sizeof(View)
$0000 0 ViewPort
$0004 4 LOFCprList
$0008 8 SHFCprList
$000c 12 DyOffset
$000e 14 DxOffset
$0010 16 Modes
$0028 40 sizeof(ViewPort)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 ColorMap
$0008 8 DspIns
$000c 12 SprIns
$0010 16 ClrIns
$0014 20 UCopIns
$0018 24 DWidth
$001a 26 DHeight
$001c 28 DxOffset
$001e 30 DyOffset
$0020 32 Modes
$0022 34 SpritePriorities
$0023 35 reserved
$0024 36 RasInfo
$0008 8 sizeof(WBArg)
$0000 0 wa_Lock
$0004 4 wa_Name
$0028 40 sizeof(WBStartup)
$0000 0 sm_Message
$0014 20 sm_Process
$0018 24 sm_Segment
$001c 28 sm_NumArgs
$0020 32 sm_ToolWindow
$0024 36 sm_ArgList
$0084 132 sizeof(Window)
$0000 0 NextWindow
$0004 4 LeftEdge
$0006 6 TopEdge
$0008 8 Width
$000a 10 Height
$000c 12 MouseY
$000e 14 MouseX
$0010 16 MinWidth
$0012 18 MinHeight
$0014 20 MaxWidth
$0016 22 MaxHeight
$0018 24 Flags
$001c 28 MenuStrip
$0020 32 Title
$0024 36 FirstRequest
$0028 40 DMRequest
$002c 44 ReqCount
$002e 46 WScreen
$0032 50 RPort
$0036 54 BorderLeft
$0037 55 BorderTop
$0038 56 BorderRight
$0039 57 BorderBottom
$003a 58 BorderRPort
$003e 62 FirstGadget
$0042 66 Parent
$0046 70 Descendant
$004a 74 Pointer
$004e 78 PtrHeight
$004f 79 PtrWidth
$0050 80 XOffset
$0051 81 YOffset
$0052 82 IDCMPFlags
$0056 86 UserPort
$005a 90 WindowPort
$005e 94 MessageKey
$0062 98 DetailPen
$0063 99 BlockPen
$0064 100 CheckMark
$0068 104 ScreenTitle
$006c 108 GZZMouseX
$006e 110 GZZMouseY
$0070 112 GZZWidth
$0072 114 GZZHeight
$0074 116 ExtData
$0078 120 UserData
$007c 124 WLayer
$0080 128 IFont
$0012 18 sizeof(bltnode)
$0000 0 n
$0004 4 function
$0008 8 stat
$000a 10 blitsize
$000c 12 beamsync
$000e 14 cleanup
$0040 64 sizeof(collTable)
$0000 0 collPtrs[0]
$005c 92 sizeof(copinit)
$0000 0 diagstrt[0]
$0008 8 sprstrtup[0]
$0058 88 sprstop[0]
$000a 10 sizeof(cprlist)
$0000 0 Next
$0004 4 start
$0008 8 MaxCount
$004a 74 sizeof(mouth_rb)
$0000 0 voice
$0046 70 width
$0047 71 height
$0048 72 shape
$0049 73 pad
$0046 70 sizeof(narrator_rb)
$0000 0 message
$0030 48 rate
$0032 50 pitch
$0034 52 mode
$0036 54 sex
$0038 56 ch_masks
$003c 60 nm_masks
$003e 62 volume
$0040 64 sampfreq
$0042 66 mouths
$0043 67 chanmask
$0044 68 numchan
$0045 69 pad
$0004 4 sizeof(tPoint)
$0028 40 sizeof(timerequest)
$0000 0 tr_node
$0020 32 tr_time
$0008 8 sizeof(timeval)
$0000 0 tv_secs
$0004 4 tv_micro
$0004 4 sizeof(tPoint)
$0004 4 sizeof(colorEntry)
$0000 0 colorLong
$0000 0 colorByte[0]
$0000 0 colorSByte[0]