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- From ISCNIFlash@aol.com
- Base Was Site of Famous UFO Events in 1980
- by Michael Lindemann
- The military base known as RAF Bentwaters in England is associated with one
- of the most impressive yet controversial UFO cases of all time. Almost no one
- disputes that something strange occurred near the base during late December
- of 1980, but what it was remains shrouded in mystery. Odd moving lights were
- reported in the sky and in the Rendlesham Forest that separates Bentwaters
- from its nearby sister base (now closed) called RAF Woodbridge. Soldiers were
- dispatched into the woods, led by Lt. Colonel Charles Halt, USAF. (Though on
- British soil, both bases were manned by American forces).
- On January 13, 1981, Halt sent a classified memo regarding the events to the
- British Ministry of Defence. That memo, released to U.S. UFO researcher
- Robert Todd in June of 1983 through the Freedom of Information Act, says that
- several witnesses reported a triangular, metallic, highly luminous object
- either hovering or standing on legs, and then maneuvering through the forest,
- on the night of December 27. Though not a witness to this object himself,
- Halt said that the next morning he did witness three depressions in the
- ground, arranged in a triangular pattern, that apparently marked where the
- object had stood. Halt further stated that on the following night he and
- others witnessed an astounding display of moving lights in the sky.
- Halt's memo left little doubt that whatever happened was out of the ordinary,
- but continuing efforts by independent researchers have not resolved the
- Bentwaters mystery, and current opinions vary widely. Some now believe the
- strange events were all staged as part of a very elaborate psychological
- warfare test, possibly involving mind-control techniques. Others say craft of
- unknown origin were seen at close range, and that extensive photo and
- physical evidence was gathered at the site -- all of which was then locked
- away in government vaults. Still others say not only craft but "aliens" were
- seen and contacted. Finally, there are the hard-line skeptics who say nothing
- at all remarkable happened, except that airmen who should know better mistook
- the light of a nearby lighthouse in the fog for something otherworldly.
- Now CNI News has learned of a U.S. soldier who was stationed at Bentwaters
- some years after the famous 1980 events, but who saw several things that lend
- strong credence to the strange claims associated with the base. This soldier
- prefers that his name not be used in this story, but he has communicated
- under his own name with CNI News editor Michael Lindemann.
- Concerning his military background, the soldier says: "I entered the service
- in 1983 and was assigned to RAF Bentwaters in 1984. I was involved in
- nuclear weapons and because of our extensive background investigations,
- members of our section were often called upon to do other high-security
- details. Since even the Security Police didn't have as high a clearence, a
- lot of these details were simply being our own guards -- hence my access to
- the vault (see below). I volunteered for as many of these details as I could
- because it was supposed to create an impressive military record. However,
- when I arrived at my next base (I left Bentwaters late in '86) no records of
- my special duties followed me. I called my immediate supervisor when I
- discovered this and he said, 'What happens at Bentwaters stays at
- Bentwaters.' I think this had more to do with security than UFOs. I was an
- enlisted man and I was an E-4 Sgt when I entered the vault. I left the
- service in 1988. I was still angry that none of my record followed me. I
- simply didn't re-enlist and had an honorable discharge. I was still an E-4."
- Here is the soldier's account of his extraordinary experience in "the vault"
- at Bentwaters, where apparently something very interesting and very secret is
- hidden.
- "On RAF Bentwaters there is a secured area around the flightline. This is
- normal and many people have access, but not all. Inside this area is another
- secured area containing the munitions dump. Again, this is normal; fewer
- people have access to this. On this particular base there is another weapons
- storage area that only a few people can get in. You are searched and must
- travel around in pairs inside this area. It is heavily guarded. The bunkers
- in this area require an elaborate key and password sequence to get in. One
- particular bunker is different.
- "Inside this bunker is a vault with two combinations and two locks. Because
- of regulations, no one person can have access to more than one [combination
- or lock]. Hence, if you can get a key you won't get the combo, or vice-versa.
- It takes four people to open the door -- plus the security team verifying
- passwords, etc. This is the most secure area I have ever seen in the Air
- Force.
- "I was picked to be a key holder, which meant that I was armed, and told to
- escort the individual who needed [access to] the vault, along with the three
- others needed to open the door. I don't know who the individual was; he was
- American and a civilian. We opened the door and I at first couldn't believe
- it. It contained a roughly-made shelf made out of two-by-fours holding two
- old wooden crates. The individual opened one of the crates, which was only
- sealed with a lead seal, and inside was a green styrofoam container in two
- halves. He opened it up and inside was a rod about a quarter inch in
- diameter and bent about three times along its length. It looked solid and if
- it were straight it would be about a foot long. It was dull but corrosion
- free from what I could tell. The man looked at it for about a minute, then
- put it away and resealed the box with a new lead seal.
- "For his minute we spent about four hours preparing to open the vault. It is
- that secure.
- "That was when I started asking questions about why a small rod would require
- so much security. The underlings such as me hadn't a clue, but when I
- started asking others I was told not to worry about it. One officer that I
- knew personally once said under his breath that it was 'proof,' but when I
- pressed him he denied saying it. The only other response I got, from people
- who obviously didn't know, [was] that it probably had something to do with
- all the UFOs that supposedly visit the base."
- This soldier has no doubt that he saw something very extraordinary in that
- vault, but he was highly skeptical of a UFO connection until he had his own
- amazing sighting at Bentwaters some time later. Here is his account.
- "I was working nights and for once the sky above the base was clear. I took
- an astronomy class in college and was testing my knowledge of the
- constellations when I saw what looked like an equilateral triangle. Of all
- the constellations, none I could think of formed a triangle with such bright
- stars. I had been looking and thinking for about five or ten minutes when,
- right when I was looking directly at them, the stars turned a full circle,
- each ending up where they started, and then shot out at 90 degree angles from
- the direction they were moving, and within a second were gone over the
- horizon, each going a different direction. Because they were just points of
- light I figured they were far away and that would make their speed something
- incredible. I was so shook up I took the rest of the night off and for weeks
- had this nightmare that all the stars in the sky were spinning, and thus the
- end of the universe was near. That may sound strange, but it was that
- disturbing."
- It is interesting to compare this soldier's sighting with Colonel Halt's
- eyewitness description of events on December 28, 1980. Halt wrote in his
- memo: "Three star-like objects were noticed in the sky, two objects to the
- north and one to the south, all of which were about 10 degrees off the
- horizon. The objects moved rapidly in sharp angular movements and displayed
- red, green and blue lights. The objects to the north appeared to be
- elliptical through an 8-12 power lens. They then turned to full circles. The
- objects to the north remained in the sky for an hour or more. The object to
- the south was visible for two or three hours and beamed down a stream of
- light from time to time."
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