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- The Toronto Star, Section D1, p.D1
- by Gwen Dambrofsky
- Canadian Press
- A mystery of paranormal proportions has the Northwest Territories town of Fort
- Resolution in a kind of trance.
- Every evening since January 4, townsfolk have stepped outside and looked up,
- hoping to catch another glimpse of a trio of pulsating, multicoloured lights
- dancing across the cold night sky. They have rarely been disappointed.
- "We're seeing exactly the same object every single night ... between about 5
- o'clock and 8 o'clock. Then it completely disappears", Mayor Euan Hunter says.
- "It's quite calming actually, especially when all the colours come out from
- underneath it."
- The unidentified flying object so intrigued a Colonel in the Canadian Armed
- Forces that he and two staff members hopped into a Twin Otter plane and flew
- out for a look-see.
- "The witnesses were pretty credible actually", says Captain Susan Gray, public
- affairs officer for the military in Yellowknife. "A few of our Canadian Rangers
- (Dene and Inuit who serve in a reserve force) had seen it. And the mayor." And
- the RCMP.
- But wouldn't you know it, Gray says - by the time Colonel Pierre LeBlanc got to
- Fort Resolution the skies had clouded over and he had to leave without seeing
- anything.
- "This is the biggest story since I got up here last summer. UFO sightings or
- paranormal phenomena are not something that Canada's military deals in very
- often", says Gray.
- LeBlanc will file a report with the Defence Operation Centre in Ottawa, which
- deals with about 30 or 40 UFO reports a year. But though the military's
- official role may be concluded, the Fort Resolution UFO lis still the talk of
- the base.
- Hunter says the object has red, green and blue lights with a constant white
- light in the centre. It moves straight west, and then down, before vanishing.
- It's not a star, not a planet, not the northern lights, he says: "I just cannot
- explain it. The first few days (of sightings) I was pretty skeptical, until I
- saw it ... It blew my socks off."
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