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- From: psychospy@aol.com
- X-Mailer: America Online Mailer
- Sender: "psychospy" <psychospy@aol.com>
- Message-Id: <9403212151.tn03890@aol.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Mar 94 21:51:34 EST
- Subject: Groom Lake Desert Rat #5
- Status: R
- THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT. An On-Line Newsletter.
- Issue #5. Mar. 21, 1994.
- -----> "The Naked Truth from Open Sources." <-----
- Written, published, copyrighted and totally disavowed by
- psychospy@aol.com. See bottom for subscription/copyright info.
- In this issue...
- [Note: This file ends with "#####". Check for truncation.]
- What do Lincoln County residents think about having "America's
- Most Popular Secret Base" within their borders? Like other rural
- denizens of the Wild West, we are conservative, patriotic folk
- who proudly wave the flag at every opportunity while cursing the
- federal government in any form. Like citizens anywhere, our
- strongest loyalties tend to run along economic lines. We love
- the federal government when it gives our people jobs and pays our
- local government lots of money. We despise it when it takes away
- our money, makes us fill out forms and forces us to obey a lot of
- irritating rules. We also hate the federal government when it
- does unpleasant things to us, like kill our friends and
- neighbors, which it has done in Lincoln County in the past. In
- the years of the above-ground atomic testing at the Nevada Test
- Site, local residents were the closest "Downwinders"--the first
- to receive the fallout--and it seems that nearly everyone who was
- living here then has witnessed someone close die a long and
- painful death from some mysterious cancer. "You are perfectly
- safe here," the government officials said as they fled the area
- themselves.
- But that is water under the bridge now, and what it comes down to
- today is dollars and cents. We love the feds when they give us
- business and hate them when they kill us or otherwise interfere
- with local commerce. In any other part of America, it is common
- to find the most vehement supporters of defense spending to be
- clustered around military bases and the factories of government
- contractors. Local folks know which side of the butter their
- bread is on and usually have no desire to kill a gold laying
- goose.
- Such passions are not strong in Lincoln County, however. The
- Groom Lake base, unacknowledged by the Air Force, also hardly
- exists in the Lincoln County economy. The bulk of the jobs and
- contracts for the base are sucked up by wealthy Las Vegas, 90
- miles to the south. Workers from there are whisked to Groom
- aboard a private fleet of 737 aircraft while the few Lincoln
- County workers are condemned to a longer trip in their own cars
- or in a no-frills, military style school bus. A handful of low-
- level jobs and a piddling contribution to taxes are all that this
- dirt-poor county gets for hosting the production facilities and
- hazardous waste dumps of a billion dollar facility.
- >From time to time, Psychospy drops in on the bi-monthly meeting
- of the Lincoln County Commissioners as they try to hunt up the
- funds to repair the sagging school buildings or breath some life
- into the dying economy here. (They're also scrambling to feed
- the Jail That Ate Lincoln County--See DR#1.--but that's another
- story and the county's own damn fault.) In the past few months,
- the subject of the Freedom Ridge/White Sides withdrawal has come
- up a few times. The commissioners are dead opposed to the land
- grab--but only, it seems, as a way to needle the Bureau of Land
- Management. Given the almost complete invisibility of the Air
- Force in daily county affairs, BLM is perceived as the main Darth
- Vader around here, and the commission has taken the stand that
- the BLM has no right to negotiate the future of public lands.
- The Air Force has been mentioned only in passing. In the course
- of one meeting in which the land grab was discussed, a county
- employee cautioned the commissioners about acting too
- aggressively. He was concerned that if the Air Force was feeling
- too much pressure in Lincoln County, they might just close up the
- base and combine that operation with the semi-secret Tonopah Test
- Range in the next county over. If that happened, Lincoln County
- would lose the tax revenue for the base that it is now getting
- from the Air Force.
- Wheels began to turn in Psychospy's suspicious little mind. What
- tax revenue?
- After the meeting, we went upstairs in the County Courthouse to
- chat with the tax assessor and the county treasurer. Nearly all
- county records are open to the public--as they should be in
- democratic government--and we wanted to know what property the
- Air Force was paying taxes on and how the valuation of it was
- determined. With the assistance of some helpful county workers,
- we delved into the tax records and gave ourselves a crash course
- in property tax assessment--not a sexy subject to us until now.
- Our findings remain tentative, since we are still unfamiliar many
- areas of tax law, but we have the feeling we are on the trail of
- something big.
- The state and local government cannot tax the federal government
- and vice versa. This exemption is guaranteed in the supremacy
- clause of U.S. Constitution. If the federal government owns the
- Groom Lake base and all the buildings there, then it cannot be
- directly taxed for that property. However, there are limits to
- this exemption, as described in the Nevada Revised Statutes
- (NRS), section 361.157:
- "When any real estate which for any reason is exempt from
- taxation is leased, loaned or otherwise made available to and
- used by a natural person, association, partnership or corporation
- in connection with a business conducted for profit, it is subject
- to taxation in the same amount and to the same extent as though
- the lessee or user were the owner of the real estate."
- For example, if the Lockheed Corporation had an aircraft assembly
- plant at Groom Lake, the building it occupied would be subject to
- property taxes even if it was owned by the U.S. Government.
- According to annotations in the NRS, this provision has held up
- in court, and it is also consistent with common sense: Although
- the federal government itself may be exempt, it cannot shelter a
- private, profit-making corporation from its tax liability.
- Lockheed cannot be allowed to escape property taxes simply by
- moving its operation onto federal land.
- Groom Lake is apparently run by contractors. Lockheed has
- obviously had a big "black aircraft" assembly and testing
- operation there for years, while many support services, like the
- 737 shuttle jets and perimeter security, are operated by EG&G and
- its REECO subsidiary. At the adjoining Nevada Test Site, which
- was once engaged in a mission that was almost as secret (i.e.
- blowing up the world), the vast majority of workers are employed
- by contractors, not the government. Since the government doesn't
- build planes or develop weapons technology on its own, we can
- reasonably assume that most of those buildings along the dry lake
- bed are housing the operations of private, profit-making
- contractors. If so, the assessment of that property ought to
- appear on county records. According to the NRS, the taxes could
- be paid directly by the contractor or as an equivalent "in-lieu"
- payment by the federal government.
- In the treasurer's office, we looked up the latest tax bill for
- the U.S. Air Force. It is one of the county's few large tax
- assessments and the only entity the Groom base could fall under.
- The bill covers all of the Air Force's installations in Lincoln
- Country, without specifying location. In the 93-94 tax year, the
- Air Force paid taxes of $65,517 on a property assessment (for
- "Buildings and Improvements" plus "Other Personal Property") of
- $2,517,781. The fact that the Air Force is paying this bill
- implies that it agrees that certain of the buildings and property
- on its land should be taxed. Previous years' assessments were
- not much different, and next year's will increase only modestly.
- We never went to tax assessor school and have only a vague idea
- of how much industrial property is worth, but it seems to us that
- $2.5 million wouldn't buy a LATRINE at a facility like Groom
- Lake. (It would be, after all, a CLASSIFIED latrine.) For
- comparison, a single copy of the B-2 Stealth Bomber is said to
- cost something in the neighborhood of $1 billion. It is
- reasonable to guess, then, that the base is also worth at least a
- billion. In that context, $65,517 in taxes is only a trivial
- drip of revenue, a token payment that in no way reflects any real
- assessment.
- Could it be that the secret base is cheating on its taxes?
- That is one of the advantages of having a secret base. Since it
- doesn't exist, the local tax assessor can't go there to inspect
- the property; the county has to accept whatever assessment the
- Air Force hands out. This is like asking a homeowner to assess
- his own property and choose his own tax, without any threat of
- audit. Naturally, "national security" dictates that the Air
- Force give the smallest possible assessment so as to not tip off
- the "enemy" about the true scale of the operation at Groom.
- Now that the base and its facilities are being widely
- publicizing, it is becoming obvious that the Air Force has been
- less than frank in its assessment of the property and has shorted
- the county on property taxes for years. We don't know what legal
- recourse the county may have, but we believe that a lot of money
- is due. Instead of $65,517 annually, we suspect that the proper
- contribution should be more like $1 million annually, or about a
- third of the county income. That doesn't include BACK TAXES and
- INTEREST. We don't expect the Air Force to voluntarily come
- clean and pay its proper due--That's not the Air Force way.--but
- forcing them to publicly acknowledge the base would certainly
- advance the cause.
- ----- SHERIFF'S CONTRACT -----
- A separate payment to the county from the Air Force supports a
- service contract with the Lincoln County Sheriff's Department.
- At the county courthouse, we looked up the invoice. The Air
- Force was charged $12,477.62 in the last quarter of 1993, or
- about $50,000 annually. This compensates the Sheriff's
- Department for the salary of one deputy and the use of a vehicle.
- According to the invoice, the Sheriff's Department is required to
- "routinely patrol the exterior boundary of the Nellis Air Force
- Range" within Lincoln County and "provide an immediate response
- to the Nellis Air Force Range when requested by appropriate
- authority." The department must also provide "special assistance
- to the applicable on-site security force in case of emergency."
- Of course, the "applicable on-site security force" is those cammo
- dudes who don't exist. This contract provides one of the
- fascinating junctions between the secret world and open society
- that might be exploited for further information. The Sheriff's
- Department, since it accepts federal funds, is now a government
- contractor, probably subject to an array of federal laws and
- requirements that could make its records more accessible. At the
- same time, since the Air Force has entered into this open
- contract with a non-secure local agency, it can no longer claim
- that its security operations are secret. The service contract
- could provide a fruitful entry point for a variety of enforceable
- FOIA requests.
- ----- TOXIC WASTE UPDATE -----
- Yesterday's Las Vegas Review-Journal (Mar. 20) had a
- groundbreaking article on the Groom Lake base and toxic burning
- there. It triggered in Psychospy almost the same convulsions and
- hideous cackle we suffered when we first saw the Popular Science
- article. The new article is based on an interview with an
- anonymous source who used to work at the base. He says that
- hazardous wastes used in the development of stealth aircraft were
- routinely shipped from a Lockheed factory in California for
- illegal disposal at Groom. While these charges have been made
- before, this article is remarkable for its detail.
- Waste shipments arrived on Mondays and Wednesdays in tractor-
- trailer trucks. None of the parties involved had the proper
- permits and documentation for hazardous waste disposal. The
- barrels were placed in trenches, doused with jet fuel and burned.
- A widow, Helen Frost, claims that her husband died as a result of
- exposure to the resulting fumes, and a law professor at George
- Washington University, Jonathan Turley, is preparing legal action
- against the Air Force on Mrs. Frost's behalf. The state
- Environmental Protection Division is also looking into the
- charges.
- In addition to confirming the hazardous waste claims, the source
- also revealed many other interesting pieces of information.
- Between 1980 and 1990, the budget for the base was between $1
- billion and $1.5 billion per year. The article includes a map of
- the core part of the base, with buildings labeled for the
- "Lockheed hangers," "burn pits," "Scoot-N-Hide shed" (for
- concealing aircraft from Soviet satellites), "Red Hat hangers"
- (for captured Soviet aircraft housed at Groom) and "Sam's Place
- bar and recreational complex." A sidebar describes the bar and
- the exotic tastes that were entertained at this unacknowledged
- "Club Fed."
- "Some colonels, [the source] said, 'had very extravagant
- tastes,' including one who had grapefruit flown in from Israel at
- $25 a piece and requested deliveries of canned tuna from South
- America that he estimates cost the government $26 per can.
- "In the dining hall, prime rib was offered every Wednesday
- afternoon and New York steaks were often on the lunch menu.
- 'They used to serve frog legs, king crab and filet mignon at no
- charge,' he said.
- "'They drank bottled water to the tune of $50,000 a month,' he
- said, comparing the lifestyles of some base inhabitants to high
- rollers in Las Vegas at the government's expense."
- To be fair, these may be the exaggerations of a disgruntled
- former employee, and some of his examples may be taken out of
- context. Because nothing is confirmable, any such claims by an
- anonymous source should be taken with a grain of salt. Still,
- ENQUIRING MINDS WANT TO KNOW, and where confirmable data is
- lacking, unconfirmed sources will fill the void. If the AF
- doesn't choose to defend itself, then it has set itself up as the
- fall guy, and no kind of dirt digging is off limits.
- We will be sending out a copy of this article with US mail and
- internet subscriptions to the Desert Rat. You can also receive a
- copy by sending us an SASE.
- ----- PATRIOT REVEALED -----
- In DR #4, we recorded the comments of two hard-line, anti-Soviet
- AF supporters at the Las Vegas hearing. According to a reader
- (johnam@mirage.ccsn.nevada.edu), the first of these speakers was
- COY PETTYJOHN, a retired Air Force major general and former chief
- of intelligence for the Pacific air forces. The reader says that
- in 1992 Pettyjohn ran for Congress against Rep. James Bilbray.
- In response to Mr. Pettyjohn's charges, BILL SCOTT of Aviation
- Week writes...
- "I had to laugh at the story told by the gentleman who
- recounted the Aviation 'Leak' story at that L.V. hearing. He had
- a micro-grain of truth in his story, but I've never seen it quite
- that convoluted. The way the old-timers here tell it, the
- Soviets had a few subscriptions to the magazine throughout the
- cold war. As soon as it hit the streets each week, Aviation Week
- went into the diplomatic pouch bound for Moscow on an Aeroflot
- flight. Enroute, the magazine was translated into Russian, then
- duplicated (the Russian version) and distributed by the thousands
- in-country.
- "Far as I know, nothing 'secret' or remotely damaging to U.S.
- interests ever fell into Soviet hands as a result of Av Week
- spilling the beans. Our approach has always been that, if an
- uncleared reporter can find out what's going on in the
- defense/aerospace business--especially on our measly budget!--
- then the KGB and its billions of rubles probably had NO problem
- getting the same stuff and more.
- "Oh, the story ends in a fairly boring manner. As soon as our
- sales chief heard about the Soviets' scheme, he pitched a fit
- over copyright infringement. A 'major' international incident
- was narrowly avoided by the Soviets agreeing to pay for about 500
- or so new subscriptions... but they kept on duplicating thousands
- of translations. Although it's a bit unexciting, there was never
- any super-secret missile designs revealed in the pages of Av Week
- as a result of cagy reporters prowling the halls of the
- Pentagon."
- ----- INTEL BITTIES -----
- THE LITTLE A-LE-INN Restaurant/Bar/Motel/UFO Headquarters in
- Rachel will be holding what Pat Travis calls a "UFO Friendship
- Campout" (downgraded from "UFO Conference") on the weekend of May
- 20-22. This is unlikely to be as memorable as last year's
- "Ultimate UFO Seminar" where Lazar, Knapp and Lear spoke. These
- three seem unlikely to attend this year, and at present there are
- no confirmed speakers and no agenda. Many attendees at last
- year's conference felt burned due to its domination by a Bible-
- wielding conspiracy buff, Gary Schultz. Happily, Schultz has not
- been seen in Rachel since, but an unstructured event like this is
- sure to attract other conspiracy wacko types to fill the void.
- Still, if you are in the right frame of mind and don't expect to
- exchange any real information, this event could be a gas. The
- fee is $50 and includes at least five meals, admission to all
- bull sessions and abduction testimonials, unlimited use of the
- Porta-Potties and the right to pitch your tent near the Inn.
- Psychospy has consented to lead an expedition to Freedom Ridge,
- but otherwise we have no connection with this event. As a
- courtesy, we have consented to let the Inn use part of our
- mailing list (once only), so if we have your US mail address you
- may be receiving a flyer from the Inn within the next week.
- Otherwise, contact the Inn directly at 702-729-2515 or send an
- SASE to: Little A-Le-Inn, HCR Box 45, Rachel, NV 89001.
- ROCKETRY MEET AT DELAMAR LAKE. According to intel gathered by
- tmahood@netcom.com, fanatical hobbyists from around the Southwest
- will be coming to nearby Delamar Dry Lake for a "high powered
- rocketry" meet this Saturday, March 26. You may be familiar with
- the chinsy toy rockets that some boys play with. Well, these are
- BIG rockets for the big boys (i.e. frustrated techno-nerds with
- no life). The technology achieved by many of these hobbyists
- surpasses that of some Third World countries. Some models, build
- from surplus military parts, can be more than 8 feet high and are
- almost indistinguishable from military missiles. Spectacular
- failures are said to be common at these events. The goal of this
- particular meet is maximum altitude. The event runs all day,
- starting at about 9:00am until the winds whip up, but the FAA has
- granted the group an UNLIMITED altitude window from 11:00 am to
- 2:00 pm for the really big ones. We wouldn't be surprised if
- rocketry whiz BOB LAZAR turned up as a contender. The public is
- allowed to watch at a respectable distance. Delamar Dry Lake is
- about 2 hours north of Las Vegas. Take I-15 to US-93, then go
- roughly 60 miles to milepost LN 36.1 on US-93, just south of the
- town of Alamo. Turn right (east) on the maintained dirt road
- across from Buckhorn Ranch Road (okay for any vehicle). Go about
- 13 miles on the maintained road until you reach the lake bed.
- The event organizer is the Tripoli Rocketry Association.
- Contacts are Mark Hendrickson (702-451-3517) and Les Derkowitz
- (702-875-4279).
- GREEN FLAG EXERCISES. Tim Gerlach, editor of the Whiskey Alpha
- Report (a newsletter for aviation watchers at Nellis AFB),
- reports that the current major air exercise on the Nellis Range
- is GREEN FLAG, Mar. 12 thru Apr. 23. GREEN FLAG is a series of
- war games similar to RED FLAG but with an emphasis on electronic
- warfare. Observers on the ground can expect to see similar
- activities: dogfights, bombing runs and lots of flares. The
- exercise will consist of three two-week rotations, with new crews
- for each period. The typical pattern with these exercises is
- that the first Saturday of each period is arrival day, when a
- steady stream of aircraft flow into Nellis AFB. Actual exercises
- usually take place Monday through Friday. [For information on
- the Whiskey Alpha Report, write to Tim at: 1973 N Nellis Bl #112,
- Las Vegas, NV 89115.]
- RACHEL DAY. The annual town celebration in Rachel will be held
- Sat., April 9. The parade begins at 11am, followed by games and
- a buffet dinner at the Inn. Games will include the famous
- Chickenshit Contest. (A grid of squares is drawn on the floor of
- a chicken cage, and people place bets on where the chicken will
- shit first.) Everyone's invited!
- VIEWERS GUIDE EDITION 2.02 has just been released. The changes
- from 2.0 and 2.01 are mostly minor or cosmetic. However, 2.02
- does add a detailed road map of the Tikaboo Valley, including
- locations of road sensors and the proposed withdrawal area.
- There is also some basic information about Tikaboo Peak, the
- viewpoint into Groom Lake that was ignored by the AF in the
- current withdrawal, and on the 4WD road to Freedom Ridge. If you
- own edition 2.0 or 2.01, you can obtain these pages free by
- sending us a stamped, self-addressed envelope. If you own any
- edition prior to 2.0, your book is seriously out of date, and we
- recommend that you get the new edition before visiting this area
- again. The current upgrade price is $7.50 plus $3.50 priority
- mail postage (or $2 for book rate). Be sure to specify your
- current version number and the copy number in the lower right
- corner of the cover.
- (c) Glenn Campbell, 1994. (psychospy@aol.com)
- This newsletter is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any
- form without permission, EXCEPT FOR THE FOLLOWING: For six
- months following the date of publication, you may photocopy the
- text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who
- you think might be interested, provided you do it without charge.
- You may only copy or send this document in unaltered form and in
- its entirety, not as partial excerpts. After six months, no
- further reproduction of this document is allowed without
- permission.
- This newsletter is published on an irregular basis whenever
- conditions warrant. Email subscriptions are currently available
- free of charge to any internet user. To subscribe (or
- unsubscribe) to current and future editions of THE GROOM LAKE
- DESERT RAT, send a message to psychospy@aol.com. We will
- acknowledge your request within a few days; if you receive no
- reply it may indicate an addressing problem. In that case, call
- the human at 702-729-2648. Hard copy subscriptions to this
- newsletter are available for $1.50 per issue, ordered from the
- address below. (e.g. $15 for the next 10 issues, mailed anywhere
- in the world.)
- For a free catalog of documents and products relating to Groom
- Lake and government secrecy, send us your US mail address. An
- email version of the catalog is also available (no pictures, size
- 13K). Among the documents available is the "Area 51 Viewer's
- Guide," the definitive 110-page visitors and reference guide to
- the border and its lore. (Available for $15 plus $3.50 postage.)
- Also available is the popular Groom Lake cloth patch. ($8, plus
- $1 total postage if ordered separately.)
- The US mail address for psychospy, Glenn Campbell, Secrecy
- Oversight Council, Area 51 Research Center, Groom Lake Desert Rat
- and countless other ephemeral entities is:
- HCR Box 38
- Rachel, NV 89001 USA
- #####