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- From davidj@wrs.com (David Jones) Mon Sep 30 23:34:38 1991
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!dimacs.rutgers.edu!mips!pacbell.com!pacbell!rtech!wrs!davidj
- From: davidj@wrs.com (David Jones)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,sci.skeptic,sci.astro,misc.headlines,alt.paranormal,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
- Summary: New information
- Keywords: Mars Face
- Message-ID: <davidj.686288078@wrs.com>
- Date: 1 Oct 91 03:34:38 GMT
- Sender: usenet@wrs.com (News Manager)
- Organization: Wind River Systems, Inc.
- Lines: 142
- Nntp-Posting-Host: erra
- *************************************************************************
- * I share this with you in the hopes that the more people that know the *
- * truth, that the truth will be known by more people. *
- *************************************************************************
- I recently attended the Whole Life Expo in San Jose. Richard Hoagland took
- part in two talks and one panel discussion, which he moderated. He indicated
- that he was now revealing information that he had never before revealed. I
- share with you my notes. I present this with the knowledge that in order
- to fully understand this material; in order to be able to corroborate or
- disprove what he claims, you must first review the evidence that he presents.
- This which I state should be obvious but, as I have woefully discovered, many
- readers of this will jump to conclusions before doing their homework. I
- apologize for any redundancy and pray you will forgive my incompleteness.
- Any discrepancies are most likely my misunderstanding rather than Richard's
- information.
- There is a new paradigm of man`s origins currently evolving in our
- consciousness on this planet. Up until now, we have had 2 choices:
- Creationism (whatever the Bible says has to be true) and Evolution (Darwinism:
- we evolved out of some primordial soup). This new paradigm, as the Sumerians
- of Sitchen indicated, is that we came from the Heavens (meaning other planets
- in other star systems), a sort of extra-galactic Darwinism. Richard used
- phrases like: "... mitocondrial DNA scientists ..." " and "... self-reflective
- dimensional expansion" to describe this idea. Using the photographs from the
- Mars mission, with 150 foot per pixel resolution, and using techno-hacker
- wizardry, he shows that we are in the process of matriculating into racial
- maturity. He has created a gorgeous video (currently available) created from
- the stills of the Mars mission and made into three dimensional fly-bys of
- the face, the pyramids and the city. He quotes Zechariah Sitchen "someone
- is meddling ...".
- In order to completely realize the possible truth of the material presented
- in his discussions, you should understand tetrahedral geometry and it's
- associated simple trigonometry. Tetrahedral geometry only works with a
- 360 degree system with 60 minutes of arc and 60 seconds per minute. In
- addition, 12 is a fundamental aspect of this system. Richard Hoagland used
- two universal constants and their ratio, in order to substantiate his claims.
- These two numbers are pi (3.14) and e, the base of natural logarithms
- (2.72), and the resulting ratio: e/pi ~= 0.865.
- For instance. it you take the slope of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and
- divide it by the 60 degrees, it's top angle, you get 0.865. This is
- replicated for the pyramids on Mars. Through tetrahedral geometry, he shows
- how we are converging on an Universal Geometry. Tetrahedral geometry is what
- we have in a 360 degree circle and that which gives us 24 hours in a day,
- both with with 60 minutes and 60 seconds. Whoever built the Egyptian
- pyramid, had the same knowledge as whoever it was that built the face and the
- city on Mars. The Martians used a 360 degree system. Sitchen shows that
- the ancient Sumerians (c. 8500 BC) used the 360 degree system and counted
- minutes and degrees of arc by 60's, just like the Martians. The Martian year
- is equivalent to 687 Earth days. The Fibonacci spiral is a tetrahedral
- mathematic. Follow the numbers and follow the logic.....
- The Egyptian Pyramids are made of calcium carbonate which has an internal
- structure that is exactly like the structure of the pyramid (in Egypt) itself.
- There are 20,000 books written on the Egyptian pyramids. It is located 5' 30"
- of direct North. This is caused by tektonic plate movements (otherwise it
- would be direct north). The plate that it sits on moves an approximate
- maximum of 1' arc every 45,000 years. This means that it would take about
- 247,000 years to get to it's present position. The mean arc location is 4'
- which gives about 180,000 years or, an estimation that the pyramids in Egypt
- were REALLY build about 214,000 years ago (give or take). The pyramids (in
- Egypt) were weathered by water, not wind. This is an intentional
- misinterpretation by scholars so as not to get into trouble with their
- colleagues and not challenge western religions. The Sphinx dates to a time
- to before when the Sahara was desert.
- The land forms found on Mars are NOT those done by Nature. The angles formed
- by the pyramids are impossible for nature to create. There are too many
- variations on the e/pi constant. Even the latitude on Mars where the city/
- face/pyramid are found is a function of e/pi. He spent several hours creating
- an exquisite mathematical trail showing that the pyramid on Mars, the
- pyramid at Gizeh and, co-equivalently, the Sphinx in Egypt, are all more than
- 200,000 years old. More specifically, about 217,000 +/- 15,000 years. It
- is impossible for me to go into all the details, but he had people from 3
- different professions, all working independently and unknown to the others,
- who had all come to the same conclusions in regards to the age of the Egyptian
- pyramids. The D & M pyramid (on Mars) is self-referential (it knows where it
- is). It is located at 30 degree North latitude just like the Egyptian pyramid
- on Earth..
- Mars has two carbon moons. The planet Mars does not contain this carbon. The
- moons appear to be asteriods that the Martians, using technology that is
- available to us today, moved into Martian orbit and, apparently, to mine.
- The two moons are in perfect circular orbits around Mars. Phobos is spiraling
- inward toward Mars. The density of Phobos is 1.95 which means that 30% is
- missing, or hollowed out, or mined. Richard believes that the Soviets covered
- up the truth of this by saying that it was a UFO that grabbed up their
- spacecraft and by so doing, knew that the mainstream press would not touch
- the story. The Russians probably have close up photos of extraterrestrial
- artifacts (a Martain monkey wrench?) and Marina Popovich went around the world
- and spread false rumors to put the nail in the coffin in order to cover-up
- the Truth. The Phobos orbit is 20 Km off true circular, due to it's decaying
- orbit. If it were circular to begin with, it would have taken 217,000 years
- to cause it to be off course at it's present rate. Something disruptive
- happened on Mars at that time (217,000 years ago). Something attacked the
- city there. The Egyptian word for Shinx means, the ending, inferring
- an ending of one thing (Martain civilization) -- a beginning somewhere else
- (planet Earth).
- He speaks of the Nephalim, "Those who were cast down", or "Giants" and by
- so indicating he infers that there was a war of some sort on Mars about
- about 217,000 years ago and that they `escaped' to planet Earth.
- The ratio of the Earth to it's moon is .272. The moon takes 27.32 (Earth)
- days to orbit the Earth. It should be 27.2. If we interpolate the difference
- and how much the Earth's moon is moving away, we get 200,000 years ago for
- our moon to be the 27.2 he speaks of. Was OUR moon put there by
- extraterrestrials that escaped to this planet to mine? Will we find
- extraterrestrial artifacts on our own moon? (Maybe we already have?)
- Carl Sagan and Richard Hoagland used to be friends. In public, Sagan says
- that this information is nonsense, but in private, he says something quite
- different.
- Richard indicated that he will read anything that will bring him even 1
- data point closer to the Truth.
- Original cassette tapes of the above may be obtained from the Whole Life
- Expo tape people (email me for the number).
- Video tapes of the above presentations, and more information on this may be
- obtained from Richard Hoagland's organization, The Mars Mission (they publish a
- quarterly journal entitled Martian Horizons) from:
- The Mars Mission
- P.O. Box 123
- Danville, CA 94526-0123
- ***************************************************************************
- * COMING NEXT: My discussions with Wendelle Stevens regarding Grey *
- * aliens from the Reticulum Star cluster and his playing of a *
- * cassette tape of the sounds of one of their space ships. *
- ***************************************************************************
- -------------------
- David W. Jones
- davidj@wrs.com OR
- uunet!wrs!davidj
- -------------------
- From ersmith@julian.uwo.ca (Eric Smith) Wed Oct 2 03:14:33 1991
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!paul.rutgers.edu!dorm.rutgers.edu!zeus.ieee.org!sdd.hp.com!usc!rpi!news-server.csri.toronto.edu!generic.physics.utoronto.ca!julian!julian.uwo.ca!ersmith
- From: ersmith@julian.uwo.ca (Eric Smith)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,sci.skeptic,sci.astro,misc.headlines,alt.paranormal,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: Re: Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
- Keywords: Mars Face
- Message-ID: <5001@julian.uwo.ca>
- Date: 2 Oct 91 07:14:33 GMT
- References: <davidj.686288078@wrs.com>
- Sender: news@julian.uwo.ca
- Followup-To: sci.skeptic
- Organization: University of Western Ontario, London, Ont.
- Lines: 225
- [ Please follow up to sci.skeptic, since this is a skeptical kind of
- post... ]
- I am a mathematician, and there are a number of mathematical
- statements made in the article which I find, shall we say, dubious. I
- don't claim infallibility, though, so perhaps Mr. Jones (or others)
- can enlighten me...
- In article <davidj.686288078@wrs.com> davidj@wrs.com (David Jones) writes:
- > * I share this with you in the hopes that the more people that know the *
- > * truth, that the truth will be known by more people. *
- (Hmmm... this would seem to be a slightly ungrammatical tautology. Are
- tautologies considered profound these days?)
- >There is a new paradigm of man`s origins currently evolving in our
- >consciousness on this planet. Up until now, we have had 2 choices:
- >Creationism (whatever the Bible says has to be true) and Evolution (Darwinism:
- >we evolved out of some primordial soup). This new paradigm, as the Sumerians
- >of Sitchen indicated, is that we came from the Heavens (meaning other planets
- >in other star systems), a sort of extra-galactic Darwinism.
- I don't think this is a particularly new idea; I think that Fred Hoyle
- suggested something similar back in the 1940's (namely that life on
- Earth arose from extraterrestrial spores). Many people might also refer
- to this theory as "begging the question", since it still leaves
- unresolved the question of how life arose on the other planets.
- (How can a paradigm "evolve" in the "consciousness on this planet"?
- Is this a fancy (read: deliberately obscure) way of saying that the
- idea is catching on?)
- > Richard used
- >phrases like: "... mitocondrial DNA scientists ..." " and "... self-reflective
- >dimensional expansion" to describe this idea.
- I think I know what "mitochondrial DNA scientists" are, but I'd like to
- know what this has to do with our origins. As I recall, the
- mitochondrial DNA is just "along for the ride" with the nuclear DNA,
- which is what really determines our characteristics. But I'm not a
- biologist, and any clarification of this would be welcome.
- Also, I'm afraid I can't understand "self-reflective dimensional
- expansion", or what it has to do with the idea of extraterrestrial
- life, at all. It *sounds* like some random impressive sounding words
- thrown together to make pseudo-scientific gobbledegook, but I'm sure
- that's just my ignorance showing :-).
- > Using the photographs from the
- >Mars mission, with 150 foot per pixel resolution, and using techno-hacker
- >wizardry, he shows that we are in the process of matriculating into racial
- >maturity. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- ^^^^^^^^
- (I know this may be a silly question, but why must all revealed
- wisdom be couched in such obscure language? What's wrong with "we are,
- as a race, growing up"?)
- >
- > [ special effects deleted ]
- >
- >In order to completely realize the possible truth of the material presented
- >in his discussions, you should understand tetrahedral geometry and it's
- >associated simple trigonometry. Tetrahedral geometry only works with a
- >360 degree system with 60 minutes of arc and 60 seconds per minute.
- I must read up on "tetrahedral geometry". All the geometries I know of
- are independent of the choice of units. Could you provide a reference,
- please?
- (I tried looking for "tetrahedral geometry" in _Modern_Geometries_ by
- James R. Smart, but it wasn't there.)
- > In
- >addition, 12 is a fundamental aspect of this system.
- Hmmm... why is this? Is it because the symmetry group of a tetrahedron
- has 12 elements? But what does this have to do with the Great Pyramid,
- which is *not* a tetrahedron? (the former has a square base, the
- latter an equilateral triangle).
- > Richard Hoagland used
- >two universal constants and their ratio, in order to substantiate his claims.
- >These two numbers are pi (3.14) and e, the base of natural logarithms
- >(2.72), and the resulting ratio: e/pi ~= 0.865.
- >For instance. it you take the slope of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and
- >divide it by the 60 degrees, it's top angle, you get 0.865.
- But do you actually get e/pi (which, being irrational, is *not* equal
- to 0.865)?
- >Through tetrahedral geometry, he shows
- >how we are converging on an Universal Geometry.
- A "Universal Geometry" would, a priori, have to be independent of the
- measuring system; you claimed above that it was tied to a particular
- set of units. Moreover, "Universal Geometry" is meaningless; different
- spaces have different geometries. (I do know something about this,
- since I'm a mathematician.)
- > Tetrahedral geometry is what
- >we have in a 360 degree circle and that which gives us 24 hours in a day,
- >both with with 60 minutes and 60 seconds.
- The symmetry group of a tetrahedron (or pyramid) is finite (there are
- only a finite number of ways of turning it so that it still looks the
- same and has the same orientation); the symmetry group of a circle is
- infinite (we can rotate a circle by any arbitrary amount and it still
- looks the same). Clearly tetrahedral geometry is *not* what we have in
- a 360 degree circle.
- >The Martian year is equivalent to 687 Earth days.
- What does this have to do with anything?
- >The Fibonacci spiral is a tetrahedral mathematic.
- How is the Fibonacci spiral connected with tetrahedra?
- > Follow the numbers and follow the logic.....
- (I haven't seen any logic so far, just some random numbers thrown
- around.)
- >There are 20,000 books written on the Egyptian pyramids. It is located 5' 30"
- >of direct North. This is caused by tektonic plate movements (otherwise it
- >would be direct north). The plate that it sits on moves an approximate
- >maximum of 1' arc every 45,000 years. This means that it would take about
- >247,000 years to get to it's present position.
- How do we know that it originally faced directly North? Maybe the
- Egyptians weren't perfect? (Plus: what is "North"? As defined by the
- magnetic pole, or the real North Pole?)
- > The mean arc location is 4'
- >which gives about 180,000 years or, an estimation that the pyramids in Egypt
- >were REALLY build about 214,000 years ago (give or take).
- If one method gives an age of 180,000 years, and another method gives
- an age of 247,000 years, then there's a contradiction -- one or both
- of them must be wrong. To average the two numbers and get 214,000 is
- thus meaningless.
- > The pyramids (in
- >Egypt) were weathered by water, not wind. This is an intentional
- >misinterpretation by scholars so as not to get into trouble with their
- >colleagues and not challenge western religions.
- My understanding (which is supported by the fact that water is denser
- than air) is that water would cause erosion to occur more quickly than
- wind, and hence if that were the cause of the weathering then the
- pyramids would actually be *younger* than they appear to be, i.e. they
- couldn't last as long with water erosion as with wind erosion. Perhaps
- a geologist could clarify this.
- >The land forms found on Mars are NOT those done by Nature. The angles formed
- >by the pyramids are impossible for nature to create. There are too many
- >variations on the e/pi constant.
- e is the base of *natural* logarithms.
- pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
- Both numbers are found frequently in nature; why shouldn't their ratio
- be?
- > Even the latitude on Mars where the city/
- >face/pyramid are found is a function of e/pi. He spent several hours creating
- >an exquisite mathematical trail showing that the pyramid on Mars, the
- >pyramid at Gizeh and, co-equivalently, the Sphinx in Egypt, are all more than
- >200,000 years old.
- As much as I hate to put limits on mathematics (remember, I have a
- personal stake in math!), I'm afraid that no "mathematical trail" can
- *ever* establish the age of any artifact; that's an archeological
- problem. All that one can establish with mathematics is that given
- such and such assumptions, this and that follows. It's the job of the
- experimental sciences to actually decide what assumptions are true,
- and which are not.
- >Mars has two carbon moons. The planet Mars does not contain this carbon. The
- >moons appear to be asteriods that the Martians, using technology that is
- >available to us today, moved into Martian orbit and, apparently, to
- >mine.
- Mars has plenty of carbon (its polar ice caps are formed of carbon
- dioxide, which is also a major component of its atmosphere).
- >The two moons are in perfect circular orbits around Mars. Phobos is spiraling
- >inward toward Mars.
- If the moon is in a perfect circular orbit, how can it possibly be
- spiralling inward?
- >The ratio of the Earth to it's moon is .272.
- The ratio of Earth's *what* to the moon's *what*?
- > The moon takes 27.32 (Earth)
- >days to orbit the Earth. It should be 27.2.
- It "should" be 27.2? Why? I presume that it's because .272 * 1000 =
- 27.2. But what's special about base 10? Surely in light of the
- Sumerian knowledge base 60 is much better; so "shouldn't" it be
- .272 * 3600 = 979.2? And who said that the length of the orbit
- "should" be anything in particular?
- >Carl Sagan and Richard Hoagland used to be friends. In public, Sagan says
- >that this information is nonsense, but in private, he says something quite
- >different.
- What evidence do you have for this?
- >Richard indicated that he will read anything that will bring him even 1
- >data point closer to the Truth.
- To quote Pilate, "What is Truth"? It sounds from the above that he
- already has his mind made up.
- (And no, I don't have _my_ mind made up already. I was just following
- the exhortation to "Follow the numbers, follow the logic". They lead
- me to the conclusion that there's nothing to this. However, I freely
- admit my own limitations, which is why I had so many questions to ask.
- Surely the Truth can stand up to scrutiny, and so I scrutinize
- everything that claims to be Truth. (How's that for profound? :-)).
- --
- Eric R. Smith ersmith@julian.uwo.ca eric.smith@uwo.ca
- I speak for myself.
- From kibo@world.std.com (James 'Kibo' Parry) Wed Oct 2 03:27:26 1991
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!dimacs.rutgers.edu!seismo!uunet!wupost!usc!snorkelwacker.mit.edu!world!kibo
- From: kibo@world.std.com (James 'Kibo' Parry)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,sci.skeptic,alt.paranormal
- Subject: Re: Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
- Keywords: Mars Face
- Message-ID: <BCnops.F3K@world.std.com>
- Date: 2 Oct 91 07:27:26 GMT
- References: <davidj.686288078@wrs.com>
- Organization: Kibo's Home Office (in Boston's Back Bay)
- Lines: 45
- [about four completely irrelevant newsgroups removed from the
- distribution. Gosh, I realize that what follows is INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT
- (sarcasm), but I really don't think it rates misc.headlines.]\
- In article <davidj.686288078@wrs.com> davidj@wrs.com (David Jones) writes:
- >This which I state should be obvious but, as I have woefully discovered, many
- >readers of this will jump to conclusions before doing their homework.
- >...
- >In order to completely realize the possible truth of the material presented
- >in his discussions, you should understand tetrahedral geometry and it's
- >associated simple trigonometry. Tetrahedral geometry only works with a
- >...
- >The Egyptian Pyramids are made of calcium carbonate which has an internal
- >structure that is exactly like the structure of the pyramid (in Egypt) itself.
- It *IS*? Gosh, I thought it was CaCO3. Which part of the Egyptian
- pyramids corresponds to the carbon atom and which to the calcium atom?
- Which parts are the three oxygen atoms?
- >The two moons are in perfect circular orbits around Mars. Phobos is spiraling
- >inward toward Mars.
- Those two claims are inherently contradictory. (For the record,
- there are no known objects in our Solar System which are considered to
- oribt in circles; all show measurable orbital eccentricity. In a
- ddition, of course, no orbits are mathematically perfect ellipses, due
- to things such as gravity of neighboring planets.)
- >The ratio of the Earth to it's moon is .272.
- Gee, the Moon is almost four times as large as the Earth?
- This article was greatly amusing, and I think it served a great social
- value: by providing a concrete example of how the American school system
- is failing to give students basic knowledge of such things as science or
- critical thought...
- -- K.
- --
- .............................................................................
- James "Kibo" Parry kibo@world.std.com Independent graphic designer
- 271 Dartmouth St. #3D (specialty: logos & corporate
- Boston, MA 02116 (617) 262-3922 identities) and type designer.
- From anachem@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (mark s gilstrap) Wed Oct 2 10:04:38 1991
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!dimacs.rutgers.edu!mips!sdd.hp.com!zaphod.mps.ohio-state.edu!sol.ctr.columbia.edu!bronze!anachem
- From: anachem@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (mark s gilstrap)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,sci.skeptic,sci.astro,misc.headlines,alt.paranormal,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: Re: Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
- Keywords: Mars Face
- Message-ID: <1991Oct2.140438.12854@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu>
- Date: 2 Oct 91 14:04:38 GMT
- References: <davidj.686288078@wrs.com>
- Organization: Indiana University
- Lines: 40
- I am intrigued by the psychlogy of this Mar's face story
- as much as anything. I first heard about it on the "For
- the People" show on shortwave (WWCR) - and am equally
- intrigued by their psychological profiles.
- Anyway, my psychological profile must have something in it
- that makes me curious. I don't know why I'm using pyschology
- as a theme here?? on to the subject...
- Just another data point / coincidence to offer. The NYTimes
- article yesterday on the "Eve" hypothesis says mitochondrial DNA
- traces back to a single female some 220,000 years ago - who
- is the common ancestor of all humans today.
- My curiosity is most picqued by the sudden interest in a
- wildly expensive and seemingly ridiculous proposal for Mars
- exploration. From being a belly-laugh of an idea, to real
- proposals for joint US/Russian explorations seems quite a
- jump in these tough economic times. The same issue of the
- NY Times went in to great detail on the tasks ahead for Mars
- missions. They specifically mentioned that it would be possible
- to warm the planet up to a workable level using carbon
- brought in from an asteroid (or moon?). I must say that I was
- struck by the parallels to your Hoagland transcript.
- When something seems too crazy to be going on (my psychology
- theme) I have always invoked the "follow the money" rule to
- find out who is going to profit - most things are then under-
- standable. Money is not a good motivation in this confusing
- story - so my next step is to invoke the "follow the power"
- rule - hence my appearance here in alt.conspiracy.....
- Could you provide more details wrt your allusion to what the
- Soviets may have found on Mars/Phobos and what you meant re
- a cover-up. I am curious as to why we all of a sudden want to
- go to Mars with the "soviets". But then I also see that all
- of these Hoagland-like stories could be the artifacts of some sort of
- "psychological" propensity in those who also are trying to
- make sense out of the senseless.
- From carroll@cs.uiuc.edu (Alan M. Carroll) Wed Oct 2 16:34:52 1991
- Path: aramis.rutgers.edu!paul.rutgers.edu!dorm.rutgers.edu!rutgers!cs.utexas.edu!wupost!m.cs.uiuc.edu!uiucdcs!carroll
- From: carroll@cs.uiuc.edu (Alan M. Carroll)
- Newsgroups: alt.alien.visitors,alt.paranormal,alt.conspiracy
- Subject: Re: Richard Hoagland's Face on Mars
- Keywords: Mars Face
- Message-ID: <1991Oct2.203452.18169@m.cs.uiuc.edu>
- Date: 2 Oct 91 20:34:52 GMT
- References: <davidj.686288078@wrs.com>
- Sender: news@m.cs.uiuc.edu (News Database (admin-Mike Schwager))
- Organization: Technophiles Inc. - Engineers with Attitude
- Lines: 167
- Nntp-Posting-Host: ash.cs.uiuc.edu
- In article <davidj.686288078@wrs.com>, davidj@wrs.com (David Jones) writes:
- > you must first review the evidence that he presents.
- I do reserve the right to compare his claims with physical reality.
- > There is a new paradigm of man`s origins currently evolving in our
- > consciousness on this planet.
- Jeez, can't any of you ever say anything without random fancy words?
- What's the point of "on this planet"? How many news readers are not on
- this planet? (Dan Quayle doesn't read news, so he doesn't count).
- > Up until now, we have had 2 choices:
- > Creationism (whatever the Bible says has to be true) and Evolution (Darwinism:
- > we evolved out of some primordial soup).
- If you're going to include Creationism, why not the Norse or Greek
- human origin mythologies? That's more than 2 choices. Besids, a number
- of alternate "extraterrestial" origin theories get published all the
- time.
- > This new paradigm, as the Sumerians of Sitchen indicated
- Yep, that's who I check with when I want the latest in scientifc
- information. I assume that Mr. Hoagland reads Sumerian?
- > Richard used
- > phrases like: "... mitocondrial DNA scientists ..." " and "... self-reflective
- > dimensional expansion" to describe this idea.
- Really, this makes no sense. There's no relationship between Sumerian
- myths and "mitocondrial [sic] DNA scientists", and I doubt that there
- is any meaning in the second phrase.
- > Mars mission, with 150 foot per pixel resolution, and using techno-hacker
- > wizardry
- Ooh! Ooh! techno-hacker wizardry! Do you know any non-techno hackers?
- Sounds like the latest advertising hype from Madison Avenue.
- > the stills of the Mars mission and made into three dimensional fly-bys of
- > the face, the pyramids and the city.
- At 150 ft / pixel? I don't think you realize what a poor resolution
- that is in the human scale.
- > you should understand tetrahedral geometry and it's
- > associated simple trigonometry.
- But you never explain it, and I don't see any trigonometry in the rest
- of the post.
- > Tetrahedral geometry only works with a
- > 360 degree system with 60 minutes of arc and 60 seconds per minute.
- Why? I've _never_ heard of a geometry that depends on the system of
- measure and I've had a lot of math. Certainly one can measure
- tetrahedrons in a variety of systems.
- > addition, 12 is a fundamental aspect of this system.
- Why? What relationship does it have?
- > For instance. it you take the slope of the Great Pyramid in Egypt, and
- > divide it by the 60 degrees, it's top angle, you get 0.865.
- Why would you want to do this? How do you measure the slope? length /
- run, or by degrees? From the horizontal or vertical? If you take the
- slope in radians and divide by pi / 3 (which is 60 degrees in
- radians), you get the same value. So what is special about the 360
- degree system?
- > we have in a 360 degree circle and that which gives us 24 hours in a day,
- How is that again? Where does 24 come out of 360? Shouldn't we have
- 360 hours / day?
- > The Martian year
- > is equivalent to 687 Earth days.
- And so?
- > The Fibonacci spiral is a tetrahedral mathematic.
- You've never defined tetrahedral geometry or tetrahedral mathematic,
- so this claim is meaningless - "The Fibonacci helix is a synergistic
- mathematic. Follow the numbers and follow the logic".
- > The Egyptian Pyramids are made of calcium carbonate which has an internal
- > structure that is exactly like the structure of the pyramid (in Egypt) itself.
- Uh, you're not under the very mistaken impression that the Egyptain
- pyramids are tetrahedrons, are you? They're not. Calcium carbonate is
- tetrahedral, and therefore _doesn't_ have the same structure as the
- pyramids.
- > There are 20,000 books written on the Egyptian pyramids.
- Again, so what? What is the point of these random facts? Just trying
- to confuse us?
- > This is an intentional
- > misinterpretation by scholars so as not to get into trouble with their
- > colleagues and not challenge western religions.
- And how did they get the Eastern religions, and the non-religious in
- on the deal?
- > Even the latitude on Mars where the city/
- > face/pyramid are found is a function of e/pi.
- What's your measurement system? The exact values rather depend onthat,
- don't they? How do you know that the Martians used the same
- measurements as we do?
- > He spent several hours creating
- > an exquisite mathematical trail showing that the pyramid on Mars, the
- > pyramid at Gizeh and, co-equivalently, the Sphinx in Egypt, are all more than
- > 200,000 years old.
- This has nothing to do with mathematics.
- > Mars has two carbon moons. The planet Mars does not contain this carbon.
- Obviously not, if it's in the moons. "The Earth has a rocky moon.
- Earth does not contain these rocks". Besides, Mars has plenty of
- carbon.
- > The two moons are in perfect circular orbits around Mars. Phobos is spiraling
- > inward toward Mars.
- These two statement are contradictory. One of them is a lie. Which
- one?
- > The density of Phobos is 1.95 which means that 30% is
- > missing, or hollowed out, or mined.
- It means nothing of the sort. The density of Saturn is less than 1 -
- does that mean most of it is missing, hollowed out, or mined?
- > The Phobos orbit is 20 Km off true circular, due to it's decaying
- > orbit.
- But you said that both moons are in perfect cicular orbits. Read a few
- lines above.
- > If it were circular to begin with
- A completely ad hoc assumption.
- > The ratio of the Earth to it's moon is .272. The moon takes 27.32 (Earth)
- > days to orbit the Earth. It should be 27.2.
- Terrestial or sidereal time? Who says it "should be" 27.2? Why isn't
- it? What do these numbers have to do with each other?
- In summary, this whole things makes no sense, is filled with random
- and often incorrect facts, and even contradicts itself. Get a clue,
- dude.
- --
- Alan M. Carroll <-- Another casualty of applied metaphysics
- Epoch Development Team
- Urbana Il. "I hate shopping with the reality-impaired" - Susan