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- Source: Oldham Evening Chronicle
- Date: February 6, 1996
- By Sarah Vincent
- DO you believe in UFOs? Even if you are one of those people who turn their
- noses up and scoff at reported sightings of unusual aircraft, you are
- nonetheless bound to be fascinated by the subject.
- Now that officials at Manchester Airport have admitted a British Airways
- passenger jet had a close encounter with a wedge-shaped craft as it was
- landing, people's imaginations will be fired once again.
- But us ut just our imagination? The two pilots flying the Boeing 737 were so
- concerned about the proximity and reality of the object -apparently emblazined
- with small white lights and with a black stripe down the side - that they filed
- a formal "air-miss" report.
- The mysterious flyin saucer made no sound and created no turbulence, but caused
- co-pilot First Officer Mark Stuart to duck involuntarily as it flashed by.
- The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) launched an investigation into the incident
- - the fourth of its kind since 1987 - which happened on January 6 last year,
- but has now admitted they could find no plausible explanation.
- `Remarkable'
- But the gact that both pilots who were highly respected, made an official
- report must lend credence to the event.
- Graham Birdsall, editor of UFO Magazine, says: "It is remarkable that once
- again we have two highly qualified observers from respectable backgrounds who
- risk their professional career and good name by coming out with a story that we
- know happens to other pilots around the world.
- "There have been 2500 sightings of UFOs across the world by pilots and
- air-crews, both military and civil, and it is estimated only 10 per cent of
- sightings are reported because people are worried about their reputations."
- One man who knows what it is like to speak out in a hostile environment is
- civil servant Nick Pope, who spent three years on the Ministry of Defence UFO
- desk from 1991 to 1994 investigating reports of wierd objects.
- He has since been promoted to another job in the MoD, and he admits some people
- think the promotion was to get him off the UFO desk wgere ge was becoming
- convinced that some form of extra-terrestial life was visiting earth from time
- to time.
- Pope, now a higher executive officer in the MoD, has written a book entitled
- "Open Skies, Closed Minds".
- "It is about how the UFO phenomenon is consistently ignored by people because
- of their personal prejudices that kick in the moment someone mentions the word
- UFO or alien," he says.
- "I went in to the job knowing nothing very much about the UFO phenomenon, not
- really having any strong views about it.
- "But the more I spoke to people who have done research, the more I looked back
- at literature, the more I looked at MoD history case file, the more I
- investigated in my three years, the more and more convinced I became that there
- are some very strange goings-on."
- His views were not well received.
- "When I made it clear that I thought a very small percentage of the sightings
- might well be extra-terrestrial that view was not very popular at all. I think
- I began to be regarded as a bit of a maveric. I was likened to Fox Mulder in
- the `X-Files'."
- Pope does not want to steal the thunder from his book, which is being published
- this summer. But one convincing incident his is prepared to talk about is
- possibly the biggest UFO case in the UK.
- It happened in December, 1980, in Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk. Staff at two US
- airbases, RAF Woodbridge and RAF Bentwaters, saw a mixture of lights in the sky
- and actual objects.
- They went to investigate a clearing in the middle of the forest.
- "A number of US Air Force personnel saw a metallic craft in the clearing," says
- Pope.
- "Afterwards when they checked the site there were indentations where the object
- has been seen and there were radiation readings significantly higher than
- normal.
- "That was pretty remarkable case because there were multiple witnesses and
- there was important trace evidence after the craft had gone."
- Pope has not actually seen a UFO himself, although there have been some strange
- occurrences in his life.
- Someone who has had many wierd experiences is landscape gardener James millen,
- from Putney in south-west London. The first UFO he saw was when he was eight
- years old and helping his uncle who was racing pigeons.
- "You watched the pigeons left on the roof because they see anything coming in
- the sky," Millen says.
- "Then all at once the pigeons turned and looked left over Putney, and there was
- a disc in the sky, and out of it were coming smaller discs.
- "These wend off in different directions and then went back in again. The disc
- must have been there for 20 minutes."
- Whenever Millen has seen inexplicable objects he has been with other people who
- have also seen them. Hi is not convinced they are aliens, but believes
- something strange is happening.
- `Bizarre'
- One story in particular is bizarre. In 1944 Millen was coming home from cubs
- one evening at about 6.30, when he suddenly felt lots of dates going through
- his head, which meant absolutely nothing to him.
- When he got home - about 15 minutes later, so he thought - his parents were
- frantic with worry and had been out searching for him. It was 10 pm.
- All through his life, Millen has had a blocked nose and nosebleeds, and 50
- years after the cubs incident he woke up in bed one evening with a nosebleed
- and a small pellet of metal on his tongue.
- Again two hours were missing from his life, and the nosebleeds haven't come
- back since, although he continues to see UFOs from time to time.
- "I must make it clear I haven't got the foggiest idea what it is or whether
- aliens actually exist," says Millen.
- "It is not as if I can get one by the hand and say, `come and meet Fred'. All I
- can do is tell prople who do research into things like this so they have
- something to go on. There is definately something wierd going on."
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