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- Volume 7 The Swamp Gas Journal ISSN 0707-7106
- Number 1 March 1994
- Electronic Superhighways, and all that stuff
- Living as we are in the age of technology, it has become unavoidable
- to hear about the great "electronic information superhighway." Not a
- single newscast seems to go by without a story about the "exciting"
- prospects that this new information vehicle will be heralding.
- The best comment I have read about this came from a cynical media
- analyst who asked: "So who are the people who are going to get on this
- electronic superhighway? The same people who can't program their VCRs?"
- As I see it, the only difference that this superhighway will make is
- that now we will have electronic online dross to contend with in
- addition to the paper versions.
- To whit: Stanton Friedman received harsh criticism when he said
- that UFO-oriented computer bulletin boards contained nothing but
- garbage that tended to confuse the issue. (Now, I realize I'm
- paraphrasing, and I CERTAINLY don't want to get sued by anybody, but
- that is the gist of what happened and as I understand it, okay?)
- Of course, any rational person would have to agree with him.
- The vast majority of messages in the FIDONET UFO echo, alt.paranet.ufo
- and especially alt.alien.visitors are next to worthless. There are
- messages with channelled information, flame wars, endless discussion
- about TV shows with UFO themes and lots of "did not" "did too"
- arguments about Bill Cooper, Bob Oechsler and Bob Lazar.
- Realistically, the "information content" in the computer newsgroups
- is abysmally low.
- Almost completely absent are case reports, rational articles and
- databases for analyses.
- The ideal situation would be to have an international UFO database
- where new reports could be constantly added and disseminated for
- researchers to use anywhere in the world.
- Online newsletters would be good, too. Right now, the Swamp Gas
- Journal is almost the only electronic ufozine available. Of course,
- since most people are not part of the information superhighway yet,
- zines still have to be published in print format. The SGJ has about 100
- print subscribers and about the same number of KNOWN e-subscribers.
- The last point is particularly interesting because it brings to light
- one of the ways in which the information superhighway network (let me
- coin a term here: ISNET, for Information Superhighway NETwork - maybe
- even shortening it to ISN'T) disseminates information. The SGJ has been
- deposited in a number of major computers around the world. It is
- probably accessed every day by someone in Tuktoyaktuk or Timbuktu. The
- information in the SGJ is now available to anyone ANYWHERE in the
- world.
- One way to get it is to log in to something called gopherspace. A
- gopher is a kind of electronic "encyclopedia" that guides you through
- various directories until you find the information you are looking for.
- Gopherspace is so vast and complex, there is a monthly "scavenger hunt"
- contest to see what is actually available. Want the train schedules in
- London? The periodic table of elements? Articles from the NEW YORKER?
- The restrictions on watering your lawn in Australia? It's all there.
- Information on UFOs is there, too, if you know how to look for it.
- The Internet Wiretap, in (what's left of) California, has an online
- electronic library that contains lots of UFO stuff: Project Blue Book
- unknowns, the silly Krill Report, MJ-12 docs and much more material
- than I could list here. Included here are my latest Canadian UFO
- Surveys, NAICCR Reports and five different issues of the SGJ. I
- recently uploaded four issues of the CROP WATCHER into the ISN'T, and I
- have been told they're already part of the great global database. (Paul
- Fuller gave me permission to do it, by the way.)
- Another good source is an ftp site at Rutgers University. "FTP" is
- short for "file transfer protocol," and is simply a way to transfer
- data files from one computer to another. As of this writing (February
- 1994), there were literally hundreds of files on UFOs and related
- matters in a directory called simply "ufo."
- However, it's easy to see what the problem is. The fact that
- information is available does not mean that it is useful. Take a look
- at any newsstand and you will see what I mean. Even the most generous
- literary critic will tell you that 90% of all publications are wastes
- of trees.
- Why should this be any different in the electronic medium? This has
- been true in ufology since its official inception in the 1940's. Most
- of what you read about UFOs is inaccurate, misleading or just plain
- nonsense. This is true whether it comes from "believers" or
- "debunkers." The electronic medium only allows this information to be
- disseminated faster, globally and more efficiently.
- The GOOD news is that there IS useful information out there. Of
- course, you have to look for it. But this is true for print media as
- well.
- You don't have to buy *everything* in Bob Girard's ARCTURUS
- catalogues (even though he might appreciate it!), because his
- annotations and reviews, plus other commentary you might have heard or
- read, allow you to select the most useful stuff.
- The same is true for the ISN'T. What you will need is a good
- (electronic) guide to the ISN'T that will allow you to locate and view
- the information you desire. Sure you have to wade through pointless
- John Winston posts in a.a.v, but if you are a dedicated researcher, you
- will persist.
- It's just more challenging, that's all.
- The Pile of Books
- There's a pile of books next to my computer in my study. They are
- there because they are either recent acquisitions to the UFOROM library
- or I have been using them as references in articles. Or, in some cases,
- they are just recreational reading. They are there also because some
- people have asked me exactly what books I collect and read, and I have
- been goaded into listing them in the next SGJ.
- Well, here they are (in order from the top of the pile):
- Bantam, NY, 1969.
- Sure, you've all heard of it, but how many of you have actually read it? Who
- was right? Saunders or Condon? Still one of the most important works of
- its kind.
- Evans, Hilary & Spencer, John. (eds.) UFOs 1947-1987. Fortean Tomes,
- London, 1987.
- BUFORA's best compilation to date, with lots of rational discussion. A
- who's who of ufology in terms of contributors.
- Emenegger, Robert. UFOs PAST PRESENT AND FUTURE. Ballantine, NY, 1974.
- This is the book that some have said forms the basis for the
- crash/retrieval scenario, and the implication that the government
- really knows all about the aliens on Earth. Apart from that, it's an
- entertaining book with thoughtful commentary from scientists who
- speculate about what would happen if aliens really were detected.
- King, Stephen. THE TOMMYKNOCKERS. Signet, NY, 1988.
- Okay, I broke down and bought a used copy. I'm not a King fan, but it
- *has* a ufological slant and people keep telling me to get it. Whether
- or not I actually read it is another matter.
- Spencer, John & Evans, Hilary (eds.) PHENOMENON: FORTY YEARS OF FLYING
- SAUCERS. Avon, NY, 1989.
- A companion and parallel volume to their earlier compilation.
- FATE MAGAZINE, Issue #500, November 1991.
- A collectors' item, with a retrospective UFO commentary by Jerome
- Clark.
- Bishop, Roy L. (ed.) OBSERVER'S HANDBOOK 1994. Royal Astronomical
- Society of Canada, Toronto, 1994.
- Why this isn't required reading for all ufologists is beyond me. The
- only way to really understand what's in the sky is to have a guidebook
- to what's in the sky. Basic information, star maps, astronomical data,
- and lots more. (Yes, I'm an RASC member. How did you guess?)
- Toronto, 1979.
- With no previous research background in ufology, Bondarchuk produced a
- book which set the standard for countrywide case studies. Containing
- lots of annotations, illustrations and references, the book is a useful
- guide to Canadian UFO cases. But where did he go? Bondarchuk hasn't
- surfaced since!
- Colombo, John Robert. FRIENDLY ALIENS. Hounslow, Toronto, 1981.
- A collection of SF, fantasy and horror stories set in Canada. Authors
- include Derleth, Lovecraft, Merritt and Jack London. The constant
- theme: aliens!
- Panati, Charles. THE GELLER PAPERS. Houghton, Boston, 1976.
- We've all heard the debates and read about the lawsuits. Is he or isn't
- he? This book is a collection of "pro" views on Geller's powers,
- written by scientists, magicians and psychics.
- Siegel, Ronald. FIRE IN THE BRAIN. Dutton, NY, 1992.
- (That's right, read the title again.) This is a book about clinical
- research into hallucinations, written by a scientist who took drugs
- and floated in tanks in an effort to experience the unkown
- firsthand. He did - and he didn't. The book starts with his account of
- floating in a tank, waiting to encounter extraterrestrials. An
- important book for those studying abductees.
- Barton, Winnifred. DREAM POWER. Psi Science, Ottawa, 1967.
- A guide to understanding dreams, as "channelled" to the founder of the
- Bartonian Metaphysical Society. A rare item I got because of its
- Canadian connection.
- Reidelbach, Maria. COMPLETELY MAD. Little, Brown, Toronto, 1991.
- My Christmas present in 1993. Okay, so it's a history of MAD MAGAZINE.
- But within its pages is a fascinating history of how censorship
- flourished in America under the direction of powerful lobbyists.
- Carlson, Diane & Geary, David. THE WONDER THAT IS PARIS and MY HOUSE.
- Bureau of Cultural Propaganda Press, Saskatoon, 1987.
- Geary is a very sick man. A very clever satirist and humourist, but
- in need of serious medical attention. ;) He also sells UFO attractors
- and space pollen from Saskatchewan crop circles. I'd like to meet him
- and shake his hand some day.
- Guiley, Rosemary Ellen. MOONSCAPES. Prentice-Hall, NY, 1991.
- I didn't agree with her interpretation of the crop circles, but she is
- a good writer about the paranormal. This book is a survey of folklore
- and tradition about the Moon (my special interest).
- Rukl, Antonin. HAMLYN ATLAS OF THE MOON. Hamlyn, London, 1990.
- THE book for selenophobes like myself. Charts, data and much more about
- Earth's "barren sister."
- That's the bottom of the pile. Enough of a mix to confuse and baffle
- most anybody, I'd say!
- Zines
- Here is a sampling of the zines received recently. I describe the
- latest issue received, unless otherwise noted.
- GEO-MONITOR, Vol.4, No.1 January 1994. I haven't received February's
- yet, but it should be a doozie! The January issue had a review of
- earthquake prediction, and good old Vince Migliore is probably sifting
- through hordes of data and possible prediction claims for the next
- issue.
- 65 Washington Street, Suite 400, Santa Clara, CA 95050
- JUST CAUSE, No. 38, December 1993. Bary Greenwood devotes almost the
- entire issue to EBOLs (Expanding Balls of Light) seen at sea. They are
- reported basically as "a nuclear outburst but with none of the other
- consequences." Weird stuff, and he's found classified military reports
- of them. "Ground-based," "dome-shaped" "aurora?"
- P.O. Box 218, Coventry, CT 06238
- IUR (INTERNATIONAL UFO REPORTER), Vol.18, No.6, November/December 1993.
- I continue to enjoy this zine. Although there are those who would
- ignore it because of a perceived "pro-UFO" approach, it remains an
- excellent source of information about UFO cases, particularly those
- getting a lot of attention these days. A pair of issues recently
- carried "pro" and "con" articles about Gulf Breeze, for example, a feat
- unheard of in either SI or most popular ufozines. Other articles focus
- on the Roswell crash/retrieval.
- 2457 West Peterson Avenue, Chicago, IL 60659
- HUFON REPORT, Vol.3, No.12, December 1993. Not in the same class as
- IUR, but a good try. Its lack of critical view towards such things as
- crop circles suggests it's not as objective as it could be, but the
- Houston group is at least doing *something* to keep interest alive.
- P.O. Box 942, Bellaire, TX 77402-0942
- THE CROP WATCHER, No.19, September/October 1993. What can I say? *The*
- best circlezine around even without the high-quality, gee-whiz photos
- of others of its ilk. I STILL disagree with Paul Fuller about the wind
- vortices and Devereux's earth lights, but his sly commentary on all
- things cerealogical and/or ufological makes it highly readable,
- informative and entertaining. And skeptics/debunkers would do well to
- read it, too! Now available online to those who care.
- 3 Selbourne Court, Tavistock Close, ROMSEY, Hampshire, SO51 7TY
- SAUCER SMEAR, Vol.41, No.1, January 15th, 1994. If I had started
- receiving this zine when I first got interested in the subject, I'd
- have got out very quickly. Moseley digs out the real poop on every
- prominent figure in ufology and debunking, and shows us their human
- sides. Threatened to be sued by nearly everybody, he keeps on, for our
- sake. The letters and flame wars alone are worth it.
- P.O. Box 1709, Key West, FL 33041
- know how Bonnie Wheeler does it. A zine of at least 75 pages per issue,
- chock full of new articles, reprints, ufological junk mail and great
- cartoons. Something about working in a post office, I think ...
- 170 Strathcona Street, Cambridge, ON N3C 1R4
- MUFON UFO JOURNAL, No.308, December 1993. Whenever people ask me about
- a UFO group to join, I send them right to MUFON. I may not agree with
- what some of the authors have to say, but they probably wouldn't agree
- with me, either! Dennis Stacy puts together a mixture of hard science
- and speculative writing that sometimes defies categorization. My
- enjoyment of the JOURNAL is countered almost completely by their never
- asking me to speak at their annual symposia. Whenever I'm told that
- "scientists" are never interested in UFOs, I simply hold up a JOURNAL
- back cover and point out the endless supply of new PhD advisors.
- 103 Oldtowne Road, Seguin, TX 78155-4099
- NORTHERN UFO NEWS, No. 163, Winter 1993. Jenny Randles continues to
- edit this classic British zine which includes book reviews, case
- reports and commentary on everything from circles to abductions. She
- never shirks from giving her own views on the British scene and takes
- some well-aimed pot shots at other groups. She and I actually
- started a zine exchange back in the 1970s, but she told me she couldn't
- remember receiving any SGJs back then. Perhaps the aliens removed her
- memory of that.
- 37 Heathbank Road, Cheadle Heath, Stockport, Cheshire SK3 0UP
- INTERNATIONAL UFO LIBRARY MAGAZINE, Dec/Jan. 1993. They couldn't even
- get the date right on the front cover. If you ever wondered what
- happened to the glossy UFO schmags of the 70s, they're baa-ack! Great
- art, fine colour drawings, hilarious ads ("Sitting at the right Hand of
- the Father, we wait for the Mothership! The Truth! How much more can
- you take?"), Pleiadian paraphernalia and incredibly silly and naive
- articles. But - it's what sells these days.
- P.O. Box 461116 Escondido, CA 92046-9892
- THE ARIZONA SKEPTIC, Vol.6, No.5, March/April 1993. I'm not sure why I
- haven't received any more after this issue. I think it's a fine
- debunking work, and it covers everything from UFOs to astrology and
- more. It's also available online to those on the net, though I don't
- know the ftp site for it and it's not on gopher as far as I am aware.
- P.O. Box 62792, Phoenix, AZ 85082-2792
- SKEPTICS UFO NEWSLETTER, No.21, May 1993. I get this one irregularly,
- usually through Arcturus. Phil Klass is in fine form, shooting down
- classic UFO cases and has fun doing it. In this issue he went after
- Travis Walton and also the whole abduction scene, finding lots of
- deserving targets for his criticism. If only he'd stick with only one
- font per page AND stop USING that ANNOYING intermittent CAPITALIZATION!
- 404 "N" Street SW, Washington, DC 20024
- UFO NEWSFILE, No.13, April 1993. BUFORA's version of Lou Farish's
- clipping service. They should copy on both sides of the page to cram
- more in, but still worthwhile. If you don't get one, get the other.
- 16 Southway, Burgess Hill, Sussex, RH15 9ST
- DELVE REPORT, December 1993. I was pleasantly surprised to find out
- that Gene Duplantier was still at it, and publishing not one but two
- fortzines (or is it three?). Similar to BUFORA's NEWSFILE, but with a
- broader spectrum of topics.
- 17 Shetland Street, Willowdale, ON M2M 1X5
- SAF BULLETIN, Vol.25, No.3/4 1993. Almost completely in Swedish, but
- somehow, the newsclippings still make about as much sense as the
- American or British versions. A major difference is that SAF also
- includes case reports, interesting astronomy articles - and paid
- advertisements!
- Box 2238, S-171 02 SOLNA Sweden
- in Italian. A thicker academic European version of IUR or
- MUFON JOURNAL. It looks more rational than sensational, and is
- well-reproduced.
- CP 82 - 10100 Torino ITALIA
- THE CEREALOGIST, No.9, Summer 1993. Still the most detailed and
- popular circlezine. Now, they're into shamanic studies and the decoding
- of the agriglyphs. The "mystery" will live on forever.
- 11 Powis Gardens, London W11 1JG
- BULLETIN OF ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCE, Vol.5, No.1, February 1994. As many
- of you know, I don't subscribe to very many journals directly, and I
- certainly haven't added any new ones to my list - until now. The first
- issue I saw was enough to convince me that this is a very worthwhile
- publication. Edited by Dr. David Gotlib, M.D., this ufozine looks and
- feels like a professional medical review. Its contributors include
- names like Hufford, Durant, Stacy, Evans, Basterfield and Boylan. It is
- a truly scientific forum for UFO research, especially abduction
- studies. TOO scientific for some to handle, I think, but it fills a
- long-empty niche in ufology and Gotlib is to be commended.
- 2 St. Clair Avenue West, Suite 607, Toronto, ON M4V 1L5
- There are other one-of-a-kinds and one-shots that I have received, but
- these were sitting in my "to be read" pile. I would like to thank every
- one of the editors of these zines for their exchanges. I strongly
- recommend that people interested in ufology and related subjects take a
- look at all of these zines in order to gain a complete overview of what
- is happening in the field. There are two sides to every issue, and a
- wide range of ideas and approaches. Read them, them make up your own
- minds. You're old enough to know better.
- But THEY Know Everything
- As further evidence of the use of the information superhighway in
- ufology, I've been prodded to relate the story of my recent visit to
- Ottawa. I've connected to the Ottawa FreeNet several times and read the
- UFO SIG (Special Interest Group) messages there. It's much like FIDO in
- content, with lots of questions from people interested in the
- phenomenon, usually answered by people with limited background in the
- subject. "Has anyone heard of a book by a guy named Ruppelt?" and "Are
- UFOs propelled by antigravity?"
- I've entered into correspondence with some of the FreeNet
- people, and one person, Patrick Milloy, seems particularly interested
- and willing to do some legwork in checking out sightings. I copied down
- phone numbers of some others, and thought I could phone them if ever in
- Ottawa. The opportunity arose sooner than I expected.
- I coaxed Milloy to go to the NRC and take a look at the 1994
- cases to date. While there, he noted that the 1993 cases still had not
- been transferred to the National Archives. Since I needed the 1993
- cases for the annual Canadian UFO Survey, I asked him to try and go
- through them before they were removed. Unfortunately, he couldn't make
- it before the deadline, so it looked like we'd have to wait until the
- cases showed up in Archives - in April or May, and at much more
- expense.
- But, having made a whole $300 from sales of my book, I wondered
- if I could get a quick, cheap flight to Ottawa. I was pleasantly
- surprised to find it was possible, and booked it immediately. Denise
- Cardinal (bless her soul!) promised the files would still be at
- Herzberg waiting for me, and that I could view them before they were
- sent away.
- I arrived around midnight on Feb. 17, and was met by my
- faithful sidekick George Kriger, a longtime friend and occasional
- UFOROM associate. The next morning at the crack of dawn, we went to the
- NRC. We met Denise and quickly went to work on the 1993 and 1994
- reports. It took an entire day to read through the hundreds of pages of
- documents, copying down the data needed for the analyses. We celebrated
- our hard work by going to sleep by 8 PM. Ufologists are not always
- party animals, you know.
- My flight out wasn't for another few days, so I had time to
- check out bookstores and various other attractions in the Nation's
- Capital. There was a one-man band in the Market, and some good deals in
- the Glebe, as usual. The line-up for beaver-tails was too long, so we
- just opted for some fast food.
- While at the NRC, I was shown a copy of an article from the
- Ottawa Citizen, from just before the Guardian video had been originally
- aired. In the article, a local hot-air balloonist had claimed that the
- video might have been of his own balloon during a night flight, since
- he flies with a strobe and light sticks. It sounded like a reasonable
- possibility, and I thought I'd check into it if I had a chance.
- I tried tracking down some Ottawa contacts Saturday night.
- Milloy was out of town. Winnifred Barton (founder of the Bartonian
- Metaphysical Society) was not listed and no one knew if she was around.
- I couldn't find a listing for Arthur Bray (the document master). I
- tried tracking down the balloonist, with no success, though a rival
- balloonist told me that the strobes on balloons didn't match the one in
- the Guardian video, confirming my own recollection of the last time I
- saw such lights on night flights.
- I gave up my quest and sat down to read a book I had brought
- with me. Just before leaving Winnipeg, I received an order from Bob
- Girard of Arcturus Books (Buy everything from them! Shameless plug:
- 1443 S.E. Port St. Lucie Blvd., Port St. Lucie, FL 34952). It included
- the infamous CLOSE EXTRATERRESTRIAL ENCOUNTERS by Richard and Lee
- Boylan, a tome I had read so much about on the Net, including many,
- many flames. I was skimming through it when I found a listing in the
- back of North American abductee (sorry, "experiencer") researchers. For
- Canada, only two names were noted: David Gotlib, whom I respect for his
- BULLETIN OF ANOMALOUS EXPERIENCES (q.v.), and another name, Howard
- Schacter of Nepean, ON.
- This seemed the perfect opportunity to meet Schachter, so I
- called him. We had a great chat on the phone, and had started to settle
- on a time when we could alter our schedules to meet when he mentioned
- CSETI, Steven Greer's UFO group.
- "I don't really believe his stuff," I said, with room for one
- more shoe.
- "I'm on CSETI's executive council. I was with Greer during the
- contacts," Schachter replied.
- I think I managed to dig myself out of that one by the end of
- our conversation. Much of what he said made sense, I admit. He made the
- distinction of "proactive" versus "reactive" ufology. The latter is
- what most ufologists do: investigate cases after they are reported. The
- former involves going to an area where UFOs are being reported, and
- wait to see if any come by. The idea isn't particularly new; Project
- Starlight International ran in the 1970's, Project Hessdalen is more
- recent, and UFO buffs' skywayches are frequent along Lake Ontario,
- Gulf Breeze and near Groom Lake. Grant Cameron and his assistants
- stalked Charlie Redstar every night for months in 1975 and 1976,
- experiencing dozens of close encounters.
- CSETI goes a little bit farther, and that is what gets many
- people rankled and leery. They claim communication with the aliens via
- strong flashlights and less traditional methods such as telepathy. The
- CSETI group is denounced by other groups, and this can be viewed as
- a kind of "jealousy" in some ways. How serious is the
- rift between CSETI and "mainstream ufology?" Viz: (from the Net)
- ========================================================================
- >From alt.paranet.ufo Thu Apr 15 09:28:58 1993
- >> I was recently asking the phone number to C.S.E.T.I. which is
- >> - to my understanding - one of the UFO reserach organizations
- >> in the US. I got no replies.
- > C.S.E.T.I. is NOT, repeat NOT, a UFO research organization.
- CSETI is an altogether different thing - a group started by Steven Greer,
- and M.D. from Asheville, NC. He and his cohorts insist that "Aliens are
- strictly benevolent." They go to likely sites, such as Gulfbreeze, Florida
- and amongst the crop circles in southern England, and try to _telepathically_
- contact the aliens. With the object, apparently, of inviting them to land.
- Greer has been criticized by ex-members of his group for the way he
- handles the money that comes in, and for his latest fund-raising effort,
- in which he "requests" a thousand bucks from each of his followers to
- pay for "research."
- Greer and the CSETI people claim to have videotapes that show conclusive
- evidence of UFOs responding to their telepathic messages. However, so far
- as I am aware, they have not released any photos or videos that would
- prove their claims.
- Michael Corbin described and commented on this group recently -- either
- here or a.a.v. -- very succinctly. To wit: they are not by any stretch
- to be considered as a legitimate UFO research group.
- (end quote)
- ========================================================================
- At any rate, Schachter agreed to meet with me to explain CSETI's
- position a bit better. So, on 21 February, George and I visited him at
- his office in the basement of his house.
- I asked him if I could be blunt with my questions, and he said
- he'd be open to anything. So, I started by discussing our backgrounds,
- then went right for the abduction stuff. I asked if he had any trouble
- with criticisms of his objectivity in treating abductees
- ("experiencers") given that he believes aliens are definitely involved.
- He was almost surprised. "No," he said. "They're definitely
- here."
- He told me that a "select" group of "scientists" definitely
- have physical evidence of alien intervention, including tissue samples
- from EBEs, pieces of crashed saucers and various photographic
- evidence.
- "Who?" I asked.
- "I can't tell you."
- "Why?"
- "Because."
- "Does Friedman know? Stringfield? Clark? Andrus?"
- "They may or may not."
- "Bullshit," said George.
- And so it went. It seems that this secret group (which may or
- may not be CSETI) is keeping this information from the public "until
- the right time."
- "When?" George asked.
- "Soon."
- "How soon?"
- "Sooner than you think."
- "Today?"
- "No."
- etc.
- Howard showed us a CSETI video which included the Gulf Breeze
- video and the Guardian video.
- "If you don't believe already then these videos won't convince
- you," Howard told us.
- The Gulf Breeze video was supposedly one of four views from
- separate cameras. Two of the views were copyrighted by others in the
- group and could not be reproduced freely. The screen showed a
- triangular formation of whitish lights which seemed to move in tandem
- but changed perspective as if they were in fact on a large deltoid
- object that was not illuminated. Accompanying the video was a running
- commentary by people including Steven Greer who were saying things
- like: "Oooh!" "Aaaaah!" and "Look how they're moving together!"
- George thought they were lights on balloons. I didn't bother
- asking about the tethered balloon theory.
- The Guardian video was the one that has been seen on Fox
- recently. If you want to believe it's an alien spaceship, that's your
- right. But here's how it was discussed on the Net following its recent
- airing:
- =======================================================================
- In <CLuzn0.BCy@freenet.carleton.ca> ab961@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Robert Allison) writes:
- >>Well, it *was* a scream, though for various other reasons. First of
- >>all, the Guardian video is only a recent incident in a long history of
- >>claims about the Ottawa area. I was one of the recipients of the
- >>original Guardian "crash documents" back in the late 1980's, and
- >>immediately recognized it as a silly fabrication. Since then, I
- >>received more "official" documents from "The White Brotherhood" and the
- >>Guardian, which claim that an "Inner Circle" of military/government
- >>officials know "the truth" about alien contact and crashes in the West
- >>Carleton region.
- >I live in West Carleton Township, just west of Ottawa. There was
- >a Guardian/UFO flap here for a few weeks some time ago - I assume
- >that's what was on TV. The local weekly, the Carp Valley Press,
- Wrong assumption. What was on TV was the alleged video of a landed
- saucer from 1991. The original Carp "crash" dates back to about 1989.
- The recent sightings in the area (1993) are another matter entirely. I
- have gleaned several UFO reports in the region from the NRC files.
- >>The reality is that Clive Nadin, an Ottawa researcher, went to the
- >>alleged site of the crash, interviewed many witnesses and surveyed the
- >>area. There was *absolutely no evidence* of any crash or close
- >>encounters.
- >All local reports that I read were of 'funny lights in the sky', plus
- >(I think it was at about the same time) a 'chased by UFO following
- >my car until I turned into my driveway - then the UFO was *gone*'
- True. The recent cases were of "funny lights" but the original stories
- are of much more involved incidents.
- >>While the docs are undoubtedly fakes, the forger (perpetrator) likely
- >>lives in the Ottawa area. Evidence for this is the detail with which he
- >>describes the activity around Carp. The *is* an underground military
- >>base in the area, and there appears to be some flight training going
- >>on, as evidenced by numerous sightings of helicopter and jet
- >>overflights.
- >The 'underground military base' is the Canadian Forces Station (CFS)
- >Carp, aka the 'Diefenbunker'. It's a 4 story underground bomb shelter
- >built in the '50s for the safety of the government of the day (Prime
- >Minister John Diefenbaker (Tory), hence the nickname). There was a
- >military staff of about 130, until Tuesday's federal budget closed
- >CFS Carp (among others). It's only got offices, hotel-like rooms, and
- >so on. It has never had any fighting capability.
- >It's also never been secret - it's practically in the village of Carp
- >with an enormous grassed berm over it that's covered with big antennae
- >for communication. No only does everyone know where it is, and why,
- >it's always been known. They may still (they used to) run public tours
- >every now and again.
- Absolutely. It's underground, all right, but not secret by any stretch
- of the imagination. But some people are convinced that nefarious deeds
- are being done there.
- >>don't think it was a helicopter. Another possible explanation is a
- >>hot-air balloon. In fact, a balloonist in the area has claimed in an
- >>article in the Ottawa Citizen that he regularly does night flights in
- >>the West Carleton with a strobe on his balloon and with fluorescent
- >>light sticks arranged in various designs. Indeed, hot air ballooning is
- >>popular in the region. However, another balloonist I spoke with says
- >>the rate of the strobe was wrong for the types they use.
- >Perhaps there's a night balloonist who overflies West Carleton. I've
- >never seen it, or heard of anyone who lives here who has.
- The article in the Citizen describes it in detail.
- >>Yet another possibility is an obvious link with the rest of the video:
- >>it starts with a fire in a field. It's very possible that the object is
- >>a fire truck responding to a brush fire. Its structure is partly
- >>illuminated on the underside, where the hose connections need to be
- >>lighted. I've seen a fire response team in a field at night, and it
- >>looks very similar to what's on the video.
- >West Carleton is a large rural township. A field on fire would be (1)
- >BIG news, much bigger than a mere UFO, (2) well reported in the local
- >paper, and (3) a major topic of conversation (the long time locals
- >(like 4-5 generations here) still talk about a major fire that took
- >out farms and forests - over 100 years ago!) for a very long time. So
- >while it might look like that in the (faked?) video, I think that is
- >an unlikely explanation.
- Not necessarily. Remember, there is no evidence the video was
- *actually* filmed in West Carleton. The *only* connection is that
- Oechsler's witness says she saw a "similar" object in 1991 in the area.
- (end quote)
- =======================================================================
- So, suffice to say that there is a difference of opinion about the Carp
- affair.
- Schachter says he has no trouble "knowing" about the reality of
- ETs and treating experiencers ("abductees"). He told us that he is more
- concerned with healing his clients rather than deconstructing their
- memories.
- He told us that CSETI members in Ottawa have gone out to the
- West Carleton region already and that they will return to the area to
- "make contact" in 1994. My guess is that they will produce a video
- similar to the Gulf Breeze tape. He denied, incidentally, that Greer's
- followers have to pay thousands of dollars to join the contact
- experiences. In fact, he invited George to accompany them this summer.
- Now, there *have* been a string of UFO reports from the Carp
- area, as well as a crop circle in 1993. The NRC files have a half-dozen
- or so from the area for 1993, and there is a history of observed UFOs
- in the region. One can easily conclude that the area is prime for UFO
- spotters wanting to do some proactive ufology. It's unlikely, though,
- that Carp is "Baby Groom." That's Suffield. (But I won't elaborate on
- that right now. Besides, THEY KNOW.)
- Letters ...
- I know I was supposed to make this issue an all-letter issue, but
- there's just too much happening to allow that. In addition, since I
- only manage a SGJ twice a year or so, the number of letters I get is
- far too big for a single issue - or ten.
- I could mention, for example, that the 1993 Candian UFO Survey
- is in the works (and would be finished by now if certain ufologists had
- submitted their data!) and Paul Ferrughelli will be swapping data with
- me in a brazen attempt to initiate ufological NAFTA.
- Or how about this:
- >>Dear Sir,
- I'm an interested young person who would like more information
- on UFO documents released by the Canadian Gov't. Although young,
- I'm still interested. I'm only 14. I live in the United States,
- here in California. Our gov't seems to hide things from us, but
- I didn't know that the Canadian Gov't didn't hide things from
- you, the Canadians. I'm just fascinated by this subject of UFO's
- or IFO's should I say quoted in your last text file. Thank You.
- >> CJ
- This one is about average in terms of the typical letters I receive
- each day. Grant Cameron has a good comeback and answer to letters which
- ask simply: "Please send me everything you have about UFOs." He writes
- back: "Certainly. How many filing cabinets would you like?"
- IHF: Marcus Matthews of Wiltshire, who is writing a book on "Big
- Cats Loose in Britain" and wanted to know if I had any background info
- in NA reports; John Robert Colombo, who accepted my contributions to
- his new book SHAPELY PLACES; Alexander Matlac of Romania, who wanted
- "what informations you could send"; high-school student Matthew Astier
- found my name in Timothy Good's book and also wanted wads of general
- info; ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS PRODUCTIONS LTD of London are researching a
- film on "Alien Phenomena" and wanted the names and phone numbers of UFO
- witnesses; Dave Geary of Saskatoon sent me copies of his
- SASKATCHETOONS, full of Fortean silliness; various correspondence from
- Maureen Ferraro of CBC Regina in preparation for my appearance on WHAT
- ON EARTH?; Andrew Hochheimer of Wallaceburg, ON, is compiling a book on
- the Philadelphia Experiment and wanted to know what I knew about it;
- sweetheart Pamela Thompson of L.A. who (among other things) sent me
- reports on how her city is coping with the aftereffects of the quake,
- and still would rather live there than Philadelphia!; archskeptic
- Robert Young of Harrisburg, PA, who sent me his analysis of the
- Kecksburg UFO crash - and still insists that the Carman UFO film was
- spliced despite evidence to the contrary; Pascal Vescio of Etobicoke
- wanted to know everything, too; same for a convict who sent me a note
- from insisde Fort Leavenworth; Paul Fuller of Hampshire is the editor
- of THE CROP WATCHER and is one of the few vociferous cerealogy
- skeptics, and thanked me for uploading CW16-19 into the Internet ...
- Paul's a supporter of Paul Devereux (of whose work I've expressed
- concern) but concedes: "OK, I accept that he has some way to go
- to demonstrate his basic earthlights mechanisms - and of course he's
- changed his mind several times - but I'd be astonished if there was
- nothing at all in what he is saying." (Me, too!); Paul sent me another
- letter to accompany his disk with CROP WATCHER 19 and a draft version
- of 20 (which I will not publish) - Paul's comments on John MacNish's
- new book CROP CIRCLE APOCALYPSE are interesting with regard to my
- conversation with a CSETI executive: MacNish and two other colleagues
- claim they "sent up lighted helium balloons to fool the CSETI team at
- Alton Barnes during 1992." Apparently, some farmers knowingly employed
- hoaxers to "guard" their fields. He says he "wouldn't bet a penny on
- these formations being 'genuine' - I'm not even sure I believe there IS
- a 'genuine' crop circle anymore!" As if Schnabel's first tell-all book
- wasn't enough, MacNish's blows cerealogy to pieces. I've seen copies of
- some pages, and it really makes cerealogists look bad - REALLY bad. And
- Schnabel's second book DARK WHITE is out with rave reviews of its
- destruction of ufology's sacred cows, too!; Paul Cuttle of
- Toronto, purveyor of excellent clippings, sent me an article from what
- looks like the old FLYING SAUCERS magazine, from sometime in the 60's,
- which discusses a saucer convention in New York (Thx, Paul! Tell me
- more about your casting! I photograph well!); a fax from Christian
- Page, who tells me he's doing all right, considering ... (thanks for
- the UFO cases, Christian; if only more ufologists were like you!);
- a letter from Janet Bord of the Fortean Picture Library, commenting on
- my book which has apparently made it overseas.
- Hot News! Swedish Government Funding UFO Research!
- Yes, it's true. The latest AFU Newsletter arrived in the mail,
- with its usual excellent articles plus some fascinating information
- about its new archives. For those who don't know, AFU (Archives for UFO
- Research) is a non-profit private foundation that has three goals: 1)
- to build a Swedish and international UFO library and research archive;
- 2) to support and encourage serious UFO research; and 3) stimulate
- critical and scientific discussion on UFOs.
- AFU has a neat, impressive library now with over 1000 square
- feet of material. It is funded by 25 ufologists and several corporate
- sponsors (!) who contribute "between 50 and 400 SEK each month." The
- archive contains desks with computers, microfilm readers and other
- office emenities, plus a small staff. It received a grant from the
- Swedish National Archives to pay for some research projects.
- In many cities, including mine, there is some talk of
- government make-work projects for welfare recipients. In Sweden, there
- is "ALU." AFU's Anders Liljegran explains:
- "ALU is a new Swedish government scheme intended to keep
- unemployment rates (and social problems) down. ALU means that
- out-of-work people are offered works on projects that could not
- normally be financed, often work of a more idealistic nature.
- Organizations that arrange ALU work do not have to pay any salary to
- those employed. Salary, during the six-month ALU work period, is paid
- for by the government. "ALU people" are now searching for lost wrecks
- along the Swedish coast, cataloguing old and dangerous mine holes in
- the terrain and - doing UFO research!"
- Liljegran notes that as of January 1994, four people have
- completed ALU UFO projects and others are working now or will start
- soon. Some are cataloguing UFO press clippings, coding and adding 600
- cases into their SCANCAT UFO computer database, transcribing tapes of
- UFO witness interviews and computerizing an index for their library.
- In a word, I'm jealous.
- I'm maintaining the MANUFOCAT database myself, indexing the
- UFOROM library, compiling the NAICCR and Canadian UFO Survey each year
- as well as contributing articles to books and zines and investigating
- new cases. I could use some competent help.
- Maybe I'll move to Sweden.
- BOO!
- >> yyyyyyyy
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- >> +++
- >>
- This was appended as a .sig from some email from: Patrick Milloy,
- ad469@freenet.carleton.ca, a UFO SIG lurker.
- Harvard Medical School and UFOs
- Speaking of UFO abductions, I should mention that the
- March/April issue of PSYCHOLOGY TODAY has a major article about John
- Mack, the guru of the field. Mack is a respected researcher who won a
- Pultizer Prize for his psychological study of T.E. Lawrence. Some
- believe his reputation is all but destroyed with the publication of his
- book on abductee research. The article by Jill Neimark doesn't help. It
- implies Mack has been taken in by people like Budd Hopkins and is now
- guillible enough to accept things such as some abductees' claims that
- their underwear was switched while they were on board the saucers. In
- the article, Mack dismisses his critics and suggests that witnesses'
- incredible experiences and memories "are experimentally true but they
- didn't factually happen in this reality." Profound, groundbreaking
- science - or bafflegab? You be the judge.
- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- The Swamp Gas Journal is copyright (c) 1994 by Chris A. Rutkowski.
- Mail correspondence to: Box 1918, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3C 3R2
- Email correspondence to: rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca
- The Swamp Gas Journal, UFOROM and NAICCR are not affiliated with the
- University of Manitoba, and don't represent its ideas, opinions, etc.
- (Standard disclaimer)