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- Swamp Gas Journal Special Issue #3
- NAICCR (North American Institute for Crop Circle Research)
- Report on Investigations of Crop Circles
- in the Area of Strathclair, Manitoba
- 18 August 1992
- Following media reports about several new crop circles in
- western Manitoba, NAICCR representatives travelled to the area
- for onsite investigations.
- Five crop formations were discovered, one of which was
- easily explained as lodging. Of the other four, three were in
- the shape of the symbol for Mars: a circle with an attached arrow.
- Two were alongside a major highway, while the others were
- next to less-travelled farm roads. The two near the major
- highway were apparently made on the night of 14-15 August 1992.
- Rumours of the circles spread through the community, and
- many people went to see the formations. By Monday, 17 August
- 1992, an estimated 200 people had visited the sites. News media
- mentioned the sites in newscasts on 17-18 August, but the
- formations did not attract the wide publicity that other, less
- impressive and explainable formations had garnered a month
- earlier. NAICCR investigators were able to visit the sites on 18
- August 1992, after a four-hour excursion from Winnipeg.
- Wheat and soil samples were taken from all sites. Mapping
- was done, though, because of excessive trampling of the
- formations, measurement errors of about six inches were possible.
- Compasses were employed, but no magnetic anomalies were detected.
- Both VHF and AM/FM radios were tested, but no interference was
- detected. Tape recordings taken at the sites were unaffected.
- No unusual sounds were heard, and no unusual "feelings" were
- sensed. Insects were present in normal quantities at the sites.
- According to residents, animals were not afraid to enter the
- areas.
- At one formation, two youths guarded the entrance and
- brandished a sign reading: "A Loonie a Look"; they charged a
- dollar to anyone wanting to enter the site. [Note: "loonie" is a slang
- term for a Canadian dollar coin.]
- At Strathclair No.4, two NAICCR investigators decided to try
- an experiment in circle creation. They walked between the rows
- of wheat into an unaffected area and began walking around in a
- circle. After five minutes, they had produced a circle of
- comparable size to Strathclair No.4. The new circle was swirled
- and flattened, and examination of wheat stalks showed no breakage
- whatsoever. The stalks were only gently bent at a height of
- about one to two inches above the ground, and did not appear to
- have been subjected to any force. The appearance of the new
- circle was relatively "messy", but after a few minutes of "touch-
- ups", it began to look more like the "real" circle. Suggestions
- were offered as to ways in which more even flattening could be
- produced. Since Strathclair No.4 was created on the night of 14-
- 15 August 1992, only a few days after full Moon, it was proposed
- that a hoaxer could easily have created the formation without any
- flashlights and ducked down below the level of the five-foot-high
- wheat when an occasional car passed by.
- The hoax theory is complicated by a CE1 UFO
- sighting over the field where the Ipswich formation was
- discovered. One close witness and two other witnesses observed
- an unusual object moving over the field and then fly away on the
- night that that formation was likely created.
- On the night of 14 August, a television program about crop
- circles had been aired. Residents of the area had recalled
- seeing the episode. However, at least two of the formations had
- been discovered before the program was aired. It is not thought
- that the television program had necessarily precipitated the later
- formations.
- Wheat samples will be given to several researchers for
- testing. As some cerealogists have claimed that seeds from
- plants inside circles grow faster/better than those from a
- control sample, double-blind tests of this theory will be
- performed. Further investigations are continuing.
- Descriptions of the formations follow, along with a number of UFO
- reports from the same time period.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- Strathclair, Manitoba UGM 920801.1
- Found: 1 August 1992
- A circle of flattened wheat was discovered in a field southwest
- of Strathclair. It was 28 feet in diameter. The wheat was
- flattened and swirled in a counterclockwise direction. The
- circle was approximately 40 feet from a municipal road.
- Known as Strathclair No.1.
- Reported to the media on 16 August 1992. NAICCR investigation
- was on 18 August 1992. The site had been badly trampled by
- visitors during the interim.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------
- Strathclair, Manitoba UGM 920808.1
- Found: 8 August 1992
- A flattened area of wheat in the shape of the symbol for Mars was
- discovered in a field southwest of Strathclair. The main
- circle was 28 feet in diameter, with no detectable eccentricity.
- The wheat was flattened and swirled in a counterclockwise
- direction. The formation was approximately 40 feet from a
- municipal road, directly opposite a circle which had been
- discovered a week earlier.
- In the arrow, the wheat was flattened away from the circle,
- following the lines of the arrow. The arrow pointed away from
- the circle on a bearing of 260 degrees. The arrow was 18.5 feet in
- length, with left and right arms of 6 and 6.5 feet in length,
- respectively. The width of the arrow was approximately 36
- inches. The arrow pointed almost directly away from the road.
- Known as Strathclair No.2.
- Reported to the media on 16 August 1992. NAICCR investigation
- was on 18 August 1992. The site had been badly trampled by
- visitors during the interim.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Ipswich, Manitoba UGM 920815.1
- Found: 15 August 1992
- A flattened area of wheat in the shape of the symbol for Mars was
- discovered in a field just east of Ipswich. The main area
- was 26 feet in diameter along its major axis and 24.5 feet along
- its minor axis. The wheat was flattened and swirled in a
- counterclockwise direction.
- In the arrow, the wheat was flattened away from the circle,
- following the lines of the arrow. The arrow pointed away from
- the main area on a bearing of 65 degrees. The arrow was 17.5 feet in
- length, with left and right arms 7.5 and 11 feet in length,
- respectively. The width of the arrow corridor was 28 inches.
- The arrow pointed toward a farm road, its tip being only 36 feet
- from the road.
- Known as Ipswich.
- Reported to the media on 16 August 1992. NAICCR investigation
- was on 18 August 1992. The site had been badly trampled by
- visitors during the interim.
- A UFO had been seen at the site on 14 August 1992.
- See: ND Case 920814.1 in UFOROM files.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Strathclair, Manitoba UGM 920815.1
- Found: 15 August 1992
- A flattened area was found in a wheat field near other crop
- circle UGMs. It was roughly 20 feet in diameter. Wheat was laid
- down in random clumps, and some sections had rebounded upright.
- The area was visible from a nearby road. Examination suggested
- the area was caused by lodging.
- Known as Strathclair No.3
- Reported to the media on 16 August 1992. NAICCR investigation
- was on 18 August 1992. The site had been trampled by visitors
- during the interim.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------
- Strathclair, Manitoba UGM 920815.1
- Found: 15 August 1992
- A flattened area of wheat in the shape of the symbol for Mars was
- discovered in a field southwest of Strathclair. The main
- circle was 24 feet in diameter, with no detectable eccentricity.
- The wheat was flattened and swirled in a counterclockwise
- direction. The formation was approximately 100 feet from a
- provincial highway.
- In the arrow, the wheat was flattened away from the circle,
- following the lines of the arrow. The arrow pointed away from
- the circle on a bearing of 120 degrees. The arrow was 16 feet in
- length, with left and right arms of 8.5 and 10 feet in length,
- respectively. The width of the arrow was approximately 66
- inches. The arrow pointed away from the road.
- Known as Strathclair No.4
- Reported to the media on 16 August 1992. NAICCR investigation
- was on 18 August 1992. The site had been badly trampled by
- visitors during the interim.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Brandon, Manitoba UGM 920817.1
- Reported: 17 August 1992
- A television station received an anonymous call that a crop
- circle had been found on the property of the Brandon airport.
- Investigations pending.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- Miniota, Manitoba UGM 920799.1
- July, 1992
- It was reported that a crop circle was discovered in a field of
- oats. The circle is perfectly round and 32 feet in diameter.
- The oats are flattened and swirled in a clockwise direction. The
- center of the circle is devoid of vegetation.
- The circle was found "in mid-summer". It was reported to NAICCR
- on 21 August 1992.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------
- UFO Reports:
- Ipswich, Manitoba ND Case 920814.1
- 14 August 1992
- 2115 local time
- A woman was driving east from Shoal Lake to Strathclair when she
- saw a pair of bright yellow lights over a field to her left. The
- lights appeared to be about 50 to 100 feet above the ground. She
- stopped her car to get a better look, and watched as the lights
- moved in tandem, one above the other, progressing over the field
- heading west. As it was not quite dark, she was sure that she
- could see a dark object behind the lights, with another very
- small flashing light at its "tail".
- The witness' daughter and son-in-law were following in their own
- car, and they also saw the object before it moved out of view
- behind some trees. The object was visible for about two minutes
- as it progressed slowly over the field. No noise was heard.
- Reported to the media on 15 August 1992.
- The next day, a crop circle UGM was discovered in the wheat field
- over which the UFO had travelled. See NAICCR case 920815.1
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shoal Lake, Manitoba NL Case 920814.1
- 14 August 1992
- 2300 local
- A witness reported seeing a brilliant green flash of light which
- illuminated the countryside.
- Source: Greg Nesbitt
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Shoal Lake, Manitoba NL Case 920815.1
- 15 August 1992
- 2200 local
- A witness reported seeing a brilliant green flash of light which
- illuminated the countryside. It was visible for "a few seconds".
- Source: RCMP, Shoal Lake Detachment
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Winnipeg, Manitoba NL Case 920826.1
- 26 August 1992
- 0535 local
- A witness reported a bright green object, "like an airplane going
- to crash". The object was rapidly moving from the west to the
- east, but looked like it was "going up". The object had a "long
- tail". It appeared to be over the Winnipeg airport. It was
- visible for only a few seconds.
- Source: Anonymous phone call from the witness to UFOROM.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- A full report on the incidents, with detailed drawings of the crop
- formations, will be available in hard copy from NAICCR at a later date.
- The full report will be published in a major UFO journal and cerealogy
- journal. The Strathclair flap of UGMs and UFOs will be noted in the
- annual NAICCR and UFOROM reports when published in 1993.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- For further information, contact:
- NAICCR (North American Institute for Crop Circle Research)
- Box 1918
- Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Canada R3C 3R2
- On INTERNET, e-mail can be addressed to:
- rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca
- =======================================================================