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- IS THERE LIFE ON MARS...? 08/02/96
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- Source: Southampton Advertiser
- Date: February 8, 1996
- AFTER recent reports of commercial pilots spotting a UFO over Manchester
- Airport and new evidence suggesting that there could be plant life on Mars
- after all, we asked Southampton people: Do you believe in extra-terrestial
- life? Would you like to believe in it? Do you think aliens have visited earth?
- If so, are they friendly and what do they want?
- Chartered civil engineer, Morris Jones, 58, Bartley: "I think there must be
- something out there somewhere, there have been so many sightings. I wouldn't
- mind aliens visiting us if they were friendly and I think they must be because
- something bad would have happened by now if they weren't"
- Student Simon Doidge, 19, Bevois Valley: "I think there must be other forms of
- life out there. The universe is too big for there not to be. I think there
- could be a cover-up by the government about it. I think if they have visited
- earth it's probably out of curiosity and whether they are friendly or not would
- depend on the reaction they have received from us.
- Housewife Teresa Burt, 27, Isle of Wight: "I think there could be life on other
- planets and I would like to think that there was, but I'm not sure that aliens
- would be friendly towards us because they would be different from us. If a
- spaceship landed here I don't think I would be frightened I would just be very
- interested in finding out what they were like."
- Student Max Eaves, 21, Totton: "I have seen two UFOs which has obviously
- strengthened my belief in extra-terrestrial life. My brother and I saw them in
- the sky together in Suffolk and watched them for about 15 minutes. The ywere
- about three miles away. I think I could live with it if aliens visited, as long
- as they were friendly."
- Student, Mark Austin, 20, city centre: "I do believe in extra-terrestrial life
- because there is so much evidence for it. When I visited the NASA Space Centre
- there was so much closed to the public that there must be more to it. I'm sure
- they have found something but if they suddenly declared that there were aliens
- out there who were watching us there would be a state of panic."
- Housewife Chris Smith, 35, Maybush: "I don't believe that there is life out
- there. I just can't see it. Sometimes you see things that aren't really there.
- Some so called UFOs could just be a light passing by. It would take a lot more
- evidence to convince me."
- Builder William Smith, 35, Maybush: "I believe that there is something out
- there. There are hundreds of planets that we have not discovered yet, why
- should this be the only one with life on? I think there have been cover-ups,
- such as the Roswell incident in America. I like the idea that there are other
- beings out there. They might have greater intelligence and be able to help us
- find a cure for cancer, but I think there would be widespread panic if a
- spaceship landed in Southampton.
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- Found any UFO related stories in the media? Please forward to the LGM NEWSDESK
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