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- Source: The Scottish Sun
- Date: 16 February, 1996
- A shocked islander watched dumbstruck as a mystery object crashed on Jura - the
- incident which sparked the UFO frenzy..
- Distillery worker Kenny Miller, 35, saw a bright blue streak across the sky
- before plunging behind the Paps of Jura mountain range..
- Last night Kenny - who was walking his dog - said RAF patrols were in the area
- shortly BEFORE the incident on Tuesday evening..
- He said: "I saw this strange oval object flying towards the Paps of Jura. At
- first I thought it was a shooting star, but then I realised this was much
- bigger - about the size of a small plane..
- "It approached the earth about eight miles away from me as I watched it
- descend..
- "It was travelling faster than any plane, as if a huge missile had been
- dropped. It was huge and was electric blue in colour.".
- Emergency services and the RAF later said it was just a gorse fire..
- But Kenny later said: "The RAF had been patrolling the area shortly before the
- object fell..
- SUN readers UFO-ne in with galaxy of sightings.
- Hundreds of Scots yesterday told how they spotted a UFO over the country on
- Tuesday..
- Callers jammed our switchboards as we asked for more evidence on the mysterious
- object - believed to have crashlanded on the Isle of Jura..
- Amazed Jimmy Balmain stood riveted to the spot as a firy ball shot overhead..
- Jimmy, from Clydebank, said: "I'veseen millions of shooting stars - but this
- had orange flames coming out of the back of it.".
- Cabbie James Hammond froze behind the wheel. Straight ahead was a brilliant
- white object speeding across the sky..
- James, 47, of Larkhill, Lanarkshire, said: "I've never beleived in UFOs before
- but this has changed my mind.".
- Jeanetta Baxter, 57, was staring at the night sky from her kitchen window when
- she spotted a huge white shining object..
- Jeanetta, of Kirklee, Glasgow, said: "It was motionless in the sky for about
- ten minutes.".
- Radio ham James Robertson claimed his CB set started buzzing as the UFO flashed
- past..
- James, of Barlanark, Glasgow, said: "Instead of the normal fuzzy hum, there was
- a loud buzzing noise and the needle on the dial went crazy.".
- Insurance salesman John MacAskill, 26, was driving home on the Isle of Harris
- when a blinding light flashed in his rear mirror. He said: "It wasn't a
- shooting star.".
- I don't Adam n' Eve It.
- Climber Adam Drew saw a streak of white light flash across the sky after
- scaling a peak with friends in Glencoe..
- Forrester Adam, 24, said: "We thought it was a flare and someone might have
- been in trouble..
- "It travelled at an amazing speed without arcing like a flare then shot off in
- silence. We were dumbfounded until we realised we weren't the only ones to see
- it.".
- [INSET].
- It's the Malky Way.
- Sun cartoonist Malky McCormick drew a sharp intake of breath when he spotted
- two bright lights scorching across the early morning sky. Malky, who lives near
- Fenwick, Ayreshire, said: "I was looking out of my window facing west towards
- Arran at about 5:30am on Wednesday. I saw these two sparkling lights crossing
- the sky from north to south..
- We get a lot of planes passinbg overhead but, by the speed of these things,
- they were no planes. The two lights were sparkling bright, both were the same
- round shape and size and one traced the other perfectly until they disappeared
- from my line of vision. I telephoned the Royal Observatory in Edinburgh but
- they could not throw any light on it. And I wasn't drinking either!".
- [INSET].
- Amateur astronomer Alan White of Bellshill, Lanarkshire, spotted an object as
- he studied stars through a friend's telescope..
- [INSET].
- Explosives engineer Andrew Canavan, 46, of Barrhead, Renfrewshire, said: "I saw
- a silver ball streaking across the sky. The speed of it defied belief.".
- The Scottish Sun today launches a major probe into deep space - to crack
- Scotland's biggest X-file. Our mission is to discover why we are having so many
- close encounters. [I can'thelp noting at this point that the Sun seems to miss
- the defining characteristic of a "close encounter", ie that it has to be close!
- Steve.] Until now you might have been scared people will tell you to UF-Off.
- But the the Scottish Sun wants to hear from evey man, woman and child who's had
- and out of this world experience..
- The truth's out there - so call our special intergalactic hotline today on
- 0141-420-5206/7. Out ET (that's extra-terrific) satff will take you details..
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- LGM NEWSDESK - Avaliable at the Little Green Men BBS. 01342 844517 - 24 Hours
- On the World Wide Web - http://www.netlink.co.uk/users/ddpweb/ufonews.html
- Regularly updated - Fido: 2:440/217.0, Internet: lgmnews@nolimits.demon.co.uk
- Found any UFO related stories in the media? Please forward to the LGM NEWSDESK
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