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- Hereld Newspaper, Tamworth.
- By Nathan Rous
- A breath of fresh air in the back garden resulted in an out-of-this-world
- experience for a Tamworth woman who claims she could have touched an alien
- craft that hovered just feet above her head.
- "I could sense something as soon as I went out but, as it was dark, it took a
- while for my eyes to adjust."
- "As they focused, I saw a row of green, red and blue lights illuminating a
- massive shape that hovered about seven feet in the air," she recounted.
- Massive
- "It was massive, spanning about three gardens, but it made absolutely no noise.
- I must have just stood and gazed at it for about five minutes in a sort of
- trance."
- Mrs Tew said she ran back into the house to get her husband, Robert, but the
- spaceship had gone when they returned.
- Strange
- "It was so strange. I've never seen anything like this before. It has really
- affected me and I can't stop thinking about it."
- "I am not a crank or a nutcase. This really happened. I just wish someone else
- had seen it."
- After constructing a scale model of the craft, Mrs Tew phoned the Birmingham
- U.F.O Society to try and get an explanation for the 'visit'.
- "I'm just hoping that someone else saw it or there's a logical explanation. My
- mind wont rest until I find out what it was."
- (Photograph on page with caption - 'Martian mystery?....Pauline Tew points to
- where she spotted the spaceship.)
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