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- Astral Projection
- What is Astral Projection?
- Astral projection (OOBE, out of the body experience)
- is a popular area of occult literature; for traveling to see
- other worlds and places while the physical body sleeps or is
- entranced is an exciting notion. Astral projection is not
- dangerous. It is as safe as sleeping. Most dreams are probably
- unconscious astral projections, anyway. Although there has
- been quite a bit written on the subject, astral projection
- is difficult for many people. The main difficulty is the
- tendency to forget dream consciousness upon awakening.
- Accordingly, the successful practice of astral projection
- requires work.
- Modern psychology discounts the idea of actual OOBE
- (that the spirit temporarily vacates the physical body).
- However, the idea is very ancient. The Tibetans have an
- entire system of yoga (dream yoga) based upon astral
- projection. And here we have an important assumption: you are
- involved in an OOBE (at least to a degree) whenever you
- dream. What sets it apart from a full OOBE is your hazy
- consciousness during the experience and poor recall
- afterwards. Many people forget most of their dreams
- completely. Learning astral projection requires a kind of
- inner mental clarity and alertness.
- Dreams are a door to the subconscious which can be
- used for psychological and spiritual insight, and sometimes
- for precognition. Dream content is influenced by external
- sounds and sensations. For example, a loud external noise
- (such as a train) will likely appear in your dream (if it
- doesn't wake you up!). Dreams are also influenced by events
- of the previous day, by your moods, and by suggestion.
- Everyone normally dreams 4 or 5 times a night (about every 2
- hours). The longest dreams occur in the morning. Everyone
- dreams. You are more likely to remember the details of your
- dream when you first wake up. By keeping a dream diary you
- will improve dream recall. Have writing equipment or a tape
- recorder at your bedside for this purpose; also a light
- which isn't too bright. Suggest to yourself several times
- before you go to sleep, "I will awaken with the knowledge of
- a dream." Then when you do awaken, move quietly (sometimes
- just turning over drives the idea away). Remember first,
- then write the dream down, and then add as many details as
- possible. The next day check for objective facts and expand
- if you can (by remembering 'what happened before that'). Once
- you start remembering your dreams in this way, it will
- become easier to do so. (If you are unsuccessful at this,
- and *really* want to remember your dreams, you could
- arrange for someone to sit by your bedside all night long
- with a dim light on. Then when he sees your eyes moving back
- and forth -- rapid eye movements, a sign you are dreaming --
- he can wake you and ask for a dream report.)
- Astral projection may be subdivided into three basic
- types: mental projection, astral projection (proper) and
- etheric projection. And your OOBE may shift between them.
- Mental projection is really simple clairvoyance ('remote
- viewing'), and 'traveling in your mind'. Imagination plays
- a key role. The experience of mental projection is not
- particularly vivid, and you will more likely be an observer
- than a participant. Nevertheless, mental projection is an
- important 'way in' to astral projection proper.
- During mental projection and astral projection you
- are able to travel through solid objects, but are not able
- to act directly upon them or to move them (if they are in
- the physical world). This is not true during etheric
- projection. Whether it is simply subconscious expectation,
- or whether it is a true etheric projection which in theory
- means that part of your physical body has been relocated
- with your projection (the etheric or vital part) may be
- difficult to determine. Etheric projections generally travel
- at or very near the physical world. There are even cases
- reported (very, very rare ones) in which the entire physical
- body is transferred to another location (teleportation), or
- cases in which the physical body exists and acts in two
- separate places at once (bilocation)!
- But our primary interest is astral projection
- proper, and mental projection to a lesser extent. Astral and
- mental projection are not confined to the physical world.
- Travel in the mental and astral realms is feasible, and
- often preferred. Nor are astral and mental projection
- restricted to the realm of the earth (you could even go to
- the moon and planets).
- The electrical activity of the brain has been
- observed and classified with EEG (electroencephalograph)
- equipment; signals picked up from the scalp by electrodes,
- then filtered and amplified, drive a graph recorder. Brain
- activity has been found to produce specific ranges for
- certain basic states of consciousness, as indicated in 'hz'
- (hertz, or cycles/vibrations per second):
- delta -- 0.2 to 3.5 hz (deep sleep, trance state),
- theta -- 3.5 to 7.5 hz (day dreaming, memory),
- alpha -- 7.5 to 13 hz (tranquility, heightened
- awareness, meditation),
- beta -- 13 to 28 hz (tension, 'normal'
- consciousness).
- As you can see, some form of physical relaxation is implied
- in the alpha, theta, and delta consciousness. These states
- are in fact reached through deep breathing, hypnosis, and
- other relaxation techniques. OOBE occurs during these
- states, and delta is probably the most important for it.
- The problem is really, as we have said, one of maintaining
- mental awareness and alertness while experienceing these
- altered states. Experimental subjects hooked to an EEG do
- not show a discrete change from drowsy to sleep; it is very
- gradual.
- At the threshold between sleep and waking
- consciousness is a drowsy condition known as the hypnogogic
- state. OOBE seems to occur during this state, or a
- variant of it. By careful control of the hypnogogic state
- (not going beyond it) it is possible to enter OOBE directly.
- Most methods of astral projection are methods of
- conditioning. Some form of trance or altered consciousness
- is always involved. No one ever projects consciously while
- fully awake (some may think that they do). Although there
- are many techniques used to produce an astral projection,
- they boil down to nine of them. They all sort of overlap.
- 1) Diet -- Certain dietary practices may aid in OOBE,
- especially at first. These include fasting, vegitarianism,
- and in general the eating of 'light' foods as discussed in a
- a previous lesson. Carrots and raw eggs are thought to be
- especially beneficial, but all nuts are to be avoided.
- Over-eating should be avoided. And no food should be eaten
- just before an OOBE attempt. If you intend to practice
- during sleep, for example, allow 2 to 4 hours of no food or
- drink (except water) before bedtime. In general, we see here
- the same kind of dietary restrictions advocated for
- kundalini yoga.
- 2) Progressive muscular relaxation -- This is one
- of the basic methods used in hypnosis and self-hypnosis.
- Physical relaxation can assist one in attaining the
- requisite trance state. These techniques involve beginning
- at the toes and tensing, then relaxing the muscles,
- progressively up the entire body.
- 3) Yoga and breath -- Yoga, mantra, and breathing
- exercises similarly aim at physical relaxation. The practice
- of kundalini yoga is particularly relevant, since it is
- concerned with altered consciousness. In fact the arousal
- of kundalini requires a similar state of consciousness to
- 4) Visualization -- This involves a type of extended
- clairvoyance or picturing of remote surroundings. If you can
- experience the feeling of being there, so much the better.
- Although this technique is essentially mental projection, it
- is possible to deepen mental projection into astral
- projection through (you guessed it!) visualization. Crowley
- taught a similar technique: a) visualize a closed door on a
- blank wall, b) imagine a meditation symbol on
- the door, c) visualize the door opening and yourself
- entering through it. And J.H. Brennan describes similar
- techniques wherein the door is shaped and colored like a
- tattva, or alternately, a chosen tarrot card is visualized
- and the student visualizes entering into it.
- 5) Guided imagery -- In many respects similar to
- visualization. Except in this case, there is a guide (or
- perhaps a voice on tape) directing you by means of
- descriptions. As with visualization, mental rather than
- astral projection is most likely.
- 6) Body of Light -- The old Golden Dawn technique.
- Imagine a duplicate (mirror image) of yourself in front of
- you. Then transfer your consciousness and sensation to the
- duplicate ('body of light').
- 7) Strong willing -- Sort of like creative
- visualization experienced in the present. That is you
- express your strong desire to project through your willpower
- while you visualize yourself doing it.
- 8) The Monroe techniques -- These are a series of
- steps developed by Robert Monroe: a) relax the body,
- b) enter the hypnogogic state, c) deepen the state,
- d) develope the senstation of 'vibration', e) separate from
- the body. The Monroe Institute has developed some cassete
- tapes which are claimed to help in this.
- 9) Dream control -- This is one of the most
- important techniques. It involves becoming aware that you
- are dreaming. There are several ways to do this. Oliver Fox
- says to look for descrepancies in the dream to realize you
- are dreaming. One occult student I know of visualized a
- white horse which he could ride wherever he wished to go.
- After a time, when the horse appeared in his dreams it was
- his cue that he was actually dreaming/projecting. Don Juan
- tells Castaneda to look at his hands while he is dreaming.
- And even the tarot and Cabala may also be used as dream
- signals. Another method is to tell yourself each night as
- you go to sleep, "I can fly"; then when you do, you will
- know you are dreaming. Once you know you are dreaming you
- can control your dream/OOBE and go anywhere you want.
- Repetitive activities will also likely influence your
- dreams. For example, if you are on an automobile trip and
- spend most of the day driving, you will probably dream about
- driving. You can condition yourself to be aware you are
- dreaming by doing a repetitive activity many times (walking
- across the room or a particular magick ritual, for
- example). Then when you dream about it, you will know you
- are dreaming.
- Although all these techniques may appear
- straightforward, they all require effort. Astral projection
- is generally learned.
- The astral world is the "ghostland" into which one
- passes after death. It is sometimes possible to visit with
- the dead, or you might be called upon to reassure and assist
- those who have just passed over (died) or those who are
- consciously projecting for the first time. Many spirits,
- elementals and ghosts exist in the astral world. The
- magician should feel comfortable there. Tibetan belief is
- that through proficiency in OOBE, you no longer need
- reincarnate after death. The astral world is extremely
- changeable and subject to your thoughts. Your will can
- control your movements in the astral world, and if you seem
- to be going somewhere non-volitionally ('astral current') it
- is probably your true will causing it anyway. You might also
- experience heightened magical ability while in the astral realm.
- [This is a popular subject, and there may be other files online
- about it. Check the PARANET file area for files such as --
- 1) What is the relationship between astral projection and
- dreams.
- 2) What is mental projection?
- 3) List the nine basic methods of astral projection.
- H.P. Battersby, Man Outside Himself.
- J.H. Brennan, Astral Doorways.
- Robert Crookall, The Techniques of Astral Projection.
- Denning and Phillips, The Llewellyn Practical Guide to Astral
- Projection.
- Oliver Fox, Astral Projection.
- Gavin & Yvonne Frost, Astral Travel.
- Celia Green, Out-of-the-body Experiences.
- Richard A. Greene, The Handbook of Astral Projection.
- Herbert Greenhouse, The Astral Journey.
- Jack London, Star Rover (historical occult novel).
- Janet Mitchell, Out of Body Experiences.
- Robert Monroe, Journeys Out of the Body.
- Robert E. Moser, Mental and Astral Projection.
- Muldoon and Carrington, The Projection of the Astral Body.
- Ophiel, The Art and Practice of Astral Projection.
- A.E. Powell, The Astral Body.
- D. Scott Rogo, Leaving the Body.
- J.M. Shay, Out of the Body Consciousness.
- Susy Smith, The Enigma of Out-of-the-body Travel.
- Brad Steiger, The Mind Travelers.
- Yram, Practical Astral Projection.
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- Phil Hansford, 2/87
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