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- From PsychoSpy@aol.com Sat Sep 17 04:01 EST 1994
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- Date: Fri, 16 Sep 94 13:32:15 EDT
- Subject: Groom Lake Desert Rat #16
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- Status: R
- THE GROOM LAKE DESERT RAT. An On-Line Newsletter.
- Issue #16. September 16, 1994.
- -----> "The Naked Truth from Open Sources." <-----
- Direct from the "UFO Capital," Rachel, Nevada.
- Written, published, copyrighted and totally disavowed by
- psychospy@aol.com. See bottom for subscription/copyright info.
- In this issue...
- (Continued from DR#15)
- [Montel William Show expected broadcast date: Monday, Sept. 19.]
- We feel guilty and owe our local readers an apology for suggesting
- in DR#11 that if a major U.S. city had to be nuked by a terrorist
- group, Las Vegas wouldn't make a bad target. That's not the way
- we really feel. We only pretend to hate Las Vegas because it is
- fashionable to do so; in truth it's quite a livable city once you
- get to know it. Beyond the Strip, Vegas is a modern, efficient
- metropolis in the Orange County, Calif., mold where it is easy to
- get things done. The neon jungle can be easily avoided, but when
- we choose to go there, it offers some of our favorite free
- entertainment. Although we do not gamble, drink or go to shows,
- we have always enjoyed the casinos for the insights they offer
- into human nature. We find it endlessly amusing to wander through
- the acres of slot machines observing small-brained visitors blow
- away their hard earned savings on odds that are never in their
- favor. Nowhere else in the world are the flaws of human
- perception so obvious and easily studied.
- Our warm sentiments for Las Vegas, and subsequent guilt for
- maligning it, were reawakened by our recent visit to New York
- City, where we took part in an episode of the Montel Williams talk
- show. We REALLY hate New York and really wouldn't mind if the
- Sons and Daughters of Liberty took out Manhattan first. New York
- illustrates what those small-brained Vegas visitors do with their
- lives when they go back home. Packed by the millions into an area
- about the size of the Tikaboo Valley, all personal space and human
- dignity are taken away and then sold back to people at exorbitant
- prices. Almost anywhere in the country would be a healthier, more
- productive place to live; all it takes is a little initiative to
- get up and go. Like the dumb clucks in front of the slot
- machines, New Yorkers just sit there and keep dropping in
- quarters.
- Haunting memories of humility and futility came flooding back to
- us as our plane circled La Guardia airport in the rain waiting for
- clearance to land. In a previous life we had made this trip many
- times before, wearing a business suit (We break out in hives just
- thinking about it.) and carrying a briefcase and umbrella (which,
- dammit, we had forgotten this time). We were returning now like
- Crocodile Dundee from the outback, carrying no coat and tie, only
- our jolly swag. We didn't want to be here, but we had a job to
- do. A mission. In Times Square, we were scheduled to face the
- forces of evil--Sean David Morton--in what we expected to be a
- talk show about Area 51. Sean was the con artist who conducted
- tours of public land for $99, who passed off 737s as UFOs and who
- had recently reemerged on the talk show circuit as a Groom Lake
- expert. We felt that we had to engage the Doctor Reverend Morton
- now, before he grew bigger and further muddied the waters that we
- had worked so hard to clear.
- The producers of the talk show understood Sean as well as we did,
- but chose to invite him back anyway. Sean could speak with
- certainty about UFOs at Area 51, while we were still groping for
- data and could only ask questions. Sean was there to make
- extravagant claims, and we were there to shoot him down. The
- conflict between us would create Entertainment, which is the
- ultimate aim of the talk show format.
- ..... ARRIVAL .....
- Our misgivings and painful memories aside, we felt like a Somewhat
- Important Person when we arrived at the airport. Although we were
- not paid for our appearance, airfare was provided by the show,
- with a free stopover in Boston. As arranged a few days before, we
- would be met by a driver who would take us to the posh Embassy
- Suites Hotel in Times Square. The next morning, an escort would
- meet us at our hotel and take us to the nearby studio. Upon
- completion of the taping, we would receive our $50 per diem for
- food and miscelanous expenses, then a private car would whisk us
- back to the airport. We would be in and out of lovable old New
- York in less than 24 hours.
- We felt like Donald Trump as we exited the airplane and were met
- by our driver, holding up a sign with our name on it. He seemed
- unclear about our destination, however, so we directed him to the
- Embassy Suites. This was located in one of America's most
- expensive blocks of real estate, directly fronting Times Square.
- As we rode the elevator up to the spacious second floor lobby, we
- tried to estimate the cost of a room here. In Vegas, a bed in a
- classy joint like this could be had for $45 a night; here, we
- suspected it was more like $250. We tried not to sound arrogant
- and Grey Poupon-ish as we introduced ourselves to the desk clerk
- as a guest of the Montel Williams Show.
- Alas, the clerk could find no reservation in our name, and some
- embarrassed phone calls to the show determined that we were
- staying not here, but at the Salisbury Hotel, an old "keyhole"
- establishment wedged between clothing stores about 15 blocks
- uptown and a corresponding number of notches downscale. Now don't
- get us wrong: The Salisbury is very "nice." There's no lobby,
- but comfortable rooms are offered at the reasonable rate of only
- $110 per night. As Tom Bodett of Motel 6 says on the radio ads,
- every motel's the same when you're sleep'n. The amenities
- mattered even less to us on this trip since, in the Crocodile
- Dundee spirit, we intended only to lay out our swag on the floor
- and not muss up the pretty bed. Still, the Salisbury was not the
- Embassy Suites, and the unannounced downgrading of our
- accommodations could not help but start the wheels of paranoia
- turning.
- >From our room, we called Russ Estes in California, who had
- challenged Sean Morton's credentials in the previous Montel
- Williams show and was not invited back. He said that the same
- thing had happened to him: He arrived at the Embassy Suites only
- to find he had been downgraded to the Edison. "Looks like you're
- being set up like I was," said Estes. He said that for his show,
- they put Morton and the pro-UFO crowd in the Embassy Suites, and
- without notice moved the skeptics and him into the downscale
- Edison. "You know darn well where Sean is staying tonight," said
- Estes.
- The walls of our room started closing in on us as we practiced our
- lines. We knew we would have limited time on the air and would
- have to get out our message early and with no mincing of words.
- "I've lived near Area 51 for a year and a half and have known Sean
- Morton and his work even longer, and I can tell you, without
- reservation, Sean is a charlatan, a fraud and a phony. He'll tell
- any sort of lie to make himself sound important." But wait, maybe
- "charlatan" was too big a word for this audience. We had
- previously considered and rejected "sociopath" as being too
- upscale, while "victim of Munchausen syndrome" wasn't the proper
- clinical term. (In diagnostic manuals, this disorder, named after
- the tall-tale-telling baron, refers to the faking of medical
- symptoms, not the broader compulsive lying we sought to convey.)
- How about "a fraud, a phony, a liar and a con man"? That was
- simple and direct enough for television, but was it too many
- words?
- In a night of fitful sleep, we saw a stream of fevered images. In
- one scene we are shirtless and bulked up to 250 pounds from years
- of illegal steroid use. We point our beefy finger directly at the
- camera and explode in anger: "Sean David Morton, I've taken
- enough of your lies! You're a fake, a fraud and a phony. This is
- the grudge match of the century, Sean David Morton, and when you
- meet Psychospy in the ring, Saturday night, Madison Square Garden,
- only one of us is going to come out of it alive!"
- In other scenes our bravado collapses. The Montel Williams Show
- has prepared an ambush for us consisting of all our present and
- former UFO enemies. In addition to Sean, they have flown in
- conspiracy nutcase and "Old Faithful" promoter Gary Schultz, who,
- after we challenged his takeover of a Rachel UFO conference,
- accused us vaguely of child molestation--nonspecific as to time or
- place. He would no doubt repeat those charges again on the air.
- Next to him is competing nutcase and "Old Faithful" promoter Erik
- Beckjord, who shows the audience dramatically enlarged photos of
- "Old Faithful"--aircraft landing lights to us mortals--and points
- out hidden alien messages in the big white blob. Fortunately,
- Beckjord's hatred for Psychospy is tempered only by his violent
- feuds with Mr. Schultz. Lastly, Montel is sure to welcome Lazar's
- moronic gatekeeper, "Mr. Nasty" Gene Huff, who will sling his
- usual creative epithets in our direction: "Prick! Dickhead!
- Sicko-Spy! Goober! Leach!" (the latter being misspelled as
- given). Not that we couldn't take on all these dim-wits at once
- in any arena, but in the resulting fray, Sean Morton would pretend
- to be the reasonable one and get away scot-free.
- ..... THE STUDIO ....
- When we awoke in the morning, we found ourselves, alas, still in
- New York, seventeen stories above street level in a non-suicide-
- protected room with Zero Hour rapidly approaching. No longer
- trusting the staff of the show and unable to confirm that any
- escort was coming for us, we took the subway to Times Square. The
- studio was on the fourth floor above an older block of storefronts
- in the corner of the square where religious zealots harangue
- passers-by.
- We arrived, as requested, about three hours before the 11 am
- taping. An associate producer briefly showed us the studio and
- the audience warm-up room, then escorted us to "Green Room Number
- One," which would be our home until we went on stage. The
- floorplan reminded us of a miniature Roman Coliseum before a big
- gladiatorial battle. In the middle was the studio, which is much
- smaller than it appears on television. Arranged in a sloping,
- arena-style format are chairs for a small audience--made to look
- big by camera angle--facing a platform where the guests sit in
- padded armchairs. Arrayed around the outside of the studio and
- separated from it by soundproof walls, are a series of "Green
- Rooms" where the guests are warehoused until they appear. Each
- Green Room resembles a small living room with green carpeting on
- the floor and walls and with a sofa and comfortable chairs facing
- a television set. Our Green Room also contained an impressive
- assortment of Pepperidge Farm cookies. We were not relaxed enough
- to eat anything at the time, but we remembered to stuff our
- traveling bag full of them for later consumption.
- Once you enter a Green Room, you are a prisoner there and cannot
- leave without an escort. If you must go to the bathroom, you have
- to inform a production assistant carrying a walkie-talkie. After
- he gets clearance over the radio, he steps into the hallway and
- furtively looks both ways before beckoning you to follow. He
- waits for you outside the bathroom, then escorts you back, keeping
- a constant eye on you to make sure you keep up and do not stray.
- In a program that actively seeks on-air conflict, careful
- management of the Green Rooms is clearly a high priority. Guests
- who are about to go to war with each other on the show shouldn't
- be allowed to run into one another in the hallways. In many
- shows, there will be surprise guests who the others won't be aware
- of until they are revealed on the air, so the cat mustn't be let
- out of the bag. In fact, Sean Morton didn't know that we were
- going to be on the show until we suggested, foolishly, that
- someone tell him. (Those impulsive ethics are always getting in
- our way.)
- All of this plotting behind the scenes might have heightened our
- own paranoia had we not been joined in our Green Room by two
- representatives of sanity, the requisite UFO skeptic and his coach
- from the New York Area Skeptics. The on-air skeptic was a first-
- timer like us, but his coach was a veteran of several talk shows
- and was refreshingly cynical about what we could hope to
- accomplish. According to him, the skeptics--who Psychospy was
- clearly classed among--are usually brought on last and are allowed
- the least amount of airtime. If their arguments are too good and
- they manage to demolish the principal guests, then the episode can
- simply be thrown out and never aired. Even when a show airs, it
- may still be edited, and when time is limited, the skeptic's words
- are the first to go.
- As show time approached, we were visited in our Green Room by a
- series of specialists. First came the make-up man, who kindly
- took the sheen off our balding heads. Then came a woman with a
- clipboard and a man with a video camera. On the clipboard was a
- form we were asked to sign which said that we wouldn't sue the
- producers no matter what happened on the show. After signing, we
- were asked to state our names into the camera and say that we
- agreed to the terms on the form. Montel himself also stopped in
- briefly to greet us, and the head producer visited several times
- to tell us what was happening.
- Soon, even in our sound-proofed Green Room, we began to hear the
- roar of the crowd. Next door, the audience was being "warmed up"
- for the show, with instructions on when and how to applaud and
- when to keep quiet. Practicing their loudest and most
- enthusiastic response, their thunder shook the coliseum walls.
- The show was about the begin.
- ..... FREAK SHOW .....
- Sitting on a comfortable sofa, drinking Pepsi and watching TV in
- our Green Room, what we saw on the screen could have been any
- midday talk show. We would have changed the channel if we could,
- but we had to pay attention to this one because it was actually
- taking place next door and we would be on it in a few minutes.
- Montel Williams stood in the audience, and after the initial
- enthusiastic applause, he announced that he had been to Area 51
- just as he promised. Then, after a commercial break, a clip was
- shown from the previous broadcast: Montel promising Sean that he
- would visit. When the clip was over, Montel said he would show
- the tape from his recent trip later in the show, but first he had
- guests to introduce.
- On the stage were two women: A young, attractive one, and an
- older one with dark circles around her eyes that even makeup
- couldn't hide. They were the abductees, the standard starting
- point whenever a talk show does UFOs. As far as we were
- concerned, these two could have come from Central Casting. We had
- never seen them before, but we had seen people like them on other
- shows, and we knew most of what they would say before they opened
- their mouths. The attractive woman recounted how the aliens had
- paralyzed her in her bed while her boyfriend slept undisturbed
- beside here. Without her permission, the aliens touched and
- prodded her naked body, first in gentle, caring ways and then in
- ways that were not at all pleasant. She felt betrayed by the
- ruder touches and would never trust the aliens again.
- The second woman, with the sunken eyes, said that she had been
- abducted all of her life by many different kinds of aliens. She
- had, in fact, killed a number of them. The aliens had implanted
- tiny fetuses in her body and removed them three weeks later,
- remarkably developed to the stage of three to four months. The
- woman knew the fetuses weren't hers, because she previously had a
- hysterectomy. (This raised snickers among our fellow skeptics,
- who asked themselves, Where did the woman carry these infants--in
- her bladder?)
- A tape was then shown of Montel's tour of the woman's house in Las
- Vegas, where he and his crew had visited just before they came to
- Rachel. The house was filled with geodesic shapes and magical
- crystals designed to ward off the aliens. The woman slept under a
- six-foot pyramid with a crystal hanging from the center. To us,
- it looked like the same contraption Sean Morton is seen meditating
- under in one of his publicity photographs. We wondered if he had
- sold it to her.
- By the time of the second commercial break, the theme had been
- set. Watching TV in our Green Room, we knew that this woman would
- be the star of the show, and Area 51 could be no more than brief
- diversion.
- ..... THE ALIENS .....
- Upon return from the break, two more chairs had been added. The
- new guests were a clean-cut looking couple who publish Unicus,
- "the magazine for earthbound extraterrestrials." These people
- haven't been abducted by aliens; they ARE aliens.
- Again, although we had never met this couple, we knew their basic
- story before they spoke. We have run into many aliens here in
- Rachel, like the Ambassador Merlyn Merlin II from Draconis [DR #2]
- and the very attractive Venus From Venus, whose business card says
- she does "weddings, exorcisms and alignment healings." Although
- these beings appear in human form, you know they are aliens
- because they immediately introduce themselves as such. One young,
- spacy-eyed woman we once met opened the conversation by asking us
- where we were from. We said, "Boston," and she said, "No, where
- are you from Out There?" We had to confess that we didn't know.
- She said that her name was Willow--just Willow--and that she was
- from the Pleiades. Pleiadians, she explained, are very
- peace/love/60s sort of aliens, in contrast to the evil, gray,
- rectum-coring Reticulans, which Ambassador Merlin claims to
- represent.
- Like the aliens we have known, the couple on the Montel show grew
- up thinking they were human and did not know the truth until
- experiencing a revelation. As the woman explained it, a similar
- mystical event lead her to found the magazine. She said that she
- saw a holographic vision of Unicus before her. On the show,
- someone asked, What is Unicus? Unicus, she said, was the
- magazine. She saw a 3-D vision of the magazine in front of her,
- so all she had to do was look through the pages to know how to
- write and design it.
- Still sitting in our Green Room, our mind preoccupied with other
- things, we may have lost touch with the woman's narrative
- sequence, so we apologize if we don't get her story exactly right.
- Sometime after the vision, the woman felt an unexplained calling
- to go to Peru. The next day, it so happened, a brochure arrived
- in the mail for a tour to Peru, and seeing how this could not be
- coincidence, she signed up. Through her hotel room window at Lake
- Titicaca, she saw several alien spacecraft emerge from a cave in a
- cliff. They split into many craft and then vanished. Somehow,
- this confirmed her vision and convictions about Unicus.
- The man had nothing memorable to add, except that he was also an
- alien. The two had met at a UFO conference and were immediately
- drawn to each other by their alienness, but we forget the details.
- Then there was another commercial break. The show was now half
- over. Nothing introduced so far had any stated connection with
- Area 51. This was a show about aliens and abductees. We remain
- neutral and do not feel qualified to pass judgment on their
- claims, no matter how Loony Tunes. Perhaps some abductions are
- real, but we have often experienced another kind of UFO abuse that
- is rarely reported to the public: abducted by abductees, which
- this show clearly was. We realized, now, that our role would be
- only that of a token skeptic to be brought on at the very end to
- give the production a thin veneer of respectability.
- ..... SEAN MORTON .....
- When Sean finally appeared in the fifth chair, he was almost
- irrelevant. Because he knew we were here and would be on next, he
- made no extravagant claims about Groom Lake. What he said was a
- totally forgettable rehash of generic UFO cliches. We heard him
- say something about "Roswell," but can't remember anything else.
- He provided nothing substantial enough to challenge.
- During Sean's segment, Montel showed the tape of his superficial
- visit to Rachel and Freedom Ridge, without Sean. Pat and Joe
- Travis of the Little A-Le-Inn were interviewed outside their
- establishment, offering their usual unconditional support for
- everything anyone ever claimed to have seen or experienced.
- Psychospy, looking hokey in our camouflage fatigues, met Montel in
- our driveway and showed him the big map on the ceiling of our
- Research Center. There were some driving scenes, then Montel
- appeared on Freedom Ridge saying that he had come as promised.
- Finally, through the window of the Humvee we saw some daring
- footage of the secret base in the distance.
- There was a break for another commercial. The program was winding
- down now and at last it was our turn. We were escorted from our
- Green Room and joined the stage with TV newsman George Knapp,
- meaning that we would each have only microseconds of air time.
- When the lights came up again, the camera was still on Sean.
- Commenting on the tape, he said that he had personally discovered
- the location Montel had just visited. A lie! He had never even
- been to Freedom Ridge, let alone discovered it. We wanted to
- shout, "Liar!" but unfortunately we had not yet been introduced
- and did not exist as far as the camera was concerned.
- Time was running out, and there were still three guests left.
- George Knapp was introduced first. He had come expecting to talk
- about Area 51 and the Bob Lazar story, which he had introduced to
- the world with his KLAS-TV report in 1989. Unfortunately, he had
- time only for a few short lines. George said something about the
- charlatans taking over the field, but unfortunately he did not
- name Sean directly.
- Then, at last, Psychospy was introduced. We were asked what
- brought us to Area 51. We said that we had seen a UFO video tape
- in which Sean Morton claimed that you could see a dozen UFOs from
- the Black Mailbox on even a bad night. We said that we came here
- first to check out this claim but saw only military exercises.
- Sean replied immediately, "Unfortunately, Glenn arrived too late,"
- and then he seamlessly took control of the camera. We still feel
- dazed and aren't sure how it happened, but somehow we dropped the
- ball and didn't have a chance to respond. With the show drawing
- to a close, any disagreements between Sean and us seemed futile.
- Although Sean got more air time than we did, even he wasn't really
- a player here.
- Members of the audience had questions, but only for the sunken-
- eyed abductee. Someone asked, "You say you killed some aliens.
- If so, then what happened to the bodies?"
- The abductee replied that they had disintegrated instantly.
- Someone else asked (off-camera): "How did you kill the aliens?"
- The abductee replied, "With a crystal pistol."
- We wondered, silently, whether Sean had sold her the crystal
- pistol.
- After a final commercial break, the skeptic came on, making it
- eight chairs. He was allowed a few token words of objection.
- There was another question or two from the audience for the
- abductees and aliens, then Montel proceeded to close the show.
- The last thing he did before ending the show was poll each of the
- guests to ask if they had seen UFOs. We recognized this as our
- set-up. When the question came to Sean, he said that he had seen
- UFOs at two locations, including Area 51. When it came to us, we
- said that we had never seen any UFOs, even when we were on the
- next ridge over from where Sean was seeing UFOs galore.
- We got an applause for that. Our only minor triumph.
- ..... EPILOGUE .....
- Upon return to our Green Room, we found it occupied by two guests
- for the next show, taping in the afternoon: "Interracial Couples
- Who Haven't Told Their Parents". In our Green Room was the
- interracial couple, looking tense. In another Green Room, we
- heard, was the white man's conservative mother. Since the mother
- hadn't seen her son in three years, she thought she was doing the
- show, "Parents Reunited With Their Children."
- Isn't America a wonderful country!
- In retrospect, maybe we didn't do so badly. At least we survived
- with a few shreds of dignity intact. Even if we did not achieve
- the definitive victory we had hoped for, at least Mr. Morton was
- kept in check and, aside from his Freedom Ridge discovery, didn't
- have a chance to spread any new nonsense. In a crunch, we were
- forced to meet Sean Morton on his own turf. Now, with that
- encounter ended in a draw, we can bide our time and move the
- battle to a venue where we feel more comfortable. Slowly,
- methodically, we'll data him to death.
- "You may have gotten away this time, Sean David Morton, but we'll
- meet again!"
- Former Lockheed Skunk Works president Ben Rich, who directed the
- development of the F-117 stealth fighter, will be publishing his
- memoirs next month. "Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years
- at Lockheed" is a tell-almost-all book with many nameless
- references to Groom Lake. Rich shows an obvious disdain for the
- "blue suiters" of the Air Force and expresses his frustrations
- with excessive secrecy and the caprices of the military
- procurement process. Popular Science is excerpting some of Rich's
- book in their October 1994 issue, which should be hitting
- newsstands and mailboxes within the next few days.
- Our mail order arm, Secrecy Oversight Council, will be selling the
- Ben Rich book as soon as it is available. The price is $24.95
- plus $3.50 priority mail postage. Scheduled publication date is
- Oct. 4, but we are accepting orders now. (Little, Brown, 350
- pages, hardcover.)
- ----- LAND GRAB UPDATE -----
- Like a soap opera, the land withdrawal process for Freedom Ridge
- goes on and on. In DR#13, we said that Oct. 15 would be the
- soonest the land could be closed. Now, Jan. 1 looks like a more
- reasonable minimum, but we wouldn't place any bets on that date
- either. The process could conceivably drag on much longer--up to
- a deadline of Oct. 95--and we still don't know for certain that
- the withdrawal will be approved.
- We have never claimed to fully understand the withdrawal process,
- owing to its many bureaucratic subprocesses, but after talking
- with the BLM case officer, here is our understanding of the future
- steps. Dates are our earliest guess, and further delays are
- possible anywhere in the process.
- Step 1: Release of Environmental Assessment and proposed land use
- plan amendment (prerequisites for the withdrawal). Notice of
- proposed amendment published in Federal Register. (Maybe 10/15.)
- Step 2: Public is offered a 30-day protest period on land use
- plan amendment. (Maybe 10/15 through 11/15.)
- Step 3: Las Vegas BLM addresses amendment protests.
- Step 4: Las Vegas BLM issues record of decision on land use plan
- amendment, clearing the way for the withdrawal application to
- proceed. (Maybe December.) Presumably, that decision can be
- appealed.
- Step 5: Las Vegas passes the withdrawal application to the BLM
- state headquarters in Reno. Reno takes an unknown length of time
- reviewing application and making a recommendation.
- Step 6: Reno passes application to the national BLM director in
- Washington. National director takes an unknown length of time
- reviewing application and making a recommendation.
- Step 7: National BLM director passes application to Secretary of
- the Interior, along with a recommendation. Secretary makes
- decision to approve, reject, delay or consult entrails of
- sacrificed animals. In the event of an approval, we assume (but
- are not certain) that the public will be given due warning that
- the land will be closed, presumably with a notice in the Federal
- Register.
- Judging from the many hurdles still to be crossed, we are not yet
- making any plans for our Freedom Ridge End-of-the-World Party.
- The following items of correspondence were recently received at
- our Rachel headquarters.
- "HI! Just wanted to introduce myself. I am the guy who pulled
- the toy gun on TV Consumer Advocate David Horowitz in 1987 on live
- TV at KNBC in Los Angeles. I wanted to get my message out about
- my family having been cloned by the government and the subsequent
- events in my shattered life as a result of this action. I assure
- you I am of the most sincere nature, and can verify all of what I
- believe in. I am currently writing a book titled "The Invasion of
- the Human Race", which I hope to complete in the next few
- weeks.... I was interested in your comments about Larry King
- being cloned. I can tell you that this is quite possible."
- -- G.S.
- "I am interested in getting a copy of the map of the US after
- the coast of California supposedly falls into the ocean. If you
- do not have them, do you know where I can get one?"
- -- S.G., Mt. Carmel, PA
- ----- INTEL BITTIES -----
- ST. PAUL UFO CONFERENCE. On Nov. 5 & 6, the Science Museum of
- Minnesota will be offering a two-day symposium entitled, "The
- Science and Politics of UFO Research," which promises to be a
- significant cut above the usual UFO loonfest. Only credentialed
- scientists will be speaking--no aliens, New Age channelers or
- SDMs. Speakers will include Stanton Friedman, Kevin Randle, John
- Mack, Thomas Bullard (folklorist), James McCampbell (physicist),
- Dr. Richard Haines (psychologist), Dr. Ron Westrum (sociologist),
- Jack Kasher (physicist and astronomer), Michael Zimmerman
- (philosopher) and others. The topic is less about UFOs themselves
- than how human science and society can deal with such
- investigations. Psychospy will be discreetly in attendance. The
- price for the symposium is $130. For more details, email
- penson@geom.umn.edu or contact the Museum at 30 East 10th St., St.
- Paul, MN 55101. (612) 221-4511.
- LAZAR SAUCER. A shipment of the new Lazar Spacecraft plastic
- model from the Testor Corporation is supposed to arrive at our
- Research Center by next Thursday. Although we still do not have
- it in our hands, we can assure our readers, IT EXISTS. The model,
- that is. You can debate endlessly the veracity of the Lazar
- story, but at least it is rich enough in technical details to make
- this model possible. Designer John Andrews, best known for
- producing the first F-117 model before it was made public, spent
- many hours with "The Bob" getting the details right. The plastic
- saucer is 13" in diameter, and the price from us is $25.00 plus
- $5.50 priority mail postage.
- SKEPTIC HISTORY BOOK. Now in stock: "Watch the Skies: A Chronicle
- of the Flying Saucer Myth," by Curtis Peebles. This is a
- skeptic's history of the UFO movement, offering a plausible,
- although often superficial, explanation for most of the major
- publicized UFO events since the 1947 Kenneth Arnold sighting.
- Anyone who has pursued any of these stories, like Roswell or the
- Travis Walton case, is bound to find grounds for argument, but it
- is still interesting to see the flying saucer phenomenon placed
- into an historical perspective. For example, the Roswell flying
- saucer announcement came only a few weeks after the widely
- publicized Arnold "saucer" sighting near Mt. Rainier,
- strengthening the suggestion that the Roswell officers may have
- been influenced by that publicity. Anyone seriously interested in
- UFOs needs to read this sobering book. Available from us for
- $24.95 plus $3.50 priority mail postage. (Smithsonian Institution
- Press, 1994, 342 pages, hardcover.)
- segment on Area 51 will air Sunday, Sept. 18 at 8pm. The MONTEL
- WILLIAMS talk show taped on Aug. 23 will probably be shown Monday,
- Sept. 19 (time varies by city). (In a demonstration of talk show
- incest, Montel recently appeared as a guest on the Conan O'Brian
- talk show, where he promoted his Area 51 show.) The live LARRY
- KING special on UFOs, direct from Rachel, Nevada, will air
- Saturday, Oct. 1 at 8pm ET (5pm PT) on the TNT cable network.
- (c) Glenn Campbell, 1994. (psychospy@aol.com)
- This newsletter is copyrighted and may not be reproduced without
- one year following the date of publication, you may photocopy this
- text or send or post this document electronically to anyone who
- you think may be interested, provided you do it without charge.
- You may only copy or send this document in unaltered form and in
- its entirety, not as partial excerpts (except brief quotes for
- review purposes). After one year, no further reproduction of this
- document is allowed without permission. (The same one year grace
- period also applies to all previous issues of the Rat, extended
- from six months.)
- Email subscriptions to this newsletter are available free of
- charge. To subscribe (or unsubscribe), send a message to
- psychospy@aol.com. Subscriptions are also available by regular
- mail for $15 per 10 issues, postpaid to anywhere in the world.
- A catalog that includes the "Area 51 Viewer's Guide", the Groom
- Lake patch and hat and many related publications is available upon
- request by email or regular mail.
- Back issues are available on various bulletin boards and by
- internet FTP to ftp.shell.portal.com, directory
- /pub/trader/secrecy/psychospy. Also available by WWW to
- http://alfred1.u.washington.edu:8080/~roland/rat/desert_rat_index.
- html
- The mail address for Psychospy, Glenn Campbell, Secrecy Oversight
- Council, Area 51 Research Center, Groom Lake Desert Rat and
- countless other ephemeral entities is:
- HCR Box 38
- Rachel, NV 89001 USA
- ###